Lightening Strike

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Peeta smiled at her and stroked her hair gently before kissing her forehead. "it will be alright Love and you know it." he stated simply. "Gale loves you, and anything that's a part of you." he promised, smiling at her. "if you where to birth satan himself, he'd still love the child, simply because it's his and yours." he smirked at her. "hell, he'd love it even if he wasn't the father and you know that more than anyone." he admitted simply.

Gale smirked as he stayed standing, examining the doorway. "you know, it's a shame that Snow is so busy all the time... he could really use a vacation..." "a vacation?" Finnick asked, incredulous... but Gale knew what he was doing, he also knew Snow could hear them through the door. "yes, a Vacation.... you know, i bet if i went on a murdering spree and then ran off, he'd come chase me himself... wouldn't that be fun?" "your insane Gale." "yes, yes i am..." Gale sighed and flopped into a chair. "i couldn't murder someone anyway... not unless it was i self defense..." he set his hands over his eyes. "i can't stand it anymore though... everywhere i look, there's people... people people people and there's nothing else! just people and metal and cement.... did you know that that ocean doesn't even have Fish in it!?" he demanded of Finnick, who looked startled. "there's a crab or two, but no fish! there aren't even any Sea Shells!... there's nothing to DO here and i think i might be going insane all over again!...." he sighed. "human or not, i'm still a wild animal... and the fake wild here... it's just...sad..." let Snow listen to that! Gale knew trying to guilt the other was pointless... but the looming threat of Gale loosing his sanity again... that was something even Snow couldn't ignore.
Lea rubbed her eyes before giggling a little."That's true."She said perking up a little at the reminder before climbing out of bed."You still get to tell him."She said still anxious about telling him though. Wrapping a arm around him as she tugged him to his feet, heading for the door."Come on, lets go find our wayward spouses."

Snow tilted his head as eh listened before sighing, shaking his head as he walked into the sitting room, looking amused at the three."Well.Seeing as you three have been here to speak to me about gale's problems, I think I shall allow you to return to four, with lea and peeta of course."he said willing to sound sane and in control of things, the better solution than coin, which was his intent. On having them view him as better than coin.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "of course i'll tell him." he admitted grinning a litte. "and i imagine i'll be injured when he tramples over me to get to you." he teased, grinning at her as he shook his head and let her lead him.

Gale looked overjoyed before he looked suspicious, his eyes narrowing. "not Twelve?" he asked, studying Snow... what the small group didn't realize. was that Twelve was gone. District Thirteen had gone in, kidnapped who they wanted, and left the rest to die in an attack that could have been from either the Capitol or District Thirteen. it was doubtful that either side would own up to it, but when the small group found out, it was going to be hell. "well, i guess Four is better anyway." Gale decided. "there aren't any fences in Four." he admitted smiling happily. "i hate fences you see... it makes me feel...." he shuddered and shook his head. "well... there's a reason a tiger paces in it's enclosure." he admitted, not about to wonder about the strange Zoo he had seen here. "we'll leave soon then... and come back often, i know how much you enjoy my veiled insults..." Gale teased, winking at Snow. "besides, Timony wants to keep running diagnostics on me... apparently, aside form the madness, i was his best test yet." he rolled his eyes. "aside from himself, of course."
"Of course. Go."Snow said shaking his head as he turned to leave."Have a good vacation."He said smiling softly as lea and peeta walked in leaving before they could question him more about 12.. Lea swallowed hard as she crossed the room,lyrra tucekd in her arms,as she cuddled gale"I take it snow's letting us go?"she said anxious now tht they were with them, anxious because she didn't know how gale was going to react.
Gale grinned at Snow a little and nodded. "oh, and Sir?" Gale stated suddenly, blinking at Snow. "you should really think about taking a vacation yourself.. your starting to look a little gray... don't let the idiots of the Capitol wear you down, you might be a megalomaniac, but at least your sane." he winked at the other. both an insult, and a compliment. Gale had basically told Snow that he thought Snow was about the only person capable of taking care of the capitol and keeping control. whether Gale actually thought that, remained to be seen. "yes, Snows letting us go." Finnick agreed, looking very nervous. "we'll pack our things and talk on the train..." he decided. Finnick knew about twelve... and he was dreading telling them. "come on..." Peeta muttered, giving Finnick a strange look. "oh, and Gale? i need to talk to you for a moment... er, alone.." Peeta admitted softly and Gale paused, looking hesitant but stayed behind as Finnick took Katniss and Lea back to their rooms to pack. he nearly died of a heart attack when Gale stormed in ten minutes later, grabbed Lea, and gave her the kiss of her life, holding her tight, and close, nuzzling and holding her and muttering how very much he loved her.
Katniss yelped as gale appeared, looking at peeta questioningly."What's up?"She muttered as she finished paking their bags wondering what the he was going on. Lea yelped laughing softly as she snuggled into gale,looking so relieved as she almost went limp in his arms, so very relieved."Gale!Gale I can't breath"She said laughing softly as she pulled away from him looking up at him wtih a slight smile.
