Loving Death (Harry Potter)

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Niabi nodded, glad that the other understood that there would be pain if there was any damage done to his precious guns and he grinned as he bought the items with a bit of the money that Finnick had given him for the 'antidote'. Blaise glanced at Finnick, hesitating as he looked at Niabi, the boy scowling at the Italian who winced. "Annie was screaming." he explained calmly, biting his lip a little. "we don't know why Voldemort's blocked the stairwell no one can get through..." he admitted shaking his head a little. "who's the green fellow?" he asked looking at Niabi again, who was looking decidedly green after the apparation.

Draco smiled before freezing as she muttered that someone was there... did he take it seriously? yes. even if it was just a part of her delusions he couldn't take the risk, and neither could Voldemort. "it's alright Annie." Voldemort promised, smiling at her. "we'll bunk you in my or Draco's room from now on." he promised. "so you won't be alone if the person comes back." Draco assured her. "and so we can catch them and make them pay for frightening you." he promised kissing her temple. "come on, where would you like to go? we'll put you back in bed and we won't leave you alone. i promise." he murmured smiling at her, gently stroking her hair out of her face. "ok?"
Finnick paled a little tilting his head as he considered what could have woken annie from the contented sleep they'd left her in after dinner."blaise, this is niabi, niabi, blaise. now if you excuse me, we have treats to take annie."He said heading up the stairs scowling as they reached the family rooms, growling as he found the stairs blocked. Thsi was so not what he wanted right now.

Annie sniffled a little looking up at her papa, biting her lip."Really?"She said looking reassured before smiling slightly as she got to her feel, even as she looked nervous about leaving her hiding place, she trusted these two men to keep her safe."I want to stay with butterscotch. you'll get my butterscotch?"She asked looking down at the blond getting up off the floor.
Niabi smirked a little as he looked Blaise over. "we should get to know each other a little more... intimately." he purred, teasing the Italian who blushed hard and fled, quit certain that if he was to go to bed with Niabi someone was going to cut off his balls. Niabi snickered a little as he watched Finnick stopped by an invisible barrier. "Voldemort takes her safety pretty seriously." he muttered blinking as the Barrier went down to let them in. Draco was calmly leading Annie out of her room, smiling at her, grimacing as she called him butterscotch. "i am never going to forgive Niabi for this." he grumbled before nodding. "i'll get your butterscotch." he promised snapping his fingers and ordering a house elf to get some butterscotch candy blinking as he caught sight of the snickering Niabi. "i thought you wanted skittles Annie?" he asked grinning at her as he pulled out a bag of skittles and gave some to Finnick, Voldemort and Draco first so they could try them and make sure they weren't dangerous, before handing Annie an entire bag just for her. "there you go, enjoy them alright?" he asked smiling a little as Draco hesitantly tried one, his eyes widening a little. "these are delicious..." he muttered swallowing thickly.
Finnick laughed looking at the fleeing blaise, tilting his head a little."I think you're not going to get laid for awhile."He said snickering a little as he rolled his eyes."More then anyone else's."Finnick said, no longer feeling insulted that his father didn't hover over him like he did annie because annie couldn''t defend herself, and he did so violently and messily, and all over the place. Annie smiled happily as she held the butterscotch candy in one hand before reahing out to take the bag as finnick ate some.Giggling happily as she started eating."These are good. Thank you."She said smiling at the assassin. Finnick nodded, already starting to gobble of the ew he'd been given ,before looking at the two men."What happened?"he said looking worried, and wanting to know what happened.
Niabi sighed a little and shook his head. "i'll have to get someone drunk or something, i can't go more than a week without getting laid." he admitted simply, smiling a little at Finnick's statement. "well, i don't think Annie can defend herself as well as the rest of us can." he admitted looking at the girl his head tilted a little. "i'm glad you like them, their one of my favorites." he admitted smiling a little as he handed her a granola bar. "and this is a granola bar." he admitted smiling a little as he glanced at Draco who hesitated, Voldemort scowling a little. "she said someone was in her room." he explained. "touching her, i'm not sure if it was a nightmare or truth but she is not to go to bed alone any more, she will be spending the night in Draco's room tonight." he admitted smiling at Annie before he scowled at the hand full of skittles in his hand before giving them to Annie, Niabi snorting as he chewed on a Granola bar himself. "may i have a word with Annie?" he asked calmly. "in private?" Voldemort hesitated, his eyes narrowed at Niabi. "it's for her safety, i just want to ask her a few questions about her late night visitor." "... Draco, take Niabi to your room, wait outside the door but do not let her be alone." Voldemort decided, he knew Niabi wouldn't hurt Annie, he didn't know how he knew, but he knew. Niabi smiled at Annie and offered her his hand. "come on Annie, let Big Brother tuck you in." he offered gently leading her to bed and tucking her in, settling next to her. "Annie, have people been in your room at night before?" he asked softly, gently stroking her hair. "has anyone touched you in bad places?" he would slaughter anyone who had dared to hurt Annie, sweet innocent Annie.
