Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Finnick tilted his head, looking thoughtful."Don't worry.I'm coming back with them."He said smiling slightly as he went in search for niabi and annie, wincing a little as the girl ditched him in her excitement for someone else to take care of.Rolling his eyes as he walked into the dungeon."Niabi!We have somewhere else to be."he called wincing at the overpowering scent of blood.

Annie bounded into the room, pausing to look at sirius, frowning at him."You look like finn."She said before frowning harder."What did you do to finnick?He was upset."She growled looking worried, ebcause she didn't know what to think about this man who'd obviously upset her usually calm brother
Sirius grimaced a little but nodded. Wraith was awake when Finnick got Annie and he chuckled as he was abandoned, promising Finnick that he was going to be alright. Niabi came up from the dungeon, his hands so soaked in blood he looked like he'd dipped them in red paint, but he looked so much calmer. "we do?" he asked, staring at Finnick, his emerald eyes almost as emotionless as Wraith's where... but his was a mask, you could see the emotions laying just under the surface.

Sirius looked up at Annie and he smiled a little and nodded. "i know i look like Finn.." he admitted softly. "you must be Annie? Finn said you where going to be here..." he admitted softly looking down at his hands before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wand, looking at it before handing it over to her. "here..." he muttered. "i forgot i had it..." he admitted. "i usually leave it in my bedroom, i rarely have any use for it anymore."
"We do.The utt's in my office, and I sent annie to stand guard.By the time we get up there, he'll be glad to have you there."He said snickering because annie was so going to talk his supposed father's ear off."And we have to stop and get voldemort to."he said sounding slightly anxious, needing to talk to the man who raised him.

Annie nodded,"I take care of everyone in the house."She said taking his wand,tucking it behind her ear with a carelessness that said she usually didn't use a wand."Do you need anything?"She asked looking worried because it wasn't often she was allowed alone with people that were prisoners, so she wasn't sure why Finnick had demanded that she be in the room.
Niabi hissed furiously. "you did WHAT!?" he demanded grabbing Finnick. "are you INSANE!?" he demanded turning and racing for the stairs, following Annie's signature up tot he room, fearful of what Sirius might have been doing to her. "what was that about?" Voldemort and Draco both chorused coming up behind Finnick from the basement, both of them having been getting the girls and Arthur settled comfortably, and of course they'd been helping Niabi with the torture.

Sirius smiled a little. "you should probobly be a little careful with that, it's got a hair trigger, i've set my rear on fire a time or two." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i don't need anything no." he promised jumping when the door slammed open, and Niabi stood there, a snarl on his lips, pausing, confused when he saw Sirius just sitting there. "... don't move." he ordered with a snarl, quickly lashing Sirius to the chair with ropes he summoned out of nowhere, tying his hands tightly to the chair before binding his chest to it too, Sirius watching calmly, not even struggling as Niabi did the same to his ankles. "stupid... son of a bitch..." Niabi snarled, annoyed that Finnick was so stupid to leave a prisoner armed and unbound under the care of a delusional nineteen year old.
"Annie's spending time with the mutt. I know I know, but she would have been pissed if we hadn't let her help and sirius is oddly enough, not fighint."He said rolloing his eyes a little as they headed upstairs, getting out of the wy because he knew the two were going to be in a hurry to get to annie. Unlike them, he tried not to coddle her when he didn't have to, because she needed the moments of clarity.

Annie looked startled eyes widening as she looked at niabi, tears misting her eyes as she tried to figure out what she'd done wrong."Ni?What happened?I was just helping him."She said sniffling a little because she didn't understand what had happened to upset him, only knew that he was.
Voldemort snarled a little, his lips lifting into a furious scowl. "you brought that fucker HERE!?" he demanded before taking a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, swallowing thickly as he forced himself to calm down as Draco raced upstairs. "Finnick... you may have just done, a very bad thing." Voldemort stated, staring at his 'son'. "but i don't think you even know what's going on do you?" he asked, staring at the other. suddenly it was obvious that Sirius was telling the truth, Finnick was his son, and Voldemort had known it all along.

