Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Finnick smirked at his friend,"I'd try tellign her that next time. Though she probably wouldn't understand why you're denying being in love."He smirked teasing his friend before nodding."All the time. She asks when her pretty blond's coming back."he smirked because annie didn't do well with names, it was usaully easier on her to describe someone when she wanted them. Nodding at niabi's statement."HE did. It'd all be tied to someone else, and anyone who could say the truth would be dead and buried."He said watching niabi pace before sighing softly, shaking his head."No. No killing the weasley's. For some reason, father finds them useful and annie enjoys their company."he said wincing a little at that, cause some of the few times their spies visited in secret, for some reason Annie demanded to be in on the meeting. It weirded him out that Annie enjoyed the redhead's company. "Not just a murderous psychopath,even though he is, he is brillant sometimes."

"Well then."Finnick said looking more bemused at being tricked, then pissed. It wasn't often that someone got one over on him, so the fact that niabi did, for some reason, pleased him. Looking at draco he raised a eyebrow."Well.Since they're going to be alright, do you want to leave now?If we hurry, father might save us some dinner, since this beast-"Absent gesture to niabi"-interrupted mine, I want food."
Draco flushed again shaking his head a little. "i never knew she even knew i existed." he admitted flushing harder as he considered what that meant before smirking a little as he watched Niabi pace. it was strange to see him so pissed off about such a thing, but he couldn't blame him, he didn't much like being tricked into a death sentence either. "well they won't be getting the drop on me, but when i 'fail' to kill you, their going to send others, with my luck it will be my own damn boss, and he won't stop a contract just because i'm working for you." he admitted still walking the coin across his knuckles as he scowled. "i'd better tell him not to take any contracts for a while, i don't need him walking into a trap." he decided before smirking. "murderous psychopaths usually have the best plans." he admitted chuckling a little as he texted his father. "and their ALWAYS brilliant, i would know, i know a lot of them." "and your on yourself." Draco grumbled, Niabi snickering. "why thank you Butterscotch, that was very kind of you." Draco snarled, glaring at Niabi. "Do NOT call me that!" he snarled before turning a strange shade of purple as he realized his parents had never been in any real danger, and that he too had been tricked.

"are you sure we can't just kill him!?" Draco demanded, scowling at Finnick, Niabi snickering a little as he shook his head. "of course you can't kill me, i'm an interesting fellow and the Red Guy wants me." Draco grumbled. "only because he doesn't know any better! your just a stupid muggle you don't know SHIT!" "of course i don't know anything, but i can still take out your Aurors, which as far as i can tell are like policemen of a sort. i could have killed you and both your parents if it hadn't been for the bad luck of Finnick coming across me, it would have been easy. it's BECAUSE i'm 'just a muggle' that makes me such an asset." he admitted smirking at Draco. "after all 'just a muggle' could NEVER kill a wizard with a silly little muggle toy, right?" he asked smirking as he fingered his gun Draco looking confused. "well... yes, a silly muggle toy could do nothing to a wizard... right?" he asked glancing at Finnick, looking confused before shaking his head. "never mind, i am sure the Dark Lord will want to test him." Draco decided. "we'll see what he's really capable of then, lets go." he decided. "i'm not touching him, you apparate him." Draco ordered before vanishing with a POP to Riddle Manor, where Voldemort was sitting with Annie, reading book in silence while she entertained herself.
"No, it wouldn't do just to have to kill your father because he came here."He said smiling a little because it was interesting that niabi cared enough to not want his father to get in the middle of this fight. "I'm telling annie, butterscotch."Finnick snickered, because it was going to be so interesting to see niabi with annie, he was going to teach her all kinds of things, things they'd probably wish she never discovered."No they kill us still.Even though magic means we can usually heal it quick enough to not hurt."Finnick said looking thoughtful as he eyed the gun, having spent enough time with some of the less then reputable death eaters, he knew what muggle toys were, even if he had no idea how to use it. Smirking a little he laughed apparating them, shaking his head a little amused.

