Lightening Strike

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Katniss smiled a little as she let sookie look at her face sighing softly as the girl cleaned out the wounds,passing out as she did so. Exhauusted from worrying. Annie grinned,"we'll have a nice long cuddle."Annie said smiling as she led finnick home.

The next morning katniss winced as she gently touched her face, feelng the heated edge of the cuts warm and raised."My face hurts."She muttered pouting a little as she poked peeta in the arm."peeta?How's my face look?"

Lea sat up, whimpering softly as she pressed a hand to her stomach, whimpering at the pain that twisted her body."Gale!Gale,sweetheart..."She begged shaking his shoulder, looking so scared and hurting.
Peeta blinked sluggishly and then he smirked. "you look like you had another round with an inflated buttercup." he teased chuckling a little as he gently kissed an undamaged part of her cheek. "your going to have scars, but your going to look utterly beautiful with them." he admitted smirking at her. "did i ever tell you my fetish for body marks?" he asked chuckling a little as he shook his head and gently kissed her lips and then her neck. "do you want me to get you the numbing rags?" cold rags where soaking in some kind of water solution that helped numb the pain of her face. Peeta had gotten up several times in the night to lay them on Katniss's gently sleeping face.

Gale snorted as he woke, immediately settling over her, protecting her in response tot he sounds of pain and fear in her voice, protecting her from danger he didn't see yet but MUST be there... "Lea? what is it? what's wrong?" he asked, confused. "why are we in a cave?" he didn't remember last night then.... he picked her up gently and started to jog. "hold on Love, we'll get you to Sookie." he promised, running now that he had a firm hold on his lover, racing for Sookie's house and ignoring Finnick who was just stepping out of his house to go and check on Katniss. Gale didn't even bother knocking, he kicked the door open and carefully laid Lea on the bed that Sookie had there at the entrance of her house, muttering comforting things to Lea.
Katniss shivered a litle as he kissed her neck, laughing ever so softly."Oh, you have more than one fetish then?"She teased running her fingers through his hair before sighing, gently tugging on the strands."No.I want to eat, then I'll numb them again."She said sitting up with a sigh.

"I-I think I'm in labor."Lea whimpered pressing her face against gale's shoulder as he ran. "What is it?"Sookie looked bleary eyed and tired."What's wrong?"She said rushing over before stopping out of gale's reach, looking at him heistantly."Gale...can I touch her?"She asked looking at his hands, looking worried and prepared to pull away if he lundged for her.
he smiled a little and shook his head a little. "you need to numb it now or eating will be painful." he warned, looking amused at her. "and of course i have more than one fetish.... in fact, i fantasize you being tied up and under my mercy often." he teased winking at her. "not to mention screwing you out in the woods, and in the Meadows, and in the water, and other public places that we might be found." he snickered. "i fantasize a lot of things." he admitted grinning at her, trying to make her blush.

Gale froze at the information, his eyes wide before he growled at Sookie's rush over. he didn't like it when they moved fast... fast was an attack... if they where attacking he had to defend... but the woman stopped, and Gale relaxed. "... yes." he decided, moving to Lea's other side, holding her hand as he gently rubbed her belly, trying to help sooth her pain a little. "it will be alright love." he promised softly. "i'll be here, i won't leave you no matter what." he promised softly, kissing her forehead. "sookie is a good healer." he promised smiling at her. "she won't let anything bad happen to you..." somehow, it almost sounded like a threat.
"Okay okay we'll numb it now."She said before her mouth fell open and a dark blush went over her face.For a few moments just staring at him before turning her head, hearing the noise downstairs."W-we better go see what's going on."she said stuttering as she climbed out of the bed to go downstairs.

"I wont. You just started sweetheart."Sookie said after a quick exam, sitting back on her heels, looking at gale."She's not ready to deliver yet.It's going to be awhile.Keep rubbing her stomach,and take her upstairs to the master bedroom.The bed in there will be more comfortable than thisone."Sookie said wincing at the sight of lea looking so scaared and pained.
he laughed, he couldn't help it! she was BLUSHING. granted, he'd KNOWN she would blush, but he ALSO expected a good hard SMACK for his words. he was still laughing as he walked downstairs before going pale as he saw Lea, his eyes wide as he realized what was happening, Gale muttering an affirmation before carefully picking Lea up and pushing past Katniss and Peeta with a single minded obsession that he didn't even really realize they where there. he settled her onto the bed, Peeta glancing at Katniss, looking a little amused. "...he's going to feel terrible as soon as he stops obsessing and notices what he did to your poor face." he admitted looking so relieved. Gale was back to normal... mostly. Gale gently rubbed her belly as he smiled at her. "are you alright? do you need anything?" he asked softly, blinking at her a little, obsessive in his worry about making her as comfortable as possible... it was kind of cute actually.
Katniss looked shocked before looking just as amused."He will.But he'll be fussing over lea and the baby to much to be really worried."she pointed out before sighing shaking her head a little. This was going to be bad. Wondering if she was the only one that worried about the frail abused woman was ready to do this, knowing snow had hurt her, she wondered how bad she was goign to be.

