Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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"True I was.And my best friend is a malfoy, very dark and dangerous."He mused snickering a little before sighing."Dammit. Fuck."He cursed rubbing a hand over his face because it pained him to admit he might have to go beat on more of dumbledore's closest people in order to find out what was ging on."I believe you. I just want to know wht the hell's going on."he said for once the anxiousness showing, because it worried him to not know what was going on with annie.

Annie giggled a little,"You could.We should do it."She muttered yawning, before frowning."Nooo...we should let papa or finn adopt them.imagine weasley's heart attack if his son's a adopted son of a dark lord."She said giggling a little as she drifted to sleep.
Sirius smiled a little before sighing a little himself. "yeah, you and me both kid." he grumbled, scowling. "i remember him saying something though." he admitted worrying his lip a little. "something about Silver and Steal... Silver would protect the Steal, and that the Steal would be his end..." he admitted blinking at Finnick. "it didn't make any sense then but... the Malfoy's have long been 'silver' folk haven't they?" he asked blinking at Finnick. "maybe that has something to do with it?... i don't see how silver can protect steal otherwise... silvers actually pretty soft for all that it's shiny and pretty."

Draco laughed brightly as he nodded. "well i completely agree!" he admitted with an almost sadistic grin. "we'll have to find out what happened first though. he might be a spy or something." he mused. "i doubt it... but it might be possible.." he admitted grinning a little as he watched her fall asleep, stroking her hair. "goodnight love." he muttered softly, kissing her forehead before tucking her in gently and settling behind her, listening for Ron. the red head wouldn't stir until morning, but Draco wanted to make sure.
Finnick frowned as he stared at the wall, trying to figure out what that could mean. Sighing softly as he swallowed hard."They have been."He said looking worried because he didn't like the idea of draco having ot protect annie, even if he did it all the time."And annie's strong, if she can gather herself long enough."He swallowed hard, because he had such a bad feeling about this. And he knew what annie was going to want to do, even if it was a bad idea."We'll figure this out."He said shaking his head as he stood to leave.

In the morning Annie growled looking at her brother, "You know me and draco are the only ones who can go.They might not like it, but we're not the ones who committed murder last time we were there.YOU did. NIABI did. We can go, and look for this."She growled annoyed, but knowing he was setting his heels down because he was worried. Finnick snorted looking amused despite not wanting her to go to hogwarts, he was amused."You know he wants to hurt you." "I know.But I'm still going." "....you are the only person I know who can say something so normal,but have it come out go fuck yourself."Finnick growled back, for once the two so completely unaware that they didn't know they were drawing a crowd.
Sirius sighed as he watched Finnick, setting a hand on the others shoulder. "Annie's... odd... but she's a strong girl." he'd spent enough time with her, she'd insisted on feeding him every hour that first day. "i know you'll get things figured out." he assured Finnick smiling at him, before smirking viciously as Finnick left. it was all going according to plan. yes, everything was working just perfectly.

