Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Sesshomaru growled, delighted as she gave in to him, speeding his thrusts a little as he panted softly. "yes, that's it." he growled happily as he moved inside if her, shuddering as he arched, feeling her cum, an without even the slightest thought, he spilled his seed deep inside of her body, shuddering eagerly, the part of him that was thinking wanting her pregnant with his puppies, even as the part of him that made sense warned him that it was going to be a mixed blood and not worthy, he still wanted her round and pregnant with his puppies. "your mine." he purred, snuggling into her, staying firmly inside of her as he held her tightly to him so she couldn't get away, sleeping next to her, his face almost... soft in his sleep.. he was still asleep when she woke, but somehow there was something different about the situation. he was thick and firm inside of her, and both his arms where wrapped tightly around her, holding her tightly... oh... he... he had his arm back... an he was still sleeping and didn't even know it yet.
Reiko muttered in her sleep as she started to stir, moaning softly as the shifting made him move inside of her. "ohh..."She breathed softly, swallowing hard befre frowning raising her head to look at the man, making sure it was him, because well...there were two arms holding her. Relaxing when she saw that it was sesshomaru holding her, she whined softly,squirming because even with her confusion on how he'd gotten his arm back, he was so long and hard inside of her, and like most dogs, she was always eager to mate with her mate. Though the sex had tossed her into heat, so not only would sesshomaru find her as fascinating as he seemed to, inuyasha would to, when he caught the scent of a bitch in heat on the air. Things were going to get interesting. At least until Reiko was pregnant with someone's pups, then only her mate would be driven insane with wanting her.

(I couldn't help it!The brothers always need more reasons to fight.XD)
Sesshomaru's hips thrust into her as she moved, growling a little as his arms tightened around her as his hips thrust slightly into her, slowly, just like always. "you smell good." he growled softly as he started to move into her again, shifting so that he was on top of her again, gripping her wrists and pinning her to the ground with his body as he started to fuck her again, making happy little noises in the back of his throat as his hips met hers his lips brushing her pointed ear. "you will be mine, my mate, mine forever." well at least Sesshomaru's opinion of her hadn't changed. there where no full blooded female Demon Dogs left, so she was the best he was ever going to get, he planned on keeping her, whether she wanted it or not. "i desire to see you round with my seed, round with my pups." he hissed softly, his hips shifting so that he was brushing that wonderful spot, deep inside of her.

(XDD what would be better is if Inuyasha actually managed to mount her XDD then they wouldn't know who's babies they where and they'd have to travel together for a while! XDD)
(oh gods, we're mean!But I love that idea. Oh they're so going to be fighting because they both want to spend time with her)

REik to, was making those soft happy noises that said she was enjoing his presence, not only with her, but in her. Whining softly as she pressed back against him, hips meeting his, back arching as she squirmed in pleasure. Moaning at his words whining ever so softly."Round with pups?"She growled, teasing him as she moaned, shivering as he brushed his lips against her ear,long silver hair pulled around her face as she shuddered moaning as she came, whining that whine that said she was well pleased, and would mate again with him.

Meanwhile Kagome sighed softly as they walked-well mostly ran, to keep up with inuyasha. Ever since he'd gotten well enough to move he'd set a relentless pace, either trying to prove he was just as good as sesshomaru and could act like a demon, or trying to outrace his own thoughts."Inuyyasha!We need to slow."Mikoru yelled towards the half demon panting with the effort to keep up. He was in good shape, but even the most in good shape human would never match a half demon for pure speed.
XDD i love it too! we're such Evil genius's! XDD)

he growled, the sound a happy one as she met his thrusts, bending low and kissing her hard, all tongue and teath as he moved inside of her, smirking darkly. "yes, round with my pups... many... many pups." he purred happily as he thrust into her, shuddering as he spilled deep into her with a happy little shudder and snarl before he paused, flexing his hand, his new hand. "... what?" he asked, blinking a little as he studied his own hand, pulling away from her to stare at his arm before turning his attention back to her. "you did this?" he asked, curious, and... thankful?

