Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Annie smiled grinning at him because he enjoyed the idea of sweets, a smile dimpling her cheek as she followed him downstairs, digging in the fridge to get a slice of cake, smiling as she sat at the table holding out a fork for him to."Come on.Its unhealthy enough."She teased grinning a little.

Finnick paled, swallowing hard at the idea, shivering as he thought about that."We do."he said swallowing as he considered what they were going to have to do."We'll discuss it with father in the morning.Now. We have somewhere to be."He said levitating the bodies, reaching out to niabi."Come.let's go see our favorite headmaster."He said snickering.
he smiled a little as he chuckled a little as he accepted his fork, letting her devour most of the cake, just happy to be spending time with her. "you know, we should raid Niabi's room for sweets instead, he might have more of those Skittles..." Draco would never admit it... but he wanted the damn sweet little balls. he was so totally addicted.

Niabi nodded a little and smirked a little as he watched the other levitate the bodies, his head tilted a little as he licked his lips, taking the others arm, elbow to elbow, snickering a little as they apparated, shuddering a little as he looked around at all of the students, the mugglebors freezing at all of the guns on Niabi, the rest of them gasping as they saw the slaughtered bodies of Crabbe and Goyle, Niabi smirking as he blew a kiss to a group of Slytherins, flirting with them as they shrieked in terror and fled to get to Dumbledore, screaming about mass murderers in the hallways.
Annie perked up at that, her eyes widening as she looked over at him."You think he does?Would he be mad if we had some more?"She asked fairly bouncing in her seat as she looked over at the man sitting next to her.

Finn smirked as they made their way into the dining hall, raising his wand in salute to the headmaster starting to raise from his seat."Now, Finn-" "No. now you will listen to me. These men crossed a line that is to never be rossed again."Finnick said tilting his head towards niabi."She will always have guards now.And this is her personal bodyguard Niabi. I would not like to be the man who caused Annie Riddle's rape if I had to deal with him."
Draco hesitated a moment and then. "well... maybe we'd better get his permission first... he wouldn't hurt you, he likes you but i'm pretty sure he'd punish me for invading his space..." he admitted biting his lip a little. "we could always go ask Blaise to go and get some from the muggle world." Blaise often went into the muggle world, to keep an eye on muggle politics, he was going to be one of the first purebloods to 'infiltrate' the muggle world, getting a place of power to corrupt and control the muggle masses.

Niabi smirked darkly at Voldemort, a hand on his gun. "these men where lucky." he growled suddenly, his eyes narrowed. "i let others have them... had i had my way, they would still be tortured." he admitted simply. "did you know that you can skin a man alive Dumbledore? without them dying? it can be done." well, it could be done with magic. "maybe i'll show you with the next sick bastard you sen to rape the woman i protect? i'll send you your men fleshless, still alive, still screaming." he purred, his eyes narrowed, delighted. "the only mercy to kill them." he stated. "i do not do simple deaths.." he pulled his gun suddenly, aiming it at a red headed girl who had risen, about to strike at him with her wand. "now now little girl... would you like to see if a bullet can kill you?... do you even know what a bullet is? let me show you." he turned, aimed down his sight, and shot, shooting the teacher on Dumbledore's left, another Defense against the Dark Art's teacher, young and strong, in the arm. the man, of course, started screaming furiously, pained he dropped right then and there to the ground, screaming furiously that it burned, the entire hall completely silent as Niabi smirked at Dumbledore. "and he never even did anything." he stated tucking his gun away now that his message was made. "hurt Niabi again, and i'll show you just how cruel a human being can be."
Annie bit her lip looking at him, before smiling nodding as she bounded up out of her chair."We'll go ask blaise."She said laughing as she bounded dout o the room, ignoring that it was nearly midnight, walking into the itlaian's room, the death eaters residing in riddle manor were long used to her insesible sense of privacy, she didn't understand it, didn't get the sense of having one's own space, of course, unless her's was invaded."Blaise!I want skittles."She demanded standing at the end of his bed,giggling a little when she realized daphne greenglass was sleepng next to him.

umbledore stared, pale as he healed the teacher's arm, nodding slightly."The message has been delivered,but to the wrong person...niabi.I did not know of their actions,but I will see that my men know that such actions are not condoned."He said looking thoughtful, as if trying to decide what to do.Finnick sighed looking around the room,growling at them as the whispers started."We will not tolerate someone harming her."he said before looking at niabi."Ready to go?"
Draco chuckled a little and nodded as he followed the girl to Blaise's room, the dark skinned man groaning as his door was smacked open, looking up at Annie, blinking slowly as he sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes as he clutched his sheets. "annie turn around." he ordered. "and close your eyes." he demanded. once he was certain she wouldn't see anything he slid, nake, out of be and gathered his clothes, well aware that saying no, or complaining would only piss her, and Draco, and Voldemort off, probobly finnick and that scary fucker Niabi. so he got dressed, vanished with a pop, and returned a minute later with almost twenty bags of skittles which he shoved into Draco's hands, the bond snickering as Blaise got back into bed, and went right back to sleep.

