Lightening Strike

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Peeta chuckled a little and shook his head. "no worse than i was." he teased smiling a little as he shook his head. "none of the Capitol know what we do... what we go through in the Districts." he stated simply. "no one understands how starved we are, how thin." he admitted baring his teeth in a snarl. "the leaders don't let it be known... so." he smirked viciously. "so we tell them... we SHOW them." he growled simply. "they don't know about the whippings, about the killings, about the dozens of people who die every year from starvation." he licked his lips, a low growl falling from his lips. "if they know... then who will want to watch the hunger games? if they know what we're being forced to do, just to survive... how many of the Capitol will willingly see the hunger games as a sport?" he rubbed the slave on his stump, smiling as he realized the swelling and the bruising was going down already. "after all, what if it was THEIR freinds, THEIR families... THEM, going into that arena to die!?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "already their upset, learning that Gale's sisters where so hungry, they ate mushrooms off of a house... they've never heard anything like that before..." he shook his head. "so we get the other mentors to have their contestants mention it as well." he stated with a shrug. "no one likes the Hunger Games but those here at the Capitol... so, we show them, that they are nothing to enjoy." Gale was staring at Peeta. "they'll slaughter you for that..." "they can't, not here. and if the others all get involved, what are they going to do, kill us all? ruin the Games?"
Lea laughed delighted, looking amazed."They can't. Because if they kill everyone, the mentors the tributes, the captiol will rebel because despite everything, they love their victors. And.."She bit her lip."if we talk to the former victors, get them to mention what they've gone thrugh maybe....maybe this will be worth it."She muttered her eyes so sad because what she meant was it might be worth losing gale, if they could stop the games. Katniss looked slightly worried at the two before nodding,"That could work."She muttered looking at peeta's leg, then at him."But we all need to sleep. And I do mean sleep. No groping." "I didn't mean to do that!"Lea protested blushing."Just like you didnt mean to have sex?" "ah. welll..."
he nodded. "exactly." he admitted simply. "and they can't kill our families because then we'll tell at the next games that our families died." he admitted simply. "we have that mentors meeting in the morning. i'll mention it, Katniss... your in enough trouble already." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "it might never actually be worth it... but it's better than not trying." he admitted sadly. "all the people who have died so far... all the people who will die this year... and all the people who might die in the future if we don't put a stop to this... they wonder why we rebel?... well, lets show them why." he decided, smiling a little. "i'm sleeping in the chair again." he admitted. "it's too hard to get out of the beds." he admitted shaking his head a little before laughing at Lea's comment. "the... er... sex was my fault..." Gale muttered sheepishly. "i got tangled in the sheets and then... we where kissing and then..." he shook his head a little. "shut up Katniss." he ordered with a small growl as he stood up. "come on Lea... we're going to go Grope, just because they told us not to..." he growled, stomping away, annoyed by the teasing, Peeta chuckling a little as he shook his head. "he's a sensitive lout isn't he?" he asked smiling before he sighed, looking at Lea. "...i'm sorry Chickadee..." he whispered softly. "...i'm so sorry..."
Katniss pouted a little at that, but she nodded because he was right. She was the one snow blamed for almost eating the berries, so it was going to have to be peeta. Sighing softly she watched the other two, wrapping peeta n a hug."Yes,it'll be worth it.Even if we can't stop it."She muttered before smirking at gale's reponse.It was cute,and endearing to see him get so protective and flustered around lea,but it was breaking her heart to because she could see lea's face, the girl was in love with him.And in the end..."He is sensitive."Lea said smiling a little before looking at peeta, standing and crossing the room to hug him,pressing a kiss to his forehead."Don't apologize.I came to the games, and have at least these moments.Otherwise I'd be at home watching him die."She shudddered a little.
Peeta smiled at her a little. "besides, people listen to me better than they do you, your too mean." he teased playfully at Katniss, shaking his head a little as he watched Gale and Lea interacting. cute was not the word that came to mind when he watched the two... they where well and truly in love, and that troubled him... how could they survive without one another when this was all done and through? how could Lea live without Gale!? he wrapped his arms tightly around Lea, holding her tightly, closing his eyes and swallowing thickly. "you can always make a bad thing seam like a good thing." he whispered softly. "go to bed Lea... cuddle with your man." he ordered softly, sighing a little as he watched her leave, closing his eyes. "...Katniss... i don't know if i can do this either..." he whispered softly. "no matter who lives, or who dies in that arena... i'm going to lose Lea." he whispered. "i'm going to lose her... because no one comes out of that Arena the same as they went in... most come out mad..." he set his head in his hands. "and i'm really starting to like Gale... he's so sweet to her... they could have been happy... could be getting married and having babies..." he shook his head a little. "this SUCKS!" he roared, throwing something, making it shatter against the wall. he looked startled by that, as if he didn't remember throwing it, and blinked slowly before sagging in his chair. "i can't let Snow do this to me... he's trying to break us... i know he is... and it's working..."
"I am not."She whined pouting a little at his teasing but watching gale and lea with a sigh as she watched them. It was going to destroy them to do this.Biting her lip as she watched lea leave, before glancing at peeta, resting her cheek on his shoulder starting to shiver a little."And she wont do well.Even if she comes back."She swallowed frustrated, yelping a little when he threw the vase, standing as she looked up at him resting her hands on his shoulders."If we react how he wants us to react, then we are going to be beond useless to them. We're going to get them killed."She said softly."Besides. She could be pregnant you know."She teased waterly, because even if it was true, it wasn't going to be true by the end of the games. A pregnant woman wouldn't be able to do what needed to be done.

