Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Kagome looked startled at sesshomaru's demand, tilting her head a little looking amused at inuyasha's stunned face. "Don't worry mom, I'm sure Sesshomaru's had his fill of the future."She said, hoping that it was true. Smiling slightly as she took the cookies. "Thanks mom.WE better be going. With our luck, sesshomaru's back there telling reiko what we found."She said wincing a little at the idea of how freaked out someone would be finding about that.
fortunately Sesshomaru was smarter than that, when Kagome and Inuyasha got back Sesshomaru was still by the well, flipping through the book with a scowl on his face as he concentrated. it was hard to imagine that a person could lounge gracefully, let alone do it in a tree, but Sesshomaru made it look so effortless and natural it was almost frightening. "...do you want a cookie?" Inuyasha asked, Sesshomaru blinking, looking confused. "a...what?" Inuyasha threw Sesshomaru a chocolate Chip cookie and Sesshomaru sniffed it, his eyes narrowing a little before he took a small nibble his eyes widened at the taste, glancing at Inuyasha. "it's disgusting." he stated simply setting the cookie on his belly and picking up his book again, Inuyasha smirking a little as he leaned over to Kagome. "you'll notice, he didn't throw it away." he whispered with a small snicker as he headed back to camp.
Kagome smirked a little as she followed the half demon back to the village, nodding a little."So he didn't. Though he might save it for reiko."She muttered grinning as she saw the flash of silvery hair through the trees, assuming that reiko had smelled htem come back. "So. now what?"she said looking worried.

Reiko tilted her head back as she looked up at the dog demon in the tree frowning ever so softly."What are you doing?"She asked before springing up next to him,crouching easily on the branch next to him, smiling a little as she leaned over to look at the sribbles that he was reading.
Inuyasha snorted a little and shook his head. "no one can resist a cookie." he stated simply as he hesitated. "i don't know... Sesshomaru will do anything to protect Reiko..." he muttered frowning a little. "i don't know if he's going to take Reiko far away, or if he's going to start trying to kill Naraku with an obsession that makes even mine look tame.

Sesshomaru blinked a little and looked over at Reiko, cookie crumbs on his lips which he quickly brushed away. "i'm reading." he stated simply handing her half of a cookie. "you will not tell anyone." he ordered simply before looking over at Reiko. "it is a book from Kagome's world." he admitted shaking his head a little. "the Kaji is different then ours." he admitted. "but i am beginning to pick out the differences and understand what it says."
Kagome sighed softly, thinking about it. "Maybe we should convince her to go.at least until after she's given birth."The girl said looking worried because she knew Reiko, even after just a brief time of knowing her, she knew the demoness would fight, at least until her stomach put her so off balance she couldn't.But sesshomaru would go insane if his mate and child were hurt...it was just a bad situation all around.

Reiko laughed softly as she looked at the cookie he handed her, poking at it as she held the cookie between her claws, before nibbling on it, her stomach rumbling with the demand for more as she at it, cravings or the sweet already starting. Looking at sesshomaru as she frowned at the book, she could read, some at least."What does it say?"She asked resting her cheek on his shoulder as she looked at the scribbles.
Inuyasha scowled a little and shook his head a little. "i doubt that she'll go without a fight... and i hate to admit it but i think we might need Sesshomaru to kill Naraku..." Inuyasha admitted with a small grumble, glowering a little. "if she goes into hiding, he'll go with her... if she gets hurt, he'll slaughter everything in his path.... goddammit i wish Sesshomaru was like a normal goddamn person." Sesshomaru did seem to be a bit of a psychopath. he had no real emotions except rage and fury, but he was getting a little better, Reiko's emotions where helping settle his own.

he smiled a little and shook his head. "Kagome has more." he admitted simply. "and i could go into the future to get more i suppose." he admitted. "Kagome's human mother is frightened of me, it would be easy to make her get more." he admitted turning a page in the book. "i don't know exactly what it says yet." Sesshomaru admitted pointing to a section. "this part is about Naraku, and his search for the Meido." he admitted. "something about controlling the dead for himself." he admitted flipping the page back to where he'd been. "this part explains something about you dying, i think it's from bringing you back to life because i'm mentioned." he admitted indicating his and her names. "that's about as far as i've gotten."
Kagome sighed softly,"No, she wouldn't make it easy and just go,and we probably will need them, no matter how much we hate to admit it."she sighed rustrated eathing another cookie."If he was like any other person, he wouldn't be as good as he is in a fight, you know?Just be thankful reio will goad him into actually helping, because he'll want to protect her."She sighed wishing to, that sesshomaru was easier to figure out.

