Lightening Strike

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Peeta nodded and ran off to gather their bags. he joined Gale and Lea in the doctors room. Gale groaned and growled as he started waking up, rubbing his eyes a little. "of course you can." the doctor promised holding up a leather pouch. "this has new needles, and enough sedatives to last several months." he promised handing the pouch to Lea. "he gets half a needle full, any more than that and he might get sick." he warned handing Peeta a backpack. "this has bandages, medicine, food, and water... don't tell anyone i've helped you, i'll get in trouble." he warned watching them, hesitating before helping them to stand the drowsy Gale up. "good luck, and be careful." the doctor warned smiling at them before leaving so that Gale could wake up and they could get going. "what's going on?" Gale asked, blinking a little. "...are we going somewhere?" he asked, noticing all of the bags. "...i'm in trouble for trying to bash that Mark's head in, aren't i?" he asked blinking a little as Peeta shook his head. "no, if you where anyone else they'd have understood... we think Coin is trying to get rid of us... it's better just to leave, we can find a place to hide for now and then we'll help the rebellion properly instead of sitting underground and rotting." he decided, Gale brightening a little at that. "i like that idea..."
Lea smiled as she slid a arm around gale's waist on the other side to help him walk as katniss carried their bags."We'll get things started.We will."She muttered glad to get things moving now.They'd be okay.

A few days later lea sighed sleepily as she curled up against the tree, shivering a little as she waited for the others to come back.Having gotten yelled at for trying to hunt and help,she'd been regulated to staying with their stuff while the others hunted. and while they were slowly moving away from 13, she was worried about wht was coming. Sighing softly as she rubbed a hand over her stomach as it growled she was trying to hide just how shivery and sick she was feeling.The others didn't need anything else to worry about.And she knew gale, she knew that as soon as he realized she was sick he was going to drag her to the nearest town he could find, no matter if it was safe or not. And she couldn't put them in danger.
Gale had proven almost invaluable in the woods, his sharp sense of smell and sharp sight allowed him to see thing that the others couldn't, namely, the trip wires, traps, and other such things that surrounded the District Thirteen. then he proved invaluable again in the lakes and ponds, swimming so effortlessly that it was no problem for him to find and catch the fish and harvest the shellfish that he could find. Katniss did most of the vegetable gathering, since somehow Gale had completely forgotten all the edible plants and kept trying to bring back things that... really shouldn't be eaten... and for some reason he had a sudden terrible fear of small spaces, and had completely refused to go into a cave with them opting to stand guard outside instead.

he was fretful though, fussing over making sure Leanna was as comfortable as possible, making sure she had the best food, the best fish, the best sleeping and resting spots. Peeta even gave up spots when Gale ordered him to, not wanting to upset Gale... and because he wanted to make sure Lea was comfortable as well... in all honestly Peeta found Gale amusing, especially when the boy got distracted by a frog and spent twenty minutes trying to catch the damn thing. Gale returned suddenly, soaking wet and shirtless, his shirt used as a holding bag for the hundreds of clams he had dug up from the lake. "look what i found!" he chirped, grinning at her as he gave her a kiss, pausing. "Lea?... you alright? you look..." he froze suddenly and leaped to his feet, his eyes wide. "...Mutts!!! THERE ARE MUTTS!" he pursed his lips and whistled the warning note. they always stayed in whistling distance. the sound was repeated by Peeta, and then the loud, shrill scream of a Mutt filled the air. "Leanna!" Gale yelled, grabbing her, picking her up bridal style, and taking off.
Katniss cursed as she already started towards peeta, glad that she gale had gone back to lea. At least she knew the pregnant woman would be safe. Gale would make sure that she got somewhere safe. And now if she could just protect peeta. Cursing as she ran into the clearing she drew her bow. Hesitating for only a moment before firing at the one holing peeta, jerking him away."Come on. Lets go.We have to go."she scowled as she pulled him towards the woods. Glad that lea wasn't with them, they'd move faster, an gale was strong enough to protect lea.

