Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Niabi hesitated a little and then shook his head. "no.. i guess it didn't hurt..." he muttered, finally bringing a bite to his mouth, eating slowly, hesitantly... as if waiting for it to do something to him. when nothing happened, he cautiously ate a few more bites. with every bite that nothing happened he calmed down a little, Snape smiling as he watched the boy. "Niabi is remarkably strong." he mused. "i've seen muggles go mad after events like this.." he admitted pondering the boy. "it must be his strong upbringing, it's a shame his father died... they would have been a powerful pair..." he mused glancing at Dumbledore. "Sirius is waiting upstairs for you." he admitted. "the deed must have been done..."

Lucius's lips thinned a little and then. "Annie is under the effects of Love's true Kiss potion. Sirius gave it to her when he was alone with her, but we have the cure. we knew this was going to happen." he admitted calmly as Draco puffed up, all too ready to curse his own father. "...you knew this was going to happen!?" "yes..." he admitted his lips thin. "it's to protect Annie." he explained. "Dumbledore, and Sirius both seriously misjudged Draco's love for Annie... they think she will be in a coma forever..." "how do we fix it?" Draco demanded, Lucius smiling. "the one person who loves her, with all of his heart, has to kiss her." "...i have to kiss her?" Draco asked, startled. "yes." Lucius admitted blinking at him, well aware that they where all going to kill him for this, but Voldemort had known, and had approved so at least they'd get punished for killing him.
"He is remarkable."Dumbledore agreed looking amazed that niabi hadn't gone insane, before sighing softly."I wish we whould have been able to have his father, but it might be better, it gives niabi a reason to want to kill them."He said already wanting to pit the man against finnick and voldemort. "So it must be.And the girl will be gone now."He said pleased at the idea. He hadn't been able to bring himself to kill her, but she was now out of the way.

Finnick growled pissed and annoyed at this, but not striking out because he knew that if it had gone on, and they knew about it, voldemort had to have said okay. Which meant he couldn't kill lucius without getting yelled at by the two people he cared for."Well, then kiss her so we can get hehr back."He was anxious to make sure anne was okay, which meant getting him to kiss her, even if he knew draco wouldn't want to when she wasnt awake.
Snape grinned a little. "i don't think his father would have joined us anyway." he admitted calmly. "the man probobly would have simply taken Niabi away, and taken the both of them underground." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i don't feel right about attacking the girl..." he admitted sighing a little. "must we really do this?" he asked. Snape had always been squeamish about attacking, or hurting children, it was why Dumbledore trusted him so much. someone so squeamish would never work for Voldemort. it was a shame he didn't know the prophecy, or all this trouble could have been avoided. at least Dumbledore would stop trying to hurt Annie.

Lucius sighed a little, looking relieved that he wasn't being attacked and Draco hesitated, but leaned down and pressed his lips to Annie's, giving her a soft, utterly loving kiss. blinking at his father. "why do this?" "Snape is, of course, a Spy... Dumbledore trusts him more and more with every bit of information Severus gives him. Dumbledore isn't yet aware of Arthur and the girls being missing, and i doubt Sirius knows either... Sirius is gone by the way, we left him an escape route." he admitted simply. "Snape is looking for the Prophecy, but he has to maintain his position more than anything else." Lucius admitted, smiling as he watched Annie reacting to the kiss. "there, see? waking up already." he stated calmly. "Dumbledore will think that she's still in a coma, which will be aided by Snape's information about Annie not waking up even though Draco has kissed her." he admitted. "it means that Annie will be safe from Voldemort, while we find out why he went through all this trouble of getting to her."
Dumbledore sighed, nodding sadly."As much as I regret it, yes. I will not allow her to become the weapon Voldemort needs to contol the world."Dumbledore frowned annoyed a little. while he didn't like attacking children eithe, he woud not allow annie to become the witch she was destined to become, the force to be reckoned with that more then any of the others, would end his control on the world.

