Lightening Strike

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Lea sniffled burying her face against his chest, sounding so pained as she tried to figure out what to say."They...they changed you gale...they made you into one of the mutts."She said blunt because she didn't know how to else say it as she started crying again."I love you. I love you so much."She clung to him, swallowing hard."They changed you to use against us."She muttered clinging to him/

Katniss growled at him annoyed but staying in bed because moving had hurt to much to do anything else."We'll deal with coin if we have to. And if not, it wouldn't be the first time we had to leave. We can just leave f we have to."She said looking scared before nodding, calming because she knew she had to be good and calm for gale."Okay. I'm okay..."
his breath stuttered, and then stopped, and for a long moment Gale didn't move against her, or even breath in his utter shock, only the sound of his heartbeat assured her that he was still alive, then he swallowed hard and took a shaky breath in and started to cry. "oh my god... oh my god..." he whimpered, pressing his face against her shoulder. "oh my god...." he whimpered, and clung to her as he cried, frightened, horrified... and somehow he felt like he had lost some piece of himself, he felt like the Capitol had raped his life, and his humanity away.

Peeta smiled sadly at her, stroking her hair, swallowing thickly. "come on, we'll go sit with him and Lea." he murmured softly. "their going to need comfort tonight... all of us are..." he admitted softly, kissing her slowly, smiling at her. "we'll go and cuddle up in one big puppy pile." he promised carefully picking her up and carrying her down the hall to Gale's room, opening the door carefully, wincing as he saw Gale crying against Lea, gently setting Katniss onto the bed and gently set his hand on Gale's shoulder. "your still you Gale... the Capitol can never take that away from you... your still you, and you still have us..." he gasped as he was suddenly grabbed and yanked into a hug, Peeta making a face. he wasn't much for hugs with other men... but he wrapped his arms around Gale and Lea and held them both tight, offering the little bit of comfort that he could.
Lea cried softly as she snuggled into gale's chest, pinned mostly between him and peeta, but not protesting as she cuddled gale. Katniss muttered comforting thoughts as she stroked the gale's hair sighing softly at the pain of holding them, her chest hurt but she needed to hold them. Sighing in relief as the two fell asleep, shifting them onto the bed as she held them. Looking at peeta amused."you know, you were talking about kissing him earlier, a hug's not to bad."She said snickering a little as she looked at him but the smile was sad and she was trying so hard to be calm
Gale didn't relax his hold on them until he had cried himself to sleep, limp on the bed now, only one arm kept Lea tight to him, holding her tightly so that she couldn't be taken away. breathing softly as his other hand lay limp against her belly, as if trying to protect the baby within her. "talking about something and actually doing it are two different things... besides, kissing is passionate, hugging is romantic... and i'm not very good at romance." he teased, tucking a little Katniss flower into her hair, proving that he was lying. "it will be alright." he promised softly. "you know it will be." he murmured softly. "we won't let anything happen to either of them, even if we have to fight our way out of here, we won't let the bastards here hurt Gale or Lea." he promised Katniss, giving her a small kiss. "rest, i'll stay up and watch Gale... the doctors said he might have nightmares..." Peeta admitted carefully setting his hand on Gale's shoulder as the other man whimpered, sighing a little. "it's funny isn't it? how quickly a person's life can be ruined..." he murmured softly, closing his eyes. "and how many times it can be destroyed..." he muttered softly before smiling a little as he shook his head. "but we're here... and we can help him put his life back together... and ours as well."

in the morning, Gale was missing, but Peeta was still in the room, waiting for the other two to wake up. "he's locked himself in the closet." Peeta stated softly when he saw Lea reacting to the missing Gale. "he's terrified he's going to hurt us... i tried to talk him out but he's not listening to me." he admitted watching her. "you might have to give it a try."
Katniss laughed softly."mm you're perfectly good at the romance."She teased blushing as he tucked a flower into her hair sighing softly."We'll all work to put it together again, and lea will be the one best to do it. She's pregnant with his child. That will make him happy and protective."she sighed softly.

