Lightening Strike

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Lea moned softly whivering,holding him tightly againt her,clinging to the man holding her as she shuddered. Eyes widening slgithy ls he kissed her tears away. It was something so adoreable, and caring."I-I'm okay...just not...hurts a little..."She muttered shivering as her body responded tohim moving in her.

"Probably more then they'd ever admit t."Katniss said snickering a little because it amused her to think that both lea and gale had been so shy that they hadn't even been brve enough to talk to each other even if they wereseeing each other most of the time.
he smiled a little as he wrapped her up, carefully, so gently as he kissed her slowly as he moved still inside of her. he couldn't stop, it was taking all his self control not to speed up. "let me know when your alright. and i'll go faster." he promised softly, kissing her again before kissing down her neck, shivering eagerly. "gods, Spitfire... you feel so good." he whispered softly. "i never want this to end." he admitted softly. "laying here in your arms... it feels so right..."

he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "their really kind of pathetic sometimes." he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head a little. "i think Lea's had a crush on him though." he admitted frowning a little. "she talked once about a cute guy she saw, but she was too scared to talk to him... that was when Gale lost his sisters i think..." he admitted. "she said she found him crying..." he looked at Katniss. "... you know that might be a better way for them to meet. makes them both seam so kind and caring... he was crying at the loss of his sisters, and she comforted him." he smirked. "it might make them look weak, but it also means they won't be considered a threat. and the Sponsors will feel EVER so heart touched..."
Lea moaned gasped a little."I'm okay..."She muttered kissing him backraising her head pressing small kisses to his shoulder holding onto him tightly."Never want to go.We could stay here."She muttered gasping louder as she came, her body tightening almost painfully tight around him, so tight around his cock taht it almost hurt.

"They are arent they?"Katniss said laughing sotly before looking thoughtful."Huh. They really are to shy for their own good."she said looking amused before nodding."IT would make a good story, to tell them about how his sister had died, and lea was there when he needed someone while I was gone...yes I do like it."she said looking so sad about the idea of his sisters, because it hurt her that she hadn't been there when he needed her the most.
he smiled a little as he kissed her forehead again, moving a little faster gasping as she came, making a strange sound in the back of his throat as he followed her orgasm, burying his face in her shoulder, mortified that he hadn't lasted. "s..sorry i couldn't help myself.." he muttered, carefully pulling out of her and grimacing. "...i think you bruised me Spitfire." he teased smiling softly at her. "that was really amazing though... we should do this again." he admitted kissing her slowly. "...we should clean up though before they come to wake us up..."

he snickered a little and nodded before setting his hand on Katniss's. "you where fighting death of your own." he muttered softly. "he understands." he muttered smiling at her. "but it does make a wonderful back story." he admitted kissing the backs of her hands. "how is Prim by the way?" he asked, wanting her to think about happier things. "i haven't seen her since she's been trying to recreate my leg with wood." he admitted smiling a little. "has she made any progress?"
Lea gasped a little as he pulled out, whimpering softly as she shuddered, looking worried for a moment as she kissed him back."Sorry...didn't mean to."She muttered looking so worried about hurting him, not realizing he'd been teasing her as she sighed."We should."She muttered wincing as she sat up.Even if he had been careful, her body hurt. Feeling so pained and unsteady as he moved to their bathroom to clean up.

'I know."Katniss sighed softly resting her hand on his before nodding."Prim's doing good. She's got some of it to work, like the shape or something,but she doesn't want to show me until she's made it perfect. Doesn't want to get our hopes up that she can reall make something better than captiol."She said shrugging, glancing at the lcock."We better wake them up.They have to start getting ready for their interviews."
he smiled a little at her. "i was only teasing Lea." he muttered softly, stroking her cheek, smiling at her. "you didn't hurt me in the least Spitfire." he promised softly, smiling at her as he carefully helped her to her feet. "do you want to share a shower?" he asked looking worried about her. "are you ok? your limping... Lea did i hurt you?" he asked looking worried.

