Lightening Strike

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Katniss nodded already moving to go through their bags, to choose the best clothes to move through the woods and the district unseen. It didn't really surprise her that they were all listening to gale, with not only his need to protect lea and lyrra, but he had always been a good hunter, good at planning and getting through what needed to be done. Though, if he did leave lea behind it was going to be hard for him. Lea swallowed hard as she looked up at her lover, reaching out and taking his hand, pulling him close, leaning against his chest,"You'll come back?"She said looking anxious and scared for him
Gale smiled at Lea and nodded. "of course i'll come home." he whispered, kissing her forehead gently. "you remember the cave?" he asked softly, reminding her of the place where he had first hidden her upon her return to Four. "if anything happens, take Peeta, Annie, and Lyrra there. keep food packed, anything that can't go bad, put in a bag. Peeta will carry it for you." he muttered softly. "bottle as much fresh water as you can and keep that in the food bag as well." he ordered calmly. "and i will come back, and i'll bring your brother with me." he promised, smiling at her before glancing around at Everyone, Finnick catching Gale's arm, giving it a comforting squeeze. "here, take this..." he ordered, setting a cell phone into Gale's hand. "it will let us stay in touch." Gale nodded and turned to Katniss. "do we have everything we need?" he asked, handing Katniss the Cellphone, he wasn't sure how to work it anyway.
Lea smiled nodding as she wrapped her arms around him, not wanting to let him go but knowing that she needed to. Swallowing hard she stepped back looking so scared for him, but willing to let him go because she knew that she couldn't.Katniss nodded as she pocketed the cell phone, hugging peeta tightly."We have everything. And we will be back."She said hugging peeta tightly not wanting to go, but knowing she had to, she was the only one she trusted to guard gale's back."Take care of them peeta."She muttered stepping back looking worried about mother and daughter before looking at gale."Ready to go?"
Gale smiled at Lea, catching her lips in his in a fierce kiss as Peeta smiled at Katniss, stroking her hair and kissing her just as Gale was kissing Lea. "i will.. i won't let anything happen to them... i learned how to snap a man's neck while we where in the Capitol." he admitted softly so that Annie and Lea wouldn't hear them. "along with other things of course." he admitted smiling a little. "i won't let anything happen to them." he promised softly as Gale nodded to Katniss and changed into the clothes that would keep them hidden and headed out into the street. "we need a hover car thing..." "i'll take you to twelve." Finnick promised. "the Train will go wherever i tell it, so i'll drop you off at Twelve and then head tot eh Capitol." he promised, licking his lips. "you two will be alright... won't you?" "of course. we've been surviving all of our lives." Gale admitted, staring at Finnick. "are you going to be alright?" "yeah,. i'm used to prolonged exposure to terror." Finnick admitted with a small smirk. and, as promised, they where soon at the ruined remains of twelve.
Katniss stared around her, tears sliding down her cheeks even if she didn't make a sound, because it was so hard to see home like this. Even if she hadn't been there for over a year it was still home. Looking at gale as they walked towards teh woods, a small smile curled her lips as she realized he was right the woods were fine."It looks like we're indeed going to have a fight."She said as she reached into the trees, drawing out her bow before swallowing hard, looking at him."ARe you sure you want to go in with me?"She said for once, wanting to be the one protecting him, but iwasn't for her own sake that she wanted it. She didnt want to see lea so torn up. She'd promised peeta she'd take care of lea for him, which meant taking care of gale.
Gale stared around, his heart hurting as he shook his head and closed his eyes, fighting back his own tears... he wouldn't give Coin the satisfaction... never. he stepped over the dark and blackened fence and into the woods, sighing a little. "it was my home too Katniss... and it's my mate who will suffer if we fail." he admitted, his eyes furious. "...i don't even know her brothers name..." he admitted, sneering off into the woods as he pulled a back out of a tree hallow, revealing knives so sharp it could split a hair. Gale wasn't as good with a bow and arrow, but when it came to knives... there was no one better. he strapped the knives carefully onto his person. "i'm going to save him, and then i'm going to kill Coin for DARING to fuck with my Mate!"
