Lightening Strike

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Gale looked up at her and blinked a little, his head tilted. "i'm not sure." he admitted, grinning impishly. "but whatever it is, it's digging." he admitted before returning to his excavation. he felt at ease there on the beach, where he didn't anywhere else at the Capitol, it was one of the few places he could truly relax and let Lyrra and Lea enjoy some time to themselves without him hovering or smothering them. he yelped suddenly, jerking his hand out of the hole, a crab attached to his finger via a strong claw and Gabe started cursing, flipping his hand around to try and fling the crab off, shoving his finger in his mouth as Lyrra giggled happily at her silly Daddy. "...i did not know that Crabs could dig." he grumbled unhappily. "perhaps i should just look for shells..." he smiled at her a little. "shall i find black ones?" he had forgiven her, and Finnick for the deceit, and now the black shells where a running joke amidst freinds. he was aware of the guards, but was ignoring them for now, they where far enough away to not be a threat... yet.

Peeta smiled a little and shook his head. "i don't know if he will either, but we can try... his mind is deteriorating... you've seen it..." he admitted shaking his head. Gabe had forgotten his own name for a few hours just a half a day ago. and he was constantly forgetting what he was doing unless it involved Lyrra or Lea. he was obsessing over them completely, and that wasn't normal, or human. "we have to try something..." he blinked as he stepped into the room, strange creatures where everywhere... Mutts, small ones. there was a tracker Jacker nest int he corner, filled with Tracker Jackers, but contained in a glass bubble. there was a small lizard like thing that spat fire at them, blocked by an invisible shield. there was even a little ladybug that left a trail of burning irritant when it came in contact with flesh. "...WHAT DO YOU WANT! Go Away!" a firm voice barked, a man... clearly a madman from the way he was handling that very poisonous Viper. "Don't have time for you!" he spat before shoving the viper into a cage, ignoring it as it tried to bite him, missing the man's flesh by bare centimeters, not that the man noticed.
Lea smiled gently as she shifted in her chair closing her eyes for a moment as she smirked at him a little."Ah sweetheart,come here.I'll kiss it better."She muttered holding out a hand for him, tugging him close, gently kissing his fingertips before nodding."I would like black ones."She said nuzzling him a little as she leaned into him, closing her eyes, trembling ever so slightly."What do you think they want?"

Katniss nodded,"I know."She muttered because it scare her to see gale like that, made her afraid for not only herself but for lyrra and lea. Looking around the room she paled a little because it wasn't normal to have a room like this. Swallowing hard she growled at the man,"you'll make time for us."The victor growled at him."We need your help."
he smiled as he bounded over to her, letting her kiss his fingers as he nuzzled her neck gently, turning to study the guards. "i think their there to make sure i don't go on a rampage and try to kill someone." he admitted softly, studying the guards. "they don't seem at all interested in coming any closer..." he looked at her. "do you want to go back inside? are they making you nervous? i can chase them off...." well, he could try anyway.

the man turned and glared at Katniss before he put on a pair of glasses and focused more intently on her. "oh! yes yes, it's you, terribly sorry of course it's you. i'd heard he was back..." the man stated calmly. his hair was as white as snow, but he couldn't have been more than thirty. his eyes where also... slitted... he was a Mutt too! "come in! come in! ignore the things." he ordered waving at the many creatures he was working on. "terribly sorry about him you know. but i needed a subject for testing you see. they gave him to me. i thought he was a criminal, told me he was a murderer." the man paused, considering that. "i suppose, seeing as how he came from those horrid games that's sort of true." he shrugged and cleared three plushy armchairs of books and paperwork. "sit, sit... i'll find tea!" Peeta glanced at Katniss, his eye twitching a little. "...he's mad... he's insane!" he hissed. "your right! we shouldn't have come here, this... person can't help him.. OW!" the man came back, striking Peeta over the head with a spoon. "mad!? of course i'm mad! who wouldn't be mad after living in a place like this!?" the man demanded before grinning. "oh! i'm sorry, i'm Timony! nice to meet you!" he set the tray down and shook both their hands... at the same time... definitely mad.
Lea nodded a little before sighing"No, just let them stay."She muttered snuggling against him, looking worried about what was going on."ms. dresden?President snow would like to see you."The older guard sid approaching slowly, looking worried about her reaction. "I don't want to see him."She said resting a hand on gale's arm, urging him to stay calm.

