Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Reiko whined a little as she stirred, sighing softly as she snuggle back down into the soft bed closing her eyes as she sighed softly.hmmm sleepy."She muttered not wanting to get up off the comfortable bed that was making her body feel so good."You look excited.I think I'm insulted the idea of causing them pain is better then staying in bed with me."Seh teased nuzzling his skin.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i am excited, a chance to make human's wish they had never been born? of course i'm excited." he admitted with a small laugh. "but if you want, i'll stay in bed with you a little longer." he promised wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling the back of her neck. "you smell good." he admitted simply. "you smell like me." he growled, even more pleased with that. "perhaps i should fuck you awake my love?"
Reiko smiled a little smirking as she turned her head to look at him."Hmm that's not the only thing your excited about."She teased squirming back against him, shivering as he kissed her neck, whimpering softly at his suggestion, amused that he liked that she smelled like him."I think your overeager to do it.You might end things to soon."She teased
he chuckled a little as he licked her mating mark. "i am never overeager." he growled with amusement. 'i am always eager just the right amount, and i never finish too soon, or too late." he growled biting at her neck as he pulled her onto her back, settling above her, an then slipping inside as he nuzzled her neck, her mark, his hands fondling her breasts as he simply sat inside of her, teasing her.
Reiko whined sighing softly in pleasure as he slid nito her, hands fisting in that silvery blond hair as she looked up at him, eyes clouded with pleasure as he licked the mark."Hmm I'm not so sure you can hold out.Maybe just to eager."she teased sighing softly as she nuzzled her face against his shoulder, body tightening around his, wanting him to move, needing him to.
he smirked a little and showed her how very wrong she was. he refused to cease until he had made her cum at least three times, and only then did he spill himself into her, kissing her happily. "and how is THAT for too eager!?" he demanded smiling at her, well aware she was going to lay back down and go to sleep now, chuckling as he kissed her cheek and demanded a little Death Demon to bring her a massive plate of food, the creature vanishing, then reappearing with the food, leaving it on the bed as Sesshomaru gently tucked her in. "i'm going to go beat on Inuyasha now my dear." he explained kissing her forehead. "you sleep."
Reiko smiled u pat him sleepily, "You'll come get me if you need help?"She muttered looking pleased and happy as she snuggled down in the bed, to sleepy and well pleased to really want to get up and help him beat on the other half demon.

When he came downstairs Kagome raised a eyebrow as she looked at him,nudging inuyasha a little, laughing slightly."Looks like sango isn't the only one who had a good morning."She teased because it was amusing to her that her and inuyasha were the only ones not having sex.
he smiled a little and nodded. "i will get help if i need it." he promised with a small chuckle. "just sleep darling." he ordered before heading downstairs, smirking at Kagome. "i did indeed." he admitted, hearing Sango and Miroku having another round of sex, both of them having admitted their love to each other. Sesshomaru was quit certain they had not stopped fornicating yet, at least he'd had a nap in between sessions. "it is time to begin Inuyasha's training, since the humans and my mate are occupied." he stated simply Inuyasha groaning a little as he shook his head. "i'm going to regret this, i know i am..." and he was right, like he had done with Reiko, he made Inuyasha attack him time and time again with a wooden sword, and time and time again Sesshomaru knocked Inuyasha on his ass, the half Demon completely ignoring Sesshomaru's orders to 'keep your elbows in, don't lung, your leaving yourself open. don't swing like a madman your not an infant throwing a tantrum' and Inuyasha finally roared in temper, threw his sword at Sesshomaru's head, which was easily dodged, and skulked away to nurse his wounded pride.
Reiko smiled as she stepped out onto the back porch,smirking as she walked up towards sesshomaru's back,light on her feet as she raised her sword, gently tapping him on the back with a playful slap of steel on skin, already moving to get out of the way, flowing easily into the sword skills her body remembered even i her memory was gone. kagome looked over at inuyasha, wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head."You let your temper get the better of you.He's always going to win if he can piss you off."She muttered watching the other two.
Sesshomaru turned, and smirked as she struck him with a sword. "ah, you finally got a strike on me." he teased, smirking as he ran through the motions of a fight with her, dumping her on her ass every chance he could, but it was less than what Inuyasha had. the Half demon scowling as he watched the two fighting. "it's not FAIR!" he snarled darkly. "everyone's a goddamn better fighter than me! even SHIPPOU!!!!" he complained sighing a little. "i'm Never going to get better... and i'm never going to kill Naraku."
