Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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oh...well as long as you didn't forget! XDD)

Voldemort smiled as they walked in, setting his hands together. "yes, I imagine that you do..." he listened to them explain and he slid two sheets of paper over to them. one was the prophecy that Professor Trelwany had spoke, about Harry Potter bringing about the Rule of Light, and defeating the Dark Lord. the other was a prophecy about Harry Potter being a speaker for the Dark, and destroying the Light Lord and bringing about peace for everyone...also by Trelwany. "they are both prophecies about you Niabi. you are Harry Potter. your wand proves that, it is a Brother to my own." he admitted simply. "Dumbledore sought to make sure that you would be the one to kill me, and killed your parents, and stole you away." he admitted simply. "everyone believes that i was the reason that Lily and James potter died, but this is not true." he admitted shaking his head. "i won't make you decide which Prophecy to follow... i won't ask you to be involved." he admitted simply. "this is a fight between Dumbledore and i... you never should have any part of it." Niabi scowled as he studied both the prophecies and then he stood up. "i need to be alone." he stated, turning and leaving, his hair still full of beads, making him chime as he fled the room, Voldemort sighing a little.

Wraith smirked a little as he looked at Draco. "Butterscotch?..." "my name is Draco! it's Niabi's fault!" Draco whined, Wraith snickering a little. "it usually is." he admitted Draco smiling at Annie. "even me." he agreed to her. "i bet i'd be sick all the time if it wasn't for you, your a good caretaker." not a bit of teasing her. Wraith calmly let her fuss over him, rather enjoying the attention, he was usually home alone, and even when Niabi was home he wasn't much of a nurse. "well, i don't know if i'd say trustworthiness is one of my strong suites, but if you are protected by Niabi i certainly won't do anything to upset or hurt you." Wraith assured her as he carefully ate a bite of his soup. "this is good soup." Wraith muttered, eying Annie up as if he was trying to understand her.
(lol I'm trying to post. I'll do it sometime tonight. ^^)

Finnick frowned a little as he thought over the words, frowning slightly as he looked over at voldemort sighing softly."Don't feel bad. He would have had to been told eventually."He said looking concerned despite his usually unemotional state, disliking that niabi was upset ver the actions of a arrogant man who thought he was the person who should be ruling things. Dumbeldore was so starting to lose it.

"Butterscotch!You are butterscotch.You have butterscotch hair."Annie said frowning up at draco, making a face at him as she shoved him slightly, smiling happily."I am.I am very good at taking care of people."She biting her lip as she thought about it, before nodding."Niabi let me braid his hair. And put beads and bells in it."She said smiling happily before looking at draco then wraith."Can I braid your hair?"
Voldemort nodded. "i know... but, Niabi is... emotional. i'm not sure if he's stable or if he's just..." he shook his head looking at Finnick. "...you do know that i am proud of you, don't you?" he asked his head tilted a little. "i may not show it often... or at all... but i am proud of you." he admitted before going back to his paperwork, ignoring Finnick again. it wasn't often that Voldemort had such emotional states, which meant that upsetting Niabi had bothered the dark lord more than any of them would ever admit. "do go and make sure that Annie isn't doing something stupid."