Niabi paused, looking at Annie, and he forced himself to calm own, straightening up he kissed her on the forehead. "it's alright Annie... i'm not mad at you, never at you." he promised softly, smiling grimly at her. "i just... found out some things i wasn't ready to know... that's all." Niabi admitted smiling at her, scowling at Sirius. "and i just want to make sure he can't cause any problems. you can take care of him, just don't untie him." he ordered kissing her forehead as Draco rushed into the room, relaxing as he realized that Annie was fine. "Niabi, shouldn't you bathe?" the Assasin paused and blinked at his red hands before shrugging. "i'm going to get messy again anyway."
Finnick looked startled at voldemort's reaction, cringing a little as he stepped a few steps away from the man he usually wasn't nervous around."He's dumbledore's ally. I thought if anyone knew who killed potter's parents, he would."he said slwly before frowning, shuddering a little."...you mean its true?He said...but..."he said looking so conused and devasted. Having long hoped that his mother had had a affair with voldemort and had his son, instead of bbeing just his adopted son.

Annie snifled a little looking unsure, "Oh.Like when pansy told me draco had a girlfriend?That kind of bad news?"She said frowning at him.Looking worried because she didn't understand what had upset him, and she wanted to make him feel better."I wont untie him.I'll feed him."She nodded before looking startled at the two, shifting to lean against draco's chest, before pointing towards the door."Go clean up.You cannot talk in a civil manor if you are bloody."
Voldemort sighed as he shook his head. "i know who killed Potters family Finnick..." he admitted softly. "Snape was there to witness the deed..." he admitted softly. "he had to watch the woman he loved murdered by that oaf Hagrid..." he admitted simply sighing a little as he looked away from Finnick, shame on his face. "yes... it is true..." he admitted softly. "he is your father..." he admitted closing his eyes. "i should have told you before now... but i was..." he had been afraid. Finnick was the only thing in this world besides Annie that he truly cared about. he had been afraid that Finnick would leave him to go to Sirius.

Niabi smiled a little, shaking his head. "no... not quite like that love... it's... more the bad news of finding out that your never going... to see a dream come true." he admitted kissing her forehead, Sirius grimacing a little. "i'm not hungry..." Sirius complained, biting his lip a little as he studied Niabi's bloody hands. the boy just sighed and left to clean up, Draco gently kissing Annie's forehead. "..Niabi is upset because he found out... that his blood parents are dead." he explained softly to Annie. "he's upset because he'll never get to meat the two people who loved him the most in this world." he admitted smiling at her. "he'll be alright... he just needs to calm down a little. we have to show him we love him too, that's all."
Finnick frowned sighing softly."You couldn't tell me that before I kidnapped the mutt?I could have lived happily with never knowing."he muttered annoyed with his father, because he'd be damned if he ever said that his father was the hair brained mutt. Sighing as he ran his fingers through his hair because he had no idea what to say, he was hurt and angry, and annyed because Voldemort hadn't warned him."Come on. We better go take care of the mutt, and stop annie from mothering him to death."He grumbled heading up the stairs.