Lea whimpered softly as she woke up, looking panicked as she sat up before nodding."I'll talk to him.Go get some food. We all need to eat.Take katniss with you."She muttered watching the two of them leave before crossing the room to the closet, crouching down and resting against the wood."Gale?Gale sweetheart,can you let me in?Please.I need you."She said wondering if she could appeal to his overprotective side to get him out.
Peeta nodded and gently woke Katniss up, she needed to have the doctors look at her stitches anyway. he left her with the doctors, who smeared healing salve over her stitched wounds to help take care of the pain and help the wounds heal faster. "the claws have anti coagulant on them." the doctor explained. "that's why the medicine isn't working as fast as it's supposed to." the doctor hesitated, looking at Katniss. "i won't let them hurt Gale." the doctor promised. "Coin is unhappy about having him here... she thinks he'll be a danger, but the brain scans we took... Gale's mind is still his, now that the Tracker Jacker Venom is gone, they couldn't change his mind or his brain... he's not dangerous unless someone threatens him... or you... or Lea..." she smiled. "you'll tell him that, won't you? that he's not a danger to the ones he loves?"

there was a small movement inside the Closet. "i can't... i'll hurt you... i'm a monster Lea..." Gale whimpered. "i'm a monster... i'll eat you... i'll hurt you..." but at the mention of her needing him, the door opened a little, letting her in. "i'll hurt you Lea... you should just let them take me away..." but he wrapped his arms around her gently rocking her. he was still him, and her needs always trumped his fear. "...i want crab." he whined. "i hate crab... but i want it..." he admitted softly. he'd nearly puked that night at the Capitol when they'd served the seafood. every bit of fish he'd tried had tasted so bad to him he'd refused to touch it. "i hate Crab." he complained, running his nose over her neck. "mmm you smell like me." he admitted softly, clearly pleased by that. "i dunno why i can smell myself but i can... what did they do to me Lea?..." he asked, soft, frightened. "what did they do to me?"
Katniss nodded looking relieved as she realized that it wouldn't just be them fighting for gale. That this doctor wouldn't let anything happen."I'll try.He was hiding in a closet when we came down here. Lea was trying to get him to talk to her. And if she can't, I'll try."she sighed looking worried."Is there anything we can do to help him adjust to the changes?"

Lea sighed softly."No you wont. I know you. you wont hurt me, or your child.We have a baby, and I love you."She said slipping in with him, snuggling into his chest, sighing in relief as the man held her."I'll get some.I know you hate it, but I'm sure there's something you can eat."She muttered stroking his hair, blushing and sighing in pleasure as he ran his nose over her neck."Of course I smell like you.You sleep next to me."She muttered blushing and wondering what it meant to, stroking his hair so softly."I don't know, but we'll figure it out. Together.I wont let anything happen to you."
the doctor smiled at her and shook her head. "he's probobly frightened he'll hurt someone..." she admitted. "and i don't know fully what the changes are... we're still trying to identify the genetic material they tried to combine with his own... it's feline, we think, we just don't know what kind." well that explained the smelling and the fish thing. "all i can say, is just reassure him that he's not a danger to anyone so long as he stays calm... we'll help him as best as we can, Gale is a sweetheart and so is Lea... everyone here likes them... they won't let Coin do anything rash."

he sighed a little and shook his head. "Mutts don't care about stuff like that..." he whispered. "you've seen... you know... they kill anything, devour all things... pregnant or not they... they'll... i'll..." he whimpered and shook his head. "i'm going to hurt you..." he whispered softly as he swallowed thickly and snuggled into her a little more, seeking the comfort that only holding her could bring. she always made him feel better. "...i can see in the dark." he whispered suddenly. "it's weird..." he admitted as he started to calm down. "but kind of cool too..." he admitted smiling a little. "i can watch you sleeping even when there are no lights on..." he nuzzled her neck again. "you promise?... you promise you won't leave me?" he was so worried that no one was going to want to be with him anymore... now that he was a monster.
Katniss nodded."He is. He's worried he'll hurt lea, even though she's pregnant and he loves her."She said softly looking thoughtful."Probably. He's eating seafood and he used to hate it."she sighed biting her lip."We will.And we wont let anything happen. Though I might send lea down later, to get a checkup. I'm afraid the stress will make the pregnancy..."She shrugged a little not wanting to say what she thought beause it was scary to consider how much pain that would inflit on the two.