"Will you go get me some?"Reiko said giving him those soft puppy dog eyes before batting him in the arm."Sesshomaru!you don't scare people just for food."She said snickering before shifting to sit in his lap, leaning back against his chest as he reclined in the tree, finding a comfortable spot to rest."interesting.Well...maybe there'll be something more to help us fight."She said frowning slightly, disliking the idea of not knowing what was going on.
Inuyasha sighed a little and shook his head a little. "still... i... i never thought we'd ever get along..." he admitted looking strange. "i can't beleive he blamed me for Fathers death... it was no wonder he hated me." he muttered shaking his head. "i knew father had died to save me and my mother but..." he bit his lip a little and glanced at Kagome. "i'm afraid." he admitted suddenly. "Reiko and Sesshomaru and i.... we're the last Dog Demons..." he admitted softly looking down at his hands. "the only thing i have ever wanted in my entire life was a family." he admitted. "now i have a brother who doesn't mind me, and a sister i never thought i'd have." he admitted meaning Reiko. "i never thought to have a family without getting married and fathering babies." he smiled. "which i still want but... if..if Sesshomaru or Reiko dies, or gets hurt..." he sighed and leaned against Kagome. "i'm attached to people and i never have been before, and i can't protect any of them..."

Sesshomaru smiled a little and nodded. "i will get you some." he promised kissing her forehead before frowning. "why-ever should i not?" he asked his head tilted before flipping the page back to where it had mentioned Naraku, scowling a little. "i am beginning to think i simply should have made Kagome read this to me." he admitted simply. "the language is confusing." he admitted. "similar, but too different to understand..."
Kagome nodded smiling a little when she wrapped him in a hug, resting her head against his shoulder.Feeling bad for him."Sesshomaru was old enough to know his father died protecting you, but not old enough to not blame you for the death.Of course he blamed you for it."She muttered holding him tighter, leaning back to look at him,"That's how any family member feels about each other, you just have to trust that they can protect themselves, and if they can't, know that if they need help, they will ask for it.Reiko knows her own limits,"She said because god knew sesshomaru would never admit to being in over his head"and she'll protect herself, and ask if she needs help."

"It's not kind Sesshomaru!"She scowled tweaking a piece of his hair, laughing softly as she kissed him, smiling as he scowled, nudging his shoulder with her cheek a little."Well, lets go ask kagome. You said she had cookies. we'll get cookies and you can have her read while we're ther.e"
he sighed a little as he shook his head. "i don't even know how old Sesshomaru was when i was born... hell i don't know how old he is NOW." he admitted rolling his eyes before smiling a little. "we'll all protect each other i guess..." he decided smiling at her before hesitantly kissing her. "i... i still love you... you know..." he muttered softly, flushing hard, feeling guilty about the way he had confessed the first time.

Sesshomaru scowled a little. "what do i care about being kind? i am Lord of the Western Lands i don't have time to worry about being kind." he complained with a roll of his eyes before smiling as he gently helped Reiko to his feet, getting to his own and hopping out of the tree. "yes, we will make Kagome read it." he decided offering her his hand to help her out of the tree. "and we will get you more of those cookies." he decided.
Kagome laughed softly, "You could always ask him. though if you call him old, he might have a coniption."She said snickering a little before blushing as she kissed him back, laughing softly."I love you to."She muttered pinching him in the arm though."You could have let me say that earlier, instead of chasing after a dragon."She teased.

"Because I want you to be kind."Reiko said smiling as she let him help her down, landing easily in his arms as she kissed him gently."Come on then.I want cookies."She decided already starting to run for the village.
he chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "he'd just rip my heart out, or if he's in a particularly good mood maybe just my tongue." he teased chuckling a little before flushing hard as she promised that she loved him too. "i know... i was a coward.." he muttered smiling a little at her, looking sheepish. "i am an idiot after all." he teased with a small smile as he kissed her again. "besides, it was fun slaughtering a dragon... even if i did get sick..."

