Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Annie smiled leaning into him, laughing as she kissed him back. rEsting against his chest for a moment, pressing her forehead against his, closing her eyes."Even...even with teh spell broken, I can..feel it. As if ts reverse.like I'm going to have moments of insanity in sanity, instead of brief moments of sanity in insanity."Sighing as she looked towards the door,"Do you want to torture tem?"

Finnick cursed running his fingers through his hir."Dammit.Well.They will enjoy it, and I always did like crepes."He said sighing softly before looking at the other two."I better go get draco and annie moving."He said before heading downstairs to get them
he smiled a little, sighing in relief as she seamed to regain her sanity. "it's alright Annie." he promised, holding her. "a few moments of inanity can be handled." he promised smiling at her as he stroked her hair. "i'll help you through each and every one of them, i promise." he smiled. "and we don't have to torture them if you don't want to.... Finnick? whats wrong?" he asked frowning a little at the other, his head tilted a little.

Niabi decided that Dumbledore had enough sleep, four hours undisturbed was enough sleep, he was going to have an emotional moment just to fuck with Dumbledore's already guilty conscience. he shrieked, and then SCREAMED, his terrified voice filling the entire tower as he thrashed in bed, as if convulsing, or seizing. "NO! FATHER, NO!!!!" he wailed, jerking and struggling against the blankets that he had wrapped around himself, wailing again as he pulled tears into, and then out of his eyes, looking every bit the terrified, traumatized teenage muggle who was having nightmares about killing his one and only father.
"Okay.We can deal."Annie smiled little leaning into him, frowning a little as she looked at her brother. "We have to go.There was a tracer on weasley, by now they're working on how to get to the manor."He said knowing better then to hedge, annie'd try nd bet his head in if he did."Go back some things, we're leaving for france tonight."

Dumbledore jerked awake pail s he got out of bed, stumbling int the other room, shaking the man's shoulders, trying to free him from the blankets."Nibi!Niabi, you're okay. You're fine."He said trying to wake him.
Draco growled a little and looked at the dungeon. "we'll have to kill the bitches or take them with us." he stated calmly kissing Annie's forehead. "what do you think love, should we take them with us or kill them and leave them here for Mister Bill to find?" he asked leaving the decision up to her.

Niabi screamed again as he was grabbed, and as soon as he was free he started hitting Dumbledore, screaming in a language that Wraith had taught him. he didn't know what it was, but it came in handy when he needed to babble in panic because no one else understood it and it punctuated fear very nicely. he struggled against Dumbledore as he finally tore free of the blankets and then paused as he realized who he was hitting, bursting into sobs he buried his face into Dumbledore's chest, clinging to the man, acting like the frightened child he would have been had he really killed Wraith.
Annie frowned thinking, running her fingers through her hair before sighing sotly."We'll kill them and leave them for him to find.That'll be a nice surprise for them."she said walking into the room, smiling slightly."hello ladies."She purred softly looking at the two.

Dumbledore's heart ached as he wrapped his arms around the boy, wincing from where he had been hit, holding him gently as he stroked his back,trying to calm him."Shh you're safe niabi, you're safe."
Draco nodded and followed her into the basement, laughing as he saw the nearly dead Ginny, slowly healing thanks to Voldemort's very, very painful healing spell. Hermione had begun to cry again, knowing that she was going to die. Draco let Annie do the dead, well aware she'd be annoyed with him if he took her kill. once that was done he took her upstairs and helped her pack, smirking as he glanced at Niabi's room. "...we're going to have to pack all of Niabi's things too..." he mused. "...all that food in there.. it might go bad if we don't eat it don't you think Annie?"

Niabi sobbed into Dumbledore's chest for more than ten minutes, before simply laying in the man's arms, his eyes closed. "...i'll never be safe." he whispered softly. "never be safe again...." he mumbled. "Wizards are everywhere... they'll get me no matter where i go... Dark Wizards will get me..." he snuggled into Dumbledore tighter, trembling against him, seeking comfort from the man who had caused all of this. "you won't let them get me, will you?" he asked looking up at the other with his large, frightened, Avada Kedavra eyes.
Annie giggled as she finished packing her bag, grinning as she nodded."Oh yes, I am sure that it would go bad.We must eat it as soon as we get to france."She said smiling as she headed for niabis, waving her hand and watching the things start packing themselves. Looking amused as she turned to look at draco as he watched her,"is there anything else we need?"