Inuyasha didn't seam to even hear Miroku for a moment and then he paused at the edge of a thick forest, sniffing at the air, growling, annoyed, frustrated. "we can't slow down." he growled darkly, sniffing at the air. "you wait if your so pathetic." he growled, taking off into the trees, Sango groaning as she collapsed onto her knees. "i just can't run anymore..." she groaned, glancing at Kirrarra as the kitten sniffed at the air. "Kirrarra, what is it?" Sango asked, frowning when the cat Mewed. "...a Demon in heat? i don't under...stand... oh no, Inuyasha..."
Reiko blushed ever so softly as she shivered sliding to the ground, twisting to lay on her side as she watched him, the torn pieces of her dress laying under her, laying there looking content and happy with him there."I...I dont know...I would assume so..."She said stuttering a little sitting up, well half way, leaning up on a elbow as she rubbed a hand over her face, sitting up to kiss him slowly, before stopping. Her nose twitching a little."I don't know how I did it,but I think I did."She muttered fingers brushing against his arm.

Kagome panted."Inuyasha!Ho-"Kagome growled annoyed as inuyasha kept going before paling, realizing what it meant. Oh.Oh shit. We have to keep going. Even if we can't run, we have to keep him from doing something he'll regret."she said already heading off towards where inuyasha had ran, even if she was tired, she couldn't let inuyasha get trapped with a demon that was in heat.
he examined her and for a brief moment he almost looked like he was going to smile at her, but decided not to in favor of examining his arm, flexing the fingers, his head tilted a little as he pondered how she had given his arm back. "you are no simple half demon." he muttered simply, glancing over at him his head tilted a little. "you should redress." he stated simply getting to his feet. "wait here, and i will fetch you new clothing." he ordered, needing space, so he moved into the woods, deciding to get new clothes so he didn't feel like he was running away. it wasn't five minutes later that Inuyasha was there, panting softly as he studied her half nude form with a lick of his lips. "...mine..." Inuyasha growled, exuding his own masculine scent, trying to attract her to him just as Sesshomaru had.

Sango groaned but got up and followed Kagome, panting a little. "there's no way we can keep up with him! and that demon could be MILES away!" Sango complained. "the scent could travel through the wind up to five or ten miles." he admitted shaking her head. "he might have been following her scent ever since we started moving away from the village..." which would explain Inuyasha's need for speed really. even hunting Sesshomaru he didn't push that hard, for Naraku...maybe, but not Sesshomaru.
Reiko turned her head, looking at him, ees widening as she saw the other half demon. Breathing hard as she watched the other she backed up a simple step, trying to figure out how to run without running. Swallowing hard."No.Not yours."She said softly before turning, running through the woods as easily as she had the night before, running because she needed to catch up with sesshomaru. Despite being a better swordsman, she knew that the moment she tried to fight with inuyasha, it'd end the same way her fight with sesshomaru had. Her only chance of not giving into her instinct to mate, was to catch up with sesshomaru before inuyasha caught her.

Kagome stopped, panting before sighing, running her fingers through her hair."Yea..."Sighing sadly she looked back the way they'd come, swallowing hard."Should we make camp here, or make our way back to the village?"She said giving up because she knew that despite wanting to, they'd never catch inuyasha before he got the demoness.
Inuyasha was panting, and it wasn't from fatigue. he growled when she denied him, as any Dog would, an he was on her as soon as she tried to flee, knocking her to the ground and pinning her to the ground with a snarl, kissing her hard, harder than Sesshomaru had, just as dominant, just in brute strength than in skill. he kept her still with firm grips and harsh snarls as he ran his fingers along her cunt before settling his fangs against her neck to keep her still while he yanked his pants down and rubbed his cock against her with a shudder.

Sango sighed a little and shook her head a little. "we'll follow him, just slowly..." she decided. "there's no stopping him, but the least we can put him back together when he snaps out of it." she decided shaking her head a little. "or at least drag him off of her when we get there..." she muttered sighing a little.
Reiko moaned quietly as she was pinned, growling as she squirmed trying to get away, a pained whimper escaping as he kissed her. It hurt, shivering a little as he held her still somewhat, struggling enough that she was shredding her neck, but soon enough she'd lost enough blood that she wasn't fighting against inuyasha in fear of kill herself whimpering as her hips thrust back against inuyasha's cock, wanting more.