Lea swallowed hard as she walked into the room after gale, leaning against his chest with a sigh, closing her eyes in thought,clinging to him, needing the comfort. Making a frustrated little sound as she started crying.
Peeta sighed a little as he stroked her hair, closing his eyes a little. "we can't be useless..." he growled. "...i REFUSE to be useless!" he snarled, before smiling at her. "only you would see getting pregnant as a good thing... even if she is... they won't let her out, because she's the only thing that can break me besides you..." he admitted softly, kissing her forehead gently as he held her while she cried, rocking her gently before drying her tears, kissing her forehead and sending her to bed, promising to go to her if she had any nightmares. but, even if he crawled in bed with her during the night, or stayed out in the chair, by morning he was gone, a note explaining to Katniss that he was going to go talk to the other Mentors and that she wasn't to mention any of it to anyone. he wanted to keep her in the dark as much as possible, because if it failed, then Katniss would be the only person left to hold Lea and Gale together.

Gale was true to his word, there was a lot of gentle groping that night, just because he couldn't stop touching her, knowing that in a few short weeks... months... days... they where all going to be dead... he, was going to be dead and he wanted to get his fill of her while he could. he held her all night, sleeping fitfully, but he got the rest he needed at some point because he woke feeling almost refreshed. he held her, and watched her while she slept and he suddenly knew why he felt so good... his dreams had been wonderful, of marrying Lea, of fathering children, dozens of children while living out int he Wild, the places that even the Capitol did not go to, free and at peace with himself and Lea. Peeta and Katniss hadn't been there, but he'd known they where happy and safe just a few miles downstream with children of their own. "morning." he murmured, smiling at Lea as she shifted. "i had a wonderful dream about you." he admitted smiling at her softly. "it was so very relaxing... did you sleep well?"
"I don't see kids as a good thing, at least not now. But it would get her the things that they need to get to the end. And out of the games."katniss said softly closing her eyes because it hurt, so badly. Frowning as she looked at the note she looked thoughtful before sighing softly, "Well damn."she said sighed knowing this was going to be bad, but they'd igure it out.

Lea yawned sleepily as she looked up at him, frowning a little."Morning."She said yawning as she stretched, shifting to rest her head on his chest, listening to his heart beating before nodding a little."I had this good dream about you to."She muttered blushing softly, before nodding."We should be getting up. We have training to do. And katniss is going to be merciless."She said teasing him a little as they got ready for the day.

