Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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he growled as she gave in, grinning a little, pleased as he marked her. "yes, Mine." he growled a little letting her go just long enough for her to turn around, and he bent down just so that she could bite him, shuddering against her as her fangs entered his neck, marking him as Hers, hugging her again as he spilled them both to the ground, kissing her hard, his tongue in her mouth his hands sliding down her ribs.

Inuyasha groaned as he heard his name being called, blinking slowly as he turned as much as he could. "over here Kagome.." he managed to say, slowly getting onto all fours, panting hard still. "sorry... i must have worried you... my Demon came out again and we... hell i don't even know what we did Reiko took off and we followed and i don't even know why, must of ran after her for hours!" he complained, drunk with exhaustion. "but i totally kicked Sesshomaru's ass!"
Reiko sighed softly as she ran her hands under his clothes undressing him as he undressed her, careful not to rip anything because she knew they'd have to go back to camp with the others, which meant they needed clothes to put back on.Hands wrapping around his arms as she cimbed his body like a tree, wrapping her legs around his waist,claws digging into his arms, marking him,bleeding him.It was always a great honor to have yourlover draw blood because they were badges of a job well done. Rubbing against him she sighed in pleasure, closing her eyes as she nuzzled him.

Kagome smiled a little as she looked him over, looking worried, helpng him stand up. Wrapping a arm around his waist as they started walking back towards camp. Wondering if it was a mating thing, wondering if they'd gone after her because they had to."I'm sure there's a explanation."He said smiling a little looking amused."You kicked sesshomaru's ass?Is that why your here, and he's with her?"she asked teasing him.
Sesshomaru growled as she climbed him, looking amused as he cupped her ass, holding her up, moaning softly as she clawed him, he couldn't remember the two of them undressing, but they where naked now and he was pleased as he kissed her furiously, tangling his tongue into hers as he spilled her, very gently into leaves and moss, taking his time to trail down her body, teasing flesh and teasing body as he took his sweet time tracing his tongue and fingers all over her body, ignoring breasts and cunt entirely. tormenting her. making love to her the only way Sesshomaru knew how. by being an ass.

Inuyasha grinned stupidly as he staggered to his feat with Kagome's help, stumbling and nearly spilling them both to the ground several times, but they made it to the clifftop, by going up the large hill that led to it. Inuyasha groaned as he laid down by the Fire, letting the warmth soak into his aching body. "mmm no i kicked Sesshomaru's ass BEFORE Reiko showed up." he admitted smiling at Kagome. "whatever just happened... i'm glad Sesshomaru won." he admitted sighing as he tucked his head into his arms. "i don't like Reiko nearly as much as he does..." he mumbled sleepily. "and i'm... in love with..." and then he snored, falling asleep, infuriatingly just before he admitted his love to Kagome... stupid Dog Demon.
Reiko whined laughing as he spilled her so gently onto the ground, whining as she squirmed. Whimpering as he trailed his lips and hands over her body, wrapping her fingers in silvery hair as she tugged on the strands."Stop!Stop being a ass and fuck me!"She demanded shoving at his shoulder, wanting more, and he was driving her insane.

Kagome laughed softly as she helped him lay down, laying down next to him, amused at his state."I'm sure they're both you lost to."She teased knowing sesshomaru would have never forgotten it if he lost to his brother."Sleep."She ordered yawning herself, looking curious about his love even as she fell asleep herself.
Sesshomaru looked up at her as she yanked on his hair, licking his lips a little, his eyes narrowed. "that sounded like an order." he growled softly as he studied her. "i don't much care for people ordering me about." and proceeded to punish her for it... with his tongue... in her cunt, driving her to an orgasm with talented tongue and lips before he leaned over her, slipping deep inside of her in one, quick movement that left him breathless, sighing softly as he shuddered. he was not a verbal lover, but his motions, and the small sounds he did make spoke volumes about how much he loved being inside of her.