Finnick growled annoyed that they hadn't been told, but relaxing when he nodded."Yes, it was the right decision."he said after a moment, relaxing when he realized that annie was waking already. Not realizing that the magical induced coma had been the very thing she needed. Dumbledore would never realize in that trying to kill her, he had broken the stranglehold the insanity spell held on her, had allowed her to be sane more."Draco...?"Annie muttered blinking a little.
Snape sighed a little as he closed his eyes, inwardly laughing at Dumbledore's foolishness. "she's a weapon? Dumbledore i've met the girl... she's barley sane enough to know what a kiss is." he admitted softly, frowning a little. "perhaps this is better? just letting her sleep... she won't be hurt now..." he muttered, giving in, as he always did, to Dumbledore's reasoning. "Sir?" Niabi asked suddenly, interrupting the whispers to his left, his head tilted. "...what in the world is this?" he asked prodding a large Dragon heart pudding, a pure blood delicacy, with his fork. "...it looks... like a heart..." like Chocolate frogs looked like frogs, Dragon Heart pudding was just a strawberry, or cherry flavored pudding formed into the shape of a dragons heart, valves and everything. eating it was supposed to mean you where strong and pure of heart... Niabi looked like he was going to be sick.

Lucius smiled a little. "we didn't tell you, any of you because we needed you to not act strangely." he admitted. "you would have tried to stop Sirius." he admitted. "and don't pretend you wouldn't have tried." he warned simply, shaking his head a little. "besides that... Snape had a theory." he admitted smiling as he watched Annie, Draco stroking her hair. "shh Annie, it's alright... your alright..." he promised softly, smiling at her, kissing her forehead.
"No, she wont be hurt now."Dumbledore said nodding, because he did want her out of the way but he couldnt quite bring himself to kill her. Looking over at niabi he smiled slightly "It's pudding, magicked into being shaped like a heart.I promise, its not a heart."He said smiling that grandfatherly smile.

Finnick frowned annoyed still."I know. But it would still have been nice to know."He growled before raising a eyebrow."What theory is that?And dont tell me I dont need to know. You told me it existed,I want to know what it is." Annie sighed frowning a little as she looked stupidly at draco, whimpering softly."oh...what happened?"She muttered
Niabi wrinkled his nose and slid the plate over to Dumbledore, letting the other have it while he reached for a slab of plain old Vanilla ice-cream instead, chuckling a little as the teacher who had reached for it scowled at him. "mine!" Niabi growled at the woman, McGonagall looking shocked at Niabi's possessiveness over ice-cream, and reached for a treacle tart instead, Snape snorting a little. "he's a strange child." he admitted, his lips thinning. "i'd like to look into his mind.." Snape admitted. "if he and you will agree... to see what damage has been done.." the only person better at Legilimency than Snape, was Voldemort. if anyone could check on a muggles sanity without making it worse it was Snape.

Lucius smirked a little. "he theorized that a great enough emotional upheaval... like a potion that made you kiss the one person who loves you simply because they love you... would eliminate any other mental spells or potions... he thought, it might restore Annie's sanity." Lucius admitted watching Annie curiously. "but it was only a theory... it doesn't seam to have worked..." he muttered with a sigh, clearly he had been hoping it would work. "you where put into a coma with a potion for a few movements." Draco explained to Annie, smiling at her. "but it's alright... i fixed it.." he promised stroking her hair. "are you feeling alright? do you need anything?"
Dumbleodre looked amused at the sight of niabi being possessive over the ice cream before looking at the professor. Thinking about it before noding."If you don't think it would cause more harm, you may."He said smiling slightly as he finsihed eating. "I better go see about sirius."he said standing and heading for his office to see what sirius would be able to tell him

