Lightening Strike

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he nodded. "i'll stay..." he whispered softly, looking horrified as she was taken away, setting his face in his hands as soon as they where out of sight and beginning to sob. he couldn't beleive he was letting her do this... but what choice did they have? it was let him take her... or deny him and get arrested and have him take her anyway... they where trapped, and Snow knew it. they where trapped...

he offered her a shaky smile, wrapping his arms around her. "he's not back yet... he's still looking for your shells...." he had called them earlier. "... Peeta is recovering well, his fever has broken and the rash is almost gone..." he admitted softly as he handed her a hot chocolate, not about to admit that he himself was suffering too. three men already this morning had taken Finnick, snow was punishing him for trying to protect Lea, he was sure, because the men had NOT been gentle. but he could hide his pain from Lea easily enough. "Katniss is worried... but the peacekeepers aren't bothering them... in fact their damn near going out of their way to get Katniss, Gale, and Peeta anything they want..." he admitted swallowing thickly.. "their... trying to get Peeta to come to the doctors here actually..." yes, so he could be whored out for a while too... fortunately the boy was still too sick, and under his suggestion Sookie was making sure the marks scarred... Katniss wouldn't care about the scars, but the bastards here who wanted Peeta's body would... they wouldn't want him if he scarred... "how are you feeling?"
Lea smiled a little wider cuddling into hm, glad to know that they were fine, that her whoring had done something good."About as good as you could expet a pregnant whore to feel."She muttered losing her eyes with a sigh as she snuggled into him, pulling his hand over to her stomach as she felt the baby kick."Soon enough I'm going to be to big to be pleasing. He promised I could go home after that."He said sounding so very hopeful that she could go home, to be with gale.
he closed his eyes and nodded, setting his hand on her belly. "he'll get bored with you eventually." he agreed resting his head on hers, smiling a little. "i got you knew shoes..." he admitted handing her the box, smiling at her a little as he kissed her forehead. "we'll go home soon." he admitted setting a hand on her belly, refusing to admit that Snow might not let them go...

Gale groaned as he stepped off the ship, stretching as he looked down at the sack in his hands. it had taken him three days, but he had found everything that Lea needed. he smiled, he'd even found two black shells that Sookie needed. "Sookie!!!" he called, knocking on the door before walking in, ignoring Peeta who was choking on his soup, horrified that Gale was back. "i got the things for Lea!..." he called, happy. "i'm going to go to Annie's to get her!" the thought of seeing Lea had him in an extraordinarily good mood... Peeta was already getting a sedative ready under the table so Gale wouldn't notice... he had a bad feeling that they where going to need it.
Lea giggled happily as she opened the box, smiling as she saw the comfortable shoes inside. Leaning up she kissed his cheek sotly."Thanks finnick."She sighed rubbing her stomach, biting her lip."I didn't mean to keep you...if you want to go home..."She said looking so worried about him.Looking at him worriedly,afraid of him staying here when annie needed him at home.

Sookie and katniss to look horrified to see that gale was already back.They hadn't been expeting him to actually be able to find it. Katniss swallowed hard looking at gale, "Gale..."She swallowed because she knew that they just weren't going to be able to convince gale to not go after her as son as he realized she was gone."Lea's not here."She said softly, knowing that it was going to be so bad.
he smiled at her a little and shook his head. "no problem Lea." he teased chuckling a little as he kissed her forehead a little before scowling at her. "i am NOT leaving you here alone! Gale Annie, Peeta, and Katniss would FLAY me alive!" he complained before smiling at her. "besides, what kind of bastard would i be to abandon you? i could never do that. Annie will be fine, she's used to me being gone for weeks on end." he admitted smiling a little as he kissed her forehead again. "come on, you need to rest." he ordered simply. "do you want me to lay with you tonight?" he was like a living teddy sometimes, if she was feeling upset he'd just lay in bed with her so she wouldn't have to be alone.