Peeta shook his head. "Lea is pregnant again. happened before Gale thought about what his genetics might do." he admitted simply. "Gale is a little too overjoyed at the thought of another baby to be concerned." he admitted glancing at Finnick. "...what's wrong with Fin?" he asked, slightly hesitant as Gale grinned at Lea before pouting at her. "but... you don't NEED to breath!" he complained affectionately, catching her lips in a gentler kiss, smiling at her. "come on, i'll help you pack then since Oxygen is CLEARLY so important." he teased with a roll of his eyes, Finnick snorting at Gale's flirting.
Katniss looked startled and slightly worried even as she laughed."Ah well, Gale scared him rushing in like that. Old man, bad know how these things are."She said wisely looking at the slightly older victor with a snicker. Lea giggled a little blushing as she looked up at gale, punching him lightly in the shoulder as she started to pack her things again."Gale!of course I need to breath.Otherwise I'll not be able to iss you back."She said wisely.
Peeta considered that and then chuckled a little. "well, at least we didn't get trampled this time." he mused, grinning a little as Gale laughed and smiled at Lea, picking up their bags. "ready to go love? i can't wait to get out of all of this metal and cement... it's driving me CRAZY." he admitted, shaking his head as he kissed her again. "besides, your kisses are one of my favorite things." he admitted smiling at her as they headed for the train, Finnick looking just as twitchy as he had in the room as they settled into the car. and then his leg started bouncing, clearly nervous as he thought about something and Peeta scowled. "Finnick... is something the matter?" Peeta asked suddenly, making Finnick jump. "what!? no no of course not! everything's fine...." that certainly didn't sound like he was fine. "... there's... there's something i have to tell you..." Finnick finally admitted, sounding... afraid.
lea frowned at her best friend, her head resting on gales shoulder, cuddling her lover because not only was she relieved about his reactionvbut because she was worried about what finnifk wqs going to tell them."finn, what is it?vsnow said it was fine to leave..." she said sounding anxious. Katniss frowned slightly knowing whatever finnick was going tovtell them was going to be something none of thm would want to year."finn just spit it out. We wont hurt you for it."
Gale smiled a little before lookign nervous at Finnick who bit his lip as it quivered. "... 12 is gone..." Finnick finally whispered. "District thirteen went in and removed several of the people... most of the men and children..." he admitted softly. "anyone who might be used to further their goals..." he admitted softly. "and the next morning... it was Razed to the ground..." he admitted blinking at them. "...i'm so sorry... but i don't know who survived..." he admitted softly. "12 is gone..." Gale whispered, Peeta looking stunned, a hand pressed to his mouth in utter horror. "oh my god..."
Lea stared looking startled and hurt before she started to cry, not only in shock but guilt, thinking that this was all her fault. If omly she hadnt fallen in love with gale and gotten out of the games. 13 wouldnt have destroyed their whole life. Katniss glared hard getting to her feet growling in anger, pacing."we hve to do something. Coins gone to far."
Gale pulled Lea into a tight hug, holding her close and kissing the top of her head. "shh, Lea... Shhh." he whispered softly, closing his eyes. "it's ok..." he whispered softly as Peeta bit his lip hard enough to split his lip, blood slipping down his shin as he thought, hard, about what was happening. "we don't know for sure it was thirteen that destroyed 12... but we do know thirteen drew attention to it..." Finnick whispered softly. "... both Snow and Coin are to blame for this..." Finnick admitted simply as he stood up and grabbed Peeta's lip so he would stop chewing on it. "we can... we can make this right... i don't know how... but.. we can make this right... we can make them both pay..."
Lea sniffled a lttle as she tried to relax,wrapping her arms around gale with a sigh. Katniss moved over to peeta's side wrapping her arms around him and kissing his head, "Stop chewing your lip love, you're going to bite through ti."She said pressing a kiss to his hair before nodding."We'll plan while we're in 4. There we will have plenty of time."Katniss muttered anger and worry in her eyes as she considered what this all meant. It was going to be so bad.
Peeta shook his head. "sorry..." he muttered softly, smiling at her a little as he laid his head on her shoulder, ignoring the pain and blood he had caused on himself. "... they'll all pay for this." Gale snarled, baring teeth that where much less frightening without the fangs. "are we still in contact with Rhubarb?" "yes." Finnick muttered easily. "she reports in every day, she's already finding out how many of District 12 that Coin had kidnapped." he admitted, Gale nodding as Peeta took a small, deep breath as he considered Katniss's mother and sister. hopefully, she made it through... he didn't even think of his own family, they where as dead to him as Coin was.
Katniss sighed softly gently running her fingers through his hairlooking worried."You okay?"She muttered trying hard to not think about her own family. Lea shifted, wrapping her arms around gale, looking so worried about him, not knowing what he thought about his family, they'd never discussed it, so it scared her to not have any idea how to comfort him.