Niabi smirked viciously at Dumbledore. "they are YOUR people Dumbles." he growled. "your not much of a leader if your letting people rape little girls." he snarled before pausing, smirking at the old goat. "oh, and tell Arthur Weasley that Shadowbane sends his greetings." he ordered before taking Finnicks hand and letting them both vanish, leaving with that parting remark. Arthur had told Dumbeldore about Niabi of course, so the man would know exactly who he was talking about. he grinned, pleased with himself as they returned to Riddle Mannor. "aaah did you see how TERRIFIED that old bastard was?" he asked smirking almost darkly. "i am so very pleased."
Annie smiled happily as ue gave her the skittles, kissing his cheek before leaving with draco, holding out a bag towards him, holding her cache of skittles, her chin sitting on top o the pile."Now lets go to bed.We'll eat in bed."She said happily, because she was enjoying breaking the rules tonight.She knew they shouldnt be eating in bed,but she knew things would be forgiven today.Grinning as she climbed up under the covers,snuggling down into draco's bed as she ate.

Finnick smirked as they left, looking amused as he paused on the stairs, smirking a little as he watched draco and annie pass the top of the stairs."I think annie and raco are pleased to."He said snickering because of all the skittles the two were carrying."Well.We should all get some sleep."He said running his fingers through his hair heading up the stairs.
Draco laughed as he watched her carry the stash, shaking his head a little as he hesitated about eating in his bed. it wasn't that it was against Tom's rules, Draco just couldn't stand the thought of crumbs in his bed. but he consented, it was Annie and skittles didn't have crumbs, it would be alright. he grinned as he helped her dump the skittles across the bed, winking at Niabi and Finnick as they walked past, helping Annie tuck herself into bed, settling on top of the covers to enjoy his treats, groaning happily at the taste.

Niabi chuckled a little and shook his head. "i'd run up there and bitch about Draco being in my room, but i didn't have that many skittles." he admitted grinning wickedly. "i think i might have addicted butterscotch to Skittles." he admitted, pleased by that as well as he stretched. "goodnight Finnick." he smirked a little. "am i still doing a battle Royal tomorrow or did i prove myself tonight?" he asked smirking a little.
Annie smiled as she stuffed herself with skittles, before laying down and closing her eyes,content to go to sleep now.