Finnick snickered at the other's statement looking amused at the idea that niabi was going to get someone drunk before nodding."No, she can't."he said shrugging a litlte before smiling as annie nibbled on the granola bar with a eagerness that had only been matched by her happiness at having niabi's knife. Finnick paled even more, anger flashing in his eyes as he considered that."Good."He said scowling a little annoyed at the idea that annie had been touched, before looking relieved as he realized that annie would be staying with someone all the time now. annie smiled a little as she took niabi's hand walking with him before she rawled in bed, cuddling into the bed with a sigh as she was quiet looking up at him, panic showing in her face, squirming back a little."N-no.NO!"She said her voice holding that edge o panic that said yes, even if she denied it. IT seemed someone had frightened her badly enough into not telling anyone, even if she usually blurted out things with a endearing innocence of a child who didn't understand that some things weren't said outloud.
Niabi jumped when she screamed and he gently comforted her. "hush, Annie hush now it's alright." he whispered smiling at her. "you trust me don't you?" he asked softly, gently stroking her hair out of her face. "you know don't you? that i will never, ever let anyone hurt you right?" he asked smiling at her. "if someone hurt you sweetie, if someone touched you bad... i can make sure that they never touch you, or hurt you again ok?" he asked smiling at her. "i can make sure that they can never ever touch you again, and i'm very strong, i'm almost as strong as Voldemort you know." he admitted smiling at her. "i need you to tell me Annie." he admitted softly. "so that i can make sure that you are never ever hurt again. ok?" he asked smiling at her. "then Finnick won't have to worry about you anymore. and we don't have to worry about people coming into your room at night, or hurting you." he admitted. "i want to make sure that your safe, and happy and i can't do that if you won't tell me.' he admitted watching her with his wide, greed eyes. "please Annie, it will all be alright, please, just tell me. i promise, you won't get in trouble."
Annie quieted as she looked at him, nodding as she looked at him, tears shining in her eyes as she looked at him. Biting her lip as she looked at him looking so innocently confused, like she had no idea what to say. Looking distressed at the idea she had caused them worry she nibbled on her lip, "...they come and go....I never see them...but they touch me...there...you know..."She said sounding so worried, so scared about what would happen. plling the blanket higher she huddled down into the bed reaching out to get a piece of butterscotch, sucking on the candy looking so scared.
he smiled at her and he kissed her forehead. "you are a very brave girl Annie." he admitted softly. "i know." he gently set a hand on her's, and set the other on her cheek gently smiling at her. "you are a very special girl, and i will never let anyone touch you again, not without your permission." he promised. "i'm going to teach you how to fight tomorrow, alright?" he offered smiling at her. "i will show you how to mark whoever touches you, so we'll always know who did it, so we can hurt them back." he promised kissing her forehead. "for now, Draco is going to come in and sleep with you, you trust him right? you like butterscotch." he teased glancing at the doorway. "he'll keep you safe tonight, very safe, and i'll ask him to put protections on the room so no one can get in without alerting the world." he promised, standing up. "you sleep well, and i'll make sure no one ever hurts you again." he promised moving to the door and yanking the door open, grabbing Draco and whispering in his ear, the blond paling, but nodding as he moved in and smiled at Annie. "do you want to share the bed or shall i make another bed for myself?" he asked, wondering if Annie would feel safer with him in, out out of the bed. Niabi went in search of Finnick and he grabbed the man away from Voldemort, who scowled at Niabi as the boy whispered furiously in Finnick's ear. "someone's been...'touching' her Finn.... someone's been molesting, maybe even raping her, and i am putting an end to it." he promised before staring at him, baring his teeth, his eyes filled with such a rage you had to wonder if he himself had been raped at some point. "i am going to slaughter, anyone, who dares touch her again."
