Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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"Not to much longer."she agreed sinckering a little,, nodding."Oh yes, I'm sure he will."He said amused at the idea that sesshomaru was going to be so hyper on caffine.It was like demons had not tolerance for it.

"No, its perfect.Ohhh..."Reiko moaned softly sighing a little as she arched her back into his hands, "It'd hurt if I was human, but I'm not."She pointed out before laughing at his cute warning off, looking at him over her shoulder as she watched him rub the muscles loose."You can't growl at the knots, they don't understand you."she teased.
he snickered a little and nodded. "we'll load him up on caffeine and then go shopping and leave Reiko to handle him." he decided snickering as he sipped on his half a cup of coffee. it was all he was allowed to have because otherwise he went off the walls hyper... and that was being half human and used to Caffeine.

Sesshomaru chuckled a little as he smiled at her, shaking his head a little as she laughed at him, kissing her neck. "oh leave me alone, i can growl if i want to." he complained running his hands along her back, seeking out any more sore spots, finally kissing the back of her neck. "there, hows that feel?" he asked with a small smile as he nuzzled the side of her neck. "i smell food too, you must be hungry by now..."
"Reiko'll kill you.Sesshomaru might hurt you, but if you do that she'll seriously maim you."She said snikcinering as she kissed her boyfriend lightly, sipping her own coffee.

"Hmmm its such a sexy growl."She muttered, nearly purring in pleasue before raising her head, smiling a little as she sniffed the air."I am. Let's go get some food, then get the other two to go shopping."She said as her stomach growled, jumping out of the bed and heading for the stairs.
he laughed and nodded. "she'd rip my arm off and beat me to death with it!" he agreed grinning a little as he shook his head and swallowed down his half a cup in one go, choking as he burned his tongue and throat, rushing to the sink to douse the pain, sucking down the cool water.

Sesshomaru smirked a little as he kissed her forehead and then helped her to her feet, chuckling a little as he led her down to the kitchen, lifting an eyebrow at Inuyasha's frantic gulping of water. "well that's an interesting sight..." he mumbled simply as he settled into a chair, letting Reiko dig into her breakfast of eggs, hash-browns, pancakes, and sausage. he ignored the food himself, he didn't need it yet. besides he hated mortal food... save that futuristic stuff that Kagome had, that was pretty good, though he hadn't had the chance to try a hot dog yet, now that he was sure it wasn't anything... bad.
Kagome looked startled at inuyasha's gluping, swallowing hard to keep from laughing at her boyfriend."Inuyasha, you're not supposed to drink coffee in one rush.Its hot." "Coffee?What is coffee?"Reiko said raising her head as she looked at the two, pausing in her devouring the food sesshomaru had given her.
Inuyasha coughed a little and nodded a little. "yeah... i keep forgetting." he admitted, Sesshomaru lifting a slender eyebrow again, his head tilting to the side as Inuyasha shook his head. "Reiko can't have too much. it's bad for babies i guess." he stated shaking his head a little. "and Sesshomaru shouldn't have any at all because he'll by Hyper as hell." "...me, Hyper? you MUST be joking. do i look like a child to you?" "hey, Demon's are affected a lot more by caffeine than humans are." Inuyasha stated with a shrug, Sesshomaru stealing Kagome's cup to sniff at the contents before taking a large mouthful, swallowing it hard, struggling not to react to the bitter taste and scalding contents.
Reiko giggled a little at sesshomaru's reaction,coveing her mouth with her hand as she giggled."Good?"She said leaning over to her mate, sniffing at the cup. Kagome smiled slightly raising a eyebrow."It's not kind to steal someone else's drink."She scolded the demon lord as she took her drink back, sipping it as she waited to see how hyper sesshomaru was going to get. Slightly worried that the man would be hyper lust and pounce on his mate, forgetting that she shouldnt be having sex.
Sesshomaru shook his head. "it's disgusting." he admitted blinking at her. "don't drink it." he warned letting Kagome take his drink back, shaking his head a little as he sat there and blinked before he stood up. "excuse me... i feel the urge to...run." he admitted looking almost confused as he turned and vanished, moving out into the woods that had appeared and vanishing from sight, Inuyasha snorting. "well that was interesting." he stated calmly shaking his head. "i was hoping to actually watch him be hyper..."
Reiko frowned looking confused as she watched her mate go."he'll be back."She said sounding worried, as if she wasn't sure her mate would come back to her. Kagme laughed softly before nodding."He will be. He just needs to run."she said looking at inuyasha,"Are you so sure you'd want to see him hyper?He might beat your head in."she said snickering,"We better get ready to go though."
Inuyasha chuckled a little and shook his head. "he'll be back once he wears himself out. don't worry it affects demons more, but they run through it a lot faster." they knew because of Kouga, the man had loved the Mountain dew so much he'd drank three of them before the caffeine kicked in. they'd had to tie him down so he wouldn't do anything stupid, but he'd crashed after a half an hour and fallen asleep. "you might be right though, he'd definitely beat my head in... but i DID try to warn him." Inuyasha pointed out. "he only had a mouthful, he'll be back in ten minutes... half an hour at most." he promised smiling a little. "any preference on colors for the baby?"
Reiko still looked worried before smiling a little shaking her head."Just something that will go well with both boy and girl."She said smiling as the two left, moving tothe living room to wait for her mate to return.

