Lightening Strike

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he smiled and kissed her forehead, nodding a little. "i'll be extra careful." he promised softly. "Snow owes me a favor anyway." he admitted simply. "if i swear that Lea and Gale aren't a danger to him, he might be willing to let me keep them." he admitted grinning at her. "they do make nice pets don't they?" he chuckled a little, honestly glad that they where there. he hated leaving Annie alone. "i'll leave now, the Peacekeepers know to let me to the Capitol at any time..." he got calls all the time, ordering him to the Capitol, so they had a private train for him... sort of.

Peeta chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "nearly? oh yes... nearly." he grumbled sourly... as he remembered, she DID bash his head in... into the ground... making him eat almost a pint of the stuff. he finished his breakfast and smirked at Katniss before adopting a stupid expression as they moved out of the house, lining up with the other hundred people waiting to go out into the fields. "just watch out for Tracker Jackers." Rhubarb ordered suddenly, smiling at them. "i don't know if you have to worry about them on the ground much, but sometimes their nests fall from the trees." she admitted as they started walking out into the harvesting areas. "we'll work until nightfall." she admitted. "the ones who are out there now have been there since dawn." what long shifts! horrible.
Annie snickered at that looking into the living room where the other couple was cuddling like a pair of touch starved kittens."Yes, they do make good pets."She muttered smiling as she wathed him go, wondering just what was going to happen.

Katniss nodded looking slightly worried before following the girl out, shuddering at the idea of such a long day before looking at peeta."well,at least you wont have to worry about me dropping a nest on you."she muttered to him, amused as she thought about her own game, before sighing softly as they started piking up the fruits.
he chuckled a little and shook his head as he kissed her gently. "stay safe." he ordered before leaving, Gale blinking. "where's Finn going?" he asked, looking a little confused as he looked down at Lea. "are you feeling better love? do you need me to get you anything?... i found you something special." he admitted smiling at her as he pulled something out of his pocket. it was a ruby colored shell, rare and beautiful. it wasn't worth much money, but it sure was beautiful.

Peeta grimaced a little. "don't remind me. i'm just glad that Gale's not here." he muttered. "i don't think he could handle the sight of a tracker jacker, let alone survive another dose of their poison." he admitted shaking his head a little as he caught the fruits that where thrown to him, setting them carefully into the bucket at his feet before catching another. "how can they survive such a long day? this is inhuman..." he complained softly. "and those capitol bastards wonder why people are revolting..."
Lea looked worried as she looked up from where she was snuggling gale."He's just going out to see about what happened today."Annie said looking at the two trying to not worry them, smiling a little at the shell gale handed over.It wasn't worth much, or to anyone really,but lea leap on it and held it so gently, like it was the most precious jewel in the world."Oh gale, its beautiful."She purred.

"No, probably not."Katniss winced having not thought of that.Oh that would have been bad. Smiling slightly as she started to put the fruit in a basket she nodded glaning over at peeta."It is. and we'll figure out the best way to help them.There has to be something to do."Katniss said annoyed because she had no idea what to try to do.
Gale relaxed and nodded at Annie's explanation and grinned, looking so pleased, and so proud at how much Lea loved the present that he had found for her. "i'm glad you like it." he murmured, nuzzling her neck a little smiling a little. "love you." he purred happily as he kissed her neck, nipping playfully at her ear with a small grin. "come on, you need to eat dinner, i bet you wouldn't eat lunch would you?"

Peeta stared out the window as he rode the Bullet Train to the Capitol. because it was a small one, he was sitting in the same cabin as the driver. they shared no words, and Peeta found himself frightened for the first time since he had entered the games. he had no idea what was going to happen, and he knew he was risking his life on this. he could only hope Snow would listen to his pleas... and maybe if he promised a few extra favors of his own?

Peeta smiled at her and shook his head a little, yelping as two oranges hit him in the head, stumbling he slipped on a patch of wet grass, grimacing a little as he picked up the oranges who had hit him on the head. "NO SITTING!" a Peacekeeper yelled, a whistling sound filling the air, Peeta shrieking as a spray of blood erupted from his back, and then another as he staggered back to his feet, the entire clearing going still and silent as Peeta forced himself to his feet, trembling as he held his hands out for another fruit, the Peacekeeper moving on as work resumed as if nothing had happened. Peeta made no noise other than the yelps, and glanced at Katniss, warning her not to react, the last thing they needed was to be caught, or whipped some more.

