Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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reiko growled at hiim as he pulled her back, sighing softly as she nuzzled his hand a little, giving him a look. She knew he hated the idea of leaving rin behind,but they couldn't take her with them.Smiling a little when she realized that inuyasha was coming with them, already starting to run after sesshomaru as inuyasha stayed.Grinning when he caught up."very brave loverboy."She teased glancing at him, glad that he wasn't pining after her or anything.

Kagome whined as she watched inuyasha leave, growling ever so softly. Pleased that he'd finally said it,but pisssed he hadn't stayed long enough for her to say anything back."Dammit all."She said growling a little befroe sighing."We better go find rin."
Inuyasha blushed furiously as Reiko teased him, well aware he had taken the cowards way out. he admitted his feelings and then pretended he had to run real quick to catch up, ducking her response in the fear that she didn't love him back. he didn't say anything at all to Reiko's comment, he just flushed a pink and kept on running, following Sesshomaru, who was making sure to slow himself down so that the other two could keep up.

Sango giggled a little as she shook her head. "Inuyasha is such a coward sometimes." she admitted with a small snicker, shaking her head again. "come on Kagome." she ordered, helping the woman onto Kirrarra. "we'll get Rin and then go and find Lady Kaede." (i can't spell the old woman's naaame DXXX) Rin was still sitting on Aun and Oun when the two human women found her, and she was annoying the blazes out of Jaken.
Reiko snickered as he avoided answering her, pausing as she heard the crashes of a dragon moving through the woods, raising her head as she sniffed the air."Its close."She said, her voice slipping, holding that edge of eagerness that said she was looking forward to the fight, to the slaughter. And....that the guardian was going to be claiming piece of her kingdom soon enough, dragging the dragon back to heaven.

Kagome laughed softly nodding, before kicking jaken out of the way, ignoring him as he sputtered and complained as they made their way to kaede's(you had it right XD) village, looking over at sango as they walked."Do you think they will be kay?"She asked sounding worried.
Inuyasha growled as he listened to the Dragon. "why isn't it flying?" he demanded softly, Sesshomaru growling softly. "if it is the same Dragon, then it is because Father cut off it's wings, so that if it ever returned to life, it would be easier to kill." he admitted sniffing at the air. "all i can smell is death." he growled, annoyed. "i cannot know if this is the same Dragon." "who cares, lets just kill the damn thing already." Inuyasha growled, annoyed, just as eager as Reiko was to slaughter something. "no... not yet, depending on what Dragon this is, it will either spit lightning, ice, fire, or scalding water... knowing it's strength, is knowing it's weakness." "...are you making shit up?" Inuyasha demanded, Sesshomaru turning to Inuyasha. "...Father used to say it." "...oh."

Rin giggled as Jaken was kicked and she chattered happily all the way to Kaede's, not that it took long while on Kirrarra and Aun oun. "they'll be fine, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru can kill just about anything, with them actually working together? i think they'll be fine." she admitted smiling at Kagome. "i'm more worried about why Naraku wants Reiko." she admitted shaking her head a little. "maybe we aught to try and ask around, maybe you could even go to the future and look her up? see what you find?"
“Don’t worry, it sounded like he was making up things to me to.”Reiko said snickering at inuyasha’s question. Looking amused as she frowned a little, magic shuddering over her nerves as she ried to figure out why this dragon was drawing her fiercer then a normal fight.Swallowing hard as she tilted her head, looking at sesshomaru.”So.How do we go about battling a dragon?”She asked, fingers twitching a little around her sword, but willing herself to caution.

Kagome looked sartled at that before nodding,”Maybe when they return I will do that. Surely if naraku wants her, there is some trace of her presence in hisory.Sesshomaru made it, surely reiko did if she’s important enough for naraku to go after her.”she said frowning worried because she had no idea what was so special bout the asmenic.
Inuyasha flashed her a small grin and shook his head a little as he sniffed at the air. "well, i smell rain, and thunder... make sense it would be a Thunder Dragon right?" Inuyasha asked, Sesshomaru nodding. "that means it spits lightning." Sesshomaru agreed, looking around. "a long metal pole would draw the lightning away from us." he admitted pondering that. "Sesshomaru we don't have a long metal pole..." Inuyasha complained, scowling a little as Sesshomaru lifted a slender shoulder in some semblance of a shrug. "Reiko, do YOU have any ideas!?" Inuyasha demanded, sulking at her. "something that makes sense?"

