Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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he chuckled a little and nodded a little. "i'm still a virgin then." he decided chuckling a little. "you'll have to teach me everything you know... when we get to that point." he decided smiling a little as he relaxed in the tub, sighing a little. "Sesshomaru was right... relaxing does help." he admitted smiling at her. "you help even more... somehow... i'm not angry when i'm just with you." he admitted. "it's like you protect me from myself." he admitted. "no ones ever made me feel so calm, and so uncertain all at the same time." he admitted smiling at her, his head tilted. "i don't know if i can keep from getting angry though... i've spent my entire life being angry..."

he blinked at her, looking shocked, and then confused. "so... no one took your demonic?" he asked, just to make sure, his head tilted at her as he studied her, something flickering in his eyes. "you know you... look just like Rin like this." he admitted studying her closely. "your all soft.' he muttered stroking her face, feeling and looking shocked that he was enjoying her looking like that. but he did, she looked good as a human. "well... it's only for a night..." he supposed, gently stroking her hair again, feeling the black locks before another, shcoked looked spread across his face. "... does Inuyasha go through this?"
Kagome smirked a lttle looking amused at his assumption before nodding."Baths always help to relax.And you'll feel better about trying to fight agin."She said before blushing looking down at him as she leaned down to kiss his forehead."Get angry then.Reiko and Sesshomaru will help you control it, instead o getting reckless like usual. Anger isn't a bad thing inuyasha, not when you don't let it blind you to everything else."

"No."Reiko said looking up at him, biting her lip as she watched her mate, huddling around herself, holding the blanket tigh around hersel as she looked up at him, looking, for once, actually scared of him,sced os his reaction."It is."She said leaning into his hand for a moment, looking surprised and unsure about his reaction before pausin and nodding."I would assume he does."
he smiled a little at her and shook his head. "i've never had the chance to just lay in a bath and relax." he admitted calmly. "i was always running, or fighting... even as a child." he admitted frowning a little. "when my mother was still alive i hated them so..." he shrugged a little. "i do feel better though." he admitted grimacing a little. "well... i don't know how to not let my anger blind me..." he admitted, looking thoughtful. "Sesshomaru can teach me, i'm sure..." he decided smiling a little. "i'm actually starting to like him,,, well, when he isn't kicking my ass anyway. close your eyes, i'm getting out." he ordered, reaching for a towel.

Sesshomaru frowned, a little upset that Reiko was so clearly afraid of him, and he gently kissed her forehead. "i will never harm you Reiko, no matter what form you are in." he promised smiling at her as he gently set his forehead against hers. "you have captured my heart, something no one has ever done before..." he murmured smiling at her. "you could be human for a day, or for a lifetime, and i would love you still." he promised smiling at her, a wicked grin crossing his lips. "i am going to simply TORMENT Inuyasha." he purred, delighted as he rubbed his hands together gleefully. "a human little brother... oh the possibilities..."
Kagome laughed softly,"It really doesn't surprise me you never took the time to enjoy a bath."She said laughing before standing up and holding out a towel towards him, even as she closed her eyes."He is more pleasant now. Though I wouldn't count on him being kind when he realizes your human for a night.He's going to enjoy it."She pointed out heading for the door.

Reiko relaxed, sighing softly as she rested her orehead against his, shifting, wrapping her arms around his waist."Well, I wouldn't want to be human for a lifetime, that would be unpleasant. And the sex not nearly as entertaining."She teased nuzzling him a little before sighing, snickering at his glee at finding himself with a human brother."Shouldn't you be kind to him?Seeing as he probably dislikes being human?"
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "oh i know better than that." he admitted simply. "above all else, Sesshomaru is, and always will be a jackass." Inuyasha admitted as he dried off and got dressed, well, mostly, he hadn't put his shirt on yet. "i'm half decent, you can look now." Inuyasha promised as he sat cross legged on the floor and started drying his hair.

he smiled a little as he held her, chuckling a little. "well, my father made sex with a human work." he admitted. "i bet that i could too, if i tried hard enough." he teased smiling at her. "and no, i will not be mean to him... knowing him he probobly doesn't mind being human." he admitted as he slid into bed with her, kissing her forehead gently. "do you want the others to know? should i keep it a secrete?" he asked his head tilted. "your..." an amused smirk fluttered at the edges of his mouth. "time of the month?"
Kagome looked at him, blushing slightly as she looked him over before sitting down behind him, finishing drying off his hair before starting to run a brush through it."Well good. Though sesshomaru having a human mate might keep him from being a ass."he said snickering at the idea, that was going to be so entertaining to see, to know how sesshomaru would handle that.