Draco wrinkled his nose a little and shook his head a little but said nothing, Wraith smirking a little before chuckling a little as he picked up the end of his braid and untied the ribbon that had held it together. his six feet or more of hair unwound, so silky and smooth that without the tie it simply fell apart. "just don't cut it." he ordered simply, scooting forehead so that she could braid his hair, Draco smirking as he held the bag of beads, bells, ribbons and other such things open for her. "Niabi braided her hair too, see? doesn't she look beautiful?" "prettiest thing i ever saw." Wraith agreed chuckling a little as he ate his meal while Annie braided his hair.
Finnick smiled"I think none of are stable."He pointed out before looking startled, frowning a litlte at the man as he considered what he had said. "I do."he said before smiling a little, preening a little under the praise, because it was so rare, he did enjoy the moments when the man admitted it. Looking amused as he left the room. pausing at the sight inside the room as he looked at wraith,"You know, niabi's going to be jealous. Now its not just his hair that has bells." "Mine has bells to.See?"Annie said smiling as she tossed her hair over her shoulder smiling happily at her brother before returning to her work. "How did this happen?"Finnick said snickering as he looked at the other two men.
Wraith smirked a little. "Niabi is never jealous." he stated simply. "i raised him better, jealousy is for the weak." he stated simply, Draco rolling his eyes. "no, jealousy is for humans. of which you clearly, are not." "just because i'm a sociopath doesn't mean i'm not human." Wraith stated calmly, Draco lifting an eyebrow. "...yes it does." Wraith chuckled a little and shook his head a little letting Annie do as she pleased. "she asked." Wraith stated calmly to Finnick, smirking darkly. "well hello pretty one." he purred, looking almost glad to see the other before pausing. "where is Niabi?...." he demanded scowling a little. "i didn't manage to hurt him did i?" "...i..i shouldn't think so..." Draco muttered frowning a little his head tilted a little as he glanced at Finnick. "... what's with the face? did something happen?" "... if you hurt my son so help me i'll..." "i don't think Finnick COULD hurt Niabi... Niabi might be new to magic but he's damn quick on the study..." Draco admitted before Wraith could upset Annie.
"If you upset annie, I will cause you injury, assassin."Finnick growled absently, to upset about how upset niabi had been that he really wasn't aware of what he was threatening to do. Rolling his eyes a little he sighed softly,"We went to olliver's to get his wand and found out his real name is harry potter."he muttered softly, not wanting to upset annie when she was so happily braiding wwraith's hair."Dumbledore murdered his family in a efort to force him to side with him, and not become the balance between dark and light."He said sighing softly.
Wraith growled as his eyes flashed with rage, the orbs narrowing darkly. "you would presume to threaten me boy?" he demanded, his voice calm and even. "you think i haven't faced wizards before?" he demanded setting a hand to his short and pulling out an anti magic warding necklace. the necklace would bounce back any spells cast at the wearer. there where a few exclusions, the Forbidden spells, like Evada Kedavra and Impirio wouldn't be affected, but Crusio wouldn't pass through the wards. so unless Finnick decided to kill Wraith, he had no real advantage, or any advantage. "watch your tongue boy, Niabi might like you, but i would risk pissing him off to remove your tongue." he paused a little, listening to the explanation, sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "... he always hoped that... his parents where looking for him." he admitted softly. "he always hoped that they had only gotten separated... i DID find him in an alleyway after all, in a silk blanket." he admitted. "the pain is great because... he always wanted parents who loved him." he admitted. "i do love him.. as much as i am able but.." he shook his head and slowly moved to stand up, staggering and collapsing as soon as his feet where on the ground. "he'll do something stupid... someone has to stop him..."
Annie raised ehr head, frowning hard growling ever so softly."Annie, don't."Finnick growled back at her, knowing that she was gathering herself, gathering those pieces of dangerous sanity to strike out at the man who threatned her brother."Well. We'll just have to love him. Voldemort just keeps finding foundlings."Finnick said snickering a little shaking his head."I'll deal with him.Wraith..."He stopped frowning a little. Hating to trust the man with his sister, but niabi trusted him, and he needed draco."Will you stay with annie?She is not...right."He said slowly."I am always right!'Annie chriped though there was a frightful clearity in her eyes that said she was starting to force her sanity to snap together, to let her think again.
Wraith gently took one of Annie's hands and kissed the knuckles, accenting to her growl and relaxing a little, wrinkling his nose. "i'm not exactly a lovable sort." Wraith commented, shaking his head. "just don't bother me or hurt Niabi and i'll leave you alone." he promised shaking his head a little. "i will stay with Annie, she hasn't finished braiding my hair anyway, and i am going to need help putting ice on my face, she has soft gentle hands, and she's the only person here capable of taking care of me." Draco nodded a little. "he has a point, Annie IS the best at taking care of people.. and no matter his threats he's helpless right now, Annie will you stay and protect Wraith? someone might try to hurt him." Wraith lifted an eyebrow. "we'll bring Niabi here once we find him, so long as he isn't in a homicidal rage." "Niabi would never hurt Annie." Wraith stated simply. "she's far too much like Shadowsteal." he admitted simply, not realizing he had given away one of Niabi's secretes.

