Lightening Strike

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Lea moned softly, whimpering as she held onto him her body melting under the touches."Ohh...yes."She muttered kissing him slowly, holding him tightly. "Oh please.."She swallowed hard.

Haymitch nodded a little as he glanced at the other."We did the best we could. And we'll just have deal with whatever snow's planning. Because lea'll never let you hide them if it's going to get you killed."He muttered before nodding."Gale'll freak,but it'll be okay."He said looking startled at the kid before looking at the message starting to laugh softly."I found the other kitties."He said glancing at finnick."Do you want me to go with you?"He asked tilting his head a little.

Katniss paled a little swallowing hard because it pained her to think about that. That was.. shuddering a little she bit her lip sighing softly."Good."She muttered moving into work already thinking bout what they needed to do, and hoping haymitch would figure out something soon.
he chuckled a little as he nuzzled her, his fingers twirling inside of her. he was a quick learner, he knew exactly how to pleasure his lover and he was using everything he'd learned. "please?" he asked smiling a little as he slowly turned her, kissing her deeply before gently pressing close, and slipping inside of her with a soft moan and a happy smile. "i love you."

Finnick sighed a little and shook his head a little. "i don't know what he's planning to do to her, but i know he's going to do something..." he admitted swallowing thickly as he glanced at the message. "no, you take care of the other two. no need to get you involved in this damn mess..." he complained softly. "i'll have to find a way to talk to her alone... Gale can't know about this..."

Rhubarb smiled a little at her and shook her head as she tossed fruit down to the catchers. not even the crack of the whip stopped the work this time, they all needed to eat, and they where all tired, the sooner the Harvest was done, the sooner they could rest for a while. Rhubarb was dragging her feet on the way back, so very tired. she was young, she should have been in school, instead she was working... they even had children out in the fields, picking weeds, thankfully they where always spared the whip. no five or six year old cried out in pain, but they too where frightened of the heavy handed Peacekeepers. things needed to change, and fast.
Lea moaned softly, shivering as she rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she laughed softly."I love you to."She purred a little laughing again as she nuzzled him."hmm I should have known I'd eventually get jumped in the shower."She teased.

Haymith nodded a little."Call me if you need anything."He said flicking a business card at the other, his private cell phone number on the back.Thank god coin wasn't smart enough to realize he'd stolen one of her cell phones for his personal use. Pausing as they got to the train station he tilted his head."Take her to sookie. Tell him she needs a intimiate exam or something, and it can only be her and sookie.Then let sookie tell her."

When they made it to the end, katniss sighed tiredly, slouching a little then yelping as her foot slid in the wet dewy grass, falling with a yelp, but unlike peeta she was ready for the snap of the whip and her arm whipped up. And despite how much it hurt, she let the whip wrap around her forearm as she stood, twisting her hand to grip the main part of the whip and pull the peacekeeper off balance. Because she hadn't been able to help but respond to being hurt for something so stupid.And hopefully, haymitch would be able to send this out to the rest of the world
he chuckled a little. "well, considering how much i love you, and water, why wouldn't i jump you?!" he asked, smirking almost wickedly as he nuzzled her neck, moving slowly, carefully inside of her happily. bringing her to the edge and over before he came as well, smiling at her happily.

Finnick grinned and pocketed the card, flashing Haymitch his own personal cellphone... but that one was much sleeker and high tech than anything that the Capitol would have... straight from district thirteen and their most intelligent people there. "remind me to have you sent one." he teased flashing Haymitch a smirk. "you know. for a slobbering drunk, your pretty smart." he teased clapping the other on the shoulder. "good luck with whatever you have to do." he stated with a sigh. "i have to go keep a kitty cat from clawing my face off...."