"okay.I would like that."She said smiling at him as she snuggled down into the bed, smiling happily at the idea of being able to hurt whoever could hurt her."That would be nice."She muttered before nodding happily,"I do like butterscotch."She said sighing a little as she looked up at draco was he walked in, "Sleep with me?"She sid reaching out ,tugging on his hand to get him into the bed, shifting to get comfortable, snuggling against his chest as she settled against him sleepily.

Finn paled as he thought about that, growling as he thought about that, curiousity showing in his eyes at the idea of what niabi had happened,but for the moment, he was concentrating on annie. Growling as e pushed away from the wall he'd been leaning on, turnnig to look at his father."We need to gather everyone tonight. I know its late, but someone's been screwing with annie, and if it's one of our people, I wantit taken care of. Now."He said looking anxious at the idea of annie being touched like that, needing to be able to fix things as much as he could
Niabi smiled a little as he nodded at her. "i'll teach you then." he promised smiling as Draco snuggled into her as she ordered, wrapping his arms around her belly, holding her tight so she wouldn't be scared as he closed his eyes, but he didn't sleep, not with danger all about.

"i agree." he growled cracking his knuckles. "how do we gather everyone?" he asked looking at Voldemort who was practically exuding a murderous aura. "i will gather them, go to the meeting chamber." he ordered looking at Finnick. "make sure they are ALL there Finnick, including the Malfoy's, i know they are not involved, they would not dare, but i want everyone to see what happens to someone who DARES to touch what is mine!" not that he wanted Annie, but he had a claim on her, as his daughter she was his to protect and he would let no one harm her. "how will we know who is telling the truth?" "a truth spell of course." Voldemort snarled. "anyone who fails the spell, will be put in the ring to fight either you, or Finnick." he growled turning to Finnick. "give me your back." he ordered. having no Dark Mark himself, he needed to use someone else's to call, and using Finnick's mark would allow his thunderous rage to shine through as well. he dragged his finger across the mark he had given his 'son', and felt the fear of the Death eaters as they Felt the furious calls. "go and greet them Finnick, let no one know why they have been called." he growled turning to Niabi. "you, we will introduce tonight." he smirked viciously. "i have had need of a Bolverk." Voldemort's personal assassin and punisher. the only person who was higher up on the food chain than Niabi now was Finnick, not that Niabi knew that. "...the hell is a Bolverk!?" "just go and get dressed, bring your pretty muggle weapons, dress to be intimidating." "yes sir." Niabi purred, pleased as he skipped off, eager to show off, gathering his suitcases from Finnick and leaving to get dressed.
Finn nodded seriously, not about to make fun of his father for claiming annie like that, because he was pretty sure the man would try to beat his head in. Shivering a little as he realized just how bad this was going to be, he held out his arm, shivering as he felt the fury in that touch, heading downstairs with a smirk amused that niabi had been promoted to bolverk. The man was going to be so pissed when he realized that no one was going to want to sleep with him now. Snickering as he leaned against the wall in the meeting room, watching everyone arrive, smirking a little when he saw lucius and snape, "Good evening gentlemen."He said pushing away from the wall and settling into his straight backed chair, a leg slung over the arm with all the careless grace of a man who knew he wasn't going to be punished tonight, and knowing that someone else was. "We'll be beginning as soon as Father arrives."he said watching everyone gather, breathing a slight sigh of relief when he saw that indeed everyone but draco was there, but draco wasn't expected considering he was with annie.
the Death eaters hesitantly settled into place, the only space missing was Draco and Lucius glanced at the spot, worried but certain that if Draco was in trouble Voldemort would have called him privately. the others where clearly terrified, wondering who had brought such a wrath into Voldemort, who was taking his time in appearing. Voldemort suddenly swept into the room, his murderous air stifling in the smaller room, Shadowbane following behind him dressed all in black and black leather, his braid swaying as he walked. he had put Kohl on his eyes, and all of his guns and knives where well in view and everyone froze as they saw the Dark Lord and the new guy. "Sit, Shadowbane." Voldemort ordered, creating a chair next to Finnick's, since the chair on his left was reserved for Annie when she wanted to sit in on meetings. Niabi settled into the chair, his angry, emerald eyes studying the people around him as he lounged in his own chair. "this, is my new Bolverk." Voldemort stated calmly. "we will be testing his skills in making people SUFFER tonight." Voldemort admitted his eyes narrowed viciously. "one of you... has been hurting what is Mine!" he snarled, the air crackling with his rage. "one of you, has been touching my Daughter." Niabi started twirling a knife in his fingers and several of the death eaters winced, afraid of Niabi, and more afraid of their pissed off Dark Lord. "Does anyone want to confess?" Voldemort demanded. "it will be a fast death if you confess now."