"They don't. You do."She muttered holding him tighter, shivering a little, crying because she couldn't make this better, that she couldn't help him expect to be there with him."Yes, that is cool, in a creepy kind of way."She teased moaning sotly as he nuzzled her, swallowing hard."I promise.I'm not going anywhere. Me and the girl aren't going anywhere."She muttered taking his hand and resting it on the urve of her stomach.
the doctor nodded. "the Seafood thing is strange... perhaps his taste-buds have changed?" she mused thoughtfully smiling at Katniss and nodding. "have her bring Gale with." she ordered calmly. "we'll give him a full physical and see if we can't find any physical changes to his person." she promised. "i'm sure Lea's baby is fine, but i'll examine just to make sure." she promised, smiling a little as she patted Katniss's knee. "there, the pain should be better now, how does that feel?"

he shuddered as he nodded. "for now..." he admitted softly, sniffling a little as he smiled at her, relaxing as he was promised that she wasn't going to go anywhere. "i love you." he whispered softly. "i love you more than anything." he promised smiling as he held her. "come on... sitting in a closet isn't good for y..." he paused, his nostrils flaring. "i smell fish..." he muttered, suddenly distracted as Peeta came i with a steaming plate of food that he had made himself. and there was indeed fish on the plate for Gale, and Lea's favorite was there as well. Katniss's was even there, he had made a meal for comfort, and Gale scrabbled out of the closet, snatched up the fish plate and darted back into the closet to hoard his meal, Peeta snorting a little, looking amused. "so much for hating seafood." he mused playfully, winking at Lea. "come eat Lea, maybe once Gale realizes we're not going to steal his food he'll join us..." "no, it's mine... get your own." Gale ordered, glaring at Peeta who snickered. Peeta and gale where always trying to steal each others food, it was almost a game by now.
"Maybe."Katniss looked thoughtul before nodding."I'll have them come down."She said before standing slowly, stretching."It aches but not as badly. Though I might just pretend it does, so peeta'll keep fussing."She said blushing ever so softly.

Lea laugehd softly as she sat on the bed eating sitting next to katniss. "He will not. He's going to keep thinking your going to steal his food. It's not nice peeta."Lea scolded amused as she started eating the mashed potatos, before smirking."Gale?Do you want something else to eat?"She asked. Katniss smirked looking up at peeta, kissing his cheek."Thank you.But you should stop teasing him.He doesn't know he shouldn't hoard his food from us."Katniss teased them both so amused to see them ating normal agin.
Peeta snorted a little. "hey! Gale started it! he stole my mashed turnips!" Peeta complained, Gale huffing. "did not! you stole my baked carrots first!" "did not!" Peeta shot back, enjoying the feeling of normality. "i'm good... Fish doesn't taste so bad after all." Gale admitted, shoveling down his meal before bounding out of the closet, feeling content and lazy now that his belly was full. he was still afraid that he was going to hurt someone, but with so many people there, he was sure they could stop him before he did any real damage. "so what did the Doc say?" Peeta asked suddenly as he examined the marks on her arm, pretending not to notice when Gale took his carrots and his hot bread. Gale needed the food more than Peeta did. "i'm sorry you got hurt Catnip." gale muttered, looking at the wounds. "i should have known they'd have a tracker on me..." "Gale, it's not your fault." Peeta stated simply. "the doctors admitted that they forgot to sweep you for trackers..." he paused suddenly and frowned, suddenly thinking of something. "...i need to go talk to someone, i'll be right back." he left quickly and Gale blinked a little. "...i hate it when he does that." he grumbled, stealing Peeta's chicken as well, munching on that as well.
Katniss frowned watching peeta go before sighing."Me to. I'm dating him.He should say something."She muttered sulking a little but looking amused as gale stole his food. "It's okay. Its not so bad, it just looks really bad."She said. lea smiled slightly watching the two of them. "The door said she wanted you two to go up after you eat. Lea needs her checkup and they're trying to figure out exactly what changed, so they want you both their together so you'll be calm."Katniss said looking happy but worried about whatever peeta thought of.
oooh i like your new piccy! ^^)

Gale chuckled a little and shook his head a little and glanced at Katniss. "he's just not used to having to include other people. his family didn't care about him... he was alone, you know? he forgets that we might want to be involved..." he bit into the bread and hummed happily. "he is a good cook though." Gale growled happily. "so much better than the mushy gunk the doctors keep trying to make me eat." he hesitated and glanced around his room. he hadn't been out of his room often, he found it unnerving. "alright..." he agreed sighing a little as he smiled at Leanna. "you do need a checkup... and i guess i should find out what those Capitol bastards did to me..." he decided, sighing a little as he took Leanna's hand and followed her to the doctors office. for a moment he was ignored, the doctors deciding to check on Lea first, figuring she was more at risk than he was. "you need to eat more." one doctor chastised calmly as he listened to her belly. "the babies heartbeat is strong, i don't think there's any problems." he promised her, smiling at her before turning his attention to Gale, who was instructed to strip naked and they took their time examining him very carefully.