Inuyasha did sleep, and he slept long and hard, sleeping even after Sango and Miroku returned, Hiraikotsu fixed back to brand new and Miroku with a whole new array of bumps on his head. "Kagome... is he alright?" she asked prodding Inuyasha and glancing at Rn who was sleeping next to Aun Oun. "where's Sesshomaru and Y..Reiko?"
Reiko growled at the words,"I'll ord...ohhhh.."She moaned losing herself in the pleasure as he pleasured her, shivering in the aftermath of her orgasm as he drove himself into her. Shivering as she looked up at him, she wasn't that vocal either, and it was interesting watching his face. Leaning up she nuzzled his neck, lazily running her tongue around the mating mark,knowing it was highly senstive when licked by the person who left it.

Kagome smiled slightly looking at miroku as he settled down to sleep himself, looking so abused."He's fine. Just exhausted. After fighting with sesshomaru, he chased after reiko. And sesshomaru won."She said blushing ever so softly, because she was so not going to say what the two were doing on their own.
he smirked as she came, pleased with himself as he slid into her, studying her just as much as she was studying him, letting off a soft, happy sound as he trailed her tongue along the mark, shuddering happily as he started to thrust into her, slowly at first, then giving in to her needs and fucking her fast, hard, just like she wanted, catching her lips with his own and kissing her hard as he trailed his claws down her back, drawing beads of blood, but being very careful not to dig too deep.

Sango chuckled a little and shook her head. "Reiko must have tested them." she stated calmly. "Deg, Wolf, any kind of Canine and Cat really... they tend to test their mates to make sure that their the strongest, the best." Sango admitted. "Leopards are known to nearly kill each other before they mate." she admitted before pausing, blushing very hard as she realized what Sesshomaru and Reiko where doing. "... well, maybe he'll be in a better mood now..." she mused, feeling horridly embarrassed.
Reiko moaned growling as she raised her hips to meet his, kissing him back as hard, so hrd that both their fangs cut the inside of their mouths, moning as seh tasted blood, and for once not totally aware of what she was doing as her claws dug into his back holing him against her, not nearly as careful as he was being, but he'd heal them quickly, much quicker then she would have. Moning into his mouth as she came,clinging to him as the world went white edged.

"Oh.That makes sense.Want the strongest to protect you."Kagome mused snickering a little as sango blushed to, laughing as she nodded."Maybe. Though, does he really have a better mood?"She questioned, snickering because sesshomaru was just such a moody bastard sometimes.
he kissed her with all the passion he had, ignoring the cuts and the taste of blood as he took her as his own, shuddering as he came, flooding her cunt with his life giving seed, he knew, no matter who's child it was she was carrying, she belonged to him, and even if it was Inuyasha's child, he would raise it without hatred, because some part of him had eased with falling in love with her, and deep wounds had healed. he panted next to her, simply holing her for a moment before looking up at the night sky. "it's been hours... we should go back... Rin is unprotected." he muttered, calm, almost uncaring, but Reiko would know he was fretting about leaving the girl in foolish mortal hands.

Sango chuckled a little and shook her head. "well, clearly he has a worse mood, a better one has to be in there SOMEWHERE." she admitted with a smirk before she frowned a little, glancing at Inuyasha. "... please tell me Sesshomaru looks at least as bad as Inuyasha does..." worse actually, but that was mostly Reiko's fault, she was a violent lover... everyone would be completely healed by morning in any case, and back to their normal selves too. where Sesshomaru and Reiko had laid Claiming marks on one another, her heat would be contained, and would no longer affect other males. Sesshomaru would feel an overwhelming desire to fuck her relentlessly, but he was in good control of himself.
Reiko panted as she laid on her side, refusing to move for a moment before bolting to her feet at the reminder rin was unprotected. Hurrying sesshomaru to his feet so they could make sure rin was oka. Breathing a sigh of relief when they got back, blushing slightly when she saw the two humans away before settling beside rin to sleep.

"Somewhere."she said snickering a litle before shrugging."They were already gone when I found inuyasha. Hopefully though. It'd make inuyasha feel better."He said snickering as she settled down to sleep.