Dumbledore sighed softly stroking the boy's hair, feeling gulty for doing this to the boy, but he hoped that it was worth it when they stopped voldemort."No, you will be safe here. I promise.I will make things safe for you."He muttered strokign the man's hair
he chuckled a little as he grabbed a bag of Gummy worms as it whizzed past, ripping it open and offering her some first, grinning a little. "he has so many wonderful muggle foods LOOK at all of this!" he muttered staring at the piles of candy and health food being packed away into their own boxes. "i can' think of anything, Voldemort and Father will pack up anything else, and all of our stuff is packed. Finnick is packing his own things, everyone else will be packing up their own things and the House Elves will be getting everything else so i think we should be fine."

Niabi whimpered a little and nodded, snuggling into Dumbledore a little more, his body trembling as he started to calm down. "i'm sorry..." he muttered softly. "i'm not... usually like this..." he muttered softly. "my head... feels all broken." he admitted softly. "not physically but...inside... like the pieces of my sanity are starting to drift apart... i'm scared..." he admitted softly. "i'm so scared..."
Annie smiled lookng pleased at the idea, wrapping her arms around him, leaning into him."Well then,we'll go now."She said smiling as she apparated them both to the manor house, sighing softly as she looked around,nudging him a little."We have a house to ourselves."She said smirking, a small wicked smile as she stepped bck from im, running her fingers through his hair.

"niabi, it is okay. I know this is not you."he muttered gently stroking the other's hair, swallowing hard."Shh we'll help you. We'll make sure that you are protected, and sae so you can be yourself again."
he chuckled a little as he shook his head, kissing her forehead as he let her apparate them, wrinkling his nose at the slightly musty smell of the long unused house. he looked shocked however at her sly tone and the fingers running through his hair, going beat red as he realized she wasn't insane anymore she was a woman... and she had woman's needs. "o..oh...y..yes we...do have the house... to ourselves..." he stuttered, blinking at her, looking shocked, and oh so aroused.

Niabi relaxed into the hair strokes, simply clinging to Dumbledore. "i don't like being broken." he whispered, shaking his head as he slowly got up. "i'm..." he paused, hesitating then. "i'm going to go..out by that lake... for a while i..." he shuddered and swallowed hard. "i need to be alone for a while." and with that he was gone, sweeping out of the Tower. just as promised he went out to the lake, laughing inwardly at his success as he settled by the lake and began meditating. he needed to calm his soul, and his emotions so he wouldn't give the game away too soon.
Annie laughed at his shocked look,raising a eyebrow at him. Raising a hand, gently cupping his cheek."Even insane, I wanted you."She muttered leaning her body into his as she kissed him slowly."You're so cute when your confused."She said grinning as she stepped back."Catch me if you can."She said grinning as she took off for the family wing of the house.Despite wanting him,she was going to make him work for it.

Dumbledore sighed softly as he watched the man go, worried. Finnick smirked slightly as he joined the assassin, glamour in place, looking like someone else of course, settling on the ground next to him, not about to interrupt the man's mediating,but his presence a silent demand for attention to."We had to move houses.This will take you through the wards at the new house, and allow you to get there i you need to."Finnick said holding out a bracelet.
he blinked at her, shocked all over again when she admitted she'd always wanted him and hiss blush grew as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply, groaning a little before blinking as she pulled away. "i...i am NOT cute!" he protested, scowling as she ran off. "hey! ANNIE!" he wailed, annoyed as he ran after her. Draco was not a running person, he couldn't run at all, he could swim like a fish, but running was not his strong suit. so she was well ahead of him and waiting for several minutes before he finally caught up to her. "you are SO cruel." he grumbled, grinning at her as he took her hand gently. "but i love you anyway." he teased chuckling a little.

Niabi stirred, a knife pressing against Finnick's groin as soon as the other sat down, not recognizing the other until he spoke, but he didn't remove the knife. "are you fucking nuts? what if Dumbledore is watching us right now? or listening!?" he demanded, his eyes narrowed darkly before chuckling a little as he slipped the bracelet onto his wrist. "thank you Finn." he stated slipping his knife away, staring out at the lake. "Ron thinks he's found something." he admitted. "i'm meeting with him tomorrow. i'm going to stay here as long as i can, i have Dumbledore eating out of the palm of my hand." he smirked a little. "he's such a guilty old bastard. can you beleive he actually feels bad for breaking my mind? pathetic."
Annie laughed as he protested,"Oh yes!You're always cute!"She yelled back amused at her running impaired boyfriend, smiling softly as she leane against the doorframe to her bedroom,smilign ever so gently as he caught up leaning up to kiss him again."I love you to, even when you're not cruel."She said leaning into him, nuzzling him a little.

