Lightening Strike

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Lea's smile was pained. Because she had suspected at times tht he hadn't known who she was, beyond knowing that he loved her. Smiling gently as she kissed him again."I wouldn't be so sure.She goes all soft and sad when she's with lyrra."Lea said sighing softly as sshe laughe a little,"You did. He brought me here to...snow."She said swallowing hard, looking scared, worried what he would think of her for doing what she had done with snow, know that he could focus enough to understand what it was.
he chuckled a little. "who couldn't go soft around her? Lyrra is adorable and perfect and wonderful." he gushed happily. "and so smart too! she grips my fingers you know, so smart!" he purred loudly, his chest vibrating with the happy sound. "wow... i really do that... it's kind of creepy..." Gale admitted sheepishly, but the purring didn't stop. "oh yes..." Gale grumbled as he recalled what had happened. "i must punish him for lying to me..." he sighed. "i understand though... why you did it.." he admitted, stroking her hair. "you and you hero complex... always trying to take care of others." he complained, gently tugging her face up for a kiss. "but i love you for it." he murmured happily. "when i'm not so dizzy, i promise to erase every little bit of that monster away from you." he murmured softly. "because your mine, and i'm yours, and nothing will ever change that."
"You are so in love with your daughter."Lea said snickering a little before laughing at the purring as she nuzzled him a little."It's not so bad. I like knowing your happy."She muttered siling gently before laughing at gale's words.Looking relieved to realize he understood as she gently kissed him back."Good.I...just goo."Lea said blushing at his words as she snuggled down into him to sleep.

Later that afternoon lea smiled as she blushed studying herself in the mirror of the bathroom,standing naked in frontof the mirror as she studied her body.Feeling out of sorts because it'd been so long since she'd felt like she'd gone to bed with the real gale the one that she grew up with, fell in love with, that she wasn't sure what to think of having sex with him now.
he smiled a little, kissing her forehead as he shook his head a little. "i'm always happy, when i'm with you." he admitted softly, chuckling a little as he smiled at her as she slept. several hours later, he felt better than he ever had in his life. he wasn't panicked about anything, he wasn't afraid, or traumatized... he was himself... he had celebrated by giving Lea all the attention she deserved. her body was covered in love bites, hickies, and a few bruises where he had forgotten his own strength... she looked glorious all marked up and covered in his marks like that, and he grinned as he watched her watching herself in the mirror, his eyes still filled with lust even as he got used to his own body... claws for example... he had claws! and he could hear Peeta and Katniss talking in the next room, worried about him, wondering if they shouldn't check up on him and Lea. he groaned and stretched, feeling a little ridiculous as he found himself doing it exactly as a cat would, but paid it no mind... it felt good, to stretch like that.