Annie's blond hair was tied back from her face grinning up as them from her book when she saw them, "Finn!"She giggled happily, because voldemort and finn's names were the only ones she remembered with anything sort of regularity, before paling a little when she realized they had company, looking skittish as she scampered over to voldemort's chair, sitting at his feet, hiding behind his knees as she looked over at niabi over his lap,a arm wrapped around his calves. For a 19 year old, she was waif thin and small, completely hidden where she was sitting on the ground between voldemort's legs and his desk.

Annie: http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b51/Magicbunny3/Dorielle.jpg
Draco snarled at Finnick. "Don't you DARE! i will KILL you!" he snarled baring his teeth at Finnick, Niabi snickering a little as he shook his head. "you people are weird." he teased snickering as Draco scowled at him. "and besides, if i shoot you in the head with a gun...well, magic can't heal that." he pointed out, and Niabi was good enough that he always went for the head or the heart, instant death no matter what you where, though he wasn't sure about Vampires and werewolves. if they where even real anyway. Niabi staggered as they where apparated though, and he collapsed against the side of the couch, Voldemort smirking a little. "oh... i didn't like that one bit." Niabi complained, looking a little green, Draco snickering a little before he smiled happily at the sight of Annie. "hey Annie! it's alright, this is Niabi, he won't hurt you, will you Niabi!?" he demanded, the man shaking his head. "of course i won't hurt you." he promised smiling at her as Voldemort gently closed his book. "welcome to Riddle Manor Shadowbane." "an honor to be held here against my will Sir." Niabi stated straightening himself out, Voldemort laughing, actually laughing at the boys brash answer.

Voldemort gently reached down and stroked Annie's hair. she was the only person Voldemort was ever... tender, or affectionate with. many people had their theories as to why he was so gentle and kind to Annie, some thought he was trying to seduce her, some thought she was the daughter he'd always wanted, some thought it was simply because she was the only girl he had ever come across, but no one knew for sure and neither he nor Annie would tell. "it is alright Annie." Voldemort promised, smiling gently at her. "Niabi is here to help, not hurt." he promised. "he's my new assassin and bodyguard. he's here to protect you." he promised smiling at her, Niabi smiling as he pulled something out of his pocket, offering it to Annie. "here, this is for you." he purred softly, smiling at her, showing her the small sharp knife that was etched with pretty silver designs. it was expensive, and it was clear that Niabi had just decided to give it to her, but it was pretty, and deadly, just like her, and Draco was utterly jealous that he hadn't thought of it first.
"You'd try."Finnick growled bearing his teeth in a grin as he looked at draco, amused as he thought about the gun.Before agreeing. That magic couldn't heal that. Snickering as niabi stumbled"You get used to it."he said rolling his eyes a lttle before looking amused as niabi agreed to not hurt her. Not that he'd actually been worried about it, but it was amusing that draco'd been the one to demand it. Laughing softly at niabi's answer."But its so much better to be held in a mansion than a dungeon."Finnick pointed out.