Niabi shook his head. "Annie.. you should know that Dumbledore isn't going to just... let you waltz into his school!" Niabi snarled, his eyes narrowed, Draco shaking his head. "i should just go alone." he grumbled. "Dumbledore might beleive me, i'm weak and helpless looking after all." he pointed out nearly jumping out of his skin as Ron tapped him on the shoulder. "i could go." the red head offered. "back to Hogwarts i mean..." he bit his lip. "Bill tried to use a memory charm on me... i could pretend to not know who anyone or anything is... no one would know any better..." he admitted rubbing his arm as Niabi stared at the red head. "who the hell are you, and where did you come from?" "...Ron Weasley... my... Bill sent me here to be a..." he went bright red and Niabi's eyes widened. "...he sold you out as a slave..." "...peace offering..." Ron muttered softly. "said if i couldn't be useful... he'd find a use for me..." he muttered softly, swallowing thickly. "mums probobly worried sick..." he shook his head. "if you... tell me what to look for... i could do it. i think..." Ron muttered softly, as timid and shy as he always was. but more than willing to help the closest thing to a friend he'd ever had. Annie.
Annie frowned hard, staring at the men gathered around her, growling softly."no. No.If draco's going I'm going. And Ron to."She glared at them all."None of you are good without me!You need me."Finnic smiled a little reaching out, pulling his sister into a one arm hugged pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead."In this instant, no we don't."he muttered, knowing the words were going to hurt her, but at least the emotional upset would make her demand that draco stay with her, and he could go with ron and niabi to deal with...whatever this prophecy was. "What?You don't need me?"Annie said, her words holding a fear edging into panic as she twisted around to look at them all."Draco?" Finnick sighed softly shrugging as he met draco's eyes, knowing the blond was going to be pissed at him for upsetting her, but knowing draco'd forgive him since it made annie want to stay home instead of go. Finnick smiled slightly looking at ron, nodding towards the door."Come on. Lets go.Draco can take care of her."He muttered easing back, slowly leaving the room as to not draw annie's attention, and ruin the moment.
Draco grimaced a little as Annie reacted to the news, sighing a little as he pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead. "of course we need you... but we need you HERE Annie." he explained blinking at her. "we need you to protect Niabi, and take care of Wraith, the poor man keeps going limp in the strangest places." not that the man would tell anyone. Wraith had gone three hours with a useless arm that morning before Niabi noticed. Ron hesitated, not liking seeing annie so upset but followed Finnick out the door, sighing as he shook his head, Niabi patting Ron on the shoulder. "you going to be alright there fella?" he asked, Ron shrugging. "i dunno... i was never really that close to my family..." he muttered. "but... for them to... betray me?... sell me like that?..." he shook his head and glanced at Finnick. "so what am i looking for in the Castle?" he asked, blinking at him. "or will i be a distraction so that Draco can Search without getting caught?"
"You're going to be the distraction while me and niabi search.I'm not letting draco in there, he'd almost be as bad as draco."He said heading downstairs, wanting to be far enough away from the other two that draco wouldn't know they'd left yet. Looking at niabi he sighed"There's a prophecy about annie. And draco. We need to figure out what it is, because it might be a way to cue whatever's wrong with her"
Ron nodded a little blinking a little. "...uhm.. didn't you kill people at Hogwarts?" he asked blinking at Niabi and Finnick. "will Dumbledore even allow you at Hogwarts?" "sure he will." Niabi admitted with a smirk, glancing at Finnick. "i'll pretend to have been under Impirio." he decided. "you can trick that sort of thing right?" "...if you put Niabi under now, and let Dumbledore break it, he'd beleive that..." Ron muttered Niabi grimacing. "...well... i trust you Finnick... i'll let you put Impirio on me i guess... i won't go limp will i?" no Niabi wouldn't, he was a wizard so he would be fine... they hoped.
"i did, but I don't trust anyone else to go and come back safely."Finnick mused nodding a little as he thought about it."You'll be fine.And you wont, your a wizard."He said with the his usual arrogance, though a slight fear was in the words.Because he didnt know for sure. Casting he smiled as he ordered the assassin to go to the school.
Ron smiled a little as he tied his hands back together and adopted a confused, baffled expression, letting Niabi take the end of the rope, the boy blinking slowly, testing his mind against the barriers that was making him do as Finnick ordered. he was shocked to realize that he could break down the barriers rather easily if he wanted. but they would be enough to convince Dumbledore that Niabi had been helping the Dark unwillingly. he stepped, and apparated, something he'd never done before, and landed in the middle of the school where everyone as, again, having Dinner. Ron staggered and collapsed and Niabi stood there for a moment before opening his mouth. "The Dark Lord kindly refuses your... gift." he stated simply, without Finnick right there, there was a serious delay in the orders he was getting. he paused again, and then dropped the rope, Ron getting back to his feet, looking around. "...where am i?" Ron asked, confused, baffled, and upset as he looked at Dumbledore. "who are you!?" Niabi blinked slowly and Snape leaned over to Dumbledore, whispering something in the man's ear about how Niabi was acting very strangely.