he smiled a little as he chuckled. "she's a smart kid. if she can figure out how to make it work, she'll save a lot of the old Minors some serious problems." he admitted. "if they have a leg, then they can find new jobs, and then they won't starve." he admitted smiling a little. "i've had an idea too..." he admitted simply. "instead of buying pants... we'll buy seeds. we'll go into the woods, or dig up a part of the Meadow, and grow our own food." he looked at her. "we'll have to keep it hidden from the people like Effie, and the other Capitol's, but we could grow our own food and share it with the village...." he grimaced a little and grabbed his crutch, snapped his pants leg closed, and struggled to his feet. "alright, we'll go wake them up... i hate waking her up, she gets so grouchy." he grumbled. "she smacked me once." he admitted. "got too close when i woke her up once and she smacked me across the face." he admitted shaking his head. "so i'd stay a few feet out of striking distance."
Lea smiled looking relieved as she realized he was teasing her. Sighing softly as she shifted slightly, her body hurt, but she didn't want to worry him."I'm fine. And I would like to share a shower. I don't think I can stand by myself."She admitted blushing slightly, before nudging him a little as they headed for the bathroom."Don't look so worried. It's normal to feel sore after...."She said blushing so hard she felt a ltitle light headed.

"We could do that."Katniss said smiling at the idea, amused that peeta had given it so much thought. "But we're still buying you a few pairs of pants."She said smiling as she kissed his cheek as they headed for the room, pausing for a moment."Maybe we'll just knock on the door then.Maybe they'll wake up.Gale'll probably hit to."She said shuddering a little because she had no desire to get hit for getting them moving. "Gale?Lea?"She asked knocking on the door.
he smiled a little as he kissed her forehead. "i'm sorry, i was too rough." he muttered softly, helping her stay steady as they moved into the bathroom. "it's normal?... i don't feel sore.." he paused. "... yes i do." he admitted suddenly wrinkling his nose a little as he set a hand on his back. "a little bit, right here..." he admitted, sounding oddly puzzled by that. two virgins having sex was a kind of funny thing.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "why? i can make my own, i'm good at pants." he admitted grinning. "i've been making some for the poor kids in the Housing." he admitted. he had always felt back about the little orphans in that hellish place dull of slaps and yells, so much like his own childhood. he followed her into the hall and over to the door, blinking as he heard nothing, frowning a little as he knocked on the door as well. "Lea? are you alright?" "shut up! Go away!" Gale ordered grouchily. "Lea's in the shower and i'm SLEEPING!" there was a strange note to his voice and Peeta lifted an eyebrow. "... he lies about as well as you do Katniss... you don't think..." he stared at her, stunned, shocked even at the thought of the two shyest people on the planet actually doing something naughty.
Lea smled a liittle giggling softly t gle's words, he looked so puzzled that he was hurting."I'm rub your back after we get a shower.It'll feel good."She mutttered pausing as she looked at the door blushing.

Katniss siged rolling her eyes before looking shocked."Gale, come on. We have things to do."She said swallowing the snicker wondering if they really were doing something. "Go away!We're going to get a shower.Go make me food peeta!"Lea yelled from the bathroom where she was dragging gale in with her, turning on the water. Figuring peeta and katniss wouldn't interrupt a shower.Not for their own curisoity.
he smiled at her and shook her head. "no, don't worry about it, it's just sore i think because i never use those muscles..." he admitted smiling a little before grimacing at the door. "No! Go away!..." the door suddenly whipped open and Gale shrieked, grabbing the blankets and covering himself as Peeta stared at them, shocked, horrified, and amused to all hell. "you... you both.. you..." he closed his eyes, took a breath and calmed down his possessive older brother protectiveness before opening his eyes again, shaking his head. "take your shower quickly, we only have three hours before the interviews and you have to be ready." he admitted simply shaking his head as he limped away, Gale blushing furiously red. "shut up Katniss!" Gale ordered before she could say anything, moving into the bathroom to hide from his shame and horror.