Finnick frowned looking thoughtful, "Well, she did just wake up."he said hope showing in his face, because he wanted his sister to be sane. He needed it. Annie frowned siting up on her elbows, looking worried as she sat up on her elbows, "You put me in a coma?Why?"She growled sounding...sane. Not completely there, but more normal than she was usually."Whath happened?"She said her voice going growly, anger heating the room, as if lightening was going to ground, flash lightening starting to go.
Snape nodded. "i know it won't cause more damage." he promised. "i have worked with Muggles before." he promised turning to Niabi and muttering to him as Dumbledore left. Sirius was sitting in Dumbledore's office, lounging, bored as he waited for the man, smirking as he entered. "it's been done." he stated simply. "the girl is out, i stayed long enough to make sure the potion was taking effect." he admitted smiling a little. "now we just have to deal with the Malfoy brat..." he admitted. "i couldn't get close to him, not alone, i didn't have a chance to deal with him." he admitted frowning a little. "i am sure he doesn't love her enough to wake her, there was no bond between the two of them." he admitted calmly. "but he could be a problem later..."

Lucius smiled as Draco grimaced. "no, sweetie no it wasn't us." he promised stroking her hair, trying to keep her calm, desperate and confused, feeling heart sore because he had nearly lost her. he pulled her into a hug, pressing his face to her shoulder, trembling in her grip. "i just... i just..." he shook his head. "i'm so sorry... i shouldn't have let you go in there alone... he might have done worse to you.. i was stupid... so stupid Annie i'm so sorry!" he thought she was mad with him, for not protecting her, and was reacting as such.
Dumbledorenodded smiling slightly, glad that it was done. Sitting down he looked at the man, tilting his head a little."Good>"He said elieved, at least now she was going to be out of the way. Before frowning slightly."What kind of problem?"HE asked wanting someone's opinion who's seen the brat lately. It'd been almost a year since he'd seen draco himself.

Annie frowned looking confused."Oh.Well, what happened?"She said not understanding before hugging draco back,startled at his upset. Not realizing that her insanity had snapped, and with the returning sanity was the anger of a woman who had been harmed, by the very people that were supposed to take care of her. Not realizing draco could tell. "What?No.Draco its not your fault.Sweetheart,I'm not mad at you."She muttered gently stroking his hair, trying to calm him as she fought her own anger, the longer she was wake, the more she sounded sane.
Sirius paused to ponder, frowning a little. "from what i saw of the brat he's very protective of the girl." he admitted simply. "when he finds out that his kiss won't wake her... he'll be very angry... he might come after us himself in an effort to break the spell." he admitted simply. "after all, the death of a person breaks the impirio, he might think it is a similar enough spell to try and kill me to wake her up." he admitted frowning a little. "i tried putting an Impirio on him when i first saw him... but it slid off him, he didn't even notice it..." he grumbled, scowling. "i've never met someone impervious to the Impirio before..." he growled unhappily.

Lucius smiled a little. "Sirius was here, you remember that? he poisoned you with a Loves Tru Kiss Potion... a potion that would normally only allow you to wake up through a Loves true Kiss. someone who loved you unconditionally." he admitted smiling a little. "i checked myself very many times to make sure there was no bond between you and Draco... there was no bond because you, in your insanity, didn't recognize love, and therefore the love you felt for Draco had no way to connect to him." he explained. "Sirius, and Dumbledore, beleive you will never wake up because of this. which means they will no longer be trying to attack you." he smiled. "snape also had a theory that it would cure your insanity, so... we decided to try it..." he watched Draco, shaking his head as the boy kissed her gently, glad that she wasn't mad at him. "i'm still sorry...." he muttered softly smiling at her, looking so relieved. "but it worked... your sane!... your sane!." he hugged her tightly, so releived that she was going to be alright.
Dumbledore looked thoughtful, frowning worriedy. It was disturbing to know that draco malfoy was impervious to a impirio. "Well."He said frowning harder as he thought before nodding."You will need to get to grimwald place. It has enough wards to keep you safe,and hidden from anyone realizing that you are there."He said sighing softly.

