Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Draco smiled as Annie gloated under the praise and then turned red at the nickname, Sirius lifting an eyebrow. "...butterscotch?" he asked, blinking at Draco who glared furiously at Sirius. "only Annie is allowed to call me that Mutt!" he growled, Sirius lifting his hands defensibly. "alright, alright i'm sorry..." he muttered, wondering if this was at all worth it. he wanted desperately to find a room somewhere and hide. Draco lifted an eyebrow as Finnick told him and Annie to go downstairs and he followed his girlfriend down tot he basement, looking astonished as he saw Hermione and Ginny bound to shackles, Hermione glaring at them. "you won't get away with this! let us go this instant!" Hermione demanded kicking her feet, since her hands where bound above her head. Arthur was sobbing quietly in a corner, Voldemort watching him with a dark little smirk. "the Weasley senior is for Niabi." Arthur winced and new peals of sobs fell from his lips. "but you can have fun with the girls Annie. i know how they tormented you." he kissed her forehead. "Niabi and Finnick got them just for you." he admitted smiling at her. "so you'll have to thank them later."
Annie looked strtled, and amused as she looked at her papa, leaning into his chest for a moment, "I'll thank them.And you later, papa."She muttered before moving to hermione's cage, frowning as she looked at the calm looking she-weasel, sitting down on her heels as she rested her arms on her thighs, looking thoughtful as she studied the two woman. Before turning to look up at draco as he joined her."She's being to calm,draco. Can't you make her scream?For me?"She said smiling softly.
Draco smiled a little as he nodded to Annie, stroking her hair. "of course Darling, anything for you." he promised, Hermione hissing. "sick bitch! your nothing but a slut and a whore!" Hermione snarled, gasping as pain flared across her face. Draco had backhanded. "don't you DARE speak of Annie like that!" Draco snarled his eyes flashing with rage. "she's a better person, and more of a woman you will EVER be you fat, buck toothed, mudblood!" he spat, Hermione gaping at him, shocked, and afraid now as Draco ran his wand own the side of Hermione's face, the ginger headed bitch arching in pain, screams spilling down her face as he used a localized Crucio to mark Hermione's flesh, like a Tattoo. where the wand was, a black line followed, the pain so intense that all Hermione could do was jerk, convulse, and scream. once he had a slithering serpent etched onto the side of Hermione's face he smirked, turning to Ginny. "so is it true then?" he asked the red head, his head tilted. "you and her are lovers are you not?" he asked smirking as he studied Ginny. "shall i etch the word Slut into your face?" he demanded. "maybe i should get some of my... cohorts in here to rape your fugly little lover hmm?" he demanded, smirking darkly. "it would show you both, now wouldn't it?" after what they had done to Annie, Draco thought it was a good idea. "poor Blaise hasn't been laid in a while, and Fenrir would love to have hot teen pussy wrapped around his dick again." he tormented, running the wand down Ginny's face, but there was no spell to go with it, not yet. he wanted her afraid of him first. Hermione had started to cry, terrified of being raped.
Annie laughed softly as ginny looked up at him, scared and defiant."N-no. You an't do that!" "Hmm but we can do nything we want..."Annie purred wrapping her arms around draco's waist, sanity and cruelty sliding through the words as she leaned against his back, tall enough to rest her chin on his shoulder."I don't know what they see in each other, draco. They're not that pretty.Not like you."She purred, running her hands up the flat plane of his chest, enjoying feeling the muscles under her fingertips, and because she knew that considering the two girls fascination with pretty things, and sex, they'd be pissed that they couldn't touch draco, even if they were together, they were both bi as far as seh knew, so teasing them with draco was amazing, and that she was being called a slut when they were the ones watching them.
Hermione shook her head, not bothering to beg, she knew no one would listen to her. Draco smirked, looking back at Annie, moaning softly as she ran her hands long his chest, Hermione unable to stop watching. the to of them together... they where so beautiful. Hermione had always loved the way that Draco had looked, and Annie was so beautiful... the two seamed to be made for each other. she wanted to touch Draco, she had ever since he'd first called her a mudblood. she whimpered, the sound both terrified and wanting to her own ears, Draco smirking darkly. "and they call us the whores... look at them, they want us." he murmured, brushing a light kiss against her cheek, smirking a little. "they want us... but they'll never have us..." he purred, delighted at their wanting eyes. he loved knowing he was wanted, everyone wanted him, but few people actually showed it. he loved lording his looks over people, the only person who ever got to touch him, however they wanted, was Annie, and everyone knew it. so they could only look, and fantasize.