by the time they came out, which took longer than it should have because Gale kept stopping to kiss Lea, he couldn't stop himself, she was so pretty and kind. finally though they where finished and he got dressed and helped her get dressed so she didn't strain anything that was already sore, before going out, holding her hand and blushing furiously as he walked into the dining room, sat down and stared at the plate of food that Katniss had pushed in front of him. "well..." Peeta muttered, sighing a little. "can't say as i blame you. i'd have done the same if Katniss hadn't been more apt to gut me than to bed me." Peeta admitted, smirking a little as Gale groaned and hid his face in his hands. "considering the situation... who seduced who?" "oh shut up Peeta!" Gale complained scowling at the other who snickered a little. "hey, i'm not going to complain, you both need a good dose of happy. your bot so depressing." he complained playfully before pausing, considering. "it might even help us." he admitted. "your a sweet guy Gale, but easily forgotten, same with Lea... but with you two being so affectionate with each other." he shrugged. "we have your back story set up." he admitted smiling a little. "eat something." Gale ate a grape and then shoved his plate away.
Lea looked at him as if she wasn't sure she believed him before giggling a litte, yeloing as she grabbed part of the blanket for herself, ignoring peeta and katniss as she hid behind gale."Okay okay."She muttered edging towards the shower as katniss snickered, but listened to gale's order of not saying anything.

Lea smiled softly looking content to be well kissed by the time they got downstairs, and glad that peeta and katniss had brought the clothes they needed for their interviews up, so all they had left to do was get to the interview hall. Blushing as she sat ginerly into her chair, stiff a little because despite the warm water her muscles had tightened up. "...Hey I would not. I enjoy your company to much."Katniss said snickering a little before looking at the two, tilting her head before looking at peeta looking way to amused by this."I'm thinking lea. Moron's to shy and flustered." "He is not!"Lea growled defensively glaring at the two mentors pouting a little before looking at gale, for the moment her anger at the teasing forgotten as she poking his shoulder."Eat more. You need it."She muttered fussing over him just as much as any normal girlfriend would.
Peeta smirked at her a little. "not at first you didn't." he teased. "you didn't actually like me until that blasted announcement that said we could both get out alive... filthy liars." he grumbled, Gale snickering a little. "don't deny it Catnip, you know it's true." Gale teased smirking a little before blushing furiously. "...well... actually we... er..." he hid his face in his hands. "most of it happened while we where sleeping so..." Peeta started to laugh again. "are you SERIOUS!? you where SLEEP MOLESTING each other?!" he demanded, laughing so hard he nearly fell out of his chair, Gale groaning as he hid his face in his arms on the table. "i can't eat more... i feel sick..." he groaned. "i don't want to puke on camera..." he complained, sitting up, but obediently ate another Grape, shaking his head a little. "you should eat, you can hold your dinner down better than i can." he complained, shoving her plate of food closer to her, Peeta chuckling a little. "it's alright to feel sick." he admitted calmly.

"here..." he got up and moved over to the wall, ordering something and walking back over to the others, pouring two small orange tablets into each of their hands. "their pills, they'll help keep you calm, me and Katniss used them for our interviews." Peeta lied effortlessly. really they where just sugar candies flavored to taste like oranges, they where supposed to keep your breath fresh. but Gale was stupid enough for it to work, and Lea would let it work because she needed it to work. once they both took the pills, Gale started to calm down a little, and they ran through what they could, and could not say. "Gale... their going to ask how you met." Peeta admitted calmly. "Your sisters are going to be mentioned..." Gale swallowed thickly and nodded. "i know..." he admitted softly. "i'll just... tell them the truth." he admitted softly, Peeta nodding. "Lea?... here..." he moved forward, settling something over her neck. "your allowed to wear a Token..." he admitted softly. "i want you to wear this... as my little sister." he admitted smiling at her. it was a wooden pendant, clearly hand carved with clumsy fingers. the Chickadee bird, wrapped up in Leanne's favorite flower. "it took me a month to carve it..." he admitted softly. "i was going to give it to you for your birthday, but i think this is more..." he shook his head. "promise to wear it?" he asked softly, blinking slowly at her.
Katniss smirked a little, nuding peeta."Hmm but you were always the boy with bread."She muttered blushing a little at gale's teasing before starting to laugh. Oh damn. That was awesome."Did you at least wake up for the ending?"She said laughing so hard that she to nearly fell out of her seat as lea turned her face into gale's shoulder, hiding in emarassment before nibbling on a few bites of dinner."I'm not feeling great either."She muttered sighing softly before looking at the tablets before eating it. starting to eat as her stomach settled. Katniss smiled slightly amused that the two had fallen for peeta's effortless lie, shaking her head a little as she studied them worriedly."They're doing group interviews tonight. At least in the idea that the district couples get to go together."She said sighing, "It'll make the couple thing easier to play." Lea jumped a little, looking a little wide eyed as tears filled her eyes, leaning orward and clinging to peeta as she sniffled. Her emotions all over the place not only from sex, but because she just remembered where they were. "I will. I promise.I'll never take it off."She said nearly choing him with how hard she was hugging him. "You're going to choke him to death lea."Katniss teased looking slightly concerned.
he shook his head a little. "for a while, you hated that about me." he admitted smiling a little as Gale flushed harder. "yesss." he hissed through gritted teeth, glaring at Peeta's candy but taking it anyway. he didn't like Peeta much, but was nice to him because he thought Katniss was in love with him. "after the group interviews your going to have Training Days." Peeta admitted shaking his head, choking as he was nearly dragged out of his seat and pulled into a tight hug, hugging her tightly as he closed his eyes. "come on now Chickadee." he complained smiling at her. "i can't breath." he complained, Gale scowling, jealous but not saying anything but it wasn't his right, or his place and because he knew Lea and Peeta didn't see each other as anything but siblings. "eat." Peeta ordered, Gale sighing as he started to eat, and then got dressed, this time they where in black spandex which made their emaciated bodies look slim instead of unhealthy. Gale looked like the muscle bound idiot that he was from working in the coal mines. the red streaks that was supposed to symbolize fire, made his muscles look even firmer, his belly flatter, and it just made Lea look like the sexy goddess that she was.