"Oh, that's good gale."Lea smiled looking amazed at the clams before paling as he picked her up feeling dizy as she buried her face into his chest as he ran, jerking at his arm a little."Gale. Go back.We have to help them."She sid even if she knew he wouldn't be gong back until gale got her somewhere safe.
Peeta was struggling against a lizard like Mutt that looked wickedly lethal, kicking at it violently as it's massive mouth reached for his face, ready to tear Peeta's face of. Peeta snarled, grabbing the knife from his boot, driving it upwards into the creatures belly, gutting the creature. he staggered as he was jerked away and he ran with Katniss, panting hard. "damn thing snuck up on me!" he complained. "it came out of the water!" he snarled, following her, his face smeared with the blood from the Mutt. "are they after one of us, or after Lea or Gale do you think!?" he demanded, pausing as the remaining two screamed and came after them. "well, that answers that question." Peeta complained, grimacing a little. "we'll have to lead them away from Gale and Lea." "Peeta, peeeeets, peeta!" the two mutts howled, excited by Peeta's scent, proving that it was him they wanted.

Gale growled as he spoke, leaping over a river, simply running. he didn't dare stop, or pause, and by the time he was forced to he was sweating, heaving for air as he staggered and nearly dropped her, falling to his knees instead and carefully laying her on the ground, kneeling over her, shielding her body with his as he gasped hard, struggling to catch his breath as he quivered above her. he needed to rest, but they needed shelter more. his eyes where wild, panicked, running on instinct, the Mutts had thrown him into another panic, but it was clear that they weren't coming after him or Lea.. they where safe, for now. the Mutts only wanted Peeta. Gale dropped hi head, nuzzling Lea's neck, a low whimper falling from his lips, waiting for her to move, as if afraid she'd been hurt somehow.
Katniss winced as she realized who they were after, panting as she ran."Run. Andn then we'll fight."She panted as she ran through the woods because it scared her to consider what would happen if gale was forced to fight. At least they had someone to watch their backs. Lea had grown pregnant enough, clumbsy enough that she coudnt fight without being more of a liablity. Shooting a arrow and smirking as the thing screamed she pointed towards the water."The river!Get in the river. We'll run through it."

Lea winced as he set her down rubbing her hands over him to make sure he was okay moving slowly turning her face into his neck."I'm okay. I'm okay."She muttered promising him even as her face turned into his neck, bringing her heated feverish skin aginst his bare skin. Having been careful to not do it since she had realized she was sick, but now she was to rantic to scared to think clearly.
he nodded, running quickly alongside her, glad that Lea wasn't with them. even with gale carrying her, the two never would have been able to outpace those Lizard Mutts. he turned as she did, leaping across the river, gasping as he pointed. "there! a Train track!" he hissed. "there should be a train coming!" he admitted looking up at the sky. "if we can get across at the right moment, the Mutts will be cut off from us by the train and we can get a good ways ahead of them." he panted. "we might even be able to hide on the train if it's not moving too fast. we'll hitch a ride to... wherever... Gale will keep Lea safe..."

he panted relaxing as she moved, panting hard, his chest heaving as he shuddered above her, nuzzling her neck, rubbing his chin and cheek along her, scenting her because he wasn't sure what else to do. "your hot..." he muttered softly. "...sick?" he asked, looking horrified and worried as he stroked her hair a little, kissing her forehead before picking her up carefully, staggering to his feet and continuing on, not running this time, just walking. he settled her into a wide cave, and started a fire and wrapped her up in a warm blanket. "stay..." he ordered firmly, hesitating then. "rest." he ordered before hesitating again before kissing her forehead. "i'll get food." he promised, looking around before realizing in shock that they where on a beach.. a BEACH! full of sand an when he stuck his head in the water he was shocked to realize that it was SALTY!
Katniss nodded as she turned her head hearing the sound of a train looking at peeta worriedly at his leg, but they could get on. They could.And just as the train whipped by them as they reached the tracks she reached up grabbing the railing and dragging peeta with her, sighing relieved as they both tumbled on."We're safe."She muttered panting as she laid there on the floor watching the mutts get left behind.