Sango grinned a little and nodded before pondering. "do you ever wonder about this time traveling thing?" she asked Kagome, her head tilted. "like... are you changing your History, or where you always supposed to be here and are just repeating everything you did?..." she asked blinking at Kagome. "i mean... it won't affect anyone here, but are you changing your future? and not even realizing it?" she asked her head tilted.
Reiko snickered at inuyasha’s words before looking at sesshomaru.”That is a wicked ass sword you carry. And the beast is already back from the dead, tetsiuga wont help. We could use it and our swords to draw lightening while we fight, because we have something besides swords to fight with.”She said hands flexing a little, claws flashing in the early morning light.

Kagome nodded looking worried”I do. And I did more once.But...the more times I went back home, and didn’t find anything changed, I think I’m just setting back what was meant to be, not changing how things are.”
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both growled at her for daring suggest they turn their Swords into poles, but they just unhooked them and started tying them together, Inuyasha huffing a little as he gripped the sheath tightly, well aware that without Tetseiga his Demon half was going to break free. "... i have to warn you..." Inuyasha muttered, sounding almost ashamed."Tetseiga keeps my Demon half locked away... so it doesn't cause problems... uh... lately...without it..." "...do not worry Inuyasha, i doubt you can kill Reiko." Inuyasha grimaced a little. "i'm more worried about going after Kagome." he admitted. "Reiko won't hesitate to knock me around, Kagome will..." "i will not allow you to harm your human." Sesshoamaru promised as he took Reiko's blade and tied it to his own, making a rather nice sized Pole. "we will attach it to the top of a tree."

Sango smiled a little and nodded. "it's kind of cool isn't it? time traveling... i wish i could see the future." she admitted shaking her head. "what i don't understand is how can Inuyasha go through, but Shippou can't?" she asked. "or me or Miroku?" they'd never admit it, but they had all tried, and failed to go through the Bone Eater well.
“Hey!on’t give me that look its better then any of your ideas.”She said giving them a lok back before sighing, “We wont let you kill her. I’ll knock you on your ass if try.”She promised before taking the pole.”Go find the dragon, I’ll get this up in the tree.”She said before springing towards the treetops, balancing herself well, looking like a ballerina with that damned pole in her hands.

“I don’t know. Maybe because we both have a onnection the the jewel?Or maybe to kikyou?”Kagome said shrugging a little.”I really don’t know why, I just know that you can’’t/”She said frowning thoughtfully.
Inuyasha nodded and followed Sesshomaru into the woods, nearly running into the massive beast, which was mostly just a massive pile of bones as it sniffed and sniffed, snarling and growling as he moved and crashed through the trees, snarling darkly as it caught the sent of Dog demons as the wind shifted. "Dooooogs!" it Snarled, whipping around, it's massive boney tail razing an enormous chunk of trees to the ground, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru both snarling, Sesshomaru's body bulging as he shifted into his massive Dog form, lunging onto the Dragon, which was still bigger than him, the Ancient Dragon roaring, not in pain, but in annoyance.

Sango pondered that and then nodded. "this could be true." she agreed smiling a little. "i wonder what would happen if i took a piece of the Jewel and tried?" she mused, considering that, her head tilted a little. "if it's connected to the jewel, then i should be able to go through, right?" she asked grinning a little. "it would be kind of neat to try you think?"
Reiko snarled as she dropped from the tree, dropping to the dragons back, claws digging into dragon’s scales as she sought to rip and tear him apart. And even as it tried to buk her off she used her legs riding its neck as one would a horse, refusing to be budged as she tore at meat and flesh.

