Lightening Strike

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he chuckled a little. "that's why you yelled at me. i thought that was your name." he admitted smiling a little. "i called you chicken though, because that's what i thought HE said... so you yelled at me and pushed me so hard i fell over... been terrified ever since." he teased smiling at her a little as he shook his head but paused as she called his name, looking at her. "...come on Spitfire... we'll share a room." he promised, offering him her hand. "i'll sleep on top of the blankets, i get too hot in the night anyway." he admitted smiling at her. "it will be alright..."

Peeta shook his head. "Katnis look at him." he complained. "he's practically mooning over her..." he admitted watching her closely. "i'm sorry Katniss but... i think he may have had a crush on her for some time now." he admitted. "he just didn't know it." he admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "this is all going to hell..." he admitted closing his eyes a little as he bumped his foot, gritting his teeth to keep from crying out as he smiled at her. "well, as long as i thanked you." he muttered, settling into the chair. "you'll call the doctor for me? i better have it seen to tonight before i go to bed... i won't sleep with it aching so much." he admitted, watching the two enter the room, his eyes narrowed at Gale who flushed. "...i was scared..." he complained pathetically, Peeta snorting. "it doesn't matter, it's been done, and it might work in our favor... your handsome, strong, and in love apparently. the Sponsors will eat that up." he admitted simply. "we just have to find a way to get the Gamemakers on your side... just don't do what Katniss did, they might not take it as well as they did for her." he teased chuckling a little.
"Ohhhh...yea well.."She shrugged a little blushing slightly before nodding."Thanks."She muttered taking his hand, squeezing his fingers before feeling awkward as they walked into the room with the other two, drawing away. Even if they knew they were going to be in the same room, it was something else to walk in holding hands.

Katniss sighed softly a small smile n her face as she thought about it."He's not that bad. He's...okay he's mooning."She said snickering a little amused before sighing. "I'll call them."She said looking worried about him as she moved over to the phone to call a doctor before looking at the two."Me to.I felt sick."Lea muttered looking amused as she sat down next to peeta, looking at him worried, pain showing in her eyes. Having not thought about him the whole time she'd been with gale, and that scared her. For so long peeta had been the only person she had."True. But we have the interviews tomorrow. And no they probably wont do that for us."She said smiling a little looking at him."Do you want me to wait with you until the doctor gets here?" "No.I can stay here with him."Katniss said smiling slightly.
He smiled at her and shook his head a little as he took her into the room, examining Peeta with a frown at how pale the other was. "who's mooning?" "one of the other Advisers." Peeta lied effortlessly. "fancies himself in love with one of the Tributes." Gale wrinkled his nose. "...that won't end well..." Gale muttered shaking his head a little as he moved over to the thing in the corner, ordering a hot chocolate and bringing it over to Peeta. "here, drink... it'll make you feel better." Peeta snorted. "don't use my words against me you imp." he ordered, but sipped at the hot chocolate anyway. "we'll all wait." he decided. "it's no good if our Mentor get's taken out on a stretcher and we're not here to see it." he teased, Peeta offering him a small scowl. "oh shut up, i won't be leaving this damn room, they can take care of me right here!" he grumbled, the pain making him testy.

"go to bed! all of you! stop hovering!" he complained sulky and annoyed that they where all worrying about him, glaring at the doctors when they came in, the two doctors very carefully removing the leg. "swollen... the plastic's been cutting into your leg and making it worse..." they scowled. "why didn't you say something when it started hurting?" the doctor asked, slightly annoyed with Peeta, who simply shrugged. the stub that was left was covered in half healed lacerations and was a bruised purple color. "...have you been wearing this thing to bed!?" the doctors demanded, stunned and angry. "'s hard to take off..." Peeta grumbled. "i just sleep in a chair..." "..." the Doctors sighed, annoyed with Peeta and his stubbornness and Gale looked like he was going to be sick again as he stared at the bruised stub. "...s'cuse me.." he muttered turning and heading into the bathroom.
Lea giggle a little at their teasing before sighing softly wincing as she looked at peeta's leg, pale and hurt."I'll see you in the morning."She muttered leaving the room before she threw up. She couldn't stand to see him that hurt, so she had to leave. Swallowing hard as she looked up at gale as he stepped out of the bathroom,gently nudging him towards the bedroom."Come on.We both need to sleep."She muttered gently shoving him towards the bedroom and walking in. Blushing as she stripped down to the underwear and bra she was wearing before pulling on the pj's katniss had let for her, before clibing under the blankkets.