Annie frowned watching him go, before looking up at draco."oh.Well, he can have papa to. Papa's lovable, and very kin. He can love Niabi to.And finnick."she churped sounding happy with her explaination, sighing softly as she rested against draco."We should go get food. You haven't eaten yet."She said starting to fuss over her 'boyfriend'
Voldemort shook his head. "how could i have known you planned on doing this? i was going to go and get Hagrid myself for Niabi." he admitted sighing a little. "your right though, we will have to deal with Sirius..." he looked at his son. "... normally i would simply say kill him." he admitted his lips thinning. "but i do not know why your mother left him... i will leave dealing with him, completely up to you." he promised. "whether he is dangerous or not, i do not know. over the last year, he suddenly stopped doing most of the more... distasteful missions." he admitted scowling a little. "i do not know what to think of him anymore." he admitted simply, sighing a little as he followed Finnick lifting an eyebrow at Annie's words. "loveable am i?" he demanded, eyes looking vaguely annoyed and amused as he always did when Annie lathered him with affection. it was a look she was well used to. he turned red eyes to Sirius who had gone as pale as death as he stared, petrified at the Dark Lord. "right now, Dog, the only reason you are not dead or in the dungeons, is the fact that you have, as of yet, not harmed someone in my family. keep it that way, and i will leave your fate in Finnick's hands." he growled, staring imperiously at the dog who could only manage a squeak, Voldemort stalking off as Draco smiled at Annie. "alright, we'll go get some food." he agreed glancing at Finnick, offering him a squeeze of the shoulder before leaving with Annie to the kitchens.
Finnick frowned at his ather,"I don't want to deal with him.Just tell me to kill him."He grumbled disliking that he had to decide what to do with his biological father. Snickering a little at annie's words, amused at voldemort's look. "You are. You are cuddly and a wonderful papa."Annie stated, her words even more disturbing than normal when referring to him at sirius's terrifie look. finnick turned his head watching his sister and draco leave before looking at sirius frowning a little. Wondering if he could goad the man into attacking him or annie, goad him enough voldemort would take care of it."Why have you stopped doing missions?"He asked after a long moment.
Voldemort stared at Finnick. "you brought him here." he growled before sighing a little. "i don't know what to do with him." he growled, glaring at Sirius who winced a little looking utterly panicked as he watched the interaction between Annie and Voldemort, Voldemort scowling at her. "Annie! don't ruin my reputation in front of prisoners!" he complained, almost whining at her, well aware if he was actually stern at her she'd cry, Draco struggling not to snicker as Sirius gaped at them, his eyes wide, horrified by what he was witnessing. for a moment he didn't seam to realize that Finnick had asked him something and he finally took a breath of air, shaking his head. "i'm old Finnick..." Sirius managed to stutter. "i'm tired..." he shook his head again. "Dumbledore won't let me retire either... it's serve or die... so, i hide in my house like the good little coward i am." he grumbled shaking his head again.
Finnick frowned."You could have told me before!I wouldn't have brought him here."He said scowling, snickering when he saw sirius face at the interaction."Don't worry, you're reputation is already ruined with us."He said snickering shaking his head thoughtful as he watched the two leave before looking at sirius again."Well, then you could hide in this house, being a coward, and have to suffer Annie's never ending happiness. After all, it's the light's side fault she's insane, one of you should suffer for it."
Sirius was still staring at them, wide eyed and almost horrified as he grimaced. "i i'm staying here... do i have to stay tied up the entire time?" he demanded, sulking a little. "i'm going to have to go to the bathroom at some point..." he complained, blinking as Voldemort smirked darkly. "be glad your not in the dungeon with the Weasley brat, her father, and that mudblood." "what's mudblood?" Niabi asked coming up to them, clean once more as he dried his hands, studying the dog who swallowed thickly. "dirty blooded, muggle born." "... so it's an insult?" "yes." Niabi punched Voldemort hard in the back, the Dark lord wincing, staggering, but managed to stay upright. "i happen to be muggle raised thank you very much. don't insult my people." Voldemort snarled furiously, his eyes flashing with rage and before anyone knew what was happening, he had Niabi on the floor, screaming and convulsing under a crucio. "don't you EVER strike me!" Voldemort snarled, Niabi whimpering as the Crucio lifted, Sirius nearly wetting himself in the face of Voldemort's wrath, an Niabi's strength as the boy groaned, but got to his feet. "fucking hell, your goddamn insane..." he complained Voldemort snarling before slamming the door shut, leaving Niabi and Sirius alone in the room, Niabi groaning as he rubbed his face. "ok... Memo to self... don't punish Dark Lords..."
"...No, I guess we could let you free."Finnick said sighing a little as he waved a hand to get rid of the ropes.Finnick snickered a little when the dark lord got punched, glancing over at niabi."We're insulting when the bitch deserves i-"He sstared when when the torture started but didn't try to stop it. Shickering a little a he nodded."He is insane, I could have told you that."He pointed out before rolling his eyes."Consider yourself lucky annie's not here. she's partial to knives when someone hurts father."he said rollign his eyes as he pushed away from teh wall."Come on You need to sit down and annie probably has dinner done.And then I have to go introuduce ehr to our other prisoners."
Sirius rubbed his wrists when the ropes vanished, the ropes having dug into his skin despite not struggling. Niabi hadn't been taking any chances that was for sure. Niabi shook his head as he blinked at Finnick. "i'd complain about you not trying to stop me, but really that was just a lapse in judgment... forgot he was dangerous." he admitted settling into the chair that Sirius had abandoned, the man's eyes wide, astonished. "how are you walking after that!?" Sirius demanded, breathless with astonishment. "most Wizards can't even move after a Crucio like that..." "one, i'm no ordinary Wizard. two, i'm an assassin, i've been trained to withstand pain, all pain." Niabi admitted simply, his eyes closed. "and you, dog." he growled staring at Sirius. "you will be confined to your room, unless accompanied by Finnick, me, or the Dark Lord.... maybe Draco if i decide he's smart enough." "...yessir.." Sirius muttered, clearly as terrified of Niabi as he was of Voldemort. he wasn't about to cause problems. not yet anyway.
"Even if I'd known what you were doing, I probably wouldn't have. Some lessons need to be taught."He said snickering, amused at the two's conversation, snickering ever so slightly as he headed downstairs.