But two days later her forced cheerfulness and eagerness had shattered, leaving her pale and trembling as she looked up at gale as they entered the waiting room."I cant do this."She said looking so wide eyed as she looked up at both her mentors and gale. Katniss sighed softly, leaning over kissing the smaller, gentler girl's forehead, swallowing hard."You can. I promise. And we'll get you through this."She said glancing towards the clocks, hating that she had to say goodbye to gale so soon.It'd seemed like just hours ago that they'd gotten here, and with peeta gone for hours talking to the other, time to seemed to go ever faster.
Gale smiled a little as he kissed her. they had sex often, as often as they could and they both felt like it, to stay close, to stay connected... and to stay sane. Gale touched her as much as he possibly could, and by the time the private interveiws came around, every child going into the games mentioned the starvation, the fear, the horror of watching their freinds and family die in the games, of starvation, and even from things as simple as a common cold. the entire Capitol was in an uproar over everything that was happening. and then Gale took the stand last, informing the world that it was great to have known them. but that he wasn't coming back. he was going to give his life to Save Lea, to make sure she survived, because she was the only thing that mattered in his life now that his sisters, and his father was dead. he had gotten the news last night, Mine explosion... then, he ignored all of Caeser's questions, and just sat there with tears rolling down his cheeks. Peeta was both pleased, and heartbroken. Sponsors where lining up to support the two lovebirds, wanting to give them the support they needed.

Peeta was pale and trembling as he stared at Gale, the man clearly hadn't slept in days, fighting to find a way to save Lea and Gale, and he hugged them both, and kissed both their foreheads, and informed them that everything was going to be alright, he promised. truth was, if he succeeded, they'd all be safe... if he failed... they where all dead, tortured and killed or worse, turned into Avox's. Gale had gotten a four in the training rounds, and Peeta had told him to grab a pack if he could, but not to risk himself, and to trust the two from Eleven, a boy, Turnip, and a girl, Mint... strange names for stranger kids, but Peeta explained that he and their mentor had arranged for a partnership, an alliance between the four of them. they would keep each other safe. their trackers where inserted in the arms... and now it was time for them to step onto the platform, and see their Death.

(are we gonna do the Clock, or are we gonna do something else?)
(lol I was thinking the clock since its the one we'd know best,and it is the 75th quel. XDD)

Lea looked nervous as she nodded looking at gale."I'm running for the woods. Or away from the cornicopia. I wont give them a weapon to use against you, and if I'm away you can track and find me."She muttered kissing him gently before she stepped onto the platform and watched it rise. Pausing at the top of the stairs she watched the arena form, wondering just what they were waiting for. Bouncing on her toes as she fought to stay wtill, waiting for the signal before hearing the buzzer. Stepping off and running for the moutain as son as it was safe, avoiding and dodging the others as she fought to get through the crowd. Ignoring the others as she ran, trusting that gale would catch up to her.

But as she ran she missed something stupidly obvious. That one of the boys from district 4 had followed. That the career despite having gone along with his mentors demands, knew that if the lovebirds were out of the running, then the sponsors would look for others. Reaching out as he ran after the nimble little girl he reached out, wrapping his hands in that blond blond hair and pulled her to a stop despite her screams. Ripping at her clothes as he pinned her to the ground. Even if he was going to kill her, there was no reason to not enjoy that young body when there was no one else in the arena close to old enough to enjoy. besides. He was just a brute, who didn't understand he was making more enemies than friends. Growling as he thrust into her with a growl, pinning the girl effortlessly to the ground as he glared down at lea, watching pain and fear filling her eyes as he raped her, ignoring her struggles as she fought.

Kat frowned as she watched the screens, searching for them both nodding towards gale."There. He got out.And with a pack."She said relieved at the sight, knowing there'd be something good in there for them before looking around the room full of screens, looking for the girl they'd told to disappear.
Gale nodded. "i'm getting a pack, i'm bigger, they'll be less likely to target me straight off." he admitted simply smiling at her as he stepped onto the platform, rising up, frowning at all the water, glad that he knew how to swim. he dove straight into the water, nabbed a pack before anyone else could even think of what to do, grabbed a bow and arrows for himself, and a long blow-dart gun for Lea, and was back in the water before anyone else could even stop gaping at him. then the others where gone, diving into the mass of weapons and slaughtering each other. the two from Eleven had followed Gales example and grabbed what they could from the edge and then bolted into the trees, Gale panting as he caught up with the two, panting at them, his bow pulled back, Arrow knocked, ready and waiting. Mint and Turnip watched him intently, both carrying backpacks and wielding different weapons. Turnip a sharp, wicked looking scythe, and Mint was holding a strange looping stick with a hook at the end. "...Allies?" Gale asked nervously, the two twelve year old's studying him before nodding, relaxing a little as Gale returned his arrow to it's proper place.