Reiko blushed snuddling against him, laughing softly."Hmm I'm sure if you try, very,very hard."She teased a leg laing over his hips, not just for sex,but because she wanted to wrap herself around her mate, cuddling close."Don't say it like that!"She said elbowing him in the ribs, before shrugging."They'll already know, even if they don't know what day it is.if you think we can trust them with it..."She shrugged a little.
Inuyasha blinked as she finished drying his hair and sat there, because he enjoyed the attention and he knew she liked to brush his hair. "... me being his brother negates ANY possible niceness." he admitted sounding amused. "that's alright, at least he won't kick my ass that night... maybe." he mused chuckling a little as he blinked at her, smiling at her. "i really like it when you brush my hair." he admitted smiling at her. "it really does feel nice..."

Sesshomaru chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "why should i try? shouldn't him being my brother negate any and all attempts at being nice?" he asked amused as he snuggled into her, laughing as he elbowed her and protested his words, catching her lips in his for a happy kiss. "i think they can be trusted." he agreed shaking his head a little. "they are honest people. and trustworthy." he admitted chuckling a little. "besides, i'm sure your going to get lonely before bedtime. even with me here." he teased smiling at her.
Kagome smiled blushing slightly at the praise, leaning in and kissing him lightly before leaning back."Oh, I wouldn't put it past him to kick your ass even as human."She teased before starting to brush his hair again leaning back when she was done."There. All done. WE should go find them, they said find them after you were doing with your bath."

Reiko laughed softly looking amused, kissing him back before sighing."Noooo you should be nice. He'll be even more disturbed if your nice, instead of being a ass."She pointed out snickering before squirming a little,"Hmmm oh yes, you'll bore me into loneliness."She teased before sliding away, poking him in the shoulder."Come on.Time to get up"
he smiled at her before laughing a little as he nodded. "i agree, he would totally kick my ass just for being human." he agreed with another laugh before smiling s he kissed her cheek. "thanks Kagome." he chirped as he got to his feet, stretching a little as he groaned. "mmm i feel all calm and relaxed now." he admitted grinning a little. "it shouldn't take Sesshomaru too long to piss me off again."