Katniss laughed softly at the man's reaction, both timony's and peeta's. Leaning into peeta a little she sipped the tea shaking her head a little."no,but he's the only person who can help."She said looking amused before swallowing."We're peeta and katniss.. He was a murderer only because they put him in the games, and made him protect the woman he loves."Katniss scowled a little before sighing."Timony, he's changing. He's becoming more of a animal with each day.We need help changing him back, or at least getting it under control.He's going insane,he can't keep going like this."
he smiled a little and nuzzled her before turning to glare at the Guards, low furious snarls filling the air as he bared long fangs at them, but with her hand on his arm he didn't attack. she was the only one who could control Gabe, and Lyrra was the only one who could make him forget he was mad in the first place. all she had to do was cry, which she wasn't doing yet. he snarled again, standing up to his full, muscle bound height, glaring at them with his yellow slitted eyes, baring fangs and claws, showing his power, his strength, his danger. no one in their right mind fucked with Gabe when he was like that, especially when it took six to eight tranquilizers to bring him down, and by that time the person was already dead. "President Snow has done enough Damage to Lea." he hissed. "he will not see her."

Timony nodded. "true, true, horrible games!" he complained. "making my precious things do terrible terribles." Timony complained, stroking a delightful red and white rose. "making my pretty's kill... nasty filthy men..." the man complained, Peeta glancing at Katniss with one eyebrow raised. clearly wondering if the man could really help them at all. "yes, Gabe was one of the first... i never expected his genetics to take so very well to the Fisher Cat DNA." Timony admitted. "the Fisher Cat Dna turned out to be a little too aggressive, but before i could put a hold on it, ruffians broke in and took him!" Timony sulked. "and they trampled on my poor darlings..." he complained sighing a little. "i can reverse some of the damage, but i cannot turn him back into a human... he and i... and the others... we'll always be Mutts, there is no changing that." Timony admitted, shaking his head. "i will reverse what i can... only because i feel guilty about experimenting on someone before checking their background first...." he paused. "of course, even if i had refused those nasty nasty men would have made me... they like to do that, make me do things... they made me put my poor darlings in the Game's you know... my poor poor darlings... they always come back dead...."
Lea swallowed hard shifting to lean against gale, wincing a little as lyra started sniffling, the precursor to full out cries. Looking up at the guards, tears trembled at the edge of her eyes."Mr. odair promised that I would be free from the president's demands."She said swallowing pained because she knew what it cost finnick to make sure that she was left alone,but it made her love him all hte more for making sure she would never have to be snow's whore again."Go away please."She said the tears starting to fall.

Katniss looking slightly amused and amazed because while she still wasn't sure if the man would be able to help she knew they had no other options."You will help him then?"She said looking relieved before nodding slghtly."They would have made you, anyways.After he made them look like fools because of lea, there was no way they were letting him go. At least you are here now to help us."
Gale looked startled at Lea's words, his eyes wide as he realized what Finnick must have done to ensure Snow wouldn't bother Lea anymore. "that's right, Mr. Odair gave his part of the bargain, i would expect President Snow to keep his end." he hissed, turning his back on the men and gently ushering Lea towards the buildings. "come on Lea, we'll go find Finnick, he can see what the President wants..." he decided, shooting the guards a deadly look. "and you will stay away from us if you know whats good for you." he spat, all too willing to murder the guards if they tried to follow or persist.

Timony nodded. "yes, yes i will help him... not sure he'll want me to though, he doesn't handle other Mutts very well.. bad side effect, traumatized i suppose..." Timony admitted. "no i don't think he will like me at all..." he admitted. "he will have to be asleep anyway... i think i can do it in your rooms. put him to sleep, and then i will do what needs to be done..." he tapped his head. "but i need a sample of his blood first, to make the proper 'antidote'." he admitted simply. "and i am here now! your right, they might maybe could have killed me i suppose... but no, they won't, they need me to keep making my pretty babies..." he admitted, stroking the glass dome that held the tracker jackers. "go away now." Timony ordered. "come back with a blood sample." he handed Peeta a needle and syringes. "up to here please." he ordered, indicating the line that he needed it to be filled to. "and then i will give you sleeping pills, so he will not awaken and try to kill me... that would be very bad."
Lea sniffled a little swallowing hard as she let gale lead her away, glad when the guards didn't follow. Cuddling into gale's side, both mother and daughter started to cry, to overwheled and scared of what now could want to keep it together even if she knew how gale was going to react."Finnick's going to be pissed."She said rubbing her eyes as she cuddled lyrra trying to calm the girl as they made their way to finnick and annie's rooms.