Sesshomaru sighed a little and shook his head a little. "fine, i will... attempt to be....kind." he grumbled wrinkling his nose a little before smiling as he kissed her gently, chuckling as he followed her at a more sedated pace. Sesshomaru never hurried, ever.
Kagome smiled at that, knowing it wasn't like hm to be sheepish about things alot. Looking amused before nodding."You shouldnt have eaten it.Goof."She teased laughing a little as she looked towards the two dog demons running,well reiko running, sesshomaru walking, looking amused as reiko stopped in front of them."Can I have a cookie?"She asked. Kagome smiled holding out a bag for her, "I had my mother make a whole bag just for you. I thought being in your condition, might make you want sweets. Which sesshomaru isn't."She teased looking at the demon joining them."Sesshomaru is sweet to me."Reiko mused as she ate her cookies.
he smiled a little and shook his head a little. "i didn't mean to eat it, i was all crazy Demon..." he admitted chuckling a little as he laid his head on her shoulder before smirking as he saw Reiko come running out, chuckling a little as Kagome gave her an entire bag. "i guess you where right Kagome, he gave the cookie to Reiko." he paused, blinking as Sesshomaru came out, a touch of chocolate still on the corner of his mouth and he snickered a little hiding his face in Kagome's shirt so that Sesshomaru couldn't see him as the full blooded Dog demon headed for Keade's hut, book in hand. "well... he ate some of it anyway." Inuyasha muttered with a small snicker. "we'll have to go and get some more and make sure to leave some for Sesshomaru, he'll never admit to liking human food."
Kagome swallowed hard to keep from laughing as reiko followed after sesshomaru eating cookies the whole time as she walked. Looking amused as she nodded."Just a bit."she said giggling a little because it amused her that sesshomaru had missed a bit of chocolate.Nodding in agreement that sesshomaru'd never admit it, even if he wanted some before nudging inuyasha a little."IF your done laughing at him, we probably should go see if he's going to help or not."
Sesshomaru glanced at Reiko and smiled a little. "we should leave." he decided, shaking his head a little. "Naraku want's your death, this i cannot allow. we can go to my Castle." he decided. "it is well guarded with Magic, Naraku will never find it, cannot find it, with you inside he would never find you either." he admitted looking at her, smiling a little as he tilted his head at her. "we'll live in peace..."

Inuyasha shook his head a little. "i will NEVER be done laughing at him." he admitted with a small snicker as he got to his feet, helping Kagome up as well before kissing her forehead. "we'd better talk to him before he asks Reiko to hide away with him, he's got a hidden castle somewhere, hidden half in death or some shit." he shook his head. "i forget but you need Tenseiga to find it." he admitted. "it used to be Fathers until he died, Sesshomaru was supposed to take me and mother there, for protection but." he shrugged. "he didn't." he admitted with a small chuckle before scowling a little. "god he's a jerk..."
Reiko nibbled on her cookies, a smear of chocolate on her nose where she'd gotten into such a rush she'd buried her nose in the good smelling treat."We can?I would like that."She said smiling at him, shifting to cuddle with her mate, for once not protesting the idea of hiding, just a little bit high from the chocolate, that she wasn't even thinking about what she would do need to take care of naraku.

Kagome snickered looking amused,"He's probably already convincing her to hide."She muttered shaking her head a little before smiling, "He was young. I am sure he regrets it now."She said not so sure, but willing to give sesshomaru the benefit of doubt now that he seemed to be trying to be more bearable and tolerant of his brother."Maybe we all should hide out awhile."She muttered thinking about it.
he smiled as he leaned down, and he gently licked her nose clean of the chocolate. "we'll take Inuyasha, and his...group." he decided, wanting to be... nice... like she had ordered. "and teach him, like i should have done when Inuyasha was a child..." he decided, not sounding the least bit guilty, but Reiko knew him too well already, and she would know that Sesshomaru did feel bad about abandoning Inuyasha.

Inuyasha sighed a little and shook his head a little. "i'm not sure he knows how to regret." he admitted smiling a little. "Sesshomaru is a full Demon... they, don't normally have the same kinds of emotions as we do... youngsters, like Sesshomaru sure, but when they get older they start, i don't know, shedding the emotions, like they grow out of it... like a bad habit." he admitted shrugging his shoulder a little. "what good would hiding do anyway?" he demanded, scowling. "it would only give Naraku an advantage, letting him find more jewel shards than us." or, it would send Naraku on an obsessive search for the missing Inuyasha and Meido Guardian, forgetting all about the jewel shards, whatever the case, it was probobly going to happen.
reiko shivered as he licked her nose, nuzzling him a little before rolling her eyes. Even witout hearing the guilt she knew he was feeling it. Shifting she wrapped her arms around him,"He's fine Sesshomaru.Even if you abandoned him as a child."She muttered resting her head on his shoulder as she cuddled against him, not realizing inuyasha was getting close enough to hear them.