Cinna appeared a half an hour before they had to leave, and did their makeup, Gale was horrified, but he let the other do it. black eyeliner made Gale look dark and menacing. he had absolutely refused to let Cinna put the black lipstick on his lips, and actually bit the man when he tried to force the issue. at least Leanne had red lipstick, blood red and beautiful. they where as ready as they could get, and Gale stared at Leanne with a dry mouth, offering her his hand. "...i won't let anything happen to you." he promised softly, staring at her, smiling at her a little. "i'll protect you, no matter what." he promised softly, giving her a slow, lingering kiss, Cinna gaping, the women who worked with him gushing at the affection, and Gale ignored them all, smiling at Lea. "my little Spitfire..." he teased kissing her forehead, before going with her to the elevator. "...i hate this thing." he grumbled. "it's like the ones in the mine..." Peeta grimaced. "i hate the Elevator too." he admitted stepping inside and pushing the button to take them to the interviews. this was either going to be good... or very, very bad...
Lea blushed as gale kissed her, giggling a little as she looked up at him,"You're wearing my lipstick hawthorne."She teased raising a hand to gently wipe the blood red lipstick off, shifting to lean into him.When they stepped into the elevator she swallowed hard, nodding a little."It is. This is going to be bad..."she swallowed hard as she shuddered blinking stupidly in the lights on the stage as they stepped out onto the stage, looking disoriented for a moment before she moved to the couch, even that slight walk, hesitating and slow, was like a predator's stalk, the lovely gentle woman she was, turned into a goddess for a evening.

"Leanna Dresden, Gale hawthorne, welcome."Caesar smiled happily as he looked at the two as they walked in, tilting his head a little as he watched them settle on the couch. Raising a eyebrow as he watched Lea curl her legs up under her, shifting gale's arm until it was over her shoulders so she could snuggle against his side.But it wasn't because she knew the sponsors would like it, it was because she wanted the comfort. Resting her cheek on gale's shoulder she gave a dimpled smile."Hello Caesar."