Sesshomaru paused, and pondered that, looking startled before he started to laugh again, nodding. "alright, i shall be nice to him." he agreed grinning at her, sulking, as much as Sesshomaru would allow himself to sulk as she got up, following her out into the halls just in time to hear Inuyasha's comment. "nay, Inuyasha. the purpose of tonight, is to keep you calm." Sesshomaru admitted with a small grin. "to see how long you are capable of it." Inuyasha frowned, confused by that. "i don't understand..." "we must see how easily your temper raises, and how much.. irritation, it takes before it does rise." "ah..." "a part of your lack of control, might simply be because your a very angry person. the more anger, the harder it is to control." "...makes sense... Reiko... are you human?" Inuyasha suddenly asked, startled.
Reiko blushed stepping closer to sesshomaru,even if she trusted the other two, she was... nervous about showing that she was human, having spent a lifetime hiding when she was."I am."She swallowed before smiling a little, looking at sesshomaru."or tonight anyways."She muttered blushing. Kahome smiled nudging inuyasha, having a feeling the girl was uncomfortable, she was trying to convince him to not say anything more."Come on.We have calming lessons to get to. It's going to take a long time to get the lessons in."He said snickering a little.
Inuyasha blinked at her and then turned back to Sesshomaru. he knew how uncomfortable he was as a human, so emotional and upset and...and SOFT, he wasn't about to drag it out for too long for her. that was mean. he scowled a little as she teased that it would take a while to keep him calm. "it will not! i'm calm!" "....well, his annoyance levels are extraordinarily high." Sesshomaru muttered studying his brother. "no wonder he lacks control..." Inuyasha growled at him and tossed his head back. "i do not lack control! i never had it!" Sesshomaru's lip twitched, but he refrained from snickering at Inuyasha. "indeed. well, we are going to go out and try some meditative Kata's." Sesshomaru informed Inuyasha. "that is a pattern of movements intended to teach you how to do a particular fighting style." he explained. "the movements are slow at first until you can blank your mind and do them purely by instinct." he admitted. "with your mind blank, you can then focus on finding the well spring of rage, anger, and hatred deep inside of yourself and learn how to control it."
Reiko snickered a little as she followed them outside, sitting down on the ground as she watched them."There's a deep place in inuyasha?" "There is. It's just buried."Kagome mused sitting down next to her, acting normal becaus she knew how uncomfortable the woman had to be, teasing her boyfriend at the same time. Reiko giggled a little before looking up at sesshomaru,"Can you really blank your mind?Of everything?"She teased, her voice holding that edge of seductive purr just to tease him.
Inuyasha glared at them furiously and Sesshomaru sighed through his nose. "you two are not helping." he growled glaring at the two women, Inuyasha so startled that he started to laugh as Sesshomaru stared at Reiko. "if i must." he admitted simply before leading Inuyasha well out of the way, running him calmly through the Kata, running him through it again and again until Inuyasha had it memorized. surprisingly, Inuyasha seamed to find the repetitive movements relaxing, and his face smoothed out as he moved, watching his blade slice through the air as Sesshomaru corrected his stance, his grip on the sword, the way he was swinging. everything in Inuyasha's rash and brash fighting style was incorrect, and Sesshomaru was struggling to get Inuyasha to correct his stance. the both of them murmuring quietly to each other as they worked, and for once, Inuyasha listened to someone else. it seamed Kagome had really gotten through to him.
Reiko and kagome snickered a little, looking amused as the half demon shrugged."It's helping. He has to learn to live with teasing."she sai before going quiet, just enjoying watching them. IT was good to see the brothers working together so well.When they were done reiko said smiling softly as she looked up at sesshomaru as her mate approached her."Is it my turn to be taught?"She teased looking up at him, leaning against his leg as he stood next to her.
Sesshomaru smirked at her as she leaned into him, stroking her hair. "i'm not sure..." he admitted hesitating a little. "i... don't know how frail a human is..." he admitted looking worried. "i might hurt you..." he admitted as Inuyasha flopped onto his back next to Kagome, panting a little, looking almost happy. "that was... almost fun..." he admitted with a small grin as he blinked at Kagome. "i didn't blank my mind, but i found something really deep inside me that wasn't anger!" he admitted, pleased with himself, Sesshomaru chuckling. "and now that you have found it, you can use it." he stated calmly. "Demon's are very powerful creatures Inuyasha an we depend on our emotions to give strength to our powers." Inuyasha nodded, smiling a little. "i didn't know an emotion could feel so good..." he admitted almost breathlessly.
REiko looked amused, nuzzling his leg with her cheek, looking amused as she looked up at him."I was teasing. I wont fight if you're worried. Not pregnant anyways."She said smiling up at him softly. Before looking amused as she looked over at inuyasha."Most emotions feel good, as long as you don't let them consume you." "That's good inuyasha. I'm so proud of you."kagome muttered wrapping her arms around her lover's shoulder, tweaking his ear playfully as she hugged him tightly. So, so proud of him for finding it inside of himself.