"...that's interesting, and weird all at once."Kagome said shuddering at the idea o shedding emotions like that beore shaking her head a little."even if he doesn't feel it, he seems...calmer now that he has a mate."She muttered before shaking her head."Or he will look for us, instead of jewel shards. We're always searching for him, I say its our turn to take a break and make him look for us."
Sesshomaru smiled a little as he looked down at her. "i abandoned nothing." he growled simply. "it was for his own good." he decided with a lofty tone. "besides, he was annoying, if he wasn't wailing he was whining." he ignored Inuyasha's snort of disbelief from behind him. the Inu rolling his eyes as he smiled at Kagome. "he is calmer, and he's starting to regrow some of those feelings, i can see it... i'm beginning to understand why Inu-Tasiho chose a human lover." he admitted. "she gave him feelings that he hadn't felt in...forever." he admitted pondering that, Sesshomaru pausing, looking back at Inuyasha, looking almost shocked...almost. "you think that father loved a mortal woman...because she was mortal?" Inuyasha nodded. "i think so..." he admitted before grinning at Kagome. "and i think YOU, are right... we deserve a break..." "we will all go to my Castle." Sesshomaru decided. "but there will be no...resting." he stated through amused golden eyes. "there will be many trainings, for all of you." he stated simply before kissing Reiko. "unfortunately, my foolish brother may be right, you are opening strange new feelings i have not felt since i was a child... it is... unnerving... and... exhilarating."
"Ahhh so you abandoned a pup because he was annoying.I think you were the one annoying."Reiko said with a amused sniff, teasing him. Nuzzling him a little before nodding."It would be understandable when he chose a mortal over a demon mate."Kagome said pondering that because she was sure sesshomaru's mother had found it a insult to be replaed by a mortal, but if that was true it was unerstandable. Looking amused as she nodded at the two dog demons."She's making you remember things even if she's only half human. I am sure your father felt something similar."She said thoughtfully before grinning a little, amused that sesshomaru had agreed so easily, wondering i he was more worried about reiko then he appeared to be. Before nodding."WE could all use the training."She said agreeing easily. "....I unnerve you?"Reiko said looking distraught at that, disliking the idea of upsetting him.
Sesshomaru scowled at her. "This Lord Sesshomaru, is NEVER annoying." he growled, Inuyasha smirking a little but for once he said nothing. "my mother was very pissed when Father chose a new mate." Sesshomaru admitted simply. "but i am also beginning to understand why Father left her for a mortal." he admitted shaking his head. "he mated Mother for a legitimate Heir... he married Inuyasha's... for love." Inuyasha nodded a little before looking startled as Sesshomaru turned to Reiko. "you terrify me." he admitted simply. "you make me feel things i have never felt, or ever expected to feel and i simply do not know what to do with those emotions." he admitted shaking his head. "i do not understand why i feel so afraid when i cannot see you, and i do not understand why the thought of you carrying Inuyasha's child fills be with enough rage to kill him again. i do not understand why my heart beats harder when you smile and i don't understand why i feel.... happy, just by being with you." he shook his head as Inuyasha smiled a little. "i do not understand this love, but i know that i do..." he admitted sighing a little as Inuyasha smiled a little. "that's the point Sesshomaru, your not supposed to understand love." "...excuse me?" "your not, Love is something that makes no sense... look at Kagome for example. i'm a jerk, an idiot, insensitive... and yet she loves me even though clearly she's out of my league." Sesshomaru stared at then. "are you using this as an excuse to flatter your mate?" ".... yes..."
Reiko giggled a little at his words, studying her mate as she leaned forward to kiss him softly, resting her forehead against his."You terrify me to."she muttered closing her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him,feeling...unsteady, already starting to crash from her sugar high."You do not understand love, its not something you can understand."She muttered giggling a little at inuyasha's words. Kagome smirked a little shaking her head, tilting her head amused."...he needs all the excuses he can to flatter me.Considering he spends so much of the time being a insentisive jerk."she said snickering a little.
Sesshomaru smiled at Reiko's admittance of being terrified as well, gently brushing his nose across the others forehead, smiling a little as he glanced at Inuyasha, well aware his brother was about to say something very stupid. "i can't help it! i mean to be nice, you just insult too easily!" said idiot complained, sulking at his new girlfriend before pausing. "oh.. wait i meant your just hormonal...oh... wait no i..i didn't mean that!" digging himself a deeper hole, Inuyasha lifting an eyebrow as he wondered what Kagome would do. Rin said she had a terrible temper. "..i mean your just moody... wait! that's... that's not what i meant either!" he was boned.
Reiko bit her lip pressing her ae against sesshomaru's shoulder as she shuddered, starting to laugh softly as she shifted to lean into her mate. "Sit.Sit.Sit."Kagome growled sounding pleased as the half demon hit the floor, snickering a little when reik o nearly jumped out of her skin at tthe sound of him falling.
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