"Finn!I have food!Do you want some?"Annie chirped, and the cake she was holding.... those were skittles pushedi nto the icing. Yes, niabi had done a bad thing into introuducing the girl to skittles.
Niabi rolled his eyes. "shut up Finnick." he ordered simply. "i certainly won't be hitting him again." Niabi agreed chuckling a little as he followed Finnick down the stairs, laughing as he saw the skittles pressed into the Cake, Sirius looking amazed. "what are those little round things?" he asked, sniffing at the cake as if he was in his dog form, his head tilted a little. "skittles. it's a muggle thing." Draco admitted following after Annie, looking amused. "she's addicted." "just wait until i introduce her to Gummy worms." Niabi teased smirking as he pulled a bag of them out of his pocket, opening the bag and pulling one out, slipping it into his mouth, leaving a little bit hanging out as he pulled it back out of his mouth, sucking it back in, playing with it with a wicked little grin, offering Annie, Finnick, and Draco the bag, Sirius snatching a single gummy worm to sniff at it before popping it into his mouth, his eyes widening. "... my GOD you can't give her those! their pure SUGAR!" "duh... that's what Skittles are too." he taunted, Sirius's eye twitching. "...your trying to kill us all through her, aren't you?" he asked Niabi smirking as he nodded. "of course!"
annie's eyes widened, looking at niabi in horror."Worms?!No, I don't want worms!"She said shaking her head before looking at the worms supiciously as he showed them to her, pulling the cake closer to her as finnick stole one to. "Annie, they're good."Her brother promised as he ate it. Annie frowned pouting a little, shaking her head."No,no I don't kill people."She said frowning as she leaned against draco's chest, looking upset at the idea of eating worms. Even if Finnick reassured her they were okay.
Niabi laughed as he shook his head a little. "their not REAL worms Annie!" he promised smiling as he showed her. "their gelatin in the SHAPE of worms, see?" he asked smiling at her as he set it in her hand. "it's sugar." he promised smiling at her. "just like the Skittles." he promised, ignoring Sirius as the man plucked Skittles off of the cake and chewed on them thoughtfully. "and this is Muggle food?" Sirius asked, looking amazed. "damn, those guys are brilliant!" he admitted smirking a little before shrieking in fear as something cold and sharp settled along his back, the Dog leaping out of the way, cowering behind Annie as Wraith laughed, his strength mostly recovered... or he was hiding his weakness very well. "Jumpy little Fellow isn't he?" Wraith asked smirking wickedly as Sirius stared at him. "...couldn't you guys just have killed me?" he whined at Niabi who shrugged. "Finn would have been mad at me. considering i'm trying to get him into my bed, i don't think that's a good idea." he admitted smirking. "besides, i enjoy seeing you piss your pants." "i didn't!" Sirius protested, scowling a little.
Annie still looked unsure as she stared at the worm in her fingers,"You eat it."She said raising it to draco's mouth. Knowing that if her prissy, demanding....boyfriend-not that she understood the concept of dating,- ate it it was really okay to eat. "Well anyone's smarter then you, black."Finnick said rolling his eyes snickering as sirius moved, making annie jump. Annie whine moving around to hide between draco and finnick."Don't use her as protection.She wont like it."Finnick said snickering as he looked at his father beore looking at niabi."And why would I get mad?And why are you determined to get in my pants?"He said thoughtul."Bad puppy!You're not in the bathroom."Annie whined batting sirius on the shoulder