Niabi himself was standing out in the woods, sitting on a log, staring at nothing as he ran a sharpening stone over one of his long blades, the sound of the stone sliding over the steal seamed to comfort him. the look in his eyes was not a pleasant one, it was filled with hatred as he ran the stone over the blade, as if imagining all his most hated enemies dying by that very sword.
Annie giggled a little as wraith kissed her knuckles, blushing ever so softly as she ooked at him."I will help you with your face. It looks like it hurts." "Yea, its a real pain for the rest of us."Finnick said deadpanned, amusement showing in his eyes, testing wraith, to see if the man could take a joke, because he needed to know annie wouldn't accidently say something that would set him off. Annie smiled happily nodding,"I will.Papa didn't want me to protect you when draco took me away, but I can protect Wraith.Even if he's the one he needs protecting rom." Finnick smiled kissing her forehead as she returned to braiding wraith's hair, raising a eyebrw at wraith's words but not saying anything."WE'll be back."he said before leaving with draco.

"You know, I think that's the best sound I've heard in awhile.Steel over stone.Wish it was steel over bone."Finnick mused as they stepped into the clearing looking at draco as they neared the assassin.
Wraith chuckled a little and nodded. "it does hurt, my poor beauty..." he complained pouting a little. "i fear Niabi may have ruined me." he admitted smirking because he knew he wasn't all that pretty or handsome like these men. he was rugged and attractive anyway, and with smooth words he could get nearly anyone into bed he wanted to. he stared at Finnick for a long moment and then. "well at least i'm not arse faced like you are, you have a mirror shattering problem i suppose?" his voice just as flat as Finnick's, but a flicker of laughter in those emotionless eyes as he let Annie braid his very long hair. it would take her a lot longer than it had taken for Niabi's. Wraith's hair was longer, and a lot thicker, there was nearly twice, if not three times as much Hair for Annie to deal with.

Niabi didn't even twitch when Finnick and Draco appeared, his lips just tightening. "...i'm going to kill them you know." Niabi stated simply, not even pausing in his sharpening. "i will show them the true meaning of pain... they will all suffer for what they have done, to Wraith, to me... to Voldemort, and Annie, and you." he eyes where filled with a frightening fury. "i don't give a shit about no prophecy... they hurt you, they hurt me... they hurt my family, and for that, they will die." he growled finishing the sharpening with a swipe of his rock before polishing it with a cloth. "you know, this is the first sword that Wraith ever gave me." he admitted. "this sword was given to me, the day i was given the title Shadowbane." he admitted twisting it a little to make it shine in the sunlight. "the start of my life, will be used to end theirs... fitting, don't you think?"
Finnick snickered a little at the other's words, relaxing as he realized that annie would be okay in his care. That wraith wouldn't hurt her for being hersel, insults and teasing. "I do. But not nearly as much as butterscotch."Finnick said snickering as he left with draco, leaving annie humming happily and chattering just as happily behind them.

"Well, of course."innick said having assuemd that was the plan."I think they should have known killing your parents would bring about the end."He said sighing a litlte because it pained him to know that this was painful swallowing hard as he rubbed a hand over his face,"We better go.Surely we can find the mutt and the others out of the castle."he said wincing al ittle at the idea of finding sirius, even not knowing he was the man's son, he still disliked any conrontation with him, because it seemed to upset annie and voldemort so much.But seeing as dumbledore never did his own dirty work, and relied only on the others to do it, it looked like they were going to have to
Wraith smirked a little as he shook his head and listened to Annie chatter, glancing at her, asking her how old she was, seemingly troubled by the answer as he went back to his meal, pondering, but said nothing else as he finished his meal and leaned back into the pillows sighing a little. "i'm sorry Annie, i'm just so tired." he admitted smiling at her. "do feel free to continue braiding my hair.. i think i might take a small nap..."