Annie frowned resting her head against voldemort's thigh, whining softly as she let him stroke her hair, studying the three over his legs as she looked at them, looking up at voldemort, as if trying to figure out what he meant before looking at niabi, giggling happily at the small knife, leaning around voldemort's legs to take it, holding it close to her face as she inspected it. Finn smirked a little, she was small and deadly given a mood, though the world knew she was roken, she had her moments of extreme temper, when no one would ever want to stand against her. thankfully though, her insanity usually took the form of helplessness, and quiet. "Thank you."She said with a soft lilting giggle as she leaned back into her hiding spot, still to shy to get up.
Draco glared at Finnick. "just because your my only friend doesn't mean i won't make you suffer!" he growled tossing his hair in a silvery wave, Niabi snickering, it was usually such a GIRLY thing to do, but he didn't want to face another Crucio so he stayed silent. he shook his head as he tried to recover from the transportation, smoothing his bangs back away from his face, blinking rather stupidly as he smirked. "i dunno, i wouldn't feel too bad about trying to escape a dungeon." he admitted with a laugh. "plus there would be other prisoners to torment." he admitted with a small snicker, smiling at Annie as Voldemort gently tried to sooth her. Voldemort had to admit, he was pleased when Niabi offered her a gift, Voldemort knew he was playing favorites, and that really he aught to show Finn the same affection as he showed Annie, but some part of him hated Finn just as much as he cared about the boy, for reasons he would never admit. he grinned however when Annie giggled and he stroked her hair again as Niabi smiled at her. "don't kill too many people with it." he teased winking at her before straightening and stretching. "well, i'm filthy. you, buttercup..." Draco snarled furiously and his fingers twitched, desperately restraining himself from strangling Niabi. "i demand a shower." "you demand a death wish!" Draco spat, Voldemort chuckling a little. "Draco, show Niabi to the bath." he ordered. "i will have a house elf deliver Niabi clean clothing." he promised. "dinner will be soon." he glanced at Finnick. "how is Lucius? much better i'm assuming." Voldemort didn't realize that Niabi had tricked them yet, it would amuse Voldemort to know end to know that the Malfoy's and his heir had been made for fools.
Annie smiled a little looking up at voldemort as he stroked her hair, "I promise."She chirped before perking up at the words,"Buttercup?"She said looking at them all."Him and finn both resemble buttercups.Papa, I want a buttercup."She demanded. Finn snickered looking amused as he rolled his eyes looking at draco, ,so long used to voldemort's favoritism towards annie, that it didn't even bother him anymore.."At least it's better then butterscotch."He teased grinning when Annie perked up at that to. "I want butterscotch!Finn!" "Yes, dear heart, I'll get some."Finn said smiling as he headed for the door, smirking a little as he paused at voldemort's question."He took us for fools. They would have been fine in week, even without the antidote."he said before going in search of butterscotch for annie.

When draco and Niabi came down for dinner, Annie smiled as she held out a box of butterscotch towards draco, smiling happily, that smile of true untouched happiness that only the mentally ill could have, because they didn't understand the world around them."Finn got me butterscotch.Do you want some?"
Niabi snickered a little as he watched Draco turn such a bright red that he resembled a beat. Voldemort smiled and made her a buttercup flower using magic, tucking it gently into her hair with a small shake of his head. "your so sweet." he teased her, smiling a little as she perked up at the mention of butterscotch and demand candy. Voldemort laughed at Finnick's admittance of having been taken for a fool, so amused that he actually laughed. he was smiling as the men came down and paused as he caught sight Niabi, his eyebrows lifting. Niabi had undone his hair, and now the wavy hair brushed the floor as he walked, making him look even more like a girl as the hair moved around him like a cloak, damp enough that it left a trail of water behind him. he wasn't wearing a shirt, instead he had a towel wrapped around his shoulders and hanging down his back to keep his wet hair from keeping his back soaked. "this is why you need a haircut." Draco complained Niabi shaking his head.

"i have never cut my hair, it's a matter of honor and respect." he stated simply. "after all, it takes real skill to handle this much hair while in a battle, and it hides weapons very effectively..." Niabi admitted smirking as Draco winced. "yes, i remember." he grumbled, having stayed just long enough to see Niabi disarm. he had pulled so many weapons out of his hair that Draco had nearly fainted from shock. "whats for Dinner?" Niabi asked smirking a little as he flopped down into a chair, his hair sliding effortlessly out of the way to hang off his side as he sat down. no sixteen year old should have been that comfortable with his body. "Finnick, your drooling." he teased as Draco smiled at Annie and took a piece of butterscotch, even though he didn't much like sweets. "thanks Annie." he chirped smiling at her. "how are you feeling today?"
"It's not so bad. My hair's getting my back wet to."Finnick pointed out not wearing a shirt either, but at 20 he was comfortable enough to not be weirded out by eating dinner half naked. Rubbing a towel over his hair before banishing it eating a bite of butterscotch when annie gave it to him."its pretty.and I'm not drooling."Finn said sulking a little, smirking a little as draco ate the sweet even if he didn't like them. "Are to!"Annie chirped from her chair, smiling happily at draco,"I am good.Papa read to me this morning, and we went for a walk this afternoon before he had to go to your house."She said frowning a little, looking thoughtful, as if trying to sort out what she was thinking."Why did he have to go to your house?He said something happened."