No...not sick."lea muttered looking up at him with feverish eyes because she didn't want him to worry, but instead of protesting like normal she let him cary her. Let him tuck her in and leave her behind as she fell asleep. Only waking when a kind woman shook her shoulder, "darling?Can you hear me?" "can...go away..."Lea muttered. "oh sweetheart. You're sick...come on, I'm going to get you to the doctor..."Annie said and picked the girl up and headed for home to wait for finnick. She might not be as strong as finnick, but she was a former victor and strong enough to pick up this whisp of a girl. Not recognizing the woman, but knowing that finnick would know what to do.He always did.
Peeta yelped as he was flung onto the train, rolling across the floor as he shook his head, watching the Mutts be whisked away, grabbing Katniss. "shh! this is a TRAIN Katniss." he hissed softly. "the only people who have trains are the Capitol, we need to find a place to hide until it stops." he whispered, tugging her over to a large pile of tarps and boxes, lodging both of them deep in the pile so that they where well hidden, but no one came into the last car the entire time, not until the train finally stopped, and then it was flooded with people, Peeta looking at Katniss. "...on three, we dart... ready? one... two..t.." "shhh, don't move!" a voice suddenly whispered, a pile of clothes dropped onto them. "there's no Capitol people in here yet, get changed, and line up... do exactly as we do..." the voice whispered before joining the ranks in a single file. Peeta looked astonished, the woman looked just like Rue, only several years younger... she couldn't have been any older than eight, maybe ten.

he smiled at her. "of course not." he murmured softly, stroking her hair before leaving to get food for her. it was hours before he returned, and when he did it was in Annie and Finnick's home. "Annie! i'm home!" Finnick called. "and i brought a dinner guest! a half drowned Manatee!" "I AM NOT A MANATEE!" Gale roared. "and i don't have Time for dinner! i just need food and then i have t go back to my mate!.. i mean, i have to go back to Lea!" he complained before pausing, blinking at her on the couch. "LEA!" he chirped, diving for her. "lea sweetie? are you awake? did these people hurt you? that bastard nearly drowned me." Gale growled, glaring at Finnick who smirked. "so you weren't just making up a woman..." he kissed Lea's fingers, intending on flirting with her before pausing. "god... your burning up!" Finnick gasped before his eyes widened. "oh...OH! your Leanna! and Gale! you... your the ones that ruined the games!" Finnick hissed, looking at Annie. "we can't let the Capitol find them!"
Katniss swallowed hard fear widening her eyes as she did as he told her to, glad that they were on the train and away. Nearly yelping as the clothes got dropped on her she changed quikly before following into line with the others, trying to look unlike herself, even undoing her braid to let her hair fall around her face as they moved outside, trying not to think about how much she looked like rue.

Annie smiled."So did I."Annie smiled looking amused at gale's reaction to being a manatee."He doesn't look like a manatee."She pointed out before looking at the girl on the couch, who was blinking slepily at them all."I'm not hurt.Cold."She muttered snuggling down into the blanket she was wrapped up in, nuzzling gale's hand as she looked her over. Annie sighed before nodding."President coin of district 13 turned them out for reasons she's not coherent enough to say. She stayed away enough to say they'd been living in the wild. I think she picked up something, and her body's not fighting it well."Annie nodded looking up at finnick scared and worried."I didn't want to call the doctor because of who she is,but Finn she's still pregnant.And sick."
Peeta couldn't exactly unlook like himself, so he adopted an idiots expression like several of the others had, like they where drugged, brainwashed, or brain-dead. as soon as they where lined up, Peacekeepers appeared and started shoving them out of the train, marching them into the Gates of the living quarters and slamming a heavily barbed fence once they where inside the housing district, the Rue look alike sighing softly as she smiled at Katniss and Peeta. "come with me... my mother can hide you." she promised, leading the way down the street. "it's a good thing they didn't recognize you, Peeta is a wanted man... they've been offering rewards." the little girl admitted. "i'm Rhubarb." she admitted beaming at them. "Rue was my sister." she admitted smiling at Katniss. "Mint and Turnip are my cousins." she admitted, smiling at her. "they made it out of the Games just fine." she promised, smiling a little as she took Katniss's hand and led her into a house. "Mom! we have hideaways!"