Katniss glared annoed with peeta pacing a little."You are a jackass."She muttered annoyed with him because he'd let himself get this hurt before looking at the doctor."Is there anything you can do for him?Besides make him smarter?'she asked looking worried about him as she sat down next to him. Hesitating for a moment before slipping her hand into his, squeezing his hand gently.
Peeta nodded as he took her hand, giving it a squeeze. "thanks, Lea.." he muttered offering her a small grin before turning to the doctors as they scolded him, Gale wiping the back of his mouth, shaking his head. "how can he just... sit there and let that happen!?" he complained, staring at her, worried his head tilted. "has he always been that stubborn or his life just that much pain that he didn't notice until he couldn't walk on it?" he asked, not noticing as she stripped, doing the same, staying in his boxers as he grabbed soft pajamas, rubbing the fabric in his fingers once he had his pants on. "do you mind if i sleep without a shirt?" he asked glancing at her, already nestled into the covers.

Peeta shook his head. "i didn't know it was this bad..." he admitted gritting his teeth a little as a doctor carefully examined the stump. "i mean, it ached a little, but i spent most of my time sitting so i didn't notice..." "all the moving around inflamed it." the doctor admitted. "we can fix this, there's no problem." he promised. "it's not infected, it's just bruised and swollen and cut." he admitted taking a jar out of his bag, running it carefully all over the stump, handing the jar to Katniss. "he needs to put this on until the swelling and bruising is completely gone." he ordered. "as often as you, or he can remember it. every hour would be best." he admitted turning a stern voice to Peets. "and you stop sleeping in that Leg young man! i don't care how hard it is to take off! if you get an infection we'll have to take your knee off! is that what you want!?" Peeta actually looked cowed and he muttered an apology as the doctor left, Peeta grimacing. "i swear i didn't know it was that bad Katniss..."
Lea smiled a little before shruging a littlem"It's numb.Some. He probably didn't realize how bad it was until it got really bad."She muttered sighing sadly, tears filling her eyes as she considered how much pain her father had to be. Smiling slghtl before shrugging."N-no.You can sleep shirtless."She said looking up at him, eyes widening slightly green eyes dilated as she considered the handsome man in front of her. Before looking awy, not able to consider what she was seeing. Not wanting to make him feel awkward.

Katniss nodded listening to the doctor."I'll remember."She said making a promise to herself that she would make sure that peeta did everything that he had to. katniss sighed sotly, punching him in the arm."I know.But you have to take care of yourself. We have enough problems as it is."She muttered before helping him to his bedroom, tilting her head a little."Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"She asked.
he nodded a little. "so he wouldn't have felt the small cuts, or the bruising until it got too painful to stand on... and then having to stand on it made it worse..." he muttered frowning a little. "poor guy..." he sighed a little as he smiled at her, wiping away a tear that escaped her. "hey now, he'll be alright, they have the best Doctors available here." he admitted simply. "he won't be in pain for long." he promised shaking his head. "get some sleep." he ordered, not noticing her looks. "we have a long day ahead of us." he admitted smiling a little as he settled on top of the covers next to her. "...goodnight Lea... i'm glad your here with me.." he admitted softly. "out of everyone, i think your the best." he admitted softly.

