Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Sesshomaru smirked a little. "well... no i never actually wanted to see him, but i promised my father i'd check in on him from time to time... but yes, i always wanted to tug on his ears..." "everyone wants to tug on my ears." Inuyasha complained, sulking a little. "Kaede used to have the time of her life yanking on them when she was a little girl." he admitted simply grinning as Sesshomaru winced. "i would never leave you." he promised smiling at Reiko. "but... well i never... i never expected to be a father and i don't know how... what if i do it wrong? what if i ruin them?" "your a fine Father Sesshomaru." Inuyasha assured him, smiling at him. "mother used to talk about father all the time. he used to have those same worries." Sesshomaru stared at him, startled. "...really?" "oh yeah... she caught him sobbing in the corner one morning because he spanked you, said he was a terrible father!" Sesshomaru snickered. "i remember that..." he admitted looking amused. "i drew all over his favorite Kimono... and the wall... and was using his swords to chop down tiny trees..." Inuyasha snorted a little. "...you where a horribly destructive brat weren't you!?" "....yes."
Reiko giggled a little."You had to see him to be able to tug on his ears"She said looking amused as her mate winced, because it was interesting to see such a strong man afraid of her, for a moment at lest. Snicking as she looked at sesshomaru, raising a eyebrow."... well he was a full blooded demon. He does get to destroy things. I got yelled at once for catching all my mom's koi and carrying them round in a bucket cause I wnted a pond for myself." "Well.At least we know where inuyasha got his destructiveness from. He spent to much time with sesshomaru."kagome said snickering amused that they were getting along so well as she gently laid a pup in reiko's arms.
Sesshomaru smirked a little. "i never did get to tug on them." he admitted shaking his head a little. "you caught all of your mothers Koi?" he asked looking amused as Inuyasha laughed, shaking his head a little. "well you sure as hell aren't tugging on my ears now Big Brother." he teased, Sesshomaru looking startled at the title, stunned even before he smirked. "i'm the older brother Inuyasha, i'd like to see you try and stop me." he teased smiling as he kissed Reiko gently, taking the little boy from Inuyasha, gently stroking the cute little ear with a bright smile. "...Reiko... i'm sorry... but i think i love the babies more than i love you..." he admitted grinning at her a little his eyes widening as a tiny hand wrapped around his finger. tears welled up in Sesshomaru's eyes and he nearly let out a sob of joy as he cradled the baby, Inuyasha looking almost horrified. "Ka..Kagome he's... he's crying! Kagome make him stop! he's scaring me!" Inuyasha complained, Sesshomaru snorting a little. "sh..shut the hell up Inuyasha."
"Oh yes. I dragged it around with me, until my papa made me put them back."She said snickering a little at sesshomaru's reaction.Before starting, staring at sesshomaru as he cried,smiling slightly as reiko looked just as freaked out as inuyasha did."Shup up inuyash before I...sat you.dont tease him." Reiko sniffled smiling softly as the little girl wrapped her fingers around hers as her brother wrapped his hands in sesshomaru's hair."Sesshy?"She muttered looking at him anxiously.
Sesshomaru sniffled a little and then smiled a little. "i'm... i'm ok i...i'm just,... so... happy!" Inuyasha blinked a little, stunned as he stared at his brother as he cried happily over his beautiful babies, turning to Kagome. "i changed my mind... babies do bad things to your mind... i don't want any... YEOUWCH!" Inuyasha howled as Sesshomaru struck him firmly over the head before cuddling his baby again. "Reiko... they need names.." he muttered smiling at her happily. "can we... name this one Inu Taicho?... after my father?" he asked hopefully, Inuyasha smiling a little as he tilted his head little. "god Kagome look at him." he muttered softly. "i've never seen him so...open, before..." he admitted. "he's so happy..." he was studying Kagome's belly, clearly he wanted to feel that kind of happiness too... not then, but someday...soon.
Kagome laughed softly at inuyasha's reaction, snickering as the two brothers fought. Before raising a eyebrow at inuyasha, gently shoving his shoulder."Don't even think about it. Not now."she said amused. "Yes, Inu tachio for this little one."Reiko muttered gently stroking the boy's ear before looking at the small girl."And Sersei for this prety girl"
Inuyasha chuckled a little. "no, not now." he agreed kissing her gently. "but you would look very cute with a belly full of puppies." he teased winking at her as Sesshomaru beamed. "Sersei, that's beautiful Reiko." he admitted nuzzling her neck a little. "mmm your my wonderful, beautiful Bitch..." "SESSHOMARU!" Inuyasha gasped, horrified at his brother. "you can't call a woman that!" "...why?... she loves it when i call her a bitch.." he complained frowning a little as he looked at Reiko. "...don't you?" he asked, wondering if he was missing something.