Finnick chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i pulled him out of the sea in my nets." Finnick admitted with a small chuckle. "he was snapping and snarling like some wild animal, i had to lock him in a closet for an hour before he calmed down." Finnick admitted frowning a little as he moved to a closet and pulled out another blanket, laying it over her. "Coin kicked us out because of me." Gale admitted, looking guilty. "because i hurt someone..." Finnick lifted an eyebrow, startled. "it wasn't my fault! the bastard was flirting with Lea! he wouldn't stop!" Gale complained, gently stroking Lea's hair, Finnick hesitating. "i know someone who can help." Finnick admitted. "she won't tattle about Lea being here..." he promised kissing Annie's forehead. "make some soup alright love? try and get her to drink some fluids." he ordered heading out of the house and into District Four. there wasn't a peacekeeper in sight, there was no sign of a resistance at all. but then, it was a Career District.
Katniss paled a little as they walked trying to look calm as she nodded following the girl into te house,breathing a sigh of relief at the girl's words."Good.I was afraid they'd been hurt when no one told us what happened."She muttered before smiling at the woman who walked int the room. "Hel-"Janice stopped staring for a moment before hustling both victors into chairs."Sit sit, you two look ready to fall over."She said fussing just as much as any mother would.

"No your fault...wouldn't stop touching me."Lea said sighing softly as she looked up at gale with a smile, reaching up to take his hand, "I'm okay.Don't worry."She muttered listening to annie as the woman got her some soup, sipping it as gale fed it to her.

The woman glanced up startled as finnick stepped into her home, tilting her head at her younger brother."Finn.What is it?"the eldest odair stood from her kitchen table looking at him worried as she studied him, gently tucking his hair behind his ears."Is it annie?"Sookie muttered tilting her head.
Peeta smiled a little as he shook his head before blinking as Rhubarb hesitated. "well they... they weren't exactly unhurt.." the girl admitted softly shaking her head. "Mint is still bedridden with crushed rubs and Turnip..." she hesitated. "well he's... he went mad a little bit... but no one bothers them anymore." she admitted softly. "not even the Peacekeepers." she admitted smiling at them softly as she let her mother fuss over the two, moving to made a vegetable broth. they only had a few vegetables, it wasn't harvest season, so they where only given enough food to keep from starving to death. "thank you Ma'am, for taking us in." Peeta said softly. "we've been running for so long i've forgotten what sitting in a chair feels like..."

Gale smiled as he nuzzled her gently, looking at Annie with eyes that where slitted and catlike. normally he could hide them easily, but he was emotional and upset. "do you think she's going to be alright?... it's not an infection is it?" he asked, worried as he carefully fed Lea her soup, fussing carefully over her, rubbing his cheek along hers, trying to comfort her, and making sure she smelled like him. "everything will be alright, i promise..." he muttered softly, stroking her hair. even if he had to turn himself into the Capitol.

Finnick smiled as he walked into the house. "for once... no, it's not Annie and it's not me either." he admitted, not wanting to count how many times his sister had to patch him up after a rough day at sea or a harsh day of whoring himself out for the Capitol. "we have a situation." he explained and quickly explained that Lea was there, pregnant, and very sick and hiding from both Coin, and the Capitol. "can you come help?"
Janice smiled a lttle as they ate, looking concerned."Poor dears."She muttered looing concerned."What are you going to do now?"She asked because she knew these two, tehy wouldn't be content to sit around and do nothing, now that they didn't have to worry about lea or gale, they were going to fight. "We should try and find gale and lea. She wasn't looking to good, and he'll panic."katniss said looking anxious.

Lea smiled gently stroing his hair trying to calm him down, but to feverish to be reassuring. "She'll be fine. Sookie'll be over soon."Annie said watching the two looking worried."Don't do anything stupid. Gale please."Lea muttered already sensing where his thoughts had gone, comforted by his nearness and marking.