"you know... aside from the madness... i kind of like my new body." he admitted, wrapping his arms around her sides, setting his head on hers with a small smirk. "my little Spitfire." he teased, chuckling a little as he examined her in the mirror. "mmmmrrrr, now everyone knows your mine." he teased, stroking the line of hickies around her neck. even sane he was a possessive little bastard! but that was to be expected. after everything they both had been through, Gale felt it very necessary to make sure that EVERYONE knew she belonged to him! "mmm you look wonderful, you know that right?" he asked smirking a little as he watched her. "i think we should stay in bed for another three hours." he had lingered over her, teasing her ruthlessly, pleasuring her until she could take no more... and he wanted to do it again. "mmm Peeta's about to come in though... their worried about us..." he smirked. "and as much as i don't mind lording it over him that i'm more of a man than he is." he indicated his groin. "i really don't want him to see you naked." he admitted grinning at her. "we should get dressed."
Lea smiled turning her head to look at him as he stretched, eyes darkening with lust as she smiled. Looking amused and well satisfied. Smilng as she leaned back into him she sighed softly."Hawthrone, I was yours since I was old enough to haul myself to my feet to toddle after you as you and peeta played."She said smiling softly closing her eyes as she nuzzled him amused that even sane he was possessive and needed to know that he belonged to her."I do?"She muttered twisting to look up at him blushing ever so softly, hating herself for the insecurity that she was worried about how he thought she looked when there was so many other things to worry about. "Well, you could answer the door naked.I'll get ressed."She said snickering a little amused at his reaction, leaning down slowly wincing a little as her body protested, tiff and sore from the ruthless pleasure as she dressed in his jeans an hoodie, cuddling into his clothes as she headed out into the living room to answer the door before peeta even nocked.Stiff and sore but not regretful from the rough relentlessness of her kitten.
he snickered a little and shook his head a little. "as i recall, Peeta and i where fighting more than we where playing." he admitted smirking a little. "i spent most of my time in the forest with Catnip." he admitted snickering a little as he watched her. "oh yes... you do, your always so gorgeous and sexy." he purred. "simply beautiful." he admitted smiling at her, his eyes shining with lust, and love, and simple affection as he kissed her eagerly before leaving her alone so she could get dressed. yanking on his own pair of pants and watching her, smiling as she dressed in his clothes. "i was too rough with you last night." he murmured, looking worried now. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you..." he muttered softly as he watched her yank the door open just as Peeta knocked, so his fist hit empty air, making the man jump. "oh! good your alive." Peeta stated, looking amused as he examined the line of hickies on Lea's neck. "well, no wonder you haven't been up yet." "shut up Peeta, just cus you don't know how to please your woman... and you'd BETTER not have in front of Lyrra you pervert." Gale teased, Peeta looking stunned before laughing as he pulled Gale into a relieved hug. "your alright! your really alright! Katniss! it worked! Gale's alright!" "Heya Catnip! didja miss me?" Gale teased, smirking at her. "now where's Finnick? i have to drown him... it's only fitting that he should drown since he's from Four... it's the most humiliating death i can think of!" that had Peeta laughing. "shut up Peeta, i'm making you into a Pie!"
"Fighting, playing,I still followed after you,even if you didn't spend time with you."She said smiling softly as she rubbed her cheek against his shoulder before laughing softly."Oh good"She smiled leaning fuller against him, relaxing as she realized that he still wanted her. Looking at him she sighed softly."I'm not hurt."She said scowling a little not wanting him to worry, but worried that she was so sore,he'd have to ask peeta if that was something to worry about."You just weren't used to your own strength."She said smiling as she nuzzled him for a moment before smirking at peeta, blushing hard."I've been busy."She said smiling a little, though he knew her well enough to know she was hurting more than he should.After all, gale didn't know his own strength, and he'd gotten carried away last night. "What?REally?"Katniss appeared in the doorway eyes wide, lyrra in her arms as she hugged gale hard."Hmm you can't do that. I don't want him to be pie."She said smiling as she shifted the fussy baby into her father's arms.
he chuckled a little and smiled at her a little before frowning, studying her intently, looking for any sign of pain on her face before relaxing, smiling at her. "good... i hate it when your hurt." he admitted softly, nuzzling her a little. "i'm going to have to go to the gym... get used to this..." he admitted, flexing his fingers with a shake of his head. "it's harder when i'm not running full tilt on instinct..." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "but at least i'll stop trying to kill Finnick... for now... he Is your best friend after all." he teased smiling at her with loving eyes as he smirked at Katniss and then nuzzled Lyrra, a loud purr spilling from his chest. "how's my baby girl?" he asked softly, smiling happily at Lyrra. "oh yes you are... your a lovely little girl, your going to be just like your Mama, yes you are you little heart breaker..." he murmured happily, ignoring them all in favor of going to go change Lyrra's diaper. "your hurt..." Peeta muttered softly, staring at Lea, frowning. "and your hiding it from Gale..." he scowled at her. "you have to stop doing that..."
"i'm fine."Lea miled relaxing into him as he cuddled. Closing her eyes for a moment before laughing."I'll go with you to the gym.It'll be fun."She muttered nuzzling him back before smiling."I'm glad you're not running on full instinct now."She muttered before blushing."He is not. Peeta is."She pointed out before laughing as gale cuddled lyrra amused at the two before glaring at peeta as katniss followed gale into the other room."He doesn't need to know. He'll feel bad."She said annoyed because of it, knowing gale was going to be pissed if he found out.
he smiled at her. "yeah, you can practice clubbing people over the head." he teased winking at her. "besides, Peeta is your BROTHER, he can't be your best friend too." he teased chuckling a little as he smiled as he wandered off to change Lyrra, Peeta grimacing a little. "i'll take you to the healers, we'll tell Gale that you need to have your hormones tested for after the birth, to make sure your body is adjusting properly." he smirked. it was a load of crap, but how would Gale know? he barley knew the birds and the bees. "Katniss can go with him tot he Gym and we'll take Lyrra with us... she could use a checkup too after all." Peeta admitted, smirking at her. "and you have to admit, Finnick is your best friend. we all know it." he teased, snickering a little. "come on, i think Gale is going to screw up the diaper changing process somehow." he admitted shaking his head as he walked in. and indeed Gale was scowling at Lyrra, his head cocked to the side. " doesn't look right..." he muttered, looking confused, Peeta snickering. "it's on backwards you idiot.. here Gale, like this." and Peeta showed Gale exactly how to change a diaper. which was funny because he'd had to show Katniss as well.
Lyrra laughed softly looking amused at peeta before sighing."I'm sure that would be good."she said because it amused her that peeta was taking good care of her. "He's not screwing it up.He never learned."Lea said laughing softly as lyrra clapped her hands in demnd to be piced up. Katniss snickered a lttle looking at gale."At least I know how to change a iaper.You're hopeless kitten."She teased smirking a little."I thought yuo two were leaving."She said looking at peeta nad lea.
Gale smiled a little and shook his head a little before glaring at Katniss. "Catnip, you and i BOTH know that unless Peeta has taught you, you can't make a diaper change either." he complained, baring itty bitty fangs at her playfully. "and don't call me Kitten! if your going to make fun of me at least make me sound manly... Tom Cat maybe, or Lion..." Peeta was snickering and shook his head. "well, if Katniss is Catnip, and Lea is Chickadee, and i'm Bread stick.... which is a HORRIBLE nickname by the way!" though, he was long and thin like one. "then you, by all means, can be called, Kitten." Gale glared at him and then smirked as he picked up Lyrra. "who has been calling you Bread stick?" Gale asked, looking amused when Peeta wrinkled his nose and grumbled about Finnick's sense of humor before Gale looked worried. "going? are you going somewhere?"