Finnick winced a little as he started to eat, never knowing how to answer some of annie's questions, because they were never sure what could set off a episode."Niabi came to visit, but got lost coming here and showed up at the malfoy's."he said choosing the words carefully as he looked at the happy girl, who as she turned her head to look at them all, you could see the flash of silver from the knife in her hair, having hidden niabi's pretty little knife in those curls of blond.
Niabi chuckled a little and shook his head. "your hair doesn't get you wet all the way to your feet." he teased smirking a little. "Butterscotch here doesn't understand why i'll kill him if he cuts it." he stated simply, driving his fork into a piece of Dragon-steak, looking at it critically. "this meat is purple... is this even edible?" he asked frowning a little as Draco glared at him for calling him butterscotch again before smiling at Niabi. "that's great! did you see anything nice on your walk?"Draco asked smiling at her before grimacing a little at the mention of something happening. "i have a terrible sense of direction." Niabi admitted smiling a little. "it comes with being a muggle." he admitted chuckling a little as grinned at the flash of silver in her hair. "don't you have any normal food?" Niabi complained frowning a little as he studied the table of strange food on the table his head tilted a little. "what do you mean normal? you muggles are the ones with the weird food!" Draco grumbled, Niabi glaring at Draco. "we do not! look at that thing! it's got six legs!" he complained poking at a strange bird that had been roasted, it was from France of course and had two sets of wings and Niabi thought it was stranger than all hell. Voldemort just shook his head. "you haven't even tried it Niabi, you can't say you don't like something until you try it." "i didn't say i didn't like it, i said it was weird." he complained sighing a little as he nibbled at a piece of strange fruit, grimacing a little at the tart flavor. "...i don't suppose you'd let me go to a fast food restaurant would you?" Voldemort's glare was enough of an answer and Niabi sighed a little and poked through the choices, looking for something, anything that looked familiar.
Its edible"Finn promised eating, looking amused as he ate. Smirkng a little when he realized draco was so going to get called butterscotched, because annie was going to pick it up if niabi kept it up. "He found found me a baby unicorn.Papa said its mother abandoned him, so he brought it home for me."She said fairly bouncing in her seat with excitement, not knowing that voldemort had found the foal because it was said unicaorns had healing affects onthose who spent time wiht them, and that voldemort was hoping to make her life just a little more easier. Giggling a little at niabi's words she smiled."Oh.Well, Finnick'll have to help you find your way." "I will?" "yes." "Fast food?"Annie twisted looking at niabi, looking interested. Finnic snickered a little looking at niabi,"Thanks. ITs hard enough getting her to eat something good."He grumbled looking amused because he just knew annie was going to throw a fit if they didn't let her have fast food."what is fast food?I would like to see some of this."
Niabi smirked a little before looking interested. "a Unicorn!? REALLY!?" he asked looking amazed grinning a little as Voldemort smiled, the unicorn resting in her room. Voldemort actually had found the baby, but the mother hadn't abandoned it, someone had slaughtered the mother, and it hadn't been him. Niabi smirked at her comment and nodded. "yeah, Finnick is a helpful guy." he admitted smirking a little. "he LIKES showing me where everything is, don't you Finnick!?" Niabi asked, flashing Finnick a smirk, quickly realizing that through Annie he could manipulate the rest of the family. Niabi smirked a little as he watched her. "yes! fast food, their things that are easy to eat when your late, like apple slices or baby carrots." he explained to the girl. "banana's and granola bars." he admitted grinning a little. "my own personal favorite fast food is Pop-Tarts." he admitted, well aware that the people around him did not know what pop tarts where, or Granola bars. "hell, an orange makes a great fast food too." he admitted laughing a little as Voldemort stared at Niabi. he knew that the boy was manipulating everyone, but he hadn't expected him to manipulate Annie into eating better, the Assassin was strange, confusing, and baffled Voldemort. "we will have to test Niabi's skills as well." he decided smirking a little. "Finnick, who do you suggest we pit him against? someone we don't mind loosing if Niabi gets a little Zealous." "if you put me against someone their either going to die or kill me. that's the only way it's going to end." Niabi admitted simply.
"yes.Its upstairs.I should take carrots up."She said starting to get up, pouting when finnick made her sit to finish her food. innick made a face laughing a litte. "Of course I do." Annie grinned, smiling at niabi."He is helpful."she agreed looking happy. Annie looked thoughtful, before looking at draco then niabi."Will you get me a....granola bar? is it a bar made out of a grandola?like me and papa rode in vience?"She asked looking so happy at the idea."And pip...tarts?What is a pop tart. I would like these to"She said looking at draco,"Do you know what this is?You will get me some?" Finnick smiled though he looked just as confused as annie did, not only about the food, but about why niabi cared enough to be manipulating her into eating better. Even if he didn't know what the food is, he knew that the man was making her want to eat better. Smirking a little before he laughed softly."Send him against Greg goyle."Finnick said simply, not about to explain why he was willing to send the man against niabi, because then he'd be suffering with voldemort, and not niabi. Hoping that no one would think to question him why the man had annoyed him into wanting him gone
Niabi chuckled a little and smiled at Annie, pleased with having such an 'easy' time of things now. yes, he was being held against his will, but it was going to be an amusing process now. "a Granola Bar dear." Niabi corrected gently. "it's made out of Granola, that's a type of roasted grain that's just delicious. it's good in the morning with milk as a type of cereal too." he admitted grinning a little. "i'll make sure Finn and i go out and get you all kinds of Fast food for you to enjoy." he promised Annie, smiling a little. "we need to go out and get my things anyway." he admitted smirking at Finn through half narrowed green eyes. "all of my favorite toys are still at my house, and i can't use them if their not where i am, now can i?" he asked, amused as Voldemort snickered. "you do have a point." he agreed shaking his head a little. "Greg Goyle? really?" Voldemort asked lifting his eyebrow a little. "hmm... the man IS a buffoon, good with spells but too stupid for complicated work, easily replaced, a good choice." Niabi snorted a little as he used a butter knife to pick dirt out from underneath his fingernails. "and when will we be doing this?" "tomorrow morning." Voldemort decided. "after everyone gets here, i desire for everyone to see my new assassin's skills." "aaah, i'll get to play with this supposed Buffoon... very good." he purred happily. "i love playing with my prey."
Annie frowned looking at the man as she thought about the foo before looking at finn and draco."You have to go get his things tonight. And get me fast food."She demanded before finishing her dinner, leaning back in the seat, content to listen to them talk, looking sleepy as she closed her eyes as she listened to them. Finn laughed softly nodding,"Well, I guess you can't.And annie's spoken, we have to go out tonight."he said snickering, because him and voldemort might rule the rest of the world,but there was no question about who ruled this family. And oddly enough, neither of them minded being ruled by the poor insane girl. Finn smirked a little sipping his drink, glad that it was greg's own stupidity that made no one question why he wanted him in the arena. H ewas sooo not going to be telling voldemort what greg had done if he could avoid it. Though knowing greg, he'd be stupid enough to blurt it out himself."He IS a bufoon, I promise. And play all you want. He deserves it for making life difficult."
Niabi chuckled a little as he nodded. "i will make sure to bring you all the Fast food you could ever want." he promised smiling a little. "if your very good and eat all your dinner i'll even bring you a VERY special treat called Skittles. you'll love them." he coerced Annie his head tiled a little as he pulled his hair back and started to braid it now that it had dried enough that it wasn't dripping on the floor. "you guys are so whipped." he teased chuckling a little, though he knew, if Annie ever asked anything of him, he'd do it in a heartbeat. "...has Greg been making Life difficult?" Draco asked lookign a little baffled before shaking his head, flicking his wand at the table, clearing it and bringing dessert on, Niabi leaping to his feet, the chair clattering to the floor as he stared at the table. "bloody damn wizards! making things appear and disappear." he growled as he picked his chair back up and resumed braiding his hair, muttering and grumbling darkly as he scowled a little but grabbed a piece of normal looking cake, glad that at least the desserts looked normal.

