Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Inuyasha squealed in pain as he was sat and the strangest noise filled the air, it was a deep, happy sound. Inuyasha lay there, half stunned from being sat so the noise wasn't coming from him... it was...oh god almighty it was SESSHOMARU! LAUGHING! the sound was deep and pleasant, and he was laughing from his chest, the sound rolling across the trees as he tipped his head back and unleashed the sound, his hands on his stomach as if trying to contain himself, Inuyasha groaning a little as he shook his head, trying to clear it. "the hells that sound?!" Inuyasha asked, completely baffled. "...Kagome that hurt..." he whined rubbing his head as he slowly sat up, wincing a little. "i think you broke something..." he admitted shaking his head as Sesshomaru managed to calm himself down into snickers.
"You deserved it."Kagome said for once unapologetic about sitting him, staring at sesshomaru in shock, looking amused."Sesshomaru's laughing at you."she said in answer to his question on what the noise had been. Smirking a little as reiko leaned back to look at her mate, joining him in laughing, because it was to tempting to do so to hear that sound from him.Kissing him happily as she wrapped her arms around him."I think he needs sat more often, if it's going to make you this happy."She said giggling a little as she cuddled against his chest, glad he wasn't think about her being pregnant with inuyasha's child,or his.
Inuyasha groaned a little as he pouted at her. "you know... this only proves me right..." he complained, wincing as he was sat again, Sesshomaru bursting into new rounds of laughter, just because it was funny as hell to see Inuyasha being driven into the ground. he only stopped laughing to be kissed and he continued to snicker, Inuyasha groaning as he slowly made his way to his feet, deciding to shut up since clearly he was incapable of saying anything that wouldn't piss Kagome off. "come, we should leave." Sesshomaru decided once he had himself under control. "fetch the humans with Rin and let us go to my lands."
Reiko giggled leaning back, looking so happy to see her mate so pleased. Grinning as she stood nodding as she went to round up rin and the others. When they all gathered kagome smiled a little as kirara stuck close to rin.reiko smiled picking up the small girl, "You ready to go to sesshomaru's home?What's it like?I've never seen it."she said curious if he'd ever taken anyone there before.
Rin giggled a little. "it's HUGE!" she stated flinging her arms out wide to show just how huge it was, Sango chuckling as she picked Kirrarra up and settled her on Rin's shoulder, not jealous because she HAD asked Kirrarra to protect the young girl, and part of her knew that somehow, Rin and Kirrarra where supposed to be together. "Inuyasha got Sat didn't he?" she asked Kagome with a grin, Sesshomaru glancing at her. "why say such a thing?" "because Inuyasha is sulking, that means he either got Sat, or he lost a fight." Sango admitted with a snicker as Inuyasha glared at her. "i am NOT sulking!" he complained as Sesshomaru shook his head and created his cloud, pulling Reiko and Rin onto his cloud, Inuyasha sitting upon Aun Oun and helping Kagome up, while Sango and Miroku settled onto Kirrarra, all of them rising into the Sky, heading quickly for the Western lands, where Sesshomaru's castle awaited.

as soon as they crossed the Border, Sesshomaru seamed to know it because he drew Tetseiga and slashed the air, cutting through the line of 'reality' and opening a cut for them to fly through, the Portal there, dark and black across the sky like a scar, the hole sealing itself shut as soon as they where all through, revealing a massive white castle surrounded by bright, bright green gardens, Sesshomaru instantly at ease, completely relaxed as they entered a 'resting place'. a place half in, and half out of the Meido, it was hard not to relax in places like that, there was no danger, no fear, only calm, and peace.
kagome snickered a little before nodding, amused that everyone knew when inuyasha got in trouble."Yes, you are.Now stop."Kagome said snickering as they all headed for teh castle.

