Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Kagome looked startled, ust as shocked as sango at the sight of the female dog demon."No, only inuyasha. Though if he's female, is up for debate."Kagome muttered rolling her eyes as she glanced at the boys fighting, Reiko tensed, her hands at her sides as she watched the woman approach, ignoring jaken's rants about being kicked. "Lady Yuiko, it is always-hey!"Miroku yelped as kagome hit him in the stomach, making him gasp for breath as he tried to gather himself again."No hitting on the demon lady. She's traveling with Sesshomaru, that should be enough warning to not be stupid."Kagome said rolling her eyes before she sat down next to sango. Reiko looked at the fight, then the three humans before sitting nervously, though she was calming as she realized that rin was alright with them being there."must they fight?This seems like a pointless endevour and a wasted effort."Reiko said watching the fight, looking as coldly aloof and cynical as sesshomaru that it would take inuyasha's nose to realize she was a half demon.
Sango shrugged a little. "so maybe all Dog Demon's look like that..." she mused shaking her head a little as she watched Miroku start to hit on the demon with a surge of bitter jealousy, about to slam his head into the ground with her boomerang, but was beaten by Kagome. "humph, he'd hit on Satan or god themselves so long as they had a woman's body." Sango growled hatefully as she crossed her arms and watched the fight with angry eyes, her head tilted a little as she watched the Dog Demon. "Sesshomaru and Inuyasha HATE each other so much. Sesshomaru i guess has been trying to kill Inuyasha since they where children or something..." Sango admitted in response to Reiko's question as Rin chattered about how Lady Yuiko let her braid her hair, and how Sesshomaru sure was scary when he was beating up Inuyasha! like before, Sesshomaru was exerting very little energy, and was flinging Inuyasha away, it was clear that Reiko was a more skilled blades-man than Inuyasha was, Sesshomaru actually had to push when flinging her away, he just sort of batted Inuyasha out of the air like he was an annoying bug. with every swat, both brothers grew more and more irritated and Sango studied the woman she was sitting next to. "so how did you end up traveling with Sesshomaru?"
Reiko watched, looking interested in learning blade work, but it soon became obvious that inuyasha's stukk if fighting was just hitting at something until it gave, where sesshomaru slipped easily this way and that, without evening having to work at it. Starting a little at sango's question, she frowned at the humans when she realized they were all waiting for a answer."He brought me back to life, and Rin adopted me. So he's letting me guard rin, in return for letting me travel with him." She said easily. Kagome stared her mouth hanging open slightly before lookign at the demon lord in question. of everyone saving a demon's life, he wouldn't have thought it would be sesshomaru. Though, the demoness was beautiful, in that coldly elegant kind of way."How long will they do this?"Reiko said frownign at the brothers, bored with the hack and slash fight that seemed to have no finesse in teh fighting.
Sango sighed a little. "until Sesshomaru gets serious..." she admitted scowling a little as she studied the Demon. "why on earth would Sesshomaru of all people bring someone back from the dead?" "he brought ME back from the dead!" Rin chirped beaming at Sango. "he always complains that Ten..Ten s...seiga..." she stuttered over the name but kept going. "MADE him bring me back but that's only when i'm annoying him." she admitted with a bright cheerful grin before gasping as Inuyasha let out a crow of victory, a line of blood across Sesshomaru's cheek, not much of a hit, but it was the first one Inuyasha got. "here we go, Kagome get your bow." Sango ordered, sounding bored as Sesshomaru slid his sword back into it's sheath, striking out with two fingers instead, his Poison Whip slicing effortlessly through the Fire Rat Robe, Inuyasha crying out in pain as Sesshomaru effortlessly sliced and diced at Inuyasha before slamming his two sickly glowing claws into Inuyasha's chest, honestly trying to kill him this time, Inuyasha crying out in agony as he staggered and collapsed, Sesshomaru easily jumping out of the way of Kagome's arrow, yellow eyes glaring at Inuyasha. "you are a waste of air, die with my poison flowing through your veins." he demanded slicing Inuyasha again with another Poison whip, driven back as Sango threw her Boomerang at him.