(going shoppiiiing^^)
Lea smiled gently as she looked at her mate, kissing him again before sighing softly."I do like it.Love you lots."She muttered before whining, blushing ever so softly."I-I tried!"She stuttered looking up at him as she let him and annie bully her into the kitchen to eat.

"You know, if you're going to keep showing up here finn, you really should look more presentable.Like a victor."HAymitch teased a little as the man stepped off the train, looking just as worn as peeta or gale. After the moment he'd realized coin'd turned them out, he'd come to capitol.To try and barter with snow to see about getting his kids straightened out.

Katniss yelped as he stubled, his head turning to look at the peacekeeper paling slightly as he was whipped, biting her lip to keep from reacting as she reached for another fruit. Tears slid down her cheek as she filled the basket, glancing at peeta, a silent question on his face, needing to know he was okay.
he smiled as he shook his head. "you did not." he teased her, smirking at her. "i know better." he teased shaking his head a little. "you need to eat or you'll never get better." he complained, fussing over her. "and if you don't get better then i might lose you and i just couldn't stand that Lea... please try to take better care of yourself ok?"

Finnick smirked a little as he shook his head. "Cinna promised me he'd get me a good outfit next time i had to see Snow." he admitted simply. "and since i am here for exactly that reason, well, i might as well look my best... what are YOU doing here?" he demanded. "i can't see anyone wanting to have sex with a drunken grouch like you." he admitted, subtly flirting with Haymich as he always did, mostly because it sort of freaked the other out. "let me guess, your here about the four Sector 12's that have gone missing?"

Peeta was trembling as he caught the fruit, waiting until the peacekeepers where out of sight before he dared whisper to her. "i'm alright Ka... Sage... it hurts but it's not bad. i'll last until nightfall." he promised, flinching violently as the whistle of a whip came and another crack, but it wasn't him being struck this time, but a person down the line who had missed a peach and it had splattered on the ground. "shit... don't drop the fruit.." he ordered softly, swallowing thickly, looking rather frightened as he looked around, carefully picking up the rules. don't sit/slip. don't drop the fruit, don't eat the fruit, don't step out of the line, don't speak in earshot of the peacekeepers... all things wrong, resulted in one, two, or three strikes of the whip.
"I did.But I couldn't keep it down.I was to worried."Lea growled whining as she kissed him before sighing,"I know. I will.I was just so scared with you not being here when they came."She muttered pressing a kiss to his cheek as she started in on the fruits annie gave her.

Haymitch rolled his eyes at the man's words before smiling slightly."Everyone wants to have sex with me."He said refusing to be ruffled even if it did disturb him a little to be flirted with. Giving the other victor a look as they walked, he laughed softly. Seeing wht the other was about, "So. The cat did run towards water."He said thoughtfully in case anyone was close enough to overhear, but he had suspected that gale's instincts would keep him towards water.

Katniss looked worried before nodding, trying to ignore the tension in her back as she worked.By the time they were done she was sore and achy, made all the more worse from having had sex.Sighing tiredly as they walked back towards the house, she looked at peeta."How are you really feeling?"She uttered more worried about him then herself.
he sighed a little and kissed her forehead. "i'm sorry... i shouldn't have left..." he whimpered softly, nuzzling her neck a little and shaking his head a little as he nibbled on the slices of raw fish that he saw on the table. Sushi, District fours pride and joy, and there was plenty of it, which was good because Gale was nearly addicted to it.

Finnick smirked. "no, everyone wants to have sex with ME." he stated, sliding his hand up his own belly, licking his lips at Haymitch. "yeah, we caught a pretty kitty in our nets. mate came along with it." he shook his head. "don't know if there are more." he admitted stretching, revealing a long expanse of tan, smooth skin, several district women swooning as they watched him. but the words where glear 'we only have two from the four man group, we don't know where the other two are.'