Lea whimpered a little smiling at him softly, gently tugging on his arm a little gently stroking his hair with him."Lay with me?I need you to hold me."She said whimpering as a contraction tightened her muscles, sounding so pained and hurt.
he smiled, his eyes just as strained as hers where. "everything will be alright." he promised, taking Katniss's hand. "she's strong... no matter what that... thing, did to her... she is strong... and she won't let him win." he promised softly, not wanting to face what would happen if Lea had complications... or worse, died... there would be no stopping Gale if that happened... he would kill anything in his way to Snow... including them.

he smiled at her and slipped ever so carefully behind his mate, supporting her as he gently rubbed her belly. "it will be alright love." he murmured softly, smiling at her. "you might be itty bitty.... but i've seen bittier people give birth." he admitted, smiling at her, teasing her to hopefully make her feel better. "my little Spitfire..." he murmured softly, kissing her neck. "i can't remember what you wanted to name the Little Songbird...." he admitted, rubbing her belly, frowning a little. his memory, short term, was getting worse. "Lea?" he asked, blinking at her, smiling at her. "can i braid your hair?"
Katniss nodded looing worried but wrapping her arms around him,holding him because she couldn't go in and comfort the other two. Gale wouldn't stand for it.So she'd stay here, and wait with peeta."it'll be fine."She said shuddering.

Lea swallowed hard smiling a little as she leaned back against him, resting her hands over his,closing her eyes."Lyrra.We're naming her lyrra."She said sounding worried because it scared her that he wasn't remembering as well.There had to be something she could do."Of course sweetheart."She smiled shifting so he could get her hair and braid it back.

Nearly a day later sookie swallowed hard as she walked downstairs looking at finnick, pale and shaken."She needs to go back to capitol Finn."She muttered looking scared, and not just because gale had been hovering like a overgrown cat, breathing down her neck."I can save one or the other, not both.She needs to go, if they're both going to survive."she muttered as she hugged him, to keep the words private between them.
the day later, Gale was nearly crazed with fear as he stroked Lea's hair and muttered encouragements to her, kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear and promising her that everything was going to be alright while gently dabbing at her forehead with a damp cloth. doing everything he could do to make her comfortable. Finnick swallowed thickly as Sookie whispered to him and his eyes darkened with distrust. "... dammit... i didn't want to take her there..." he whispered softly. "Snow won't let her go so easily this time..." and he was terrified what he might do to the poor baby... he had no doubts that Snow wanted the child... for what? he didn't know... he sighed and headed upstairs, explaining to Gale and Lea that they needed to go to the Capitol, that Sookie didn't have the medical knowledge of saving the baby.

Gale's pupils shrunk to terrified pinpoints at the thought of being in the Capitol... but he nodded, anything to save Lea and Lyrra. "alright." Gale whispered, and Finnick nodded, helping Lea tot he emergency train, calling Snow on the train to inform him that they where coming and that Lea was in labor... but was in danger of losing the baby... he also told him that Gale was coming and that they should have sedatives on hand, and that they needed to ask gale before they touched Lea or he might attack. not to make fast moves around him because he perceived it as a threat and might attack, and that there should be a lot of sushi on hand because it was the only thing that might distract Gale from his bone deep terror of the Capitol after the baby was born. Finnick could only hope the nurses and doctors waiting for them at the train station where ready for the challenge that Gale created.
When they arrived the small female doctor that greeted them was slight and amused lookng and....a victor.Holy hell, it was johanna. "Gale?Can I help her?"She asked as katniss an finnick pushed the hospital bed off the train her nurse holding both a thing of sushi and a tranq. "Gale?"Lea muttered looking up at him looking dazed and pale, to tired, to worn to be truly there anymore. "Gale?You'll take care of her right?"She said whimpering as the contraction tightened her body aagain, looking so scared.She didn't want to leave. she did't.
Gale stared at her for a long moment and then nodded, carefully settling Lea onto the gurney, his eyes flicking back and forth, tense and terrified... worried about being attacked. he didn't like being in the capitol, he didn't like Lea being in the capitol.... he didn't want anything to do with the people there.... he blinked at Lea when she called his attention and he nuzzled her. "i won't let them hurt you." he whispered softly. "i won't let them take you away from me." he promised softly, kissing her gently as he followed her as they took her to the hospital. he held her hand and gently nuzzled her, holding her as the contractions hit... and strangely, for once, he seamed almost in control of himself, though he swiped at Finnick anytime he tried to get close, he let the doctors and nurses do whatever they needed to. he munched often on the Sushi trying to calm himself down, and the edge of the bed frame was clawed down to almost nothing from his claws as he struggled not to attack anyone. in the end Finnick, wary, had one nurse stand close to Gale with a sedative.... just in case...
Johanna lifted the small baby, smiling slightly as she looked at gale."Sweetheart, they're both fine.I promise. They'll be fine."She said holding the baby, shifting to give the child to him, glad taht she could tell him the truth. While lea was weak and pale, dazed and confused, the girl would be fine in a few days as long as snow wouldn't harm her. "Really?"Katniss said from across the room with peeta, as cloe s gale would let them be. "Yes. They're both fine."