"Stop it Sesshomaru! he's done! you beat him! Leave him Be!" Sango demanded, shrieking in horror as Sesshomaru turned his attack on her instead, his whip striking her Boomerang so hard that the thing shattered and she was flung backwards. "No Sesshomaru! Stop!" Rin pleaded, running out to him, holding her arms out, trying to block his path of destruction as Sango groaned, clutching her now very sore ribs. Sesshomaru growled, glancing at Inuyasha. "do the world a favor you half blood mutt and die." Sesshomaru ordered before he vanished, leaping into the air and vanishing on his cloud into the bright sunny sky, Rin looking worried. "that...what was that!?" Sango demanded panting hard. "he's... never attacked us lowly humans before..." she groaned, panting, sweating from the demonic poison running through her veins. "Kagome... how's Inuyasha?" out cold but alive... for a while, he'd gotten pretty badly poisoned, Sesshomaru hadn't held back an inch in that last moment of battle.
Kagome climbed to her feet, aiming her bow, and losing the arrow before glaring at sesshomaru as she moved to inuaysha's side, crouching at inuyasha's side, making sure she knew waht to do to help."Posioned. Dying."kagome said looking up at sango looking worried, then startled as reiko crouched by the three,"Here. This might help."She said handing over a thing of freshly pulled plants, crushed, the tinticure mixed with her own posion, weaker but one posion would cancel out the other. At least, she hoped she remembered correctly."I have to go. Sesshomaru will return if we stay."She said standing again looking for rin, pickign the girl up,"Come rin. We must be leaving."

Kagome scowled lookign at teh plants seh was holdign then at sango."Should we trust her, or trust that she'd kill for sesshomaru?"
Inuyasha was cut up, the wounds bleeding sluggishly but filled with painful poison, he was sweating already, gasping for air as Sango coughed a little and watched Reiko cautiously. "...i don't know... but Inuyasha will die if we don't try, i don't think your medicine can help him Kagome.." Sango admitted coughing as she took a drink of the medicine that Kagome always brought with her. "try it..." she ordered watching Rin get picked up and carried off, Rin sniffling, crying because she didn't understand why Sesshomaru would attack her freinds... he normally didn't because he knew it upset her, but he was frustrated, annoyed that he was traveling with a half blood bitch. "he's never tried so...seriously to kill Inuyasha before..." Sango muttered softly, wiping her forehead. "it was as if something inside the bastard snapped... do you think he was having a bad day or did Inuyasha say something that we missed?" she asked, helping Kagome use the tincture on Inuyasha, gently wiping his own sweating forehead. "...something is going on with that bastard... he usually views Inuyasha as an amusing toy to bat around but this time..." she shook her head. "there was actual rage on his face..."
Kagome swallowed hard as she stared down at the plants in her hand before nodding,gently applying the plants to the wounds as sango helped him drink. glancing up as she watched reiko walk off with rin she frowned, nodding."Something snapped,and it might not be inuyasha. He is traveling with a woman, a full grown one, not rin."She pointed out well aware that any demon would have a whole new way of thinking, not anything like young rin's mind. "He was pissed."Miroku muttered before nodding towards the town."We should move him inside. it wont do him any good to lay on the ground."He said moving to pick up inuyasha, grumblling about making him lose weight when he woke up but heading for the in where rin and reiko had stayed.
Rin snuggled into Reiko, looking up at her. "Lord Sesshomaru was so angry." she muttered softly, looking worried. "do you think something happened while he was away?" she asked her eyes worried up at her adopted mother, her head tilted as she snuggled into her. "he's never attacked Lady Kagome and Sango before..." she admitted softly, looking worried. "do you think he was hurt? he was bleeding..."

Sango nodded. "if he's having trouble with the woman, he may have taken it out on Inuyasha, Rin is very clearly attached to that Yuiko..." she frowned. 'somehow i don't think Yuiko is her real name though, she looked so familiar... i just can't place her... it wasn't that she looked like Sesshomaru it was... something else..." she admitted following Miroku and Kagome inside. she would have helped carry but she was hurt too and it took all of her strength just to keep walking.
"MAybe.But do not question him, he will not like it."reiko said stroking the young girl's hair as she walked, following the direction sesshomaru had left in."We'll ask him when we see him, if he is hurt."She said searching the sky through the forest canapy, curious to, what had caused the fight to become a death battle.

"She does.But i do not know why."Kagome said shaking her head, trying to think.Maybe..."Naraku?Could one of his incarnations be yuiko?He's tried to kill sesshomaru before..."She said yelping miroku get inuyasha setttled on the bed, sitting on the edge and watching the half demon worriedly.
Rin sniffled again and nodded, closing her eyes. "i know.." she muttered softly as she sighed a little and drifted off to sleep. Reiko was searching for nothing however, because Sesshomaru was a long ways away, slaughtering creatures to calm himself down. he wasn't sure why he was so furious, only that he was.