finn frowned as he watched the others, tilting his head slightly as he watched them."Father...Greg goyle. There."He said looking at the uncomfortable looking teen who'd been a spy, wanting out of the death eaters, he'd run to dumbledore, only to find the man a harsher taskmaster then voldemort, demanding what should never be done to a teenaged girl, a mentally handicapped one even more."Just let niabi interrogate everyone."He said with the arelessness of a man who was annoyed and worried enough about annie that he didn't care who was hurt as long as they were sure they got everyone.
Niabi's eyes flicked over to Greg, who was sweating violently and Niabi suddenly stood up, all grace and power as he strode along the floor, examining each man as he passed as Finnick suggested he simply interrogate everyone. he suddenly stopped at Lucius, a sadistic smirk on his lips. "i'll start with you." "w..what!? why ME!?" Lucius demanded, terrified, glancing at Voldemort who simply scowled, unhappy, but he let Niabi take the man away to a small back closet that had just enough room for the two of them. for Ten minutes Lucius screamed, and screamed hard, the men in the circle fidgeting violently before Crabbe fell to his knees. "i'm sorry!!! i'm sorry he made me! he MADE me do it! he said i would go to Azkaban if i didn't i'm SORRY please don't leave me to him! please don't give me to the Bolverk!" he pleaded bursting into sobs into his hands, poor stupid Crabbe. the screams in the room stopped, and Lucius staggered out, pale and shaking as he settled back into his place, Niabi walking out, wiping fresh, red blood off of his blade. "who's next?" he asked smirking viciously, his eyes narrowed. "who will taste the truth of my blade?" Goyle cracked, screaming the same apology as Crabbe, Niabi stalking over to them, smirking as he traced his chin. "mmm, i only need one of you to torture for information." he purred, his eyes flicking from Crabbe and then to Goyle before looking up at Voldemort, waiting for his final decision, a quick death, or one filled with torture. "they will both, be tortured. do with them what you will, get all information, and make sure there are no more... Lucius, come here." Voldemort ordered, the blond swallowing a whimper as he staggered over to Voldemort. "i'm not really hurt." Lucius whispered to Voldemort and Finnick. "i'll explain at length once we know for sure we got all the bastards who hurt Annie." Niabi was trailing his knife over Crabbe's face, cutting thin lines, the boy screaming his pain, sobbing and begging for forgiveness as Niabi played with him in front of the other Death eaters, making it well known that he was Bolverk, and he would enjoy punishing them.
Finnick watched, his knees feeling a little weak because he had no idea how he was going to explain getting lucius hurt.Paling slightly as he turned his head slightly so the room couldn't see what he was thinking, looking relieved to see that the blond wasn't hurt."Draco's with annie."He muttered knowing lucius had to be worried about where his son was before tilting his head as he watched the death eaters, looking relieved that everyone looked terrified, but no one else was giving in. Clearing his throat a little he looked at niabi, before the rest. "It seems we've found all our traitors father."He said standing walking throug hthe rowd, randomly poking them in the sides, just to watch them jump before moving over to look down at crabbe, a frown curling his lips as he slammed a foot down on the man's back, holding him in place as he thought."Niabi.I know the most perfect punishment for this one, if we can make it happen."he said a small satisfied smirk curling his lips as he thought about it. Because in those moments of fear driven rage, they could see the woman annie was supposed to be, and he so wanted crabbe to beg the very woman he hurt for mercy.