In the morning Reiko smiled a little as she sat up in the early dawn light glad that the dragon was hiding her and sesshomaru from his brother and his friends, because she was playing with his hair and admiring him while he slept, and she had a distinct feeling he would not appericiate it if she did it in front of inuyasha.
Sesshomaru followed Reiko, making sure that they where both well dressed and presentable before they bolted into the trees. he watched Reiko tuck Rin in, and looked shocked when Rin called her 'Mommy' again, ever so sleepy, and then a tiny, almost unnoticeable smile curled the very tip of Sesshomaru's lips, and it took all of Sango's self control not to point or stare, glancing at Hermione and giggling. they'd found one of Sesshomaru's good moods.

in the morning, while everyone else was asleep and Reiko was playing with his hair, Sesshomaru felt calmer than he had ever felt before in his life. he almost felt... peaceful, he had not felt such a thing since his father had died, protecting the whore of a human and his half blood brother. "if you braid my hair, i will kill you." Sesshomaru finally said as the playing continued, completely uncaring that she had thought him asleep. "...i used to blame Inuyasha you know..." he admitted suddenly, well aware that the others where awake now, and could hear him, Inuyasha most of all. "for murdering my Father... for being why he died..." he turned and looked at Reiko. "... i find myself... not hating him anymore... i think you have settled me..." he admitted, blinking slowly at her. "i have not felt...calm, in so long..."
"You'd look good with a braid. All this long hair, you and inuyasha could have matching hairstyles. I could do his to."she teased shifting to lay down next to him, laying down on her stomach, sitting up on her lbows so shecould lookdownat him pretending to not know the others were awake."Ah well, you did just have a amazing sex.Wait till the afterglow fades to see if you hate him still."She teased though her eyes were serious as she leaned down to kiss him."Calm is good. You streetfighting, was just amusing."She teased nuzzling him a little.