"just to the doctor, Lea and Lyrra have a checkup, Lyrra because she's a baby and Lea because she just have birth. Katniss is going to go with you to the Gym while we go to the doctor, she wanted to practice her Bow." Gale hesitated, looking worried before nodding and handing Lyrra to Lea. he trusted Peeta to keep her safe, and he really needed to work on controlling his own body. "alright... you'll come to the Gym when your done?" he asked, looking at Lea with worry. "and you'll tell me if something is bad?" "if she won't, i will." Peeta promised... not that he would if it was about sex, no need to make Gale feel guilty.
Katniss made a face at him."That's not true. I could do it."She said sulking before smiring as she looked at her friends."You are not a tom cat, and definately not a lion. You my friend, are a cute cuddly kitten."She said smirking as lea started to giggle. "Well, you do have a nice long breadstick doesn't he katniss?"Lea poked fun at her friend before yelping as she was picked up."I will. I promise.We'll be right down."Lea said smiling softly t gale, gently stroking gale's hair for a moment before snuggling lyrra as peeta carried them out of the room.

Katniss snickered a little."Come on kitten. we need to get some work done before you go back to obsessing over your girl."She said pulling him out of the room, heading for the gym with a grin.
Peeta snickered a little and shook his head as Gale glared at them all, narrowing his pupils until they where snake slitted... well, that's what it looked like. "whoa!!... memo to self.. don't do that." Gale complained, setting a hand on his eyes. "...that felt VERY... weird..." he admitted, wrinkling his nose in distaste before snickering at Peeta's sour expression at being called a bread stick. "i am NOT!" he complained before sweeping Lea out of the room in a huff, sulking all the way to the doctors, who carefully checked Lyrra, declaring the little girl completely healthy and perfect in every way, while Lea got scolded for participating in sex too soon, but she was easily healed of the damages and declared healthy and fit, but ordered not to do anything too strenuous for at least a week, including sex.

Gale snorted at Katniss and narrowed his eyes at her. "don't forget... i know where you sleep." he growled, rather playfully before heading into the Gym, finding out how much he could lift rather frightened him. but he had to admit, it was fun. he worked on his muscles, learning how to control himself. it was going to take more than one session, but he was already relearning how to move and how to carry himself. he sulked though when he admitted a deep displeasure of craving seafood. sushi for example... he really wanted Sushi, and was astonished to realize that he could order food in the Gym, and was enjoying a plate of sushi when Lea and Peeta walked in.
Lea pouted annoyed at being told that she was not allowed to participate in sex. Looking over at peeta."You get to tell gale he's not allowed having sex."she declared sulking because she had her boy back, and she didn't want to give up sex,even just for a little while.