(soo I just realized I hadnt
Gale twitched as he pulled the baby tight to his chest, making happy noises, like a kitten as he nuzzled and smelled the baby. if anyone needed the proof that Gale was almost more animal than he was human, that right there was it. no human father would be smelling their baby, but Gale did, and he was PLEASED with how much Lyrra smelled like Lea. she smelled like his, and he nuzzled her, and then switched his attention to Lea, nuzzling and kissing her as he muttered how good of a job she had done, how proud he was of her, how much he loved her, and how she had broken all of his fingers. he hissed at Peeta when the man tried to get closer though and he quickly sat back down, fighting to keep the amusement off of his face as he glanced at Katniss. "... he's just... so obsessive!" he complained playfully, chuckling as he took Katniss's hand, shaking his head. "everything will be alright now..." Peeta muttered... he had to HOPE so anyway... because if it wasn't, Gale wouldn't hesitate to slaughter anyone who came in and tried to touch Lea or Lyrra.
Lea smiled looking relieved, and slightly worried because it worreid her to see him close to eing a animal,but he was okay.He was okay.Smiling as he nuzled her she sighed sleepily,reaching up to gently stroke his hair."Gale, you have to let her uncle see her."She said sleepily. Katniss laughed softly looking amused as she nodded, kissing him."t will be.If we ever get to see lyrra."He said trying to not think about what was going to happen if anything would happen to lea.
he smiled at her as she touched him before scowling, holding Lyrra closer. "no... no they lied to me..." he complained softly. "they TRICKED me... they'll take Lyrra away..." he whispered, paranoia in his tone and Peeta and Finnick both winced at his words. they had known he would be upset.... but for his damaged mind to think they had done it to hurt him.... but, then again, Peeta had seen the same thing with a kicked dog... once kicked, it never trusted it's master not to kick it again. "Gale..." Finnick whispered softly, setting a hand hesitantly on the other man's shoulder. "...i didn't want to trick you..." he admitted softly.

"but it was the only way... to save you, to save Katniss and Peeta.... to save Lea..." Gale growled at Finnick, and then bared long canines at him, snarling as he gently tucked Lyrra into her mothers arms, smoothing the blankets, fluffing the pillow before standing up and advancing on Finnick who swallowed thickly, backing up at the look in Gale's eyes... pure, murderous rage. "you hurt Lea..." Gale's nostril's flared wide. "you brought her to... this PLACE." his voice was dark, dangerous and the two Peacekeepers at the door tensed, hesitating as Gale backed Finnick out into the hall. "stay out." Gale snarled, slamming the door closed, Finnick looking stunned, but relieved. he'd been certain Gale would try to attack him.... he could handle being locked out of the hospital room... he wasn't sure he could handle having his face beat in.
Lea looked startled at gale's words, "Gale!"Lea's voice cracked through the room like a whip, while she understood what he was going through, she would not allow him to keep her and lyrra in a bubble as much as he wanted to. Shifting the baby she reached for gale's hand pulling back back as he slammed the door."Gale, please.He's my best friend. Peeta and katniss are family.They tried to protect us."She said stroking her hand over his arm."And I tried to protect you.I did it to save you."She said starting to cry, so afraid he'd hate her for making the choice.
Gale whipped around to face Lea at her voice, blinking at her a little as he let her pull him towards her, nuzzling her, growling at her words. "Peeta and Katniss can stay.... Finnick can't... Finnick is bad." he hissed, glancing at Peeta who carefully inched forward, but let him take Lyra so the baby wouldn't get caught up in any of their arguments, Peeta smiling at the little girl before handing her to Katniss... out of everyone in the room, Lea and Katniss where the ones Gale trusted the most. "Finnick is bad." Gale whispered, nuzzling Lea, pulling her into a hug, half laying on the bed in an effort to comfort her. "i won't let him hurt you again... i promise..." he whispered softly as he stroked her tears away. "i won't let him take you away again..." he murmured softly. "i'll protect you. i love you..." he promised, kissing her temple. it was a wonder that Gale hadn't tried to hurt Finnick really... between smelling him on Lea, him taking her to the capitol, and him tricking Gale into leaving Lea all alone... even if Gale wasn't half insane he'd have been furious and paranoid of Finnick. at least he wasn't attacking Katniss and Peeta anymore, all his hatred had gone to Finnick... Gale was blaming it almost all on Finnick. it wasn't fair... but then, gale didn't care about that. if they where lucky, Gale would cool down against Finnick, but for now, the other man was going to have to keep his distance.
"Aww she's adorable."katniss muttered as she cuddled the baby. Sighing softly. "We'll have to be careful."She muttered looking at peeta then towards the door. Lea sighed softly looking at gale,"He did't take me away. I went away with him.Gale, if you blame anyone,blame me.It's my fault."She whispered stroking his hair.
Peeta nodded a little. "Finnick won't do anything to annoy Gale." he muttered softly as he grinned brightly as the baby gripped his finger. "Gale's just upset ad lashing out at the only person here who he can lash out at..." he muttered softly. "Finnick is the only person he can blame, since we weren't really there, and Annie is too..." he shrugged watching Lea and Gale interacting. "i could never blame you." Gale whispered, stroking Lea's hair. "it's not your fault Love.... don't blame yourself." he murmured, gently nuzzling her as he held her. "just rest... i will keep you safe." he promised softly.
Katniss smiled watching him, pain lurking in her eyes seeing how very happy he was with a child in his arms. It hurt something deep in her to know that she was incapable of doing that for him, of trusting them both to be good parents."I know, and gale'll be fine once he comes to terms with it." lea sighed sleepily, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his chest,"It is.It was my choice to protect you.And everyone."She muttered sleepily, already starting to drift off.