Draco hesitated, studying the green and yellow worm, grimacing a little before settling it carefully onto his tongue, hesitating, pausing, then chewing it gingerly as if afraid it was going to be gross, then his distasteful expression cleared into amazement. "...it tastes... fruity." he stated, astonished. "it's good..." he admitted blinking a little reaching for another one, Niabi chuckling a little as he offered Annie another one with a shake of his head as he smirked at Finnick. "your the only person who's not afraid of me, isn't straight, and isn't a girl." he stated simply. "your my only option." he teased smirking a little as Sirius whined. "but i DIDN'T!!" he protested stepping out into the open, indicating his crotch. "See! no wetness! i DIDN'T!" he grumbled, sulking a little as Niabi shook his head. "i suppose i could always fuck Sirius." Sirius went pale, paler than even before. "i..i'm straight! i..i'd rather fuck BELLATRIX!" "...who?" well Niabi didn't know who it was but the others understood how deep Sirius's need to not lay with another man for that comment.
"Oh."Annie said smiling as she watched draco before starting to eat the worms as she watched the scene going on in front of them."Are you sure I'm not straight?After all, annie's very pretty over here, and not my sister really..." "What?I'm not your sister?"Annie said looking up wide eyed, whimpering softly before swallowing hard looking up at draco,poking his shoulder."Draco!Finn doesn't want me anymore." "I didn't mean it annie. I was teasing niabi."Finnick muttered sounding upset that he'd hurt her, gently stroking her hair as he snickered at sirius's reaction to that."think annie....on a insane and violent stage....actually, she might be appealling to you niabi."Finnick said nsickering as he thought about it. Because bellatrix so didn't fit anyone, but he so would enjoy the thought of the insane woman meeting him, since she spent most of her death eater meetings trying to get into his pants.
Draco glared at Finnick and wrapped his arms around Annie, kissing her forehead and stroking her hair, glaring at Finnick for DARING to suggest such a thing. "he wants you Annie, he was only trying to mess with Niabi that's all." Draco promised her, smiling at her. "but you and Finnick both know better don't you." he asked smirking at her as he kissed her forehead again as Niabi pondered that. "she might actually." Niabi admitted. "if she where a man... i don't like ladies..." he admitted smiling at Annie. "well, except Annie, she's a lovely wonderful woman, no one could not like her!" he admitted before she got hurt again, pondering before shrugging. "she might be fun to torture though..." he mused shaking his head. "i need to go talk to Voldemort anyway, find out about Dumblefuck.." Sirius winced a little, looking at Niabi. "...why do you hate Dumbledore so much? i can understand them." he indicated Annie and Finnick and Draco. "but why you?" Niabi turned fury filled eyes to Sirius who cringed, cowering under Niabi's gaze. "... you will stay out of my way Dog, or i'll put you down, no matter Finnick's feelings." "y..yessir..." and with that, Niabi swept away, Sirius sighing in relief. "...everyone here is so damn angry and scary..."
Finnick glared back,sighing softly as he leaned over to kiss Annie's head, "I didn't mean it."He muttered watching her think about it.Snickering a little when annie blushed at niabi's praise."I am wonderful aren't I?But Butterscotch is prettier."She mused.Finnick snorted a little, "because he's a bastard, and we get off and causing mayhem, and dumbledore sent him here to kill us. And instead be became our prisioner. Its enough to cause anger."He said snickering a little, before rolling his eyes."not so much, we just don't like you."Finnick said lookign at the mutt, before looking at draco and annie."You two are needed downstairs. Voldemort has some people for you to talk to."He said smirking, because while he knew draco didn't know about the emotional distress the she-weasel and mudblood had inflicted on his girlfriend, he knew that the minute draco figured it out, the pain the two would go through would be distressing and deadly.
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