Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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he chuckled a little as he kissed her eagerly, running his hands through her hair again. "i love you." he whispered softly, smiling at her as he kissed down her neck. "i want... to do.. everything." he purred happily. "i want to tease you relentlessly. make you cum, again, and again, and again unti your begging me to take you... and then, and only then do i want to claim you, completely, as mine."

Voldemort sighed as Finnick followed him, shaking his head as he watched the other. "Finnick..." he sighed as he closed his eyes and looked down at his hands. "i had a family once..." he admitted softly, and for the first time, Voldemort was sharing information that no one else knew. "i had a wife... and two beautiful babies... a boy... and a girl..." his voice was choked. "her name was Black, Astoria Black... god she was so beautiful... i never could understand why she chose me over everyone else..." he closed his eyes. "Regulus, he was SO happy for me... marrying his bright, happy little sister..." he muttered softly. "Sirius... Sirius was furious..." he looked up at Finnick, another first... tears where swimming in those rube red eyes. "he came... to the house... he slaughtered Astoria, calling her a whore... i know... he left... he left a Memory for me... so i could... watch him, destroy my wife... he killed my children... Tamrin and Tamisha... he strangled them... and oh GODS how he LAUGHED while he did it!" he covered his face with his hands, letting out a great sob. "they would have been your age... Lord have Mercy Tamrin could have Been your twin... except for the eyes... he ha... he had my eyes... those bright green eyes..." he set his hands to his face and let out a sob. "it was their birthday today....." he admitted. "their birthday..." no wonder he was so emotional... and why he had moments where he hated Finnick almost as much as he loved him...
Annie blushed laughing softly as she shivered, wrapping her legs around his waist as she tugged at his pants, pushing them donw as she laid bck on the blankets,"ohh yes?"se hsaid looking amused and aroused as she shivered, looking interested and pleased at his words, wanting nothing more then to be claimed by him.

Finnick looked startled, of all the things he had thought to hear, this wasn't one of them. And he paced, because the pain and fury demanded motion, demanded action and he had no one but his father to lash out at, and he couldn't. Not to arm a man who he hurt even more just by his presence in the home. Looking at voldemort he growled softly, riding that scary side of his temper that was somewhere between voldemort's viciousness, and his mother's brillance. When he set his mind to it, there was no one quite as a elegantly vicious enemy as finnick riddle. Crossing the room he hesitated for a moment before gently resting a hand on his father's shoulder, nails biting into his shoulder."Go.You need out of this house, and annie'll be more comforting then I am."He said because he couldn't keep the growling temper out of his words, couldn't help but wanting to slaughter, and he knew only one person who could give him that down and dirty, vicious kind of fight that he needed to purge the emotions from his body because he knew that he couldn't get to his real father, couldn't gut sirius for this, so he needed niabi, needed to leash the temper before it broke that careful control.
he growled eagerly as he claimed her lips, and then banished both of their clothes once they where both under the warm covers. he kissed his way down her body, and showed her just how skilled a Malfoy was. he'd never had sex before, but with tips, pointers and explanations from both his father, and his mother Draco knew exactly how to please a woman. he stroked her with his tongue, lightly, calmly, teasing her again and again with eager suckles and sounds that showed he was enjoying pleasuring her, and that he had every intention of carrying out his promise.

Voldemort winced a little at the nails biting into his shoulder, not because it hurt, or he was afraid but because he was surprised. most people did not dare to touch him. he nodded though at the order and vanished, not to Annie... never to Annie, but to someone else entirely. Niabi on the other hand was still outside, and looked over at Finnick as soon as he saw the other again, the sun just starting to rise as he stood up, and headed into the forest, blinking at Finnick, studying him. "somethings happened..." he watched the other and then simply unbuttoned his shirt and hung it on a tree. "it's my favorite, i don't want it ruined." he admitted smirking at the other. "so... are we fighting, or fucking?" he was fine with either.
By the time they ctually inished, annie was cuddled up against draco, resting her head on draco's chest, panting."Oh...that...was mazing."She muttered amazed because it was amazing that even if she knew he had never had sex, the fact that she was so wrung out with pleasure that she couldn't move was amzing."I love you.Such a skilled malfoy."She teased a little as she yawned.

