Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Finn snickered a little."I am not a insentive prick. You just need the practice, so I let you handle it."he teased continually amused at draco's affection for the insane woman. Annie grinned happily as she bit down onto her snickers, chewing it as she nodded."No, the boys don't get any. Finn told me I wasn't pretty." "I did not."Finn said frwning, wondering if his sister was trying to get him into trouble. "Lets fly. And we do. Though Annie really doesn't. She goes up then jumps off. She falls more then she flies."He said snickering as they heade outside.
Draco rolled his eyes a little. "oh i'm SO sure." he grumbled shaking his head a little as he scowled at Finn, before laughing as Annie 'tattled' on Finn. "i'm sure h didn't mean it lovely." Niabi assured Annie, smiling at her. "Finnick is just a stupid guy, what does he know about pretty?" he asked smirking at her as he walked out onto the field, watching Draco, who was hovering six feet in the air, smirking at Niabi. "how interesting..." Niabi mused his head tilted as he studied the booms, smirking a little. "well this, is going to be fun." he purred looking at the Brooms curiously, waiting for Finnick and Annie to grab one before hesitantly plucking one up himself, studying it, his head tilted. "... now how do you make it work?"
Annie laughed, looking at her brother."See!I am so pretty!"She said frowning up at him as she grabbed a broom. Finnick rolled his eyes looking at niabi, looking amused."Thanks, she's now going to be telling everyone I'm stupid."He pointed out grinning a little as he sat down on the broom, "push up off the ground.And shift which way you want to go.Sorta like horseback riding, you just have to move a little to get what you want."he said wincing as he cast the cushioning spell on the ground, wincing again as annie bolted into the sky, high enough he couldn't see her, before falling, happy shrieks emitting. She loved the feeling of falling. And as long as she only did it when the others were with her, they allowed her to do it. Because to make her not do something she wanted to do, would cripple a woman already scarred.
Niabi smirked a little. "yes, yes she is." he stated simply, laughing a little as he shook his head, settling onto the broom, blinking as he realized it was hovering, looking amazed as he settled his feet into the stirrups, looking bright and eager, not in the least bit afraid. he blinked, watching Annie dive upwards, and then he shrieked as she fell, and before anyone could stop him he bolted into the air, flying straight and true, as if he'd been doing it all of his life, catching her half a minute before she struck the ground, grunting as the catch knocked him off his broom and into the ground, yelping as she landed on top of him, making him wheeze as the air was driven from his lungs. but he wasn't hurt, he should have been, he knew it... so where was the pain? ".... that was.... impressive." Draco muttered, astonished as he stared at Niabi who was trying to get his breath back. "i haven't seen someone fly like that in a while..."
"A really long while.Since father got on a broom."he said looking amazed himself, it was a rarity that voldemort ever got near a broom,but when he did, he was good at it. Laughing softly as he realized what niabi had thought walking over to where annie was giggling happily and niabi looked confused."She does it all the time. We set cushioning spells so that she wont try and be out here on her own, and forget about the spells."He said looking amused, nudging niabi with his foot."Are you okay?"
Niabi panted a little as he blinked up at the other. "... she falls... like that... on PURPOSE!? Jesus H. Christ i thought she FELL!" he admitted slowly sitting up shaking his head. "i'm alright, just had the wind knocked out of me." he admitted shaking his head as he slowly got to his feet, smirking at Annie, shaking his finger at her. "you naughty girl scaring me like that!" he teased chuckling as he carefully helped her to her feet. "shall we go together this time? i love skydiving." he admitted laughing a little as he climbed up on his broom again laughing a little as he headed up into the air, letting Annie lead the way.
Finn grinned nodding."She does it all the time. But we made her promise to not do it without supervision." Annie giggled looking worried, patting niabi on the chest, "You okay?Okay ni?"she muttered looking at him worriedly, panic entering those eyes at his teasing before she climbed back on the broom and following him up. And within moments they were diving back. Finn rolled his eyes looking at draco,"oh gods. She's going to get them both killed."He said looking amused though, watching them even as he watched the woods around them.While they were on slytherin grounds, they could never be to careful, just in case someone managed to get through the wards.
Niabi laughed at her, kissing her forehead. "i'm alright Annie, i just thought you fell, i didn't realize that you where alright." he promised smiling at her yelling with glee as he free fell through the air, the wind spreading his massively long hair as he hit the spell and rolled onto his back laughing, gasping as a new sound of laughter filled the air, Voldemort walking over to them. "you are BOTH insane!" the man complained, smirking at Niabi who snickered. "there is no fear in you Niabi... is there?" "oh... there's fear... just not of death." Niabi admitted smirking a little. "... you all do realize... that a muggle is not capable of flying a broom." "...why is that?" "because the brooms require magic to fly, and muggles do not have magic." "...i just flew, and i'm a muggle." "have you ever been tested for magic?" "...no, should i have been?"
"Papa!You came to fly to?"Annie giggled happily as she sat up on the cushion of air she was laying on, looking at niabi, smiling happily."You have magic!I knew you were special!" "Yea, like special ed."Finn said snickering a little as he rolled his eyes looking at the woods, something was bothering him,but he couldn't find what it was. The harder he searched, the less he could sense it.But he figure they were safe enough, between all of them, they were well protected.