Kagome looked surprised at the words, tilting her headas she lookedover at inuyasha asshecooked waiting to see what his reaction would be.
he growled a little and sat up just enough to glare at her, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "i will tie you to a tree and leave you there if you so much as DARE." he growled a warning before settling back down. "i have my doubts about Inuyasha allowing such a thing..." Inuyasha had to cough into his hand because that was exactly what Rin was doing, braiding his hair since he was the only one not busy. "i find him annoying, but the hatred is gone." Sesshomaru admitted before shaking his head. "i cannot beleive i lowered myself to such a state as to... street...brawl." he wrinkled his nose an Inuyasha barley restrained a snicker, glancing at Kagome and offering her a small smile. something inside of him too had settled... knowing WHY Sesshomaru had hated him, had always tried to kill him made him feel a little better... even if it wasn't fair, after all Inuyasha hadn't even been born yet when InuTaisho had died, but Sesshomaru had blamed him, and that Inuyasha understood, the need to blame someone when it was no one's fault.
Reiko smirked looking amused before raising her head a little, loking at the other half demon before hiding her face against sesshomaru's chest to stifle her snickers, because it was so adorable to see inuyasha getting his hair braided."If Inuyasha lets me braid his hair, can I braid yours?"she teased her mate before grinning slightly. "It was quite adorable actually. To see you lose control enough to just slug it out."She said poking fun at him. Kagome smiled back at inuyasha muffling her laughter to see what sesshomaru would say, glad that athe two had come to a understanding.
Sesshomaru stared at her for a long second and then. "no." and that was a very final 'No' meaning she would never, ever braid his hair, ever. "i did not lose control." Sesshomaru stated stiffly. "Inuyasha is the one who lost control..." Inuyasha snorted at that. "and yet you didn't try in the least to turn it into a fight to the death. you slugged me just as much as i slugged you." he stated simply his ear twitching as Rn giggled and played with his other ear as Sesshomaru carefully, stiffly sat up. he was astonished to realize that he was still sore, undamaged, but sore. he stood up, shook out his Kimono and faced Inuyasha, golden eyes meeting Golden eyes and then. "... i am sorry, Inuyasha." "... yeah... me too." Inuyasha muttered, both brothers clearly uncomfortable, and they turned away, clearly done with their heart healing for a while.
Reiko pouted as she sat up, stretching as she stood. Also sore but healed."Look!Sesshomaru!He's getting his hair braided."She pouted a little snickering, having a feeling if she could get rin to pounce on him to braid his hair, he'd let her. Looking amused as she moved over to the fire to help kagome cook, "Come on you two, time to eat."She said holding out the bowls of deer soup.
Sesshomaru stared at Inuyasha, silently accusing him of conspiring against him and Inuyasha shrugged then winced as Rin ordered him not to move so she could finish the braid. Sesshomaru ignored the food an turned to examine the skies instead as Sango, who had picked the herbs for the soup settled down with the others to eat, Inuyasha inhaling his meal as Rin giggled and ate hers as well, chattering almost constantly as Sesshomaru sniffed at the air. "...there is slaughter." he stated suddenly, turning to the smell of blood and smoke, he could just barley see the ruined village that they had left.
Reiko raised her head a little, turning her face into the wind, shivering a little at the smell of slaughter on the hair, the soft purple lines of her demoness and the red tinged eyes filling her golden ones as she let the demoness out, needing the control, needing to not give into the slaughter."We better go investagate."Kagome said starting to clean up their things so they could go and see what was going on. REiko swallowed slipping a hand into sesshomaru's, needing his calm needing to not lose control.She had more control then inuyasha seemed to have, but even the bloodiest battle could drive her to whole scale slaughter herself.
Sesshomaru blinked at Kagome. "why? they are already dead, what good would it do to go now?" he asked, honest to god confused as to why they would want to go down into the blood soaked village unless they wanted to eat the bodies, and he had his doubts about any of them wanting to do that. his fingers curled around Reiko's though, offering her his calm and strength as he stared at Inuyasha an the humans while they gathered their things, scowling now. "Rin, stay with Jaken." he ordered glancing at Jaken. "if you let her be harmed Toad, i will leave your slaughtered body amidst the humans down there." he growled kicking the toad onto Aun Oun, gently picking her up and settling her onto the Demon before watching Aun Oun fly into the sky. no one but Kagura could get them now. "come then if you insist." Sesshomaru grumbled, looking out to the village again before glancing at Reiko. "stay calm, breath deeply." he ordered handing something to her, a silk handkerchief for her to hold over her nose so she wouldn't smell the blood, it was even scented...
Kagome frowned a little at sesshomaru."because some may still be alive."she stated before looking looking amused that he was agreeing to go anyways. Reiko smiled softly as she looked at her mate, shifting to stand next to him as they headed for the village, breathing both the perfume and his scent in, letting it overpower the need to slaughter."think its a good idea to let inuyasha come?"she asked softly, figuring if she was having this much trouble the untrained hanyou was having even more.
Sesshomaru shook his head a little, he just never would understand humans, but he didn't find her as annoying as he would have... he realized that binding himself to Reiko had settled his own temper and soothed his own annoyances. he was offering his calm to her, but she was doing the same to him. he glanced at Inuyasha, a little worried about his brother turning demon as well, not because he was worried about Inuyasha, but because he didn't want to have his face clawed off. amazingly, as always, Inuyasha was perfectly fine, blood didn't set his Demon off, Danger did, plus he had Tetseiga nearby, which helped restrain his Demon half. "Inuyasha will be fine, he's been near things like this before." Sango promised Reiko glancing at her. "are YOU going to be alright?" she asked her head tilted a little as Inuyasha sniffed at the air and choked at the scent of blood. "ugh... it reeks." he complained putting an edge of his sleeve over his nose. "i can't smell anything but blood and gunpowder..." he complained shaking his head as he looked around at the massacre. "what in the hell happened here?" "there are Claw marks..." Sango stated, examining the edge of a building. "big too..."
Reiko frowned a little as she walked the building, though she strayed from sesshomaru's side a little to look over the slaughter she stayed close enough to make sure that she could smell him."I'm fine.All I can smell is the sulking demon over there."She said nodding towards sesshomaru, amused a little because sesshomaru looked confused at their need to go check on everyone. "It almost....looks like both human and demons attacked here."Kagome said frowning as she looked at inuyasha, looking worried before looking around. "I smell rain.A firewood."reiko said frowning a little because they were such a distinct demon type, it was hard to not know that the damned dragon had attacked the village. But..."What the hell is a dragon doing here?I didn't think there were any left in your domains....at least, I get that feeling..."Reiko said frowning because it was more a feeling then a memory, not realizing that her own presence, that as a guardian of the meido, she was drawing legends out of the mists of dead, raising them on accident from the dead.
Sesshomaru gave her a small look as Inuyasha growled a little, sniffing along the ground. "it's definitely a Dragon..." he agreed shaking his head. "but there shouldn't be one here... my... our Father took care of the Last Dragon here... didn't he?" he asked glancing over at Sesshomaru who nodded once. "yes, the effort very nearly killed him." he admitted simply as he ran his fingers along thick gouges in the ground, bringing his fingertips to his nose. "but, Dragons are stubborn, even in death, and are known to break the chains that hold them in the heavens." he admitted calmly, his eyes narrowed a little. "i must look into this, if there is a Dragon in the Western Lands, it must be dealt with." he stated simply, his eyes narrowed as he looked skyward. "i will not allow such beasts in my lands." "... why did you and Father hate the Dragons so much?" Inuyasha asked suddenly and Sesshomaru turned to Inuyasha. "...because they are the reason, why there is only one pure blooded Dog Demon left in the Western Lands." "but your...oh." Inuyasha's eyes went wide, astonished. the Dragons had slaughtered the Dog Demon Kingdoms? but why!?

