Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Voldemort smirked a little as he licked his lips, a new light in his eyes that would have frightened Lupin if he had been able to see him. as it was, Niabi kept the others head tipped back, forcing him to continue to keep staring into emerald eyes, Lupin whimpering as Finnick nudged him. Niabi snarled and placed himself in front of Finnick, keeping him away from Lupin, possessive about his... playthings. "no... not just yet... first, i want to know what this fucker knows about me." he admitted studying the prone werewolf before he pulled something out of his jacket pocket, laying it out on the floor and unrolling it. various things where revealed, tiny scissors, small knives, needles, vials of strange liquids. a torture kit. Niabi smirked as he stared at the other as he picked up two needles and picked up the man's left foot, Lupin grimacing, and then screaming as a tiny needle was slipped under the toenail. it didn't take long before Lupin was screaming his confessions. nothing about Niabi, but he gave up the information about the War. how Dumbledore was hiring an assassin to kill the Malfoys, how Dumbledore was setting a trap for Finnick to get him out of the way. how Dumbledore was blackmailing Crabbe and Goyle JR to molest Annie. how Dumbledore was using children as spies, naming three children right off the bat, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Pansy Parkenson. two of them where being blackmailed, and Voldemort knew if their 'treachery'. Blaise and Theodore had gone to him as soon as Dumbledore... 'recruited' them. they where diligently only giving Dumbledore information that Voldemort allowed them too.... but Pansy...well that was a new name. Niabi abandoned Lupin's torture, only because the man passed out, and he wiped his hands free of blood. "do you want me to do something about the spies?" he asked Voldemort, who shook his head. "no, Theo and Blaise are being blackmailed and i know about them... Pansy however... well, she will be given a chance to explain herself." he decided. "she, so far, has not done any damage that i can see. and i am in a good mood... i might be willing to forgive her."
"I say we let draco deal with her.Or annie.Despite how far gone she is when she's sane, Annie dislikes pansy intensly."He said snickering because it always amused him to see annie freak out when the dark haired girl was near draco. while she wasn't a normal girl, able to express how she was feeling in normal terms, watching annie freak out when she neared pansy was about as close to a declaration of love as annie ever got. Smirking a little as he sighed pushing away from the wall, holding out a arm."They're going to freak out when you summon them again,but everyone should know that if they spy, they're going to be found out eventually."
Voldemort chuckled as he took Niabi, dragging his finger up the snake Tattoo that wound around the boy's forearm. it was new, and like Finnick's it was different from the usual Dark mark. it was an ink black snake that curled around his wrist barley noticeable, but everyone who needed to see it, would see it. Niabi shivered a little as those fingers brushed the length of his forearm, not in fear, or disgust, but in pleasure... the soft underpart of Niabi's forearms, it seamed, where sensitive. Voldemort ignored it, and Niabi pretended it hadn't happened as people started appearing in the meeting hall again, wincing as Voldemort's sadistic grin and Niabi's amused one. once everyone there Voldemort began. "there is a Spy amidst us." Voldemort purred, clearly delighted and several, in fact most of the Death eaters relaxed, glad that they weren't the ones in trouble. "i know of three. those three are working for me, no matter Dumbledore's blackmailing and bastardism." Voldemort admitted his eyes scanning the crowd, endless eyes watching him. "i will give the spy a minute, to decide whether or not to turn themselves in, and explain themselves." he stated simply, waiting. finally pansy flung herself forward, sobbing as she kissed the man's feet, begging for him not to kill her, the girls father hissing, shocked and as disgusted by his daughter as everyone else was. "Get up you stupid idiot!" the man bellowed. "you are a Parkinson for Merlin's sake! show some pride!" Niabi smirked as Pansy sniffed, and stood up, watching them, trembling in front of them. "explain." Voldemort demanded, lounging in his chair, Pansy's lip quivering. "i have no explanation my lord..." she whispered softly. "my mother told me to..." she shook her head. "she assured me she would protect me..." her father scowled at the realization that Pansy's mother was in on this. "well then, we shall certainly make sure your mother gets a finger." Voldemort snarled, Pansy's father looking away, ashamed... and who could watch their daughter be sentenced to death? "Finnick, i will leave it up to you to decide who will have her." Voldemort promised as he stood and left, Pansy's father striding up, looking pleadingly. "please, Lord Finnick... she's an idiot, but... she's my daughter..." he stated, hesitating. "will... will you at least... make it swift?" "DADDY!" Pansy shrieked in horror, her eyes, wide and panicked now. she had been planning on her father protecting her, but he wasn't... unlike most Death eaters she was not held by fear... she vanished, Apparating away, Niabi shouting in fury and her father gaping, clearly astonished.