Dumbledore nodded looking concerned as he stood, moving over to the other."I am professor dumbledore, Ron.I am here to help."he said wondering what was going on, reaching out with magic, feeling the spell around niabi, and breaking it down after some effort, looking at the man in front of him oncerned, doing what finnick had thought he would, assume the man was a muggle. REaching out he gently took to the man's arm."Niabi?Are you well?"he asekd trying to figure out if he was going to strike out at them now that he was free of the spell
Ron frowned, looking confused and upset. "i don't understand... what's going on!? i.. i was there... and they didn't want me... said i was a trick, how can i be a trick!?" he demanded, blinking as Niabi staggered and collapsed along the ground with a groan as he was suddenly released from the spell, reacting like Wraith had. all an act, but if the man thought he was a muggle, Niabi wasn't about to mess with that Illusion. "no." Niabi groaned. "they... i couldn't... make it stop..." he groaned. "went to... the...job... Arthur Weasley... they... they pointed... strange sticks at me..." he muttered, pretending to be confused and disoriented. "i couldn't... couldn't move they... they made me... do things i..i couldn't stop them..." making Dumbledore thing it was the Malfoy's who had done something to him, so that everything after 'the job' wouldn't be Niabi's fault. "Professor Dumbledore?" Ron asked, looking frightened and confused. "why can't i remember anything?... and why am i tied up?...am i in trouble?"
Dumbledore looked worried before shaking his head."No, darling boy, you're not in trouble.We'll take care of you.I'm sure you'll remember things."The headmaster reassured as he helped undo the knots before leading the two men up to the hospital wing, ooking worried."Niabi it's okay. I know what they did. But I fixed it now, you'll never have to worry about them again."He promised.
Ron relaxed as he was promised that he wasn't in trouble and he helped Niabi get to his feet, Snape moving down to help them as well, shaking his head a little. "Ron clearly has been placed under an Obliviate." he stated calmly to Dumbledore, reminding the man that Bill had been planning on placing a spy within the Dark's ranks. apparently the man had saw fit to use his own younger brother. Niabi was nearly limp as he was led up the stairs. "...they...had my father.." he groaned, falling onto the bed with a shudder. "they...they made me..." he swallowed thickly and tears trailed down his face, giving Dumbledore the illusion that he had been made to kill his own father. "i couldn't stop... and he wouldn't... i don't understand..." he blinked at Dumbledore. "what did they do to me!?" he demanded, gripping the front of his shirt, looking frantic. "what have they done to me?!"
Dumbledore nodded, looking interested, wondering what bill had been thinking but it would be nteresting to see if the man learned anything while with the dark ranks.Gently helping niabi stay on his feet, he swallowed hard, looking worried about him as he gently laid him in the bed."I'm sorry Niabi, for what has happened to you. They will not get away with it I promise."He said looking to much like a grandfather figure, that if you didn't know what he was, it was almost belieable. "They put you under a spell niabi. it has been broken, you will recover.I will help you."
Niabi growled darkly at Dumbledore, looking confused and uncertain. "you won't help me!" he protested, paranoid. "your one of...of THEM!" he hissed. "you have a stick! a magic!@ you'll do things to me! YOU GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" he demanded, acting panicked, like any good muggle would have, trying to slide off the bed as madam Pomfry rushed in and carefully pushed Niabi back onto bed, shaking her head. "he's frantic..." she complained stroking Niabi's hair, trying to sooth him. "using magic on him now would only make it worse." she explained to Snape who had started to raise his wand to put Niabi to sleep. the wand quickly went back down and he hesitated as Pomfry tried to verbally sooth the panicked Niabi, who was clinging to her, trusting a woman in ways he would never trust a man. he muttered constantly that they where going to make him do things, that they where going to make his body scream, they where going to make him kill things again, that they couldn't be trusted. Ron watched, looking almost afraid of Niabi, blinking slowly as he looked over at Dumbledore. "Professor Dumbledore?... what's wrong with him?"
Muggles don't always react well to having magic used on them. It seems Odair's use of the imperio has broken his mnd."Dumbledore said looking worried,but head clear enough to have recognized the magical signature of the imperio spell,despite naibi's reassurene that it had been a malfoy. After all, Finnick spent so much time in the malfoy manor, it was reasonable to consider he was a malfoy."He just needs rest,and I should be going. Along with Professor snape.He will not relax as long as we're here."