Katniss groaned a little looking amuse slightly as she looked over at peeta as the man sat next to her in their seats on the judges panel, sighing softly."Well,At least they're still in that afterglow stage. They're not likely to get pissed by anythin they're asked."She muttered because she was worried, not about to point out the obvious that if they got some stupid questions, one of the two tributes was going to snap
he swallowed thickly and smiled. "maybe i wanted red lipstick?" he made a face. "they tried damned hard enough to get me to wear some anyway.," he grumbled, glaring at Cinna who was scowling and nursing his bitten finger. "brute!" Cinna complained, but he sounded more amused than anything. he smiled though at her slow walk, his eyes fixed only on her as they walked, looking like a moon struck love bird as they settled onto the couch, his grin only growing as she snuggled into him, his thumb stroking patterns on the back of her hand, his head dipping just a touch so he could smell her hair. little things that couldn't be faked, true affection that no actor could replicate. he bent his head to whisper something in her ear. "i think he's flirting with you." he teased softly so only she could hear him and he chuckled a little, smiling at Caesar. "hello." he chirped once he was greeted, his head tilted a little as he snuggled with Leanna. "nice weather we're having lately." there was a rolling chuckle through the audience, the sound clearly startled Gale before he looked around, clearly shocked to see an actual audience, his eyes widening a touch. Gale had never been good with large crowds.

Peeta smiled a little and shook his head a little. "they're really in lust, maybe even in love with each other, people will see that... oh hell Gale please don't puke.." he groaned as he watched the boy see the crowd. "come on Leanna, do something before he gets sick!" Peeta hissed, well aware Lea was already working on a way to calm her stricken boyfriend down. "lets hope Caesar knows not to push buttons..."
Leanna giggled a little looking amused as she shivered a little as he stroked her hand. A soft blush raising over her skin as she turned her head a little to close her eyes for a moment, amused at his words."No,I think he's more likely to flirt with you" She muttered shifting to leaning more into gale, before turning her head to look up at him rawing him down for a short kiss."Just think, this can't be worse then having peeta walk in on us this morning.That puke inducing, just ignore them."She muttered against his lips before blushing as she looked back at caesar. Caesar smiled slightly,"Well, it seems peeta and katniss aren't the only ones in your district to fall in love. However did you end up meeting?" "Well, we were uh..."Leanna said stutterng a little not only because she was distracting gale by makng him help her, but because it unnerved her a little to see the audience to.

"Hmm ohh gods please. Please.."Katmiss muttered watching them before sighing softly, as she watched gale come to leanna's rescue. Turning her head a little to look at peeta."Did she do that on purpose, or is she just as unnerved as he is?"She asked not knowing the girl well enough to know what the girl was thinking.
he flushed a little as she whispered to him, blushing, embarrassed and several of the women in the audience had the audacity to 'aaw' at him, thinking he was cute the way he reacted to Leanne. he hesitated, staring at Caesar and finally. "it was months ago..." he admitted softly, pain on his face. "life was hard without Katniss and my father had fallen sick... we couldn't work, i was too young to go into the Mines by a few months yet and we had no food left..." he admitted softly. "i went out to the meadow to get some flowers to eat, some of them are edible, we just needed to stay alive long enough for Father to get well and then he could work again but..." he swallowed thickly and his eyes misted with tears. "my sisters got too hungry, they ate mushrooms that where growing on the side of the house." he closed his eyes. "they didn't make it..." he admitted softly. "there was no reason to do anything anymore... i went off to this patch of trees, there's a little pond back there." he admitted licking his lips. "Lea was there a lot... i ignored her... i was too...sad." he admitted softly. "but.. one day she went back there and she started to sing... and all the birds went quiet... all of them... and when she finished all the Mockinjays roared her song and i..." he smiled. "i wasn't sad anymore..."

now he blushed hard. "it took me weeks to get the courage to talk to her.." he admitted softly. "the reaping was two months away, i wasn't even thinking about it when i shoved the flowers into her hand, stuttered my name and fled." he admitted shaking his head. "i spent the next hour and a half beating my head in because i was such a coward... my father was laughing at me... i remember.." he shook his head. "i dumped a bowl of porridge in his lap." he admitted smiling a little before sighing a little. "she was my comfort when Katniss nearly didn't make it home..." he admitted shaking his head a little. "we snuck off all the time to just... sit next to each other... we didn't actually start talking until a few days ago." he admitted. "we where scared... part of me knew i was going to be chosen for the reaping, i had my name in too many times..." he admitted. "i knew it was going to happen..." he looked so sad now, and fell silent as he rested his head against Leanna's. every word he had uttered, was true, for the most part.