Annie frowned before nodding a little."I do."She said before shuddering a little, leaning into draco, resting her head on his shouldernuzzling him a little."But he loved me knowing I wasn't sne enough to wake."Seh said frowning at the thought, heart sore that she hadn't been able to offer even that much to a man who'd taken care of her for so long. "Are you so sure I'm sane?"she muttered laughing softly as she was hugged breathless, squirming a little as she snuggled against him, finnick snickering a little, nodding towards the door."We better go. Neither of them will want to talk to us."He muttered nudging lucius towards the door.
he scowled a little. "... Sir... that's where they grabbed me from was Grimmauld place!" he complained shaking his head. "i'm not going back there!" he complained scoffing a little. "i'll go to the Parkinson's, they won't expect me to go there..." he paused, frowning a little before glancing at Dumbledore. "you should be careful too Sir... the Malfoy's might try to get back at you for this too..." he admitted before vanishing, Snape hovering at the doorway, looking worried. "Sir... i... there's a problem with Niabi..." he admitted, looking worried. "he's one bad thing away from his mind being irreparably shattered... his mind is so cracked i'm shocked it hasn't shattered yet..."

Draco smiled at her, stroking her hair. "i will always love you, no matter who you are." he promised smiling at her. "whether your trapped in a child's mind, or as old as Voldemort... i will always love you." he promised kissing her forehead, Lucius smiling a little. "and i know your sane... you haven't sounded this sane in years..." he admitted smiling. "i'll have to actually TELL Snape he's a genius this time." he admitted with a small chuckle as Lucius followed Finnick outside, sighing in relief. "Sirius has just left Hogwarts." he admitted simply. "and he's telling Dumbledore that Niabi is inches away from insanity... the old fool is walking right into our hands."
Dumbledore loked startled at that before nodding."Yes, I will check in at you at the parkinson's should I need anything."He said looking concerned before looking at snape, frwning a little."Is there anything we can do to help him?"He asked.

Annie giggled a little,shifting in his hold, curling up in his lap,resting her head on his shoulder."Papa is old isn't he?"She said giggling, laughing softly."Snape is a genius. I will thank him myself."She said smiling amused because it was so good to be able to be coherent again, to understand herself. Leaning back to look up at draco she sighed softly."I love you. I always have."She muttered running her fingers through his hair.

Finnick snickered laughing as they headed downstairs to tell voldemort that annie was awake, knowing that despite knowing it would work, the man would have worried."Dumbledore's a idiot, of course he's walking easily into a trap."
Snape hesitated, looking uncertain. "Sir i... i don't know if anything CAN be done for the boy... if he was a wizard i could use Legilimency to put his mind back together but... he's not.." he admitted looking worried. "the Impirio that he has been put under has very nearly..." he licked his lips. "Headmaster..." he hesitated and then. "he's going to need a lot of help... from people like you, and me... and even Pomfyr... he's going to slide into an Impirio like state often... he's in one now..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "he needs help... or he won't live another week."

he chuckled a little and nodded. "he's nearly ninety now isn't he?" he asked smirking a little as he stroked ehr hair. "it's so nice to hear you so... normal." he admitted smiling a little. "so calm and sane..." he admitted with a small grin as he watched her. "i know you loved me." he admitted smiling at her, kissing her very gently. "i always knew." he admitted softly.