Finnick frowned looking at the other man, looking interested in the man's reacton to being touched. Well, filing that fact to a part of his brain he looked at the others starting to arrive, frowning at the sight of annie and draco leaning against the back wall, almost unnoticed in their dark clothes and maskes, hell if he hadn't know that blond hair anywhere, he wouldn't have known them."Bastardism?Is that a word?"Finnick snickered looking at his father even as he watched pansy looking amused.Finnick snarled before looking at pansy's father, tilting his head as he searched the room and found pansy's mother, "Your daughter will return, or your life will be forfiet.Draco. Take lady parkinson into custody, while me and niabi find the brat."He said scowling as he reallized he was going to have to go hunting.
Niabi pretended not to notice Draco and Annie in the back. normally, Draco sat on Annie's left, and Annie sat on Voldemort's left, but for now Voldemort was glad that they where out of sight, and out of mind. he couldn't be worried about his daughters reaction to Pansy right then. "shut up Finnick, i am the dark lord, any word i use is instantly a real word." he stated so seriously that Niabi started to laugh as the man left. Pansy's father, Orrick, looked about ready to murder the woman who had currupted his daughter, the woman tossing her head high, Draco having struck her with an Anti apparation spell. Miss Olivia Parkinson could not escape. "My Lord will see you all suffer for this! My daughter will be going to get him right now!" she chirped, pleased with herself. "she will bring Dumbledore here and you will all DIE!" Niabi started to laugh again. "oh my god are you THAT stupid!? do you really think that Dumbledore gives a SHIT about you!?" he doesn't care about you! or about Pansy!" she opened her mouth to say something and Niabi slapped her, hard, sending her to the floor. "shut up!... the rest of you LEAVE!" he demanded before pausing. "i would wish for Theodore Nott to stay behind please... i have a job for him."

the room emptied, two Death eaters too Olivia into a holding cell down in the dungeons, Orrick hesitated, contemplating saying something before he bowed and left. Niabi gave his orders to Theo, who looked terrified, but nodded, and he vanished, Niabi turning to Finnick. "...the girl isn't going to be back... not without... incentive.." he stated simply. "we should mail her an eye, or one of her mothers fingers, let her know it's her mothers life on the line if she doesn't come back."
Finnick snickere amused that his father could just make up words because he wanted to. Smirking as he watched the parkinson's laughing when draco cast the spell."I don't think they have a working brain between the two woman."He said looking amused as annie prodded the woman with her toe, looking thoughtful before leaving with draco.

Finnick nodded as they headed for the dungeons,"I'll take the eye.I like working with knives."he said because all the death eaters knew he was a sadist at heart, and enjoyed his work as voldemort's enforcer.He enjoyed what he did, and the dark gleam in his eyes said he was going to enjoy making olivia suffer for her daughter's stupidity."Must get her to come home after all,Draco and annie'll miss her if she doesn't."He said snickering because it was so entertaining to watch the two of them deal with pansy.
Niabi chuckled a little at Finnick's dark grin and he nodded. "don't forget, we want her to stay alive." he teased smirking a little. "no need to let her bleed to death." he teased shaking his head a little as he watched Annie and Draco before glancing at Finnick. "you have fun with the Bimbo... i have something i need to ask your father." he admitted scowling a little as he swept away, looking for Voldemort, who was waiting in the library for Niabi. when the other came back out an hour and a half had passed and he was pale, looking so utterly furious one might think he would kill the next man he saw. he moved into Lupin's chamber and for the next half an hour the werewolf's ragged screams filled the air, the man begging, pleading as Niabi broke every bone in the man's body with precise agony before he untied the other, and started kicking him. then he left, and ordered two death eaters to take the fucker to Dumbledore. Crabbe and Goyle had been child's play, Lupin was in fury. the next person Dumbledore sent to fuck with Niabi's life was going to be skinned alive. but at least he looked calmer now, Lupin's blood staining the floor where he had laid, the man nude and covered in just as many paper thin cuts as there where breaks in his body.he would live long enough to admit to Dumbledore that he had talked, and that Niabi was pissed
"Do we have to?"Finnick said pouting a little at the idea of having to keep olivia alive nefore nodding."I'll make sure she stays alive."He said heading downstairs to take care of the girl.