"we need to find Lea." he stated, looking around, biting his lip a little as he studied the ground, finding her feet prints was easy, he had tracked her often to that little pond out by the trees. he followed her trail, grunting as he struggled through the dense underbrush, Mint and Turnip flitting above his head from tree to tree. at first Gale couldn't fine Lea, she had fallen silent, and her captor seamed to realize they where close by, he cursed under his breath before he noticed the piece of clothing on the ground, he snatched it up, scowling before he caught her scent. "LEA!" he drew his arrow, and before he even had time to aim, the arrow was lodged in her Rapist's brain. "LEA!" he screamed, gathering her into his arms, holing her close, muttering soft comforting things as he pressed a hand to her below parts to try and stop the slight bleeding there. "Lea? Lea!? can you hear me!? please Lea talk to me!?" Mint and Turnip dropped to the ground and flanked gale and Lea, protecting them as Gale started to cry. "oh god... i shouldn't have left you alone... Lea i'm so sorry..." and all around the world people knew that Leanna had been raped. because the Capitol hadn't realized until too late what was going on, and hadn't cut the feed to another part of the slaughter.
Lea whimpered softly as she slumped bonelessly into gale's arms, her breathing low and ragged. her head lulling against his shoulder as she panted a little whimpering softly as she struggled to get away before she realized who was holding her."g-gale?"She muttered softly."OKay...okay...I'mm okay.Don't worry.."She muttered more worried about upsetting him and making him fuss then how very hurt and pained she was. Even without the training katniss' mother had, she knew she ewas hurt badly. That even if the bleeding wasn't bad, the soreness and pain wasn't going to allow her the freedom of running or hunting like they'd planned, or what inside damage the beast had caused. But for the moment she wasn't going to worry gale with ideas of what could be, she needed rest. And they needed to hide."We need to move. And I need clothes."She muttered slowly, carefully her voice raw from screaming as she tried to focus past the pain.

In the control room katniss was pale and shaking, wrapping her arms around peeta tightly as soon as she realized what had happened, trying to get a hold to stop whatever violent reaction he was going to have."Peeta.You can't react. Snow'll break them easier if he knows we're reacting badly to it."She muttered trying to keep him calm.
Gale held her closely, kissing her forehead. "i'm here, i'm here love... i'm here..." he whispered softly stroking her hair a little. closing his eyes a little. "your not fine." he growled darkly as he shrugged out of his shirt, settling it around her shoulders carefully, hesitating before pulling his pants off as well, leaving him in a pair of soft black underpants that, really hid very little. the entire capitol swooned at the size of Gale's... package barley restrained in those skimpy black underwear. as if the Capitol had anticipated Gale walking around naked and wanted to give everyone the best view. "...i think the Capitol is a pervert..." Mint chirped cheerfully, Gale startled into laughter as he nodded. "i think you might be right." he admitted making sure she was well covered before lifting her up into his arms. "cover me?" he asked the two kids hopefully, the kids nodding. "yup." they smiled at him, as if they knew something that he didn't, and then followed him deeper into the jungle.

Peeta was snarling, jerking against her as he tried to get free of her tight grip, snarling and shaking as he flailed, but without his leg, he couldn't get out of the low chair on his own anyway. even so, it took him a while to calm down, panting hard in his chair, fury shining in his eyes, a low hiss falling from his lips as someone entered, the woman hesitating, looking surprised, her belly swollen with child. "i...oh uhm...." "what!?" Peeta demanded, the woman wincing as she held something out to them... painkillers. Peeta immediately calmed down a little. "sorry.." "don't be... my husband broke a lamp when he saw what happened." she admitted smiling at him before leaving, Peeta sighing as he slipped the painkillers into the little silver box, and sent it to gale, his lips thin, furious as he watched the little silver box land on Gale's head, the man unleashing a roar of fury as he spun, ready to attack whatever had hit him, blinking stupidly at the box until Mint opened it. "...that's not good... he's too upset, he's reacting instead of Acting..." he muttered nervously. "i hope Mint and Turnip can protect them until...." but there, he paused, his eyes narrowing as they very carefully fed Lea two of the pain killers and gave her some bottled water. letting her drain the entire thing before continuing on to find some shelter.
Lea sniffled a little, burying her face against gale's shoulder, hiding from the cameras as she let the man wrap her up in the clothes, huddling there, looking so small and broken in the oversized clothes. Giggling a little at the others words, "Hmm no, but they have to apperciate something beautiful."She muttered teasing her boyfriend even as she flinched away from the feel of skin on skin. Swallowing hard as she rested her head on gale's shoulder, closing her eyes as she let the pain blind her to everything else. While she wanted to help and keep a eye out, she knew she was to hurt to do it. "Im Lea."She muttered looking at mint and turnip.Yelping as gale spun, the world streaking into streamers of colors as he id, making the world tip drunkenly."Stop.Gale please."She begged even as he gave her the pain killers and carried her to find somewhere to rest."Gale...we might have to climb up. The trees. The branches are high enough and big enough to sleep on."She muttered looking up even as she continuely shuddered as she felt his bare skin against hers. It wasn't so much she thought gale would hurt her, she knew he wouldn't it was she couldn't convince her body of that fact.