Lucius chuckled a little as he nodded. "Snape is playing the guilt trip on Dumbledore. their really playing up Niabi's mental injuries about being under the Impirio." he admitted smirking. "he's a very good distraction, i'm impressed really." he admitted. "no one's even thought to check on young Ronald since Niabi got there." he admitted smiling. "i beleive he is under the protection of Fred and George while in the school... all three of them are scouring everything that they can to find out the prophecy." he frowned. "i didn't even know the twins where against Dumbledore..." because Lucius did not know that the Twins where 'The Twins' the masked freaks who had tortured Bellatrix for daring to try and touch one of them. Voldemort was standing in the dungeons, twirling his wand as he studied Ginny, who was barley alive she'd been tortured so much, the result of Voldemort's stress.
Dumbledore frownedhrder because i worried him h ssssin hey had sent hd been broken this wy. Which ment it ws his faul. Oh, he hadn' been the one to cast the spell, but he had tried to destroy the malfoy brat before he could stand as annie's sword and shield, and allow a broken woman to stand as a real threat."We will set him up in a room near my own.And we will make sure he gets the help he needs."

"He is.At least he's bald, he doesn't have to worry about gray hair."She said giggling before laughing, looking up at him."It's nice to be sane without having to fight for every second of it."She said reaching up, sliding her fingers through his hair, looking sad nd happy all at once."You might have known,but I wasn't the best girlfriend while I wasn't sane."

Finnick smirked a little."Dumbledore will enjoy being the idea of being niabi's hero."he said low thread of anxiety in his words, because he hated not being the one with niabi, or the one searching for the prophecy."They have a way of hiding who they support. They're very good at playing pretend."he said sounding thoughtful as they headed downstairs, looking amused as he glanced at the floor before muttering a spell, and taking a step onto air, not about to get the she-weasel's blood on his shoes."Awww annie's going o be so disappointed she can't kill her herself."he said snickering.
Snape set a hand on Dumbledore's shoulder. "don't blame yourself Sir... any assassin we sent could have ended up like this, he was the best we found, he was the only option..." he smiled at Dumbledore. "if it makes you feel any better... he looks up to you." he admitted. "it will make it much easier to help him where he trusts you so much." salt in the wound. it was all just salt in the wound. "i'll bring him up to the room on the left." as Headmaster Dumbledore had two rooms in the Head Tower, one for himself and one for personal guests. "he'll feel better to get away from magic for a few hours..." he smiled. "i AM glad to report that he's not afraid of magic... he's actually quite curious about it." he admitted. "but i wouldn't point your wand at him anytime soon..."

he chuckled a little and nodded. "imagine my horror at being so white haired!" he teased smiling at her before shaking her head. "i didn't mind taking care of her." he admitted smiling at her. "i like taking care of you." he admitted smiling at her. "besides, you where always making me smile with those silly antics of yours."

Lucius smiled a little. "don't worry so much Finnick. Niabi is a strong, brave kid. he's good at playing pretend as well, and even if he is caught, he could tear down most of Hogwarts Wards if he had to... or felt like it." he admitted simply, Voldemort studied his son as the boy hovered on air. "she's not going to die." he stated simply. "how is she?... awake yet?" he asked, a thread of Anxiety in his voice. "Awake my Lord." Lucius promised smiling a little. "and apparently very Sane. she's kissing on my son." Voldemort relaxed a touch and sighed, relieved. "it worked... good, i won't have to kill Severus after all."
Dumbledore winced ever so sligihtly at that before nodding."It will help to have his trust."He sid knowing that he would be ble to shpe the boy more if the assassin trusted him and looked up to him. "No, I wont be pointing a wand at him.But at least his curiousity would be easy to use to get him steady again."He said looking thoughtful as he considered what would come from niabi's curiousity with magic.

Draco giggled,"You already ARE white blond,sweetheart."She sid lughing before calming little, glad that her fear that he'd felt burdenedby her insanity wasn't true.While she had been aware of him loving her,she had been fraid he felt it was more a duty then anything else.Laughing she sighed softly,nuzzlign him as she pressed a kiss to his neck."I'm sure that even sane, I wont be stopping the silly antics."