Kagome winced thinking about it before nodding."Do you think its the demoness that was traveling with sesshomaru?"Kagome asked, connecting the obvious pieces because she'd obviously been a female dog demon, and she assumed his own kind would affect inuyasha teh most.
He growled as she whimpered, pleased with her fear, her pain as he shuddered against her, so lost in lust, hormones, and instinct that he didn't even realize that she was the enemy, that he loved Kagome, that he didn't want to do something like this, that he was better than this. he growled, pleased as she finally gave in, and rubbed back, and he sunk into her, filling her just as wonderfully as Sesshomaru had, groaning with pleasure as he loudly began to fuck her, crying out, barking, yipping as he took her wild, and fast as he himself was. he made sure there was no more pain, but he took her fast and hard, in a way that he loved, and he hoped she did too, arching as he came, flooding her womb, his seed joining Sesshomaru's... panting as he growled and groaned, still moving inside of her, wanting another round, still hard and ready to make her his. his mate, his wife, and he howled in pan when something heavy suddenly slammed into him, knocking him off of her... Sesshomaru was back.

she nodded a little. "i wouldn't doubt it... but that's pretty damn bad if it is... if the reason why Sesshomaru freaked out and tried to kill Inuyasha was because of her... then...." then when Inuyasha caught up to the Demoness, and Sesshomaru, there was going to be a battle to the death, because neither would back down, and Dog Demon's where not well known for sharing there mates.
Reiko yelped as inyasha was ripped away from her, whimpering softly as she slouched to the ground, hurt and aching, because her body hurt, and she'd lost enough blood to be really hurting.Stumbling to her feet she stumbled as she tried to look at the two brothers, howling softly, wanting sesshomaru's attention, needing to be taken care of."Sesshomaru!Help me!"She pleaded demanding her mate's attention, needing him to not fight with inuyasha for the moment, but make sure she wouldn't bleed to death.