Lucius sighed, relieved at that information, glad his son wasn't hurt, wincing as Goyle started screaming as Harry broke his pinky finger, the smallest one always hurt the most. "...for now." Voldemort growled his eyes flicking over to Crabbe and Goyle SR who tensed and swallowed thickly but made no move to protect their sons, too afraid of being tortured to death themselves. Niabi growled at the interference in his fun, shooting Finnick a glare before smirking darkly. "i know a pretty damn good punishment myself." he purred licking his lips. Niabi wasn't above raping someone, not when they deserved it, and it was a fitting punishment. "give me two hours with each one, and then you can have them both hmm?" he asked smirking at the other, grabbing both men by the hair and dragging them off to a private bedroom to take pleasure in their screams and sobs. he left them there, bleeding, but not yet broken, Niabi had been nice to them, because he didn't want them broken when they faced Finnick. "they are all yours Finn." he chirped, pleased as he rubbed his hands together. "i love my job." he growled as he watched Crabbe and Goyle, their hands still tied behind their backs, but fully dressed, letting no one see the shame of what he had done to them, though everyone knew. "what are you going to do to them?" he asked with a smirk, his head tilted a little. "we should send their ruined corpses to this Dumbledore Fellow... as a warning." he admitted with a dark little smirk. "so what are you going to do to them?" he asked his head tilted a little at the other.
"We're going to. Dmbledore will never again question that annie isn't well protected,and completely untouhable."Finn said sitting on his heels as he crouched down in front of them tilting his head when he heard footfalls, the soft pattering that coud only belong to one person, because she always went barefoot. "You know who scares me more then you do?"Finn said looking up at niabi, smirking a little as Annie walked into the room, for once looking as dark and deadly as she should have always been, draco trailing after her, like a well trained guard dog. Annie paused as she stepped into the room, for a moment breaking, looking confused at the crowd, before looking at draco, then at niabi as she walked closer"You promised me a defense lesson. Would it not be good to have someone attack me during this?"she asked blandly knowing that the minute they goaded them into attacking her, there were going to be spells from around the room protecting her, torturing them. She wasn't above group activities sometimes, it was just she was hardly ever sane enough to understand the things some people tried to explain things to her.
Niabi smirked a little as he smacked Crabbe's ass, the boy whimpering pathetically. "he should have known that for a fact already." he admitted smirking a little as he shook his head turning his head at the sound of footfalls. "your father?" he asked looking amused before looking shocked at Annie's new attitude, his eyes brightening in delight. "why i did indeed My Lady." he agreed pulling a knife from his belt and handing it to her, showing her how to hold it while Draco stood off in the corner. he wasn't one for torture and intended on staying as far away from it as he could. "there, and this is how you attack. you JAB." he took her wrist and jabbed it towards his belly. "the gut, or the neck." he ordered Annie. "always gut or neck when you Jab." he ordered calmly. "or you Slice." he showed her the motion this time, showing her how to slit someone's throat. "always go for the throat, groin, or eyes when slicing." he ordered. "they are the most debilitating, if it doesn't kill them, it will blind them, or leave them in too much pain to do anything." he explained smiling at her before stepping away and kicking Goyle to his feet. "get up you lazy fuck, you did sin, and ow you must face your Goddess." he ordered with a snarl, cutting Goyle's hands free, letting Finnick order Goyle about, Draco ready with his wand. not to hurt, but to heal, Draco was good at healing spells. even a killing wound, he would heal the two, so they could be stabbed, cut, and hurt again, and again.
Finnick shook his head, snickering at niabi's shock pain showing on his face for a moment."She can't do it often, but she can be sane, if given motivation."he muttered looking pained because it hurt him so badly to know that something had broken the girl broken her in a way she couldn't usually gather herself in. Annie giggled happily as she took the lessons, smiling as she helped.After a few minutes though her attitude had retreated, the small girl looking confused as she held the knife in front of her, blood soaking her hands as she looked around her. There was a cost to clearing her head as much as she had. It usually left her even more confused then she usually was."B-butterscotch?"Annie said sounding conused as she looked around her.
