Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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kagome frowned back at sesshomaru, scowling a litlte before sighing in relief when the man just carried reiko out of the room."Dammit."she cursed under her breath having a thought that sesshomaru was going to be even more difficult to live with if reiko really was hurt.

"My back hurts.And stomach."She muttered sighing softly as she climbed into the tub rubbing her stomach, glad when the ramps stopped even if it still hurt.Sighing softly as she looked up at him,"Get in with me?"She asked, for the first time looking vulnerable and hurt.
Sango sighed a little and shook her head. "oh my lord i thought we where all going to die there for a moment... hey where's Inuyasha..?" "s..suffering." Inuyasha groaned as he staggered into the room, covered in red welts. "oooh he made me pay for that one..." he groaned slumping into the chair, shaking his head a little.

Sesshomaru scowled darkly as she said that, setting a hand on her rounding belly. "you can't be going into labor already right?" he asked softly, worried about her and the baby, helping her into the water before smiling as he crawled in after her, holding her as they relaxed in the hot water. "i'm sorry... i was too rough last night?" he asked softly, his head tilted as he kissed her forehead gently.
Kagome swallowed hard nodding."I thought we were to."she said moving over to inuyasha, cleaning him up and looking him over worriedly."Well, at least one good thing about rei being hurt, is he'll forget that he's angry with inuyasha."

Reiko sighed softly looking up at him, shaking her head."No, no labor."She muttered though her voice sounded scared, worried that she was. Worried she was going to hurt her pup badly. Sighing as she leaned back against him,"I think so.But I could have told you to stop to."She muttered out, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder
Inuyasha grimaced a little and shook his head. "he didn't even use poison Kagome don't worry. it just stings like a bitch, that's all. he was annoyed, not angry." he admitted smiling a little before frowning. "... what's this about Reiko being hurt?"

Sesshomaru sighed a little, looking relieved as he frowned. "we should bring a healer here..." he muttered frowning a little as he nuzzled her. "i will go and get a healer this afternoon..." he decided, scowling a little. "but do i need to get a human healer, or a demon?" he asked, confused as he studied her. "you look more like a demon... but i don't know if your insides are human or demon..." he admitted worrying his lip. "...i will get one of each." he decided. "Kaede perhaps... and... i don't know any demon doctors, i will have to find one."
Kagome nodded looking relieved beore sighing softly."She was sore and achy. I think her body's adjusting to being pregnant."Seh said, hoping that it was a normal thing and not that sesshomaru had hurt her while she was human, because if he did, the man was going to be totally unbearable to live with.

Reiko bit his lip, rubbing her cheek against sesshomaru's shoulder, looking worried."I think a healer would be good."She muttered, the fact she was willing to do that, meant she was hurting more then she was admitting to."Sango might know. She is a demon slayer she might know demon medicine."She said thoughtfully looking up at him,gently touching his cheek."I am fine. Don't worry."She said anxious to make him feel better.
Inuyasha scowled a little before shaking his head. "we should go and get a healer... she'll protest but she IS pregnant... it would be a good idea... we'll have to tell Sesshomaru to go and get one." Sango muttered, Inuyasha nodding a little before he smirked at Sango. "have you worn Miroku out yet?" "...i fear so." Sango complained with a small sigh. "considering how lecherous he is, i thought he'd have a higher libido than this." Sango admitted with a snicker.

he smiled as he kissed her temple, nodding a little. "we'll have Sango look at you." he agreed. "and i will go and kidnap... i mean... ask, Kaede to join us." he decided smiling a little because they all knew that there wasn't going to be any 'no thank you's' for Kaede. she was coming whether she wanted to, or not. "just rest love." he ordered calmly, kissing her forehead. "i'll get her once your sleeping."
Kagome snickered looking at the demon hunter."You've been at it for nearly two days. I don't think youcan complain about his libido."she said snickering a little shaking her head a little as she bit her lip."We'll get her a healer, eve if she protests."

"Kidnap?"Reiko giggled a little looking amused as she nuzzled her face against his chest, smirking a little as she sighed, starting to fall asleep."Okay. I'll sleep here.You're comfortable.Soft.Easy to lay on."She muttered a little delirious in her sleepiness as she fell asleep
Sango smirked a little and shook her head. "oh i'm not complaining in the least." she admitted with a laugh. "he just needs practice thats all. he'll be able to keep up with me before too long." she admitted giggling as she bit into a hot dog her head tilted a little. "i think Sesshomaru is probobly going to kidnap Kaede." she admitted looking amused. "i'm pretty sure she's the only healer he knows, unless he gets a Demon healer..." she mused grinning a little.