Kagome paled a little nodding picking up the pace a little. It was going to be so bad when inuyasha tried to get with sesshomaru's mate.Inuyasha would die for sure then.
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru snarled and snapped as they half crouched, ready to spring onto each other, Inuyasha still held captive by the woman's scent was still fighting to keep her, Sesshomaru snarling as he prepared to attack his brother, freezing as he heard the woman's pitiful cry and he spun, rushing over to her, Inuyasha snarling but not attacking, slowly starting to regain his senses as Sesshomaru set his hand on her neck, trying to stop the bleeding. "we must find you a healer..." "we have one here!" Sango cried, panting hard as she managed to catch up, Inuyasha snarling at the new interruption, the new threat, but did nothing to stop Sango as she and Kagome rushed forward to help Reiko, Sango reacting as Inuyasha lunged, preparing to rip Sesshomaru apart, her boomerang hitting Inuyasha square on the head, knocking him out cold, the half demon laying in the dirt, Sesshomaru growling at him, but more worried about Reiko than he was pissed at his brother. he hovered while Kagome patched up Reiko, growling a little anytime Kagome did something he wasn't sure of, not attacking her, just warning her.
Kagoem worked on stopping the bleeding, before cursing softly, looking up at sesshomaru, before looking back down at the sluggishly bleeding wound, which was slowly stopping as she held it still. Glad that the woman was a demon because she was pretty sure Inuyasha had nicked her cataroid artery, she would have bled out within minutes had she not. "She needs to lay down."Kagome said for once ignoring sesshomaru's growls, trying not to think about that she was touching a demoness who was going to be in a extremely bad mood when she woke up enough."I'm sleepy...."Reiko muttered resting her head on sesshomaru's shoulder, sighing tiredly, nuzzling her mate,"Can I sleep?"
Sango worked on keeping Inuyasha out cold while Sesshomaru snarled at Kagome's order to put his mate down, frustrated and annoyed, but astonishingly he obeyed the order and gently laid her down, stroking her hair. "no, you cannot sleep." he stated sternly. "you must stay awake, or you will never wake up." he warned, watching her closely as Kagome worked on her. "foolish stupid half blood." he spat as Inuyasha groaned, starting to come to. "wha... what happened?" he asked sluggishly, Sesshomaru snarling, but leaving it to Sango to explain to Inuyasha what he had done, the Half Demon looking so stricken and horrified it was almost enough to sooth Sesshomaru's jealousy. Inuyasha didn't move away as Sango had expected, instead he sat there and stared at Reiko. "i..." he swallowed thickly. "if.. if she gets pregnant.." "they will be either mine, or yours." Sesshomaru agreed, Inuyasha swallowing thickly. "i... i can't... let her do it alone..." because he knew if Reiko was pregnant with HIS pups, Sesshomaru would abandon her until she gave birth and was no longer child rearing. he hated Inuyasha so much that he would have nothing to do with anything of Inuyasha's, even if it meant abandoning a creature he loved. if Inuyasha had gotten her pregnant, he would take care of her and the child until the child was at least old enough to live without a mother, then Reiko could go back to Sesshomaru if she wanted.
Reiko winced at sesshomaru's words, pressing her face against sesshomaru's shoulder."I'm not foolish.Dont' call me stupid either."Reiko mutered sounding sluggish herself, blinking slowly, whining at the dog demon."Sessho...sesshom....sesshy."Reiko muttered giggling a little, getting punch drunk."I want to sleep." Kagome frowned sitting back on her heels loking at the two brothers before sighing softly."We'll travel together.I know its not the best, but she's going to need help."Kagome said frowning at them both, having a feeling reiko wouldn't want to leave with inuyasha, or seshomaru wouldn't leave her if there was a chance for her to be carrying her pups.
Sesshomaru scowled at her. "you are foolish." he growled, but it was almost affectionate as he stroked her hair again, Inuyasha swallowing thickly as he watched Reiko before turning wounded, horrified eyes to Kagome, clearly feeling terrible for cheating on her, even though he hadn't been in his right mind and they weren't an official, or even unofficial couple. "i do not want that half blood bastard anywhere near me!" Sesshomaru snarled, baring fangs at Inuyasha who snarled back, hating his brother so much. "shut up Sesshomaru! Just because your a pure-blood doesn't mean that your better than me!" "no, being Better makes me better than you!" Sesshomaru snarled as he picked Reiko up and cradled her, Inuyasha freezing as he realized... Sesshomaru had both arms. that stung, deeply, on Inuyasha's already battered to pieces pride, but he said nothing, he just got slowly to his feet and followed Sesshomaru, glancing at Kagome. "...i'm so sorry..." he muttered softly to her as he took off his Fire Rat Robe and settled it over Reiko, hiding her from view, Sesshomaru not even bothering to snarl at his brother as he carried Reiko away, back to camp.
Kagome sighed sotly looking at the two, shaking her head. While it was true she hated what inuyasha had done, she felt bad for the woman-demon inuyasha had hurt more then her heart hurt about her boyfriend attacking someone else."We better go after him."She said tiredly as she followed after sesshomaru, not about to put it past him to move his camp just so that inuyasha couldn't ollow him.Frowning after a moment, thinking over their conversation."Inuyasha, is she a half demon?"She asked sounding a little amazed herself. "Sesshy, you're to loud. You don't have to yell to prove your better.Your not. WE're just poor half demons, we're just as good as everyone else."REiko muttered sleepy, not aware enough to stop herselfl from staying stupid things to him.
Inuyasha sighed a little as he followed Sesshomaru, not about to let the man have Reiko all to himself, not until he knew for certain who's baby she was carrying. he wouldn't put it past Sesshomaru to slaughter Reiko just because she was carrying a 'bastard child'. two halves couldn't make a whole after all. Inuyasha glanced at Kagome and nodded once, the only answer he could give as Sesshomaru snarled viciously. "cease your prattling woman, lest i drop you here and now and leave you to those foul things that follow me." he growled, clearly in a dark, and foul mood. Inuyasha growling, the only warning he dare give to his stronger full blooded brother, Sesshomaru wheeling and slashing, Inuyasha yelping as blood sprayed the area, four bloody marks cut across Inuyasha's face. yes, Sesshomaru's temper was high, and he was looking for any excuse to take it out on someone. "fucking hell Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha snarled, but he didn't attack his brother, and Sesshomaru was left standing there while Inuyasha wiped his face free of blood and simply stood up, glaring at Sesshomaru who snarled, annoyed that his brother wasn't fighting him. then he simply wheeled away and strode off, back to camp where Rin was weaving flowers together. "Lord Sesshomaru welcome ba..." Rin's bright happy face fell as she saw Lady Reiko in the state she was in. "mommy!" Rin gasped in horror, Sesshomaru twitching in surprise, Inuyasha choking hard at Rin's statement as Rin raced forward. "Lord Sesshomaru is she ok!?" "she will be fine Rin." Sesshomaru promised. "she needs rest now, you must be silent so she can sleep." "yes my Lord!" and refused to utter a single sound after that as Sesshomaru kicked Jaken out of the way and gently laid Reiko on the softest part of the camp next to the fire, gently stroking her hair out of her face. "sleep now." he ordered. "i will watch over you."
Rieko whimpered at sesshomaru's snarl, pressing a kiss to his shoulder, nuzzling him a litte before shifting sighing softly as she snuggled into the bed, squirming around until she could rest her face in his lap, sighing ever so softly."Rin I'm okay..."She muttered shakily reaching out a little, brushing rin's hair out of her face before sighing softly. Starting to fall asleep. Kagome winced at the sight of blood, gently wiping inuyasha's face clean before shifting, sitting down at the camp and pulling food out of her bag, starting to cook for them all, all including sesshomaru's small group and the pregnant woman, knowing that she' need food to recover faster.
Sesshomaru calmed at the small kiss and nuzzle and gently helped her to rest her head in his lap, not entirely sure why, but feeling like he needed to do it. Rin gave her a shaky smile and curled up next to Reiko, refusing to move until she was certain the other woman was alright, Inuyasha staring at Sesshomaru from across the fire, Sesshomaru ignoring him. something had changed between the brothers, but whether it was the almost murder, or the accidental sharing of a woman even they didn't know. and neither Sesshomaru nor Inuyasha knew if the change was for the better, or for the worst. Inuyasha ate heartily, as he always did, Sesshomaru refused all of the food with the acidic comment. "i do not eat human food."

