Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Kagome returned following the men upstairs with the things before sighing softly as she set the towels to the side as she looked at reiko, watching the woman rubbing her stomach ebfore looking at sesshomaru,gently pushing him towards the door."Go. we'll take good care of her.She'll be fine, go."
Sesshomaru whined, he actually whined as he carried Reiko upstairs, worried and frantic as he tried to comfort her. he snarled as Kagome tried to shove him out the door, but stopped, shocked by himself, letting Inuyasha drag him out the door and then out of the house and out into the massive expanse of woods, far out of hearing. Kaede smiled as she carefully positioned Reiko into a more comfortable position. "now make sure that you don't push just yet dear, the contractions have to get worse, and closer together first." she ordered calmly, patting her hand. "i have never lost a mother to childbirth yet darling." she promised smiling at her. "and your a good strong young mother, you'll be just fine."
Reiko smiled nodding as she rubbed her stomach, looking worried."I wont. It'll be okay."she said desperate to believe it.

Hours later kagome smiled tiredly as she stepped onto the back porch."Sesshomaru!Inuyasha!"She yelled summoning them back, wanting them to come and see the twins tht were sleeping peacefully, and needing sesshomaru to calm down the anxious mother who refused to sleep until she saw her mate.
Sesshomaru came almost immediately, sprinting through the woods. he didn't even bother using the door, he just jumped, and slid through the window into Reiko's room, taking her hand and stroking her hair, sniffing her all over to check and make sure she still smelled right, nuzzling her, worried about her giving birth, kissing her forehead. "how are you feeling love? alright?" he asked softly, stroking her hair, calm now that he was certain she didn't smell like anything that was dying. "do you need me to get you anything?"

Inuyasha panted as he followed after Sesshomaru, smiling at Kagome. "i had... to pin... the bastard... down." he complained collapsing into her arms. "so... tired..."
Reiko looked startled at his sudden appearance, before smiling gently as she shifted, snuggling into him.Even if it hurt to move, she just wanted to cuddle him.Sighing softly as she rested her head on his shoulder,""I'm sore.And tired."She muttered."Hold me?"

Kagome laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around him, prpessing a kiss to his head."Poor inuyasha."She teased a little pressing a kiss to her forehead, sighing softly."Do you want to go inside and meet your niece and nephew?"He said smiling amused because she was sure that sesshomaru was so worried about his mate that he hadn't paused to look at his children.
he smiled as he nodded, carefully picking her up and sliding behind her, holding her close to him so that he was supporting all of her weight so she didn't have to try and sit up. "just rest love." he murmured, smiling a little as he kissed her forehead. "Kagome and Inuyasha will watch the Pups, and i'll wake you if they get hungry, go ahead and sleep."

he chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "oh yes." he admitted perking up happily. "are they as adorable as me!?" he asked grinning a little at Kagome winking at her as he straightened up smiling a little as he skipped inside, eager to see the babies, who where utterly adorable and creatures that Inuyasha fell in love with almost immediately. "oooh Kagome their sooo cute!" Inuyasha whined as he held one, beaming at it. "oooh i WANT one!"
REiko whimpered softly at that, she just ached so much.Shifting a little she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes."...tired....you should sleep to..."She muttered alredy starting to drift off.

"No one is as adorable as you."Kagome teased laughing softly as she picked up the small girl, cuddling the pup as she looked at inuyasha then down at the soft grey haired heads that were topped with puppy ears."You want one?"She said raising a eyebrow, wondering if he even was aware of what he'd just said. It was just to adorable to see him like this.
he smiled a little as he kissed her forehead. "hush love, just sleep." he ordered softly, smiling at her as she slept, watching her, loving her so desperately.