Rhubarb gasped, horrified as the peacekeeper fell, falling into the mud, but before Katniss could do anything a larger girl shoved Katniss out of the way, claiming the end of the whip for her own, Rhubarb grabbing Katniss before the other could protest as several of the peacekeepers fell onto the girl who had taken Katnisses place, beating her savagely while the rest of them where forced into the electrified gates of the living area. "Katniss are you insane!?" Rhubarb hissed, her eyes wide. "you have to keep your head down!" she was forcing herself not to hear the screams coming from the trees as the peacekeepers dragged the girl off. "your lucky Tamwin was there!" she complained shaking her head. "she takes the punishment most of the time... she knows what will happen..." she looked at Katniss, swallowing thickly. "promise me you'll never do that again?"
Lea laughed softly shivering as she came, closing her eye sas she leaned against him peacefully."I want to sleep now."She muttered sleepily, limp in his arms as he held her. Content to do whatever he wanted now.

Haymitch glared at him."Peeta made me promise to sober up.Damned brat."He grumbled because it annoyed him that peeta had bullied him into being sober, but he could do this for the children he'd come to care for to much."Don't worry. The kitten's mate will protect you."He said snickering as he got onto his own train and headed for 11.

Katniss growled in anger asshe was pulle away, letting the other girl convince her to calm down.Swallowing hard she nodded."I wont."She said tears filling her eyes because she hated that tamwin had taken her place, but she'd been to abused, to broken by the games to suffer punishment easily.Even if peeta suffered the same, it had changed katniss worse twisted her. Shivering she looked relieved as she realized the day was done. She needed peeta."Let's go."
he chuckled a little and carefully washed her clean, before picking her up and carrying her out of the shower, gently dressing her before carrying her down to the couch to snuggle her and rest. Gale didn't even twitch as Finnick walked in. he'd just gotten done talking to Sookie, explaining everything and his fears. she agreed that they should all just go into hiding, but if Finnick vanished then District Four would go on lock down, and people would starve. they couldn't all go into hiding, and it was too early to revolt, they couldn't risk it. "hey guys, Lea Sookie needs to see you, without Gale." he admitted blinking at the other. "she needs to do a... you know... intimate exam and i don't want him attacking Sookie thinking she's coming on to you." "i would ne..." Gale paused, thinking about that before shaking his head. "never mind... yes i would..." he grumbled, sulking a little. "can she finish her nap first?"

Rhubarb sighed a little and shook her head a little. "i don't think you could come back from what they do to the women." she admitted softly. "Tawin's a whore so... she's used to it. and they won't hurt her too badly because she's the best." she admitted walking inside and smiling as Peeta sluggishly looked up from the couch. clearly he'd only just woken up, but from the fact that his fact that his back was free of goop and was covered in bandages, Rhubarbs mother had been there and had taken care of him. "Katniss... your arm." he complained, zeroing in on her wound. "... did you step out of line?"
Lea whined softly, starting to stir, rubbing her cheek against gale's shoulder."No..I'm awake. I'll go now, and when I get back we'll take a nap."She said before following finnick over to sookie's, paling a little as the woman told her what was going on, looking up at finnick with wide and afraid eyes."What-what can I do?What will he do?"She asked knowing snow, she knew he was planning something, and she was scared of what would hppen.

Katniss sighed softly looking upset before smiling a little at the sight of peeta, moving over to sit on the couch next to him, cuddling down against him, needing the comfort, before wincing at his observant notice.She hadn't planned on tell him."I fell down... and had a bad reaction to being whpped.It's nothing.Don't worry."She muttered blushing a little because she was embarassed she hadn't been able to stop her reaction.
Gale grumbled a little and sulked and scowled and grumbled but let Lea go without a fight as long as Finnick escorted her... but if he so much as LOOKED!... Finnick had waved the threat off and Gale was left pacing the house in annoyance. Finnick stared at her when she protested and he laid the options out for her. they could all go into hiding, leaving District four to suffer, they could revolt, too early and would probobly fail, or she could go to the Capitol knowing she was going to be hurt... none of the options where ones that Finnick liked. "... he could do anything to you... he might rape you... he might induce labor and steal the baby... he might torture you... there's no telling.. i doubt he wants your baby but..." he shook his head. "i have no idea what goes through that damn mans head..." we can't tell Gale, no matter what you choose... we can't tell Gale...."

