Lightening Strike

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Lea looked startled as he lifted his lip, but let him before tensing a little as he touhe her, before wrapping her arms around him tightly burying her face against his neck as she held him, crying just as hard."shhhh, no we don't. Peeta and katniss are making sure I don't come. There is no other lea but if there was, peeta and katniss are here."She ran a hand over his back trying to calm him."Ask then. We'll play a game.Real or not real. I'll tell you what's real or not."She muttered sounding so anxious for him, wanting him to calm and having no idea how to help
he was trembling against her, his hands on her belly, reassuring himself that she was the real Lea and not the fake Lea who had fangs and always tried to eat him, who attacked him with glowing red eyes and furious sounds. he shuddered violently as she promised him that Katniss and Peeta would protect him and he started to relax at the comforting touch to his back. "...i was kidnapped by the capitol when i went to get you medicine... real or not real?" he asked softly, wanting to make sure that was what had happened. there where two ways he ended up in the hands of the capitol bastards. in one way he went to get Lea and antidote, in another she screamed at him that he was useless and then chased him for miles trying to eat him. he swallowed thickly and leaned back to blink at her, waiting for an answer, calm now that he was going to be able to separate real from fake. the entire time he was stroking her belly, calming himself with the reassurance that she wasn't the Mutt, and wasn't going to hurt him.
"Real.I'd been posioned."She said swallowing hard as she leaned into him, pressing a kisst to his forehead, his heart hurting to see him so tisted up.A soft sound of pleasure escaping as he stroked her skin. Blushing at the reaction, it was a involuntary reaction, but it felt so good to have him touch her again, and her stomach had become sensitive to touch, so much so that it barely took a touch to get her engine going, not that she'd let anyone else see that,but this was gale, and this is the man she'd always wanted.
he relaxed a little as he was reassured that it was real, she had not chased him until he'd collapsed from exhaustion. "Peeta ate my sisters after they starved to death... Real or not real?" he asked softly, Peeta, about to walk in, grimacing at that and quickly backing out of the room before Gale tried to bash his skull in again. over the next few hours, Gale stroked and cuddled her, and asked her questions. 'Katniss and i hunt in the woods? found out Lea was pregnant during the Games, Peeta makes pretty cakes because he's secretly a gay ass who can't stop touching other peoples sisters in an effort to convince himself he's straight? that one nearly hat Peeta going in there and returning the head bashing favor, especially since it was clear that Gale knew Peeta was listening. "...i tried to kill Peeta... Real or not real?" he asked as he carefully sat up as dinner was wheeled in, carried by Peeta who smiled at Gale. "not real." he stated simply. "you missed." the lie was effortless, and Gale relaxed a great deal, so relived that he hadn't hurt his friend as he poked at his food. "...i don't like this stuff..." Gale complained. "it tastes like old sawdust..."
Lea giggled a little as she talked with him, content to be cuddled and relaxed. Even if her body as protesting the cuddling without having more going on.Having found that being horny was a side effect of being pregnnt. Looking a little startled at the lie she smiled a little as she looked at peeta."Go make us real food. This crap sucks. And you know its not as good for me as some other things you could make."She sai shivering every now and then as gale stroked her stomach raising a eyebrow."So are you secretly gay peeta?Real or not real?" "Definately not real."Katniss said snickering as she walked in.