Reiko frowned confused as she rested her head on sesshomaru's shoulder."I don't know what he's talking about. I am a bitch." Kagome frowned at the two tilting her head a little."A bitch is a female d...oh."She stopped considered that. "Dog demon.yes I know."Reiko said frowning confused at why they were so upset.
Sesshomaru blinked a little. "Bitch is a beautiful Dog Demon..." he complained Inuyasha gaping a little. "...oh... er... humans... humans think it's an insult but... i guess being that you ARE dogs..." he rubbed the back of his head. "humans do find it insulting.." Sesshomaru agreed. "i had forgotten that Kagome was human... and that you where raised by them..." Inuyasha snorted a little, shaking his head. "...well, now that i've made a fool of myself." he complained, Sesshomaru smirking a little. "listen, Sesshomaru...Reiko... we need to...talk." Inuyasha admitted sighing a little. "we met you, the you in the Future." he explained, Sesshomaru looking stunned. "..they warned us... about some things..."
Reiko giggled a little snuggling into sesshomaru, laughing as the pups whined at their parents movements."No more than you usually are."She pointed out. Kagome laughed softly before sighing, sitting on the edge of the bed."You warned us we all died fighting naraku.And that we had to get rin to kikyou because she is one of the priestess's"
Inuyasha sulked at her a little and shook hi head a bit. "your not nice... not nice at all." he complained sighing a little. "the problem with trying to get Kikyo to come here is...well... she hates us all.. me in particular..." "i am well aware of who Kikyo is." Sesshomaru admitted. "as Holder, and guardian of the pieces of the Meido her agonized soul screams at me." Sesshomaru admitted. "i can show her th truth of things." he looked at Reiko. "our future selves are smart. Kikyo is the last fully trained Priestess. despite being dead, she can train you, Kagome and rin alike in your powers... i will find her." he decided. "i will try to convince her of the truth..." he could only try. whether or not she would listen, or beleive him... he would not know, but he would try.
Reiko frowned looking worried before looking at sesshomaru."I will go with you."She said looking at kagome and inuyasha."You two will watch the pups. As guardians between us me and sesshomaru will be able to convince about what her death. She will return with us."She said sitting up slowly, she was sore, but her demon body was already starting to heal and take care of the stiffness.
Sesshomaru didn't even try to argue with Reiko, Kikyo would be more willing to beleive her anyway. he carefully helped her to her feet as Inuyasha picked up the pups, holding them both very carefully as he followed Sesshomaru and Reiko down the stairs. "please... be careful, Kikyo is very dangerous..." he muttered softly, worried. Sesshomaru just smiled at Inuyasha. "if we fail... you can always wait until Kagome's time as we did, and warn us again." Sesshomaru admitted simply, amused as he turned and left with his lover, Inuyasha's ear twitching in annoyance. "...i hate him sometimes.." Inuyasha complained, handing Kagome Inu Taicho and moving to go and change the little girls diaper, since she was starting to fuss.
Kagome nodded watching the two demons go before looking at inuyasha."I think we all hate him sometimes"She said not saying the obvious, not saying that if they failed they might change the future to much, and reiko and sesshomaru die with them.

"So where should we start looking?"Reiko said as they arrived in the ctul world, raising her mose a little, her senses sensitive enough that like sesshomaru she could pick up scents carried on the wind for miles.
Inuyasha nodded a little, smiling as he glanced at her, his lips thinning. "come on... i'll go brush your hair." he decided, leading her back upstairs, laying the pups in their cradle before calmly brushing Kagome's hair, the action soothing his worn nerves. "they will be fine, Kikyo has no reason to hate them."

Sesshomaru paused, looking at Reiko before drawing his sword. "Kikyo is constantly itching at my senses... my sword wishes to return her to the afterlife." he admitted simply. "my sword will lead us to her." he admitted shaking his head, as he kissed her, his sword throbbing in his fingers. "she is this way." he wrapped his arm around reiko's wait, rising into the air on his cloud to go and find Kikyo.
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