Katniss looked amused because despite trying to convince him to stay she had knwon there was no way to convince him to stay away."if you get injured doing this, your mate is going to try to bash you head in."she teased lightly trying to stay calm as they started for the border of 12 and 13. "its connor, i think, by the way."she said teasing him more."might convince him we're really there to help him if we can remember his name."
he smirked a little. "if i get injured, i'll LET her bash my head in." he admitted with a small chuckle. "besides, it's not my fault that i can't remember most of anything." he pouted at her. "i was insane for the last several months if you'll recall." he whined before smiling at her as he walked along. "i still can't beleive Coin left me behind on purpose, that bitch... i wonder what she was thinking? she had to have known that would bite her in the ass..." he paused, looking startled. "unless she expected them to kill me..." he looked at Katniss. "if i had died, you and Lea would have been even more driven to fight Snow... do you think that was what Coin was going for?"
"that or we would have been so crippled by grief to be proper motivators for peeta and haymitch to fight harder." she smiled slightly before sighing."do you remember everything about lea? Even how you met and things like that?"she asked curious because while she knew the girl forgave him for it, for those months when hed even forgotten her, lea had fallen apart when she was alone.
he paused for a moment and then. "i remember most of the stuff from before." he admitted. "before i went to get the medicine... because she had been poisoned." Gale admitted with a nod. "but most of the stuff after that sort of blurs together, and everything sort of..." he shook his head. "i remember a lot of pain... and, i know it's not right but i remember it being Lea who was hurting me... hurting me so bad..." he admitted licking his lips. "i remember them making Lea a mutt, and turning her against me... letting her attack and hurt me, which, also clearly didn't happen... i remember being afraid... so afraid and then i remember being taken away... men coming and grabbing me and throwing me in a... a box?" he frowned, trying to remember.

"and then i was with you... i was with you, and Peeta and Lea... but you where all my enemy, you where all going to hurt and kill me..." he shook his head. "after that things get a little less fuzzy, i remember finding out it was my baby... oh god how happy i was... i remember realizing Lea wasn't a mutt... i remember..." he paused. "did i really try to kill Peeta?" he asked, looking a little nervous. "did i ever apologize for that?" he shook his head. "then, things start going fuzzy and blurry again..." he shook his head. "i remember being frustrated... oh so frustrated because i couldn't remember Her name... i couldn't remember my name, or my Kit's name... i couldn't remember where we where or what we where doing... so i did the only thing that made sense... i protected Lea..." his lip quivered suddenly. "i can't even remember Lyrra's birth..." he admitted softly. "i know... that the madness wasn't supposed to have happened... but... it happened.. and i will never forgive Coin, or Snow for that..."
Katniss paused, turning to look at her before wincing. Hating that she had brought it up before nodding a little, moving over to hug him."you did, you followed him around for weeks trying to apologize even more when he told you it was fine."She said hugging her friend tightly."You were there gale, you held lea's hand while she screamed, and you were so very protective of the small kit."She muttered swallowing hard."It shouldn't have happened,but it did, and you have another one on the way. You'll be there for them, just like lea needs you to be. So shall we go get her brother so you two can argue over who's going to take care of lea when she's all roun and slow with chil?"
he smiled as he was hugged. "well, as long as i was properly annoying about it." he decided with a small snicker. "he must have been driven to insanity." he admitted with a small smirk. "i'm glad i was there for her..." he admitted with a small smile. "at least i didn't manage to kill anyone... i think i killed a lot of people when they where tormenting me." he admitted. "but they deserved it..." he admitted with a small nod, smiling at her. "what do you mean argue? we're going to share her." he admitted with a small snicker. "and she's never fat." he growled, shooting Katniss a small glare. "and she'll kill you if she hears you dare to ever say such a thing." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head. "yes... lets go and rescue Connor." he decided smiling a little. "and we'll get your family too." he decided. "we might see if my dad is in there, but i doubt it... Coin still thinks i'm nuts, she won't have a reason or a need to kidnap my dad." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we're at the border..." he muttered, pausing in front of the golden line that had once been an electric fence.
"you were."She said amused before sighing softly nodding a little."They did deserve it."She said before snickering at the idea that they would be able to share lea. There was no way that was actually work out. "He's going to be big and round, what else would you call it?"she said amused because it ws interesting to watch him be easy about insults to lea, when before he would have tried to kill them or something. "Okay... no more talking. They might be listening"She muttered slipping under the fence and moving lightly through the woods.
Gale smirked a little and shook his head a little. "she's not going to be fat... she's pregnant, she's GORGEOUS when she's like that." he gushed, grinning a little. "just Beautiful." he admitted with a smile, smirking at her. "why do i get the feeling you just like hearing me defending her?" he asked curiously before looking around at the District Thirteen, licking his lips, his eyes narrowed as he glanced at her and pointed to his eyes before jerking his thumb up. he knew she'd understand that he wanted her to climb a tree and see what she could see. they where good at nonverbal communication.
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