he smiled as he bent down and kissed her forehead. "not when your human." he murmured softly. "as a demon i'm not so afraid, i know you can defend yourself as a demon... but i don't know how strong you are as a human..." he murmured shaking his head a little as he watched Inuyasha. "it's been a long time since i've felt so good." Inuyasha admitted softly grinning at Kagome as he leaned up and kissed her, very thoroughly too, feeling too good to be worried about consequences. "now that he has found the good feelings, his anger should fade a little." Sesshomaru admitted. "before this he's never had a reason to be happy, not even Kagome because he was more focused on killing Naraku to keep her safe than he was about actually loving her." Inuyasha wrinkled his nose. "i can't help being obsessive..." he whined a little, grinning as he watched Sango come out of the house, her hair in a high ponytail, looking very smug as she watched them. "Sesshomaru's an astonishingly good teacher isn't he?" she asked smirking a little.
Reiko smiled loking amused as he kissed her forehead, amused because he was worried. "Good."Kagome muttered so glad moaning softly as she kissed him back before leaning away, blushing ever so softly as she looked at him. Reiko smirked as she turned her head to look at sango before frowning a little."Not surprising." "Yes it is. He taught instead of killing him."Miroku pointed out, amused because sesshomaru had indeed been a good teacher, even if it seemed he wouldn't have a good personality for it.
Inuyasha grinned a little as she kissed him back, and let her pull away, laying his head in her lap. he wanted to touch her, all the time now, cuddle her, and smell her, and hold her hand. he wondered why? Sesshomaru just smirked a little. "i am only a good teacher, because you are not stupid. where you dumb in any way, i would have been Infinitely frustrated and would probobly have either abandoned the endeavor or attempted to kill you." "...well at least he's honest..." Sango muttered, Inuyasha laughing a little. "nah... before he met Reiko he would have been a terrible teacher... us being smart or not... Reiko's made him a LOT more patient."
Kagome smirked a little, looking at the slight half demon,"Only because she's so patient. Opposites attract and all that." Reiko giggled a little looking up at sesshomaru, raising a eyebrow."Does that mean you wont be tying me up and doing wickedly bad things to me?"She said pouting."because I like that...but if you're opposte...." Miroku snickered watching the two, it was interesting to see the two teasing and acting like this, good t osee sesshomaru's mask of icy cold coming down.
Sesshomaru smiled a little. "when we marked one another, our dominant personalities mixed." Sesshomaru explained. "my rage went into her a little, and her calm went into me. because she already had rage she was mostly unaffected. but where i had no calm, my personality shifted to the left a little." he admitted simply before smirking at Reiko, growling as his fingers tangled into her hair, forcing her head back a little. "you naughty bitch." he growled affectionately. "i suppose you like having your ass whipped too hmm?" Inuyasha choked, shocked at his brother Sango laughing brightly as she watched the two. "oh my GODS their both KINKY!" she squealed, Sesshomaru laughing. "oh my yes!" he growled, and for the very first time, he made a joke. "Doggy style is even our favorite position." Sango, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru all shared a laugh at the terrible, terrible joke.
Kagome's mouth fell open as she stared at the two. Reiko moaned as her head was jerked back, staring up at her mate with brown black eyes, looking even more vulnerable than she usually did as a human, shuddering as she looked at him."Maybe."She muttered shivering under his hands, laughing softly at that, poking sesshomaru in the thigh as she stood, shivering a little as lust tightened her body."You my love, do not do good jokes."She teased turning her head to nuzzle him.
Sesshomaru growled low in his chest, staring at her, and it was clear he was vaguely aroused. Demon's did not have the same problems humans did with such problems as incest and voyeurism. sex was wherever the hell they wanted it, uncaring if anyone else was nearby. "bedroom." he ordered, hauling her over his shoulder, being careful not to jar or hurt her as he carried her into the house, Inuyasha blinking stupidly. "...does anyone else feel a little freaked out?" he asked calmly looking around at the others, Sango shrugging. far too used to demon behaviors for her own good.
Kagome stared after the two before nodding."Just a little bit.But its normal demon behavior isn't it?"She asked looking at sango. Miroku nodded "Yes. Its not that weird for them to have less hangups then humans.Inuyasha you were raised by your mther, I'm betting if we asked her, reiko was raised by her demon parent. less hangups."

Reiko laughed as she hung over his shoulder, reahing down to grope his ass as they walked, nuzzling his ear as they walked."Hmmm just the bedrom?"She teased.
Inuyasha nodded a little. "this is true." he admitted. "i think Reiko's mother was a demon." he admitted. "normally, a demon baby born will look most like their mother, that's why i look more human, while Reiko looks more Demon.... i think that's how it works anyway..." he admitted pondering that a little.

Sesshomaru growled as he felt her hands on her ass, smirking at her, licking his lips. "bedroom first, i have rope in there." he purred as he flung her, gently, onto the bed and then moved over to the closet, yanking out ropes, which he threw up to the ceiling, winding the ropes easily through a hook that had appeared in the ceiling, reaching over and grabbing her, tying her wrists above her head, tightening the rope until she was tight, taught though still on her flats. no need to make her stand on tiptoe. with a flick of his wrists, she was naked, his poison whip shredding her clothes effortlessly as he smirked at her, studying her naked form. "mmm i do so love my prey helpless." he growled, delighting in her prone, helpless, human form.
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