Finnick raised a eyebrow even s he unbuttoned his shirt tossing it to the tree to."I could buy you more clothes."He said amusement for a moment showing in fury before smirking, "I thought we'd start with the fight, and go from there."He said starting towards the other, already moving to punch him, not aiming for his face, but 5 inches past, because he needed to expel the fury, and he knew that whatever damage he did, he would heal it after.
he smiled a little as he stroked her hair, gasping for air. he'd never felt so good in his LIFE! EVER! he was just glad that he knew what he was doing so he wouldn't hurt Annie. "i', glad you enjoyed it." he mumbled happily, smiling at her. "and i AM very skilled, i made sure to study before this final exam." he teased kissing her happily. "Father helped a lot too... and mother... i thought i was going to die but i did learn how to make you scream with pleasure so i guess that's alright."

Niabi chuckled a little and nodded a little as he yelped, struck across the face. he hadn't even tried to duck, this wasn't about fighting, this was about hitting, and beating the shit out of each other. he swung as well, striking Finnick in the ribs, and the bloody battle continued until Niabi decided he'd had enough of the pain, rushing Finnick and slamming their lips together again he slammed them both to the forest floor, pinning him there, pressing his thick, hard length against the other... the beat down had... god it had turned Niabi on. the pain, the fight, the brat was aroused! "i fucking want you so bad." Niabi growled, grinding their hips together, hard enough that pain mingled into the pleasure. "fuck me Finnick... just fuck me, rape the shit out of me if that;s what you want but fucking FUCK me already!"
Annie blushed, burying her face against his chest as she smiled a little,"...I'mm not going to be able to face them now..."She whined softly smiling at him, stealing a soft kiss as she nuzzled him a little. She so didn't want to consider what his parents had thought about his questions. IT was disturbing, and embarassing to know that they had known this was what he wanted before she had.

Finnick yelped as he hit the forest floor, gasping in pain and pleasure as he growled at him,wrapping his arms around the other and rolling them, pinning him to the ground as he kissed him hard."Father did say I should just fuck you."He muttered sounding amused as he vanished both their clothes, to angry and pissed to be calm as he wrapped his hands around niabi's legs, pushing them apart as he thrust into him as he drove his tongue into the other's mouth.
he chuckled a little. "how do you think i feel!?" he asked pouting at her. "i didn't even ASK for their advice to nosy little busybodies." he complained snorting a little. "they ambushed me about a year ago when they realized i was falling in love and gave me 'the talk' it was TRAUMATIZING!" he admitted shaking his head, smiling at her as he kissed her gently.

Niabi panted hard, covered in blood and bruises as he looked up at the other. he groaned happily as he wrapped his arms around the other, kissing him back, his tongue tangling into the others mouth, squealing as he was thrust into, enjoying the pain of dry penetration as he thrust his hips into the other, practically begging for a good hard fucking. his tongue tangled with the others, shuddering eagerly as he clung to the other. he was going to have to make sure Finnick didn't heal the damages. being raped on school grounds was just going to be another knife in Dumbledore's ribs. he was going to have to ask Finnick who best to have punished. "feels... so...good... harder...please!"
Annie giggled a little looking up at him, kissing him back ever so gently as she shifted, burying her face against his shoulder ,just snuggling against him as she started to drift to sleep."Poor draco.I'll have to make you feel better for being traumatized."She muttered smiling gently."At least it's better then papa having the talk."

Finnick growled at im as he bit down on the other's lip, growling softly as he fucked him, shivering softly as he came, stroking the other to completion before rolling away, panting as he stared up at the stars.While he was usually gentler and more easy with fucking, the fucking was the thing that he had needed to work out the last of his anger."... damn..."he sighed closing his eyes.
he chuckled a little as he shook his head before paling. "Annie, 'the talk' with Voldemort would consist of becoming a Eunuch." he pointed out. 'and i like my dick where it is thank you." h stated smiling as he watched her fall asleep.