Peeta shook his head. "both it looks like, she doesn't like large crowds anymore than Gale does..." he admitted watching closely. "look at the crowd.' several of them where crying, so touched by Gale's heartfelt confessions.... "they know he's not coming back..." Peeta whispered.. "they know, in the end... what he's going to do..." he set his hand on Katniss's, looking up at her with sad, sad eyes. "i'm so sorry...."
Leanna sighed softly as she closed her eyes leaning into gale as she listened to him, turning her head and pressing a kiss to his skin with a sigh before shifting a little, closing her eyes and thinking about those months. "He did look adorable holding the flowers. It was kinda cute. In a dorky kind of way."She teased turning her head to look at him with a sigh,"You dumped porridge in his lap?"she said looking so amused before sighing, "And you leanna?" "I knew I was coming to the games." "How?"Caesar said looking at the two interested, missing the flair of anger through those clear green eyes,"Cause Peeta came home."She said before looking relieved when the buzzer rang, standing and straightening her clothes as she reached a hand for gale's. Realizing that her words had bite and sting to it, she was trying to lessen it with being adorable.

Katniss winced a little over at peeta, shifting, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him tightly because she knew gale, had known the moment that gale's name had appeared with leanna's, that her friend had liked the girl enough to sacerfice everything."He can't peeta, he can't."She said crying softly.
he flushed violently. "i did not!" he protested, sulking at her. "i'm NEVER Adorable! i am a very feared man i'll have you know!" yeah, bunny rabbits trembled, and kittens quaked. "... they both came home." Gale admitted, his clear grey eyes suddenly staring into the camera. "they both came home..." then he let Leanna drag him off, catching her just before they where at the door and kissing her tears away, at least that's what it looked like to the camera's that where trained on them, not that Gale noticed that, he was trying to calm Lea down as he muttered silly things in her ear. Gale knew if Lea went up to Peeta in this state she'd hit him or something, and the man was just too shaky on that fake leg, let alone without it. she'd end up hurting him more than anyone needed. finally he let her go and they both moved over to the elevator, unaware of the awe shocked audience as they all realized that it WAS strange... so very strange that Peeta and Katniss's only freinds had been chosen...

Peeta shook his head a little as he held her. "i'm so sorry Katniss..." he whispered softly, hating that she had to go through this, hating that they all had to go through this. "how much of that do you think was true?" all of it except the very ending. he had given Lea the flowers, muttering that she had a pretty voice... and then he had stopped going to the meadow, too shy to meet with her again. he held her while she cried, wiping her tears away and kissing her forehead gently, smiling at her a little. "come on, lets go see how much damage they did with that last little bit."
"You did frighten that kitten quite well."Lea teased smirking a little before growling at him as he refused to let her go. it wasn't that she was mad at peeta, it was just that if peeta saw her upset he was going to be comforting and she was going to react like katniss and strike out at him. As they stepped into the elevtor she leaned against his chest, clinging to his shirt as she pressed her face against his chest."He came home. GAle, he came home and I'm going to be what they use to hurt him.Gale, I can't do this."She said sniffling as she twisted, tossing the emergency break, stopping the elevator and ignoring the alarm going off. Needing the few moments of complete privacy, hidden from both camera or anyone able to get to them.

Katniss snifled resting her head on his shoulder as she thought about it before smiling a little."probably most of it.They did climb into bed rather quickly once they were orced together."She said snickering a little because it amused her, looking slightly concerned as she heard the elevator alarm starting to go off, though she was more watching the crowd as they watched the rest of the interviews. "Peeta. They're talking.They're not even paying attention anymore."She said nodding towards the captiol ciztens who's mutters were almost louder than the tributes talking.
he sulked at her. "hey! i frighten bunnies and that goat too!" actually, buttercup had chased him around the yard just last week. he smiled as he held her, closing his eyes a little. "shh, Lea Shh." he whispered softly, running his fingers gently through her hair. "they are hurting him, but they won't for long. you and i both know that your going home." he promised smiling at her. "i don't have anyone at home depending on me, Katniss has Peeta, she loves him she just doesn't want to admit it." he admitted smiling a little as he stroked her cheek. "i'll protect you, we'll give each other the support we need. and i will make sure you go home to Peeta." he promised smiling at her. "i'll make sure that you go home, if you promise to take care of Katniss when i can't, alright?"