Peeta scowled a little and carefully held her, hugging her tightly. "your not used to being hit like i am..." he muttered softly. "of course you reacted... when i got hit i thought it was my mother... when you got hit your thought it was someone from the Games coming to kill you." he smiled unhappily at her. "it will all be alright." he promised kissing her forehead. "we just have to find a way to contact Haymich." Rhubarb had to smile. "he won't remember this in the morning Katniss." she warned. "mother gave him Dreamerie." she admitted holding up the bottle. "he's technically still asleep, he just doesn't know it. make him go back to sleep and explain everything in the morning."
Lea swallowed hard looking up at him, hating this but there wasn't anything else they could do."You'll take care of him?"She asked looking up at finnick, anxious because she was worried about what snow would do, and even if it cost everything, she needed to know that gale would be taken care of no matter what else happened. He'd sacerfied everything for her in the games, she could do this for him.

"We already did.Just sleep sweetheart."She muttered looking amused as she coaxed him to sleep. In the morning she sighed as she sat up, sitting up on her elbows, reaching for the knife she'd gotten from the kitchen at the knock on the door. "Sweetheart, if you answer the door armed, I'm knocking you on your ass."Haymitch said sarcastically from the other side of the door.
Finnick nodded. "i will... but i don't think Snow will do anything to kill you..." he admitted stroking the others hair. "he might lose my favor if he does that and as much as he hates to admit it, he needs me." Snow was well aware that the only reason why District four wasn't uprising was because Finnick handled all of the discontent. they barley even needed peacekeepers there. Snow also knew that he needed Finnick, to cast a wave of calm over Panam. everyone listened to Finnick, if the boy asked for a ceasefire for a week... people would listen. giving Snow the chance to think of ways to calm everyone down. no, Snow needed him, he wouldn't do anything to permanently hurt Lea... Finnick had to beleive that. "we're going to send Gale on a wild Goose Chase as it where." Finnick admitted. "we're going to send him out on a boat to collect something... by now news that you and Gale are here will have reached the peacekeepers here. they won't bother him."

when the door opened, it was not Katniss looking down her arrow at him, it was Peeta, his eyes alight with Fury that only a drug could give. "what are you doing here you backstabbing son of a bitch!?" he demanded, Rhubarb groaning as she stumbled down the stairs. "Parsley, put that down." she ordered, Peeta blinking sluggishly at Rhubarb. "it's not even loaded, what are you going to do? club him to death?" "... might..." Peeta mused. "where's Kat..we.. sage?" "taking a shower and refusing medical aid of course. come here and let me look at your back." Peeta complied, setting the crossbow on the ground, Rhubarb was right, it was unloaded. "don't mind him Sir, he's drugged to his eye teeth... can i help you?" she asked, blinking at him. "if you need medical attention have a seat at the table while i tend to Parsley." she ordered, laying Peeta back down and removing the bandages. his back still looked a mess, but it was healing nicely.
Lea nodded looking up at him, hugging him tightly before stepping back."Well, lets go send gale on his goose chase."She said sadly because it would hurt to leave him, but she'd protect him.She would. Heading back to finnick's she smiled wrapping her arms around him, nuzzling her face against his neck."Finnick was telling me about a rare blue black shell that's found in these parts. IT belongs to some kind of crab, but it's shiny and pretty and gale!Will you try and find it?You can swim better than anyone else."She said smiling up at him.