"your body is still changing as your genetic material mixes with the animal genes." the doctor explained to Gale. "we have figured out the Animal, you'll be happy to know it's not a very aggressive species." he admitted. "their known as Fishing Cats, they live in another part of the world, it used to be called Asia. they tend to rub against things they claim as theirs, which is why you've been snuggling Leanna so much." the doctor explained, smiling as Gale flushed. "they tend to piss on places though, to mark their territory and people aren't going to be happy if you do that." he warned, laughing as Gale glared at him. "i'm just saying! don't be pissing in your room." he teased. "they eat mostly fish and bugs, snakes, seafood, sometimes amphibians, lizards and small mammals that they can get too. they love water so don't be surprised if you have a sudden urge to go stand under the shower or find a puddle of water to roll in." one of the other doctors examined gale's eyes, watching them go from slitted and cat like to normal human with an astonished look on her face. "that's rather remarkable." she mused carefully examining Gale's mouth. "well, his canines are elongated, but nothing too dangerous to himself..." they had to be careful about growing teeth because he might cut up his own mouth. "he has olfactory Glans up on the roof of his mouth now... that's why your smelling so much clearer and more than you where..." "his ears are adapted too... you'll never get water in them that's for sure, though i don't know if your hearing is going to improve..." "i don't see very many physical changes, it appears to be mostly personality shifts and emotional changes..."
"Well. I wish he would remember that."katniss sighed before smiling a little as she walked with the others to the doctors before leaving to go find peeta. Lea smiled slightly holding gale's hand as they walked, relaxing as she smiled."I'd eat more, if gale quit stealing my food."She teased bumping her shoulder against him smiling slightly s she watched them examine gale

"That's good."Lea muttered rubbing her cheek against gale's shoulder glad that they had figured it out that it wasn't something to dangerous. Lea giggled at that smirking as she looked at gale's face."No peeing on me."She teased him so amused looking thoughtful as if she was totally taking in what was being said so that she would be able to help gale. Which she was."We'll have to get a tub put in. He'd enjoy that."She smiled grinning a little before looking at his teeth startled but looking worried because she didnt want to consider if they grew long enough if he'd slice up his own mouth."What.. what about smelling him on me?"She asked curious about what gale had said before and wondering if it was because she'd slept next to him, or if it was something more."We'll be okay."She muttered wrapping her arms around gale to reassure him that he was okay, that she was okay with this.
when Katniss found Peeta, he was talking to Coin of all people, the woman looking angry and annoyed as Peeta spoke. "i'm serious Coin!... how do you just 'forget' to scan for something!? they scanned him for internal injuries and they would have found the trackers on that scan! and you know it! one of the doctors hid the trackers from the other doctors! you have a spy!" he growled, glaring at her. "an before you start asking about Gale's sanity he's fine, he's not a threat to anyone and if you so much as dare LOOK at him funny we are all out of here!" Peeta growled. "i'm tired of being used and people trying to use me, and so is Katniss Lea and Gale." he growled at Coin. "we all could very easily make it out on our own in the Wild and you know it, so you better find out which doctor is trying to kill us all and leave Gale alone."