Reiko to, looked so relaxed as she felt the meido around her, sighing in relief as she shuddered, moaning softly in pelasure as her feet touched the ground. For sesshomaru, who had made this place a home, and was a man who could use the meido, it was a peaceful place. for reiko, a guardian who had never found her place in the world, it was like coming home, feeling so happy to have her feet on the ground that she was born to guard."its so pretty.'she muttered looking around her. kagome smiled noddign as she looked around, slipping a hand into inuyasha's,"She's right. it is beautiful here."
Sesshomaru smiled a little as he watched Reiko, setting down on the ground gently, Rin smiling happily. "it feels really good here." she admitted beaming at everyone as Sango stared at the massive castle. "... Inuyasha's going to get lost..." "I AM NOT!" Inuyasha protested, scowling a little as Sesshomaru smirked a little. "it is big enough to get lost in, but i have many servants, they will lead you if you need to go somewhere." he admitted simply. "come, i will show you to your rooms." he promised Rin racing ahead, laughing happily as she raced inside. the inside of the castle was surprisingly plush and comfortable, full of full carpets and hanging tapestries... and toys, there where children's toys everywhere for Rin, who was already giggling as she played with a dolly. they all got private rooms, all of the rooms filled with plush feather beds and kimono's and clothing just their sizes that the very fabric of the Meido made for them. one of the good things about the realm of the dead, it simply made what you needed. though they couldn't remove if from the Meido, for now it was perfect. little death imps where everywhere, cleaning and mending things as Sesshomaru showed the group around.
reiko followed after him, looking so excited as she ewalked. Kagome tilted her head a little watching looking around in amazement at the castle, smiling slightly."is it just me....or does she seem, more comfortable here, then in the outer world?"she questioned tiltign her head a little as she smiled at the sight of reiko walking around the gardens looking at inuyasha as tehy walked."Feeling lost yet?"she teased a little.
Sango nodded. "Sesshomaru looks a lot more relaxed as well." she admitted smiling a little. "i'm not LOST!" Inuyasha whined shaking his head a little as he looked around the garden. "but it is really peaceful here, like... there's nothing here that can hurt us..." "there is nothing here that can hurt you." Sesshomaru admitted simply. "the only person who can get in here is me." he admitted simply, shaking his head. "rest and relax for the day." he ordered calmly. "tomorrow, you will begin training." he admitted simply, Sango chuckling a little. "to be trained by someone so powerful, it will be interesting."
Kagome nodded snickering a little."You mean terrfying, and headache inducing as inuyasha sulks over him holding back this whole time."she said shaking her head a little laughing as reiko rushed back to them, looking up at sesshomaru."I want food. please."She demanded leaning against his chest, poking him in demand."Then I want a full tour of the place."She said raising a eyebrow, a small teasing smirk curling her lips.
Sango snickered a little and shook her head a little. "i'm pretty sure Inuyasha already knows that Sesshomaru was holding back." she admitted smirking as Reiko bounded over to Sesshomaru, the dog demon giving her a kiss and leading her back inside to a massive kitchen. "what would you like to eat?" he asked her, several little death demons rushing over at the chance of making food, waiting eagerly for the order of food. Sango headed inside to her massive room and looked over the clothing choices, picking out a gorgeous Kimono that hugged her frame so perfectly before leaving to find Miroku, if he could ignore her now, well then she was just going to make him a eunuch.
Reiko smiled happily as she wathed the death demons, shifting to cuddle with seshomaru at the table as she rested her head on his shoulder, smiling tiredly. Even if she was human, dog demons pregnancies followed a dog's pregnancy closer then humans, and even after just a week of being pregnant, there was already a small curve to her stomach."I want chocolate. And more cookies. And everything!"

Miroku smiled a little as he looked up from the book he'd been looking at, having gotten detoured into sesshomaru's library, blushing ever so slightly when he saw sango."Hey.You doing okay?"
Sesshomaru smiled as the little Death demons got to work. not held by time, they knew exactly what Cookies where and how to make them. they got to work, flurrying into action as Sesshomaru smiled and pulled her into his lap, setting a hand on her belly, gently feeling the pups within her belly, he wasn't sure how many, one, or four? he didn't know, but he hoped he had at least one little boy, being around so many girls was wearing on his testosterone.

Sango smiled at him when he blushed, her head tilted a little. "i'm doing alright." she admitted sitting next to him. "i was just bored." she admitted shaking her head a little. "Inuyasha is trying to flatter Kagome again... failing i might add.. Rin, Shippou and Kirrarra are playing inthe play room... Sesshomaru and Reiko are being gushy..." she admitted sighing a little. "and i got lonely so i thought i would look for you."
Reiko sighed softly as she leaned back into him, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder, resting a hand over his,looking interested because he looked thoughtful."What are you thinking about?"She muttered, unlke him, she couldnt feel the pups, she just knew she was getting bigger then she had been.

Miroku smiled a little snickering at that."Inuyasha always faling in flattering kagome into a better mood."He said laughing a little, tilting his head."Sesshomaru's being gushy?"He asked shuddering a little at the thought before smiling as he nodded towards the hair next to him."I was just sitting down to read.i thought maybe something in here would have a book on how to deal with naraku.
he smiled a little. "i was thinking i would like a little boy." he admitted smiling a little. "there are too many women for this Sesshomaru's comfort." he teased chuckling a little. "i feel that i might be growing pups inside myself before long at this rate.' he admitted rubbing her belly. "i can feel life in you." he admitted smiling softly. "it feels very good to know i put it there." well, he suspected he put it there.

she chuckled a little and nodded. "he's already been sat Twice." she admitted with a small snicker, shaking her head a little before sighing. "do you ever think about after Miroku?" she asked looking at him. "after Naraku, after the battle is over?" she asked sighing as she looked down at the table. "i think about it... too much i think..." she closed her eyes and shook her head. "i suppose it doesn't really matter..."
Reiko giggled a little nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder looking amused."poor sesshomaru."She teased, "But your so pretty you could be a girl to."She teased squirming a little in his lap, sighing softly looking down at her stomach"I wish I could."She muttered resting her hand over his wishing she could feel more then just the small curve there.