Sookie looked startled at that before nodding."Of course."She said already leaving the house with him her small backpack over her shoulder already thinking about what could be wrong before walking in. Looking at gale she looked startled at the cat eyes before swallowing hard.Deciding to treat him like any wild animal when approaching their mate."Gale?Can I look at Lea?I'll be able to make her feell better."She said slowly and gently. Having wathed the games she knew he was intelligent, but she was afraid whatever captiol had done to him had broken him.
Peeta hesitated at the question of what they where going to do, looking at Katniss. "Gale will protect Lea... and i don't even know where they are, let alone where we are... how are we supposed to get back to them? we're locked in..." he complained blinking at Katniss before hesitating. " you guys have a rebellion?" " we tried but they... they crushed us completely.." Rhubarb admitted softly. "we're lucky their even still feeding us..." she admitted softly. "not that they give us much..." Peeta looked at Katniss. that in itself would get Katniss going, she already felt like she owed these people because of Rue, she wasn't going to be able to help herself... besides, it would make them both feel better to help these people.

Gale frowned at her. "i wasn't thinking anything..." he complained, nuzzling her gently, smiling at her before growling as Sookie entered, Finnick hesitating, startled by the cat eyes. Gale bit his lip, studying Sookie before nodding and moving away from Lea so that Sookie could look Lea over, Finnick blinking at Gale. "so... the eyes are?..." he asked hesitantly Gale looking startled. "eyes?...oh... sorry." his eyes turned back to normal and he smiled sheepishly. "it's... the Capitol.. did something..." he admitted, Finnick nodding. "experimentation... they'd be doing it to me if i wasn't their lap dog." Finnick admitted shrugging his shoulder a little. "their trying it on a lot of the districts, District Eleven mostly, their trying to brainwash everyone so that they can't up-rise... so far their just killing brain cells..." he admitted, wrinkling his nose a little. "their disgusting."

"...then why are you their lapdog?" "because they;ll hurt Annie and Sookie if i'm not. besides, right now our District is very well off. we haven't up-risen yet so we're getting plenty of food, freedom..." he shook his head. "it makes it easier to plan in the background." he admitted. "Plan?" "me and Annie are leading the rebellion here. we're waiting until the last moment, when the Capitol will never suspect. we have weapons stocked up, we're hoarding food and medicine... we'll be able to fight for months this way, and hopefully the Peacekeepers here will be so shocked that they won't be able to fight back." Gale pondered and then smirked. "that's devious." he stated, a smug sounding purr in his voice. "i like it."
Katniss growled a little at the idea of that before nodding."Well then.We'll just have to rely on gale to take care of lea.And we'll take care of things here."she said laughing softly at janice's startled face before looking at peeta, "We should get some sleep before we start planning things."She said smiling a little her heart aching at the idea of what was going on here. She had to help them.

Annie smiled nodding."We try. And we're career tributes, so they don't expect rebellion from us."she said before looking at sookie as the woman stood and came over, "She has konshir's sickness."She muttered looking at gale, already raising a hand to stop his anxiousness."It's treatable, it's caused by not eating right. And once she starts eating well again, she'll be fine. I promise. She'll recover."She said looking atgale."She'll need rest. And the baby's fine."She said looking anxious."You did the best you could. You saved her gale, and got her help. You did well."She reassured him not wanting to make him feel bad.
Peeta nodded a little as he tugged on his own platinum blond hair. "...we're going to need to disguise ourselves..." he muttered softly, glancing at Katniss. "i stick out like a sore thumb against all these dark skinned folks..." he glanced at her. "so do you for that matter..." "oh that's easy! you where transferred. we get them all the time." Rhubarb admitted grinning a little. "all the failed experiments from the Capitol come here, just act really stupid and no one will suspect a thing... though you do look too much like yourselves..." she admitted. "someone might recognize you... we are going to have to disguise you somehow..."