Gale smiled a little before he sulked at Lea. "i'm not gonna pee on you!" he complained before smirking a little. "unless you want me to?... are you a kinky girl Lea?" most of the doctors choked and blushed at that, and one of them burst into horrified giggles. "a tub?" Gale asked, looking rather pleased by the thought. "i do like to take baths." he agreed smirking a little. "do you remember the first time we met?" he asked. they had been children, it had been before she had gone to school. he'd been stark naked, swimming in the pond and he had crawled out of the water and stared at her. they where too young to really care about nudity, but Gale's father had laughed uproariously as his mother told Leanna to cover her eyes. "is he smelling himself on you? that's not unusual, he's probobly been marking you subconsciously, rubbing his chin against you, licking you, usually on the neck or along the face where he'll be in contact with you the most." the doctor admitted with a smile. "it won't hurt you, it's just scenting." Gale wrapped his arms around her as well, kissing her forehead. "at least out baby will be normal." Gale mused happily. "i impregnated you before the Capitol did this too me." he rubbed her belly. "what are we going to name her Lea?"
Katniss glared at coin as she stepped inside, nodding a little."You have a spy. And yu need to deal with it. Or we will."She said calmly staring into the woman's cold eyes ,wondering what the woman was considering before shuddering. Swallowing hard as she glanced at peeta."Let's go."

Lea blushed burying her face against gale's shoulder."What?No!"She protested whining a little as she cuddled him before nodding."We'll take baths. And yes I remember.I'm sure everyone back home remembered when we teamed up."She said blushing at the memory, smirking as she flickered her eyes over the other."Of course, you've grown since then."He said smiling slightly before nodding."He has. Well, at least you know you'll always be able to find me in a crowd, if I smell like you."She muttered laughing softly before blushing as he rubbed her stomach."Karla.I like karla."She said resting her head on his chest.
Coin glared at them but nodded. "your right of course, the Spy needs dealing with... as for Gale, we will see how volatile he is... if he is a danger, steps will need to be taken... you have to understand that i can't put people at risk just because you don't want him to be hurt." she stated simply. "until he proves to be a danger, he will not be harmed or locked up, but keep an eye on him." she ordered with a glare. "i don't want him hurting anyone."

he snickered a little and shook his head a little. "we used to terrorize people." he admitted with a small laugh. "i forgot that we used to be freinds..." he admitted smiling a little. "it wasn't until i came back from the capitol that i remembered so much of my childhood... i guess because it was the one part of my mind that the Capitol couldn't screw with..." he admitted softly, grinning a little as she looked him over. "like what you see?" "careful Lea." one of the doctors warned, grinning. "Fisher cats are known to breed any time of the year, he's going to be very horny most of the time." he warned snickering as Gale glared at the doctor. "of course i'm not going to molest her all the time! that would be bad for the baby!... i think..." he smiled at her. "and your right, i'll always know where you are..." that seamed to please, and relieve him. now if there was trouble, or they where attacked, or she was kidnapped, he'd always know how to find her. "Karla?" he asked smiling at his woman. "i like it, it's very pretty." he admitted chuckling a little. "now the only question is... when we marry, do i take your last name, or do you take mine?"
Katnss nodded slightly, bowing his head a little."We will."Katniss said resting a hand on the man's arm and pulling him towards the door wanting to talk to him alone. Afraid of what coin would be up to.

"WE did."Lea said smiling softly as she rested her head on gale's shoulder looking amused."It is the only place that they wouldn't change."She muttered pressing a kiss to his forehead before blushing at the words, "hmm no it wouldn't.At least not till I'm huge and will go into labor when I have sex,"she said snickering a little. Blushing still before sighing softly before yelping twisting a little to look at him in shock."Y-you want to marry me?"She sid looking amazed and blushing as she squirmed, trying to figure out what to say."I-I want to marry you."She said blushing and stuttering as she realized that everyone in the hospital was watching them.
Peeta followed Katniss, shaking his head. "i can't beleive i didn't realize earlier... of course they should have found the Trackers right away... i mean, they scanned us right away didn't they!?" he demanded, slightly annoyed. "someone is trying to get Gale in trouble..." he growled. "or is trying to kill all the people here... or something, i don't know..." he shook his head. "i don't like this." he growled. "i don't..." he looked at her. "coin is up to something..."

he smiled at her. "oh... it won't hurt the baby? good." he growled, delighted by that. "because the doc's right... i'm horny you sexy minx." he teased kissing her gently before frowning at her shock. "yes i want to marry you, i proposed didn't i?.. i thought i proposed... i'm sure i proposed." he scratched his head before taking her fingers. "oh.. i guess i didn't propose... i'm sorry... i meant to.. i thought i had..." he frowned a little, confused now and the Doctor blinked, surprised. "perhaps you dreamed you proposed and in a confused state you thought it really happened..." he suggested, Gale considering that before nodding. "yes... that might be what happened." he agreed grabbing his clothes and ruffling through them. "oh... i can't find the ring..." he muttered frowning now. "i made one for Peeta, and one for me... did i give him both?" he wondered, the Doctor sighing a little. "i think he's still a little... befuddled dear, why don't you take him back to his room?" he suggested smiling at her. "and make sure you never leave him alone alright?"
Katniss nodded looking concerned as she sighed softly."Someone is, or coin is."She swallowed hard shoving them into their room, looking up at him."I...I'm afraid that coin thinks we're to much of a liablity, maybe she might try and get rid of us."She muttered concerned.