Katniss nodded looking worried before laughing softly."No, it wouldnt be a good thing if he killed you."She said walking out with peeta, looking worried but relieved, wrapping her arms around him she kissed him softly."Oh.Oh he'll be okay.He will be."She said swallowing hard, remembering that this s what they needed but still scared what was going to happen.Gale was so not going to be happy with them.
Gale growled a little and gently kissed her cheek as they stepped into the building. "it will be alright love. i'll tell Finnick and he'll find out what Snow wants..." if it was the baby the bastard wanted... well then, they where going to vanish, screw everyone else. if Snow wanted Lyrra, well, the bastard was going to have to find them first! and then he'd have to get through almost three hundred pounds of muscle. with less to do, Gale had taken up exercise as a way to keep from going more insane than he already was. he was really packing on the muscle, but he still looked lean and graceful somehow. it was a good look for him. fortunately for them, Finnick was in their room, reading a book when they returned. "...what's with the look?" Finnick asked nervously as Gale snarled, baring fangs as he quickly explained what was happening. Finnick sighed, closed his eyes, closed the book and then left the room, heading straight for Snow. he knew exactly where the man would be... in the place that smelled like blood and roses.

he stepped into the rose garden, a sleeve over his nose. he had no problem letting Snow know he hated the smell of this place, the man already knew it, and Finnick had a suspicion that Snow found it amusing that Finnick always tried to block out the smell. "President Snow." Finnick stated, staring at the man. "i thought we had a deal." he complained, his eyes narrowed at the man. "why are your guards trying to bring Lea to you!? your lucky Gale didn't go on a rampage!"

Peeta smiled a little and nodded as he kissed her back. "he'll do it... if Lea asks him to..." he admitted softly as he headed upstairs, smiling as he saw Lea before scowling as he noticed Gale was trying to comfort both mother and daughter, purring as he held them. "what happened?" Peeta asked, slightly panicked. "Guards..." Gale growled. "Snow..." "...shit, he's gone all beast again." Peeta muttered, smiling a little. "Lea, darling, we have good news at least." he admitted, smiling at her. "we found the geneticist... he said we might be able to fix Gale... not all the way, but we can stop the deterioration, and reverse some of the madness he's been experiencing, but we need your help... the doctor needs a blood sample, and then Gale needs to be put to sleep when the Doctor says so Gale doesn't try to attack him... can you help us?"
Lea sighed softly as she snuggled against gale, letting him comfort them both, looking relieved as lyrra gave into giggles as she reached for her papa. "He's okay.See?you're okay gale"She purred softly wanting him to come back, looking so sad because it hurt to consider losing him. Swallowing she looked startled at peeta's words before looking at gale."Sweetheart, can we get some blood?We need some."She said gently stroking his hair out of his face.

Snow looked up from where he was pruning his roses before going back to what he was doing."Whatever are you alking about?"He said frowning because as far as he knew he had kept to the deal. Not realizing that coin had managed to infiltrate his guard to the point that she was working on getting snow shoved out of his presidency so she could have everything. Assumng that the victors would blame snow and allow her to step in without suspecting anything.Forgetting just how very intelligent they were
Gale relaxed a little as Lyrra started to giggle, snuggling them both as he picked up the little girl, grinning as he tapped her on the nose, just the way she liked. he purred happily as he nuzzled his daughter before pausing, blinking at Lea. "..blood?" he asked, looking completely baffled. he was always a little out of sorts after he got angry. but he didn't fight Peeta, or react at all save for curiosity as Peeta carefully slipped the needle into the man's arm and withdrew the needed amount of blood. Gale looked at the beads of blood left on his arm as if he wasn't sure what it was before licking it off and turning his attention to Lyrra, gushing over her happily.

