Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Kagome looked amused at that before nodding."That would make sense. But your so cute."She teased tugging on his ear a little, beore smirking."You hungry?"She said knowing that after so much work, that he was probably starving.

Reiko let out a girly squeal as she was tossed onto the bed, sighing softly as he tugged her hands above her head, rocking a little, testing how far the rope would let her go. "Helpless?I am never helpless."She said though the slight waver to her voice showed just how helpless she was feeling under the touch of his whip and under his eyes.
Inuyasha sulked a little. "i am not cute!" he complained scowling a little. "how dare you!" he complained sulking at her as Sango laughed. "face it Inuyasha, your just not scary." Sango teased grinning a little. "and your pretty enough that you can't quite be handsome." "you shut up too!" Inuyasha complained, crossing his arms and sulking.

Sesshomaru growled eagerly at the note of unease to her voice. like all Demon's, the thought of fear was very, very arousing. he traced a claw very carefully down the side of her face, not cutting or scratching, but letting her feel the sharpness of his claw. "so fragile." he growled, clearly aroused by this. "so... easily broken, such a frail body for me to enjoy..." he ran his fingers down his lovers belly, feeling the life there before smirking as he continued lower, teasing the woman's clit. "i am going to fuck you my delicious, helpless little human." he growled licking his lips.
Kagome grinned looking at her boyfriend,leaning against his shoulder laughing softly."Not scary by half. Reiko's scary. Sesshy's scary. You're as adorable as a puppy."She teased kissing his cheek, amused that he was sulking."Ah just give up. They're teasing you."Miroku said snickering.

reiko shuddered whimpering softly as she felt claws against her skin, fear and lust showing in her face for once, uneasy with her mate, espicially now, when her body was so very very weak.Spreading her legs a little as he stroked her clit, she shifted in her bonds again."I'm not helpless!"She said looking up at him, pulling at her hands, unable to not to fight, to much of a demon even in human orm to not fight her bonds.
Inuyasha sulked at them, his ears pinned to his head as he glared at them before standing up and stalking off. "you guys are DICKS!" he yelled, all frustrated and annoyed again as he stormed off, Sango chuckling a little as she shook her head. "we kind of are." she admitted smirking a little. "he finally finds his calm and we go and piss him off again."

he growled in delight at the sight of her fear his breath stuttering. "your fear... it's so... sweet." he hissed, licking his lips slowly. "are you afraid of me my love? of what i might do to this weak body of yours?" he asked, watching her struggle. "even if you weren't tied up, you are helpless in this form... you are mine, completely mine." he growled, stepping around her, gripping her his tightly, pulling her feet off the floor, his cock suddenly inside of her, filling her cunt with a deep, eager growl.
Kagome giggled before nodding, shrugging a little."He'll calm down again.And this way, he might get another bath."She said smirking, blushing ever so slightly before she watched miroku wandering off after inuyasha, leaving the girls to talk."Sooo all day in bed huh?"she teased.

Reiko swallowed hard, panting ever so softly as she looked up at him, "I am."She shuddered swallowing hard as she looked up at him, true panic showing in her eyes for a moment as he slid into her, real fear of if he'd hurt her.Swallowing as she tugged on her hands,"Sesshomaru?"She muttered, the questioning panic in her voice.
Sango laughed a little and shook her head a little. "you just want to see him naked again!" she teased smirking at Kagome. "you know, he won't molest you if you two share a bath. you know how conscious he is of upsetting you." Sango teased smirking a little at her. "and yes, ALL day in bed." she admitted with a laugh shaking her head. "by the way... you might need more of those... what do you call them? comdoms?" Condoms, which Kagome's mother had INSISTED on her taking with her. just in case.

he chuckled a little as he heard the panic in her voice, his cock twitching inside of her. he rubbed his thumb gently across her lips, and then tilted her head, kissing her eagerly. "i love the way you fear me." he whispered softly. "i love... that you turn human once a month so i can enjoy a soft body." he mumbled softly. "but i would never hurt you... not more than you would enjoy." he promised softly. "if you tell me to stop... i will stop." he promised smirking a little at her, slowly moving his cock in and out of her now.
"of course I want to see him naked.Have you seen how muscled he is?"She said snickering a little before nodding, looking interested. Now there was a thought.She'd give him time to settle into a bath before she went to get in with him. "I have some of them. And instructions on how to use them.I can show you."She said standing smiling as she headed inside with sango.