Finnick grinned looking amused at the idea of draco going out or skittles because he was addicted.Smirking a little as he headed towards his bedroom."No,I'm sure you've proven yourself.Goodnight."he said looking amused as he disappeared into his room.Wondering what interesting things tomorrow was going to bring
in the morning Voldemort was sitting at the kitchen table, as he always was, Lucius and Narcissa both sitting at the table with him, drinking their beverages, Coffee for Tom, hot Tea for Lucius. by that time Finnick would be up for breakfast as well, and so was Annie, Draco was there but he probobly wasn't all awake, he took a long time to wake up. Niabi came in, looking sleepy as he yawned. "there's a dead thing in my room that needs taking care of." he complained. no one would have heard the three gunshots in the middle of the night, but Goyle SR was laying dead on Niabi's floor, two bullets through his heart and one through his head. "...what did you kill?" Lucius asked curiously, lifting an eyebrow at the boy who shrugged. "i dunno, said something about avenging his son and rushed me, stupid man." he grumbled shaking his head. "it's too early for this shit... don't people know it's unhealthy to kill before noon?" he whined, settling into a chair, his long as hell braid wrapped around his shoulders as he reached over and stole Voldemort's coffee, taking a sniff of it before taking a sip, shrieking as Voldemort cut his hand with a wordless, wandless spell, catching it as Niabi dropped it and replacing it in front of his own plate. "possessive MUCH!?" Niabi complained, sulking as he licked the wound until it stopped bleeding.
Finnick raised a eyebrow looking amused to know that goyle had rushed a man who'd killed easily enough. Frowning slightly."But you're not the one who klled him.Anyways..."Finnick snickered a little as he summoned a house elf and ordered it to take care of the body before looking at niabi again."Well, I don't think anyone will be bothering you again."He said snickering as voldemort cut niabi, smirking a little."No one drinks his coffee. Not even annie." "I don't like coffee."Annie frowned looking at him, as if trying to figure out why she would even try if she didn't like it.
he shrugged. "but i'm still the one who tortured, helped torture, and in the end caused his death... i guess." Niabi admitted blandly, too tired to put emotions in his voice, he blinked slowly and shrugged his shoulder. "i'm sure he won't be the last guy to try and kill me." he admitted simply before sulking at Voldemort who ignored them all and took a drink of his coffee, Niabi asking for a cup, black, from the house elves. "well if Annie can't even get away with it i guess i don't feel so badly about it then." Niabi admitted taking a drink of his own cup of Coffee. "the twins are coming over today." Voldemort admitted simply. "they have interesting information for us." he admitted simply as he turned a page of his newspaper. "something about a strange new boy who caused damage to a teacher in Hogwarts." he admitted flashing an amused glance in Niabi's direction, who didn't react. "and how Dumbledore's plans for his world domination has changed..." "What!?" Draco asked, shocked, Voldemort nodding. "apparently, Dumbledore is looking for an assassin capable, and willing to kill Niabi and the twins think he may have found one. their coming over as soon as they get a name, so that we can get to the person first." "no one would be willing to hunt me." Niabi stated simply as he sipped at his own coffee. "Dimbles is foolish for trying."
"Hey, dumbledork threatened us first. We tried not to cause more harm then nescarry"Finnick said snickering a little, because it amused him that they'd made the paper.Before stuttering a little, looking shocked at the idea before smirking, raising a eyebrow as he considered what it meant that someone was hunting niabi."Well.You know, if he focuses on killing niabi, then we have a opening to control things he's letting slip."He said thoughtfully. Narcissa tilted her head thinking about it before sighing as she took the paper to read."You two had to much fun causing havoc at school." "So?"Finnick said looking aused
Niabi shrugged. "i don't care who started it." he stated simply. "all i know is who's paying me more." he admitted with a smirk to show he was joking. Niabi felt a kinship to these people that he'd never felt before, save for Shadowwraith, as if they where his...freinds. "if he focuses on killing me then he's also wasting time." he agreed. "and loosing focus, i'm a threat to him and his plans and until i'm out of the way then he won't be able to focus on his own missions and whatnot." he agreed smirking a little as he shook his head glancing at Narcissa. "it's my job to cause panic and havoc." he purred smirking a little as he gasped, tearing the paper out of her hands, gaping. "...the people MOVE!!!!" he cried out in astonishment, his eyes wide as he prodded the paper, looking astonished. "that is so cool! how do you do that?!" he demanded, flipping through the pages, trying to find the electronics, or whatever it was that made the people move.
"Well good. Causing panic would be good."He said looking amused before snickering at niabi's fascination with the picture, smirking a little."Its how the photograph's developed, with magic.Its not like your muggle pictures."He said looking amused. Annie giggled as she looked over at niaibi, leaning closer to him."You dont have moving pictures?How could you not have moving pictures."She said looking conused as she looked at the assassin.
Niabi stared at the moving pictures, all of them laughing as they waved at him, his head tilted a little as Finnick explained how muggle and wizarding pictures where different. "well, we have a few 'moving' pictures but not on paper." he admitted shaking his head. "there's an astonishingly complicated process in getting a picture to move in my world, and it's rather expensive." he admitted as he explained television and cable to her as best as he could. it wasn't one of those things that where easily explained, especially when he wasn't one hundred percent certain how it worked. "how can you not understand how your own technology works?" Draco asked lifting an eyebrow, Harry lifting an eyebrow. "i dunno... how about you explain how magic works?" he demanded, Draco opening his mouth, and then flushing as he realized he couldn't, and grumbled before going back to his breakfast, Niabi snorting before tensing as two POP's filled the air in the Apparation area, the Twins had arrived, in their usual disguises. no one knew who 'the twins' where except for Voldemort, Niabi, Finnick, and now Niabi. 'the twins' was simply what they where called, and they where disguised head to toe so no other Death Eater would recognize them. the ultimate spies, because no one else knew who they where. "Lucius, Narcissa, Draco, you have a good morning." Voldemort ordered as he stood, the malfoy's long used to him refusing to let them see who 'the twins' really where. Niabi stood as he was motioned to follow, since it did concern him.