Niabi blinked a little before scowling. "i do NOT, have Magic..." he grumbled, annoyed before considering everything. "...well... i CAN talk to snakes... ad go invisible... i guess i never thought about it before..." he mused smiling a little as Tom smiled at Annie. "Annie sweetling... everyone else here is Magic too, why is he special?" he asked, lookign amused as Draco snickered, glancing at Finnick. "i agree." he muttered to the other, Niabi snickering a little as he hopped to his feet stretching a little. "well... if i'm going to be magic, then i need...to..." he paused, turning, blinking at the woods, frowning a little. "...Wraith?" he asked, a motion suddenly rushing him. "Wraith!?" it was Wraith, the tall man with the braid attacking Niabi, the boy gasping as he leaped back, deftly avoiding the blade that had narrowly missed his neck. "GET ANNIE INSIDE!" he roared, Draco grabbing Annie and apparating away as Niabi drew his own sword, blocking another strike from Wraith. "what the hell Wraith!? your fighting like a six year old!.... HEY!..." Tom snarled a little as he watched, looking a little baffled glancing at Finnick. "...should we do something?" "Son of a bitch!" Niabi suddenly cursed, curling his hand into a fist, punching Wraith so hard that the man actually collapsed. "fucking hell!"
"Because he's pretty, and let me do his hair, and and he's just special!"Annie frowned trying to explain what he felt before shaking her head. Finnick yelped as he was draco apparated away, not responding fast enough, looking at wraith as he collapsed, walking over and absently casting a binding spell to keep him down before looking at niabi."Is there a reason he's attacking you?"He asked loooking down at the man, trying to figure out why his father would attack niabi.
Niabi chuckled a little and Voldemort smirked a little. "your right Annie, he is very special." Voldemort agreed, smiling at her before blinking as Niabi was attacked, the boy cursing violently once he got the man down, glaring at Shadowwraith, Voldemort gently flipping the man onto his back, his head tilted. "oh he's always attacking me! that's not a surprise." Niabi stated, brushing himself off. "he likes to keep my blades sharp and try and knees up on me, and make sure i got my skills going... but.. this was..." he shook his head. "he wasn't fighting like himself... id have sworn he was drunk... but he hasn't drank... ever..." he admitted Voldemort shaking his head. "Finnick... this man is being held under the Impirio..." he stated suddenly, his mind deep in Wraiths mind. "the what?" Niabi asked, scowling. "someone has a spell on my father?" he demanded, gently setting a hand on Shadowwraith's forehead where he was already bruising from Niabi's strike. the boy hadn't held back his punch, Dumbledore's idea of pitting father against son, clearly hadn't worked. "i've already broken the spell..." Voldemort promised, looking a little confused at Niabi's worry. as if he didn't understand why Niabi would be so worried about someone who regularly attacked him. "he should wake up soon enough... we will move him inside." 'we' of course meant 'Finnick'.
Finnick looked amused before growing serious."Damn.Fuck.Maybe we shouldn't have made such a example of crabbe and parkinson."He grumbled, disliking the idea that he'd gotten a innocent....well, sort of innocent attacked in dumbledore's need to kill them."Why is it when you say 'we' you really mean Finnick do this?"He asked whining at his father a little even as he leviated the unconscious man towards the house, not about to get cloer in case the man woke up and attacked them.
Niabi shook his head a little. "no, they needed to be made Examples of." he growled his eyes narrowed. "i have no doubt Dumbledore would have done this even if i hadn't destroyed the brats..." he mused scowling a little before shaking his head as Voldemort stared at his son until the man did as he was 'ordered.' Niabi hovered close to his father, his eyes narrowed a little as he suddenly pulled the others braid a little, his head tilted as he seamed to measure it. "oh he's going to be PISSED!" Niabi hissed suddenly. "someone cut off the last three feet of his braid!" "...this is a problem?" Voldemort asked, lifting an eyebrow, Niabi shaking his head. "it's a cultural thing... the only time we cut our hair... is when we have failed..." he admitted his lips thinned tightly. "neither i, nor Wraith have ever had to cut our hair... to have his hair cut without a failure?.... it's like having your balls taken off." he growled his teeth bared as the man shifted, his eyes fluttering. "Dumbledore..." he groaned before closing his eyes and going back to sleep, Niabi snarling viciously. "i'm going to make that white haired bastard PAY for this!"
Finnick looked slightly amused as he realized that dumbledore was going to be in sooo much trouble. It was...interesting to consider what the braid meant, reaching out and running a hand over niabi's braid, listening to the charms twinkle or a moment. "You must be very good."He said amused as he laid wraith in the bed, looking at niabi."Think we could just turn him lose on dumbledore, let him take care of our problem?"
Niabi shook his head a little as he watched the other stroke his long braid, catching the others wrist tight enough to bruise, his eyes flashing with rage. "don't touch my hair." it was clear that Niabi was in a mood, Wraith's predicament had Niabi on edge. "and i am good, the only one better than me is Wraith." he growled, stroking the man's forehead, looking worried now as he gently fingered the bruise. "i don't think he'll be in any shape to deal with anything right now." he admitted softly. "Wraith has no real emotions, but the loss of his braid... and the takeover of his very body.... he will not know how to handle such a thing..." he admitted shaking his head. "Bane..." Wraith whispered, his eyes fluttering. "Shadowbane..." "i'm here Wraith, don't worry, you didn't hurt me..." "Dumbledore... he said... i failed... he took my Braid..." he whispered. "he took my mind..." "i know, it's alright, he won't have you again." Niabi promised, his voice holding the staining edge of utter fury. "and there is a way to grow your hair back." Voldemort admitted simply. "it will only take a half a minute to return it to it's full length." "... a minute?... that's right, your wizards..." Wraith muttered, closing his eyes. "if you could give me my proper length back, i would be grateful." Wraith muttered, Niabi chuckling a little. "don't worry Father... i'll make sure Dumbledore pays for this. years of agony." he promised Wraith smirking viciously. "good..."
Finnick glared at him as the man aught his wrist, growling softly, a edge of anger in the tone before he jerked his wrist free, looking down at wraith."We'll be able to help him.."Finnick said stepping back letting father and son talk,Smircking a little as he waved a hand, wraith's hair suddenly trailing the floor again."Years of agony..I'd like to help."he said his voice dark because beyond this, he had long suspected the headmaster had a hand in what happened to annie, though how much of one he didn't know.