Annie frowned a little as she nudged the door open, smiling slightly at sirius as she walked in with a tray of food."Are you hungry?"She asked, having wanted to take care of the two men she was looking after since she couldn't go to hogwarts. Anger and fear in the motions, even if she sounded calm.
Ron frowned, looking worried. "can i do anything to help him? will his mind be ok?" he asked hopefully, biting his lip a little as Niabi sobbed into Pomfry's chest as Ron followed Snape and Dumbledore out of the hospital wing, Snape shaking his head. "there's no telling what kind of damage that muggle has sustained under such a prolonged exposure to the Impirio..." Snape muttered shaking his head a little. "he might not be able to recover from this Sir." he admitted blinking at Dumbledore. "coupled with the fact that the boy was made to kill his own father... i don't think even a wizard could recover from that sort of thing..." Snape admitted, watching Dumbledore closely.

Sirius was napping on the bed, smiling as he watched Annie come in, alone. "yes, i am hungry." he admitted smiling a little as he sat up, rubbing his eyes as he yawned, blinking a little. "has something happened? you sound so angry..." he muttered frowning a little as he took the food from her and pulled her onto the bed, watching her carefully as he sat next to her. "whats happened Annie? has someone hurt you?"
"No, not even a wizard would."dumbledore sighed softly shaking his head as he headed for the door,"We will have to keep a eye on him."He said before he walked out, thinking about him. Looking thoughtful as he considered the good things about niabi not being able to be used a weapon against him.

Annie sighed softly setting the plate down on the table resisting for a moment as she was pulled down before sitting next to him,"No."She said for a moment the steel centered, angry woman she would have been had dumbledore not boken her showed through. No matter what else they said about her, no one could deny that annie was forbidible and able witch, maybe even more deadly because of her madness, because in the madness there was a desperate and terrible clarity."The boys just went out without me."
Snape shook his head a little. "still... it might be a good thing..." he admitted softly. "the use of magic on a Muggle... is an automatic Azakaban sentence... we could use this as a way to front a head against the Dark... and Niabi isn't a threat to us anymore..." he muttered biting his lip a little. "but... i feel bad about what we did to Wraith now.. if Niabi finds out we're the reason he had to kill his own father..." he glanced at Dumbledore. "he might just decide to hunt down both of us AND the Malfoy's..." he admitted softly, shaking his head. "this could go very badly Dumbledore..."

Sirius blinked, watching her, his head tilted. "...they just don't want anything to happen to you." Sirius stated simply. "if you where to be hurt... or damaged in any way... they would be helpless in their grief." he admitted setting a hand on her shoulder, his hand was cold and wet from the glass of water he'd been holding, the tiny particles of potion seeping into her skin. "if you where hurt... they wouldn't be able to do anything..." Sirius admitted, looking concerned. "they just want you to be safe, that's all." it would take twelve hours for the True Loves Kiss potion to take effect. it would put her in a never ending Coma, until the one person who loved her without fail kissed her. Sirius knew Draco had a crush on her, but he was certain that Draco's kiss would not wake her. this would devastate the Dark. by the time they realized Annie had been hurt, he, would be long gone.
Dubledore nodded,"We will wait. And see. Because Sirius should be returning soon."he said shaking his head, because he had no idea what to think.