by the time the day ended, Peeta was pale and swaying, but he did not drop a fruit, and he did not slip again. as soon as they where inside the gates and left alone he nearly sagged, Rhubarb and her mother both catching him as he nearly passed out. "go get the door." Rhubarb ordered Katniss as she and her mother carried him inside and laid him on the table. "i'm alright... it just hurts like a... like a..." he closed his eyes, biting his lip hard as Rhubarb smeared something strong, sticky, and burning across his back. "sorry, i know that hurts, but it will feel a lot better in a second." she promised, Peeta sighing as the pain finally, slowly began to ease off. "i never knew a whipping hurt so much." he groaned. "well, you won't have to work tomorrow." Rhubarb promised him, smiling at him. "you won't be of any use to them like this so you'll stay home." "well, there's that at least." Peeta complained smiling at Katniss. "stop worrying... the pain's gone and i barley lost any blood. i'll be fine in a matter of days. i promise, i'm fine."
"You didn't know. I was just worried with you being out there and with the peacekeppers..."She said sighing softly as she ate, looking amused at him eating the suishi. It was adorable to see him that obsessed with something besides her.

"No.I'm pretty sure the pretty kitty doesn't."Haymitch said snickering, even as he shuddered at the others actions. Looking worried but nodding. Peeta and katniss he trusted to take care of themselves, but with lea pregnant and gale so....devoted and liable to put himself at risk for her, he worried about them more. Rolling his eyes at finnick's display he smiled slightly."STill a litter of kittens on the way?"He asked having actually been worried about the pregnant girl, in a way he hardly ever worried about anyone.

Katniss loooked worried as she sat down near the couch gently stroking his hair as she leaned on the couch next to him."Fine."She scowled annoyed at being told not to worry. "I'l just have to think about something else."She said annoyed with him, annoyed with everything and most of all angry with the captiol, and taking out her annoyance on the only person she could show that much emotion to.
he smiled as he kissed her temple. "well... we'll figure out something... we'll bribe the peacekeepers or something." he mused, smiling a little. "we'll get Finnick to sign them autographs or something, everyone loves that guy." but Gae didn't realize why. he was too oblivious to know about people whoring themselves out.

Finnick snickered a little. "nah, the kitties don't want me, but if i have to walk in on them doing that on my couch one more time, i might just let them have the bedroom so me and Annie can stop seeing that. it's gross." he scowled. "and big kitty is bigger than me." he complained, baring his teeth a little. "yup, still got a litter coming, though the little kitty is sickly i think we can fix her up. it's a shame we have to force feed her the pills though. she hates them." he admitted, knocking on Cinna's door and grinning at the man as the guy looked surprised before ushering them inside.

he smiled at her as she stroked his hair, sighing a little. "mmm that feels nice." he admitted softly. "no wonder Gale loves it when Lea pets him." he mumbled, smiling a little as he watched her. "what are you going to think about?" he asked, smiling a little. "we should think of a way to help these people... i can't imagine being whipped just for falling down." he frowned. "all that food, just waiting and yet there are people here starving to death..." he muttered, looking horridly guilty. "it's just... horrible Katniss... how can the capitol do this to... people.." his eyes brightened. "we need a camera." he mused, smirking viciously. "we need several Camera's... we'll set them up in the trees, looking at the Peacekeepers... we'll show the Capitol what goes on here... and best of all, no one can blame the people here of doing it, because how would they get a hold of a Camera!?" he paused. "shit... how would WE get a hold of a camera?"
Lea giggled a little at that, "Oh.And finnick loves them."She said looking amused though she to didn't understand why. Annie rolled her eyes a little as she worked on making breadd, not about to ruin the absolute oblviousness that had survived. If they had managed to avoid finding out what the captiol hahd had planned for them, well that was all good.

"Ahhh, well they had the bad manners to do it on camera. For a whole country. I don't think you should worry about your couch."Haymitch pointed out snickering because while they had had actual sex in the arena, a few times had been close calls as lea'd sought to reassure herself that gale wanted her. Smirking at the other's complaint."Everyone's bigger than you." He said slumping onto the couch."Cinna. We need a outfit to go see the president in."

"Gale loves it, no matter what lea's doing."She pointed out frowning at him before sighing as she thought."We should."He muttered biting her lip before looking out the window thinking."The peacekeepers probably have some set up so they can watch everyone."She said after a moment's thought
Gale snorted. "no, Finnick loves to TEASE them... he only Loves Annie." Gale corrected, chuckling a little as he sucked down the entire plate of Sushi easily before looking startled. "oh... i'm sorry Annie..." he looked startled, as if he hadn't realized he'd eaten so much. he blinked a little and then stared at Lea, his head tilted. "your getting your color back." he admitted, looking so overjoyed by that.