Katniss snickered a little,"Ahh its okay gale. you'll like it eventually.You ate enough of it."She said snickering looking up at peeta and lea, looking relieved the the woman and baby seemed perfectly fine, "What's wrong?"Lea muttered looking at gale's scowly face, gently touching his cheek.
he snickered a little and shook his head a little. "he's going to hate me like it's my fault." he whined, sulking at her before tickling the back of her neck with a slender finger. "i wonder how he's doing at the Gym? you know... i really feel sorry for anyone who tries to mess with you now... he's not only strong and has claws, but he's got the cunning to wait and make the punishment last longer back." he smirked. "he's going to be something that everyone fears before too long."

he snorted a little and shook his head as Gale scowled at nothing, turning to Katniss, looking upset and worried. "i just realized..." he admitted softly. "i'm not human anymore... i'm a Mutt..." he swallowed thickly. "...Katniss i don't think i can have anymore children... and even if i can, i don't think i should..." he admitted softly. that was hard, everyone knew Gale wanted at least three children. but he had a valid point, who knew what would come from his loins with his genetics all screwed with? "Gale?... did someone tell you that you can't have anymore sex with Lea for another week already?" Gale looked startled. "wait... what!?" "...oh.. er, Doc says you can't have sex with Lea for at least a week... maybe longer... something about energy and healing... i forgot... the Doctor said it's not my fault!" Gale looked mutinous before he groaned. "fiiine... i won't make love to my lover until she's all better." he whined, sulking.
Lea yelped as she was tickled squirming away before nodding."True.But it's a good thing. And something coin's going to learn."she said sounding anxious because she knew that gale was going to be pissed at coin's interference.

Katniss looked starlted before pained, gently touching his arm."I'm sorry gale."She muttered looking at lea's face before the girl could hide the pain as she busied herself with eating an laughing at gale's reaction to not having sex. Katniss sighed, making a mental note to make sure that gale talked to lea, or made her talk to someone, before snickering. "It's just a week gale."Katniss said. "But after so long, its forever!"Lea whined shifting cuddling into gale's side, trying so hard to not to think about not having kids.
Peeta smirked and nodded. "yes, that's right... hmm." he murmured. "a shame we can't just kill Coin and Snow and put someone like you in charge. you've got a good head on your shoulders and Gale is already your personal bodyguard." he teased before hesitating at the devastated look on Gale's face, his head tilted, wondering what had happened. he was glad that Lea hadn't seen it. Gale chuckled as he cuddled her, nuzzling the top of her head. "mmm you smell good." he growled passionately. "you smell like me." he purred happily, chuckling a little. "i wonder if she'd get in trouble if i just..." "you shut up, right now!" Gale ordered. "i do NOT want to know that much about my 'adopted' Sister ok!?" Gale snickered and leaned down to whisper in Lea's ear, all the naughty things he planned on doing to her... with his tongue.
Lea giggledd at peeta's protests, burying her face against gale's chest as she blushed hard.

Almost a month later Lea sniffled a little as she walked into peeta's apartment, glad that she'd convinced katniss she neede to talk to peeta. Smiling slightly as she climbed into bed with him she snuggled into him, resting her head on his chest."Morning."She muttered to the sleepy man, knowing he was staring at her.

"Hey gale.Think ou can outshoot me yet?"Katniss teased snickering as she raised the bow taking aim. The two having taken to going to the gym at least once a day to stay in shape and burn off some of the energy gale stored up so he wouldn't wear lea out later.
Peeta rubbed his eyes a little and smiled at her, his head tilted. "what's the matter Chickadee?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "has Gale been teasing you again?" he asked affectionately. Gale had taken to 'molesting' Lea at the most inappropriate times just to make her blush. Lea complained constantly, but everyone knew she didn't mind, it wasn't like Gale was doing anything TOO bad, just a few kisses in strange places. "whats wrong?" he asked, half wondering if something had happened to Rhubarb in district thirteen... she was an amazing spy, no one looked twice at her because she was so small, quite, and timid... bordering on terrified most of the time. she heard everything and reported it back when she could.