Sesshomaru smirked a little as he kissed her forehead as she fell asleep right there in the bathtub, chuckling as he held her, making sure that she didn't slip under the water. once he was certain she was asleep he picked her up and gently carried her into the bedroom, laying her on the bed and covered her with blankets before heading down the stairs, looking at the group of people. "i am going out." he stated simply, looking at Sango. "you know Demons, yes? you will look after Reiko." he demanded, Sango looking shocked. "m..me!?" "yes, you." he stated before sweeping out of the room, to the outside, vanishing on his cloud to go and get Kaede. "... oh crap..." Sango groaned. "i don't know anything about healing or pregnancies or shit like this!"
Kagome swallowed hard, looking thoughtful s he looked over at sango, snickering a little."I think it's time you learn."She said swallowing hard looking up as she stood, heading for the door."Come on. We'll check on Reiko, and when kaede gets here, she'll be able to help even more."She said sounding worried because she had a thought sesshomaru was going to be violent and antsy if they couldn't help/
Sango grimaced. "i'm going to have to, because if something happens to her while he's gone, we're all going to die." she pointed out shaking her head a little as she headed up the stairs, looking worried and upset as she gently knocked on the door before peeking in on Reiko to see if she was still sleeping or not. Inuyasha had decided to stay downstairs, and for a good reason, he didn't want Reiko to bite his head off.
"Come in..."reiko muttered sleepily, stirring at the knock, blinking stupidly over the edge of the blanket, smiling a little when she saw the two women. "How are you eeling?"Kagome said worriedly as she moved to the edge of the bed, biting hre lip worriedly as she looked over the half demoness over.
Sango smiled as she walked in after Kagome, gently brushing Reiko's hair out of her face. "Sesshomaru went to go get a healer." she admitted. "are you in any pain?" she asked smiling at her. "you have to tell us if your in pain because Sesshomaru might not have said it, but i'm pretty sure we're all dead if he comes back and your worse than when he left." she teased, trying to make Reiko grin.
Reiko laughed at that, nodding a little."I am sure he would.But I am stiff and sore, and my stomach hurts.But I don't feel any worse then when he was here."She promised looking amused, if anxious."What's wrong with me?" "We don't know, sweetheart,but sesshomaru is getting kaede, and I am sure she will know."Kagome said looking at the woman nervously.
Sango smiled a little and gently set a hand on her belly. "well... maybe it was just rough sex?" she mused. "i've heard that too hard can cause stomach cramping, especially when one is pregnant..." she muttered biting her lip a little."i'm not sure that there is anything 'wrong' with you." Sango admitted smiling at her. "but Kaede will know... she's healed Demons before i'm sure, and given birth to many many babies." she assured the Half demon. "she's old, but very wise." she promised smiling a little as she patted Reiko's hand. "me and Kagome will be right here, and we have Inuyasha to run and get us things from the Death Demon's if you need anything."
"Ohh...yes. It was rough.."Reiko said blushing hard as she considered that. "I hadn't thought of that."She muttered hoping they wouldn't have to tell sesshomaru, because she didn't want him to feel bad about it."Can we make inuyasha get chocolate?"She whined sleepily. "I'll get some."Kagome said snickering a little as she looked at reiko headed downstairs to check on inuyasha, and get the food.
Sango smiled a little and nodded. "Demon Hunters always have Achy bellies." she teased her, winking playfully at Reiko. "and Sesshomaru can't help being rough, he's a demon, he can't be any more gentle with you than he is because he's not physically capable of it." she admitted smiling at her. "me and Kagome won't tell him, and i'm pretty sure Kaede won't either, no need to have Sesshomaru of all people wallowing in guilt." she admitted shaking her head a little as Kagome went down to get Chocolate. Inuyasha was still eating when Kagome went down there, he had to have been on his seventh hot dog by then, eating it happily.
Kagome smiled a little,"He can be gentle.Sometimes. Me just being human last night made it worse."She muttered shrugging a little having a feeling that that was the problem. Not that sesshomaru had been his usual rough self, but that her human body hadn't been up to it.

Kagome snickered at the site, rolling her eyes a little as she asked for some chocolate before looking at inuyasha."You're going to make yourself sick eating all that."she teased kissing his forehead."Reiko's fine. She'll be fine, sesshomaru wont be killing us."she said smiling slightly, though she was actually scared at the idea sesshomaru would freak and kill them because he couldn't mae reiko eel better yet.
Sango smiled a little. "that's what i mean dear... for your demon state, he's very gentle, far more gentle than a demon should be. but for your human form.. he just couldn't be gentle enough." she admitted smiling a little. "it's like Inuyasha and Kagome, sometimes he forgets how strong he is and accidentally bruises her." Sango admitted smiling a little. "he never means to, and it's always to save her... well, usually, but he always feels terrible afterwords." Sango admitted smiling a little. "and Inuyasha has the unfair advantage over Sesshomaru being half human!" she admitted smiling at Reiko.