Finnick snickered a little and shook his head. "did they really? i never saw that on the televisions." he admitted, looking amused as he shook his head a little. "they must have edited that out, you know how squeamish these capitol people are, affection is behind closed doors." along with the incest and whoring that went along with it. "and they are NOT!" Finnick complained, glaring at Haymitch. "i'm bigger than you and i can PROVE it!" "now now boys." Cinna complained, rolling his eyes. "none of that now." he stated pulling them into the house and sitting them down, running upstairs to gather their outfits. Finnick wasn't sure if Snow was sexually attracted to anything, let alone men... but Finnick had to look extra sexy for his plan to work... Haymitch could go jump off a bridge.

Peeta nodded and closed his eyes a little. "we'll contact someone we know on the outside... i don't know how but we'll do it." he muttered sleepily. "they'll rewire the camera's for us..." he was asleep suddenly, Rhubarb giggling. "i'm impressed he resisted the sleeping drugs for so long." she admitted grinning at Katniss, patting her hand. "he really will be alright, their shallow, he'll have some nice scars but they won't infect and he really hasn't lost any blood." she promised. "now, if you need to get the word out to someone, i know a way." she admitted smiling at Katniss. "who do you need to contact?"
Annie laughed softly shaking her head."No, its fine gale.Finn doesn't really like it, and it'll be good for you."She said. Lea laughed softly at his reaction to eating everything blushing as she nodded eating."I am?Well. You did make me take my medicine."She teased a little.

"Oh yea.I got to listen to the other two rant for hours about them being reckless."Haymittch said snickering a little before looking at finnick."They are to. Just like gale."Haymitch said with a smug look before looking at cinna as he came back down, raising a eyebrow at the clothes"Are you sure we have to wear these?"He said not because he didn't think he'd look good in them -after all cinna knew wht would make him look good- but he didn't want to appeal to snow like that.

Katniss looked startled at peeta dropping off to sleep efore nodding, "Okay.Good."She said realizing that peeta would be okay before looking up at her, thinking. Running her fingers through peeta's hair she nodded to herself before looking at rhubarb."Haymitch abernathy."
Gale relaxed a little and smiled before frowning. "but i didn't save you any..." he protested, looking worried before he smirked at Lea. "and i'll make you take it tomorrow too." he teased nuzzling her a little. "how are you feeling?"

Finnick snickered a little and shook his head. "i've never had the misfortune of having to listen to them rant." he admitted before glaring at Haymitch. "your just angry because i fucked everything you've ever loved..." he hissed hatefully before stalking off to get dressed, Cinna rolling his eyes. "you shouldn't do that Haymitch... his looks are all he has now." he admitted simply. "and their the only reason the Capitol leaves him and Annie alone." he admitted. "you, will be wearing this." he stated, shoving a black and white suite into Haymitch's hands. "get dressed quickly." he ordered. "and don't torment Finnick anymore!" he ordered firmly as he went to check on Finnick. when the other came out he looked completely dashing.he was masculine enough for the women, feminine enough for the men, his body accented by the spandex that clung to him, the blue, white and green made him look as if he was dancing in sea foam. he was a heart throb, and everyone knew it. no one could resist someone like Finnick when he put his whole self into it... and he was doing it now.

Rhubarb smiled a little and nodded a little as she kissed Katniss's forehead. "go to sleep, we have afternoon shift again tomorrow... do you need any painkillers? working for so long can really leave a person sore if their not used to it." she admitted. "also, is there anything specific that you need the message to say?"
"Its okay."Annie said smiling. Lea shrugged a little before standing,"I feel fine.Tired but not as bad as I had been."She said stretching, and it was true.She was still recovering but after not having to run, or do anything for a day she looke dbetter."Come on. Lets get a shower."

Haymitch narrowed his eyes at the other man but didn't respond to the words about his loved ones. It would do them no good, and they needed to be focused. "Shut up cinna."the man growled not about to admit to feeling bad at poking at finnick because he was nervous and scared. Picking up the suit he smiled slightly when he changed, stepping back out of the room as he glanced at finnick."You'll be lucky if the kitten doesn't want to roll around on you,sea foam."Haymith said softly, teasing him a little, the only way he knew how to say sorry, that soft light hearted teasing. Looking smashing in his own suit he sighed,"Ready to go?"