he smiled a little as he started separating reality from falsity. Peeta scowled a little as he was bossed about but he pulled out a second tray and showed them the fresh baked meal he had made them, flaky fish, fresh bread and fruit that Katniss had found out around the compound. "there, is that better you picky bastard?" Peeta asked grinning as Gale tore one of the bread loaves in half and offered the other half to Lea. "much better. thanks... i guess..." Gale grumbled as he tore into his bread happily. he scowled at Lea when she teased him and flashed Katniss a smirk. "how sure are you?" he asked grinning at her. "maybe i harbor a secrete crush on Gale?" Gale froze, bread halfway to his mouth and he stared at the other before blinking at Peeta who grimaced. "i don't really have a crush on you Gale..." he promised, the boy just tilting his head as he examined the other intently. "" Peeta growled, Gale smirking. "you know Peeta... i have always wondered what kissing a guy would be like." "no." "why not? the girls can watch, they'll think it's hot." "" "come on Peeta, it'll be just like giving each other mouth to mouth... we can pretend we're saving each others lives." "no...." "...your no fun at all." Gale complained, digging into his bread again as Peeta rolled his eyes, Gale pausing, looking at the bread with his head tilted, contemplating something. "where are we anyway?" he finally asked, Peeta grinning. "you don't remember us telling you?" "everything's all jumbled up in my head... part of me thinks we're at home in District twelve, only i don't recognize anything..."
Lea giggled a little at hte food peeta'd brought them, smiling sotly as she eat the food leaning against gale with a sigh.."Thanks peeta."She said with a smile. Katniss snickered looking at her boyfriend, rolling her eyes a little."If you had a crush on gale, you wouldn't be harassing me all the time.Besides.You would have told him to stop that riddiculous mantra of his about stealing people's sisters."She sid snickering a little beore both women looked at them with interest, looking amused and...a little turned on at the idea o the two men kissing. They both found their men attractive, so was it really a surprise that they'd want them to kiss? Before smiling a little lea tilted her head."We're in district 13. underground actually. Seneca crane..."Lea swallowed hard because no one had heard yet what had happened to the gamemaker who had helped them, but she was pretty sure snow was torturing the man even more if he ws still alive now that he didn't have gale. "Seneca, broke the fields around the arena, and got us out. And found the one place snow couldn't get to."
Peeta smiled a little and shook his head. "i broke into the kitchen." he admitted grinning a little. "i'll be punished for it, but they won't punish me much, they think i'm emotionally unstable." he admitted listing his little wrist band, chuckling a little before smirking at Katniss. "maybe i like both men and women, but i just love you more?" he asked smirking at her before standing up, swaying towards Gale who gave Peeta an almost frightened look. "don't!!!" he ordered, Peeta looking surprised. "don't walk like that!" Gale demanded, his breath stuttering. "it... it looks like your hunting me..." Gale muttered softly as Peeta froze, the man blinking at his best friend before he smiled. "sorry Gale, i won't do that anymore." he promised sitting next to the other and stealing a slice of bread, Gale giving the other a strange look. "... are we going to kiss?" "i don't know, the ladies seam to want it..." "... they do seem to want it..." Gale admitted eyes flicking from Katniss to Lea, smirking a little. "i think we should deny them." "why?" "because they get whatever they want all the time, we have to make them wrk for something." "...true..."