(i don't know if that's true or not, but Sesshomaru could be right or be misinformed, XDD either way, lots of Drama! XDD)
Reiko frowned looking at the dog demon tilting her head a little as she crouched down on the ground, relaxing back on her heels as she tried to find the most recent scent."This ones dead....it smells....."She stopped struggling for the words, because she had no idea what to say to the smell that smelled like thunder and lightening, of dark nights and deadly sins."It smells good."She muttered smelling the meido clinging to the dragon before looking at sesshomaru,"I know you wanted me to guard rin, but we need to take care of this first.IF....if we allow inuyasha and the others to guard her, we can move faster, hunt faster."She said looking up at her mate, not intentionally excluding inuyasha, but not including him either. Giving him the option of coming or not.

(I dunno, but it is odd that there's never any other dog demons. I like it.)
Sesshomaru scowled a little and reached out, yanking her away from the marks on the wall, pressing the handkerchief firmly to her nose. "don't lose control." he warned glancing at Kagome and Inuyasha, hesitant, uncertain, you could tell he was torn. he did not want to leave Rin in the hands of strangers, and who could blame him? until a few hours ago he had actively tried to kill everyone that would soon be guarding the little girl he had claimed as his daughter. "we'll protect her Sesshomaru." Sango promised. "we'll take her to a nearby village where a priestess lives, she's old, but very powerful." Sango promised. "we'll have an entire village who will be willing to protect her..." Sesshomaru stared for a moment longer and then nodded a little. "protect her..." "i'm coming with you!" Inuyasha growled. "if this thing hunts Dog Demons... it might come after me." Inuyasha theorized, Sesshomaru snarling but nodding. "then you will come with us." he agreed. "but if you fall behind..." "then i'll catch up." Inuyasha promised turning to Kagome, gently taking her hand. "Kagome... be safe..." he murmured softly. "i'll be back soon... but just in case..." he hesitated and then pressed his lips to hers, kissing her gently, Sango's mouth falling open. "...i love you." Inuyasha whispered before turning, and following Sesshomaru, who had already started running after the beast that had wiped out nearly all of the Dog Clans.
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