Gale whimpered at the information about having a disease, his eyes wide, frightened, but relaxed at the promise that it was treatable. "so.. fish and shell things are not good for her?" "not if that's all she's eating, no... she needs fruits and vegetables too, and if she's not used to fish some of the chemicals in fish might make her sick." Finnick admitted calmly. "it wouldn't hurt her normally, but being pregnant the baby is sucking out the nutrients it needs from her very body. we'll get her plenty of good food and she'll be better in no time." Gale hesitated, stroking her hair. "your sure that she's going to be alright?" he asked, his eyes flickering from human to feline in his distress. "there has to be something i can do..." "well, your a very good fisher, you can come out with me tomorrow, go fishing.. there's some sea plants that i'll show you that can boost her system and get her a lot of the vitamins that she needs." Finnick promised. "plus you'll get money from everything that you bring in, which can get her some medicine..." Finnick promised, smiling a little as he watched Gale hesitate. "...would you be alright here alone?" Gale asked, stroking Lea's cheek. "you need to rest..."
Katniss looked thoughtful laughing softly at the sight of peeta tugging on his hair, reaching out and leaning over to kiss him lightly."You do look like yourself."she teased before looking worried."We culd dye his hair. Even if its just dirty blond instead of platinum it'll be easier."She said flicking her own hair."And I'll cut mine."She said looking worried.

"It's good in moderation.We'll recover gale, I promise."sookie promised. "Don't look so worried...I'm okay."Lea smiled sleepily up at gale as he stroked her hair, shifting to nuzzle her face against his hand, reaching out from under her blankets, trying to tug him down next to her. Annie smiled a little."She wont be alone.I'll be here with her during the day."Annie said watching the two something sad and tender in her face. Upset with everything that these two children had suffered like her and finnick, that they had been torn apart because of snow's machinations. "Tired."Lea muttered.
Peeta smirked at her a little and shook his head a little. "i think i might go red." he admitted. "it will explain my pale and pasty skin color that way." he admitted before pouting at her. " can't cut your hair.. i LOVE your hair!" he complained, frowning unhappily. "it will grow back you know." Rhubarb promised, smiling a little as she went and got the hair dye and the scissors. for the hair dye, they just used crushed berries, and Peeta found himself even paler than ever, his red hair clashing with his soft green eyes, he didn't look anything like himself.

Gale smiled a little and nuzzled Lea gently, kissing her carefully as he slid onto the couch, carefully moving her so that she was laying on him, his warm body offering her even more warmth, a loud purr emanating from his chest, Finnick barley restraining from laughing as he heard Gale actually purring. "that's kind of weird." "Capitol." Gale stated, as if that explained everything as he held Lea. "go to sleep." Gale ordered Lea, gently stroking her hair. "i'll stay here all night with you. i promise." he murmured, smiling at her. "i'll bring you lots of sea goop to make you feel better tomorrow." he promised, Finnick smirking a little. "sea goop? really... you have no idea what you've been eating do you?" "not a clue, i mean, i ate a frog the other day." he shrugged. "Katniss does most of the harvesting since i can't remember what's edible and what's not..."
"You'd look good red."She smiled looking interested at the idea before blushing slightly at his words."I have to cut it."She pointed out giggling a little at peeta's words, smirking as he looked over at peeta, gently tugging on his red hair."It looks good on you."She muttered leaning over to kiss him lightly.

Lea shivered a little as she burrowed closer to gale sighing softly as she rested against him, "sea goop would be nice....and fruits.I want something else..."She muttered falling asleep, looking so adorable laying there on top of him. "Well then. We''ll just have to teach you about what your eating, and wht you need. Get some rest gale."Annie muttered leaning over and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
he chuckled a little as he let the women rub the red dye into his hair, wrinkling his nose a little. "it's... funny looking..." Peeta complained as he examined himself in the mirror that Rhubarb held up for him. "but i guess no one will ever recognize me..." he mused grinning as Rhubarb started working on Katniss's hair. cutting here and snipping there until it barely curled around her jaw. "there! completely unrecognizable!" she chirped grinning at her. "without your braid and you being on fire in some manner or another no one will ever recognize you!" she teased giggling a little Peeta considering Katniss before grinning. "you know, you look sexy with short hair."