he grimaced a little, shaking his head. "i know... Chickadee is gonna kick my ass in the morning." he complained sighing a little as he rubbed his knee. "the pain's fading though... i'll leave the leg off." he decided. "i don't know if i can get it back on though..." he admitted. "do you think they'll think me rude if i leave it off tomorrow and just tie my pants the way the old mine workers do? or might that upset the 'delicate sensibilities of the capitol people?'" he asked mimicking Gale's voice almost perfectly, grinning a little as he watched her. "no... go yo bed Katniss. the pain is gone, i'm just going to sleep here tonight." he promised. "i won't be able to walk to my bed anyway. not even with your help." he admitted sighing as he rested into the chair. "besides... this chair is really very comfortable... much better than the one at home..."
Lea smiled a little as she shifted, snuggling up against him, resting her head on his chest with a sigh, closing her ees as she started to drift to sleep."I'm glad your hear to.goodnight."She muttere drifting off.

"She is."Katniss agreed amused at the idea of lea yelling at him before shrugging."Even if it does upset them, screw them. You don't need to risk injuring yourself more."She said kissing his forehead frowning a little at him before nodding."Goodnight then."She said knowing better then to try and convince him to get up and into bed.

In the morning lea sighed softly, sometime during the night having gotten out from under the covers, shivering a little but to warm to be under the covers as she cuddled against him, resting her head on his chest as she started to wake up, not even realizing her hand was resting over his groin, fingers absently stroking him. Having been having a dream of doing the same thing, she couldn't help let her hands do the same as seh was to sleepily to stop herself from plaing with the man laying next to her.She had always liked him even when she only relied on peeta, had only clung to him, watched gale and katniss together. Her usually tough exterior hiding a extremely shy person behind it. And so she'd never said anything to him, even when the occasionally did talk to each other.
in the morning Gale was sleeping heavily, but small moans where falling from his lips, his hips moving up and down, his cock full and hard under her attention as he shuddered a little, swallowing thick;y as he opened sleep fogged eyes. "uuuh...whussit?" he asked sleepily. "whosser?" he asked looking down at Lea, shuddering a little. "oh...oh god.. Lea... Spitfire..." he groaned, his hips still rocking, he clearly thought he was having a nice, pleasant dream because his hand reached down and stroked the top of her head. "please don't stop... feels so good...."

Peeta was of course the first one up, and with help from his cane he managed to hobble to Katniss's rooms. he couldn't get changed, and he couldn't shower with only one leg. "er... Kat?" he asked knocking on her door and blinking at her, looking a touch ashamed. "i'm really sorry but... could you.. help me? i can't stand up on my own... i can't wash.." he admitted blinking at her a little, a flush staining his cheeks. "and i can't put the stuff on... it hurts too much.." Peeta hated asking for help, so this was a rare thing, at least his leg looked better, though it was still heavily bruised, the lacerations had mostly closed, but it looked like whatever had been keeping it numb was beginning to fade because he was pale from pain again.
Lea whined softly shivering against him, pressing her head against his hand like a well contented cat, nuzzling his skin as she tightened her hand a little around him, still trapped in a dream, not realizing that she was actually doing it as she slipped her hand under his boxers, slender fingers gently touching his heated flesh.Good?"She muttered sleepily, so sleepy that it was almost obvious that she wasn't awake, though he wasn't really awake either so he might not notice.

katniss looked sleepiy startled as she opened the door, rubbing her eyes as she looked up at him.Looking so tired because she didn't understand for a moment before nodding."Come on, idiot. I'll take care of you."she said helping him into the bathroom. Glad that his leg looked better as she sat him down on the toliet, looking over the wounds before nodding to herself."Do you want to sit in a bath or let me help you take a shower?"She asked wanting to do whatever would make him feel the most comfortable.
he moaned as she tightened her grip, gasping eagerly as his eyes fluttered, waking up and struggling to stay asleep, to enjoy the dream. "please... yes... so good." he moaned, shuddering eagerly as he looked down at her, his chest heaving. "... Lea?" he asked frowning a little. "... oh fuck.. i'm not dreaming! LEA! wake up!" he demanded, flushing hard, his entire face was a tomato at that point, staring at her as he gave her a small shake, his cock throbbing in his pants, but he wasn't about to take advantage of her while she was mostly asleep.

