Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Inuyasha huffed a little at her, pouting at her but he chuckled and kissed her forehead, smiling a little as he nuzzled her forehead, taking her inside and into the reading room, hesitating at her. "will you read to me Kagome?" he asked, blushing a little. "i used to love listening to my mother read the story books to me..." he admitted rather sheepishly. "i'll snuggle with you, and maybe brush your hair while you read." he offered smiling a little.

he growled back at her as he kissed her again. "don't call me Sesshy." he growled biting at her Mating Mark. "i DO have a reputation i need to uphold. you think i was just born the Lord of the Western Lands? i had to fight for it." he growled. "if people hear you calling me 'Sesshy' their going to think i'm some fluffy bastard who needs to be dealt with." he grumbled. "and they will come and try to take my title, and i'll have months upon months of fighting off bastards who want the western lands to deal with." "so yes, i would dare." he teased watching her hair turn back to silver, smiling a little. "... that is rather remarkable." he moaned as she nibbled on his neck, and he resumed his actions, fucking her harder now that she was a demon.
Kagome smile as they waked inside, settling on the plush couch."Yes. Find a book you want, and I'll read to you."She said smiling wider as she pressed a kiss to his forehea before moving away, laying down on the couch with a sigh as she waited for him to choose what he wanted.

"I will call you sesshy.In private."She muttered shivering as she came again, clinging to him tighter as she rolled, pinning him to the bed as she looke down at him, silver hair falling around them, surrounding them in a silvery halo."I love you."She muttered kissing him slowly, sighing sotly as she rested her forehead against his, watching him come with a pleased smirk,sighing softly because his words worried her
Inuyasha beamed at her and skipped off, grabbing a book, and his hairbrush, and bounding back to her, handing her a book of myth and fairy tales, settling in behind her, letting her use him as a pillow or a chair as he gently ran the brush through her hair, as promised, listening to her read as he gently started to braid her hair. "Rin taught me how." he explained when she gave him a strange look.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "in private is fine." he moaned groaning as they where rolled, still thrusting deep into her, too close to stop, his face filling with pleasure as he came, moaning eagerly. "i love you too." he groaned happily, grinning at her. "don't worry my darling, no one would be stupid enough to challenge me." he promised stroking her hair gently, kissing the little crescent moon on her forehead.
Kagome smiled looking at him amused, turning to kiss his cheek as she paused reading."You're very good at it."She said leaning back against his chest as she sat in his lap, closing her eyes, just enjoying the moment before yawning starting to read again.

Reiko smiled shifting off of his cock, but snuggling down into him, refusing to move, uddling down on his chest, silver hair mingling with his as she sighed,"Sure?"She muttered worried, the small curve of her stomach pressing into his flat one, worry clear in her voice, fear not only for her mate, but her child.She didn't know what she would do if she had to go without him.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "not really, my braids are all lumpy, Rin's are all smooth and pretty." he admitted with a small chuckle, shaking his head a little. "are you tired?" he asked kissing her forehead. "come on, let's go to bed." he ordered picking her up. "i'll tuck you in and then head off to my tree." Inuyasha flat out hated beds, he liked to sleep in trees, it was strange.

he chuckled a little and nodded. "i'm sure, and even if i'm not they would never dare attack me with my pregnant wife nearby." he admitted simply. "with you and me mated, our powers are combined, and the closer to your due date you get, the more power you will have, to protect the baby." he admitted smirking at her. "they'd have to be suicidal to want to take us on now."
Kagome smiled a little resting her head on his chest, whining softly."Do you want to?"She muttered rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, wanting to lay next to him. Wanting to hold him while she slept, even if she knew he liked trees better."...we could sleep in a tree."she muttered, not wanting to let go of him just yet.

REiko sighed relaxing a little as she kissed him, laughing softly."Oh...I didn't know that. Well. Good.No one should try things then.Even naraku couldn't be that stupid."She mused rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, yawning sleepily.
he paused a little, blinking at him before he smiled a little. "oh.. you want to sleep with me?" he asked, blushing a little as he picked her ip. "well, i suppose it wouldn't hurt to sleep on a bed this once." he decided kissing her forehead and carrying her to bed, laying her in it and smiling at her. "goodnight Kagome." he muttered sliding into bed ext to her.

he chuckled a little and nodded as he kissed her forehead, not bothering to correct her, he didn't want to upset her, but Naraku would, and could take them both out, despite being all powerful as they where. "sleep well love." he muttered kissing her forehead. "i kept you up all night, poor thing. i'll stay here with you until you wake up."
Kagome whined, poking him in the shoulder."You know what I mean!"She said smiling as she shifted, snuggling down into him as she closered her eyes with a sigh, content to sleep next to him.

