Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Annie frowned at him, looking at draco amused, watching her brother poke sirius with his wand "You didn't tell me you were going to have fun!I thought he was just wanting to whine about wraith and Niabi."She scowled.Finnick looked startled at voldemort's anger before understand flowed into those eyes, having not considered what his disappernce would have been taken as."Yes, well I felt the need to take care of him since he did after all, make annie sane again. I thought I would give him the reward he deserved."Finnick said watching voldemort go, and holding sirius still as annie walked down, responding to the threat against her lover, her hand snpping out, punching the black even as she started the spell, channeling enough power through the touch to make it feel like sirius's cock had been ripped off. A instant painful illusion, but in her insanty she was brilliant, and as viciously elegant as finnick. While she wouldn't kill him, she'd make him wish she would."Keep your thoughts away from my boyfriend."
Voldemort sighed a little, looking annoyed as he shook his head, Sirius pausing for a moment, looking shocked. "wait a minute! Your supposed to be in a Coma!" he complained, suddenly realizing before he started to scream, dropping to the ground like a stone as he clutched his cock, the high pitched keen of Agony making Draco grimace, kissing her forehead. "thanks love." he muttered smiling at her. "but... i'm going to sit this one out he's..." he shuddered violently. "i'll have nightmares tonight." he complained. because everyone knew Draco had nearly been raped once, his first year in Hogwarts. both Lucius and Voldemort had reined down their terror on the person, and family and no one bothered Draco again, but Draco had been forever scarred after that, terrified of men. he was fine with Finnick, and even Niabi because he knew they would never do anything... but Sirius would, and Sirius scared the hell out of draco. the blond wanted to stay as far away from the dog as possible. Sirius whimpered as the pain eased, and the stupid idiot actually looked down his pants to make sure that it was still there as Wraith came down, looking tired, and very annoyed. "the HELL is going on here?!" he demanded, having been woken by the screaming.
Annie's grin turned her lips."So I was."she said snickering at the ide tht she'd gotten around the coma spell."And you moron, snapped dumbledore's spell.I'm sane, and pissed."She said nudging sirius with her foot, smiling slightly as she looked up at draco, wrapping her rms around his wist."I'll see ou in a bit. This shouldn't last to long."e said leaning into him.Turning her headto look at wraith, smiling absently."We're torturing my rapist, and finnick's father first thing in the morning. want to help?"She said grinning t the assassin, the insane helpful girl in that look as she bounded over to him, hugging him happily."Its so good to see you dressed."She teased. Finnick raised a eyebrow studying the assassin."What were you doing seeing him naked?" "I was looking for papa."
Sirius scowled a little, sneering at her. "you know you where one of my favorites." he hissed, madness gleaming in his eyes as he stared at Annie. "the way you begged, the way you cried." he whispered, smirking viciously as he started to crawl towards her, as if intending on trying to take her then and there. "your sweet, young flesh under my fingers...." he yelped as Wraith kicked him across the side of the head, the assassin looking anything but amused. in fact he looked pissed. "i can't stand fucking rapists." he admitted nodding. "i'd love to help you." not to say that Wraith and Niabi weren't rapists, but they did have their limits. they only raped adults, never children, child molesters struck a cord so deep in the both of them, that it was amazing that Sirius was even still alive. he chuckled as he was hugged and he kissed her forehead. 'and it's good to see you sane little one." he agreed smirking. "you might have to start calling me 'daddy." he teased laughing happily as he examined the mutt, who was cradling his broken nose.
Annie whined as she leaned against wraith, pouting a little."I do not...call anyone daddy. papa is papa.And you can be...I don't know. Not daddy."She said amused as she looked at sirius, smirking a little."I cried for a lot of things. But how young was I, mutt?"He asked walking closer, kicking him over, pressing her foot gently into sirius' nose.
Wraith chuckled a little and shook his head. "you could always call me Nii." he admitted grinning a little. "it's like Nii-San, Japanese. it means big brother. i think it fits." he admitted grinning little as Sirius spat blood out of his mouth and smirked. "i dunno how old you where... but you sure as hell didn't have those nice Tits." he yelped as Wraith kicked him in the face again, the Assassin smirking a little. "hmm, this is kind of fun. he dug him a hole... and now he digs it deeper." he narrowed his eyes. "can i peel all the skin off his dick? like a fruit?" Sirius paused, shocked. "it would be easy, like skinning a Rabbit." Sirius let out a small scream as she stepped on his nose, jerking away from her, crawling backwards to get away from the pain, finally starting to realize that he was in actual danger. "Finnick why don't you put this..thing, in a cell while i go comfort Vol again... i'll have to make sure he remembers to lock the door this time..."
Finnick smirked as he nodded."Of course you can peel his dick. It's not like anyone here is going to have any use for it."he said resting a hand on sirius's arm and apparating them both downstairs and leaving sirius in a cell of his own as he eaded back upstairs to get something to eat.