Finnick scowled a little, his eyes narrowed as he studied Snow. he knew Snow well enough to know that the man didn't lie, what point was there to lie? "two guards approached Gale and Lea earlier, and told them that you wanted to see Lea." he explained. "they where not working under your orders apparently which means Coin is shoving her fucking nose in our business again." he hissed, sounding almost like Gale for a moment. "i'm gonna fucking KILL that Bitch!" he paused and then bowed to Snow. "thank you for your time." he stated, just to not be rude. he couldn't help himself though, it was bad enough that Snow was fucking with his freinds... he couldn't do anything about Snow, but he COULD, and WOULD do something about Coin.
"Yes blood sweetheart."Lea muttered stroking his hair, looking relieved at the easiness of it as she led them into their rooms, even as katniss ran the blood back down to timony. Looking at peeta she hugged him tightly as gale fussed over lyrra. Shuddering a little she tried hard to not cry."Thank you peeta."She muttered holding him tightly, finally letting the facade fall so he could see just how much gale's detoriation had messed her up.

Snow nodded a little."You will let me know if there is anything I cna do."Snow said smiling as he watched the other go before returning to his flowers, wondering just what finnick would do to the other president.
Timony eagerly accepted the blood and shooed Katniss back out, complaining that she was bothering his pets. he promised to send her a letter or an announcement or whatever when she was needed again. Peeta smiled as he hugged her, stroking her hair. "shh love, i know... but it's going to be better soon." he promised, smirking at her. "besides, you should feel pleased, your the only one who can completely control him. i bet he'd hop on one foot, turn in a cirle, rub his belly, and pat his head if you told him to." he teased winking at her before stroking the tears off of her face. "it's going to be alright... ah! Finnick, what did you find out?" "Snow wasn't responsible for the guards." Finnick admitted shaking his head. "he's bored with Lea, thank the Blue Seas." he admitted simply. "this was Coin trying to disrupt our lives again." Finnick admitted, cracking his knuckles darkly. "and she won't get away with it." he hissed darkly. "i really hate to say this, but right now, i think Snow is more of a Good guy than Coin is." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "and that's saying something!" he hesitated, biting his lip as he glanced at Lea. "i didn't want to say anything but.... i think Coin set it up, so that Gale would be left behind on purpose..." he shook his head. "i can't prove this of course... but it's a high possibility..."
Lea sniffled a little letting peeta calm her, giggling little at his words."Oh, he probably would."She smiled sitting back onthe couch as katniss and finnick came in. Katniss frowned annoyed before sihing softly."What?"she said looking worried and startled at the idea before nodding."Damn.She was so kind at the beginning that I had never considered that it was her setting everything up."Katniss said looking anxious glancing towards the nursery, hoping gale was to enthralled to lyrra to realize what they were talking about.
Peeta shook his head, looking a little annoyed. "we'll need to deal with coin before we can deal with Snow..." Peeta muttered softly, his eyes narrowing. "i think Snow's letting up a little, i got a letter from Rhubarb..." he admitted. "she said the whippings have gone way down, and the food rations have gone up, for everyone." he admitted looking at Katniss. "i don't know what the hell he's up to, but right now our biggest threat is Coin..." he admitted, glancing at the nursery, where Gale was dozing with Lyrra, his loud purrs filling the little nursery, drowning out their conversation. "Sometimes, it's hard to imagine how violent he is." Peeta admitted, looking amused as Finnick snorted. "i'm sending for Annie... i don't like her there all alone." Finnick muttered softly. "if Coin has people here, then she has people everywhere." he admitted, his eyes narrowed viciously. "on a better note, the video footage of the whippings and poor living conditions of all of the districts are on the TV now." he admitted, turning on the television where much misery was being seen. "that's probobly why Snow is backing off of the districts." he admitted shaking his head a little. "he doesn't want to seem like the monster he is."