Kagome sighe softly, kissing his forehead beore leaning back to look at him."Everyone's better because your refusing to stay calm enough to let them help, or listen to advice. Watch."She muttered looking at reiko and sesshomaru."Do you see either of them lundging, leaving themselves open, swinging their elows out?Throwing a tantrum? No They fight cold. And you need to to if you're going to get better."She said scowling having tried to be nice,but he wasnt making it easier.
Inuyasha growled as she took Sesshomaru's side and leaped to his feat, sulking and throwing a mini tantrum as she finished, like he knew she expected him to do before he flopped back down and scowled at the sky. "...i don't know how to fight cold..." he growled. "i can't just turn off my anger Kagome!" he complained flinging an arm over his eyes. "i can't even get my Demon half to react on something other than my anger..i'm an angry person..." he complained softly. "and i don't know how to be anything else..." "you do not have to become something else Inuyasha." Sesshomaru stated, having walked over when he heard Kagome. "Anger can be a weapon far greater than coldness, you just have to harness it properly." he stated simply. "you need to turn Rage into power, instead of letting it blind you." "like you would know." Inuyasha complained, Sesshomaru's lip twitching, barley restraining a grin. "i am always angry. i am angry that my father is dead, i am angry that my mother pined away after he abandoned her, i am angry that you exist and i am angrier that i realize that i was wrong in blaming you." he admitted simply. "we are demons, Anger is life, Anger will always be a part of us." he stated simply. "it is only your dependency on your human half that makes you think that Anger is only a weakness."
Reiko smirked a little as seh slipped a arm through sesshomaru's,"And you were angry when you realized he fucked your mate."She teased slightly, more because she lked hearing him claim her more then she was looking to piss him off."Huamns taught you that anger was a bad thing to feel.Its not. It's apart of being a demon, of functioning on that anger fueled power."Reiko said looking at inuyasha interested, trying to figure out if inuyasha was going to through another fit about it.
Sesshomaru growled a little and he gave Reiko an annoyed look as she reminded him that he had let another male take her, even just once it was an insult to his prowess. he said nothing though, just wrapped an arm around her shoulders as Inuyasha stared at them, honestly looking shocked. "...anger... isn't a weakness?" he asked, stunned too shocked to throw a tantrum.... actually he felt... relieved. he had been angry all of his life, being a half demon he had always been hunted, always been hated, no one liked a half demon... he had always tried to repress it, only making the anger, the frustration worse... but now... now he could use it? it seamed too good to be true, it really did. "how in the hell do i use Anger to be more powerful!?" Inuyasha finally managed to ask, looking baffled and Sesshomaru chuckled. "first, you must be calm... go take a bath or something Inuyasha, relax." Sesshomaru ordered. "we will try tonight."
Reiko smirked a little at sesshomaru's look, leaning into him as she wrapped a arm around his waist, nuzzling his shoulder before looking at inuyasha."No. You just have to learn to not let it become your only focus. IF you can work on it, to work with your anger and the demon that it brings out, you wont lose control like you did with the dragon."Reiko said smiling a little as she nodded him a little."Go.Bathe.Kagome go help."She said snickering a little as the human girl dragged a shocked looking inuyasha inside.
Inuyasha looked confused, baffled and bemused before he shook his head. "i hate loosing control." he admitted, considering it, to have full control over both his human, and demon half... maybe he could find some sort of peace then... he wanted to try, wanted to, just so that he knew he wasn't some sick bastard or something. he blushed hard as he realized Kagome had just been ordered into the bath with him, and let her drag him off. "...you know you... you don't really have to bathe with me...if... if you don't want to.." he promised glancing at Kagome, not wanting her to do anything she wasn't ready, or did not want to do.
Kagome blushed smiling at him,"I'm just leading you up to the bath maybe washing your hair for you.I'm not getting in with you."she said blushing as she walked into the bathroom with him, smiling as she realized just how big sesshomaru's bathroom was, starting to run him a bath.
he flushed a little and nodded. "oh! yes of course... i knew that..." he muttered almost sheepishly, trying to hide his excitement at the thought of Kagome bathing with him. she'd seen him naked, a lot, because he was always hurt... sometimes in the most awkward places, but he'd never caught sight of her nude, not once. he smiled as she ran him a bath and he kissed her gently on the forehead. "thanks Kagome." he muttered softly, sounding honestly grateful. "for always being there for me..." he murmured smiling at her a little, his head tilted as he hesitantly started to strip, his body covered in bruises from hitting the dirt so many times.
Kagome blushed a little looking away until he was in the tub, sitting down on the edge, gently starting to wash out his hair."Well I really couldn't leave you to take care of yourself, you'd get yourself killed soon enough."She teased smiling a little as the silvery blond hair started looking normal, instead of the dirty grey it had been.