he stared at her and smiled a little. "i'm not an idiot." he complained shaking his head as he hobbled next to her with his crutch and settled onto the toilette, handing her the cream. "i can't bring myself to touch it." he admitted sheepishly. "it stings like a Tracker Jacker." he admitted shaking his head a little as he examined the tub. "it would be easier in the tub, but i wouldn't be able to get out on my own." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i barley managed to get out of the damn chair this morning." he admitted with a small scowl. he hated being so helpless, so weak.
lea yelped loudly as he shook her, fingers tightenin slightly before raising her head to look at the man but didn't move her hand. Looking so cutely confused as she stared at him before flushing pulling her hand away and avoiding looking at him as she realized what they'd been doing."Oh...sorry..I'm sorry.."She muttered so, so flustered.

"You are to."Katniss said smiling a little as she took the cream, crouching down in front of him as she rubbed some onto the stump."Well, at least it isn't tracker jackers."She said frowning a little."We'll need to warn them to stay out of the high tops. While it would be good to climb trees, they might find tracker jackers..."She said biting her lip before plucking at his shirt."undress and I'll help you into the tub."She said refusing to be perturbed at his scowl.
he panted a little, blushing as he arched a little as her grip tightened, moaning a little. "'s ok..." he whispered licking his lips a little. "i... uhm..." he shifted, shaking his head. "i need to go to the bathroom..." he decided, smiling at her. "at least i woke up well." he teased, blushing hard as he tried to untangle his feet from the sheets that she had kicked off, so flustered that he couldn't figure out how to get free.

he grimaced as she rubbed the cream in, wincing at the pain and then sighing as the cream numbed the pain. "i don't think Gale could get up that far." he admitted simply. "Leanne could, she's small and lightweight like you are, but he's too heavy..." he admitted shaking his head a little. "they'll stick to the lower parts... they'll have to find other ways to stay hidden." he admitted pondering for a moment as he undressed, having a little trouble with the pants but unlike Gale and Katniss, he had no problems being naked in front of other people. "thanks for helping me Katniss." he muttered once he was in the hot water. "i don't think Leanne could have helped me... and i don't think Gale would have." he admitted smiling a little as he started scrubbing himself clean. "we're going to have to decide how their going to approach their interviews..." he muttered, frowning now as he thought. "clearly everyone knows their in love... we're going to have to find a way to make that work for us." he muttered. "their going to work together of course. that's their best bet." he admitted simply. "they'll get much farther together than alone..." he muttered, frowning a little as he struggled to think how to make this work in their favor. "we're going to have to fabricate a lie...." he decided. "they'll need to have been in love, even dating for a while for people to beleive it..." he worried his lip. "what do you think?"
Leanna blushed reaching out and helping him untangle himself, her blond hair hiding her face and her blush."Well.I guess it was a good morning."She muttered blushing hard as she looked up at him, reaching up to brush his hair out of his face."I thought you had to go to the bathroom."She teased.

"True, he is fat sometimes."Katniss said snickering, but nodding."They'll do better hiding together then apart."She said already thinking about that before smirking at him as she sat back on her heels, comfortable enough to stay here and talk to him."Leanna's probably not strong enough to help, and gale would have, but you would have had to listen to a blistering lecture on stupid actions. Thankfully, I do not lecture."She teased a little before sighing softly. "I think it'll do well for them."She said biting her lip before... the brillance and pain of the idea tore her heart apart, but...snow wouldn't step aside and let leanna walk away even if he was going to lose face so..."They're doing group interviews this year. Well, at least the district tributes together."she said biting her lip. "Pregnant. If she's pregnant, the world is going to hate that she's there, and they'll want help, AND it'll piss snow off to see them winning so much."She said shhrugging."No one at home who knows them well would believe it, but there's not that many people who know them well enough to know they hadn't been spending their afternoons together."She said because everyone knew that there was afternoons at home where no one could find gale or leanna. Gale went hunting, leanna hid to practice her music.
he coughed nervously into his hand and then offered her a small smile. "yes...well i..." he glanced down. "i think my horror has taken care of the problem." he admitted, revealing that he had gone limp again, offering her a hesitant smile. "i'm sorry about that..." he muttered rubbing the back of his head. "never really... you know..." been touched... ever. sure he'd experimented with his own hand, but...well, it hadn't felt anything like hers.