Sango shook her head a little. "no, if she was one of Naraku's Miroku or Inuyasha would have noticed." she admitted shaking her head a little. "and there is no fooling Sesshomaru, if she was one of Naraku's he wouldn't have let her live..." Sango admitted, the medicine already helping her to feel better. Inuyasha was also starting to recover, his wounds slowly closing, though the Fever was still there he wasn't so hot now, and he wasn't sweating so badly, Reiko's concoction was working. "i think he's recovering..."
Reiko sighed softly as she realized that sesshomaru wasn't anywhere nearby. Just following her nose until she found him,wrinkling her nose a little.'You're making this area quite uninhabitiable for anyone with a stronger sense of smell then a human."She said raising a hand, pressing a hand against her nose as if it could block out the blood scent that was making her headache.

"I think so to."Kagome said relaxing, it was so good to realize that inuyasha's body was recovering. Sighing softly as she leaned back against the headboard, closing her eyes."We should all try to get some sleep.He'll want to get moving as soon as he can move."She said knowing inuyasha would be anxious to track down sesshomaru the minute he could move.
Sesshomaru was standing in a massive pile of death and dismemberment, the mounds of demons lay slowly rotting. he didn't have a speck of blood on him other than the scratch and coating his hands and the hems of his sleeves. he had ripped everything apart with his bare hands. he stared at Reiko for a long, long moment before turning and examining the mess he had made with almost a sense of pride. there was no expression on his face but his aura seamed pleased, he had enjoyed slaughtering all those things. "take Rin away from here, she should not see such things." Sesshomaru ordered stepping out of the mess of bodies, his feet and up to his knees on his pants where so soaked with blood they where literally red. he said nothing else, he just walked away from the mess and back into the woods to clean himself of the blood before Rin woke up and saw him.

Sango snorted a little and shook her head. "i don't know if Inuyasha will want to go after Sesshomaru this time Kagome..." she admitted looking at Inuyasha. "when Sesshomaru honestly attacked him... Inuyasha looked... afraid..." she admitted worried. "i don't think he's going to handle this beat down as well as he usually does... Sesshomaru has never honestly tried to kill him before..." normally Sesshomaru seamed almost amused by his brother, had never done anything more than humiliate Inuyasha, but not this time. "...we need to keep Inuyasha away from Sesshomaru this time... we'll tell Inuyasha you sensed a Jewel, and take him in an opposite direction..."
Reiko nodded a little looking at the piles of bodies with a sense of...unease? WAtching him for a moment she rested a hand over rin's head, so that even if she woke, she couldn't look to see the mess. Walking into another clearing she listened to jaken talk about how good his lord sesshomaru was,rocking rin gently as she slept, holding the girl gently as the frog demon got ready to camp.Glancing up at sesshomaru as he rejoined them, she raised a eyebrow a little."You have a scratch,just here."She said pointing to her cheek,studying him, trying to see if he really was unharmed. For some reason....actually caring.

Kagome nodded, smiling a little as she stroked inuyasha's hair, unable to help herself from gently stroking the soft silvery ears."That'll keep him from going after sesshomaru"She said even though she knew there was no way there were going to keep inuyasha away indefinately. Inuyasha's pride would only stand for it for so long. When inuyasha woke she smiled gently, "How are you feeling?"kagome said softly, looking at him worriedly.
Rin shifted as the hand settled onto her head but she didn't wake, Sesshomaru walking into the clearing, freshly cleaned and he stared at Reiko his eyes narrowed sadistically at her, his claws twitching. "i am well aware that the half blood mutt caused damage to my person." he stated softly, his Aura pulsing so strongly that the half built fire stuttered, and suddenly it was obvious what Sesshomaru was so pissed about. someone inferior had landed a hit on him, his brother, weak, pathetic, half blooded brother had managed to get a strike on him, something that had not happened since Inuyasha had managed that lucky strike that took his arm. and worse, it had happened in front of witnesses... Sesshomaru's pride was wounded and because of that, his temper was sky high.