Niabi was panting hard, his own seed shared between their bellies. "mmm that was wonderful... i'm not going to be able to sit for a week!" he admitted snickering a little. "and if you don't heal me, then i can use this as an opportunity to get Dumbledore's knickers in a twist." he purred in delight, smirking darkly. "i'll clean myself out so that there's no hint of your DNA on me, and then i'll tell him i was raped." he purred happily. "watch him handle THAT for a while!" he purred happily. "it will give Ron a chance to look through that lead." he muttered happily. "are you feeling better now?" he asked, turning to look at Finnick, his head tilted. "i never thought i'd ever see you that pissed off." he admitted, looking worried now. "has something happened to Annie?"
Annie paled a little shifting as she laid a leg over his hips."I like your cock where it is to."She purred yawning as she followed asleep with a smile on her face.

Finnick laughed softly as he laid on his back, a arm across his eyes hiding his face for the most part as he snuggled to get his breathing back under control."You're nearly as horrible as I am.That's brillant."He said snickering as his mind started turning over the ideas of who to blame. "I'm not usually that pissed off."he said going quiet not realizing he was scaring the other with making him worry before smirking a little."besides having sex?No. Father told me...something unfortunate, and seeing as I cant get to the man I want to kill, I was pissed."
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i was being dramatic Annie he wouldn't really take it." he promised kissing her forehead. "i love you Annie, sleep well."

Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head a little.l "oh no Finnick i'm MUCH worse than you are." he teased smirking a little before frowning a little. "Annie's having Sex?" he asked, looking astonished. "she must have regained her sanity for a little while then." he mused happily before scowling. "Voldemort... is HE alright?" he asked, worried about the mad man. "well i'm glad i could help you..." he admitted smiling a little. "next time not so rough though alright?" he whined settling over Finnick, kissing him again, making a small happy noise. "mmm i'm never going to be satisfied again i hope you know that." he growled playfully. "i'll never be able to forget your dick in my ass so you better be ready to see me around for the rest of your life." he kissed the other again as he watched kids starting to wander out of the castle. "mmm showtime. stay hidden." he ordered winking at Finnick. "no need to blame you for this." he teased, grabbing his pants and rubbing them through the dirt a bit to rip and tear them, making them look as bad as he did. he tore the button off and broke the Zipper too to make the crime look even more violent... he was the master of subtleties. he winked at Finnick and then started staggering out of the woods, tears spilling down his face as he collapsed, several students gaping at him before one of them turned and ran, yelling for a teacher.
Finnick grinned smirking a little."The spell sirius put on her, snapped whatever spell was keeping her insane. Draco and Annie are enjoing her newly found sanity."Finnick said shuddering a little looking amused before sighing."He's fine."he reassured before laughing softly."I'll try and remember that."He said blushing ever so softly as he sat up, kissing him back as he sighed softly.He was so not ready to leave yet,but maybe if he pretended to be a student, he'd find sirius.

"Niabi?"Dumbledore said as he rushed down the steps, snape following after him, having brought the potions master he had been talking to in case niabi needed potions. Stopping. staring at him because he had no idea what to say to the boy who looke so hurt. Not realizing snape was silently laughing at the sight because anyone who'd been in a room with finnick, knew how violent he ran when his temper was running hot, and the potions master could tell who had laid those marks, and see the slight warping of air around the man, knew that finnick was walking besides him. But since it was such a rare spell, no one but a death eater would be aware that finnick had mastered it. And was following the man in case he needed help.

"So who are we blaming?"Finnick muttered wrapping a privac spell around his voice to keep their conversation private, and a sight shield to keep hiden.Feeling guilty enough about hurting him that he needed to make sure he was okay.

(sorry, had to burrow the potions master for a sec XD)
Niabi smirked a little. "oh my, no ones going to be safe from her now." he teased chuckling a little. "you keep her out of my damn food." he ordered grinning at the other before he wandered out. Niabi sobbed once the potions master was there, Dumbledore speaking his name and he started babbling that he was sorry, he'd tried to make them stop he was sorry. as if it was his fault he had been 'raped'. Niabi was such a devious little shit as he tried to tell the headmaster that he didn't know who 'they' where but there had been more than one, there had been hands everywhere... beating him because he was a muggle... he didn't know what a muggle was but one of them stayed behind... and he couldn't move, and it hurt SO much and he was SORRY.