he snorted a little. "i don't know if i could call him fat, though in the last six months he has gotten a nice layer of muscle." with such good food all of a sudden, everyone in the village was looking better. "it's a shame about his sisters though..." he admitted softly. while he and Katniss had been in the Games... Gale's younger sisters had died from eating the wrong kind of mushrooms. they had gotten desperate for food, and had eaten the ones growing in their yard, and Katniss's mother hadn't been able to save them. "we don't want to piss Snow off even more Katniss!" he complained frowning at her. "we'll just run into this problem all over again!" he sighed a little and set a hand over his eyes. "besides. Leanna's a virgin, doctors will test her to find out if she's pregnant and they'll know immediately that she's never had sex... we can easily make people beleive they've been dating, we can't convince them that she's pregnant." he admitted shaking his head. "help me up?" he asked once he was rinsed off. "i should be able to get dressed on my own at least." he promised smiling at her a little.
Lea blushed looking up at him, tilting her head a little. She found it so cute, that he loked so awkward. Biting her lip as she thought about what she'd done, or what was coming she realized she didn't want to die a virgin. Because despite knowing gale was going to fight for her, for them, there was to much that could go wrong.Looking nervous she smiled softly closing her hand around the back of his neck,drawing him down for a kiss, hesitant and nervous, willing to let him pull away if he didn't want to.

"True."Katniss said before nodding. Looking sad at the idea of the girls being gone before running her fingers through her hair, laughing softly."Ah, but snow has to many people following him. He needs someone to tell him this is wrong. And sending a pregnant girl to the areana would be wrong."She said before sighing."I know I know. It's just...I wish we could keep them both out of there."She said before nodding helping him up as she pulled his clothes over and handed them to him."Are you sure?"
he flushed hard as she grabbed him, but didn't fight her as he kissed her back, running his tongue into her mouth eagerly, moaning softly as he closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her eagerly as he pulled her close. reveling in the contact and the pleasure, whining softly as he broke the kiss to run his lips down to her neck. "...we shouldn't do this.." he whispered softly, his hands sliding up and down her sides. "we're... we..." he frowned. "there's a reason we shouldn't do this but i'm not sure what it is..."

he snorted a little and shook his head a little as he carefully got out of the tub. "we'll think of something." he agreed smiling at her as he carefully kissed her, laying his forehead on hers. "it will be ok... we just, have to think of something..." he muttered softly. "maybe we'll be lucky and they'll have unprotected sex in the next week..." he grumbled, sighing a little as he shook his head. "no i'm not sure, but i do have my pride." he admitted smiling as he carefully pulled his boxers on, and then his pants, struggling, but refusing help because his pride was already taking too much of a beating.
Leanna moaned softly as she kissed him, leaning into him, panting ever so softly as she looked up at him. The thin material of her top the only thing between them, the soft silk of her top hardening her nipples as she pressed against him, tangling her fingers in his hair as she kssed him slowly."No...I can't remember...I want to."She muttered shivering as he kissed her neck, moaning, panting ever so softly as she trembled in his arms."Kiss me. Touch me, please,gale."She whimpered softly.