"Draco?Can we go see the others?They're hurt!"Annie said panicked as she tried to get past him, annoyed at being locked in her room and unable to help the others. She needed to know they were okay. She needed it.
Niabi narrowed his eyes, Voldemort chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Honestly Finnick, you should know better than to touch something so important." he stated simply watching as Wraith physically relaxed at the return of the length of his hair, sighing a little. Niabi smiling as he laid a gentle kiss to his fathers forehead. "sleep Father...." he ordered calmly. "rest, you'll be up and kicking my ass in no time." he promised, smiling a little before he looked at Finnick and nodded. "of course you can help." he purred smirking darkly. "and if i'm Magic, like Voldemort claims... i'm going to need someone to teach me." "you'll need a wand too of course." Voldemort commented simply. "we'll have to find a way to get him to Olivander..." Voldemort stated before glancing down the hallway. "i must check on Annie and make sure she is unharmed." he stated calmly, headed down the hall to Draco's room, wanting to make sure Annie was alright.

Draco caught Annie into a hug, kissing her forehead. "not yet, we don't know if it's safe yet." he muttered softly. "if you run out there now, you;ll distract them because they'll be worried about you... they might get hurt if you go out there when their fighting... you need to stay here for now aright? as soon as everything is done someone will come and get us, i promise alright?" "there is no need to wait, the danger is over." Voldemort promised opening the door and smiling a little. "are you unharmed Annie?"
Finnick frowned twisting his wrist to inspect the bruising skin, sighing softly as he watched the two."Ohh I can teach you whatevre you want. With wands of course."Finnick's perverse smirk curled his lips as he waggled a eyebrow before nodding."I'll take him to olivander's."he said wrapping a arm around niabi's shoulder."Come on.We have to go before annie demands to go with."He said before apparating to diagon alley, glancing around as they moved quickly and quietly through the streets, wtachful to make sure they weren't ollowed.