Reiko shivered a little kissing him back laughing softly at his words, relief in the sound as she rested her head on his shoulder. Even if she was still bound up, she cuddled against him sighing contentedly."I know you will."She muttered moaning softly in pleasure, the panic fading from her voice as he made love to her slowly, trusting him enough to not fear.
Sango laughed a little and shook her head. "oh Kagome." she teased grinning a little. "have you ever considered telling Inuyasha how well muscled he is? it's so funny! men always puff up, trying to show off!" she admitted laughing a little as she shook her head. "and... i mean, you need more of them... me and Miroku used most of them..." she admitted blushing a little. "sorry..."

he chuckled a little as he moved inside of her, biting at her neck, groaning happily. "mmm you don't smell afraid anymore... i should cut you, and make you afraid again." he growled happily, tapping his claws against her breasts. "i like it when you smell afraid." he growled a little shaking his head a little as he set his fangs against her neck. "shall i drink your sweet human blood my love?" teasing her again, well aware he wasn't going to be able to make her afraid of him, not that night anyway.
"I'll just have to tell him that."She said laughing a little raising a eyebrow as she looked over at him. Lauging ever so softly before grinning, tilting her head a little."Its okay."She said looking startled at the idea before grinning."I'll have to ask the imps. And if they can't get them...well, we'll just not have to have sex yet.You either."She teased.

Reiko shuddered a little, swallowing hard as she closed her eyes, a shudder of fear going through her at the touch of his claws, but he'd done to well reassuring her, she wasn't afraid of him. Swallowing as she scrambled her own fangs against his neck."Only if I get you bite back."She teased running her tongue over his mating mark.
he was sitting in a tree, sulking as he always did and Sango snickered a little. "just make sure you do it right or he'll think you've gone crazy." she teased snickering a little before pouting at her. "but i haven't had sex in years Kagome... YEARS!" she complained pouting at the woman. "i NEED it now! the imps just HAVE to be able to get some!... i'm going to go find out!"

he laughed a little as she shuddered, giving her breasts a firm squeeze, moaning a little as he smirked. "your 'fangs' won't do much for me right now." he teased, gasping and moaning as she licked his mark, sucking hard on hers in retaliation, moving his hips a little faster. "you naughty bitch." he growled affectionately. bitch not meaning the same thing to a dog demon as it did to a human. bitch was literally, a very attractive female, so strangely, he was complimenting her. "i am going to fuck you, until you are unconscious." he growled, teasing her.
Kagome snickered at sango's reaction."Ive never had sex.But go, go find the imps."He said snickering as she headed for the tree inuyasha was sitting in, looking up at him with a slight smile."Care for some company?"she said trying to not laugh, teasing him was amusing but he wanted to make him feel better, not worse.

Reiko moaned her back arching as he squeezed her breast, swallowing hard as she looked up at him."Hmm I'm sure I can do something..."She moaned a loud moan escaping as he sucked on her mark, setting her teeth into his, licking the skin, sucking hard as she tugged on her hands."Unconscious huh?"She teased looking amused as she nuzzled her face against his skin.
Sango looked shocked. "your a virgin Kagome?" she asked, amazed. "you haven't... not even once!?" she shook her head, amazed at that and skipped off. Inuyasha glanced down at Kagome and sighed a little. "fine." he grumbled looking out towards the scenery. "Kagome..." he muttered after a half a moment of silence. "do you... you know... someday.." he bit his lip. "after all of this is done, and Naraku is dead... are you... going to leave?" he asked, looking at her, looking almost afraid. "are you going to go back to your time?"

he smirked a little as he shook his head. "my body is so much stronger than yours." he teased chuckling a little. "your pretty human teeth won't even scratch me." true, but she could bruise him if she tried hard enough, of course in his aroused state, he'd only enjoy it. he moaned again as she licked his neck, smirking at her as his hands tightened around her, and his thrusts got deeper, and longer, and just a touch harder. "yes." he snarled, panting against her ear. "i'm going to fuck you until you can't even move."
Kgome smiled a little as she clibmed up next to him, before looking at him startled, having never even considered just going home. She belonged here, even if she had to abandon everything in the future, she wanted to be here."No.I might go visit if I can, but I want to stay."She said resting a hand on his, curling her fingers around his.