Miroku laughed a little before shaking his hed, looking sad as he looked over at her, absently rubbing a hand over his windtunneled hand."No...I don't suspect I'll live to see the end of this fight so it is just painful to think about after."He said sadly not looking at her as he stared at the floor.
Sesshomaru smiled a little. "a mother can never feel the lives inside of her." he pointed out. "plus, i hold Tetseiga, this allows me to see a life, even one that is not born yet." he admitted unsheathing his sword, settling it into her hand. he was right, with Tenseiga, she could feel his life, and Kagome's down int he garden, Rin's in the playroom, miroku's in the library. even more, she could feel the life in her own belly.

Sango looked shocked, her eyes wide as she realized exactly why he had been ignoring her. he'd been trying to save her from hurt when he died. she smiled and reached over, taking his wind tunnel hand into her own, standing up. "come on Miroku." she murmured softly, smiling at him. "you'll live, i know you will... and if i must, i will give you a very good reason to fight to live." she promised leaning over and gently kissing him, leading him into one of the many bedrooms, and showing him just what she meant, by bedding him right then and there.
Reiko smiled softly as she wrapped her fingers around the sword, looking wide eyed as she looked down at her stomach, she could feel everyone but she felt...she felt her child, looking amazed as she looked at him she swallowed looking up at him."Ohhh....that...ohh..that's amazing."She said looking wide eyed as she looked up at him,leaning up to kiss him gently.

Miroku smiled a little shyly grinning as he followed her."Hmm that is a good reason to live."He said snickering before they gave into passion.
he smiled at her, his head tilted at her. "it is nice, yes?" he asked smiling as he bent down and gently kissed her, setting a hand on her belly. "can you tell how many your carrying? i am too unfamiliar with female reproduction to be able to tell." he admitted smiling a little before he nibbled on her. "come... let us eat." he ordered. "and then have that tour i promised you." he purred handing her a cookie from the platter that the little death demons had made along with everything else she had asked for.

his house was massive, he had the Library, he had a training hall, he had a pool, he even had a room, the soul purpose for sitting in front of a large window and stare out at the world. he ended the tour at the room that he and she would share, the massive feather bed soft, so soft and perfect and he smiled as he laid down with her, kissing her neck. "this, is all yours." he murmured softly. "everything that i own, is shared between us, equally." he admitted smiling a little as he watched her. "you make me... happy." he admitted softly, sounding almost amazed by that. "i have never felt this way before."
"Two...I think.Two."She muttered frowning as she tried to sense it, moaning softly as he nibbled on her neck, sighing softly as she ate smiling happily as she devoured everything, her body burning up every she ate just as fast she she could eat it.

When they got to the bedroom she looked up at him, turning her head as he laid her back onto the bed, shifting a little on it,"This is so perfect...so soft..."She muttered squirming to get comfortable, smiling softly, blushing as she realized she had the power to make this dog demon, this all powerful lord of the west, feel something he'd never felt before. blushing she gently touched his cheek, pulling him closer for a kiss."You make me happy to."She muttered running her fingers through that silvery hair, amazed still at how soft it was.
he smiled at her. "twins... perfect." he mumbled softly, rubbing her belly again as she gulped down the food, ordering the demons to bring a proper meal to the bedroom, one with a lot of protein and other nutrients. he smiled as they made it to the bedroom and he chuckled as she squirmed, a Death Demon setting a plate of food on the bed in front of her. steak, cut up into bite sized pieces, fruit, again bite sized pieces, cubes of cheese, things they wouldn't need chopsticks for, they could just use their fingers. "eat love, you need to eat some real food too or you will become ill." Sesshomaru ordered, smiling at her, nuzzling the mating mark. "and then, i will rub your shoulders, and your feat."
As he nuzzled her mark she moaned, a full body shudder wracking her boy as she reached for a bite of food, undressing as she laid out on her stomach to eat, looking at him, raising a eyebrow as she started to devour the food he'd given her."Rub my back.My shoulders hurt."She said looking pleased with herself that she could order him around without getting yelled at.
he laughed a little as she shuddered, looking rather wicked as he kissed her mark before running his hands along her back, happily massaging her shoulders, her back, and then her ass, just to see what she would do, chuckling a little as he moved to her feet, ankles and calves to ease pain and swelling there as well.
Reiko whined her hips rising a little as he rubbed her ass, sighing as she relaxed in pleasure, by the time he eached her feet, not even bothering to pretend she was eating as she melted under his hands, a puddle of goo as she enjoyed his touch.raising her hips a little, offering herself to him as she looked over her shoulder at him, her body feeling pleasure, and wanting her mate to feel the same.
he chuckled a little as she lifted her hips when he massaged her ass, his head tilted. "your so relaxed." he teased, slipping her pants off, fitting himself gently inside of her, sighing in the pleasure that filled him as he rocked his hips, slow, taking his time, filling her with the slow lazy pleasure that he so enjoyed himself.he kissed her gently as he finished, and bright her off with his fingers and hips, making sure she came before curling up with her, staying firm inside of her as he drifted into a doze.

in the morning he kissed her awake, smirking a little. "are you ready to make the others suffer?" he asked, looking wicked and delighted. he couldn't wait to start their training, they would suffer for crossing him!... oh wait, he was trying to help them... they would regret asking for his help though, that was for sure.

(Going to bed^^)
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