Reiko smiled sleepily rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, sighing softly as she drifted off to sleep."You better be."She muttered.

In the morning Reiko yawned as she stretched, sitting up, yelping a little when she looked down at the man she was laying on."When you said you'd stay, I hadn't thought you meant right there."She teased leaning down to kiss him.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "i know what you mean." he agreed smiling at her as he kissed her cheek and settled to sleep. in the morning however Inuyasha was practically laying on her, his innocently sleeping face using her breasts as a pillow, breathing calmly as he snuggled into her, enjoying his cuddles.

Sesshomaru chuckled a litte as he grinned at her. "i was enjoying myself." he admitted simply. "and i slept, a little bit." he admitted simply, running his fingers gently through her hair, his head tilted a little. "and how are you feeling my dear? i wasn't too rough was i?" honestly worried he had hurt her when she had been a human.
Kagome blinked sleepily, yawning before she realized what was going on, looking down at the half demon laying on her gently tuging on his hair."Inuyasha?"She muttered trying to figure out how to move without making him fall out o bed.

Reiko smiled leaning her heand into his hand, sighing softly."I think I'm okay."She muttered stretching, wincing a little before sighing."I feel sore, but not horrible.You're okay."She muttered running her fingers through his hair, smiling gently as she slipped of of him to get up.
Inuyasha groaned a little as she tugged on his hair ad blinked up at her, yawning as he moved to sit up, yelping as he slipped off the bed, dragging all of the blankets down with him as he struck the floor with a groan. "oooh... dammit that hurt..." he groaned, laying on the floor. "so tired..." he complained slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Sesshomaru relaxed a little and smiled before kissing her gently. "good... i can get a little carried away." he admitted smiling at her as he traced the still healing bite marks on her shoulder. "hmm... that might scar." he muttered, looking both pleased, and annoyed that he had done such a thing to her perfect skin.
Kagome laughed softly looking amused as he looked down at the man as he sat up,"I was trying not to make you roll over."She giggled a little patting the bed,"Come on back up. Lay down. I just wanted you to move a little bit."she said looking amused.

Reiko smirked a little looking down at him as she dressed,looking amused."It might."She muttered raising a hand to touch it, looking down at him."You look upset at the idea."She said snickering as she leaned over to kiss him."Its not the first scar I have, it wont be the last."She said kissing him slowly.
he groaned a little and crawled back onto the bed, snuggling into the pillows. "mmm i can't remember why i didn't like beds..." he muttered, cuddling into her happily. "i'm going to sleep in beds from now on, their so soft..." he purred happily.

he grinned a little impishly. "i know that it's not the first scar, i thought that you might be upset." he admitted shaking his head a little tracing the bite mark with his tongue. "mmm i love the taste of your blood though, it's sweet." he admitted calmly before kissing her happily, sitting up. "come on my little love, let us go and get some breakfast, you must be starving by now."
Kagome smiled a little kissing her gently, sighing softly as she nuzzled his neck."That would be nice. You can sleep in here with me."She said amused that he seemed so happy to be sleeping in a bed."It's better than a tree."

Reiko smirked a little shivering as he licked her, swallowing hard."Little?I'm not that little."She muttered pouting a litte as she pulling her shirt on, heading for the door, laughing softly."I am hungry though.You should cook for me."He said snickering a little.
he smiled a little. "i'd like to sleep with you. your warm and soft, like a big giant teddy bear, only prettier." he mumbled, half asleep still as he nuzzled her neck back, smiling a little. "it is better than a tree." he agreed sighing a little as his stomach growled. "dammit..."

he laughed a little as he shook his head. "well, perhaps not very little." he agreed playfully, smirking a bit as he got dressed before looking astonished. "unless you want to eat burnt inedible, i'd suggest you leave it to the Death Demon's to cook the meals." he admitted calmly as he followed her out of the room, ignoring the loud sounds that where coming out of Sango and Miroku's rooms. clearly they had found more condoms.
"A giant teddy bear?"She teased looking amused at that as she sat up, laughing ever so softly."Come on inu, I'll make you something. The others are probably up to."She said smiling as she headed for the door.