Reiko bit harder before laughing softly."You are such a annoying bastard.making fun of the weak one."She pouted nuzzling againshivering a lttle as she pressed her hips tighter into his, shivering a little as he snarled at her."REally?"She teased tensing, feeling her body tightening around his, already starting to feel her body respond to his touch.
Inuyasha blinked a little before he smiled happily, kissing her gently. "i love you Kagome." he muttered softly, nuzzling her neck gently as he held her hand. "does this mean your going to stop learning all that weird stuff?" he asked looking amused, his head tilted. "..." he looked down, hesitating then. "do you think we might have children someday Kagome?... i've... i've always wanted children..." he admitted softly, biting his lip a little, worried Kagome wasn't going to want children.

Sesshomaru snickered a little. "i enjoy being a bastard my lovely one." he teased kissing her again, gently nibbling on her lips, rocking his hips into her, feeling her body reacting he kept the same pace, teasing her fragile human body in a way he wouldn't have dared in her half demon form, mostly because she could, and wound make him speed up. now she was helpless, and he intended on making her beg.
akgome smiled back at him, kissing him back."I love you to."she said smiling as she rested her head on his shoulder, "I still want to learn things. Even if you think it's weird."She said looking amused before nodding."Someday, yes.After we deal with naraku.And make sure sesshomaru doesn't fuss over his pregnant mate so much she kills him."she said snickering because she liked teasing the og demon, even if he wasn't there to hear it.

Reiko whined deep in her throat, jerking at her hands, glaring at him through lust filled eyes, shviering, so so close, but not force over that edge yet."Sesshomaru!"She whined biting down on his shoulder again, wanting more.
Inuyasha smiled a little as he shook his head. "why? your already ten times smarter than anyone else in this time." he complained affectionately, grinning rather impishly at her, his head tilted a little. "... she would murder Sesshomaru for him fussing wouldn't she?" he asked smirking a little, would you murder me for fussing Kagome?" he asked chuckling a little as he grinned at her.

he smirked as he rolled his hips, snickering as she jerked, writhed and cried out. "beg." he growled, watching her. "i want to hear it, hear you beg me for more. hear you beg me to fuck you." he growled, licking his lips.
"But its fun to learn things."She said kissing him lightly as he smiled, before snickering a little."Reiko's going to kill him if he teases her, while she's human. And no, I wouldn't. I'm nicer than her."she said snickering a little.

Reiko whined grinning as she bit down on his shoulder,jerking on her hands, biting her lip to keep from demanding it. She was so not going to beg, for anything. She didn't beg, not for anything."Sesshomaru, if you never want laid again, you'll let me come."She growled a threatening growl to her words.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "he has to tease, he can't help it." he muttered simply, smiling at her. "i'm not so sure your more nice love." he admitted looking amused. "at least she doesn't drive people's faces into the ground." he teased chuckling a little as he nuzzled her. "at least i always know when your angry at me..." he teased with an impish grin.

he growled in delight as she bit him again, panting hard before he slowed down even more, licking her mating hark. "now now my love." he whispered smirking a little. "just one little beg, it's not so hard is it?" he asked nibbling on her lips. "besides, you and i both know that's a bluff, you want my cock almost as much as you want me, you might be able to go without for a week, but you'll be back, and you'll take what you want from me if you have to." he teased, snickering a little as he kissed her ear, nibbling on it. "beg for me."
Kagome laughed kissing his head, wrapping her armsaround him, pressing a kiss to his head."I'm pretty sure she's done her own face driving."He teased nuzzling him a little, "But I only do it when you're deserve it."she said tweaking his ear.