That evening Annie smiled sleepily as she rested her head on draco's shoulder as she sat in on the meeting, curled up in his lap as he lounged in finnick's chair, absently watching her brother prowl the room and putting the death eaters present on edge. "He misses niabi."She muttered closing her eyes as the potion started to take even more effect, slowly starting to put her to sleep, into a coma."When's niabi coming home?"She muttered her voice starting to slur, to drift away.
Snape nodded, he knew exactly what Sirius had done, Lucius knew about it but he couldn't say anything until after Sirius left or they would arouse too much suspicion. by the time dinner rolled around, Niabi had calmed down, and strangely enough, he was clinging to Dumbledore. Snape said that it was classic muggle behavior, Niabi recognized Dumbledore as the person who had saved him, and was now acting like he was the only one who could be trusted. something that probobly pleased Dumbledore to no end. Niabi was suddenly like his own personal protector, or bodyguard.

Draco smiled as he nuzzled her, chuckling a little. "don't worry, Father is getting news from Snape, both Niabi and Ron are fine." he promised watching Finnick pace. he's said this several times now, the three men connected through Legilimency to make sure everyone was safe. Finnick was ignoring him though, so he decided to give up. he smiled as he watched Annie, shaking his head. "tire?" he asked, stroking Annie's hair, kissing her forehead. "come on love, let's get you into bed." he chirped picking Annie up and taking her to bed, Sirius's doors where closed as they always where. no one would discover him missing just yet.
Dumbledore smiled slightly as he set a plate of food in front of niabi,gently settin the fork in his hand."Eat, niabi. It will help."He said pleased, not only with niabi's clingyness, but because sirius had arrived back at the school. Which meant that soon enough Annie Riddle was going to be out of all of their ways.

"I know.But finn's being goofy.Don't you agree?"She muttered looking amused as finnick prowled the room. Even if he was aware that niabi was safe, finnick didn't seem to be doing well with the seperation. Smiling slightly as she rested her head on draco's shoulder, "I don't feel good...you'll stay with me?"She mutered closing her eyes, already starting to drift off. Unlike lucius, annie had no idea what was happening to her nly that she was unnaturally tired. Downstairs Finnick growled annoyed as e watched the two go before looking at his father and the others."I think I should turn in to.I'm not being helpful tonight."He said worried enough he was already heading out the door to check on the usually late night person annie was.
Niabi stared at the food on the plate, clearly not trusting it since it had appeared out of nowhere and he didn't recognize any of it. "...is it edible?" he asked blinking at Dumbledore, looking worried about the food. Sirius was waiting upstairs to give his report, but he was still a wanted criminal so he had to stay hidden. Niabi was poking the food around his plate, looking very unhappy. "Sir?" he asked suddenly, looking at Dumbledore. "...is... all magic.. like that?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly. "does it all hurt?" he asked, his eyes wide, frightened as they had been ever since he'd woken up that evening.

Draco chuckled and nodded. "he is acting goofy." he agreed smiling at her. "of course i'll stay with you." he promised laying her down on the bed, stroking her hair, watching her drift off to sleep, glancing at Finnick when he walked in. "she's asleep... i think she might be catching something, she's pale..." he admitted scowling, looking concerned as he stroked her hair out of her face again, Lucius knocking on the door. "... Draco, Finnick... i must tell you something, and i need you, to remain calm." he ordered calmly, studying them. "can you promise to stay calm? i promise, all of this was expected, and we know how to fix it..." "...Father...? what are you talking about?"
"It is. All magic."He promised looking slightly amused at the muggle's distrust of magic. He shook his head at the other's question."No. Not all magic is used to harm. It can feel good to."He said nodding towards the plate."like the food. That didn't hurt did it?"

Finnick frowned looking worried, "We'll get the doctor up here in the morning."He said before growling at lucius, glaring at the blond before nodding."What is it?"He growled grabbing his temper with both hands because he just knew he wasn't going to like what he was told, but he had to remember that annie liked this man, that she would be extremely unhappy if he killed lucius just because the blond had told him something unplesant.
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