Finnick raised a eyebrow at the knife in his groin, looking amused that he wasn't moving it."Did you ever question my insanity?"He asked amused that anyone could believe that he ws sane in any way. Smirking slightly as he shrugged, "If he's listening, well he'll think you're having a good conversation with a new friend."He sid not overly worried before smirking."Good. He should feel bad, even if your not broken."
Draco huffed and puffed as he finally stopped next to her, smiling at her as he wrapped his arms around her. "someday, i'm going to make you SWIM after me, see how you like it." he teased kissing her forehead with a small grin as he examined her with gentle, loving eyes. "i love you Annie." he purred happily, kissing her neck gently.

Niabi smirked a little. "no, i always knew you where insane." he admitted with a small snicker shaking his head. "i guess he would beleive that." he admitted smiling a little as he leaned back on his hands, sighing a little. "i hate to admit it, but i'm rather enjoying myself here." he admitted smirking a little. "i always did enjoy acting." he admitted glancing at Finnick. "hows my father doing? Dumbledore thinks i killed him so make sure he stays hidden." he ordered firmly. "and he thinks Annie is in a coma so make sure she stays hidden too."
Annie smiled as she leaned into him, resting her forehead on his shoulder, for once really feeling smaller ten him, barely brushing the top of his shoulder."I love you to."She muttered moaning softly as he kissed her neck, shivering as she turned her head, kissing him slowly.

Finnick smirked a little as he tought about that."Your father's doing well.and I don't think anyone's going to have to worry about annie being around.Her and draco are going to be to busy together."He smirked raising a eyebrow as he looked at him."Whatever spell was enforced to make her insane, snapped with the coma.She's sane, or at least as much as she can be.Which is more then before."e said grinning a little goofily at the idea of his sister being completely sane."her and draco are enjoing each other's company."
he smiled as he gently stroked her hair, kissing her forehead gently with a small grin, his head tilted at her kissing her back, running his fingers through the woman's hair,sliding his hands down her back, landing on her ass, hesitating before using them as handles as he gripped her and pulled her tight to his body, panting softly at her. "your such a tease sometimes." he murmured, not sounding in the least bit annoyed by that.

he smiled and nodded a little. "good, i'm glad." he muttered softly, glancing over at the other, smirking a little. "if i get home and find out that she and Draco ate all of my food i'm gonna be pissed." he complained before leaning forward, kissing the other deeply, slipping his tongue into Finnick's mouth, teasing his tongue with his own before laughing as he skipped back towards the Castle, pleased with his little stolen kiss.
Annie sighed a little sighing softly as he ran in his hands down her back,yelping in surprise as his hnds settled on her ass, smirking a little as she kissed him back.Feeling more steady and saner then she could ever remember."I'm sorry.I never meant to make you wait for me."She muttered running her ingers through blond hair, for the first time truly understanding how much he'd sacerficed to sty at her side.

Finnick smirked."Thy ate so-"Finnick startled as he was kissed back staring after the man before apparating back home, looking flustered and so unlike himself that he had no idea wht to think as he worked on packing his things.
he chuckled at her yelp, smiling at her. "i would wait an eternity for you." he promised softly, kissing her forehead, then her nose, then her lips again, holding her happily. "i will always wait for you, no matter what." he promised softly. "i love you, and only you forever." he promised smiling at her a little. "...i do have a confession to make." he pressed his groin into her gently. "i have a boner.." he admitted blushing hard.

Voldemort blinked as he watched his son, his head tilted. "Finnick? why are you trying to pack your bed into a bag?" Voldemort asked flicking his wand at the bed so it stopped trying to stuff itself into a case. "...what on earth has gotten into you Finnick?" Voldemort asked frowning at him. "has something happened?"

(hey! You! Yeah You! T_T are you clicking on mah eggs!? DO EET! (is going to ignore how wrong that sounded.)
Annie smiled slightly as she looked up at him, moaning softly as she felt him press against her, sivering as she felt how much he wanted her."So you do."She smirked a little rolling her hips into is a little."What are you going to do about it?"

Finnick stopped, staring at the bed as he blushed a little, before focusing on volemort."Oh.I thought I would need a bed."He said blushing harder, trying to not think about what had caused this spaciness and confusion,"Nothing.I just went and gave niabi a bracelet to get through the wards if he needed to leave the school in a hurry."
he smirked a little at her. "well that all depends." he admitted. "i'll either take it into the bathroom and wank it into submission, or let you take a whack at it." he teased chuckling a little smiling at her. "if your ready for it, then i'll let you do whatever you want to it... but if your not, i won't pressure you." he promised smiling at her. he really meant it, he would be willing to go yank it off and leave it at that if she wasn't ready to have sex.