Haymitch frowned looking at the weapon before snickering a little."He wont club me. Now the other one might." "I would not. Stop being a ass."Katniss growled as she walked out of the bathroom freshly showered and looking amused as she sat down on the edge of the couch to stroke peeta's hair. "No. I came to take the two of them home. Well...the three of you if you want to come.I ound the other two."He said tilting his head slightly, wincing at the sight of peeta's back. That just looked nasty, and he had a desperate need to let sookie look at it, no matter what snow said, finnick's sister was a good healer.
Finnick held her back, closing his eyes as he struggled not to refuse to let her go. this had to be done, they all knew it. Gale was struggling to make a basket for Annie when they returned, and he abandoned it in favor of nuzzling his Mate before pausing. "a shell?" he asked, pondering that as Finnick nodded. "she also needs a type of Coral. Sookie says that if it's ground up and sprinkled on her food it should help with the weakness she's been feeling." he took a pen and a piece of paper and quickly etched onto the paper the exact crab and coral he would need as well as a kind of fish. "and we need this kind of fish too. it might take you several days to collect, but your the only one who can get them, no one else can dive as deep as you." Finnick admitted, Gale hesitating. "i can't go with, i need to make sure that my deal with Snow doesn't fall through... you won't need to fear the Peacekeepers now." he admitted handing them both shiny cards that said they where official members of district four, sighed and laminated by President Snow himself. that had Gale relaxing and nodding. "i can find them." he promised tucking the card into his pocket as he studied the piece of paper intently.

Rhubarb frowned a little as she watched Haymitch. "i cannot abandon my people..." she complained, examining Peeta's back before grimacing. "but he's right, you and Peeta need to leave... his back is gettign infected... i can't heal this..." Rhubarb admitted, her eyes filled with pain. "i can't leave the others Katniss... you understand that don't you?... you understand?" she pleaded. "i can't leave my mother or the other children... i just can't..."
Lea swallowed hard as she tucked the card into her poclet, leaning gainst gale as she closed her eyes, enjoying his presence and refusing to let the tears that kept misting her eyes fall.She much to leave him. Swallowing hard she nuzzled him a little,"You want to go to sleep?I could use a nap."She muttered just wanting to be alone with him until she had to leave in the morning.

"IT's alright.I understand."Katniss said cupping the girl's face in her hands."And I'm not abandoning you.I will come back and help you.But I have to take care of peeta."She said sounding pained that peeta's pain meant more to her then anything else, wincing as she helped haymitch get peeta to his feet, the man balanced between them."How are we getting out of here?" "The peacekeepers have my train waiting. We're going directly to district four."
Gale smiled as he held her, unaware of her terror and her pain as he nuzzled her happily. "yeah, i could use a nap." he agreed kissing her happily, nibbling on her lip before brushing his cheek against hers again and again, marking her, unhappy that she smelled like Sookie and Finnick, before picking her up and carrying her to the spare bedroom that had inexplicably been cleaned out of the junk that Finnick had collected.

she smiled and kissed Katniss's forehead. "it will be alright." she promised smiling at Katniss. "i know how to stay out of trouble." she promised. Peeta at least was easy to move. he was drugged to the point he was drunk, but was perfectly in control of his motor functions... he was just goofier than all hell and enjoying not being in pain for a while. "District four?" Peeta asked suddenly. "oh god... not more fish... i hate fish... stupid Gale and his stupid fish." Peeta complained as he climbed onto the train, crying in pain as he tried to sit down on the high backed chairs. he opted for going and laying on the bed instead, not wanting to hurt his back anymore than it already was. it was a good thing they where going to Sookie, because by morning his back was clearly infected. it was red and puffy and turning a sickly color. it wasn't pus filled yet, but the infection was clearly spreading. the only good thing was that he was too fevered to be in pain.
Lea smiled as she got up, smiling asthey settled down to nap.

Haymitch laughed softly."Oh, gale's got the fishing for all you."He said snickering a little before sighing as they headed out.

In the morning annie winced as she directed gale across the way to see katniss and peeta, figuring that he would be with them long enough before he went in search of lea's things that he wouldn't notice his mate was gone.

"You're escorting me to captiol?"Lea said looking up at finnick in surprise, having not really thought about how she was going to get there, and looking relieved as they got onto the train, looking so relieved to hae company.
Gale smiled as he bounded over to Katniss before looking horrified at Peeta's sweating Brow and labored breathing. the infection had gotten worse, and the boy was barley coherent even when not drugged to his teeth. he took Peeta in his arms, yelled to Lea that he was taking him to Sookies and took off at a trot to the healing Woman's, carefully laying Peeta on his belly. it would turn out, not to be an infection, but a serious allergic reaction to the green gunk that Rhubarb had been using, which was why Peeta was covered in a rash and was swelling so badly.