they where waiting in the meeting room, long black cloaks hid their entire bodies, completely concealing them. even their hands where covered in black gloves, hoods hid their hair, and should the hood fall out of place black ski hoods covered their hair as well. identical masks hid their faces, the creepy white masks where the only way to tell them apart, one done in red, the other done in blue. the masks gave Niabi the shivers, and he followed Voldemort's lead, the Dark Lord settling into his throne, Niabi settling into his chair at Finnicks side, Voldemort's ruby eyes staring at 'the twins'. "you have the information?" he asked, his eyes narrowed as they both nodded. they never spoke in the halls of the Dark Lords manor, in fact no one in the Dark Lords service had ever heard them speak, save for the aforementioned people. they handed Voldemort a small slip of paper, and his eyebrows raised before handing it to Niabi, who started to laugh. and laugh, and laugh, the Masks staring at him as he just kept on laughing and finally handed the piece of paper to Finnick, in the twins neat handwriting was 'Shadowwraith, Muggle'. those idiots where trying to hire his own father to kill him.
Finnick stared before starting to snicker. As disturbing as he sometimes found the twins to be amusing despite it. Tilting his head he ran his fingers through his hair before looking at niabi."Would he take it, just to come here and annoy us, even if he's not going to fight with you?"He asked thinking about it because he wondered if they needed to get away from annie, knowing that after her sanity returning the night before, the fighting would be even more disturbng or her.
Niabi snickered a little and shook his head. "yeah, he'll take the job." he admitted with a smirk. "he'll charge a shitload, he'll bankrupt the bastard if he can get away with it, and then, like always, he will simply...vanish." he admitted smirking a little. "this isn't the first time someone wanted me dead." he admitted, looking bored as the twins glanced at each other and then back at Niabi. "ah, of course, Niabi, these are my spies, they are known, only to my people as 'The Twins'. only a few know their true identities." he admitted smirking a little. "Twins, this is Niabi, a muggle Assassin, my new Bolverk." he explained, the twins heads tilting a little, clearly surprised and Niabi laughed. "that is impressive! without seeing any part of their body i can still tell their surprised! i like these fellows! aaah if only they where gay..." Niabi sighed, tilting his head tot eh side, both heads shaking back and forth in a simple 'no' that said they where not going to crawl into bed with Niabi. he pouted, but pulled out his cellphone and started texting, waves of astonishment wafting off of the twins, Voldemort gaping. "... is that muggle technology!?" "yup." "...and it's WORKING!?" "yup." "....how!?" "it always works." Niabi admitted simply as he texted Wraith, informing him that he knew about the contract and that if he promised to behave himself he would let wraith come to his 'base' for a while.
"You will get laid. Even if you have to convince Draco he's gay ,and not in love with annie."Finnick mused, having had the conversation with draco, because it disturbed his friend to get hit on by men, it continually amused him to set the blond up to be hit on by men.Smirking as he looked at the phone he nodded,"It's worked since he got here. We have no idea why, only that it drives draco insane that it does."he said snickering before looking curious."WE should get annie one of those contraptions."
Niabi snorted a little and shook his head. "as i have told you, i don't fuck men that are prettier than me, it hurts my Ego." he stated simply. "i'll just crawl in bed with you." he decided smirking at Finnick. "come on, you know you want to see what a REAL assassin is like in bed, you know you do." he teased, smirking again. "yeah i can get Annie a phone." he agreed chuckling a little. "and Draco too, just because it'll piss him off." he purred happily. "she'll be texting and calling him nonstop!" he admitted with a laugh. "i'm arranging for Shadowwraith to go to the Malfoy's house, he promises to behave and not kill anything unless it tries to kill him first." he stated simply, looking amused. "i can't wait to see the look on that old bastards face when Wraith vanishes with all of his money." he growled, looking delighted. "we need to go to the school a week after Wraith gets here and brag that i killed the only assassin who had even the slightest chance at killing me." he paused, pondering. "that i know of." he muttered the wins looking at each other before looking at Voldemort again, the man waving a hand. "go, and you will be rewarded for your information as usual." both figures bowed and left, Niabi smirking a little. "you know, that's a good idea... don't know who they are, can't give them away if you see them somewhere... very clever Voldemort." "i am a genius Niabi... now, come, i have people for you to torture." "oooh goody!"