Kagome smied a little as they left their hiding place of sesshomaru's mansion and made their way to the future, pausing for a moment in mordern tokyo to reorient herself to where she was."Where do you want to go first?Food, shopping, or date?"she said smiling slightly at her.
Inuyasha blinked a little, his little puppy dog ear twitching a little before shrugging and heading out with Hermione. "purple maybe?... yellow?... what are gender neutral colors? we can't just get all white and black stuff..." he complained scowling a little before smiling at her. "lets get food and then go on a date, that way we don't have to carry our shopping around all over the place." he decided smiling at her. "where should we eat?"

Sesshomaru was back in fifteen minutes, coated in sweat and looking exaughsted as he flopped into the chair next to Reiko, panting a little. "...never drink Coffee." he ordered shaking his head. "it does things to a person... terrible, terrible things...'
"Purples. Greens.We'll look around."Kagome said smiling a little as they started to talk, tilting her head a little as she walked, looking in the shop windows."What do you feel like eating?"she asked looking over at him."There's lots of stuff to eat that you haven't had before."

Reiko giggled a little getting up out of her chair and snuggling into his lap, resting her head on his shoulder."What kind of terrible things?You don't look that bad."She teased nzzling him a little.
he pondered, sniffing at the air. "i don't know... something good." he ordered with a grin, licking his lips as he glanced at her, kissing her forehead. "can we try that Pizza stuff? or... what did your mother call it, lasagna? that sounds really good." he admitted grinning a little, shaking his head as he paused to stare at a hot doughnut stand. "i want one of those first!"

he smiled a little as he wrapped his arms around the other, kissing her forehead. "i don't know but all of a sudden i wanted to throw you against the wall and fuck you so hard you bled..." he admitted shaking his head a little. "so i went out and cut down trees until the urge wore off..." he admitted scowling. "how can humans drink something so...so...so sadistic!?"
"WE can get lasagna."She said smiling as she headed for the itlaian resturant, before laughing at his reaction to the donuts. Crossing the street to buy him a basic donut hole she handed it to him, looking amused."Here. Its called a dohnut. There's just like bread with sugar."She said smiling at him.

Reiko looked startled shifting to kiss him softly,"Oh well,there's other things we could do besides that."She said giggling a little as she pressed a kiss to her neck."I don't know. We'll have to ask kagome when they come back.Surely they all do not react like that to drinking it."
he smiled as he nodded kissing her gently as he was given a doughnut he shoved it into his mouth, making his happy noises as they walked down the streets, chuckling happily. "it's delicious!" he growled happily, licking his fingers clean as they walked into the Italian restaurant, everyone staring at Inuyasha and his funny clothes, strange hair, puppy dog ears. Inuyasha ignored it, it was easy to ignore the stares.

Sesshomaru shook his head a little as he smiled. "i'm sure humans aren't affected or Inuyasha would have been trying to rape Kagome... maybe..." he mused. "it must only affect full demon's in such a way..." he murmured shaking his head. "we could give some to Kaede... see what happens..."
Kagome smiled ndding."They are.And there's lots of dfferent kinds."She said amused as they got a table growling absently in annoyance at the stares even as she tried to ignore them. Already looking over the list of things to order."You wanted lasagna right?"she asked

"True....and we could.But kagome and inuyasha would not be happy with us exprimening on their friend."She pointed out pressing a kiss to his neck,fingers absently running over his chest.
he grinned a little as he nodded. "someday, i am going to try ALL kinds of Doughnuts." he decided, pondering his food choices, ignoring the fact that he couldn't read, looking at the pictures instead. "yeah, Lasagna, layered pasta." he mused grinning a little. he was used to being stared at, it didn't bother him in the least.