Gale paused, blinking a little at the,, looking confused. "..not here?... where is she? did Finnick take her to get more shoes?" Peeta winced a little and then. "no Gale.... to protect you she... she left... she and Finnick haven't come back from the Capitol..." he swallowed thickly as Gale stared at him, wide eyed, astonished and then his pupils twitched, slitting until they where barley visible as a furious snarl filled the air. Peeta darted in before Gale could move, jabbing the needle into the man's arm, gripping him tight as furious howls filled the air, Gale fighting Peeta furiously, struggling for the door. he had to get Lea! he had to get Lea! he struck Peeta, the other man screaming as he grabbed his nose ad curled up into a ball at the same time, his nose broken and his nuts kicked... ouch. Gale struck the closed door, slamming against it repeatedly because he was too crazed to remember how to work the doorknob. he had the door splintered, cracked in half before the sedative kicked in and he slumped to the floor. Peeta groaned a little as he sat up, clutching his nose. "dammit! he broke my nose!..." he complained scowling at Gale before sighing a little. "...someone needs to call Finnick..."
Lea frowned at him for his teasing before nodding,"Please."She said not wanting to feel alone and on the nights finnick was with her, snow left her alone. She almost always wanted finnick with her, but she knew it hurt him to see her like this, so she couldn't ask more then every once in awhile.

Haymitch swallowed hard as he got gale up into the guest bed looking worried about him. Standing guard as sookie and katniss took care of peeta. Gently setting his nose sookie snorted a laugh."Well, you broke his once. So I guess its payback?"she teased a little before standing going to the phone to call finnick. Katniss looked worried as she looked peeta over, swallowing hard."Peeta?How hurt are you?"She asked looking worried that he was hurt worse than it looked like.
he smiled at her and kissed her forehead before crawling into bed with her, groaning as the wall phone rang, getting up, grumbling about the idiots who forgot the time change and answered with a curt 'this had better not be Thomas again...' then he paused as Katniss responded and he swallowed thickly as he listened to what was said. he hung up the phone and crawled back in bed with Lea, holding her this time instead of the other way around. and said the three words that explained everything. "Gale is back."

Peeta yelped as his nose was set and then sighed as the bleeding stopped, shaking his head. "i hate it when he does that..." he glanced at Haymitch. "make sure you carry a sedative Haymitch... if he comes back in that state he's going to need to be drugged again..." he warned, tossing the other man a needle before smiling at Katniss. "it's just a broken nose and some aching balls... i've had worse, it doesn't even hurt as much as my leg did." he admitted, tapping his leg. "it will be fine, i'll just have two black eyes for the effort." he admitted. "i couldn't let Gale go into those throngs of people, he'd have hurt someone." he admitted shaking his head a little. "and then he'd never have forgiven himself... he'll forgive beating ME to a pulp." at that he sulked. "some best friend i have..."
Lea winced looking startled at the words, pressing her face against his shoulder, starting to cry ever so sotly."What?I thought...he was searching for...he.."she stopped lost for words before swallowing hard."What are we going to do?He cant just stay drugged..."She said looking scared about gale.

Haymith nodded."Yea. I'll do that. Dont worry about him."He said though he was worried about what would come next. Gale was going to go insane wen he woke up. "I know I know but it still doesn't feel good."She muttered stroking peeta's hair sighing softly."He's the best friend you have.Besides, you wouldn't cahnge it if you could."she pointed out with a smile.
he held her tightly as she started to cry, shaking his head. "he found them all the obsessive little twit." he complained softly, stroking her hair. "i knew i should have made them up." he complained, wrinkling his nose. "but i didn't want him to get discouraged..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i don't know what we're going to do... but i'm sure Haymitch will figure it out... he's a smart fellow... you know he is... they'll find a way to keep Gale calm and get you home to him..."

Peeta nodded to Haymitch and smiled at Katniss. "this doesn't hurt nearly as much as you worrying over me does. he teased, clutching his heart dramatically. "oh the pain of your sorrow, it makes my heart bleed." he pulled her down a little and very, very carefully gave her a kiss, not about to bump his nose. "and he is the best friend i could have ever asked for... but what are we going to do? he can't just stay drugged all the time..." he refused to notice how Gale's fury had triggered another change... he was now sporting inch long claws, curved and deadly... good for catching fish though, Gale would be pleased... after he got done using them to kill everyone.
Lea sniffled laughing softly, "Damn."Shesighed knowing this was just going to be so bad."Whatever's the matter?"Snow said as he stepped into the room, looking bemused at the sight of his 'mistress' and his favorite whore in bed together.