Annie smirked turing her head to look up at him, for once the sanity showing in her eyes, the knowledge that she was loved, and he wanted her. Different from how finnick loved and took care of her, or how voldemort or niabi did. She knew, in some sane part of her mind, that draco loved her. But she was to...broken most of the time, to really understand what it meant beyond that it let her take care of him."Hmmm no one will ever have us."She purred softly going to her toes as ginny struggled wanting to get to hermione even as she watched the two in front of her, lust and fear showing in her eyes. "Hmmm they want us.Everyone wants us."Annie purred, leaning more against draco.
Draco smiled at her, lust, and love shining in his eyes as he met her gaze. Draco never asked Annie to touch him, he only let her do whatever she wanted. he never pressured her to do anything unless it was something she had to do, like eat or sleep... that was honest, and true love right there. the willingness to ignore his own wants and needs, to make sure she was happy and healthy. everyone knew Draco didn't... wouldn't touch himself, so he was going without, all so he could love Annie freely. Draco smirked as he bent a little as she moved to her tiptoes, well aware she was going to kiss him. the one thing they always did when she regained her sanity was kiss, furiously and passionately. Hermione whimpered as she slid her foot over, touching Ginny's, flashing her a petrified look as Draco pressed a light kiss to Annie's lips. "no, no one shall have us, for i am yours." he agreed smiling at Annie. "but i know someone that they CAN have. shall we go and get them some entertainment? Niabi won't like them, but Finnick's been known to dip into women from time to time. and i know poor Fenrir is sexually frustrated lately. maybe we could turn the little red bitch into a bitch for real hmm?"
Annie smiled as she kissed him back, wrapping her hands in blond hair as she kissed him hard and passionately, pressing closer to him.Enjoying the kiss because it was so hard for her to hold onto the pieces of sanity she could put together, that she gave him all the passion she could,because she understood in those clear moments wht he had to deal with when she shattered. Laughing softly as she steppe back, laughing."Ohhh but niabi will play, if finnick's involved."she sai waving her ingers towards the two petrified women."Don't worry, you wont be alone for long. I'm sure we can do something about making you bitches."She said happily as she headed for the door, whistling softly as she walked, heading upstairs to find fenrir, grinning as she pounced on the werewolf, who lwys apperciated her when she was clearheaded."I have a present for you.But you have to share with finnick."
Draco moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist as he held her, so glad for the kiss, to know that she loved him just as much as he loved her, panting as he pulled away, chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Niabi would never touch a woman, he's a torturer of women, not a rapist." he teased smiling at her. "he said so... but he might be willing to watch." he admitted with a laugh as he followed her, blowing the woman a kiss, Hermione crying again as she shook her head, Fenrir growling, annoyed that he was jumped on. but the usually feral... rabid even, werewolf had an intense soft spot for Annie. he would listen to her when he would listen to no one else, not even Finnick or Voldemort. "do i HAVE to share?" he complained, vice rough and deep. Fenrir gave Draco the creeps, part of him suspected that Fenrir wanted to rape him, he knew the only reason why he wasn't on the Wolf's fuck list was because the wolf knew it would upset Annie. "oh, don't worry." draco stated calmly, smirking. "there's plenty f bitch to go around." now Fenrir perked up. "ooh i get to fuck something? well, two IS better than one." he agreed licking his lips. "i guess i can share with Finnick."
"You have to share with finnick.He's pissed at them. You have to share,because I wont shre draco with them."She said giggling a little as she leaned against fenrir's shoulder before pulling awy, waving at him."Go. Finnick'll be down in a bit. Enjoy them."She said giggling a little. "We're going where?"Finnick said as he walked into the room, walking with niabi having been discussing what he was going to do with his father, raising a eyebrow as he looked at the trio."You look pleased with yourself."Finnick said studying draco with a amused look.
Fenrir lifted an eyebrow a little, looking a little confused before he shook his head. "you won't share Draco with anyone." he pointed out, looking amused. "hell, he won't share anyone! your the only person who can so much as touch him without getting payback in some form or another!" Fenrir admitted, smirking a little as Finnick appeared, Draco snickering a little. "we have two women downstairs in need of a good raping." Draco admitted, Niabi wrinkling his nose. "count me out, women are gross... 'cept you Annie, your the only not gross girl i know." he promised smiling at her before making a face at Finnick. "you have fun." "oh, he will." Draco growled happily. "he helped capture them after all." he admitted with a small snicker. "besides Niabi, we got someone else for you. Arthur Weasley." Niabi clapped his hands together, gleeful. "now THAT i can rape!" he growled happily. "i'm going to enjoy showing him what happens when you fuck with an Assassin and his freinds."