"someone who will really get under Dumbledore's skin." Niabi muttered once he was sure that Dumbledore couldn't hear him. "a Gryffindor, and maybe a Huffelpuff...." he pondered that for a moment then. "i'll have Professor Snape get their DNA." he decided. "i did accuse more than one." he mused smirking. "we'll get a ravenclaw, huffelpuff and Gryffindor for beating me up, and blame the Gryffindor for raping me." he muttered while Dumbledore and Snape where busy talking, trying to find the best way to decide who had attacked Niabi before the Potions professor carefully knelt by Niabi's side. "it's alright Niabi, i'm going to take you to Madam Pomfry, you remember her?" Niabi nodded weakly. "i'm going to lift you up using magic so you won't be hurt. i promise i won't hurt you..." Niabi whimpered, but nodded, and let Snape hover him into the air and carry him inside, students gaping and gawking, looking horrified at the state of the poor muggle. Pomfry fussed over the boy, declaring that he had two broken ribs and anal tearing, but that both where minor and would heal easily. there was no internal bleeding but the bruising was extensive, and that he was going to have to stay in bed for most of the day.
Dumbledore meanwhile while the nurse and potions master worked on healing the man, set about finding out who had attacked him. Finnick snorted looking amused as he leaned against the wall of the hospital, careful to stay out of the way, but watching all the same."Is sirius still here?"He muttered making the effort to make snape hear him after pomfry left to get some potions, actually looking...sorry for causing that much harm, which in turn made him want to inflict some harm on the man he really was angry with.
Niabi snickered a little as he watched Dumbledore race off and Pomfry move to try and test the DNA samples she had found. "i'm afraid Sirius isn't here." Snape admitted softly so Pomfry wouldn't hear him. "he's at the Parkinson's though, loafing off of Pansy, you should be able to get to them both there." Snape admitted softly. "i've planted the DNA... we're blaming Dean Thomas from Gryffindor for the rape, Cedric Diggory from Huffelpuff and Eric Roofus from Ravenclaw for the beatings... Cedric is on outside and has agreed to take the fall. he's agreed to go to Azkaban to help break out several Key Dark supporters." he admitted. "the other two are simply to get them the hell out of our way. their a nuisance." he admitted his eyes narrowed a little. "plus, where Diggory's father is so renowned, it will put a wedge in the Ministry." he admitted smirking a little. "Diggory was going to run for Minister of Magic, having his son incarcerated for beating and raping a muggle will put a stop to that, and we can have Scrimgeor run instead." "you people think of everything.' Niabi muttered, pleased as he closed his eyes as Pomfry came back in. "shoo! shoo! he needs rest Professor and he can't get that with you hovering over him!" "i have located several strands of hair on his body, and there is skin under his nails. i'm going to test their genetic and magical signatures to find out who did this." Snape promised stroking Niabi's hair. "sleep well Niabi.." Niabi shied away from the touch, and Snape's lips thinned. "i'll inform Dumbledore i have DNA Evidence..." Cedric already had the scratch marks down his back. it was so nice having spies everywhere who where willing to do pretty much anything.
Finnick growled annoyed that he couldn't get to sirius right away, but he'd deal wit him soon enough.Following snape out with a snicer he smiled, bushing against cedric as he left."Take care, I'm staying in france if you need us."He muttered before leaving.

In the morning he had his temper under control and was once again the coldly calculating son voldemort was used to dealing with as he knocked on draco's door before walking in, ignoring the slight stir of anger at the sight of the two sleeping naked under the blankets. Just because he liked draco and loved annie didn't mean he was totally comfortable with their relationship. ignoring annie as she glared at him lazily, he smiled poking draco in the shoulder."Up. We have to take care of a few things today."
Cedric glanced at Finnick and smiled. "thanks, i'll be back soon." he muttered softly. "Snape gave me a special potion to counter the effects of the Dementors... it will last almost a year. so i'll be fine." he promised smiling a little before he was apprehended by McGonagal and Professor Flitwick. by morning the three people where detained, two pleading their innocence, Cedric silent and hateful as he spouted muggle slander the entire time. the two where sentenced to the Mungo's sanity ward because of their age...Cedric, because of his hostile nature, was sent to Azkaban. his father was devastated, and just as planned, withdrew from the running, leaving Scrimgeor without opposition.