Annie smiled slightly looking bemused,"Thank you ni-san."She said grinning a little before going to find draco, looking worried as she stepped into the study, wrapping her arms around his waist as she leaned against him."You okay?"She muttered nuzzling his neck a little
Sirius curled up in the corner of his cell, cradling his broken face. he didn't say another word, he didn't bother. he knew he wasn't getting out of this, he was just going to have to try and have his fun while he could, and die happy no matter the pain that it caused him.

Wraith grinned at her a little and patted her head. "it's no problem Annie." he stated calmly walking off to find Voldemort. Draco was curled up in bed, the covers over his head, resting, and hiding, but he smiled, poking his head out of the covers as Annie came in. "yeah, i'm alright." he promised cuddling into her and closing his eyes. "Sirius just... caught me off guard... i'll be fine so long as i stay away from him...are YOU ok?" he asked, looking worried at her. "i mean...." he hesitated. "do you, remember what he did to you?" he asked, worried for her, hating that he couldn't do anything for her. "do you want me to do anything?" he asked setting his hand on hers, offering her the comfort he was sure she needed.
Annie swallowed ard, starting to shake as draco questioned the very thing that she had tried so hard to not think about. unable to stop shaking she shifted, snuggling against him, resting her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around him as she snuggled down under the blankets, until only the top of her head showed."Just hold me."She muttered trembling because the more sirius had talked, the more she had rememered, and she was so trying to forget again.
he grimaced as she started to shake and he wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her as he pulled the covers over their heads, locking them in a warm, safe Cocoon. "you know..." he muttered suddenly. "i think Voldemort is fucking Wraith..." he admitted suddenly, changing the subject. "and i think Finnick finally grew a set and had his fun with Niabi." he admitted sounding vaguely amused. "he's got scratch marks all up his arms..." he admitted gently kissing her neck, spooning against her, trying to offer her as much comfort as he could. "Wraith would make a good father don't you think? he's very protective... i think he likes you." he admitted. "in a father daughter way i mean... i think you remind him of someone too... he looks at you all soft as if he's both happy and sad... what do you think?"
Annie laughed softly at his words, shifting so they were face to face, large blue eyes looking wide and panicked but she was calm, or at least in control."I know he is. I walked in on them when I went to find out where you were."She said giggling a little before smirking, shivering as he kissed her neck."Finally.Finnick'll be feeling better then."She said smiling before nodding a little."he does. And I don't know why. He looks at me like papa does sometimes."
he chuckled a little. "i'm a little freaked out by that actually... the two scariest men on the planet screwing each other..." he shook his head. "at least we know their made for each other." he muttered smiling as he stroked her cheek. "and i dunno if Finnick will be calmer... i think he might have hurt Niabi during that last visit..." he admitted. "i know better than to listen to th papers, but two kids are going tot he mungos mental ward for beating up a muggle, and Diggory, you remember Diggory? he helped get you out of Hogwarts without being seen... he went to Azkaban for raping someone." he snorted. "can you imagine? Diggory actually having the balls to do that... i don't think he could even squish a butterfly." he couldn't, Diggory was such a softie. "you know... you might have to talk to him... Wraith might talk to you... Niabi does it too now that i think about it, looks at you all happy and sad..." he frowned a little. "...i think Finnick wants to castrate me too..." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "so if anyone ever asks... YOU seduced ME, ok?"
"NAh, its not that scary. at least they're not settling down with someone...normal. That would be creepy."She smiled calming slowly, giggling a little at that. "He might have. Digory couldn't have done it which means there's a reason he went to jail for it, which means Finnick's the one who asked him to do it, which probably means he was cleaning up finnick's mess."She said sounding thougtful, giggling about how anyone could ever think diggory could be guilty of rape, he was such a sweetheart."I will talk to him."She said before laughing, pressing a kiss to her boyfriend's nose,"Oh I did did I?And if papa asks?"
he pondered that and then nodded. "yeah this is true." he agreed chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "i'm guessing it's more than just cleaning up Finnick's mess." he admitted. "if i remember correctly the Lestrange brothers are still in prison..." he admitted frowning a little. "Finnick, and Voldemort for that matter might be killing two birds with one stone." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "oh come on Annie." he whined pouting at her. "if you go around saying i seduced you people are going to start hexing me!" he whined, sulking a little.