Finnick nodded. "yes, i'm taking you to the Capitol. if Gale comes back Annie is going to tell him that i took you shopping for better shoes." he smiled at her. "you do need better shoes." he knew Lea's feat where hurting from her growing belly. "i'll escort you as far as i can, and spend the time i can't be with you buying things... i think if i'm there, Snow won't try to keep you... he wouldn't dare, he doesn't want me running off to District Thirteen. he watched her as they sat on the train and finally moved over to him, holding her gently. "i'm so sorry you have to do this..."
Sookiescowled as she took are of the boy before sighing looking at the three hovering people "Don't worry. He'll be fine.He just needs a few days rest." "You're sure?"Haymith said scowling a little, anxiousabout peeta. "Yes. Though those shells gale was lookingfor for lea, can be used for his back to.Ground up they're a good medicine."Sookie said looking at gale, as if she hadn't jsut made it up on the spot."You'll have to find alot. To have enough for both lea and peeta."

Lea shuddered looking worried before laughing."I do need better shoes.'She said giving a watery giggle, rubbing her face to get ride of the tears as she leaned into him."Snow wants something. Not even your presence can stop him from doing it."she said sounding so sad because she had every belief that she wasn't going to get to go home to gale."you'll take care of him, wont you?"She muttered looking up at him.
Gale worried his lip as he watched Peeta, his head tilted a little as he studied the other. he hated seeing his freind hurt. "i'll bring back as many as i can find." he promised, how was he supposed to know that could take him weeks just to find one for Peeta and one for Lea? he didn't, though he'd never be gone that long. he'd go out a few days, come back snuggle with Lea for a dfay and then go back for a couple more.... but it was still plenty of time for him to be gone. "i'll go and get my bag." he decided. "i'll see you guys in a few days." he kissed Sookie and Katnis's cheek, avoided Finnick when the guy tried to give him one too, and vanished. he would be out to sea for some time.

he smiled a little as he nodded. "if he takes you... then i will lead my own damn revolution. district thirteen is a piece of shit, but so is the capitol... just because it's good at district four, doesn't mean that it's good everywhere else... Snow knows what i will do, i know he knows and i also know that he knows what will happen.... half the people at the Capitol i have blackmail on." he admitted simply. "the other half simply love me because i'm pretty... the Districts will follow me because i'm offering them true freedom..." he shrugged his shoulders, well aware they where being watched, he could see the camera right there watching him, and he was sure Lea could see it too. "but i don't have the ambition, i'm content in my life..." he admitted simply, smiling at her. "but your my Family Lea... and i will do everything in my power to keep you."
Katniss sighed watching him go. This was going to be interesting. "How are you feeling?"She asked softly sitting down on the edge of the bed, gently stroking peeta's hair. Worried about him so much that she wasn't even considering where lea was.

Lea looked thoughtful before smiling."Not to mention, the kitten would rip you apart if you didn't come after me."She teased paling a little as she felt teh train starting to slow, looking up at finnick as they stepped off the train, looking scared and worried."You'll stay?"She whispered holding his hand as they walked towards the president's house.
Peeta whimpered a little as he rested his head against her hair. "Kat.... it itches..." he whimpered. "it hurts...." he muttered, drowning in pain and fever that he couldn't censor himself anymore. "itches..." he whispered, blinking at Sookie and frowning a little. "...w..where are we?... not the Capitol?.... please, not the Capitol..." he pleaded softly.

Finnick snorted a little. "i'm not afraid of him!" he stated loftily before grimacing. "but unfortunately he would break my pretty face and i just CAN'T have THAT!" he complained shaking his head as he smiled at her. "of course i'll stay with you... for as long as i can,: he promised, holding her hand as well as he walked her to Snow's mansion, his eyes narrowed a little as he struggled to understand what would happen when they walked inside and met with Snow. inside they went and he sat her down before flopped gracefully into his own chair. "as promised, i brought the girl."
"Shh its okay.I promise."Katniss looked at sookie who nodded, beore gently pressing her fingers against his back, trying to ease the ictching, pressing a kiss to his hair."No not the capitol.We're with finnick odair, and gale and lea's here. He's getting medicine for you."She said not about to tell him where lea was, where she was going to protect them all.