REiko grinned, leaning up to kiss him, it was so good to see him playful before pulling away, snickering."You can't cook?That's so wrong."She teased smirking tilting her head a little."I thought humans had to take breaks every once in awhile."she said frowning at sango and miroku's door as they headed downstairs, amused.
Inu wrinkled his nose but rubbed his eyes and let her lead him out of the room, smirking a little. "i love it when you cook." he admitted licking his lips a little. "can you make those 'hod dogs' things?" he asked licking his lips happily. "i love hod dogs." the first time he'd ever heard of them he'd freaked out, thinking they where really made of dogs. once he calmed down and realized they weren't dogs they where one of his favorite foods. he also wanted to see Reiko and Sesshomaru freak out when they heard what they where eating.

Sesshomaru shook his head a little. "i've always had servants to cook for me." he admitted simply, looking amused his head tilted at the other. "why would i ever have had to learn how to cook?" he asked smiling a little. "those two, are not humans... their rabbits." he stated simply. "and they did stop to sleep once... around six this morning." he admitted looking amused as he shook his head.
Kagome laughed softly as she got hot dogs from the death demons, starting to cook them with a smile."Yes, I'm make some."She said amused because he loved them, before rolling her eyes at the other two deons as they walked in."You just want to watch them freak out."she muttered. Reiko laughed softly in response to sesshomaru's words before looking at the two her nose twitching a little as she smelled the food, looking at inuyasha."Freak out about what?"She said sounding supicious.
Inuyasha beamed a little and then smirked. "i totally do." he admitted with a small chuckle, shaking his head a little. "nothing...." he stated looking at Sesshomaru and Reiko with a wickedness about him. "what are you making?" Sesshomaru asked leaning over Kagome to sniff at the strange food. "hot dogs." Inuyasha stated simply. Sesshomaru yanked his head back so hard he smacked it on the counter over the stove, staggering backwards with a hand on his head and another over his nose. "i'm just kidding, their Wieners." "THEIR WHAT!?" Sesshomaru nearly shrieked, leaping away from Kagome, both hands clapped over his crotch, giving Kagome an almost frightened, horrified look.
"what?!They're what?dog weiners?No, stay away!"Reiko growled moving in front of her mate, protecting him. Kagome snickered, strting to laugh at their reaction, looking so amused at their reactions."They're not real dogs. They're just meat.Noot dog."she reassured swallowing hard as she tried to not upset sesshomaru or reiko even more tehn they already were.
Inuyasha laughed brightly, Sesshomaru's reaction had been worse than his own. "it's just pork Sesshomaru, you know, pig?" he teased, Sesshomaru glaring at Inuyasha. "then why, would you call them, hot dogs!?" "... you know i don't know." Inuyasha admitted blinking at Kagome. "why DO they call them hot dogs?" Inuyasha asked calmly, now that everyone was starting to calm down, Sesshomaru growling, his temper rising and Inuyasha suddenly seamed to realize he was in danger. he bolted, and Sesshomaru went after them, Sesshomaru shouting death threats and Inuyasha yelling that he was sorry and that he wouldn't do it again.
Kagome sighed tilting her head."I don't know."She said looking slightly worried as she listened to the brothers run around. Reiko laughed softly, wincing as her body decided to tell her that it didn't apperciate that they'd had rough sex.swallowing hard as she looked towards the door, sitting down slowly as she tried to relax, ignoring the human looking at her worriedly, not about to yell for sesshomaru until she figured out just how hurt she was.
Sango bounded down the stairs, looking chipper and happy as she settled onto the chair. "ooh hotdogs! i love these things!" Sango muttered grinning before pausing, blinking at Reiko. "Rei? you alright?" she asked her head tilted a little as she set a hand on the other woman's shoulder. "you look pale... are you hurt?" she jumped as Inuyasha started shrieking in pain outside as Sesshomaru suitably punished him for making him loose his composure. barley a half a minute later he strode in, looking as calm and composed as ever. "...now... i wish to try one of these...hot, dogs." Sesshomaru decided, snatching one off of the table and sniffing at it.
Reiko swallowed hard looking up at the emon hunter."My stomach hurts.And my back.I'm fine. Dont worry"She muttered sounding anxious because she was worried about what was going to happen. Looking down at the table as sesshomaru came in, not looking at him because she knew he'd be upset she was probably overreacting to something her body was protesting.Kagome frowned looking at them as she handed sesshomaru a hot dog and bun, holding onto it a fraction of a second to long to get his attention before nodding towards reiko.
Sango frowned a little and gently rubbed small soothing circles on the woman's back, Sesshomaru blinking at Kagome before focusing on Reiko, abandoning the hot dog to gently caress Reiko's neck. "Reiko, darling... what is it?" he asked, scowling a little. "what is the matter?" he asked frowning before looking at them all, almost as if accusing them before gently, carefully picking her up and carrying her off to the bathroom, gently settling her on the edge of the tub and starting a hot bath for her.
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