Inuyasha scoffed a little. "i won't." he promised smiling, looking rather relieved that Reiko was alright. "Sesshomaru might be when he finds out he's the one who hurt her." he muttered scowling a little. "i heard them screwing when she was in human form... he's never been around humans enough to know how fragile we..." he paused and then shook his head. "i mean... you... are..." everyone kept telling him he had to stop disassociating from his demon half. stop ignoring it and pretending it didn't exist... he really was trying, and it showed. "i wonder how long it will take him to find Kaede?"
Reiko nodded a little thinking about that."Sesshomaru's never had a chance to figure out that humans are fragile, so he never considered it."She said sighing softly."He's goign to be so pissed when he realizes that."She muttered perking up a little when she felt her mate returning to the meido, being the guardian and mated to the man who carried tensuiga, meant she could feel him when he returned.

"Probably."kagome winced a little worried about sesshomaru's reaction when he realized that he'd hurt his mate, even if he hadn't meant to.Smilign proudly when she heard inuyasha trying so hard. it was good to hear."Shouldn't be to long. And now he'll know to be careful."she said sighing softly, because it worried her to think about how pissed he was going to be.
Kagome smiled a little and nodded. "he either avoided them, or killed them." she agreed with a small chuckle. "i don't think he'll be mad, he'll act angry but he'll really be feeling guilty and ashamed. we just have to make him understand it's not his fault... not really, it was just ignorance that caused it, that's all." she admitted grinning when she heard the front door open. "Sesshomaru is back."

Inuyasha smiled a little as he leaned into Kagome a little before blinking as Sesshomaru walked in, carrying Kaede over his shoulder like she was a sack of grain. clearly she had attempted to refuse to come judging from the annoyed look on both of their faces. Inuyasha barley managed to restrain his snickers and watched as Sesshomaru took the old woman up the stairs, set her down in front of Reiko, and pointed at his mate. "fix her, or die you old bat!" Sesshomaru demanded, Kaede huffing as she crossed her arms and scowled darkly at Sesshomaru, Sango chuckling. "please Kaede? he doesn't mean to be rude, he's just worried." "...fine." Kaede stated, carefully examining Reiko's belly, touching here and listening there, her eyes narrowed a little. "the baby is healthy and strong and so is Reiko." she assured. "pain is common after sex, especially for demons. her body is weaker now that she's pregnant, give her a day to rest and she'll be fine."
Reiko smiled looking amused as she snuggled down into the bed,hiding her face a little in the blanket so her mate wouldn't see that she was laughing at him.It just wouldn't do to let him know she found him amusing, even if it was endearing. Raising her face when she was in control she tugged him down onto the bed with her, waving at the other to."And I was human at the time, sesshomaru.Even weaker than normal."She said sighing as she nuzzled him."lay with me?"She said wrapping her arms around his waist, trying to prevent him from feeling guilty and ashamed.
Sesshomaru scowled at Reiko, he knew very well that she was laughing at him, but he said nothing, he just let her laugh. he couldn't make her stop and he sure as hell couldn't kill her for it so he was stuck, better just to pretend he didn't know. he felt guilt eating at him, it was not an emotion he enjoyed, and he snarled at Sango when she dared touch his poor wounded mate, the Demon hunter wincing and quickly fleeing back down the stairs as he crawled into bed with her, wrapping his arms gently around her, kissing the tip of her ear as Kaede gave Reiko a herbal remedy to help with the pain and left as well, grumbling about rude Demon's and their pregnant mates, Sesshomaru ignoring her completely. "i'm sorry Reiko... i shouldn't have fucked you while you where in human form... i didn't realize that human bodies where so fragile..."
Reiko laughed softly watching sango flee and kaede leave, resting her head on his chest, shivering a little as he kissed her ear.Sighing softly as she looked up at him,resting a hand over his heart."How could you have known?You don't spend time with humans, sesshy."She muttered nuzzling his skin."Love, had I thought of it, I would have told you.But neither of us thought of how much I could be hurt.Its not your fault."She muttered.
he sighed a little and shook his head a little. "i should have known... i should have been more gentle..." he muttered softly, shaking his head a little. "it is my fault." he muttered, but he had relaxed against her, sighing as he relaxed, glad to know it wasn't JUST his fault. he kissed her neck a little smiling a little as he shook his head. "i love you Reiko." he muttered softly as he kissed her ear again, having caught the first reaction. "your so cute though, laying here all pregnant.." he muttered smiling a little. "full of my seed... my baby." he muttered gently rubbing her belly. "every time i see you, i want to smell your belly." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "it annoys me." he admitted. "i should have better control over myself." he mumbled bending to press his nose to her belly, sniffing Happily. "you smell like me." he growled happily.
Reiko whined softly when he brushed her ear again, whining in that pleased puppy wy. Smiling softly as she shifted, laughing softly as he land his head against her stomach, tugging her shirt up to look down at the curve of her stomach."You have no control of yourself where I'm concerned."She teased gently running her fingers through his hair "Of course I smell like you. You smell like me to."She said snickering.
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