by the time he was finished braiding his hair everyone else had had their fill of dessert, and Draco's eye was twitching. "why go through all that effort!? why would you not cut your hair!?" "...i'm not going to bother explaining this to you again Butterscotch. your too stupid to understand." Niabi admitted simply as he slowly, carefully coiled the braid into a bun at the back of his head, pinning it into place so that it was well out of the way. "well then Finnick, shall we get my things?" he asked smirking a little. "since Annie ate so well i'll have to get her some skittles." he purred, smiling at the girl. "and maybe even some fruit snacks too." he decided nodding a little as he got to his feet and stretched. the light glimmering off of his well muscled body, smirking a little. "your drooling again Finnick." he teased smirking as he played with the last two feet of braid hanging out of the bun as he grabbed the shirt which was hanging off of the back of his chair slipping it on with a flair that was entirely too graceful, Voldemort smirking. "Niabi, are you flirting with my Heir?" "of COURSE not! i wouldn't DARE! no matter how gorgeously perfect he is, and how good he smells, and how perfectly BEAUTIFUL his eyes are." he teased smirking as Voldemort laughed, amused by Niabi yet again.
"Skittles sound very good."Annie smiled tilting her head a little, looking thoughtful at that. Finn winced a little before smirking a little as annie leap towards the chocolate cake, smiling happily as she started to eat before answering draco's question."Yes. unbelieveably difficult."Finn said his eyes flickering to annie for a moment before looking at draco again."he's annoying, you know that."He pointed out shrugging a little.