Katniss laughed softly snickering a little at his careful kiss looking worried about him but relaxing as she realized he was indeed okay. And she to, was trying so hard to not realize what had happened, had changed gale's hands."We'll wake him up in the morning. Try and talk to him, and if not, we'll go to captiol.Surely there i something we can baragain for."Katniss said, horror showing in her eyes knowing what it might mean, but she could save lea. Could give gale his happiness, and protect the child growing in her.
Finnick grimaced as Snow walked in and he looked at the man, hesitating before sighing. "Gale is... upset." he stated loftily. "he damn near killed..." but he wouldn't mention who, just in case. "Lea is upset that Gale is upset." he admitted simply. there was no point in lying to Snow, when he was sure the other knew exactly what was wrong. "not to mention your fucking her." he sounded bitter about that, and it was clear why. Finnick saw that as harming her, but he could do nothing about it. "are you ever going to let her go?"

Peeta gripped her hand tightly, looking horrified that she could even suggest such a thing! "i won't allow you to do that and neither would Lea!" he hissed softly, biting his lip hard. "... maybe... if Snow sees how distraught Lea gets over this he'll let her go?... i don't know what else we can do, not with her and Finnick at his mercy... he might kill them if we try to up-rise against him..." he warned, blinking at Katniss. "we have to just...." he sighed. "i don't even know..." he admitted setting a hand on his forehead, swallowing thickly. "there's nothing we have that He wants..." he admitted looking at Katniss, his eyes watering. he couldn't protect Lea, the woman he saw as a little sister.
Snow smiled slightly looking at the distraught girl before nodding."I think I shall let her go now. I was coming to tell you I am sending you both home." "W-what?"Lea sniffled looking up at him. Snow smirked a little, stroking her hair, amused s she flinched, headng for the door."You are getting to big to be any fun dear. Now go.Finnick, you know your way out."

Katniss frowned whimpering at his grip,growling softly."I can't stand not helping!"She growled hating that she couldn't do anything, that only lea had been able to stop this. Sighing she nodded wrapping her arms around him, leaning against him."We'll get her back, I rpomise.We will."
Finnick's eyes widened, shocked and not afraid to show it before he narrowed his eyes at Snow, calculating him before nodding. "i'll be back on tuesday then." he stated calmly. "i have a... meeting, with that DREADFUL miss Temmer." he HATED Temmer. she had this incessent NEED to TALK while he was... doing the deed. but he got a lot of information for it. a LOT of information. "come on Luv." he ordered carefully helping Lea to her feet. "we'll call Gale and tell him your coming home." he promised smiling at her before leading her down to the train with all the things they had collected during their stay. Finnick had gotten quite a few gifts for his... job, over the last few days. he considered leaving them... but he was a little too greedy and self centered to. so they where packed up on the train with them and they called the house from the train.

he released her hand as soon as he realized that he was hurting her and grimaced as the phone rang again, Gale uttering a low, heartbroken moan as he rolled over, and curled up. "shit..." he'd been worried that this would happen... instead of acting in fury, Gale was retreating into himself, punishing himself for letting his mate be hurt. "Katniss? get the phone would you? i have to try and comfort our resident nose breaker." he admitted, wondering how deeply set Gale was into his depression.
"Good."Snow said looking amused at the man's shock before nodding."Go."He said before leaving. Lea looke shocked and stumbling as she followed him out of the room, curling up on the seat as she listened to finnick and katniss talk.

Katniss winced at gale's reaction, sighing softly as she realized what he was doing.Getting up she looked startled as she picked up the phone, glad finnick and annie had a cordless phone as she walked into the bedroom, kneeling down next to gale's face to get his attention,gently stroking his hair."Do you want to talk to lea, sweetie?She says she has good news for you."
Gale laid there, ignoring everyone, curled up on himself as he fought the grief that clung to him with the information that he was never going to see Lea again... how could he have let them trick him!? how could he have left her alone!? how could he ever have...." he felt bitter resentment and rage crawling up his throat like bile. Finnick had tricked him, Sookie had helped... he would make them PAY! he would! he would revel in making their skin peal like a carrot... he didn't like carrots.... he would skin them like he did with the wriggling catfish.... yes, he would skin them, make them feal his pain and his hatred.... he paused as he heard Katniss, blinking at her, looking almost confused, as if he didn't understand what she was saying. he blinked at her, rage fighting with grief in his slitted eyes as he stared at her, uncomprehending of her words... as if she was suddenly speaking another language... he growled at her, flinching away from her hand... she had tricked him too, she had lied to him.... and Peeta too... Peeta had held him back, Peeta had to suffer too... but no... no that would upset his mate... but his mate wasn't coming back... he paused, his ears catching a noise, from the Phone in Katniss's hand and he snatched it, holding it to his ear and for a moment, sanity returned. "l...Lea?"