Draco groaned a little as he blinked at Finnick, blinking sluggishly. "whatever it is... it's Annie's fault." he groaned as he flopped back down onto the pillow. he whined as he was poked but sat up and slipped out of bed, uncaring that he was naked as he moved into the bathroom to get dressed. he knew Finnick wouldn't hurt him, because of Finnick hurt him then Annie would be upset... and Finnick didn't want Annie upset. "what are we doing?" he demanded as he got dressed, using magic to straighten his hair and his clothes.
"Nothing's ever my fault."Annie whined as she burrowed deeper into the bed, snuggling down and not wanting to get up. So totally ignoring the brother that was glowering after draco."We're going to pay a visit to pansy and sirius. We have some things to take care of."He said amused because he figured sirius would expect them to lash out, even if he had no idea that annie was still awake and sane.He was so going to kill the bastard.
Draco chuckled a little and kissed her forehead. "that's right love... i'll be back soon." he promised simply as he followed Finnick out the door. "you know where Pansy and Sirius is? certainly not at the school..." he complained frowning a little. "how is Niabi?" he asked glancing at the other. "i'm assuming that's where you got those horrid scratches down your arms..." yes, Niabi really was a clawer. "i'll take care of Pansy." he promised. "i have a feeling you have...certain things to discuss with Sirius. besides, i think Annie would like to handle Pansy herself." he admitted. "lord knows i'm not going to want to touch the filthy blood traitor." he admitted wrinkling his nose as he waited for Finnick to take them to where the two where hiding.
"The little slut's staying at the manor house. Moron couldn't even move out of her own house."He said wrinkling his nose a little as he looked at his arms, smirking a little."He is.And I do have some things to discus with m father."He said smirking as he apparated them both to the manor house, "Find pansy.I'm going to take care of the mutt."He muttered wrapping himself in a sight shield as he searched, looking at the stupid mutt as he read in the library, smirking as he pushed open the door and shut it, leaning back against it as he set wards, locking sirius in with him until he decided to let him go."This is a very unfortunate visit. You see, you made me search for you, and that just doesn't make me happy."
Draco lifted an eyebrow. "seriously? it's like they WANT us to find her." he complained rolling his eyes. "he probobly just doesn't care anymore." he stated with a shrug as he shielded himself as well. he quickly, and efficiantly dealt with Pansy, knocking her unconcious and rendering her invisible, waiting for finnick to finish.

Sirius smirked a little as he closed his book, sighing as he lounged in his chair, studying Finnick. "you look very much like me you know. i wonder how Voldemort stands even looking at you?" he mused smirking a little. "you know.. i never did like your mother... she was such a bitch in school, always lording it over everyone else." he admitted watching Finnick. "she was the richest girl in school you know, and the hottest, but oh so Pious! Merlin forbid a man ever so much as TOUCH her without feeling her wrath." he smirked. "i enjoyed raping her... i took from her something she never intended to give to anyone." he admitted calmly, watching Finnicks rage grow.

"and then there was my sister.... what a goddamn whore. laying with that THING... i enjoyed raping her too, teaching her, her place. making her watch as i strangled those sins against nature before finally killing her..." he smirked darkly. "the potters too. oh how they cried as they realized i had betrayed them... they had tried to hid you see, from Dumbledore... from Voldemort... but we couldn't have that, no we couldn't. little Harry needed to carry out his prophecy... i enjoyed Lily too, mmm yes she was the sweetest of them all." he smirked viciously.

"but the tightest.... yes, Annie was certainly the tightest. i enjoyed the way she screamed as i held her down... her sweet tears as i took her virginity. as i took her innocence. how old was she i wonder, when i first held her sweet broken body and used it how i wished? has she ever even told you? i doubt it, she doesn't even remember herself i think, i took great pains to obliviate the memory from her mind..." he licked her lips. "i've had her the most too, so many times i held her as she sobbed, begged me to stop as i used her like a cock sleeve for my own pleasure." he smirked at Finnick, he wanted the boy furious, he knew if he could infuriate Finnick enough the boy wouldn't be able to fight, he would be easy to stun, and drag to Dumbledore... oh yes, it would be so nice to see the bastard child of his suffering.
Finnick was quiet in his rage, even if it was visible.There was a quiet rage that was growing her the silence. And it ws going to be deadly when it shattered. Beware of the man who walked through the silence cloaked in pain, oh yes, finnick riddle had long known just how....absent his moral center was, and had long shaped that missing part into a weapon.