Gale froze at the name Seneca crane and his eyes glossed over, swallowing thickly. "... Senaca Crane... he was in the capitol with me... he's the one who told me that they... you, got Lea out... they tortured him in the cell in front of me... sometimes they'd tie me up and make me watch, and if i looked away, they'd hurt him worse..." Gale muttered softly. "they killed him slow, tortured him to death.. i was relieved when he finally died... he killed himself, bit through his tongue and drowned to death in his own blood..." he looked around at them. "Real or not real?" he paused, and then looked upset when they didn't answer. "real or not real!?"
" are emotionally unstable."katniss said snickering a little rolling her eyes at the man's words before looking startled at gale's reaction looking worried before relaxing. "gale?"Lea muttered worriedly before snickering at their reasoning."WE don't get everything we ant, all the time!"Lea pouted. "Anyways, who wants to see two hot men kiss?Definately not us."Katniss said rolling her eyes.

Lea loked worried at that, wrapping her arms aroun him before sallowing."Not real."She muttered stroking his back."Not real."She reassured him because they knew senca was alive, if only because snow would have taken great pleasure in telling them all seneca was gone. So he was still stuck in capitol. Katniss swallowed hard, looking so sad."I couldn't find him....when we went to get you...we found his cell...but no him.He might be gone."She said looking unsure.
Gale offered her a hesitant smile. "it's ok... i'm ok..." he promised softly resting his head against her a little, smirking a little at her. "you do too get anything you want." Gale and Peeta chorused, smirking at each other, shaking their heads a little, looking amused before looking very upset about Seneca Crane as he was assured it wasn't real, sighing a little as he snuggled into the other before swallowing thickly. "so... it might be true... but it might also be untrue..." "it's true." a doctor stated softly as she came in, looking sad. "the Capitol just broadcasted the entire torture and ultimate death." she admitted softly. "they have his body hanging at Eight..." she admitted softly, setting a hand on Gale's shoulder. "i'm so sorry..." she murmured softly before closing her eyes as Gale shied away from her, and crawled away from his freinds and laid on his bed, his back facing them all. "he needs to rest..." Peeta said suddenly, looking at Lea. "you need to rest too." he ordered sternly. "stay with Gale, tell him stories... sleep if you can." he ordered kissing her forehead smiling at her, looking a little upset himself. "we'll punish President Snow for this... i swear it."
Katniss nodded looking a little sick. While she hadn't liked the gamemaker, she had understood him. Had understood that for him it wasn't really sadism that made him the gamemaker, but prride. It hadn't been until snow had sent a pregnant girl into the arena that the man had truly understood what he had been doing. And he had changed. he tried so hard to make things change. And it had cost him his life to do it. "Come on.You need rest to."Katniss said looking upset as she wrapped a arm around peeta's waist pulling him out of the room.

Lea sniffled a lttle loking unsure, not looking so steady. Wondering if he would acept her staying ith her. Swallowing hard before she crawled into bed with gale, pausing for a moment before snuggling against his back,wrapping a arm around his waist, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck as she took a deep breath at the sweet smell of his skin. "you once brought me bread. Because I sang to you.When you were crinyg."She muttered trying to make him calm.
Peeta sighed a little and shook his head. "Crane did his best to help us..." he muttered softly, shaking his head a little. "he did his best and now he's died for us..." Peeta muttered once they where out of earshot. "what are we doing Katniss? hiding here... we're warriors... we should be out there, fighting..." he scowled a little. "we should be trying to free everyone still struggling under snow..." he grumbled looking at her. "...i want to be fighting.. i can't stand sitting here... doing nothing..."

Gale tensed as he felt her crawl into bed with him, but relaxed as he realized he wasn't being attacked, snuggling into her as she wrapped her arms around him. "bread?" he asked, frowning a little. "no... it was flowers." he muttered softly. "from the woods... i went out and got them special because i asked Peeta what kind you liked..." he mumbled softly. "i spent five hours looking..." he admitted softly. "they had to be perfect..." of course, he'd gotten her bread too, the softest whitest fluffiest he had been able to afford. he had even gotten her a pat of goat cheese from Prim to go with the cheese. "...Leanna?..." he asked softly. " it really my baby?" he asked, looking at her, worried. "we can get married right? and... and raise it together?... when i'm all better i mean..."
Katnss nodded a little swallowing hard.Because she knew what peeta did, that seneca had died keeping their secret, of where they were. Otherwise they would have already been captured.Swallowing hard she looked over at him, wrapping her arms around him."I know. We should...but president coin wont include us in her plans, or hell lea and gale aren't strong enough to fight and they wont let us go alone."

Lea smiled a little nuzzling his neck,"You got bread to.And lots of flowers."She said smiling as she looke amused as he corrected her. So glad that he had remembered that. Swallowing hard as she raised her head to lean over his shoulder to look at him, pain flickering through her eyes at his question.Pained that he even had to ask if it was his, still feeling slightly guilty for getting herself raped."IT is.And we will.We'll raise her together."She muttered nuzzling him a little.
Peeta sighed a little and shook his head. "Coin can't tell me what to do." he snarled, a strange furious light entering his eyes. "she's no goddamn better than Snow! she's just using us all to get what she wants." he growled, running a hand through his hair. "we can't just sit here and do nothing..." he grumbled, sighing a little as he closed his eyes and sagged back against her, kissing her slowly. "...i love you Katniss... i do..." he whispered. "but i can't sit here and watch while people are starved, and tortured to death...i can't..."

he smiled a little as he snuggled into her, blinking at the hurt look on her face, looking upset that he had upset her, kissing her forehead gently. "i'm sorry...i..i just wanted to make sure that you wanted her to be mine..." he admitted softly before he paused, shock and amazement filling his face. "..wait... her? it's a little girl!?" he asked his eyes filling with happy little tears as he kissed her belly, running his hands over it, again and again. "a beautiful baby girl... our baby girl." he whispered. "our girl.." he whispered softly, kissing Lea's belly again before he hesitated, looking u at her, studying her face before he started kissing lower along her belly, heading for her folds, his eyes fixed on her, waiting to be struck or yelled at for thinking about such a thing.
Katniss looked orried bout him as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back slowly, eyes sad before nodding."I know.We'll work on something,but don't telll the other two. And we'll get haymitch in on it."She muttered resting her forehead against his, blushing ever so slightly."I love you."