Katniss swallowed thinking about it before shaking her head."No.I'm fine.I worked alot."She muttered shifting to lay up on the couch with peeta, snuggling him carefully before sighing."Say...."She bit her lip thinking."Tell him we need the things we had in the games again.The important ones.And find a way to tell him where we are"Katniss said remembering what haymitch had said about sponsors and hoping the man would understand they needed some way for someone to watch them.
he smiled, clearly relieved that she was feeling better and he grinned at her as he watched her stretching, a spark of lust in his eyes again. "your so sexy." he purred playfully, kissing her happily as he followed her to the shower, clearly intending on flooding his mate with more pleasure... he was such a naughty boy.

Finnick smirked a little Haymitch's comment and gloated under the praise to his looks but shook his head. "nah, the Kitties are a little too engrossed with each other. they won't notice me." he admitted with a small laugh. "though they might try and play with my hair." he admitted flicking his long, pretty locks. "no i'm not ready." Finnick admitted sighing. "but we have to... i am not looking forward to this." he closed his eyes, swallowing thickly. "please... please don't let Snow be into men... PLEASE don't let Snow be into men." he whispered to himself, a plea to some god that he was sure didn't exist. he sighed and then put on his award winning smile and strutted down the road, not even bothering to wait for Haymitch. "just promise me one thing." he ordered once Haymitch caught up to him. "...don't get in my way and don't protest anything i say." he ordered firmly. "i'm playing a dangerous game and if i lose i won't be the only one loosing my life."

the girl smiled and nodded before setting out a cot for Katniss so she could sleep next to Peeta before heading to her own room to sleep and write the message. she said nothing about it in the morning, but nodded once to show that it had been sent as she carefully examined Peeta's back and smeared more smelly green stuff over his back. "thank goodness this stuff grows everywhere." she admitted suddenly. "we go through a lot of it around here..."
Lea lauged at annie's look as she scrampered off to the shower,cuddling her mate as she turned on the water, leaning against him, her back against his chest as she tugged his hands around to rest on her stomach."I'm getting huge."She muttered.

"One of them would anyways."Haymitch said looking slightly relieved as he realized that finnik was okay with him gin. Swallowing hard because he to ws hoping that snow wouldn't be into men. Giving the mn look at the award winning smile he followed absently, hands slid in his pockets, for all the world like he was taking a sunday stroll."I have no intention of getting in your way."He said swallowing hard as they walked into the presidental residence and was escorted up to snow's office.

Katniss looked relieved at both the message being sent and that they could help peet. Gently rubbing a hand over peeta's hair she smiled softly as he blinked."Feeling better?"She asked worried about him.
Gale chuckled a little as he rubbed her belly. "not really... if you think about it, there's an entire baby in there. your very small." he admitted nuzzling her. "and you look so beautiful." he admitted, smiling at her. "pregnancy gives you this amazing glow to your skin, like at any moment your going to sprout wings and take to the very heavens." he admitted smiling at her. "and you have this gorgeous sparkle in your eyes, that make me want to fall to my knees and propose to you again." he admitted smiling at her before pausing. "wait... i never did do that did i?" he asked, looking bothered. "i'm sorry Lea, i meant to... i was so sure i had..."

Finnick smirked a little and shook his head. "i'd let her play with my hair any day." he swooned, laughing a little as they walked down the road and into Snow's office, shuddering a little at the bloody rose smell as he sat down. "i hear your having a problem Sir... i'm here to fix it." Finnick admitted looking ever so pleased with himself as he spun a tale about how Katniss, Peeta, Gale and Lea where used by the bastards at district thirteen. how Gale had been experimented at the Capitol and then again at District thirteen. how all four of them just wanted to have their lives back and to stop running. "i know you've been looking for a spokesperson." Finnick admitted, smiling a little. "and i'd be honored to take the part." he admitted. "everyone already adores me completely." he admitted, giving his hair a flip. "and many of the Capitol wouldn't dare appose me, i have far too much blackmail on most of them. i'd gladly give you all their secretes in return for amnesty to Gale and Lea. i've grown rather attached to them you see, their such cute little pets." he admitted, looking amused. "after what those district thirteen bastards did to him, he's barley human anymore anyway, no threat to you or your cause, and Lea's too much of an innocent child." he admitted waving a hand.