"Butterscotch."Annie said giggling a little sleepily, "He doesn't like buterscotch."she said sf frowning sleepily. finn smirked abefore nodding as he got up,"I want to know what these... skittles are to.He said sounding amused because he was so not feeding annie something he hadn't tried himsel first, grinning as annie smiled happily at the promise of sweets "i am not."Finn sulked at the man's teasing rolling his eyes a little as he listened to the two men."....Oh go screw Malfoy." "Screwing would be very bad. It hurts."Annie chirped, sounding so...innocently wise it was almost disturing to know she'd said it.Even more disturbing was her knowledge of what screwing meant...or did she really think they used screws?There was just no way to tell.
Niabi's eyes narrowed a little as he watched Finnick's reaction to Gregory and pondered that for a moment as he finished getting dressed before chuckling as he watched Annie sleep. "if he doesn't like Butterscotch why did he eat some earlier?" he asked his head tilted a little as Voldemort calmly gathered Annie into his arms and took her to bed. "goodnight gentlemen." Voldemort stated simply before blinking at her mention of screwing, his eyes narrowing dangerously, promising death, a slow, very painful death on the man who had fucked his daughter without his permission, Draco looked horrified at the thought of someone possibly raping Annie and Niabi looked almost indifferent as he shook his head. "come on, lets go." Niabi ordered Finn as he set his hand on the others shoulder, giving him instructions on where to teleport to. he staggered, gripping a side wall and making a strange gurgling noise in the back of his throat as he resisted the urge to puke. "Finnick." he growled as he straightened, looking at the man seriously. "what did this Gregory Goyle do to Annie?" he demanded his eyes narrowed. "how slowly do i need to kill him?" it was clear, that Niabi would do anything to protect Annie, despite just meeting her. she was like everyone's little sister, and Niabi was very, very protective. "and don't tell me nothing Finnick, i know better, Draco and Voldemort might be idiots, but i'm not."
Finn sighed a little looking slightly amused at the question the assassin aske him, omre because it was one of the few times e'd heard his father insulted rather then he found the question interestnig. "A very slow death indeed."He said thoughtfully because he couldn't explain what he didn't know, heonly knew greg had done something because annie had mentioned it in passing, along with sex. It had been enough to disturb finn into wanting to kill him even if he had no idea exactly what he'd done, because annie hadn't been able to get her to find the words."Just kill him and save me from doing it."He said tilting his head a little before shrugging looking around the apartment."Gather your things, dracos probably pissed I ddin't stick around and explain why greg's dying."
Niabi nodded a little and glanced at the other. "when we go in, don't say a word unless i tell you it's alright, Shadowwraith is a moody son of a bitch." he admitted simply. "and i'll make sure to kill the bastard nice and slow." he purred happily, banging on the front door twice before walking in. "Yo! Wraith! it's Bane! got a fuck buddy here! don't kill him!" Niabi ordered as he walked into the house, kicking off his shoes. it looked like a normal house, there where pictures of a laughing child, Niabi, with an older man who was grinning, but it looked rather forced. "take your shoes off." Niabi ordered Finnick as he slid his own off and set them next to the door, heading over to the stairs and heading upstairs. "yo! Wraith! what the fuck is wrong with you! answer a guy when he calls!" Niabi ordered, a door slamming shut. "Bane you Bastard shut the fuck up!" a deeper voice demanded. "i have a goddamn headache!" "you mean you have a hangover! did you get ANY of the Texts i sent you you bastard!?" "yeah yeah you've been 'adopted' good for you. you here for your shit then?" Wraith asked as he came into view.