Pushing away from the door he smirked a little, walking closer, leaning down brushing a absent kiss to his father's lips, because he was so not above raping him if thats what his sister wanted. And despite the rage growing under the silence, he wasn't losing himself enough. Not nearly enough."She's going to enjoy you, a debt to be paid."He purred softly smirking as he straightened, wrapping his hands around sirius' arms as he did, pulling the other up."But I came not for the debt you owe to annie, but the one you owe my father and...harry."he said stopping himself, smirking."You see, he's still alive, you bastard. You failed, and he's always been with us."He said moving to open the door to get draco.
Sirius laughed, laughed and laughed and it was suddenly clear that the Black madness wasn't just evident in Bellatrix... Sirius had it too. only he had no one to control him like Bellkatrix did, he was a loose cannon that Dumbledore let be free to cause as much chaos as he could. he allowed himself to be kissed, purring a little. "you know... even better than Lily... was James." he growled softly. "he had such a nice dick... it was hard hours after death... his ice cold death dick just felt so wonderful in my ass." he hissed softly as he was pulled to his feet. "and i'm going to enjoy you as well my bastard son." he whispered, running his fingers through Finnick's hair. "god your just so pretty, you make me so hard, harder even than that pretty, pretty Draco... harder even than that Green eyed gorgeous thing you call Niabi." he purred. "we never tried to kill Harry... granted, leaving him with the muggle family was our mistake, seeing as how we can't find him now, but i know we will... and i'll enjoy him too." he purred sadistically, Draco lifting an eyebrow. "...Finnick?" he asked, wondering why Sirius was just walking along, talking such nonsense.
Finnick shuddered a little at the words."I have a necrophilic for a father.I am disturbed and want to go home."He wined a little trying to figure out what he was going to do, shivering harder when sirius touched him, twisting at the waist, smirking as he wrapping his arms around sirius, pulling him into a hard kiss."You have bigger problems to deal with then how hard I make your dick."he growled before looking at draco,"We're going home."He growled before apparating.

Annie frowned as she stepped down the stairs, looking at the small group as she rested her hands on her hips, scowling at them both."Dammit you two, did you have to go have fun without me?"She scowled at her brother and lover, anger in the look for them putting themselves at risk,"Papa!I found them!"She yelled, having interrupted voldemort's talk to whoever he'd run to to find out where the boys had gone, and depressed when they hadnt been able to tell her where finnick had dragged draco off to.
Draco lifted an eyebrow. "...he hides his madness so well." he muttered studying Sirius with utter horror and disgust on his face as Sirius ran his hands along his son's belly, growling eagerly as he was kissed, trying to sneak his tongue into the others mouth, growling as he was denied any more attention, blinking as he saw Annie, smirking viciously. "aaah Annie..." he whispered. "how i wanted to touch you while i was here... slip into your room late at night, bind and Gag you and..." he was suddenly silenced by Draco, the blond seething, furious. "i'm sorry Annie but your the one who wouldn't get out of bed." he admitted simply. Voldemort, shockingly enough, had been with Wraith, the two had been naked when she'd found them, and they had both been curled up on the bed, snuggled so tightly into each other it was as if they'd been trying to combine themselves. Wraith was still in bed, he'd refused to get up. "and just, where have you been!?" Voldemort demanded, his voice harsher than it normally was. after his confession, he had been afraid that Finnick had left, ha left him... he loved Finnick, as much as his broken heart was able... losing the boy would have been devastating. "... ah... i see where you've been." he stated, studying Sirius, his eyes narrowed viciously. "...do with him what you will.. i will not stain my hands with his filth." he turned and stalked away, Sirius smirking viciously. "i look too much like Astoria... he can't hurt me." Sirius admitted, looking at Draco. "your such a pretty little thing... i always wondered how you might feel wrapped around my dick." Draco paled and backed away from the man so fast he damn near fell down the stairs.
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