Katniss smiled softly kissing him back,closing her eyes as he rested her forehead against his. She so wanted to have everything work out.But she had a feeling evenif they somehow had sex, snow would send them to the arena, because this was her and peeta's punishment, and this wasn't about the actual tributes."Maybe they will.I'd like to see how that would happen though. They're both shy."She said snickering but not offering to help him because she understood his pride wouldn't let her help him.
he shuddered as he felt the firm nipples. he knew how to have sex, his father had instructed him, he knew how to not hurt her, and how to make her feel good... in theory anyway. "alright." he whispered softly, kissing her again as he rolled them over so that she was on the bed instead, slowly pulling her shirt off of her, kissing her forehead gently before beginning to kiss down her body. he lingered over her nipples, licking and sucking carefully, wanting to please, and impress her, panting softly as he ground his hip into her leg. "god your body is wonderful..." he whispered softly, kissing own her body. "i just want to kiss it all over..."

he sighed a little and shook his head. "it will never happen, even if we lock them in a room naked with each other. Gale is too chivalrous and Chickadee is too shy. they'd huddle in opposite corners and cry and bang on the door." he admitted shaking his head a little, panting from the effort of dressing himself, pleased that the pants came cropped short on his bad leg with button snaps for a clean look, a more noble look. "i do like these pants, i'm going to have to get a couple of these." he admitted snapping them closed around his stump. "they look a lot nicer than the ones the old miners use." he admitted letting her help him stand up. "come on, lets go get breakfast, we'll roll their lazy buts out of bed at noon, they probobly didn't sleep well last night."
Lea shivered as he rolled her back onto the bed, looking up at him with wide dilated eyes lust and the beginnings of love showing in her face as she shuddered. Giggling a little as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, it was endearing and cute. Sighing soly she groaned as he back arched into his back, fingers running through his hair as he sucked on a nipple."Ohhh...that felt nice..."She muttered slender strong thighs flexing against his body, shifting as he ground himself against her, "Your now to so bad yourself."She teased blushing at the compliment."All over?"she said sounding shy. Like she'd just realized she was in bed with a man who was wearing only boxers, while she only had on short shorts.It was...enough to make her shy.

"They'd kill us if we did that."katniss said snickering but looking pleased as he got dressed, proud that he had been able to do it."I'll buy you some. We are after all in captial, and they might not be able to leave here, but we can. We'll get something after the interviews tonight."She said kissing his cheek before getting them down to the kitchen, settlign him into the chair as she started to try and make breakfast."It's not nice calling them lazy when they probably didn't sleep for two nights."She pointed out.
he smiled at her as he positioned himself, pressing his thick, hot length tight against her sex, grinding both together through cloth with a shuddered sigh. "mmm good." he groaned softly as he kissed her again, smiling at her, love and lust written across his face as he nodded. "all over." he muttered softly, panting lightly. "are you sure?" he asked softly, his hands settling onto her shorts, hesitating. but once he had her permission he slid them off, bent low, and began to lick, and yes kiss, her all over in that sensitive little entrance, searching for that hidden little button that would drive her wild.

he chuckled a little. "might be amusing to watch though, we could take bets to see who tries to kill us first." he teased smiling a little as he shook his head. "besides. we don't have enough money to buy things like this." he admitted simply. "i can just make my own with wooden buttons." he admitted. "i've been working on my sewing skills." he admitted looking rather pleased with himself. "i can make a shirt now. i still can't manage socks." he admitted wrinkling his nose as he sat down at the breakfast table with a small sigh, taking the salve and running it on his stump before she could tell him to do it before helping himself to the hot chocolate. it was his favorite thing. "i'm certain Lea didn't sleep at all last night." he admitted. "but they ARE lazy." he admitted smirking a little, shaking his head a little looking amused. "i bet they didn't even change last night before they collapsed into bed."
Lea moaned shivering as she sighed in pleasure, looking up at him with soft eyes."I am."She muttered blushing hard as he tugged off her shorts, shivering as she spread her legs a little, slender legs resting over his shoulders as she tangled her fingers in his hair. Gasping in pleasure as his tongue found what he'd been looking for, the blushing virgin gasping and moaning as she arched off the bed,"GAleeee!"She whined his name, sounding desperatet, so desperate for more, more pleasure then he was already offering.