Finnick sighed rolling his eyes a little."I know.But it stll worries me."He said sulking because he hated worrying about anyone. Smirking at voldemort as he airwalked around ginny he smirked, if no one had been aware he wasn't walking on air, the only way to tell would have been the fact that he was hovering just a inch over the cement, or the non scuffling of his shoes. Nodding as he looked at voldemort."No, if anything, we're going to have to reward him.She is very very sane, and enjoying kisses now.But lter..."he smirked as he looked down at the trembling she weasel."Later she will want to deal with these two."He said smiling as he moved over to hermione, nudging the mudblood with her toe."You see, you made a enemy now, that wont forgive mistkes."
Snape smiled at the Headmaster and nodded a little. "we might let him have some small magical toys to play with, like those hovering tops that children play with." he mused. "he would find them entertaining i think." he admitted with a small smile. "i'll go and get him before he starts threatening Pomfry with a knife or something." he decided, moving to go an get Niabi, returning a few minutes later with a dazed looking Niabi who looked, for all the world, like he was sleepwalking with his eyes open.

he smirked a little. "yes, i know." he admitted chuckling a little as he kissed her cheek. "i'm glad you won't stop the silly antics." he admitted grinning. "sane or not, you where FUN." he admitted grinning at her as he watched her. "i'm glad you feel better Annie." he admitted softly. "i was starting to worry about you." he admitted. "every time you gained your sanity... you seamed to pay for it..." he admitted stroking her hair. "i was worried you where going to break something inside of you that i wouldn't be able to fix..."

Lucius grimaced as he examined the bloody floor, he didn't even bother walking into the dungeon, he just hovered on the stairs. Hermione whimpered as she was prodded, looking terrified. "please... i'm sorry." she whispered, hoarse from all the screaming that she had been doing. "please... i'm sorry.. i don't want to die..." she mumbled, closing her eyes, knowing that begging wouldn't work... not with these enemies. Voldemort chuckled a little shaking his head as he turned and walked out. "come, Lucius, tell me how Niabi is doing." he ordered, Lucius filling Voldemort in as they left the dungeon.
(finally home!And everything went fine, though they ran a hour behind. But all is well. ^^)

dumbledore nodded thoughtful, smiling slightly."I will see about getting some children's toys."He said before looking at niabi as the man came in, resting a hand on his rm as he guided him to a chair."Niabi?ow are you feeling?"He asked worriedly. The grandfather act so well placed that it was hard to believe he'd driven a girl insane to stay in power.

"I better always be fun.I'd be sddened if I had to beat up someone else because yu found her more fun.Espicially the mudblood."She teased him before moving away, crawling under the covers. Feeling...emotionally and physically exhausted."I think the spell...or whatever he used to break me....had a backlash.The harder I fought for those moments of clarity, the more it broke me when I lost it again."

Finnick sickered a little,"I'm not the one you have to beg mudblood. After she's done having sex with draco,she'll be done to deal with you."finnick said smiling as he followed the others upstairs, well pleased with himself having terrified them.
Niabi blinked at the man, looking dazed and blank, just like someone under the control of Impirio without someone to pull the strings. a common side effect of a muggle put under the impirio. he wouldn't even remember what had happened, at least that's what Snape informed Dumbledore. while true, it didn't apply to Niabi... but again, Dumbledore didn't know that. "he just needs to snap out of it on his own." Snape informed him, sitting Niabi down on the bed, taking the boys shoes off before laying him in bed. "sleep." he ordered, Niabi closing his eyes obediently.

Draco snorted a little. "Annie... there are two things so very WRONG about what you just said... one... o would actually have to socialize with said mudblood... and two... i would have to enjoy socializing with ANYONE." he admitted smiling a little. "i can barley stand Finnick most days Annie and he's my best friend." he admitted smiling a little before scowling. "that sounds like something he would do." he admitted smiling at her. "you know... the mudblood and the red headed bitch are still downstairs... Finnick and i brought them here for you... so you have your own personal playthings." he teased smiling at her, kissing her forehead. "maybe that will make you feel better?"

she whimpered and Lucius chuckled as he glanced at Finnick. "your a morbid little shit aren't you?" he asked smiling at the other, Voldemort smirking. "yes he is." and there was a note of pride in his voice at that. "come along Finnick, there is work to be done." he admitted simply. "Charley is here with information about why Bill did what he did." Charley was the only one of the Weasley's who was openly on Voldemort's side... not that the other family members knew that.
Dumbledore sighed softly watching the other lay him in the bed, before looking at snape."go.I can take care of him for the nigt."He said before leving for his own rooms to get ready for the night.