"Ah well, I'm out of the running then.I'm prettier then you."Finn said snickering a little as he rubbed a hand over his face smirking slightly."I think my willingness to risk death, ends before I invite it into bed with me."Finn snickered before laughing at the idea of draco wtih a cell phone."That would be good. IT would give her something to have, and a way if something happens to get in touch with someone."He said having wanted it because he knew his sister would be fascinated with it, more then anything else, he was always looking for things to fascinate her."Well, if there's another capable of killing you he'll still have to get in here, which wont be as easy as it looks."He said before rinning at the men's conversation before standing,"I'm comign to."He said interested in seeing who had orced voldemort into torturing them.
Niabi smirked a little. "your more of a handsome than a pretty." he admitted. "i'm feminine, Draco is Feminine, you are not." he teased smirking at Finn before pouting at him. "i'll let you top." he offered playfully, lounging in his chair, laying his head on the others shoulder with a smirk, fluttering his eyelashes at the other. "you wouldn't make me have to rape some poor, innocent death eater would you?" he asked, well aware what the answer to that was going to be. "i'll make sure to get her, you, and Draco one.. you want one Voldemort?" he asked, the man staring at him for a long moment and then. "yes." he stood and left, Niabi chuckling a little. "if there's a wizard assassin capable of killing me, it wouldn't be too hard for them to find me." he admitted simply as he followed Voldemort, stretching eagerly. "mmmm i love a chance to stretch out the old interrogation muscles." he growled eagerly, walking into the room where a man was chained to the wall. one of Dumbledore's most valued men. "aaah Remus, did you have a good night?" Voldemort asked, smirking at the weak looking werewolf, Niabi lifting an eyebrow as he studied the man. "Remus Lupin..." he muttered softly, the man looking up at Niabi, startled. "... who are you?" he asked, his voice a rasp, Niabi pondering then. "i am Shadowbane." he admitted, smirking a little before scowling. "i know you from somewhere." Lupin shook his head. "never met you..." "no... i suppose you wouldn't have.. i'm a muggle after all." he mused moving over, gripping the others hair forcing his head back, his eyes narrowed violently as he studied the werewolf intently. "but i DO know you... Moony...." he muttered the werewolves eyes widening in horror, wondering how Niabi knew that.
"Well, that's good to know."Finn said looking thoughtful because he amused that the other assumed he'd have sex with him. He wasn't totally against the idea, but it was a amusing assumption all the same. Tilting his head a little he followed the other smirking as he leaned against the wall, looking down."Don't worry Moony, you are not that well known.The boy's been talking to annie, who does know who you are, seeing as you nearly bit her last year."Finnick said sounding amused,even if it wasn't true he was willing to goad his father into attacking the man for his own amusement, and because terriifed people talked easier, and he knew from niabi's reaction to annie being in danger, it was going to be a violent and terrifying reaction
Niabi snickered a little, shaking his head a little, because, as he'd assumed, Finnick didn't care who he fucked, or raped. Niabi wondered if he could coerce that Blaise fellow into his bed? probobly. he snarled darkly at the mention of Annie being harmed and Lupin cried out in pain at the tight grip of his hair, Niabi snarling as he examined the other intently. "no... it is not from Annie..." he growled. "i KNOW this man..." he hissed, Lupin's soft gray eyes meeting Niabi's emerald green and his eyes widened. "..you...look like Lily.." Lupin whispered, astonished and Niabi blinked, looking baffled, but Voldemort sucked in a shocked breath as he suddenly realized that Niabi's real name was Harry Potter. but he said nothing. an unknown fact, was that the prophecy stating that Voldemort was supposed to kill Harry, was fake. Voldemort had never attacked the potters, never marked Harry, which was why there was no scar upon Niabi's head. no, the entire thing had been staged, James and Lily potter had turned out to be spies, spies working for Voldemort, Lupin, and Sirius slaughtered the Potters, and took tiny little harry and gave him to the muggles. Lupin had killed his best freinds, and then blamed it on Peter Pittegrew. the reason why Voldemort was suddenly so excited, was because of the real prophecy. not that anyone but Dumbledore, and Voldemort knew about it.
Finnick frowned looking at the werewolf, then at his father. While he had no idea what he was sensing, he knew his father was happy about something. That would just be painful for everyone else. Sighing softly as he looked at the werewolf, he nudged his leg with the toe of his boot, looking at niabi."Hmmm well then.Let's find out what we need to know."He said tinking about it, "I assume we brought him hear to find out about what dumbledore is planning?"
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