"And she's such a pretty girl at that."The elder president smiled a little as he walked closer, looking at the girl as he trailed his fingers down her heek, looking amused as she trembled."I assume you require that you stay here with her?"he asked because finnick was going to regret the fact that he had offered to stay just when he figured out what snow had planned.
he relaxed at the promise that they where not at the capitol and shuddered at the hand on his back, it hurt, gods it hurt, but it also eased the itching... he couldn't decide if it was worth it or not but as she rubbed the pain eased a little and he sighed, relaxing a little against her. "Finnick?" he complained. "oh god... not him..." he complained. "he's so... PRETTY." he complained, as if that was a bad thing. but he knew Katniss would understand. for Peeta, there was pretty, girls who where nice to look at but where frivolous and vapid and just an annoyance. and then there was beautiful, people like Katniss who where pretty to look at and had just as much of a personality to go with it... he knew she wouldn't be insulted because he had never called Katniss pretty, he always called her beautiful.

Finnick smirked at snow before he felt his belly drop to his toes. "oh my god..." he hissed, horrified. "you want your sick!" he hissed, gripping her hand tightly. "...i won't leave her." he growled his eyes narrowed at Snow. "...i can't convince you to..." he shuddered, clearly disgusted, but he continued anyway. "use me instead?" he asked. "Lea is sick... you shouldn't put her body under that much strain..." anything to save her from what he feared Snow was going to do. "please Snow... use me instead..."
Katniss laughed pressing a kiss to his forehead."Awww sweetheart he's not so bad.He thinks your pretty to."She said smiling a little before sighing softly, wondering just what was going on."Peeta, if the worst you have to worry about is how pretty finnick is, it's a good day."She teased kissing him gently.

Snow smirked as he walked around her chair absently stroking her hair as he watched her tremble. "I think not. I have had you fear me before. She is new."He said smirking a little laughing as he realized lea didn't understand what they were talking about."Besides, her here with me will keep her pretty little kitten from attacking me. He wont risk her."
he growled a little and frowned. "he's ugly inside... he can't be trusted... he's a capitol lap dog.. he's turn us in!..." he complained, fidgeting, upset that they where there. "we need to run.. the peacekeepers will come... we'll be turned into Mutts...." he complained, panting hard as he closed his eyes and promptly passed out, too tired to stay awake, limp in Katniss's arms. but with Sookie there he would recover quickly.

he shuddered as he watched her, swallowing thickly as he bit his lip, looking distraught. "please... Snow..." he pleaded softly, staring at the other. "...i can find people.. prettier than her... better...." his hand settled on hers, warning her not to say anything. "they'll be terrified of you... i can find you anyone you want..." he swallowed thickly, turning his head away as he realized that he was only making Snow want her eve more. "i'm sorry Lea... i never thought you would be pulled into the same life i lived... the same like as poor Peeta..." not that Peeta would ever admit to being blackmailed into being a whore. for that matter neither would Finnick. "i'm sorry Lea..." he whispered. "i won't leave you, i promise..." not unless she told him to... he could understand her not wanting him to see... he could only hope they could keep this a secrete from Gale... at least Lea wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant by Snow...
Lea looked scared swallowing hard,"Stay. Please."She whispered looking so scared as snow petted her hair pulling her to her feet. "Hmm you are going to be fun."Snow said smirking as he wrapped a arm around her waist, "Now finnick, see yourself to getting drinks and whatever else you want."he said smiling as he left with the girl.

A few days later lea whimpered softly as she sat down on the couch next to finnick, looking pale and shaken but overall healthy. After...everything, she was looking positively hale actually. "How's gale?"She ased glad that snow was busy with work, looking anxious as she wrapped her arms around finnick, needing the comfort and feeling espicially emotional considering how pregnant she was getting.
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