"Aww but draco, you know you like socializaing with me."She said smiling as she kissed him lightly, "And we did enjoy abusing the bitches didn't we?"She said drk nger showing in her eyes,blue eyes as cold as ice as she considered what she ws going to do to the girls."We should. Let's go see them."She said loving the idea of being truy sane and seeing the woman just how untouchable draco really was going to be now that she truly was sane enough to understand relationships. Grinning as she headed for the door.

Finnick smirked as he followed them looking pleased with himself."No, morbid would have been telling them that annie nd draco'll probably come down and have sex in the cell next to theirs, just to show how untouchable draco really is."He said smirking before shuddering a little as he stepped into voldemort's office, smiling slightly at charley."It's good to see you.And your brother is....interesting.Annie likes him."
Snape nodded a little and left, leaving Niabi and Dumbledore to sleep. Niabi wouldn't wake until after Dumbledore did, so the blond man had plenty of time to come to terms with what he had done to poor Niabi.

Draco smiled a little. "your the only person i enjoy socializing with... the only person i don't mind touching me." he admitted kissing her forehead before laughing as he stood up with her. "and i always enjoy abusing whores." he admitted chuckling a little as he stretched and followed his girlfriend happily, like always, all too willing to do whatever she wanted.

Lucius wrinkled his nose. "Draco would never have sex in that filthy place... not even for Annie." he admitted smiling as Charley grinned at them. "Ron's a good kid." he agreed before scowling. "that's why i'm here actually... Bill hurt him i think..." he admitted. "he was bitching about how Ron wouldn't take a stand in the war... he hit Ron a few times, Obliviated and then put a Tracer spell on him." he looked at them. "if he was here... then the Light will know about this place as soon as Bill locates the Trace." he admitted his lips thinning. "Ron wouldn't know about the Tracer, but i do... you have to relocate, as soon as possible."
Annie giggled a little, looking amused as she slipped a arm through his."Hmm mthen I'll ust have to touch you all the time."She muttered before looking slightly...off. A hint of the insanity in her eyes, even if she was sane.She would never completely shake the blurriness."Ohh so you want to beat up on me?"She muttered responding to his words, hurt and pain flickering in her eyes from to many people abusing the poor insane girl.

Finnick snickered,"True.He is to much of a neat freak."He said before looking at charley, frowning slightly."We undid the obliviate, he knows who he is."He said before straightening a little before smirking."Do we have to relocate even if he's at hogwarts right now?We returned our present.Is bill good enoough to back track the tracer?"
Draco chuckled a little and kissed her forehead, looking worried as the touch of insanity returned to her eyes. "Annie?" he asked, worried before shaking his head. "oh Annie NO! never!" he promised. "i could NEVER strike you." he promised kissing her gently. "i love you." he promised smiling at her. "your no whore, only dirty little mud bloods and red headed bitch children can be whores." he promised smiling at her. "a good proper, PRETTY lady like you could NEVER be a whore."

Charley shook his head. "he is that good." he admitted. "it might take him a day or two, but he can track the tracer back to here." he admitted, worried when both tom and Lucius cursed. "damn that Weasley Bastard!... no offense Charley." "none taken." "Bill was much more clever than i thought he could be..." Voldemort muttered, scowling. "that's alright... i think Annie could use a change of scenery, we'll go to France, she and Draco will both like that, give them a chance to work on their French."
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