(i had a wicked idea, and your going to love it, but i can't tell you what it is, it's a surpriiiise! XDD)
Annie smiled a little, lening gainst dro,snickering a little."I don't share.You know that."She said looking startled twisting a little to looking up at draco."Do I get payback?"She teased a little, even if in her eyes you could see the pieces starting to slip away from her. Laughing at niabi's words she smiled."Butterscotch to?He's not gross."Seh teased. Finnick smirked little tilting his head, patting his best friend on the shoulder."yes, you are as pretty as a girl."He sid looking t fenrir and niabi."Well then. Let's go deal wiht our guests."He said whistling a little as he left the room.

(thats just mean!But exciting XDD)
XDD don't worry, it won't take too long. ^^)

Draco smiled a little as he shook his head. "no Annie you don't get payback, your special. you can touch me anytime and anyhow you like." he promised kissing her forehead, sighing, looking sad as he saw her sanity slipping away. he wished he could help her, help her be sane again. he stroked her hair away from her face and smiled at her a little, swallowing thickly before scowling at Finnick. "i am not! stop calling me a girl!" he complained, Niabi laughing brightly as he dragged Finnick off to the Dungeons to play with their prisoners. Arthur begging the entire time to stop, begging Niabi to leave him alone, sobbing... but he spilled no secretes... not yet. Niabi got bored long before he managed to break Arthur, and wandered out of the dungeons, leaving the naked and defiled Arthur to cry out his misery and shame as he watched Fenrir have his fun with hermione, who was crying, but had given up on begging him to stop, had stopped trying to struggle, simply laying there and letting Fenrir do as the man wanted. Niabi wrinkled his nose. "...gross, god Fenrir how can you fuck that ugly thing?" "eh, she's tight nuff, that's all that matters." Fenrir grunted, laughing as fresh sobs spilled out of Hermione's lips.
Finnick snorted as he finished with ginny, ignoring the girls sobs as he settled in chair to wtch the two, having every intention of getting to know every secret that they knew.And if he had to rag his father down here to do it....well, sirius could use the reminder that the light side wasn't any better than them."Now. Fenrir, please, I do need her in some sense to talk."he mused isghing a little."And they hurt annie.You know that right?Someone told you."He said mentally snickering because it amused him that everyone was so protective of annei they all freaked when she did.

Annie swallowed hard as she settled in draco's lap as they looked out the window in his bedroom,curled up on the window seat with him, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder."Draco...I can't do this anymore...it hurts..."She muttered trying so hard to hold it together, to stay sane, despite every moment had the strands of her sanity unraveling just as fast as she could braid them back together.And in her sanity, she knew just how much she was damaged, and how it hurt them both to keep doing this.
Fenrir snickered a little. "please, i aint hurting the bitch, her cunt is sucking at my dick, just begging me for more." he growled, delighting at Hermione's shame filled sobs. he snarled viciously at the information that they had hurt Annie, and Hermione wailed in Terror as Fenrir bared sharp teeth at her. "you WHAT!?" "i'm sorry! i'm sorry!" Hermione wailed, too scared to not apologize, in too much pain and shame and terror to stay silent when they questioned her. "i'll talk! please... please don't hurt me anymore PLEASE!" she pleaded, breaking down into fresh sobs, these of relief as Fenrir backed up a little, studying her intently. "hmm.. i think i'd like her as a werewolf, she's so obedient." he growled, Niabi laughing as he shook his head.

he held her, smiling a little, simply enjoying being with her, blinking as she spoke, looking worried. "of course you can do it Annie... i'll be here for you, whether your sane or not i won't ever leave you." he promised kissing her forehead. "i love you..." he promised smiling at her. "we'll find a way to fix the hurts... i know we will." he muttered softly, pressing his nose to her neck, sighing a little. "i don't know what those people did to you... but i'll find a way to fix it... i swear i will... you just have to stay living... stay happy... and healthy... and i'll find a way to make you better again." he promised, kissing her gently. "i'll make it all better again..." even if he had to go find Dumbledore himself and beat the answers out of the man.
Finnick snickered amused as he shook his head."Oh yes, she would make a wonderful bitch, since she already has the personality."he said moving to crouch down next to hermione, amused at ginny's crying as he did, poking hermione a little with his wand."You pretty slut, did you enjoy seeing draco?I know you have a thing for him."He purred snickering a little, "Now. tell me everything you know."