Katniss tightene her grip even witout his leg, he was making her work to keep him down. Pressing a kiss to his hair she tensed a little before nodding at the woman. Looking calm as she tilted her head."Thank you."She muttered looking so worried about the two, watching gale and the others."They will. He'll focus on taking care of her, hell calm down once he's able to set her down and sleep some."She said sounding just as anxious.
Gale snorted a little. "i'm just glad that they didn't try to strip me of all my hair like they did to poor Katniss and Lea." he grumbled, the kids giggling. "we had to do that." they admitted dragging up pants legs to show their hair free legs. "it hurts! a LOT... why do we need to have smooth legs anyway?" they asked, confused, Gale shrugging. "i dunno, guess they think hair is ugly... but considering those UGLY wigs i wouldn't say they know anything about pretty. what's wrong with just natural beauty? like Katniss for example! they wanted to... MODIFY her!" he complained shaking his head. "horrible!" focusing on small talk because if he didn't, he was going to go crazy with rage and run off and try to kill something. he grimaced as she complained, kissing her forehead a little. "sorry love... sorry." he whispered softly before looking up into the trees, nervous. "i'm a bit big for most of the trees..." he admitted, shaking his head as he looked around. "here, we'll camp in this one." he decided, examining it a little before sending the kids up first, and limb by limb, they carefully, so very carefully pulled Lea into the trees.

Peeta panted a little, closing his eyes as he struggled not to continue reacting, fighting to stay calm, struggling not to fight, struggling not to give in to the hate and rage that was flooding him. "i have to go talk to the Mentor from Four." he growled, slowly getting to his feet, grimacing a little as he paused, gripping his crutch tightly. the lack of sleep was really starting to get to him. but Katniss wouldn't get him to sleep, not now. he needed to vent, and fortunately for him the mentor of four was an old friend of his, and they could go down to the gym and beat the pulp out of each other to calm themselves down. then, maybe, Peeta could sleep.
Lea laughed softly at that,"It did. But it does make sex nicer. Smooth legs feels better then hairy."Lea muttered giggling a little as she nuzzled her face against gale's shoulder, sighing softly as she tried to relax. Wincing as he pulled her up into the tree she smiled absently as they found a V in the tree large enough for them both while the other two found smaller branches for themselves. Shifting to rest her head on gale's shoulder she shuddered a little.Having tried so hard to not cry or be upset, not wanting to worry the kids more. But when she was sure they were asleep she sniffled a little, and even knowing that the cameras were probably trained on them, catching every private moment, she started to cry softly.This was not going to work. She couldn't handle this."G-gale I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.."She muttered realizing that she had just made this game so much harder for him,even if getting raped wasn't her fault.