Annie wined squirming away as draco kissed her forehead, still trying to get past him."I can fight!I can help them."She demanded pressing her hands against his chest as she tried to get past him before looking at her father, eyes wide a little."I'm fine papa. Are you okay?"
Niabi smirked, grinning wickedly. "and here i thought you didn't want to have sex with me." he teased licking his lips a little before shaking his head a little, hesitating as he looked at Wraith who smiled. "it's alright Niabi, i'll be fine." Wraith promised, slowly sitting up. "i always knew you where magic you know." he admitted suddenly. "you used to make things float when you where a baby, and when you cried it always rained outside." he admitted shaking his head, Harry gaping at him. but before Niabi could ask anything, Finnick apparated him away. he followed Finnick to Ollivanders, the man gasping in horror and shock at the sight of Niabi, who had made headlines thanks to the stunt at the school. "please! please i want no trouble..." "neither do i." Niabi admitted simply. "i am here for a wand, that is all. no trouble, just a wand." "...you... you are a wizard!? but the papers said..." "it is a... very recent discovery." Niabi admitted simply, staring at the man until he scampered off and came back with wands for Niabi to try. the boy just stared at them and shook his head. "none of those will do." "you.... you didn't even touch them!" "i can feel them... here..." Niabi stated patting his chest. "they will not do..." "oh...."

Voldemort smiled as he stroked her hair. "i am alright little one." he promised. "but Draco is right, when there is danger, you must stay inside. or we will all be distracted thinking that you are in danger." he admitted gently leading her out of the room. "and if we are distracted, then the enemy may get the upper hand and hurt us... you don't want that, do you?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at her. "next time, you just go where Draco tells you to, and stay low... then, if we do get hurt, your still alive to avenge us."
"I don't.I just like giving you a....hard time."Finnick said snickering looking amused at the idea of niabi floating things, but knew they had to get the wand before anyone else realized that wraith had failed, otherwise the streets were going to be crawling with aurors and dumbledore's men."It was a very interesting discovery."He said snickering a little shrugging as he wtched olivander scamper off before looking at him then niabi."Just let him walk the aisles. It'll save you from running back and forth."He said as he hopped on the stool to wait.