Annie shuddered a little turning her hed a little to rest her cheek against his shoulder, shivering a little. "I love you to."She muttered raising a hand to touch his cheek,sliding a arm around his neck,holding him close."You know I love you, you know?"She muttered sighing softly."You can't get dumbledore to do anything...it wont happen."She muttered sounding so worried.
Hermione sobbed as she shook her head. "i don't know much! Dumbledore never told all of us everything!" she admitted trembling violently. "i was only supposed to torment specific students at the school! i was supposed to feed love potions to specific students to make them fall in love with people in the Light, so we could use them!" "...who did you poison?" "Pansy! Goyle and Crabbe.... Zabini... but it didn't seam to affect him at all... we where supposed to get Draco and Annie but we couldn't get close to them!" "and your torment of Annie?" "Dumbledore said we had to drive her Crazy... make her mad so she'd never accomplish a prophecy that was about her..."

Draco smiled at her, holding her. "i know Annie, i know you do." he promised smiling at her. "and i might not be able to make Dumbledore do anything.... but i bet Niabi and Finnick would be able to." he admitted with a small chuckle as he kissed her forehead gently, pausing as the doorbell suddenly rang. "...the hell?"
Finnick's head snapped up at that, having been watching the floor and blood sliding over it, looking startled.He'd known that drco and annie's constant companionship had kept them both safe, but he hadn't realized..."What is the prophecy about bitch?"he growled, angry that he hadn't known this, and sent tendril of power to the dark mark on his arm, triggering the reverse summons he'd convinced voldemort that he needed, the only death eater that could summon his father, instead of the other way around.He so wanted to let the dark lord know about this, in case he hadn't known.

Annie sighed softly smiling."I'm sure they would."She muttered starting when she heard the doorbell, slipping out of his lap."I don't know,but we'll go see."She said slipping her wand into her hand eve as she held a knife in the other heading downstairs. Armed as finnick had always taught her, with both magic and physical.Looking at draco for a moment before opening the door.
Hermione sobbed and shook her head a little. "i don't know he never said.." she whimpered sniffling a little. "i don't know he just said to torment her... and Draco too if we could." she whimpered, paling in terror as Voldemort suddenly appeared, sweeping down the stairs in that cold arrogant way that he was so good at. "...what do you want Finnick? i am very busy." the Dark Lord growled as he examined the naked women. "you have discovered something?"

Draco growled a little and shook his head as he followed her to the door, and gaped as the door was snapped open. there was a very familiar person kneeling on the front porch. Ron Weasley, one of the only people in the Weasley family who had refused to get involved in the war. he made very sure that everyone knew he was neutral, and he had no freinds. but that wasn't why Draco was gaping. the red head was blindfolded and gagged, there where magicked earplugs in his ears, and a thick collar was wrapped so tightly around his neck it was cutting into his ability to breath. his hands where tied behind his back, and his ankles where lashed tightly together, and there was a note pinned to his shirt. Draco ripped the note off and read it aloud.

"to The Dark Lord, Shadowwraith, and Finnick Riddle. we hope you enjoy your new present. we hope you accept this peace offering... my god they slaved Ron out to us!" Draco hissed, looking disgusted as he carefully undid the collar, allowing Ron to get in a proper breath of air. Ron was one of the only people who had never been cruel to Annie in school, the light had been cruel to her because Dumbledore had told them to be. the girls had been because they'd wanted Draco, and the boys had been because they thought she was weird. Ron had actually saved her once, and that alone was enough for Draco to take a little pity on the guy. "...what do we do with him? we can't send him back..."
Finnick smirked at hermione's reaction, sitting back at his heels as he looked p at his faher, nodding slightly."I did.Did you know there was a reason for annie's breaking?It seems there is a prophecy about her."He said absently poking hermione with his wand, more to terrorize her as he focused on talking to his father, because he didn't know what to tell him.

Annie gasoed at the sight in front of her, going to her knees in front of him as draco undid the collar, gently undoing the blindfold so he could see who was touching him, before gesturing towards his ears, letting him know she was going to remove the earplugs before gently reaching up, and drawing the earplugs out while muttering the counterspell to make sure they wouldn't hurt him."We'll let him stay.Finnick already has us adopting the mutt, we can keep him to."She said looking up at draco, her sanity shattering under the weight of her anger and pain that someone could do this to someone else."I can take care of him.He'll be okay."She promised looking up at him anxiously.Her fear for the redhead the only thing that was keeping her from a normal breakdown.
Voldemort's eyes flashed, clearly surprised by this news. "...there is a prophecy about Annie?" his eyes focused on Hermione who sobbed and shook her head. "i'm sorry... i'm sorry i don't know what the prophecy is!" she wailed, Voldemort snarling darkly. "i will find out for myself." he growled, prodding Hermione. "what do you know about it?" "only that Dumbledore fears it even more than the Potter prophecy, and that it involves Draco somehow!" she whimpered, wide eyed and terrified.