"i'll reassure all of Panam that your in the right, and in return i get to keep Gale and Lea... you do owe me a favor after all." he admitted simply, shaking his head. "i never thought i'd actually ask you to return it, i've never wanted anything before in my life!" he admitted grinning. "but i want Gale and Lea so badly!" it was an astonishingly good deal. not only would Gale and Lea no longer be a threat to snow, but he would have a spokesperson so well known and loved that everyone would fall back in favor with him. and Finnick played his part so well too, the flippant spoiled brat, who only wanted two pretty people to play with, just as he always was in the capitol... it was no wonder everyone loved him, no matter the situation, he was just like the people he was with.

Peeta groaned as he woke, sluggish and groggy. "feel ok... numb..." he admitted, kissing her wrist. "i feel..." he paused, frowned and then. "i gotta pee." he complained with a small unhappy sigh. "but if i move it will hurt..." he admitted, looking torn. get up and go pee, or lay there and not hurt.... "help me to the bathroom will you?"
Lea pouted blushing as she looked over her shoulder at him, looking worried as she nuzzled her face against his chest."You proposed.Just not on bended knee."She said shifting, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, wanting to reassure him."I'm no angel."she said sighing softly.

Snow looked at the man thoughtfully, before looking at the older man leaning against the door. Well."If you can assure me that they will be no threat, then I will allow this to be your favor, finnick."Snow said as he stood straightening his clothes as he thought about what he was going to be asking from them. "Oh are they so entertaining to you, finnick?"Snow said looking interested in the amusement at the ide of wht finnick was offering to do for him.

"Good."He muttered before wrapping arm around him before helping him up, looking concerned for him as they walked."Are you sure you'll be okay here by yourself?"She asked worried about leaving him here while she went out to work.
he relaxed a little and smiled as he nodded. "you are too. your my Angel, my Spitfire, my Chickadee." he purred kissing her neck as he rubbed her belly. "my wonderful wonderful reason for living." he purred playfully in her ear. "my reason for waking, my reason for sleeping... and the reason why i have a hard on." he teased snickering a little.

Finnick grinned a little. "their no threat. they just want a safe place to live and to be left alone. Gale's very useful on the ships too, so long as he doesn't have a panic attack... then we have to lock him in the closet until he calms down." he admitted with an amused smirk. "he might be good in a fist fight but he's too feral to be of any use to those fools that are trying to revolt. idiotic bastards." everyone in the capitol 'knew' how much Finnick hated the revolting. said it made his peaceful life hectic. "their very entertaining." he admitted smirking. "i particularly enjoy it when they have sex on my couch." he admitted, looking playfully disgusted. "but they amuse Annie, and make sure she's not alone, and their useful around the house." he pondered. "i'll have to put in a new room..." he mused before smiling at Snow, looking as effortlessly seductive as always. "so it's a deal then? i get to keep Gale and Lea and the Peacekeepers will leave them alone, and in return i become your new spokesperson?" he asked, offering Snow his hand. "i have to admit, i think i'll enjoy being on camera again." everyone knew Finnick loved a chance to show off, he would be an excellent motivator.

he nodded and smiled at her. "rhubarbs mother comes back about three. i'll be fine in the three hours it takes for her to come home." he promised simply, kissing her forehead as he did his business and laid back down on the couch. "Katniss, come eat your lunch." Rhubarb ordered, carrying a bowl of thick pea soup for Peeta to carefully drink, spoonful by spoonful. Katniss got a sandwich with turkey. it was clear that where Rhubarb and her mother had taken in 'capitol failures' the Peacekeepers where giving them extra, and better food. or maybe it was another reason? who knew with them. "we'll be in the trees again." Rhubarb admitted, shaking her head. "i hate the trees..." she complained softly. it reminded her of her sister, Rue, and the song she always used to whistle at the end of the say.
Lea smiled softly shivering a little as he rubbed a hand over her skin. Nuzzling his neck she laughed softly."You're reason for everything?"She teased a little because it amused her to hear that. Before blushing hard."Your hard on?Thats my fault?"She teased a little.