Katniss nodded a little."He is a monster, but he's the monster we know, where coin is someone we're having to guess with."She said after a moment, a small smile on her face at the thought of gale. He looked so cute and adorable. Looking at peeta she swallowed hard."Do you think she'd let us back in 13?We could find out what she wants." Lea winced a little sighing softly as she shook her head."You can't go. If she wants me alone, then she'll try to make you two leave me alone. And with gale... like he is I need you two here."She muttered looking anxious at the idea of what could happen if they were left defenseless.
Finnick shook his head. "at least Snow makes sense sometimes... he's a right bastard, but he's only trying to protect the Capitol." Finnick admitted shaking his head. "he's not willing to give up the power he has and he's defending it, even against his own people... we can use him in a way we can't use Coin." Finnick bit his lip. "Coin would never let you back into Thirteen, she thinks that your all threats." he admitted simply, his eyes narrowed. "...but... i might know someone who can go in..." he smirked a little. "they would take little Rhubarb, and all of her family rather eagerly." he admitted simply. "Coin would never think they where spies, their too innocent." he admitted, smirking a little. "no one will leave you alone Lea... not with the danger around us..." Finnick promised, Peeta nodding, blinking as a loud DING filled the air and a note appeared in the place where they normally got whatever food they wanted. "ah, that must be from Timony... that didn't take long..." Peeta muttered, Finnick blinking a little as he got up and opened the letter, reading it through before shaking out a small vial of powder. "...he wants us to put Gale out after dinner. the powder goes on his food, and it will keep him asleep for a total of twenty four hours, which will give Timony plenty of time to deal with the damage." he smiled at Lea. "i think we're going to get Gale back!"
Lea looked so happy at the idea she smiled hugging them all, forgetting about coin and everything else for the moment as she wrapped her arms around them before starting to cook dinner.And following the instructions she mixed the medicine into the food, before gently waing up gale."Sweetheart, foods done.And its time to feed lyrra."She said reaching for the fussing baby, sitting down in the rocking chair to feed her, looking hppy and contented with everyhting.
Gale whined as his nap was interrupted and he blinked blearily as he scarfed down his meal as he always did, smiling as he watched Lea feeding Lyrra, deep love and affection in his eyes as he licked his plate clean, ignoring Finnick and Peeta, who where watching Gale very closely as the man kissed Lea's forehead. "love you." he purred happily, nuzzling her neck before yawning loudly, groaning a little. "so tired..." the sleep medicine was fast acting it seamed, because he curled right there on the floor and purred as he fell asleep, Peeta snickering as he watched, shaking his head. "he's ridiculously adorable when he does things like that." Finnick admitted, carefully hauling Gale onto the bed just as Timony swept in with a large suitcase. "hello helloo!" he chirped happily. "the mad man is sleeping, yes?" he demanded, checking Gale's eyes, making sure the man wasn't about to wake up. "good, good.... go away! stop staring!" Timony ordered, Finnick and Peeta both groaning in distaste but leaving the room as the doctor took pictures, scans, and looked gale over from head to toe before pulling out several dozen needles and vials. "there now, yes yes... mmhmm." needle after needle was inserted, after every medicine the doctor took another scan to watch carefully for the effects.