he smiled a little and nodded his head. "she did come home one night with a handful of flowers." he agreed chuckling a little. "i don't think they where forced together... i think they where scared and where too proud to ask us." he admitted shaking his head a little before blinking as the alarm went off. "she probobly stopped the elevator for a little privacy... she's upset and she hates it when people see her crying.." he admitted looking at the Capitalists, his eyes narrowed as he glanced at Katniss, a slow smirk rising on his lips. "i have an idea..." he admitted softly. "i'll tell you once we get some privacy of our own." he promised softly, kissing her forehead. "come on, lets go. i don't want to watch these anymore." he admitted getting slowly to his feet, er... foot. "we'll start spreading the rumors that she might be pregnant." he admitted softly. "it could be true, you and i both know they don't know how to have safe sex..."
Lea sighed softly sniffling as she leaned into him.Gripping his shirt tighter she made a fist before slugging him in the pec, glaring up at him. Beause it upset her to think of going home without him"And what makes me think I want to go home without you?"She growled annoyance showing with anger and pain, nearly crippled at the idea of not going home with him. Frowning at him before the anger crumbled again."I will. I promise. I'll take care of them both."She muttered before stepping back flipping the elevator back on.Smiling slightly when she saw peeta and katniss waiting for the elevator."Sorry."She said muttering, blushng a little.

Katniss snickered at that."Scared, and shy. God knows the two needed a shove."she said amused that it had taken a game to force the two to talk to each other. Biting her lip before raising a eebrow."Oh?What idea is this?"She muttered as they walked for the elevator, wrapping a arm around his waist so he could lean on her a little, looking thoughtful before starting to snicker as the doors to the elevator opened, looking at the two innocents."It could be. After all, having safe sex would require not being shy enough to discuss having sex, which they're not. Which means they were stupid about it."She said snickering as the two blushed.
he grimaced as she punched him, even though it didn't hurt and he caught her face in his. "Kea...Lea listen." he whispered softly, setting his forehead to hers. "i know it's hard... but let me do this for you." he whispered softly. "i need you to live, because i won't have the heart to live without you... if you die in there... i'll kill myself before a month has gone by because i simply won't be able to be without you... i wasn't lying, what i said to Caesar... you... in those months after my sisters where dead... you where the only thing that kept me from dying... the only thing that kept me going... your wonderful voice, and your wonderful heart..." he muttered softly, smiling at her. "if i have to die, to make sure you live... then that is all i could have ever have asked for." he muttered softly. kissing her before looking at Katniss and Peeta.

he smiled at her, shaking his head. "not here." he muttered softly, limping along and smirking at Gale's furious blush. "aaw, we interrupted their cute moment... too bad the cameras didn't get a chance to see that..." Peeta teased, smiling at her and shaking his head. "come on, my leg hurts like a bitch, i want to get upstairs and get some of that Salve on there before i puke all over you mushy gushy bastards." he complained playfully as he hopped into the Elevator and hit the number 12 button with his fist, a strange look in his eyes. "tomorrow you start your training." Peeta stated simply, his eyes narrowing a little. "we need to know what your good at... i know that Gale is good at traps and snares." he admitted shaking his head a little. "and Lea, your very good with Sticks..." like a staff, or a spear, Peeta had been teaching her ever since he and Katniss had both come out alive. "and your damn good at camouflage... but we need to know more details..."
Lea's eyes filled with tears as she nuzzled her cheek against his hands, sighing softly before nodding."OKay.....okay I cn do that."She said looking pained but she could live for him, if that's what he needed, she could do it.

Katniss pouted at not being told before sighing."They are disgustingly cute aren't they?"She muttered looking amused but worried about peeta before sighing relieved as they arrived back to their rooms, settling peeta on the couch as she handed him the salve."There. Now what is your idea."She demanded knowing they needed to talk about training, but really they would have to wait in the morning to see what they could o to get a better idea on how to improve what they needed. "We'll work in the morning. After you tell us what you thought of." Lea frowned a little as she sat down next to peeta, looking worried about him."You thought of something?what?"She said anxious because she worried about him as much as she did gale.
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