Two days later Snow smiled a little as he stepped into the hospital room, looking pleased at the sight of the small family before looking at finnick as the man followed him in, then the sleepy fear in lea's eyes when she saw them."Keam it is good to see you looking so well." "T-thank you."Lea stuttered looking at the president, pressing close to gale, glad she was laying on him and that he was holding lyrra.
Peeta smiled at her a little as he shook his head a little. "Gale seams to be..." he paused, hesitated and then. "reacting through his emotions... the more emotional he is, the more animalistic he is, did you notice that? the angrier he is the more likely he is to attack, the happier he is the more he rubs all over lea like a giant kitten." like he was now, nuzzling and snuggling his mate on the bed, comforting her. "...i wonder..." he mused, tickling Lyrra's foot and making the baby scrunch her face up. "the Doctors here... they would be the ones who did that to him... if we can manage a way to blackmail, or guilt them... do you suppose they might be able to undo some of what they did to him?" he asked, blinking at Katniss. "we should find Cinna and talk to him, he might know some things... we can send Finnick." he muttered with a small grin. "he'll know the best people to talk to."
katniss looked startled at that, tilting her head before nodding. "He is."She said looking thoughtful wondering if they treated him more like how a animal would react, then they'd have a better idea of how he'd be. Katniss nodded,"We'll talk to finnick after dinner."She said watching him, a pained look on her face as she watched him with lyrra before she smiled to hide the reaction, because she didn't want him to know how much it hurt her to consider him wanting kids, because she was so scared he'd leave her if she didn't agree that she wanted kids.She might someday,but the idea right then scared her.
he smiled a little as he looked at Katniss, his head tilted at her. "you know... even if we don't have children... i'll always love you right?" he asked softly. she couldn't hide the looks from him, he knew her too well. "even if we never fill your belly with my seed." he flashed her a smirk. "or adopt, i will be happy with the life we have together." he admitted softly, smiling at her. "i can always just spoil Lyrra rotten." he admitted with a small grin as he kissed her gently. "i want children... but i want you more. and if you don't want children, then i'm alright with that." he admitted smiling at her a little. "now, hold your Niece." he ordered, settling Lyrra into her hands, turning to study the sleeping Gabe and Lea. "... at least he won't attack anyone now." he murmured with a small grin. "here's hoping he stays that way for a while..."
Katniss looked startled at his words, tilting her head a little as she blushed, nodding a little."I know."She said softly even if she hadn't, and it still worried her, well it was something. Gently holding the babe in her arms she smled, leaning against him."Hopefully."She said looking relieved to seeing them all so calm.

A few days later Lea smiled gently as she got up out of her seat the lounger her nd lyrra was laying in, looking at gale as he dug in the sand."What are you finding?"She smiled glad that the capitol had the beach side so glae would have something to do. Trying very hard to ignore the guards that seemed to want to talk to them but not approaching yet. "Any shells?"She said smiling as she stroked lyrra's back as she slept.

Katniss sighed softly as they walked into the doctor's office giving peeta a look."You know, waiting until he wasn't here, was probbly a good thing, but I don't think we'll be able to convince them to help him."She said looking anxious about meeting the genetist about reversing gale's condition.
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