"We could. It would be interesting."Jatniss said smiling as she set a plateof eggs down in front of him, starting to eat as she rolled her eyes."We can afford a few pairs of pants."She said raising a eyebrow."Or did you forget you won a fortune along with a house last year?"She teased a little but amused that he was sewing."No one can manage socks."She said loking pleased as he took care of his leg before sighing softly."I'll take that bet."she snickered a little."But you can be the one who goes looks. They might tr to beat the person who checks on them, head's in."
he smiled as he felt her hands in his hair, her legs on his shoulders, crying out for him, looking up at her pleaded tone, kissing his way up her body, licking along her belly, moaning softly as he felt her body with his hands, shedding his own pants. "are you sure?" he asked softly, his lips against hers as he rubbed his cock along the folds of her cunt, shuddering, but he wanted to make sure she wanted it. once he had her consent, he slowly began to work himself inside, groaning eagerly. "tight... warm." he groaned, gasping against her neck as he buried himself to the hilt and then paused, because he could barley control himself, if he moved at all, he was going to cum.

he scowled at her when she proceeded to make sure he ate food too, but didn't argue since he was hungry. "grab me one of those muffins too would you?" he asked hopefully as he tucked into his eggs before he paused, blinking at her. " of course i didn't forget that..." the flush on his face said it all.. he HAD forgotten. was that why he had taken up sewing? so he could sell clothes? he was baking a lot lately too, making bread and cookies and even making small cakes for peoples birthdays. not that there had been any need to spend money on food. for the last twelve months they'd been traveling tot he different Districts and the Capitol made sure to keep them well fed while they traveled, and the houses had been so well stocked with food that he hadn't run out yet. with only him and his father in the house, it had lasted a long time... he had abandoned his mother, and his two brothers had refused to go live with him, annoyed that he had lived. "i'm not going to be the one who looks! Gale will beat my face in!" he complained sulking at her as he ate his muffin and drank his hot chocolate. "so.. they've been dating two months..." he decided. "sneaking off to meet each other in private... where?" he asked frowning. "not the woods, they'll get in trouble..." he mused. "ah! that clove of trees where the fence is broken, no one goes in there because their afraid of the Wild Dogs."
Lea moaned, trembling as he licked her skin, shivering as she slid her hands over his body, wrapping her arms around him as she nodded, eyes wide as she wrapped her legs around his waist,holding him still. Needing the moment as much as he did."Ohhh..."She shuddered because it felt good, but it also hurt, glad that he had his face buried against her neck so he couldn't see the pained tears that spiked her eyelashes. Shivering as she rocked her hips a little, but unable to stop the gasp of pain and pleasure as she felt him move a little in her at that.

Katniss smiled as she past him a muffin, smirking a little but not saying anything about his forgetfulness as she leaned over to kiss his cheek."It's okay. I like you anyways.Even if your a little dumb."She teased looking amused before sighing softly."Two months. And yes...there's that abandoned cabin at the edge of the clearing there. So even if it rains they'd have a place to be together."She nodded looking thoughtful."And the lake, they could go swimming to. The romantic young things people do."She said shrugging a little.
he moaned as he panted, trembling as he struggled to control himself, his cock twitching deep inside of her, groaning eagerly as he slowly carefully started to move inside of her. "fuck... Lea... you feel so good." he moaned, catching her lips with his, kissing her eagerly before kissing her tears away. "i'm sorry.." he whispered. "i didn't mean to hurt you..." he muttered softly, his hips rocking carefully.

he snorted a little and shook his head a little. "i'm not dumb, just rocked off my ass on painkillers." he admitted looking amused as he leaned into the kiss, sighing a little. "now how did they meet? ah! i know. he hunts the rabbits and the squirrels that come into the village, and the wild dogs, that's why he's so good at the traps and snares. as long as he's hunting in the village he won't get in trouble." he mused. "and she was back there singing, washing clothes maybe at the little pond. instant attraction?" he asked smirking a little. "it's mostly true, i know they both go back there for privacy, they've probobly even seen each other more times than they can count."
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