Snow nodded looing at the two men before nodding towards haymitch."You will go home with him.Bring the girl here. She should be looke at by a real doctor, and not just sookie odair.She is a good doctor,"He said waving off finnick's protest, looking mused at the two's antics. Well. At least they would seem harmless.But this...thing with finnick dind't have as mny strings attatched s finnick thought, but it wouldn''t be finnick who would feel thing bindings."But she's not as good at the capitol doctors. You will bring her here, without her mate.The boy will be a hinderance to helping her."

"OKay."Katniss sighed before eating her lunch and helping peeta start to eat ebfore looking at him curious about what this was, why the two women were getting so much but it wasn't her place to complain."I kknow.I hate it to."She said because she to remembered the song that rue had sung for them.
Gale grinned a little and nodded. "yes, my reason for everything... and yes, this hard on is your fault because your too damn sexy." he teased chuckling a little as his hand slid lower and lower until it settled, just right, and slowly began to stroke her clit, his mouth settling onto her neck, sucking and licking ever so teasingly, barley fighting the urge to giggle. he just loved to make his lover moan.

Finnicks eyes narrowed at the President and sat up straighter in his chair. "i want your promise, your Guarantee that she won't be harmed. i have a hard enough time keeping Gale calm just from looking at her." he grumbled. "i don't want her being experimented on or tormented.. she's already sick i don't need her dead too." he stated, jealousy burning in his eyes as he spoke. Snow would merely think that Finnick was protecting his property. "and that goes for the baby too! that stays with me.. it's mine same as Lea is!" he glanced at Haymitch suddenly. "... we're going to have to find a way to distract Gale so he doesn't notice she's missing... he'll go ape shit..." he muttered, a little concerned.

Peeta ate his soup in a sort of haze, rhubarb explaining that the stuff on his back was mixed with a sedative to make him sleep through most of the pain Rhubarb sighed and glanced at the clock. "come on... it's time to get to work. the last thing we want to do is make those jerks come in and get us... that's twenty lashings right there." she admitted, shaking her head as she scarfed down the last of her lunch and helped Peeta settle onto the couch more comfortable before dragging Katniss out to join the others who where lining up.
Lea laughed softly at his teasing."Hmm I am sexy. Even pregnant."She muttered moaning as she leaned against him, wrapping her arms around him to kee from falling as her body reacted to the pleasure."Gale..."She whined softly nuzzling him with a sigh.

Snow frowned at him thinking it over. If he promised this, well he coud always break it or do exactly what he promised, within the words.The intent he was going to make her do....oh yes.IT wouldn't be harm, in fact...yesyes that would be good."I promise.Now go.And bring the girl back."Snow said gesturing them out of the office."We'll take him out on the boat.Tell him lea needs a certain kind of shell or something. Something rare enough he'll spend all day searching."Haymith said as tehy walked outside.

Katniss sighed shaking her head a little."I hate this."She muttered as tehy lined up, trying to not wonder about if haymitch had gotten their message yet, or if anyone had figured out where any of them where.
Gale smirked a little as he kissed her neck, and then her forehead, smiling a little as he ran his fingers around her before slipping inside oh so gently. "yes Lea?" he murmured softly, teasing her a little. "you want more?" he asked, smiling as he kissed her, slow and passionate.

Finnick stared at Snow, his eyes narrowed before he nodded. "fine." he grumbled, annoyed. "but you don't experiment on her!" he growled stalking out of the room, glancing at Haymitch. "...he's going to do something ... i know it...' he hissed, furious... but what other choices did he have? he could hide them, but then he and Annie would be punished. and Lea wouldn't allow that. "that sounds like a good idea, i'll send him out with Roxy." he decided. "she can keep him calm enough, we'll send some sedatives with her and leave some with Annie in case he panics..." Finnick decided, looking worried and almost afraid as a small child ran towards Haymitch and slid something into his hand before running off... it was the message that Katniss had sent.

Rhubarb nodded a little. "me too." she admitted softly. "still... we're not so bad off." she admitted sighing a little. "what with my mother... you know..." she colored a little and dropped her eyes and it was suddenly clear why the eldest was never around. she worked all day in the fields... and then worked all night as a whore. "plus we get extra for taking you in, so we're really doing pretty good. we can even afford the fancy medicine to help the whipped." she admitted before falling silent as they moved into the trees and got to work.
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