Lea sighed softly at the kiss relaxing as she realized that he hadn't meant to hurt her, just...smiling softly before laughing at his reaction."Yes a girl.That thing you said looked like a duck, is a girl."She teased moaning softly to herself as he ran his hands over her stomach, looking down at him with curiousity in her face, wondering hat he was doing, running her fingers gently through his dark hair as she moaned ever so softly, swallowing hard as she trembled.It'd been to long and her body trembled like a over strung wire.


they're both so pretty...
Peeta nodded a little, smiling at her. "why on earth would i tell the two invalids?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "they'll want to go with and throw fits when i don't let them... i just won't tell them, seems to work quite well... though i hate lying to them." he admitted before looking stunned at her. "you.. you love me?" shocked, as if he had never expected to hear those words from her. then he was kissing her, kissing her hard and fast before releasing her. "i think i might just be the happiest man in the world right now."

Gale smiled at her. "well it does look like a duck." he complained. "the doctors are stupid, that picture isn't a baby." he complained rolling his eyes. "stupid." he complained smiling at her. "i love you Lea." he whispered. "my little Spitfire..." he mumbled, slowly easing her pants down, his tongue tracing along her body now, tasting and teasing as she ran her tongue along the others flesh happily. "you taste so good.. i mussed you, so much..." he whispered, tasting her flesh. "i missed you so much."
"Because they're the invalids, and you seem incapable of not telling them things."Katniss teased before blushing harder at his reaction, before yelping a little as she was kissed, wrpping her fingers in his hair as she kissed back, before blushing as she panted leaning back."ohh..that was nice."She muttered blushing before smiling."well good. I want you to be happy."She muttered nuzzling him a little.

"It is not a duck."Lea said smirking a little before blushing at his words."Love you to."She muttered sighing softly as he eased her pants down, whimpering in pleasure as he tasted her, squirming and wanting more."I missed you to"She whined in pleasure, body flushed with pleasure as she looked at him through half closed eyes."gale..."She whined tugging on his hair a little.
he scowled at her. "fine, you try not telling them things." he growled shaking his head a little as he smirked at her. "of course it was nice." he bragged chuckling a little as he kissed the top of her head. "and... i know you don't want children." he admitted softly. "so i won't pressure you... if anything... we can always adopt... after all of this is finished." he admitted. "when the world is safe..." honestly, he understood why she didn't want to have children... who would want to have children when they might just be sent to the Hunger Games?... but someday.. soon he hoped, those days would be a thing of the past... he had to hope that... he smiled at her and kissed her again. "come on... i'm getting another headache, i want to go to bed." he admitted smiling at her.

he snorted a little. "it's a picture of a duck." he grumbled, smiling as he relaxed into the activity. this was one thing the Capitol hadn't been able to ruin. they had not found a way to corrupt his sex, not without raping him in some manner, and they weren't MONSTERS after all... so he could relax, and pleasure her as she, and he, deserved. he smiled as she tugged on his hair, and he GROWLED at her, the deep, dark, sexy noise a subtle warning to her, that he wasn't going to stop until she was a writhing mass of pleasure on the bed. he had missed her, and her body, and he intended on showing her just how much.
Katniss blushed a little looking at him concerned, chewing on her lip as she considered that before noing."Later...we'll see..."She muttered because it worried her to think about kids no, not just because of the games, but she was worried that he would leave eventually if she didn't. Smirking at him as they walked to their room raising a eyebrow."Oh?You have a headache?"

"It is not a duck."she said moaning as she squirmed. It was to much, gale was doing this nd she had missed him so much, and whined when he growled at her."GAllleeee..."He whined gasping as he played ith her, her body telling her just how much she'd missed him. Gasping as she came, surprise widening her eyes as she gripped his hair tightly.
he smiled and kissed her forehead gently, shaking his head. "just a little one." he admitted as he crawled into bed, studying her. "Katniss..." he hesitated a moment and then shook his head and persisted despite his worry. "with or without children... what are your thoughts about marriage?" he asked, blinking at her. "i mean... if i where to propose... now... later... would you be upset?"