Gale snorted a little. "you know i will never out shoot you Catnip." he complained. in the last month, he had calmed, and become someone to be feared. he had shocked... well, everyone when he proved to be rather political. he could mingle with the most posh, and could even insult Snow and make it seam like a compliment. if Gale couldn't beat someone up, he could just as easily ruin someone's reputation with a few well placed words and a rumor. no one messed with him, or anyone he was known to protect. he was getting frustrated though.. there was nothing to do, nowhere to hunt, nowhere to fish, nowhere to swim or run or climb... there was no Wild there, and he feared it was driving him insane. Finnick had made comments about going out to one of the forests, but he had to get Snows permission first.
"Nooo.Gale's not teasing me."Lea whined rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, like a kitten wanting attention.Having picked up the habit from gale before sighing softly."You know how gale and I agreed not to have any more kids because of...his issue?"She muttered looking so anxious and terrified the look of a thousand mothers who'd come before.

Katniss laughed softly." long as we both know that."She said snickering a little as she sighed softly,"I think we should go talk to snow today. Finnick was working on talking to him,but I think he'll talk to you."She said knwoing that the president found the man's new talent at politics amusing.
Peeta stared at her for a moment, panic curling up inside of him as he sat up and stared at her, swallowing thickly. "are... are you pregnant again Lea?" he asked softly, worry in his eyes. "if you are, that's alright, you know that right? Gale isn't going to be mad... he'll be just as ecstatic as he is terrified..." Peeta admitted softly. "and the baby might come out perfectly healthy, we never know..." he admitted softly. "Timony's been running some tests and he thinks it might be alright for you to have more babies..." the only sign that Peeta was terrified, was that he was babbling.

he chuckled a little and he nodded. "yes, i think i would like to talk to snow..." Gale admitted hitting the button that would send the Target's up, striking down three and nicking the fourth, missing the fifth entirely with a wince. "damn... i'm loosing my edge... i was always better at trapping." he complained, wrinkling his nose a little. "come on, maybe Snow will see me now.. i'm half wild animal after all... being.. being here is driving me mad..."
Lea laughed softly nodding as she snffled rubbing her eyes.looking so scared,even more scared as she realzed that he was babbling because he was scared."I happened before we decided to not try anymore..we've been careful since then..."she whmpering starting to cry.

"We'll pratice traps then.whem we go out."she said as she bheaded for snows apartments with gale looking slightly amused to see finnck in thewaiting room waiting for the president to.
he grimaced a little and shook his head. "so in other words... you gave birth... and then turned right around and gor pregnant again... damn Gale's good..." he teased smiling at her as he stroked her tears, ever so carefully away. "hush, Lea Hush now." he ordered softly, smiling at her. "you know Gale is going to be ecstatic." he smiled at her. "we'll just have to monitor the baby very closely that's all, to make sure it's not forming improperly or getting too large." he promised kissing her forehead. "it will be a nuisance, but well worth it... you do want more babies don't you?" he asked, smiling at her. "if this one turns out fine, and i'm sure it will, then we have nothing to worry about." he assured her. "would you like me to tell Gale, or do you want to?"

Finnick grinned when he saw Gale. it was Finnick's new favorite pastime to piss Gale off, because Gale no longer tried to kill him, they just traded barbed, and interesting insults at each other. it was like a game that both of them enjoyed. "hello Fish Breath, what are you doing here?" "saving my sanity Fish For Brains. you?" "same." "you don't have any sanity." "... no i'm trying to save YOUR Sanity, not that there's much left. want some Catnip?" "no thanks, she'd gut me." Finnick paused, startled and then laughed at the word play. most of the Capitol thought Gale and Finnick hated each other. sometimes Peeta even suspected it, but Finnick and Gale actually enjoyed their little word wars. they suspected Snow and Katniss and Lea found it just as amusing as they did.
Lea sniffled a little as she looked up at him rubbing her face before nodding."I do...well be okay."she muttered thougbh she still looked scared cause she had no idea how gale was going to react.

Katniss giggled a little looking at them rolling her eyes at the interplay."well this will be interesting."she said sitting down to wait knowing that snow would make them wait to see just how long he could keep them waiting
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