Peeta smiled at her and nodded. "yeah.. i'm ok.. i didn't... really have freinds in twelve..." he admitted softly. "anyone i ever loved is right here..." he admitted licking his lips worriedly. "it's you i'm worried about." he admitted, stroking her hair as Gale pulled Lea into his lap and held her tightly. "i hope my fathers ok..." Gale muttered softly. "he's the only family i had left there..." he admitted softly, looking at Lea. "what about you?..." Gale suddenly realized.. he didn't know much about his lover... about his wife... about the mother of his children and he was stricken with guilt as he realized that she might have had a lot of family, and because of him ... she'd never see them again...
Katniss laughed softly closing her eyes as she leaned into peeta."i'm sure coin got my mother an sister out. She'd never let such vaulable hostages go. She knows I'd come after them."She said sighing softly. Lea was quiet as she rubbed her cheek against gale's shoulder like a cat, sighing softly before nodding."My father and little brother.I...I don't care if my father survived, but I woud like to see my brother again."She said quietly leaning back to look up at him,gently stroking his hair out of his face."Don't look so upset.I'd rather be with you, than have anyone else."She muttered knowing he was feeling guilty.
Peeta smiled a little and nodded. "your probobly right, and if that's true, then the same would be true of Lea and Gales family." Peeta admitted, Gale frowning a little. "Peeta... what about your family?" "my family died the day my mother told me Katniss was going to win... and they all died when they looked upset when i came back." Peeta admitted, his voice tense with fury as he shook his head. "i don't have family... i don't need family... i have you guys." Peeta admitted, Finnick licking his lips nervously. " you think Coin is going to try and ransom your families then?" Gale paused and then nodded. "yes... i can see her using them as blackmail to make us do what she wants..." he admitted, his eyes furious and cold. "she'll find it won't be so easy..."
Lea nodded a little swallowing hard as she stood as the train stopped,"We better get off. coin wont wait long to make her move one she knows we're out of the capitol."She said knowing that the only reason that they had probably not gotte a ransomdemand yet was that they had been safely within the walls of capitol
Gale nodded and carefully scooped Lyrra up into his arms, holding the little one close so that no one could even think about taking her from him, helping Lea out of the train while Peeta and Finnick bickered about whether or not Katniss would allow assistance off the train like a lady or not. Peeta did, of course, offer her assistance, and whether she accepted help or not, money traded hands and the two men laughed as they headed into the houses where people where working on cleaning the catch of the day, gutting, salting, smoking, curing. and in one of the houses Annie was already working on lunch for all of their guests, Finnick squealing in delight as he scooped her off her feet, and thoroughly kissed her.
Annie laughed in delight as she kissed her husband back, amused as lea teased katniss about actually accepting help, seeTtling lyrra into a baby pin that annie had set up for them. Annie sighed softly leaning back to look up at finnick, gently running her fingers though his hair."you got a letter today."she said looking worried about him and what was going on
Gale snickered as he watched the group, hanging back because large boisterous crowds unsettled him a little and he focused more on entertaining Lyrra as Finnick shivered, leaning into the hands in his hair. "mmm you have about a hundred years to stop doing that." he mumbled happily, smiling at her before grimacing at the mention of a letter. "where is it?" he had a bad feeling that it wasn't going to be something that any of them liked... in fact, he had a bad feeling that it was from Coin. he pulled the letter over to him, slit it open with a knife, and laid it flat out onto the table to read, Peeta blinking as he studied Finnick, waiting for the bad news.
Annie smiled as she leaned against his back as he red the letter, stroking his hair because she knew it would make him feel better, and she'd missed him. Lea moved over leaning over finnicks shoulder to read, paling as she realized that it wasnt what theyd expected,but worse. Coin was going to execute her older brother for treason, with prove that hed been gathering information for lea. While she hadnt talked to her brother since she'd left for the games, she had no doubt that her protective sibling would do anything to help her even if she hadnt been aware of it.
he smiled at Annie and then looked like death itself had come for him when he read the letter, his eyes wide in horror, Gale snarling viciously as he turned to Katniss, his eyes burning with utter fury. "Lea, you need to stay here." Gale ordered, setting a hand on her shoulder. "you need to protect Alyssa, Coin will come for her if she gets the chance." he admitted softly. "Peeta, you stay here too, protect Lea and Alyssa, Annie too... Finnick, i want you to go back tot he Capitol, tell snow what i'm up to... i don't know if i'll be able to kill Coin but i sure as hell intend on trying and it's best if Snow stays out of my way." he snarled again, baring long fangs once again in his rage, his cat slitted eyes focusing on Katniss. "you and i are going to head to Twelve, i doubt the forest was damaged, we'll pick up your bows, i'll get my throwing knives..." he decided. "we are not going to let Lea's brother, or your family suffer for our mistakes." he hissed, licking his lips. "we'll think of a plan on the way there." Peeta was holding Lea's hand, and Finnick was using a phone to call the train back. Gale was a little surprised that they where listening to him, but as long as Lea didn't protest, he could easily ignore his guilt at leaving her behind. he was going on an assassination/rescue quest though... and Lea was just a touch too noisy in the woods.
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