he did take the time to very gently wake Reiko up, and carefully feed her the less messy bits of food that Kagome had prepared, carefully making sure he didn't get her messy or make her choke on the food while the woman, barely conscious, ate. Rin even enjoyed a wonderful meal, thanking Kagome for the strange noodle cup as she scarfed down her instant Ramen and offered Jaken some, shoving her chopsticks, laden with noodles, into the toads mouth before he could even protest. "... Sesshomaru seams almost...Tender." Sango muttered softly to Kagome. "it's kind of creepy..."
"Not hungry....this isn't normal food."Reiko muttered sighing softly as she rested her head against sesshomaru's soulder so he could feed her. Sighing softly as she let him feed her, "I feel better...you don't need to feed me."Se muttered and she did look better, though still not well.

Kagome wined a little at sesshomaru's comment before starting to eat herself. Laughing softly when rin made jaken eat, watching the toad choke on the food. Snickering she looked over at sango, then at sesshomaru and the woman."It is...creepy.It's like seeing naraku being kind.Creepy."Kagome agreed looking at inuyasha, shifting closer to him, looking at him, trying to figure out what he was feeling.
Sesshomaru glared at her. "you need to eat to recover." he ordered sternly. "this is the only food available, eat it." he ordered again feeding her gently, simply staring at her when she protested him feeding her and simply offered her another bite, Inuyasha staring, watching, looking... rather disgusted at the sickly sweet way Sesshomaru was acting. he looked at Kagome, guilty flaring across his face as she came over to him and he looked away from her, so ashamed of himself he couldn't even meet her gaze. he even stopped shoveling Ramen into his mouth in the face of his shame and betrayal of Kagome.
"If you get sick, you're going to have to explain why your throwing up on him."Kagome teased inuyasha a little amused that he'd been watching the two act like lovesick puppies, which made sense actually. They were mates, even if inuyasha had mounted her to, it seemed sesshomaru had been the one she chose and was willing to let take care of her. "You do have to travel with him.You're going to have to get used to him taking care of her."She muttered worried that he was upset because he wasn't getting reiko's attention.
Inuyasha just scowled as he glanced at Kagome and then looked away again, hating himself for what he had done... he'd hurt Kagome, he'd hurt and raped Reiko... and he still couldn't remember doing it. his Demon half had woken when he'd smelled Reiko's heat scent, and he didn't remember a bit of it. he knew so little about himself, and about Demonic instincts, cultures, ways that he was blaming himself for something he couldn't help. "i think it's good that he's taking care of her." he muttered. "it's just creepy and unnatural that he is." he admitted shaking his head a little. "he HATES Half Demon's Hermione..." he complained scowling darkly. "he's going to breed her and ditch her... i'm sure of it..." no, he wasn't jealous, he was just feeling protective, and he hated his brother enough to not be able to realize that Sesshomaru wouldn't be affected by hormones the way Inuyasha was. Sesshomaru was taking care of her, because he wanted to, not because he felt he needed to.Inuyasha sighed as he set his Ramen down and stared at his toes. "...i don't know... anymore..." he admitted softly. "i just.. everything is suddenly strange and... and just..." he set his face into his hands. "i'm feeling strange things that i've never felt before... and i don't know why i'm feeling them..."
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