back at Hogwarts Niabi was awake, and was literally clinging to Dumbledore. the boy was now the man's constant shadow, and despite being fully healed he still winced when the other moved too fast. not because it hurt, but because he kept EXPECTING it to. he would not leave Dumbledore's side, and even followed him into the bathrooms, timid, and terrified. he shied away even from Snape, an Ron now, and even Pomfry received a few flinches from the now supposedly traumatized beyond repair boy. Snape told Dumbledore that there was no piecing together Niabi's mind now... it was shattered. as if to put a finer point on that, the boy hadn't said a word since he'd woken up, he just stared with terrified emerald eyes as if he expected to be attacked around every corner. Ron was digging around in Dumbledore's office right then, with Snape, the both of them pretending to be waiting for Dumbledore because Bill was supposed to be there soon and he needed Ron to trace the tracing spell.
Annie giggled a little as she pressed her face against his chest, "Well, maybe they'll be home soon."She said shuddering a little relaxing, nuzzling him with a sigh."People ALREADY hex you, malfoy."She teased nuzzling him a little.

Dumbledore smiled slightly as he stepped into the room with bill, the room back to straight and so neat that he never realized that something was wrong.Gently directing niabi into a seat he looked up at bill,stroking his beard with a sigh as he looked at ron."I'm not sure how useful he'll be, he didn't stay that long with them."He mused sounding upset because they'd taken risk to get the weasley into the riddle house, but hopefully it would be worth the effort. Hopeully they would find the house, and the girl inside.Destroying annie was worth all this trouble.nd maybe if they were skillful about it, ron and snape would find out why.
he smirked a little. "i don't know... i have no doubt that Niabi is enjoying screwing with Dumbledore." he admitted smirking a little as he watched her. "and they might hex me, but their harmless Hexes for the most part... Voldemort and Finnick will NOT use innocent hexes." he complained smiling a little. "besides, you DID seduce me." he complained affectionately.

Niabi whimpered a little as he was settled into a chair, his eyes flicking to all the strange people, Bill lifting an eyebrow at the boy before examining Ron. "as long as he was there..." "Sir?" Ron asked hesitantly. "am... am i in trouble?" "no, Ron, your not in trouble." Snape promised patting the boys shoulder, shooting Bill a dark glare. "i can't beleive you would do this to your own brother... he can't even remember his own name most of the time." Bill shrugged. "he wasn't doing anything constructive." he stated simply. "he's a worthless thing anyway, all he douse is lounge about and take up space." Ron blinked at bill, looking confused an a little baffled. "do i know you?" "no." Bill stated, running his hands over Ron before grabbing something firmly in thin air, invisible, but there. "i have it... now to find out where he's been." Bill muttered Ron frowning a little. "...did you say i was worthless?" he complained Bill snorting. "yes, yes did, now shut up you brat." he ordered calmly, Snape glaring furiously at Bill, and so was Niabi, for the first time since Dumbledore had set eyes on the boy, Niabi looked like the Assassin he was. Cold, furious, wanting to kill. but he didn't move, he didn't attack Bill even though he wanted to, and he said nothing as the man vanished. "i'm not Worthless!" Ron complained, his voice holding a thread of Anxiety.
Annie smirked,"I'm sure he is.Even if finnick wants him to come home. Finn's probably pissed he cant help more."she said before starting to laugh, kissing him slowly,"I did, and they wouldn't. Should I be worrying about your father or mother hexing me for seducing you?"She teased.