Ron blinked at her, he looked confused and hurt. someone had clearly beaten the hell out of him, his left eye was black, and now that Draco carefully removed the gag he saw his lip was split and swollen, Ron wincing as the earplugs where pulled out, swallowing thickly as he stared at them. "hold still Ron." Draco ordered calmly as he very carefully untied the red heads hands shaking his head. "of course you can take care of him Annie.... he looks like he's been befuddled somehow..." he muttered, scowling as he realized that Ron wasn't recognizing him. "they must have used a spell on him to make him more compliant..." "...Obliviate." Ron muttered sluggishly, Draco grimacing before grinning as Ron held something up, a charm, something the Twins made. it was an anti memory charm, something that prevented memory charms from working on the person who wore, or carried the charm. "...the confusion will wear off." Draco promised both Ron and Annie. "lets get him inside Annie." he ordered carefully helping Ron to his feet once he had the others feet untied. "come on Weasley, lets get you into bed." Draco ordered calmly, the red head muttering something, staggering, confused and disoriented.
Finnick sighed looking up at voldemort, frowning hard at the girl."We need to find out what's going on."He growled annoyed that no one on their side knew what was going on, he stood."I'm going to go talk to the mutt."He growled, because it was so not in him to want to call him father, not when voldemort was his father."I leave her to you."He mttered before heading upstairs and searching for sirius.

Annie whimpered softly as she watched draco and ron, gently helping draco get ron upstairs and into bed, waving a hand and banishing his clothes, knowing he had to be uncomfortable in them,gently tucking the blanket around him before looking at draco."We better let him rest. If we sleep in the room across the hall, if he needs something we'll hear him."She said slightly anxious.
Voldemort nodded a little as he studied the women before shaking his head and leaving, Hermione sobbing in relief as she curled up, ignoring Ginny's attempts at calming her... if the youngest Weasley could even be bothered after Hermione's betrayal of the light. Sirius was locked in his room, nibbling on a sandwich as he read a book, blinking at Finnick. "...something bad happen already?...damn... am i going to be tortured?" well at least he understood where he stood in things.

Ron sighed, relaxing as his clothes where banished, and he closed his eyes, relaxing in the bed, Draco grimacing as he studied the bruises that covered Ron's body, carefully pulling the blankets over the red head, nodding a little. "it will be alright Annie, Ron's just disoriented, he doesn't seam to be hurt or damaged in any way. once he's feeling better we'll find out what happened." he promised smiling at her as he kissed her forehead. "we'll get him something nice to eat in the morning, and make sure he understands that we aren't going to hurt him." he promised. "we'll even adopt him into the Malfoy family if we have to."
Finnick raised a eyebrow at his father's assumption he was here to hurt him, before snickering a little."Oh yes, I enjoy some pre dinner torture."He said before shutting the door behind him,sitting down on a chair across from him, "I need you to tell me the prophecy about annie.I swear if you lie to me about this, I'll let fenrir bite you and turn you into a mutt for real."

Annie giggled a little at that as tehy left the room, looking up at him with a smile as she headed for his room, crawling into the bed,"Now that would be a sight. A weasley in the malfoy family tree."She teased yawning as she snuggled down into the bed, content now that her sanity was starting to fade again, her usual chipper different self returning as she made herself comfortable.Not realizing that elsewhere in the house, the others were doing well t upturn his life.
Sirius shrugged. "you where raised by a Dark Lord." he admitted, amused before frowning a little his head tilted. "...prophecy about Annie?" he asked confused as he sat up. "i don't know about any prophecy about Annie... only the two about the potter boy..." he grimaced a little. "don't tell anyone though alright? i'm not supposed to know about those." he admitted shaking his head. "i can tell you about those but i don't know about any other prophecy." he admitted blinking at Finnick. "i'll let you use a truth spell on me if you don't beleive me, or veritisium."

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "i can talk Father into it, you know i could... and the look on those smug Weasley bastards faces when they found out would totally be worth it." he admitted with a laugh as he smiled at her, kissing her forehead and tucking her in, smiling a little as he watched her. "i love you Annie." he muttered, stroking the hair out of her face. "you just sleep, i'll stay up and listen for Ron." he promised.
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