Sesshomaru shrugged. "what do i care how they feel?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at his lover. "i don't care about them in the least," he admitted leaning into the kiss on his neck, smirking a little. "are you horny again love?" he asked, smiling at her. "we're not supposed to have sex while your still sore..."
Kagome smiled ordering his lasagna and her ravoli, looking over at him amused."Would you like to learn how to read?Then you can order all you own food."She teased.

Reiko smirked a little biting his mating mark gently,licking her tongue over it."Just because we cant have sex, doesn't mean there's not other things to do."She purred a little shifting to kneel between his knees, tugging at his pants, needing his help in getting them of though.
Inuyasha blinked a little, hesitating. "i...i'm not sure..." he admitted worrying his lip. "i'm not...really all that smart..." he admitted sighing a little. "i don't know if i'll be able to read..."

he smiled a little as he licked his lips a little, lifting his hips a little, letting her tug his pants down, looking a little puzzled. "and just what are you up to you little imp?" he asked curious. he'd never had a blowjob. it wasn't something that Demon's normally did, mating was straightforward to them. mount, pump, cum, done. he'd never known anything different, though he did enjoy eating his partners out, bringing them to orgasm again and again with his tongue and fingers.
She smiled looking over at him, resting a hand over his."You are smart. You just have to try."She said smiling."IF sesshomaru can, you can."She said leaning over to kiss his cheek.

Reiko smirked a little, raising a eyebrow."Oh, nothing."She said smirking, "I guess there are some things that humans do better."She purred before lowering her mouth to him, sucking on his cock as she greedily slid him down her throat, enjoying giving him this pleasure when she couldnt do anything else.
he smiled a little at her and held her hand. "i'm not as smart as Sesshomaru is. but i'd like to try." he admitted grinning a little as he kissed her cheek back, watching as their food arrived, Inuyasha tucking in happily. "oh man, Kagome this stuff is AMAZING!" he stated staring at her with wide eyes.

he frowned a little, his head tilted as he studied her. "what? human's are never better at ANY...o..oooh." he moaned, his eyes fluttering closed as he felt her mouth engulf his cock, arching slightly off his seat. "oooh yesss that's good." he growled, panting happily, bucking very carefully into her mouth. "oh Reiko... that's amazing...oooh that's amazing!"
Kagome laughed as she started to eat nodding."IT is.Want a bite of mine?"she asked holding up her fork to him amused. Looking amused as she thought about what she was going to have him read.

Reiko smirked around his cock, sighing softly as she stroked her tongue over his cock, befoe raising her head looking up at him, raising a eyebrow."STill dont think they have a better idea?"She teased but didt give him a chance to answer, lowering her mouth to his cock again taking her time in driving him insane.
he grinned as he took a bite off her fork, nearly shuddering in delight. "mmm we're going to have to come here all the time once everything is dealt with." he decided smiling a little. "at least once a week we'll have to come to the future." he purred happily.

he moaned loudly as she teased his flesh panting as he glanced down at her, letting out a long little whine as she stopped. "please..." he groaned, tossing his head back as she engulfed his cock again, completely unraveling in his pleasure. he was completely losing control, she must have been proud at the noises that where spilling out of Sesshomaru's throat. needy little whimpers and whines as he struggled not to grab her by the head and fuck her face like the raging horny animal he was.
Kagome laughed nodding as she ate some more, leaning over to kiss his cheek."And bring the other two with us, if reiko can come to the future."She said looking out the window, frowning a little as she looked across the walkway. Those two...people walking across from them looked familiar, in a errie kind of way. "Did reiko said she could come to the future?"She asked watching the demoness walk, the slightly pregnant woman looking good in mordern clothes, not realizing that the couple hadn't changed the past, and therefore was still alive in the present.

Reiko smirked swallowing down around himenjoying the sounds, swallowing as he came, raising her head to look up at him with a tired pleased smirk."Good?"She teased nuzzling her cheek against his thigh.
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