(lol, insane Gale... fuuuun.... i really shouldn't read Dark Harry Fanfictions before i write posts O-o)
(ahaha that its so amusing.)

"Gale?Is that you?"Lea sniffled crying sotly because she heard the voice, looking so anxious about reassuring him, and making sure that he was there."Gale,I'm coming home. Me and finnick are almost home. Can you meet the train?"She asked looking anxious as she leaned into finnick, closing her eyes as she shuddered, so anxious and worried about what he was going to do. She was worried that he would hurt her because she'd abandoned him, not realizing he was grieving because she was gone. She thought he wasn't talking because he was mad at her.
Gale felt his spirit soar as he heard she was coming home, and for a moment he choked on his words, he couldn't focus enough to speak, couldn't focus enough to remember how to. finally he just nodded, not fully sane enough to realize that she couldn't see him and gave the phone to Peeta who had gestured. "Lea? it's Peeta... listen Gales.. kinda having a bit of a breakdown i don't think he can understand us at the moment." Peeta explained, Gale staring at him, angry, but also so relieved. "he nodded at any rate so i think he understands you want him to be there at the train." Gale blinked at him and Peeta hesitated a moment. "i'm... not sure how to warn you but i think his breakdown at finding you gone altered his DNA again, i'm not sure what's wrong with his head right now, but we'll figure it out together alright?" he asked smiling into the phone. "i'm so glad your alright, we'll be waiting for the train, you come out first, you'll be able to keep Gale calm." Gale had slid out of bed and was trying to find his shoes before abandoning the idea and simply raced out the door as he heard the train come in. "oh! that's you right there... Gale's on his way." he promised before hanging up. and it was true, as soon as the doors slid open and Lea came out Gale was on her, sweeping her into his arms, cradling her and running his nose all over, marking as much of her as he could get away with in public, trying to eliminate every hint of Snow from her skin.
Lea whimpered as the man cuddled her, wrapping her arms around him, swallowing hard as she held onto him, trembling sotly in his arms."Gale?Gale?"She whimpered starting to cry as he held her. Katniss sighed nodding towards the street."Gale, come on sweetheart. We better get her home. You can put her in bed okay?You'll feel better. And she needs rest."She said sounding scared about how small and anxious the poor pregnant girl looked. Her stomach dropping out as she realized exactly what snow had been doing. She'd suspected it, but there was something different about knowing for sure that snow had used her so badly.
Gale held her close, holding her, purring deep in his chest, his claws tucked into the pockets, just like a real cat. he snarled darkly though when Katniss touched him and his hand whipped out, catching her across the face with his claws, leaving four long lacerations across her cheek and chin and before anyone could react, he had Lea in his arms, and he was fleeing... the enemy, they where ALL the enemy. Peeta immediately set a towel to Katniss's face, his eyes wide, shocked. "...he.. he struck you..." he muttered. Gale had never, ever hit Katniss... or any woman before in his life, he barley struck men! Gale wasn't normally so violent. "...i think, we'd better let Lea calm him down." Finnick admitted as he got off the train, looking rather pale. "he's too upset... he might kill us if we go after him now..."

Gale held Lea close as he ran, racing across the sandy beach to the Cave that he had found when diving for the black shells. it was both above, and below the water, and he carefully set her down once they where both safely hidden from view. he nuzzled her, whimpering in distress as he touched her gently, so very gently all over, looking for injuries, needing to make sure she wasn't hurt, wasn't damaged, wasn't upset. "L...Lea.." he whimpered as he nuzzled her, trying to comfort her. it was the only word he could remember at the moment. the only thing that mattered to him was her, and keeping her safe.

(HA! betcha didn't see THAT coming! XDD)
Katniss yelped as she jerked her head back as he struck her, holding the towle against her face as tears slid down her cheeks. Looking so startled, so scared for a moment before nodding. Because she knew what was wrong. Swallowing she looked at the other two."We wont.We'll go home. They'll come back when he's calm."She said heading for the house, hoping that her words were true.