Katniss sighed softly watching him go, but letting him go because she knew he had to do something. Waiting a few hours and after talking to the other mentor from four, who she'd become friends with as peeta found the guy mentor, she headed downstairs sighing softly as she walked in and shook her head as she looked at the two men sitting on the floor panting."Feeling better you two?"She mused because it was slightly endearing to see them there, but she was worried about what they would do if they were still upset.
Gale chuckled a little and shook his head. "i don't see how smooth legs can make sex better." he complained playfully, smiling at her a little as he carried her into the tree. "i think those painkillers are making you Delusional." he admitted smiling a little. he held her all night. stroking her hair as she rested, though he knew she wasn't sleeping. "Shhh, love Shh." he whispered, rocking her gently. "you have nothing to be sorry for." he promised softly. "nothing at all... this isn't you fault, and it never will be." he promised softly. "that bastard is the one to blame, and he's dead, i made sure of it." he promised kissing her forehead. "it's the Capitol's fault this happened. they hurt you, they hurt me... they hurt all of us time, and time again." he muttered softly. "they bring us in here... children, some no more than twelve years old... they pluck us like turkeys. drop us in a killing Zone and watch us slaughter each other because it's FUN." he snarled. "most people watched your rape, and thought of it as just another part of the amusement... this is THEIR Fault, Lea, NOT yours... NEVER yours." he promised kissing her forehead again. "do you need more painkillers?" he asked softly, blinking at her. "i won't let you out of my sight again... i promise..." he whispered softly.

the two men looked fine, but they looked like they had broken fingers, and it looked like they had scraped their knuckles to the bone. an easy fix for Capitol doctors. "... i don't know..." the mentor from four muttered, a fourteen year old who had miraculously won the Games a Year before Peeta and Katniss. "...ask me again when i'm not so sore..." Peeta chuckled a little. "just as a memo... never punch walls..." he ordered calmly as he slowly sat up. "but look, i can wear my leg again." he chirped, smiling as he patted the plastic. "Anton helped me put it on." he admitted indicating the other boy. "i think he was even more furious than i was."
"Cause hair is scratchy."She whined smirking a little as she pressed a kiss to his shoulder, sighing softly as she closed her eyes.Watching the stars, quiet for most of the night, because she couldn't sleep,but she wasn't exactly awake. Sighing as she raised her head to look at him,before nodding."No.Its not my fault.Or yours."She muttered shifting to wrap a arm around his waist, knowing he was blaming himself, holding him gently before shaking her head."No.We need to save them."She said softly,watching the stars."Good. I'm not letting you leave me anywhere."She said going quiet for awhile before swallowing hard."..Gale...You're going to be worse off now.I'm hurt.Badly I Ithink,,,,I wont be as helpful..."she said fretting over getting him killed

katniss sighed shaking her head but looking relieved that they both seemed calmer."WEll.Let's get you both upstairs and fixed up."He said before rolling her eyes."Yes, yes so good for you peeta. Now if only you hadn't broken your fingers."She said before looking at anton,"How's that?I didn't' think anyone could be angrier then peeta."
he snorted a little, looking wickedly amused. "oh? scratchy is it? so how do you like this?!" he ran his scratchy beard stubble playfully along her neck, tickling her with a small chuckle, stroking his fingers through her hair. "...not our faults." he agreed softly, smiling down at her. "there's an entire bottle... almost a hundred pills there..." he muttered softly. "if your hurting you need to say so..." he ordered softly smiling at her. "you could be crippled my dear and i would still drag you with me." he promised kissing her temple gently. "you don't have to be helpful, you just have to stay alive... for me." he ordered softly, smiling at her. "as long as your alive, i can do anything." he promised. uncaring of the camera's that where so clearly fixed on him, the entire world soaking up this romance. "i will never let you die..." he sighed a little. "i wonder... if at the end... you and me.. Mint and Turnip... if we refuse to fight, just hole up somewhere and stay alive... i wonder what those bastards at the Capitol will do?" he mused, pondering it a little. "we could just stay up here in the trees." he smiled a little. "live here or something..." he snickered at his ow stupidity. "...i hate having Turnip and Mint here... their so sweet and innocent..." he muttered softly. " can people expect us... any of us to kill people like them?... they haven't even had a chance to live yet..."

Peeta smiled a little as he got up slowly, grimacing a little as he flexed his fingers. "shit... that DOES hurt now that you mention it." he admitted blinking at his fingers, lookign at Anton who snarled. "Fredrick... was my brother." he stated simply, letting Katniss help him up. "he made me volunteer when i was twelve 'prove i'm a man!' the fucking bastard..." he growled, shaking his head. "this year he volunteered because he just got tired of killing things for fake, he wanted to do it for real." he growled hatefully. "i can't beleive he'd do something so disgusting!" he growled, shaking his head. "i'm just glad Cina is a little more stable, that's the girl from my district... she's ruthless, but suicidal." he admitted shaking his head. "she's decided to help Gale save Lea." he admitted smiling sadly at them. "she's probobly out there right now killing all of Two." he admitted shaking his head a little.
Lea giggled as it tickled, squirming a little. "Gale!"She whined softly before sighing biting her lip before nodding. "Okay give me some."She muttered taking the bottle from him and a sip of the water. She hurt but after a few moments it started to fade. She giggled a little at his words."Romantic sap."She teased closing her eyes as she tried to think about that before shaking her head."The gamemakers would never let it happen. You know that."She pointed out."I wish we could.We're all to young.This is to much."She muttered sadly, leaning against him with a sigh.She just knew this was going to be bad.