Dumbledore sighed softly,"No, no you are not worthless."Dumbledore said patting ron on the arm, proud of the boy for finally doing something useful even if it wouldn't get them in the wards, they would know where the dark side was working from, and would be able to spy on who came and went.Looking at snape he sighed softly, looking at the two teenagers."What should we do with them now?"He said looking t snape, because he knew wht he wanted to do, kill them both now that they'd outlived their usefullness, but he trusted his potions master, trusted him to find the best course of actions in dealing with unwanted people.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i think Finnicks just pissed that he's not the person who's there." he admitted smiling a little at her. "nah, they know i was willingly seduced." he promised smiling at her as he kissed her forehead. "their just happy that you return my feelings..." he admitted remembering faintly a five, ten, and fifteen year old full blown temper tantrum because someone he had a crush on hadn't returned his feelings.

"do with them!?" Snape demanded, actually angry at Dumbledore. "Ron should go into protection because his brother is a psychopath! Niabi can't stand to be more than five feet away from you because you can't control your students! and you want to know what should be DONE with them!?" he demanded drawing his wand, freezing as Niabi suddenly moved, a knife at Snape's throat, another at the others groin, Snape so frozen in horror that he didn't know what to do. "easy Niabi... i was only going to cast a silencing charm... that's all..." he muttered, panicked, Niabi hesitating, turning his gaze to Dumbledore, waiting for permission to release Snape who took a moment to calm his temper.

"...i think we might have found a use for Niabi however..." Snape muttered, swallowing thickly. "he's very protective... he won't let anyone hurt you at least.." Snape muttered, sitting back down once Niabi released him. "he would make a wonderful bodyguard... and if we can fix him a little you might even be able to send him on simpler assassin missions... lesser death eaters maybe, people who won't be clever or strong enough to use magic on him... pick at the Dark Lords ranks..." he studied Ron for a moment, thinking more calmly. "...Ron should be sent away. he can't remember anything, we'll modify his memory again and send him to another country to fend for himself. he's a smart boy..." Ron looked stunned, afraid. "y..your sending me away!? i thought you said i wasn't in trouble!?"
"Finnick's pissed he cant be with niabi."nnie said laughing softly, giggling at the memory."I remember you exploding over that. Finnick wouldn't shut up for a week after you turned his hair pink for telling you that girl didn't want you."she said smiling a little as she nuzzled him.

Dumbledore looked startled at the sudden yelling, frowning at snape's anger before looking even more startled at niabi's defense. Smiling slightly as he nodded."Yes, he would be very good being a bodyguard."He said looking thoughtful and wondering what he could do before nodding."Release him niabi."He said gently before looking at ron, wincing a little."You aren't in trouble ron, but you cannot stay here. You might not be the safest here, and I want you to be safe. Which means sending you away from yoour own protection."
Draco smirked a little and nodded. "and then i threw another temper tantrum and turned it that shade of red that Gryffindor's use when it turned out he was right." he admitted with a small snicker as he kissed her forehead. "i never did handle rejection well..." he mused smiling a little as he watched her. "but... then, i've never loved someone as deeply as i love you before either." he admitted smiling at her.

Snape sighed in relief as he rubbed his neck as Niabi hesitant released him, his pale, boney hand coming away smeared with red from where Niabi had nicked him. Ron looked scared as Snape set a hand on the boys shoulder. "i..i don't understa..." he paused and went glossy eyed and slack jawed as Snape carefully obliviated all of his memory, the potions master sighing a little. "i will take him to a safe place, and get him a new identity." Snape muttered softly as he glanced at Niabi. "i'd suggest finding out just how dangerous he can be Dumbledore, you don't want him killing, or raping students." he muttered before vanishing. Niabi turned to Dumbledore, his head tilted a little at the other. "..you want me to kill a student?" he asked, blinking slowly. in his completely broken state, Niabi seamed to have gotten rid of all emotions, and focused only on his job...of which he had made Dumbledore the boss.
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