Niabi glanced at Finnick, his eyes narrowing a slight touch. "i have dreams you know." he stated with a small distressed note to his voice. "No, not harry, please not Harry!" he mimicked the high soft voice of his mother perfectly. "i used to think i was dreaming... now i realize it's a memory." his eyes where burning. "i REMEMBER them killing my mother!" he snarled, his bright green eyes filled with rage before pausing, looking confused. "mutt?" he asked his head tilted a little. "you mean like a dog? what good is a dog going to do!? i'm going to that goddamn castle, and i'm going to slaughter every goddamn adult i find." he snarled, slicing his blade through the air. "i will rise to my Rank and i will slaughter anyone and anything that gets in my way!" Wraith was right, Niabi was stupid in his fury.
Annie smiled as she looked up at him, the 19 year eold looking worried."I'll take care of you while you sleep.Don't worry.I wont let anyone hurt you."She said smiling at him as he drifted off to sleep.

Finnick winced at that, sighing softly before nodding."It is a memory."He winced before watching the blade slice through the air, shaking his head."Only a sometimes dog. Sirius Black is a wizard, a animagi who can become a dog when he wants to. He's the one besides arthur weasley who does dumbledore's dirty work. Killing your parents would be something he would do."Finnick said not bothering to snap out at the man, because he knew that kind of fury, so he wouldn't let niabi's temper bother him.
he smiled at her and settled into sleep. trusting her that she wouldn't let anyone harm him while he was vulnerable.