Lea whimpered as she let him check her over, leaning against the wall of the cave looking worried about katniss but not about to bring it up because she was worried about him.Gently stroking his hair she sighed softly, pulling him against her closing her eyes as she held him."I'm okay. I'm fine.Hold me."she muttered softly because she didn't want him to realize just how bad snow hd hurt her, but for now, she was willing to just be held.

(lol deinately not)
Finnick swallowed thickly. "i'll go get Sookie.... that needs to be disinfected..." he muttered softly, looking rather horrible. as if he was blaming himself... he probobly was. he vanished, letting Peeta help Katniss to the house, gently checking her wounds. "... they don't look too deep..." he muttered softly. "they might scar but they've already stopped bleeding." he admitted smiling a her a little as he ran his hands through her hair. "...Gale is getting more and more unstable..." he muttered softly, oh so worried. "Katniss... what are we going to do if he goes completely feral?"

he sighed softly as he realized she wasn't physically damaged and he pulled her into a tight, but gentle hug, holding her as he made small comforting sounds that where almost like meows and mews, running his hands over her belly as he held her, silently reassuring her that he still wanted her, and still wanted their baby, no matter what had happened. but he didn't try to touch her in a more intimate manner, not wanting to upset her as he kissed her neck, starting to calm down. "i'm sorry..." he managed to mumble. "can't... think..." he admitted softly, struggling to find the words. " always." he mumbled softly. "sleep..." he murmured, kissing her temple. "safe here..."
Katniss hnodded looking after finnick, resting a hand on his arm before he left."It's not your fault Finn, you protected her. More then anyone else would be able to."She said sighing softly before letting peeta lead her inside, closing her eyes with a whimper before looking at him."I0I don't know. We can't....we can't lose him...."She said starting to cry."I can't be responsible for getting him killed."She whimpered, because she had been blaming herself for this whole time over what happened to gale.

Lea smiled softly at the kitten sounds, relaxing even more as she realized he wasn't mad at her, that he wanted her. Shifting she snuggled into him."Love you to.Always.Sleep."She ordered as she snuggled into him and falling into a exhuasted sleep.
Peeta pulled her into a hug, resting his head on top of hers. "it wasn't your fault Love, you know it wasn't..." he whispered softly. "if anything it was MINE... it was my plan, and i was the one who didn't tell Gale or Lea." he admitted softly. "i should have known better... i should have..." he admitted softly. "we won't lose him... not even if we have to take him to the capitol to get them to fix him... i have my body, people find me desirable... i could do what Finnick does to ensure Gale's recovery..." "you wouldn't survive it... your not even bi sexual, you flinch when i flirt with you." Finnick stated simply. "and it IS men who will want you Peeta." Finnick admitted, settling into a chair. "there are people who owe me favors... i can pull a few strings if it comes down to that." he promised. "but i don't think it will... he was mad with rage, grief, and guilt... because his Mate was hurt. as long as Lea is safe, he will be calm." he hoped, he glanced at his sister, smiling at her. but it was easy to see how tired Finnick was, he had kept it hidden from Lea, but he couldn't hide it from people who where a lot more observant.
katniss shuddered at both the idea of losing gale and that he'd whore himself out to sae him.Swallowing hard she rested her head againt his chest, shuddering a little, looking over at finnick."We'll be able to do this."She muttered praying that finnick was right, that if they could keep lea safe, then gale wouldn't totally lose it. Sookie made a face, shaking her head a little as she prodded her brother in the shoulder."Go home. They're safe here. And annie's waiting for you."She ordered pointing towards the door as annie walked in."Finn."Annie gasped a little looking so relieved to see him again,hugging him tightly.
Peeta smiled at her and nodded. "it will all be alright... i'm sure of it." he whispered softly as he kissed her forehead before backing up to let Sookie at Katniss's face. the wounds would already be throbbing from the pain of the nasty stuff Gale had under his nails. he'd never washed them after all, fish slime and salt water and sirt where in with those wounds so Sookie definitely needed to disinfect. Peeta himself was fidgety and upset, worried about what was going to happen as he watched Finnick drag his feet home. the boy did brighten at the sight of Annie though and he pulled the girl into a hug, nuzzling her gently as he held her. "Gale and Lea ran off... Gale attacked Katniss." he muttered softly. "and Snow is up to something... you need to be ready to flee at any moment..." he murmured softly. "come on... i'm exaughsted and i want to cuddle you..." he always needed a good long cuddle when he came back from the Capitol.
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