Reiko whimpered as he licked her mark, growling softly as she bit his lip, whining softly."Oh no, I'm quite capable of living without you.I've already done it for years."He growled jerking at her hands, snarling softly."If you keep it up I'm going to change back, and tie YOU up."
he chuckled a little as he shook his head a little, cuddling into her. "i know... that's how i always know when your mad." he teased smiling a little. "i'm just not good with people normally. i always end up insulting you, even though i was trying to compliment you." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "like the time i told you your butt was big..." he pouted at her. "i like your butt..." he admitted smiling at her. "it's kind of heart shaped and pretty." he admitted nuzzling her neck. "and it makes you all hourglassy and curvy... i like curvy." he admitted, hoping he wasn't pissing her off again.

he chuckled a little as he shook his head. "you can't live without me now." he teased. "you love me, an you know it." he teased kissing her happily, growling at the threat. "if you change back, and manage to tie me up, then i beleive i deserve to be tied up." he teased smirking wickedly, stopping completely now. "but until that happens. or until you beg, then i am simply going to continue teasing you."
Kagome giggled a little looking amused as she looked at her boyfriend, smirking a little."Curvy huh?"She teased studying him, amused because she had known what he meant, it was just amusing to see him looking so wrried about upsetting her again."Well, I guess one of us has to be soft and cuddly.You definately aren't."She teased touching his chest, and even relaxed she could feel the muscled expanse under her fingers.

Reiko growled at him, glaring at her through half closed eyes, kicking him as she tugged at her hands, whimpering and whining as he stood."Please!Sesshomaru, please!"she whined giving in because she was so close, so close she wanted him."Sesshomaru, you're my mate!Youre supposed to please me!"
he grimaced as she studied him. "i've insulted you again haven't i?" he asked looking a little worried about being sat again before blushing hard as she touched his chest, and just like Sango said he puffed up, showing off his muscles like a rooster showing off. "well... i might be a little soft." he agreed grinning at her, shaking his head a little.

Sesshomaru purred happily as she tried to kick him and then begged. "yessss, there's my good little girl." he purred kissing her again before moving his hips into her, snapping his hips in and out and in and out, biting her shoulder gently as he fucked her just like she wanted, smirking a little. "i am pleasing you." he teased snickered a little as he nuzzled her neck moaning happily. "mmmm besides we both know that you like being teased." he, well, teased.
Kagome laughed softly kissing his cheek."No, you didn't.It's just cute and endearing to watch you worry."she teased nudging him a little, pressing against his chest, raising a eyebrow as a miroku line came out of her mouth."Well, only in one place."She teased poking him in the ribs.

"Bastard."Reiko moaned shivering as she let her head fall back, trembling as she came as he bit her, jerking at her hands. Wanting to hold him, wanting to wrap her vulnerable human body around his strong demon one."Sesshy!"She growled whimpering as she cried in pleasure.
he scowled at her. "...your not nice..." he complained shaking his head a little before smirking at her. "Kagome... that is the one place that is never soft." he complained chuckling a little as he nuzzled her, kissing her forehead. "come on... lets go cuddle somewhere..." he muttered softly, smiling a little. "i want to cuddle..."

he chuckled as he was called naught names, kissing her again, snapping the rope and spilling them both onto the bed, pulling out just long enough to move her onto her back before sliding into her again, holding her close, gently, passionately, kissing her happily. "if you ever call me Sesshy in front of other people... i will leave you tight up and horny for a full day." he warned, kissing her again as he drove her to the heights of pleasure.
"I know."Kagome laughed smiling slightly resting her head on his shoulder before nodding."Come on.Cuddling sounds good."She said smiling as she climbed out of the tree and heading for the house.

Reiko growled at him, wrapping her arms around him, shivering as he slid into her,"I'll call you sesshy whenever I want."she growled softly wrapping her legs around her waist as she held him tightly,grinning as her slender fingers lengthed, straightened as claws, black hair slipping across the bed in silver waves."you wouldn't dare..."She growled biting his neck, fangs nibbling at the mating mark
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