Annie frowned looking at her papa, leaning into the touch before biting her lip."oh."She frowne at his words before nodding happi;y."No I wouldn't want that. I will get revenge if you are hurt. I am good at that."She supplied happily before tilting her head."What happened?"She said growing serious, sensing that something...was off about her house. So intune with the house she never left, that she could sense the new presence there
Niabi smirked and gripped his own crotch. "oh yeah, a VERY hard time." he growled in delight, laughing a little as he shook his head watching Olivander before he started walking the rows, upon rows of wands before pausing, staring up. "it's up there... do you have a ladder?" one appeared and he slowly advanced up on the ladder, pausing as he ran his fingers over a box. "it's this one... it's perfect!" he murmured glancing down at Olivander, the man nodding his permission, Niabi carefully sliding down, Olivander taking the wand, letting out a shocked gasp. "Holly and Phoenix Feather, eleven inches, very supple... how curious..." "...curious?" Niabi asked, lifting an eyebrow as he waved his wand, smiling a little as sparks blew from the tip. "...that wand has a Brother...Mister Potter..." Niabi frowned, looking confused. "Potter?... i'm afraid you must have me confused...." "you must not let Dumbledore know who you are..." Olivander whispered, looking from Niabi to Finnick. "you! you must not let Dumbledore find this boy!" he ordered to Finnick. "two prophecy where born on the day of Harry Potters birth." Niabi was staring at the old man like he was crazy. "go. go now, it is not safe here...." Olivander didn't even ask for the seven sickles for the wand, the man just turned and fled. "... he going crazy or was he always nuts?" Niabi asked Finnick, watching the man flee.

Voldemort smiled at her and nodded. "good, i am glad you see things my way." he teased before smiling. "the man who attacked us is Niabi's Father, Shadowwraith." he explained calmly. "he was being held under the Impirio, he's not handling it well, most muggles have serious unsettling side affects to having their minds taken over." he admitted. "he's staying here, Niabi insisted." he admitted shaking his head. "i know you want to see him." he promised smiling at Annie. "we'll get him some food and then go and visit him." he promised. "i beleive Niabi has left to get his wand before you ask where your impish... brothers, have gone." it was the closest Voldemort could come to claiming Finnick as his son.
Finnick tilted his head a little."I will not. He is living with me.I'm not about to let dumbledore know about someone so amusing."He said as he stood looking worried as he pulled niabi out of the shop trying to decide where to apparate."No not crazy, or nuts. I think we need to talk to father."He said before apparating hme.

"I always see things your way, papa, even when I don't like it."She said making a face at him before looking worried about wraith, frowning slightly.Perking up when voldemort promised to let her see him, she always had to see the hurt people,because she just cared that much. Nodding she smiled happily."Good he needs a wand. Draco, come on. WE have someone to see!"She said before bouning out of the room
Oliver nodded and offered them a smile as they vanished. he was neutral, but he was beginning to realize that Dumbledore was going a little crazy. as a Wand Maker he wasn't supposed to take sides... but he couldn't stay Neutral forever. Niabi was looking confused, and just a touch fearful as they apparated back to Riddle Manor. "... there's a prophecy about me?..." he asked looking at Finnick. "...your father... he knows who i am..."

Draco smiled a little as she shook dragged him off, taking her tot eh kitchen to get Wraith some food, soup and sandwiches since he doubted Wraith would be any more accepting of wizarding food than Niabi was. Wraith was still laying in bed, resting from his ordeal. he didn't have a single drop of magic, so to be controlled by it had left him as weak as a kitten. "good morning...er, Sir.." Draco stated calmly as Wraith opened his cold and emotionless eyes. "we brought you food... Annie likes to make sure everyone ...er. 'under her care' is alright." he admitted amused as Wraith offered her a smile, or what amounted to one as he slowly sat up. "thank you young lady, i was just starting to feel hungry."

(don't forget about Blood!)
(Im not, I jjust cant think of what to write)

"I know. And I don't know about the prophecy."He said sounding annoyed that he hadn't known something important.Growling as he headed for voldemort's office, knocking on the door as he leaned in the office."Father, we have to talk."He said moving in and explaining to the dark lord with a sigh.

"Everyone is under my care!Even you butterscotch!"Annie said frowning up at draco, trying to see if he was making fun of her, before smiling down at wraith as she sat on the edge of the bed, helping him sit up so he could eat,fussing as she straightened out his clothes and the tray."You are welcome.Niabi said we could trust you, so I will take care of you. Not butterscotch.Butterscotch does not do taking care of as well as I do."Annie chirped happily, rambling so happily in a way that only a child or a hurt person could.
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