Sango nodded and settled down to sleep, resting until Inuyasha woke with a small groan, setting a hand on his chest where Sesshomaru had sunk his claws, honestly surprised he'd woken up at all. "feel sore." Inuyasha admitted honestly. "he tried to kill me..." he muttered, sounding strange. "...i'm going to KILL that bastard!" he snarled, his own temper jumping high, as he realized what everyone else had known... Sesshomaru had been playing with Inuyasha, humiliating him as he beat him into the ground again and again without...even...trying! "where did that bastard go!? i'm going to cut out his heart and make him eat it!"
Reiko looked up at him, starting a little at the feel of his aura brushing over her, sighing softly in pleasure at the touch swallowing hard to hide her reaction.But she couldn't help it, she was female, and around the first male of her kind that wasn't a relation. Of course she reacted to the strong dog demon like a bitch in heat."I was just asking to see if there was anything else hurt."She said sounding undisturbed not about to let him know that she was nervous about how hot his temper would burn, and focus on the only half demon that he could fight.

Kagome yelped a little pressing a hand aginst his chest to keep him on the ground."Don't. You can't go. We have jewel shards to go after."She said trying to get him thinking about something else, and looking at his hand where his fingers brushed against the healing claw marks."You can't go after him Inuyasha.The only reason you are not dead, is because his companion took care of the posion.You're not strong enough to face him yet."
he stared at her, his aura pulsing into a more puzzled tone as he brushed it over her again as if curious about the way she had reacted before he forced himself to calm down. "i am... undamaged." he assured her and Rin as the girl woke up slowly, beaming at her lord. "are you sure your alright Lord Sesshomaru?" she asked digging in their bags for the bandages. "i do not need care Rin." Sesshomaru stated firmly looking around the forest. "we are leaving." he ordered turning and walking away. "my foolish brother will be coming after me... if, he survives." he admitted simply. "i do not wish to deal with his idiocy right now."

he snarled at her, but relaxed into the bed grumbling and growling as he spat and cursed his brother up and down before relaxing into the bed completely, closing his eyes. "fine. we'll go after the jewel shards... but i WILL kill that rat faced bastard." Inuyasha growled hatefully. "i'm going to get stronger and stronger and make him SUFFER!" he snarled before sighing shaking his head. "i can't move..." he complained softly. "why can't i move?" "the poison is affecting your muscles." Sango informed him sleepily. "your going to be limp for a while." she made sure not to use the word weak, that would only set Inuyasha off again.
Reiko shuddered as his aura brushed over her again, turning her face into rin's hair, cuddling the gil as she tried to focus on anything but the dog demon in front of her.Standing she stretched a little before snickering."I do not think he will be coming soon, if at all."She mused but carried rin as the rest followed after sesshomaru, not about to admit to giving inuyasha the help,but the two posions would leave him weak.

Kagome sighed nodding a little."We'll deal with him when you see him again."She said having a feeling that despite searchng for jewe;s, inuyasha would make sure they faced him sooner rather than later."The cure was posion to so its probably affecting you to."Kagome said stroking his hair before sighing a little."You'll be okay when you get up in the morning. It wont be bad for long."She said, she hoped anyways, otherwise inuyasha was going to be miserable to be with. Miroku meanwhile was staring out the window thinking,"We might not want to see him soon. He's traveling with another demon. She might decide inuyasha is a threat to sesshomaru and decide to take care of things."He said, not realizing she was a half demon, thinking that if they were fighting atwo full demons, they were all going to die if lady yukio and sesshomaru turned on them.
Sesshomaru nodded a little. "he should die." he admitted. "the world, and my sanity would be better off if he simply went to hell where he belongs." he growled a little as he walked through the trees, Rin frowning a little. "Lord Sesshomaru?... are you upset." "...i do not become..upset, Rin i am above such things." he stated simply as he walked, and walked until nightfall where Rin was tucked into a sleeping bag for the night, Sesshomaru turning yellow glowing eyes to Reiko, a strange look in them as he studied her face. "come here." he ordered sternly, reaching down and picking up a stick, throwing it to her before picking one up for himself, flexing it and then turning his full attention onto her. "attack." he was back to his normal calm, indifferent self, the walk having calmed his temper, and the silence soothed his broken pride.

he nodded a little and closed his eyes, resting. he was just so tired. he never even heard Miroku, not that he could care about some woman, pure blood or not. Inuyasha had been so focused on Sesshomaru that he didn't realize Reiko wasn't a pure blood. "if she thought Inuyasha was a threat, shouldn't she have just left him to die?" Sango asked her head tilted a little. "i think she is really just there to protect Rin." Sango admitted. "she didn't look very worried when Inuyasha... of course... there wasn't really a need to be worried was there?" she mused shaking her head a little.
Reiko checked on rin again before she followed sesshomaru out into the woods, smiling ever so slightly. Because she enjoyed their earlier excerise, and she was sure to enjoy this one. And she did, as the moon rose full and round above them, making their silver hair glint like steel as they whirled and attacked each other, she enjoyed herself so much. And as the fight started sliding into his favor even more she raised a hand, punching him like inuyasha would have, but it was more of a gentle caress then the skull rattling punh inuyasha would have given him. Panting as she leaned against him for a moment, having overbalanced herself punching him, she leaned against his taller frame to regain both balance and strength."That was...fun."She panted as she pulled relucantly away from him.