Katniss rolled her eyes at the two before paling a little at anton's words."Damn.Well. At least they wont have to worry about him now, and they have help."She said glad that at least gale and lea had someone else besides the two with them watching their back. Maybe lea'd have time to get her feet back under her. Maybe.

Two weeks later Lea groaned as she leaned against the tree, on her hands and knees as she puked, wincing a little as she looked at wht little food she'd managed to keep down from breakfast come back up. Leaning against the tree she sighed tiredly. She felt so tired and achy. Closing her eyes she ignored the man she kne wwas standing over her."Shut up.I'm fine.Stop fussing."She ordered even before he said anything knowing what he was going to say and not ready to consider she was dying.
he chuckled a little as she yelled at him and gave her some more painkillers, feeding her the water gently. "yeah, i know." he muttered softly, staring into the sky as the faces appeared... there where only three, the guy from four, a young girl from ten, and a boy from eight. as the weeks went on Kina had joined them. she was crazy, that was clear, but she ADORED Lea. there was nothing Kina loved more than to sit there and run her fingers through Lea's hair and braid it in interesting patterns. there was only ten of the people left, and they where more focused on killing each other off than looking for the small group of five who where staying hidden for now... though Turnip had shown he was deadly with that scythe. he had completely decapitated a person with it. Gale proved invaluable in finding food, and they even ate the Monkey Mutts that kept trying to attack them... they where almost content! and Peeta knew it was only a matter of time before the Capitol got annoyed, but what could they do!? because of the tracker in her arm, they knew what the rest of the world was starting to figure out... she was pregnant.

"your NOT fine!" he growled, frowning as he stroked her forehead, blinking in shock as a small silver box floated down... inside was pills, anti nausea pills. it was the only thing he could think to do to help. Kina examined the pills and shook two out of the bottle and handed them to Lea with another bottle of water, stuffing the pills into Gale's pack because he was too focused on Lea to think about putting anything away. 'the kids' as Gale called them, where taking the time to tap a tree, spilling water down into the bottles from the backpacks. "i don't understand..." Gale complained, frowning a little. "your not hurt... your not in pain... your just puking in the mornings..." he complained. "is it the stomach flue? did you eat something bad!?" he sighed, closed his eyes and started doing some breathing exercises that Mint had taught him to keep his stress levels down. it helped him to keep from panicking, and as long as he took a moment to breath when he started having a freak out, he found himself thinking much better. "alright... well, if the anti Nausea pills work, then it must be an illness of some kind right?" "mmm, otherwise it's a reaction to stress." Turnip mused, popping over with another bottle of water for her. "....there could be another reason." Kin admitted suddenly, running her fingers soothingly through Lea's hair. "...have you considered that you might be pregnant?" miles away, Peeta started cursing violently, mimicking Gale who was also cursing, hoping to GOD that she wasn't pregnant.
Lea laughed softly."I'm as fine as I can be."She said but took the anti nausea pills, sipping the water slowly so her stomach didn't reject it out of hand before looking startled. Having not even considered that. But Kina's fingers in her hair felt so nice that she couldn't even think about freaking out just yet."Gale. Stop.You're going to get the mockingjay's mocking you soon."She said sighing softly before standing slowly, wrapping her arms around gale, pressing her face against his chest. Sighing softly as she held him tightly, so scared at the idea."Gale..."She trailed off because she knew as well as he did that they'd had enough unprotected sex and not considering her rape...yea, it was possible.