Voldemort stared at Finnick with a single raised eyebrow. "Finnick i am very disappointing in you, i taught you how to lie better than that! for shame!" he teased tapping his son on the nose. "something happened didn't it? when you went to give Niabi the bracelet... you overheard something?" he asked his head tilted. "is something bad happening?... Finnick are you even listening to me!?" Voldemort hated to be ignored.
Annie looked thoughtul as she looked up at him, tilting her head a little as she thought about it. Eagerness and nerves shwing in her look but she couldn't help the longing that showed in her eyes."Well,are you sure you want me whacking it?"She teased taking a step back running her hands down his chest, slowly, hesitating for a moment before sliding her hands under his shirt.

Finnick startled a little at the words, frowning at his father."Of course I'm listening to you."He said, even if he hadn't been. Finishing backing his bag he tilted is head before shaking his head."N-no no overhearing anything."He said blushing ever so softly, a rarity for the usually unruffled man.
he smiled a little as he watched her, chuckling a little. "i'm sure you'll be gentle with it." he teased chuckling a little as he kissed her forehead, shivering as she felt her hands on his chest,taking her hips and slowly pulling them into the room, closing the door and kissing her eagerly, running his fingers through her hair with a small groan. "you always did know the best ways to turn me on." he growled, grinning. "you have no idea how many times i sprang a boner because you where trying to tickle me." he teased, snickering a little.

Voldemort lifted an eyebrow at his son again, his eyes narrowing. "... what, your blushing?... did you walk in on Niabi having sex with something?" he asked curiously. "...." then a wicked grin spread across his lips. "or Did Niabi pin you down and have his way with you? perhaps he teased you in some manner?" he asked chuckling a little. "you know, if you'd simply fuck him Finnick, you wouldn't have these kinds of problems."
Annie smiled sotly as she kissed him back, shivering as he ran his fingers through her hair.She loved having her hair petted, and it seemed it wasn't ust a asexual thing that it had been when she was insane, her bod had her wanted to be petted even more. "trying?Just trying?I'll have to tickle you more."She sid pouting a little as she ran her nails over his chest, smirked as manicured fingernails scraped over his nipple, before tugging off his shirt, "....what about the others?"She asked looking worried for a moment because she so didn't want to be interrupted once they started.

Finnick glared at his father, not saying anything for a moment."Shut up."He growled picking up his bag as he sighed."Shouldn't we be leaving?If we leave them alone long enough, annie and draco aren't going to be up to talking to anyone till tomorrow."He growled annoyed at being made fun of.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "i failed more often then not, thank god you never noticed." he admitted smiling a little shuddering as she ran her fingers over his chest. he wasn't ticklish... not in the normal sense of the word. his belly, chest and ribs where very sensitive... but not in an innocent tickling sort of way. "the others will just have to wait." he chirped setting a silencing, and locking charm on the door so that they wouldn't be disturbed, walking her backwards to the bed with a small smirk. "mmm i finally have you alll to myself, my dear pretty one... whatever shall i do with such riches?"

Voldemort chuckled a little and shook his head. "Finnick they've been left alone long enough now that their already in the middle of it, and interrupting now will only get your Man Parts blown off, and THEN whatever would Niabi play with?" he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. "don't take your frustrations out on me little boy or i'll remind you exactly why i'm your fa..." he paused, the blood draining out of his face and before Finnick could respond he swept out of the room and vanished... but he had said it, then and there he had said it, had claimed Finnick out loud. he had panicked after, as the man always did when he got to emotional... he'd done the same thing after he openly claimed Annie, only afterwords no one had seen him for days... Lucius said that Voldemort had suffered a traumatic incident as a child and again later in life, but no one ever dared to ask what it was.
Annie laughed softly, smirking a little because she had seen his reaction to the brush, it was amusing to see him shivering and shuddering at her touch. Leaning up to kiss him slowl she wrapped her arms around him, laying back on the bed, sighing softly as she looked up at him."Whatever you want, sweetheart."She purred ever so softly as she ran her fingers through his hair, tugging lightly on the soft blond hair.

Finnick growled a laugh at that, looking amused before blushing at voldemort's words. So not ready to think about what niabi would want to play with. Shivering a little he looked over at him startled, having not expected to be claimed.While he knew his father considered him a son, it was another to hear the usually emotional deprieved man lay claim so easily to him. looking startled and worried he frowned before following out after him, stepping into his father's office and looking at him, magic locking the door to make sure they had this conversation, because it needed said."You are my father. You are. No matter what sirius claims, you raised me, when you didn't have to. And...whatever keeps you from saying that outloud, it doesn't matter.I know its true."He said sighing soflty looking worried about his father.
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