Inuyasha chuckled a little as he smiled down at the little boy, tickling tiny toes. "...oh Kagome i do want one..." Inuyasha admitted, his eyes soft and filled with emotion. "i want one so bad..." he looked at her. "i've always wanted a family... a family with you." he admitted moving over to her, cuddling her. "i want to have a family, i want to have babies with you..." he admitted smiling a little. "i want to have a big family, you and me, Reiko and Sesshomaru, Rin and Shippou and these two little guys..." he stated smiling at the babies. "and those three their GOING to have!" he teased laughing a little as he smiled at her. "what do you think Kagome? should we have babies someday?"
Kagome laughed sotl as she leaned over to kiss him lightly,"We'll have one.Eventually."She said leaning against him with a sigh ,"After we deal with naraku."she muttered because despite being happy for the two dog demons, she was worried about hw much naraku was going to try to strike against sesshomaru and reiko by killing the children.
he smiled at her and nodded. "yes. after Naraku." he agreed kissing her gently. "i wouldn't want to risk Pups..." he admitted looking worried. "not against him... Kagome what are we going to do? with these little ones... we can't just leave Reiko and the pups here and there's no way we can take the pups with us or leave them behind..." he blinked at her. "an worse... Sango... smells." he admitted tapping his nose. "like Reiko did... Sango smells like puppies..." was Sango pregnant!? oh that was VERY bad.
Kagome paled a little as she thought about that. Oh shit, this was bad. IT would be so bad now."We'll have to do something. Reiko wont stand to be left behind, not if sesshomaru's going to come fightAnd she wont be able to protect the children.We have to do something."She said starting to panic because she had no idea what they were going to do with these pretty pretty pups.
he grimaced and nodded a little. "i wonder if we can just... stay here?" he wondered. "just stay here in the Meido and forget about everything else... everyone we love is here... is safe... even Kaede..." he stated biting his lip. "everything we need is here... we don't have to leave..." he muttered, hoping that Kagome would agree with him... they where all safe now... why bother fighting?
Kagome looked thoughtful, biting er lip."We could...but inuyasha if we don't fight him, then we'll destroy the future.We'll destroy the future where I exist, where reiko and sesshomaru've survived, destroyed it and left naraku in charge."She said hating that they would have to figt because if they did something they were going to get hurt, if they didn't they'd destroy everything.
Inuyasha frowned a little as he held the little baby. "and if we don't fight him now... then you might not exist..." he whispered softly, sighing a little. "...we'll have to find Kikyo..." he muttered, unhappy. "Kagome i don't know if i can see her..." he admitted looking at his wife to be. "i love you so desperately that my heart flutters just to see you smile... but i still have...something, for her too... it's not love.. i recognize that now... but i..i don't know what it is.." he frowned. "guilt.. maybe... i... i don't want her to come here... i don't want to see her face... so much like yours... so much.. like a past that hurts... i don't want to hear her voice... that once filled me with sweet lies..." he closed his eyes, swallowing thickly. "i don't want to feel the things that she makes me feel..."

(will you play Kikyo? i can't play her well XP i never got far enough in the series to know her personality XP)
9ll yea I got it.)

Kagome looked at him worriedly, gently running her fingers through his hair as she wrapped her arms around him."But you have to deal with the feelings inuyasha, otherwise she will never return to her grave, never rest in peace.To be able to return to the underworld, to leave this unnatural life, we have to deal with naraku."He sighed looking worried, resting her head on his shoulder."we will find her. Sesshomaru and reiko will be able to help. Both being able to access the meido, as guardians of the underworld, they should be able to find one lost dead woman."
he sighed a little and rested his head on hers. "i just don't understand Kagome..." he admitted softly. "she always wanted me to be human..." he admitted. "my entire life, i wanted to be human... that was what i wanted most in life... now... now i honestly just don't know what i want..." he admitted. "and i'm afraid if she comes back into my life... i'll start wanting the same things all over again, and i'll forget how much i love you... and i can't hurt you, or me like that..." he admitted looking at her. "promise me you won't let her take me from you?" well, at least Inuyasha knew his weaknesses.
Kgome smiled at him, tilting her head a little."You wanted to be human, because you didn't understand it was okay to be how you are."She said gently sliding her fingers though his hair."Being around Reiko and sesshomaru's taught you that it's okay to be a demon to."She said before smirking a little."But if oyu forget, or if she tries to take you away, I'll just make sesshomaru get you, and make sure he explains in great volume and anger that this wasn't what was supposed to happen."
he sighed a little and shook his head. "i'm still not sure it's alright to be part Demon Kagome..." he admitted, but he was relaxed now while he admitted it. "i'm...scared of...it." he admitted softly. "it has no...mind it's just...blood-thirst and rage..." he admitted shuddering violently. "i don't know how Sesshomaru can handle that..." the same way Reiko did... demon food.... raw meat usually, from other demons. it helped quench the bloodlust. he smiled at Kagome and kissed her gently. "i'm so glad that your with me... i don't know how i'd survive all of this without you." he admitted kissing her forehead, grinning as he gently set the sleeping baby boy into his crib. "..so who's telling Sango that she might be pregnant?"
"If it wasn't alright, half demons wouldn't exist."She muttered looking worried about him."We'll ask reiko how she handles it. She most likely suffered to until she figured out how to handle it."She said kissing him back before laughing softly."you wouldn't be surviving it."She teased before smirking,"How about we let reiko or sesshomaru?"
he sighed a little and shook his head. "sometimes i wonder if we're not just accidents that God doesn't care about..." he admitted softly. it was so strange, Inuyasha had never mentioned God before... had his mother been a religious sort? "i'm sure Reiko was raised by her Demon Parent, Demon's are commonly a lot more accepting of humans than humans are of demons." he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head, kissing her forehead. "i agree, we'll let Sesshomaru tell her, she'd never dare call Sesshomaru a liar or try to beat him with her boomerang." he admitted with a laugh as he shook his head, calm now, glad that Kagome was with him, glad that he had her and Reiko and Sesshomaru to help him.
Kagoem looked thoughtful because she had no idea what to think about him mentioning god, before smiling a little."Well, she'll still know ow to help."She said before leaning into him, laughing softly."Oh I would like to see her try to beat him.It'd be amusing."She said snickering.