Katniss winced, cursing silently because she had hoped that for a little while longer that it wouldn't occurr to either man why she was so sick. Letting him rant for a little katniss sighed softly before shaking him a little."You knew she was pregnant. The tracker knew before anything what was different, it was only a matter of time before gale figured out to."
Gale growled as he was basically told to shut up but it was too late, all over the forest the birds where mimicking his violent curses, making him grimace. "dammit." he growled pulling her so close to him that he was nearly crushing her. he couldn't let her go, even the breathing exorcizes couldn't calm him down now, though he did relax his grip when she protested. "...i don't care." he whispered softly, stroking her hair. "it's my baby." he decided, starting to relax now, smiling as he nuzzled her a little. "it's My baby." he murmured setting a hand on her belly. "'s OUR baby..." he whispered softly, kissing her slowly, lingering, smiling as he nuzzled her neck, smiling a little. "i won't let anything bad happen to you, or the baby..." he promised softly, glaring at one of the Camera's hovering nearby. "go away! can't we have a single moment of privacy you bastards?!"

Peeta shook his head. "it's not that!" he growled. 'this may have ruined my plans!" he growled a little. "or even worse..." he shook his head violently. "we need to send her a pregnancy test... let the world see that she's pregnant for sure or not..." he muttered, pondering for a long moment before getting up and kissing her gently. "sorry... i'll be right back i have to talk to some people..." he muttered blinking at her for a moment. "...if i tell you... that you need to be ready... can you be ready?" he asked softly. clearly asking her if she can be ready to move, and quickly, be packed and ready to flee... it was clear in that moment, that Peeta had something very large planned.
Lea giggled a little as the birds started cursing, yelping as he wrapped her up tightly, her breathing becoming ragged as she was held against him sighing softly as the man relaxed his grip,even though she held him just as tighter. "It is.Its ours."She muttered holding onto him tightly closer her eyes as she buried her face against his neck,raising a hand, gently running her fingers his hair before nodding towards the treetops."We'll go up to our spot. Its private, and the leaves are thick enough they cant see."She said sighing softly already pulling away and heading up the braches, scrambling up. Wanting some privacy, wanting to just be held.

"We'll get her a test."She said already heading for the door to get what they needed before pausing, looking thoughtful before swallowing hard."Our bags are already packed to go the moment we decided to go."She muttered revealing that she was just as well planned as he was, even if she had no idea what was going on."Tell me.I'm not letting them die in the arena if I can save them."
he smiled as he kissed her gently, closing his eyes a little as he leaned into the affectionate touch in his hair, smiling as the rest of the group got the message and vanished into the trees to 'forage' for food. Gale scrambled up the tree after her, and cuddled her close, holding her tightly. "i love you." he whispered, smiling at her as the camera's tried to follow, but she was right, the trees where too thick there, they had their privacy. he held her, cuddling with her and paused as something floated down into the trees, landing on Kina's head, the woman yanking it open and pulling out the bread from district four, the girl beaming happily as she carefully, meticulously divided it into five equal parts, happy. no one would see the little slip of paper that she had looked at, glued to the bottom of the box. she discarded the box into the little fire that they had made. Gale stayed up in that tree with Lea for hours, and when he finally came down there was a new box sitting there with Leanna's name on it. "it's a pregnancy test." Mint said calmly. "...there's instruction on the box from Peeta... he wants you to take the test... and then hold it very close to the camera so the entire world can see." Mint explained holding the test out to her.

as soon as she left for privacy, one of the remaining tributes appeared, hidden in the bushes with a blow dart. waiting.... as soon as Leanna finished the test, and held it to the Camera's for everyone to see, the tribute struck, blowing the dart into Leanna's leg, and arm, cutting through her leg with razor sharp... things, from one of the animals or something. they cut deep, and stung violently, and must have been laced with something because the wounds burned like fire, and the tribute vanished back into the woods to leave Lea in her agony.

Peeta smiled at her and shook his head. "we are either leaving with them.... or dying with them." he admitted softly to her. "no middle ground... it either works... or it fails..." he admitted before limping off to talk to whoever he had to talk to. Peeta looked pleased as he returned to Katniss just as Leanna was taking the pregnancy test. "if she's pregnant... we have a new ally... one that will ensure our victory." he admitted licking his lips. "we're moving in two days..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "...son of a bitch!" he hissed seeing a new tribute. "no! for the love of GOD Leanna look out!!!" he groaned as she was struck. "those Pincers are poisonous..."
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