Inuyasha smiled as he settled into the hot water, sighing as his sore muscles where soothed, relaxing into Kagome's attentive fingers. "i never even would have woken up if it hadn't been for you." he admitted smiling a little as he opened his golden eyes to stare at her as she washed his hair. "...do you think i'm... strange, Kagome?" he asked looking a little worried. "i mean... Sesshomaru bedded Reiko when he first met her... and Miroku bedded Sango when they announced they where in love... but... i haven't and i don't.. really want to, just yet... is that bad?" he asked, a little worried about his mental state. he thought Kagome was beautiful, arousingly so... but he was afraid that if he slept with her, they wouldn't love each other as much anymore. in fact, he wanted to...woo her, like he had watched human men doing to human women in the villages they'd been to, flowers and things.
Kagome leaned foreward before laughing softly, tweaking a soft puppy ear between her fingers,"That's them.You're you. You want to do things different. Nothing wrong with that."She reassured him gently stroking his hair looking amused."Besides, Sesshomaru's gone so long without sex, its amazing he last this long without getting laid. He couldn't wait once he met his mate."she teased wanting him to relax, wanting to reassure him that not everyone was like the others.
he scowled at the tweak and blinked at her before smiling at her. "thanks Kagome." he muttered, relieved to know she wasn't going to get mad at him for ot trying to ravage her or something. he flushed suddenly and blinked at her. "... i've been without sex a lot longer than Sesshomaru has..." he admitted blushing harder. "in fact i... never had sex..." Inuyasha, a Virgin?.... somehow that wasn't shocking.... he dipped his hair into the water and rinsed out the silver white locks, looking out into the bright sun-shining day. "... the new moon is in two days..." he muttered softly. "i wonder if it will affect me here..."
Kagome startled a little looking at inuyasha, paling slightly. It was disturbing to consider that inuyasha's first time having sex had been with reiko, when he was so tripped out on a demon rush that he couldn't even remember.Frowning al itlte she started before looking out teh window towards the evening twilight."I would assume so."She said biting her lip a little."I wonder when Reiko's day is."She said looking thoughtful,but knowing it would be considered rude to ask when reiko was left human.

Reiko frowned a little as she huddled up in the blankets on their bed, the blanket tugged over her head and refusing to look at her mate. Hoping he'd just think it was a mood and not her embarassment at being a soft breakable human. Like inuyasha, her silvery locks turned black, and the demonly beautiful face softened into something close to human.
Inuyasha stared at the ceiling for a long moment and then. "am i still a virgin, if i can't remember losing my virginity?" he asked softly, looking up at Kagome, wrinkling his nose. "dammit, i really don't want Sesshomaru to know that i turn human... i really don't..." he complained, sighing a little. "all i know, is that the day i was born... it was a new moon... so, when she was born, the phase of the moon... that must be it, right?... unless all half demon dogs change on the new moon..." he scowled a little. "... i never realized it before but... i really don't know anything... not about humans... not about demons... nothing about half demons but what happens to me..." he blinked at her again. "that's really kind of pathetic... i'm going to have to pay more attention..."

Sesshomaru slipped into the room, having just finished giving Miroku and Sango the workout of their lives, leaving them out there, collapsed on the lawn. "Reiko..." he muttered softly, touching her shoulder. "what's wrong? you smell... strangely..." he admitted, sounding puzzled as he gently pulled the covers back, looking horrified as he saw her human features. "Reiko! what happened?! who did this to you!?" he didn't know that this was natural, he though someone had stolen her demonic half. "tell me! you tell me and i will hunt them down and SLAUGHTER them!" Sesshomaru growled, sniffing her all over, gently touching her hair, examining her new form for any hint of what had happened.
Kagome laughed softly looking amused."I think so. And I think reiko would appericiate you not counting it as sex."She teased before smirking a little, tilting her head. Looking worried,"He's going to find out, even if you don't tell him.She's going to change sometime, and when she oes he's going to know you do to."She pointed out before handing him a towel as she stood up."I am sure Sesshomaru has books here, and reiko has information.They'll help you learn, as long as you don't get that angry with them."

Reiko yelped a little as he pulled the covers down, tugging it back up, wrapping it around her,only her face showign as she looke up at him, whining softly as he touched her sounding anxious about him touching her, because she was afraid he wouldn't want her when he realized she was human for a night every night."No one did this. Half demons become human for a single night every month, when their demon powers fade.I'll be normal again in the morning."She said sounding so sad because she was worried, and she'd see the horror on his face when he'd seen what she looked like.
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