Hours later reiko awned sleepily, nuzzling her cheek against sesshomaru's cheek, sighing softly."Seseshomaru...the babes..."She muttered looking worried as she struggled to shake off the sleepiness that had gripped her since giving birth.
he smiled a little at her, his head tilted a little. "yeah... i suppose she would." he agreed chuckling a little as he shook his head. "she wouldn't dare try to hit Sesshomaru." he admitted shrugging a little as he nipped her lips gently. "you know.. i think, in all honesty Reiko is the only one Sesshomaru would ALLOW to hit him." he admitted smirking a little before scowling. "she really SHOULD hit him you know... i heard him call her a bitch the other night!"

Sesshomaru smiled as he stroked her hair. "hush love, their still sleeping." he promised her, smiling at her as he stroked her cheek. "how are you feeling? any better?" he asked cautiously, his head tilted a little as he ran his fingers gently through her hair. "do you want me to have Inuyasha bring the Pups up here?" he asked smiling at her. "i didn't name them yet... i figured, since you went through all the effort and pain, you should be the one to name them." he beamed at her. "they have the cutest little puppy ears Reiko... their so Adorable... you make such adorable babies." he assured her, smiling at her.
Kagome laughed softly at that, snickering a little."Well have to tell her."She said wondering what the woman would do if she knew her mate called her a bitch.Like most humans, seeing it as a insult instead of how sesshomaru and reiko saw it.

Reiko whined softly before relaxing, sighing as she nzzled his hand. Smiling a little."I'm still tired,and sore.But okay."She muttered stirring a little before nodding, "I would.Please.WE should spend time with our own pups."She said smiling softly at the sight of him so happy, laughing at his words."YOu got your wish I see, puppy ears."She teased tugging on his hair, smiling gently as se nodded."They're your pups to."She pointed out.
he shook his head. "honestly... he can't be THAT stupid right?" he asked blinking at her, pausing as he heard Sesshomaru call. "Reiko must be awake, come on." he murmured smiling at the little baby. "lets go meet your mum, and get you a nice name, hmm little one?" he asked smiling as he walked up the stairs to hear Sesshomaru respond to something Reiko had said. "i did get my wish, Inuyasha was adorable as a puppy too." Sesshomaru admitted chuckling a little. "those cute little puppy ears... i always wanted to grab them... but i couldn't let his mother see me. she would have put an arrow through my chest faster than i could have said 'wait'." he shook his head. "he was lucky to have such a loving mother." he admitted smiling a little. "besides, they might be my pups but we all know your going to be the one raising them... i'm going to do everything stupid... or wrong..." he looked worried now. "what if they don't like me?"
"He might be, though I hope he wouldn't be."Kagome said snickering a little as she nodded.Gently picking up the girl as they walked upstairs. "...you actually wanted to see your brother sometimes?Just to tug his ears?That's mean."Reiko teased smiling happily when she saw the other two coming inside with her pups, shifting, leaning back against sesshomaru's chest to be able to sit up, still sore enough she needed the support. Turning her head she looked at him, frowning a little. Pinching his arm."I'm not raising them by myself. I swear to god,I'll beat your head in if you leave me alone."She growled, sighing softly."You'll be fine. I promise. Every parent worries about that, but you'll be fine."
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