Gale growled again as she came, licking her clean before kissing his way back up her body, kissing her eagerly, as hard as a rock when he suddenly paused. "... will it hurt the baby?" he asked, worried suddenly as he looked down at her round belly. " it alright to or should i stop?" he asked, suddenly worried he had done damage to her or their baby. "love? i didn't hurt you did i?" he sounded so normal when he was frantic it was almost a relief to hear him fretting about her like that.
Katniss smiled a little looking worried about him before she climbed into bed with him,snugling againsth im as she blused a little."No...I wouldn't mind."She said blsuhing because she hadn't been expecting the question.

lea moaned softly kissing him back whining when he stopped."Wht..."She stopped trying to figure out what he meant before laughing softly.It was almost good to hear him so frantic about something normal."It's alright.We can't hurt her unless we're rough."She muttered gently running her fingers through his hair."I'm ine.Just not to rough."She muttered.
he sighed, relieved as he smiled and slid something onto her finger. "Gale made it." he muttered, sounding amused. "so i could propose..." it was a smooth ring made of a beautiful white wood that Gale had begged the District thirteen to get for him. on it, was a single pearl, encased in a wood holder and glued in place. had anyone else made it, it would have looked ridiculous, but with Gale's superb fingers, he had made it look elegant, and gorgeous. "i love you Katniss." he murmured softly, smiling at her.

he sighed, relieved to know that she was alright and that as long as he was gentle they would be alright... course he was always gentle, as if afraid she might break if he gripped her too tightly. he kissed her eagerly, tangling their tongues together as he slid inside of her. mumbling about how much he loved her as he slowly moved inside of her, seeking the best position to make sure she loved it just as much as he did.
Katniss's eyes ent wide as she looked at the ring, tears misting her eyes as she looked at it. IT was so beautiful,gently rubbing a thumb over the ring she smiled gently looking at him, turning her head to kiss him hard."I love you to."She muttered blushing as she shifted laying her head on his chest.

Lea smiled moaning as he slid into her, kissing him back as she wrapped her arms around him, absently stroking his back iwtht a sigh as she closed her eyes. Focusing so hard on ho good it felt that her orgasm caught her by surprise her back bowing as she looked up at him with ide eyes.
he smiled a little as he kissed her forehead. "i love you too." he whispered smiling at her, smirking. "i love you more." he teased, chuckling a little as he kissed her neck. "my beautiful Mockingjay." he teased, smiling at her. "The Girl who makes the birds stop singing." he purred softly, holding her happily as he kissed her neck. "you need to sleep... you didn't sleep last night, you have to be exaughsted..."

he moaned and groaned as he kissed her, holding her tightly, grunting as he felt her cum around him, shuddering as he spilled his own seed, laughing as he saw the look on her face, kissing her deeply. "gods love your so cute!" he teased smiling at her as he carefully pulled out and collapsed next to her, holding her close to him. "i think... out of everything... i missed holding you the most." she admitted softly. "i missed holding you close to me and feeling your heartbeat against my chest... and the smell of your hair." he admitted softly, nuzzling the top of her head. "knowing you where safe, made everything alright." he admitted softly. "knowing you where safe... i could sleep, no matter what they did to me.."

(i... have a terrible... wicked... horrible idea. *laughs sadistically)
Katniss blushed at his words, burying her face against his neck as she shivered at his kiss whining a little."Boy with saved me years before the games."She muttered before sighing softly."I didn't. But you have to be exhausted to. You stayed up with me.."She pointed out as she yawned.

Lea blushed as he laughed at her turning her head to nuzzling his shoulder, shifting to cuddle against him, a leg over his, a arm across his chest, pressing as close as she could."I missed holding you to."She muttered blushing hard at the words, because it was so endearing to think about him missing that much. Before she started crying, for the first time really, truly letting go and crying because of what happened. Having tried so hard to stay strong, but at his words, knowing that he thought it was oay that he was tortured as long as she'd gotten away, it just made her cry.

(I like wicked
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