Niabi nodded a little as he watched her, watched her handle the knife almost perfectly, stabbing the boys again and again as they where forced to their feet, again and again, driven towards her again until they simply laid there, and with a flick of his wrist, Draco reversed the healing, and every stab, every cut reopened, and they bled to death on the floor, broken, in mind and body. "it's alright Annie." Draco stated, carefully appearing next to her. "i'm right here. lets give Niabi back his knife." he carefully removed the knife from her hands, well aware he had to let her know everything he was going to do, or she would panic and attack him. "i'll take your arm, and we'll go to the bath and get you cleaned up alright?" he offered smiling at her. "come one Lovely." he murmured softly, gently taking her hand and leading her away, Niabi looking pleased. "she handles a blade very well." he admitted as he flipped Crabbe onto his belly. "once she got over the screams she really got in there." he was proud of her, sick, but true. he wiped his blade clean on a part of the dead boys's pants and stretched a little. "i'm never going to get laid now." he complained with a small sigh. "ah well, maybe i can find a way to make sex a punishment." he mused happily, smirking a little. "Lucius screams very well." he admitted. "all i had to do was poke the little pansy with a needle." he shook his head. "he'll claim it's acting, but it wasn't acting." he complained feeling pleased with himself. "so can i go and kill Arthur Weasley now?" he asked, sulking at Finnick, well aware he was probobly never going to be able to kill the bastard, he would be a man who fell into an 'unfortunate accident'.
Finn winced a little as he watched draco help annie,taking the knife from him as annie looked even more confused and lost, but for once not fighting draco on anything.Letting him lead her out of the room annie turned to look at draco as they walked."you wont stay with me will you?"Sh e said sounding anxious about the idea of him staying in the bathroom while she bathed.While she'd need him to run the water and the basic getting ready things, it scared her enough that even through the confuseion she asked.

finn nodded,swallowing hard.'"She does.She's always been good at weapons, if she can gather herself long enough to remember what to do with one."Finn said the same sick pride in his voice, pride and tiredness, because he was so tired of watching her fall apart a little bit more each time she fored her head clear. Snickering at the man's words about lucius."He is a pansy.But I wouldn't go about hurting him,voldemort does like sharing his bed every one in awhile."He said before rolling his eyes."No you may not.You may though, go get some sleep, I have a eleling its going to be a long day tomorrow."
Draco smiled at her. "i hadn't planned on it." he admitted softly. "i'll wait outside, with my eyes closed." he promised kissing her forehead. "and if you need help with anything i'll come in with my eyes closed too." there where sensory charms he could use to make sure he didn't run into anything. he started up the water, knowing exactly how warm she wanted it. he got two towels and laid them next to the tub and opened the shampoo, conditioner, and body gel that she liked just like always, and then smiled, kissing her forehead. "i'll be right outside." he promised. "yell for me if you need anything." he promised leaving her alone in the bath to wash the blood off in peace.

he smiled a little and shook his head. "what's wrong with her?" he asked softly. "no person i have ever met can go from being mad, to being sane... not unless they where broken by someone else..." he admitted looking up ay Finnick. "besides, i didn't hurt him, i just stood there and he pretended to be in mortal agony to scare all the ickle idiots." he admitted smirking a little. "and then he did something to himself to make him look all pale and trembly, i don't know what." he admitted with a shrug as he sighed at the denial of killing Arthur. "fine, fine." he grumbled scowling a little before smirking. "can i at least help drop the bodies off in front of Dumbles?"
Annie smiled happily at him kissing his cheek before settling into the tub to wash off. When she was done she walked into the bedroom, smiling up at him, her hair curling charmingly around her fae as she looked at him."I'm hungry."She said now more awake even if it was the middle of the night."Want to get a midnight snack?"She said tilting her head, back to her normal level of insanity.

Finn sighed shaking his head a little."We don't know. We adopted her like this.We have our suspicions that someone broke her,but how or why..."He shrugged helpless."She has her moments of extreme clearity, where she can almost tell us what happened, then just as quickly its gone."He said snickering a little at the idea of lucius hurting himself.That was just amusing, before smirking, nodding as he started to pick up the bodies."Of course. Class is in session now, he'll be at the school."
he smiled at her as she came in and he nodded. "sure, a midnight snack sounds great!" he agreed his stomach growling a little. "maybe something with chocolate." he mused happily, licking his lips as he gently took her hand and kissed her cheek. "something decidedly unhealthy." he chirped, grinning a little because he knew how much she loved sweets, candies and cakes. he didn't really care for them, but he ate them just for her.

Niabi scowled a little as he pondered that before shaking his head a little. "it sounds like someone hurt her badly, and then set a trigger in her mind so that the few times she sane, she can never tell." he mused. "we had a guy once, he was hypnotized to forget being raped, and whenever he remembers and tried to tell someone the hypnotism made him freak out." he admitted shaking his head a little. "do Wizards have anything like that?"
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