he wasn't wearing any clothes at all, he was stark naked, his own braid so long it trailed along the floor like a snake, a gun in his hand, Niabi shrieking. "goddammit Wraith! put some clothes on you sick pervert! son of a bitch!" Niabi complained shoving a pillow into Wraith's groin, the man laughing as he tiled his head an looked at Finnick, his eyes so cold they almost burned. it wasn't that he was that hateful, that angry, or even that calm... he simply had no emotions, none, at all. he was good enough of an actor to fake it, but it was clear that if he killed Finnick, there didn't have to be a reason, and he wouldn't feel a thing for doing it. "you sure that's a fucktoy?" Wraith asked his head tilted as he studied Finnick, Niabi rolling his eyes. "no but that's about the only thing of mine that you won't kill." he complained. "don't kill him Wraith, he's part of my paycheck and i won't survive the guy who comes after me for his death." Wraith's eyebrows lifted, clearly astonished. "excuse me?" he asked staring at Niabi who smirked. "you heard me. my new boss is his protector... guy by the name of Voldemort, nearly made me piss my pants. he's in the running with you for scariest shit head on the planet." "... interesting." "don't kill my employer either you bastard!" "i would never do such a thing, money is important."
"Well, heh did raise a moody son of a bitch,makes sense he's one."Finn muttered pplmg a,ised as walking inside with niabi, looking around the house as he pushed off his shoes, being quiet as he listened to the others talk, looking amused as he walked the other come out naked.Well, he was glad it wasn't only his family that decided nudity was okay in the house as long they weren't going out. Fiinick raised a eyebrow at te words, looking down at himself as if trying to figure out what was worng with him being a fucktoy. He could be a fucktoy.though his attitude probably wouldn't keep him on the bottom for long.Smirking a little at he words, because it amuse him to think about voldemort defending him,even i he knew voldemort cared for him, he also knew he'd cause holy havoc not only because someone had killed his heir, but because it would upset annie. Looking at Niabi as if trying to figure out if he was allowed talking yet.

Annie screamed feeling soft hands caressing her skin,screamed caught between a dream and reality, screamed for help as the dream shattered,but she could still feel hands touching her. Struggling to get away she whimpered, batting at the man touching her before she heard the soft snap of apparation, panting as she rolled off her bed, weding herselff down intothe small gap between the edge of her bed and the wall,hands pressed over her ears,face pressed into her knees as she screamed because she couldn't stop. she wouldn't, couldn't stop screaming until someone stopped her. Somewhere in her psychosis she knew she should,but she had no control when she was frightened,and she needed someone else's help to stop the screams.
Niabi and Wraith traded a few more barbed statements, clearly enjoying themselves before Niabi grinned at Finnick. "you can talk now if you want, he's promised not to kill you... just don't be TOO stupid." he warned trotting into another room, Wraith smirking as he pulled on the pair of pants that Niabi threw at him, sliding towards Finnick as if he was in a slow dance, flinging his arm around Finnick's shoulders and pulling him down into a huddle with a strength that was shocking, rather frightening, and in a low voice, filled with a fury that even Voldemort couldn't match, he whispered to Finn. "if Bane get's hurt, so much as a scratch, i don't care how frightening this Voldemort is, i will kill you, i will kill your family, i will kill every person that this Voldemort holds dear, and their families. i will kill everyone he loves, everyone he used to love, and anyone he ever loves again." he smirked at the other, straightening as Niabi reappeared with a suitcase and Wraith smacked Niabi on the ass. "you tell your boss that." "WRAITH! DON'T THREATEN MY EMPLOYERS!" Niabi ordered furiously, Wraith just laughing as he walked into the kitchen, Niabi groaning as he rolled his eyes and resumed packing. one suitcase of clothes, two suitcases of guns. "alright, i'm packed!" he stated kicking his clothing suitcase down the stairs and carrying the two gun suitcases. "carry that would you? and lets go and get Annie something good."