"Ni?"Annie said as she bounded around the corner, tears in her eyes as she clutched her last bag of skittles in her hands."Niabi!"She said skidding to a stop in front of the assassin, before frowning stepping back, looking worried about him or afraid of him as she took in his appearance."Niabi?Are you okay?"She aske starting to look him over trying to see i he was hurt
Niabi blinked at her, for a moment he didn't see her, so lost in shock, and hurt that he wasn't who she was for a moment before he smiled at her. "i'm alright Annie... i just... i learned something very...painful." he admitted holding his arms out to her, letting her come in for a hug, holding her tight, needing the comfort almost as much as she did before gently kissing her forehead. "now whats with the tears little darling?" he asked gently wiping the tears away. "has someone harmed you? or frightened you?" he asked his head tilted as he studied her. "come on Annie, we'll go in my room and i'll comb and braid your hair, hows that?" he offered smiling a little. "and, if you want, i'll let you play with my hair, you can even put beats and pretties in it." he promised, well aware she was probobly going to go nuts on his hair, but he didn't mind, anything to stop the tears.
Annie sniffle a little rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, sighing softly as she wrapped her arms around his waist, head pillowed against his shoulder. Leaning back she sniffled as she looked up at him."I'm out of skittles!"She cried softly, rubbing her hand over her face before nodding happily,"I like people braiding my hair."She said her upset over the skittles forgotten in the excitement of doing his hair."I would love to do your hair!Its so pretty!And longer then draco's.Though his is softer.And prettier.Blondier I mean."She said talking excitedly as she headed for his room.
he grimaced a little. "Annie! your getting snot on my shirt!" he whined playfully, grinning at her as he struggled not to laugh. he'd known that the blond would get addicted, but he never thought Annie would! "it's alright, i'll get you some more." he promised laughing a little as he took her into his own room and handed her a Granola bar. "here, try this, it's very good too." he promised smiling as he pulled out his hair brush and started running it through her hair as he pulled out a bag of sparkly beads and things that he'd picked up while at the store, just for her. "pick out some beads and i'll braid them into your hair." he promised with a small smile.
Annie pouted before looking up at him."I am not!You're shirt was ugly before. I did not get snot on it."She said pouting a little smiling as she followed him into his bedroom, sitting down on the bed as she nibbled on the granola bar, nearly purring in pleasure because it tasted so good. smiling as she looked up at him she grinned happily at the sight of the beads, chosing such a eletic set of beads and things that on anyone else it wouldn't have looked good. But on lovely annie, the wild colors would look amazing in her dark blond hair.
he laughed at her horror and sulked at her. "my shirt isn't ugly!" he complained sulking at her before chuckling as he brushed and then braided her hair with the beads so that when she moved the beads would click together, making her sound just as pretty as she looked. then he undid his own braid, letting his hair flow around him and let her brush his hair and braid it, letting her put in any beads, feathers, or ribbons she wanted. he was going to get teased for this, he knew, but it was worth it to see Annie smile. by the time she had nearly finished, Draco had found them, and he was grinning as he watched them. "Annie! whatever are you doing?" he asked playfully before gasping and clutching his heart. "oh! Annie you look wonderful! those beads look so amazing in your hair!" he was both teasing her, and being honest as he looked at Niabi who was struggling not to laugh. "Niabi... you look like a girl..." "i know."
Annie giggle happily as she worked on the beads, before looking up at draco, frowning up at draco as she complated her work."Butterscotch!Be nice.He does not look like a girl.He's pretty."She stated frowning at them as she tried to figure out what she'd done wrong. "I think that's his point annie,that he's pretty, and girly.Its okay.We like girls."Finn said snickering playfully as he considered the two in front of him, it was so good to see annie with someone else, making a effort to befrien others. While she had draco and him, and the death eaters were nice because of who she was, she really didn't have friends.
Niabi laughed as she called him butterscotch and shook his head a little. "it's alright Annie!" he promised smiling at her. "i LIKE looking like a girl." he promised kissing her forehead. "you did a brilliant job." he promised smiling at her as Draco chuckled. "see Annie? i was complimenting him... you do very nice braids by the way." he stated smiling at her as Niabi chuckled a little and handed her another Granola bar. "why don't we all go and find something fun to do together?" he offered grinning a little. "we could go out for a picnic, or play a game of some kind?" "....we should play exploding snap." Draco stated with a gleeful snicker.
Annie frowned a little before smiling."Oh. Okay."she said happily, glad that she han't done something wrong. Turning her head she giggled as the beads clinked together."My hair makes noises!Draco,listen!"She said grinning at him as she bounded to her eet, her hair falling around her shoulders in tinkling noise. finn smiled a little before smirking, "Oh, exploding snap would be good."he said snickering becasue of them all, annie was the one who was awesome at the game, and it would make her forget all about her anxiety of thinking she messed up niabi's hair.