"Oh...well, we'll go back to our rooms. And then deal with your...problem."She teased stealing a kiss as she nudged him towards the door sighing softly."Then in the morning we'll get the ring from peeta."She muttered leading him out of the room and leaning up to kiss him softly as they walked into their room,running her fingers through his hair."I love you.So much."She muttered holding him tightly, like she was never going to let him go
he nodded a little and shook his head a little. "if she decides we're a liability, they we will simply leave." he stated simply. "we won't let her do anything to us, or to Gale." he promised smiling at her a little as he kissed her, resting his forehead against hers. "Katniss... i think we might have to leave... we should be packed, and ready to leave..." he admitted softly. "we'll have to make sure Gale and Lea are packed too..." he hesitated. "we need to tell them whats happening too..."

he nodded a little, smirking as he got dressed, kissing her back and smirking, flashing her one of his new 'fangs' not that you could really call it that. it was sharper and a little bit longer, but it was anything but a fang. "yeah, and if i didn't give it to him he'll at least know where i put it... i hope." he admitted chuckling as he kissed her slowly, running his tongue into her mouth, all too happy to simply be kissing and holding her. "i love you more." he whispered playfully, smiling at her as he moved her to the bed, wanting to pleasure her all over again.
Katniss nodded grinning a little."We'll tell them."She sighed softly.

"Yea he will.Now lets stop talking about peeta."She grinned kissing him slowly.

A few weeks later lea smiled as she leaned back in her chair laying next to gale as he ate, wincing a little as everyone in the world walked by just to touch her stomach or congradulate her. And while she didn't mind it to much, it was nerve wrecking to be touched so much but she couldn't rude and tell them to leave her the hell alone.
as the weeks went by Gale was getting more and more agitated. he spent a great deal of time in the water, slinking outside with or without permission to roll in the mud banks next to the river, and simply lay in the water. it soothed his ruffled nerves, though he wouldn't go out unless he was certain Lea was safe with Peeta and Katniss. but the more people touched Lea's belly the more he got twitchy and aggravated. Peeta at least had the sense not to aggravate Gale, but the others in the compound... it was like they where trying to piss the overly protective Gale off, no matter how many times Peeta snapped at them to leave Lea alone they came back, one man in particular who was constantly flirting with Lea.

speaking of, there he was again, leaning against the table as he spoke to Lea, asking her if he could get her anything, and yes he meant ANYTHING. he rubbed her belly and Gale finally snapped, he leaped onto the man, shrieking in rage, yelling that Lea was HIS dammit! he couldn't have her, Lea was HIS Mate! HIS!!! and if they didn't stop touching her he was going to EAT THEM ALL!!!! he was shaking the man hard, and it took four guards to pry Gale off of him, Peeta glancing at Katniss. this was going to be bad, though it had been building for weeks, they had constantly tried to warn people off but somehow, this was going to end up all Gales fault. "... are we still packed?" Peeta asked blinking at Katniss as Gale screamed that they couldn't have Lea! they had to drug him to sleep. it was no wonder he was so confused all the time, they kept having to drug the poor guy.
Katniss nodded watching lea run after them looking anxious and scared."I'll grab the bags. Go get them.We're leaving."She said looking anxious as she ran for the rooms. Within two hours after getting stuck yelling with coin she growled before heading down to the hospital wing, looking relieved to see that gale was starting to wake up and that lea and peeta looked fairly calm."Coin's decided we have to leave.Now." "now?but-"Lea looked anxious and sared."We're going.We're going to go and-"Katniss stopped looking at the doctor, "Can we get some of the sedatives?"She asked looking worried. Wanting to make sure if they needed it, they'd have it.
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