there was a sudden movement as Draco opened the door and calmly light the candles in the room to fill it with a soft glow, knowing better than to move quickly around Annie. Voldemort was watching from the doorway as Draco carefully moved into the room settling next to Annie and pulling her into his lap, holding her, cradling her and muttering softly that she was going to be alright, that he was there, that nothing could hurt her now he promised, holding her, cradling her and promising her all the butterscotch in the world.
"I'm with you, there's nothing stupider than that."Finn chirped smirking a little as he followed the other, looking at the man as he put a arm around his neck."There is only one person who might hurt him, and she's insane, I'm pretty sure he can defend himself."He said because he was trying to not show just how disturbing the threat had made him feel. And for a man who had been regularly threatened by every death eater and his sister on a regular basis, that was saying something."What do I look like?A pack mule?"Finn said rolling his eyes even as he raised a hand, smirking as he shrunk the suitcases and tossing them in his pcoket as he headed for the door."Lets go. Annie'll never forgive us if we don't find something good."

Annie whimpered as he pulled her into his lap, refusing to be moved out from the hidey hole she'd found, and forcing him to crawl in next to her, not a very comfortable spot considerign he'd past six feet that fall, but even them, the two huddled in the corner. Whimpering as she let him calm him, whining as she sniffled."...butterscotch?You'll get me some?"she asked leaning back to look at him.
there was probobly a reason why the threat troubled Finnick, Wraith was no doubt the only one who could, and WOULD carry out that threat. Anni was too kind, most of the time, to actually kill anything, and the Death eaters knew better than to even try to harm Finnick for fear of their masters wrath. Wraith on the other hand, he had nothing to lose if he carried out his threat, sure he'd die, eventually but not before he slaughtered Finnick and everyone else he could get his mad paws on. "yes, you do look like a mule, a real Ass." Niabi admitted with a snicker as he watched the other shrink his guns with a twitch. "...if my toys are broken when you make those big again, i will break, every finger, on BOTH your hands." he growled, irritated that the other had done something strange to his weapons before heading out to the store, getting nuts, trail mix, granola bars, fruit bars, fruit snacks, skittles, snickers bars, gummy worms, baby carrots, mangoes, oranges, cereal bars, several kinds of juice, soda, just because he wanted to see the looks on the wizards faces when they tried the carbonated drink.

he shoved himself in with her, holding her under Voldemort's watchful eyes and both men smiled, relieved when she stopped screaming to ask for butterscotch. "of course i'll get you some butterscotch." he promised kissing her forehead gently. "will you tell me what happened Annie?" he asked his head tilted. "did you have a nightmare?" he asked softly, gently stroking her hair.
Finn made a face at him, shaking hsi head a little."You're not telling me anything I don't already know."he said amused as he smirked, amused at the other's reaction to the strange thing he'd done to the weapons. Following after niabi with a bemused look as he watched him choose things, before shakign his head, apparating them home. Pausing as he looked around at everyone, the death eaters looking like they were stirred up about something, even if it was 9 o'clock at night."...what happened?"He asked looking at Blaise as he started up the stairs pausing to look around as he tried to figure out what had gone wrong now. Maybe arthur had feared his assasin failed, and sent another.

Annie sniffled rubbing her face as she huddled against his chest, her face blotchy from tears and screaming."...someone was in here."She sniffled presssing tigher into her corner, looking around her. As always, the question was had she really been seeing someone, or had she been delusional? one of the things that made dumbledore's attack against her so effective was that most people wouldn't believe the poor insane girl, so it made hurting her all the easier.
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