Niabi looked amused as she realized that her hair made noises, the gentle clicking reminded him of wooden wind chimes. he loved that noise, he really did. "what's exploding snap?" Niabi asked curiously as he got to his feet, his own hair falling around him, tinkling just as Annie's did, smiling a little at them all. "i've never really played Games before." he admitted considering it. "you'll have to show me how to play." he chirped, perfectly happy to do anything to keep Annie entertained. Draco smirked wickedly and shook his head. "we build a card castle, each one taking a turn, the person to knock the castle over loses..." or the person who exploded the castle by putting the wrong cards together. but Draco had left that little detail out. "ah! like Jenga... i've got a very steady hand. your all going to lose!" he chirped gleefully as he settled into the chair and watched Draco shuffle the deck.
Finn smirked looking at draco, raising a eyebrow even if he didn't correct draco's explaination of the rules."And it goes boom when you put it together!"Annie giggled happily sitting down next to draco, resting her head on his shoulder."You're not going to win this time butterscotch.I win!I am the best!" "Aww annie I don't think so. Butterscotch-"finn snickered."Is going to win."
Niabi lifted an eyebrow. "it goes boom?" he asked confused, his head tilted a little before snickering as Draco turned faintly red at the fact that she was still calling him butterscotch. "oh my no, Butterscotch could NEVER win at something like this." Niabi teased as Draco passed the cards around, cutting it precisely into fourths, Niabi examining the cards intently, looking for something magical about them. they had snakes, griffons, Phoenix, unicorns, strange pictures on them and no numbers, they baffled Niabi a little as they paced around on their little square cards. slowly the castle was built, and suddenly the castle blew up, and Niabi squealed, leaping to his feet, gun drown, looking around for the ass hole with the fireworks. "...what the hell!?"
Annie giggled happily as she watched the cards explode."Things go boom!"She grinned at him, looking so pleased at having won another round."Niabi loses."She said simply. Finn snickered,"So he does."he smirked before looking at niabi tilting his head a little."Draco forgot to tell you, if you put the wrong cards together, they'll explode to. Not just if you knock them over."He said biting his lip to keep from snickering.
Niabi was blinking, his face smeared with soot from the cards before he glared furiously at Draco who was snickering a little, Niabi sniffing. "well, i was going to let you guys try a Snickers... but since your all dicks i think only Annie gets to try one." he stated with a sniff, tossing his hair to make it jingle and bounced away, Draco laughing brightly as he smirked. "you deserved it Niabi!" he yelled laughing a little as he got to his feet and stretched. "come on Annie, lets go see what a snickers is... it's an interesting name."
Annie looked interested as she stood, nodding, laughing happily as her hair jingled, looking up at draco interested."Would you let me do your hair draco?"She mused. Finn snickered as he stretched heading for the door after niabi."No, you can't annie. He'll be prettier than you, and no one could be that." Annie looked startled, then unsure."He'd be prettier than me?I'm not pretty?"She muttered eyes watering.
Draco physically winced as she asked to do his hair, he had short hair but he could grow it out for the braiding if she insisted. then he glared at Finnick for upsetting Annie, gently taking her hand. "lovely one! your FAR too Ethereally GORGEOUS, wonderfully perfectly absolutely beautiful! someone like you can never be as ordinary as 'pretty'. people like Niabi are pretty." he said pretty as if it was a bad word. "you are FAR above pretty!" he promised Annie, smiling at her, kissing her forehead. "you are the prettiest, most amazing woman i've ever met." he promised smiling at her. "every time i see you smile, my heart stops because i am always amazed that a single person can be so beautiful as you."
"Oh."Annie blushed looking down from from draco, hands resting on his chest as she leaned against him."hank you.You're beautiful to."she said smiling, giggling a little as finn sickered. Finnick smirked a little looking over at the two, rolling his eyes a little as he nudged them further down the hall."And you say your not in love with her.liar liar."finn muttered in draco's ears just for him to hear, snickering a little as he headed after niabi.
Draco smiled at her as he kissed her forehead, glaring at Finn. "shut up Finn! it's not MY fault i had to comfort her because your an insensitive prick!" he growled back, just as quietly, Niabi chuckling as he walked up behind them. "here Annie!" he chirped handing her the candy bar, sinking his teeth into one himself, showing it to her, letting her see the peanuts and caramel and nougat, sticking his tongue out at Draco and Finnick. "now make sure that the boys don't get any Annie, their being punished alright?" he asked, smirking at her. "what should we do now?" "we could go flying?" Draco offered, imagining the muggle on a broom with a wicked snicker, Niabi looking curious. "flying? like... on what?" he asked curiously Draco smirking. "Broomsticks." "...broomsticks..." Niabi asked lifting an eyebrow. "...really..." "yes, really... oh come on you acidic bastard i'll SHOW you." Draco growled with a sniff, Niabi lifting an eyebrow again. "...your REALLY fly on brooms?..."
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