it took twelve hours for the doctor to finish, checking Gale's eyes carefully before nodding as he skipped out of the room. "it is done! the Fisher Cat DNA has regressed, mind appears to be perfectly normal... he will still have certain instincts." Timony warned. "he'll still be a little territorial, and he'll still want to rub all over you, but he will remember now, and will stop trying to kill anything and everything that looks at Lea." Timony promised. "he will be very disoriented when he wakes up, dizzy, confused. that is from the sleeping drug, he will wake very slowly and be very sluggish, it will give his mind time to readjust. best to just leave him alone." Timony admitted. "i do not know if his physical traits will change." he admitted. " but he will not grow any new parts... already his teeth are shrinking." the doctor admitted. "is very good for him i think." he pondered then. "i have perfected the art... if any of you would like to try?... no? oh well."
When timony was done she lookedso relieved, smiling happiy as she looked at the doctor, but let the others talk to him as she eased into the bed with gale. Despite knowing she should leave him alone, she didn't want to. Snuggling into him she focused on taking care of her lover, knowing he was going to wake soon.

Katniss smiled looking so happy hugging peeta tightly."Thank you timony."She said glad to hear it before looking at finnick and peeta.A small smirk curling her lips as she remembered that the two hadn't had any 'alone' time in awhile, because lea felt weird about it when he was so obviously hurting and changing. Well, she could give them time alone"We probably should go to our rooms. even if he wakes okay, lea and him are going to want to be by themselves.We'll take lyrra with us, leave them a note and we'll take care of her until they're ready to face everything."
Peeta chuckled at the orders of leaving them alone and Finnick nodded. "i'm going to go and get Annie." he decided, glancing at his watch. "and then i'm going to make a side trip to eleven." he admitted, smirking a little. "the Peacekeepers know better than to deny me anything." he admitted as he stood up and stretched before vanishing, Peeta chuckling a little as he picked up Lyrra and kissed Katniss. "you always have such good ideas." he admitted, smiling at her as he scribbled a note and laid it on the bed side Table so that Lea would find it before going with Katniss, intending on lavishing her with attention too... as much as Lyrra would allow for anyway.

when Gale woke in the morning, he really was disoriented. he nearly rolled over Lea, muttering and mumbling as he shook his head, dizzy and confused. "Lea?...'s Lea?" he asked, trying to find his mate as he crawled along the floor, too dizzy to get up and walk. "gotta... find Lea..." Gale groaned, laying out on the floor. "so dizzy...." he complained, blinking sluggishly. "thirsty too..." already he sounded better, more aware. "Finnick fuckin drugged me... gonna... i'm gunna..." he groaned. "i'm gunna be sick..." he complained, staggering into the bathroom to lean over the toilette so he could loose his dinner. "uuurg... Lea?" he asked, sniffing at the air, relaxing as he felt her presence. "mmm good.. your still here.... was scared you left again... would really have killed Finnick then... i'm dizzy... can't think straight... what's going on?" but he didn't sound scared the way he should have, just confused. Timony really had fixed Gale.
Lea whined sleepily a he got up, wincing as he rolled over her sighing softly as she yawned. "Gale?"She muttered sleepily stumbling out of be nd stepping into the bedroom,gently rubbing his back as he got sick."Sweetheart, how do you feel?"She muttered nuzzling him a little. Her time with her catish mate had made her similar, more prone to nuzzles and cuddles."Shh we helped you.You're going to start feeling better."She muttered stroking his hair.
he groaned a little as she rubbed his back, but he was clearly happy for it, and enjoyed it. "feel dizzy." he complained simply. "my minds all... weird... fuzzy and spinning..." he groaned opening his eyes... they where back to their beautiful grey color. no green flecked in his eyes anymore, and though they where still cat slitted, they where that beautiful silver gray again. he purred as she nuzzled him, and attempted to nuzzle her back, but it only made the world spin... Timony had warned he would be dizzy, confused and disoriented a few hours after waking up. "mmm that feels nice." he purred as she pet his hair. "your right... i am feeling better... my minds starting to settle... like... like picking up after that really big tornado..." it had decimated the town, torn houses down and scattered things everywhere. Gale hadn't remembered the village in so long... as if District 12 had ceased to exist in his mind. "mmm where's Lyrra? with Katniss? you didn't leave her with that oaf Finnick did you?" he demanded, scowling. "he'll drop her, or try to feed her wrong... he can't be trusted with a baby you know." he complained. "... he's too stupid..." yes, Gale was certainly feeling better.
Lea's eyes went wide as he met her eyes, her eyes so filled with happiness as she kissed him softly."Oh gale."She whispered softly kissing his forehead before elpinghim back to bed, tucking them both into bed as she rested his head on her stomach, leaning against the headboard as she gently stroked his hair."i remember. You're remembering!"She smiled so happily before laughing softly."No, lyrra's with katniss and peeta. I think peeta's trying to convince her to have babies by making her take care of lyrra."she said snickering a little so glad to hear him making fun of finnick, because it meant he really was getitng better.
he purred loudly as he was kissed, running his fingers through her hair as he was helped back into bed. "yes, i'm remembering." he admitted softly, smiling happily. "it's nice to hear your voice, and know exactly who you are." he admitted softly. "for weeks now all i knew was that i loved you... i could barley even remember your name..." he admitted softly, sounding rather distraught. "i didn't know who anyone was... it was only freinds, and enemies..." he shook his head and then groaned when that made his world go topsy turvy. "Peeta knows better... i think he's realizing he'll never talk Katniss into having children of their own and is making Lyrra his substitute." he admitted grinning a little. "it'll be good for Lyrra to have such a good godfather. he'll spoil her rotten." he admitted, grinning a little. "so tell me what's been happening? i haven't had the mental capacities to keep up with anything... all i can really focus on is that we're someplace i really, really don't like, that Lyrra was born, and..." he paused. "my, did i really try to kill Finnick? he deserved it, right?"
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