Miroku paused nodding, thinking about it."Not really."He sighed a little shaking his head. This was going to be so bad when they saw sesshomaru again.
Sesshomaru found himself enjoying the the fight as well, the moon shining on her, her scent filling his nose. she was the first female dog demon he had ever come across save for his own mother, and he was reacting just as she was. he moved his head back as she moved to punch him, and caught her in his one arm, holding her upright, but when she went to move away he pulled her tighter to him, pressing their intimates together, letting her feel what his very loose pants had hidden. a rock hard cock that was restrained by the thin underwear and hidden by thin pants. he growled softly, the sound itself a demand, a demand for her to give in to him, to let him have her, in any way he desired. he was a Demon after all, a full blooded one and spoiled at that, he would have her one way or another, willingly or now he would have her. half blood or not, she, was, his.
A low whimper escaped as she felt him press against her, shifting against him a little, growling softly before twisting away. Raising her head she brushed her nose against his neck, much like a female dog would when wanting attention.But she wasn't about to make it easy for him. Like most animals, she wanted the best to mate with, which meant her mate had to fight for the right to top her.Growling quietly as she looked at him she ran for the woods, jumping and moving easily through the woods, as if the branches were melting out of the way for her. While she was staying in the general area where rin and the others were, she was wandering far enough that the others wouldn't hear them.
he growled as she ran her nose along his neck, enjoying the feel of her acceptance before letting her go to run, slinking after her as only Sesshomaru could, he didn't run, he didn't have to. he caught up to her effortlessly, caught her around the middle, and threw her to the ground, landing on top of her, his hand clutching the back of her head tightly, forcing her head into the ground as he rubbed himself against her from behind, growling as he ran his nose against the back of her neck, nibbling and nipping at her flesh. "you are mine." he hissed softly, yanking her dress up around her hips and shredding her undergarments as he used his fangs in the back of her neck to keep her still, slowly pulling down his own pants and pressing his hot, hard, readiness against her. "mine." he growled, slowly easing his way inside of her, taking his time as he did with all things. he took his time, enjoying the feeling of slipping deep, so deep inside of his lover with a shudder and a sigh, his hand keeping her head down, on her neck this time, instead of her head, giving her a little room to move around, not much, but a little. "so wet." he growled, sounding pleased. "so ready. so mine..."
Reiko growled as she collapsed under him, snarling as she squirmed, not really trying to get away but still struggling. Whimpering softly at the feel of him pressing against him she moaned quietly as she pressed back against him, "Yours?"She muttered sounding amused, pressing up against his hand, as if trying to get away, but not really. Just wanting to see what he'd do. Shivering as her body eagerly accepted the demon lord on top of her, whining as she shivered hard.
Sesshomaru snarled and pressed her face into the Dirt now since she was struggling, snarling a little. "yes." he growled his eyes narrowed. "MINE!" he snarled, the full moon running through his blood, driving his instincts all the higher. "mine!" he snarled as he snapped his hips into the woman underneath him again. "you will be mine." he hissed his hand clutched in her hair now, holding her still so he could fuck her without her struggling, moving slowly inside of her, taking his time to enjoy it. while not a virgin, his sexual escapades where not many, and he wanted to enjoy this, wanted to enjoy her body, because in the morning, when their hormones and their instincts had settled, he wasn't sure how either of them where going to feel.
Reiko whined in apology as he ground her face against the dirt, pressing back against his hand just enough so she could look over her shoulder at him before relaxing, melting as she rocked her hips back into his, watching him through half closed golden eyes. she wasn't sure in the morning what this was going to be, but she was going to enjoy it while it last. Sighing softly in pleasure, the soft moans and whimpers floating on the moon soaked air as she looked back at him, eyes widening a little as she came, whining in a high pitch, voicing her pleasure for anyone with the sharp ears to hear the sound usually out of human hearing range.
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