Niabi growled a little, his eyes narrowed a little as he looked at the other. "... i don't feel like playing dog catcher Finnick i want to KILL something!" he snarled darkly, Draco suddenly clearing his throat. "you know... we still have prisoners in our dungeons... Finnick can go and get Black, and then you can torture him and find out how to get to Dumbledore..." he winced as Niabi stared at him, his eyes furious before Niabi sighed a little and shook his head a little. "fine. i'll go torture some prisoners..." he growled turning and stalking back towards the house, Draco sighing in relief, shaking his head a little. "for a second there i thought he was going to slit my throat." he admitted wrinkling his nose a little. "we'll need to find Sirius before Niabi runs out of prisoners to torture."
Finnick sighed nodding,running his fingers through his hair."So did I."He said having thought about how he was going to have to get niabi away from draco had he attacked. Sighing softly as he looked over at draco,"YOu're coming with me. I don't trust the mutt to be alone."He grumbled before wrapping a hand around raco's wrist and apparating, pausing as he looked around the street, wincing a little. Realizing that he had focused on black, ad not a place. Which meant that he was at grimuald place when he so did not want to be in the dreary house."So how do you think we go in?I dont think he'll open the door if we knock?Even the mutt's not that stupid."
Draco grimaced a little and shook his head a little. "i don't trust the mutt to be anything more than a coward." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "come on..." he muttered, looking around the dreary house, his eyes widening. "... what's he doing in this old place? it's a Dark place..." he muttered softly as he heard voices, quickly casting invisibility charms as Ginny and Hermione walked into view, the two of them walking past the seeking duo without even glancing in their direction, Draco swallowing thickly. "come on..." he whispered heading up the stairs, glaring at Arthur Weasley, who was drinking a calming potion. "well he looks frazzled." he mumbled softly looking amused as Arthur jumped violently as Crookshanks knocked over a vase. "i guess he got Niabi's message." he muttered snickering a little. "that stupid man's going to fret himself insane if he's not careful... should we take him too? let Niabi has his fun with him?"
"Its a very good thing he's frazzled. niabi would be saddened if he wasn't."He said snickering a little as he watched arthur, nodding a little."And the girls.Not for niabi, but Annie will enjoy it."he said not about to tell a man who was in love with his sister just how cruel the two had been the one time annie had ventured into diagon alley, and after running into them, she'd refused to return."Let's go."He said heading up the stairs and slipping into the house looking around."Who first?"
Draco smirked and nodded. "i'll grab the man and the girls. you find Sirius." he ordered softly. "vanished from their own hidey hole, this will really get that white bastards ass in a knot." he muttered, delighted as he moved over to Arthur, grabbing him and vanishing, leaving Finnick to find Sirius, who was sitting up in the library, reading a book calmly. looking up as soon as Finnick entered. "who's there!?" he demanded, looking sickly, pale with dark bags under his eyes. "are you here to kill me?... Niabi right? Shadowbane..." so Sirius thought the Assassin was sent after him. "will you at least look me in the eyes before you kill me?" he asked softly, closing his book and scooting away from the table, but remaining seated, his eyes flicking around, trying to find Finnick. "i want to ask you to... tell my son, that i'm sorry..."
Finnick smirked as he walked closer, leaning over the back of his chair, resting his hands on he man's shoulder."Wrong assassin, mutt."Finnick growled, before leaning closer, letting the invisiblity charm fall.One could never cite finnick for being tactful, or cautious when he was annoyed."I have no intention of letting you die soon.Which you would if you saw niabi right now. Now you see, I have this sister, how has a thing about torturing people. Oh yes, I'm sure Annie will enjoy you."He said snickering as he apparated them both to the manor, shoving the man into his own office, intelligent enough to not take him to the dungeons, wanting to see what he'd say first.
Sirius gasped as he felt the hands on his shoulders, shuddering as he waited to die, closing his eyes and swallowing thickly, blinking at the other, his eyes wide as the invisibility charm fell. "F...Finnick... Finnick Odair..." he whispered, his eyes wide with astonishment as he was suddenly apparated, falling on his ass on the floor as they landed with a short yip of a yelp, groaning a little as he shook his head. "your Finnick Odair!... the son of Chrysanthemum Odair..." Finnick's grandmother had been a cruel one to call his mother Chrysanthemum, but most of them had called her Chrys. "my god... you really do look just like her..." Sirius whispered, swallowing thickly. "...i don't suppose she ever told you about me..." he muttered softly, swallowing thickly. "i didn't even know she was pregnant when she left you know..." he admitted his eyes watering. "i don't suppose anyone ever bothered to tell you... that...that i was your father..."
innick tilted his head a little as he leaned back against the wall, studying the man on the floor. "I don't know my parents. I was raised here.In slytherin manor, the only man worthy of claiming the title of father, is despised by most of you.."Finnick said frowning at the man, "Mutt, lying to me, wont let you live longer."he growled pushing away from the wall, studying the man in front of him.
Sirius shook his head as he slowly stood up and rubbed his poor sore ass. "i'm not lying to you Finnick." he stated simply. "i am your father..." he admitted sitting down in a chair, staring at his hands. "your mother and i where dating in school." he admitted his lips thinning tightly, upset by the story. "we where in love... well... i thought we where in love..." he admitted shaking his head. "after we graduated, we moved in together... but, then the War got going... and your mother... she admitted she was going to join Voldemort." he shuddered a little. "after what my family did to me.. in his name... i just couldn't beleive it!" he admitted, his voice wavering, thick with emotion. "i couldn't beleive she'd go to a man that had tortured so many... she left, i never even knew she was pregnant..." he admitted softly. "not until after she died did i know..." he looked up at Finnick, his eyes haunted. "i never once thought... that the light side of the war... could ever be as cruel as the dark..." he admitted. "at first... i thought... it was for the better good, all the things i was doing... it was for the better good..." he shook his head. "now... now there's nothing but death... and a son i never got to know... because of a war that should never have happened..." he ran a hand through his hair. "i just wanted you to know the truth... i know your mother was... furious, with me for choosing the Light over her... she was good at gettign even." he chuckled a little. "she once turned my entire body blue in second year because i called her a spoiled brat..."
Finnick studied him, frowning at him, tilting hishead slightly."You are speaking of the wrong man, if you are talking of senseless cruelty. Dumbledore is guilty of more then we ever are.He said frowning at the man in front of im, shaking his head."The light cast Annie into the darkling throng, because dumbledore wanted a weapon against us."he said shaking his head, before sighing softly. Because he'd long known why dumbledore had ordered it, even if he didn't know the how or whys it had happened. "She should have been furious. You chose dumbledore over her...us."Finnick said frowning as he turned to walk out."Annie and Niabi will be in soon."
he shook his head. "i didn't know that then." he admitted simply. "i thought Dumbledore was a saint... a good man..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i.." he looked puzzled. "i don't know who Annie is..." it was a well known fact that Sirius was often kept in the dark about things, because of his 'big heart'. so he was probobly telling the truth about that. "i didn't know she was pregnant Finnick.. if i had known... i would have chosen her... i was young, and stupid, but more than anything i always wanted a family." he admitted staring at the other, wincing as he was informed that Annie and Niabi would be in soon. "i'm sorry Finnick." he muttered softly. "i did terrible things... things that can never be forgiven..."
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