Gale smiled a little as he held her. "i know, i'm sorry." he murmured softly, kissing her forehead before scowling at Annie a little, looking confused as if he didn't understand quite what she was saying. he looked even more baffled when she kissed his forehead and then scowled. " can't tell me what to do!" he complained, sulky and tired as he snuggled into the couch, Finnick snickering a little. "i think he just likes to complain." he admitted smiling at Annie. "your so cute when your taking care of people." Finnick admitted, beaming at her happily as he kissed her. "thanks for looking at her Sookie, are you staying for dinner?"
Katniss smirked a little."Well, it is you.You're a little funny lookng anyways."She teased her boyfriend before looking at herself in the mirror looking thoughtful."I do?"She said blushing hard as she turned to look at him, leaning over to kiss him lightly."Thank you."She muttered running her fingers through his hair, hugging him.

Annie laughed softly,"Don't look so confused, manatee."She teased before looking at finnick as she stood."I think so to."She said smiling as she looked at sookie. "No, I have some things to do today.And I want to see if I can get something for the girl, without drawing attention to the fact I'm tking care of a pregnant girl."Sookie sid looking concerned before kissing her brother's cheek."I'll see you tomorrow.Be careful out there."She muttered as she headed out. Annie smiled as she heade for the kitchen, rolling her eyes at finnick's teasing."Come on sweetheart.Dinner's almost done."
he smirked at her a little and shook his head a little. "i'm only funny looking compared to you freaks." he teased smirking at Katniss, Rhubarb giggling a little as she started sweeping up the hair that she had chopped off of Katniss's head. "you do." he purred, kissing her gently as she hugged him, chuckling a little. "i love you." he muttered softly, smiling at her a little. "we should sleep, we can plan in the morning."

Gale growled, glaring at her. "i am not a Matinee!" he snarled. "snuggling his lover and falling asleep. "be careful Sookie, if anything else just say that your looking in on one of the pregnant women here in the Living district." he shrugged. "one of them will own up to it if people start asking."Finnick admitted smiling a little as he took Annie's hand, smiling at her. "good, i'm starved..." he admitted grinning at her. "and your such a good cook." he admitted kissing her forehead.
katniss smiled as she nodded, kissing him softly."Thanks."She said smiling as she let the others show them to her room with peeta.

"I am, and you need to eat well."Annie grinned at him kissing her lover softly before going to finish dinner.

In the morning lea smiled sleeply as she squirmed a little to get fully under the blanket, not wanting to get up but to hot to stay covered.Shivering a little she nuzzled her face against his chest, absently groping gale in her sleep. Like that first time, not even fully aware of doing it.

Katniss snirked a little watching peeta sleep for a moment before moving to straddle his waist leaning down to kiss him softly. Having realize that she wanted him, had always wanted him and nearly losing him had made her realize there were things she wanted to do before everything went to hell.
Gale groaned a little as he shifted under her, pressing up against her, letting her feel how hard he was for her, letting her know he was ready, eager, and all too willing to let her have him anyway she wanted. he moaned as he ran his hands down her back, groaning eagerly as his eyes fluttered, not wanting to wake up, but not wanting to sleep through it either. "uuuhm Leah... feels so good." he mumbled, completely uncaring that they where in someone Else's living room... the thought of being caught, only made him all the more excited.

Peeta, unlike Gale, was awake in an instant as he was straddled, reacting far too quickly as he flung her onto her back, pinning her to the bed, a snarl on his lips. ever since he had left the Games he had bee 'trigger happy' jumping at small sounds and attacking anything that woke him, fearful of being attacked. he blinked down at her, looking confused for a moment as he tried to remember where he was and why he had Katniss pinned beneath him. "sorry... you alright?" he asked blinking at her a little, smirking. "you know better than to startle me like that." he teased, bending down and kissing her carefully, but didn't let her off the bed, he enjoyed pinning her down from time to time, just to prove he was bigger and stronger than her.
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