“I don’t know.we could try.When they get back.”kagome said looking amused, “we cant go until sesshomaru gets back.He’d kill us if we left rin.”She said snickering a little shaking her head.
the Dragon roared again, shuddering and writhing as Inuyasha snarled, his eyes bleeding to red as he latched onto the Dragons neck, gouging out huge chunks of neck as the Dragon snapped and snarled, regaining more and more of his flesh the more they tried to rip him apart, spitting a strike of lightning out into the air, the strike drawn away into the swords, the Dragon roaring in Fury as it grabbed Reiko in one massive paw and slapped her away like she was a Fly before freezing as he saw her. "YOU! YOU!" he snarled furiously diving after her, striking at her with his teeth, missing by a bare inch as Sesshomaru slammed into it again, driving it away from Reiko.

Sango chuckled a little and nodded. "this is true." she admitted smiling as she watched Rin race around with the other children from the village. Rin had never had human freinds before, they always avoided her, wary of her because of her oddness, or her friendship with demons. "she looks so happy.." Sango muttered, smiling a little. "i wonder how Sesshomaru came across her?"
Reiko snarled as she was slapped down like a fly, hitting the ground before lashing out with a gift she didn’t know she had, her gift widening the dragon’s touch to the underworld, ripping the beast in two as both guardian and dragon collapsed in a panting heap. The dragon was still alive, but it was dying, it would be a easy kill for the other two dog demons.

kagome shrugged looking thoughtful herself.”She just appeared with him after one of his and inuyasha’s fights, and never left.”She said wondering herself, like she had before, where the girl had come from. And reiko. For a man who seemed to not like anyone, sesshomaru did collect followers.
the Dragon roared in fury as it was struck in half , shuddering as it writhed on the ground. "I will see you DEAD! Guardian of the Meido!" he roared, trying to crawl towards Reiko, snapping, snarling, spitting lightning as Inuyasha snarled, leaping into it's face, ripping at the monsters eyes, the Dragon screaming in fury as Sesshomaru reached down, caught the Dragon's head in his massive mouth, and crushed it, spraying blood everywhere. but Inuyasha wasn't done, his Demon side in full swing, he started digging through the Dragon's Chest, searching for the still throbbing heart, devouring it viciously, sucking out the blood and the power that the Dragon had to offer, Sesshomaru snarling as he swatted the Half Demon away from the Dragon before Inuyasha went mad with bloodlust. "what did he mean." Sesshomaru growled, stepping on Inuyasha as the Demon snapped and snarled, wanting to get back to the Dragon, wanting more blood, more flesh, biting and clawing at Sesshomaru's foot, not that the massive Dog Demon took any notice.

Sango pondered that and then shook her head. "we'll have to ask Rin." she decided grinning a little. "you know, for hating humans and half demons, he sure does have a lot of them following him." she admitted snickering a little. "Rin, Reiko... now Inuyasha, you, me, Miroku." she snickered a little. "you almost have to feel sorry for the bastard."
Reiko snarled a ltle as she watched inuyasha devour the dragon, though she was restraining herself only through force of will. Growling as she crouched on teh ground she looked up at Sesshomaru,”You know I don’t know.”She growled at the full demon as she grabbed inuyasha’s arms, starting to drag inuyasha further away from the dragon.

“You almost have to. But maybe it’s his punishment for hating us all.”She said snickering a little as she shook her head, looking amused at the idea of sesshomaru having been punished with the very things he hated, and a mate that was one of the people he hated.
Inuyasha snapped and snarled, fighting her, poorly in his effort to get back to the Dragon, snarling furiously before shuddering as Sesshomaru shoved something into his hands, Inuyasha gripping Tetseiga tightly as he faded back to his normal, mostly human self, blinking stupidly. "what happened? did we win?" he asked sluggishly, spitting the taste of blood out of his mouth, looking shoved as he realized he was so coated in blood he looked like he'd fallen into a vat of red paint. "...i need a bath..."

Sango giggled a little and shook her head a little as she watched Rin race by with a doll in her hand, the other little girls following with squeals and giggles. "their so cute." Sango muttered with a happy grin, hesitating and then. "...Kagome... do you think this world will ever be a safe place?" she asked softly, glancing at Kagome. "o you think we'll ever be able to have our own children?" Sango wanted children? since when? or was it only since Rin had joined their party that she had even realized?
Reiko nodded tilting his head towards the forests.”There’s a creek that way.”She said holding other still, wanting to make sure he was steady on his feet before she let go. Looking down at herself then up at the dog hovering next to them, she reached out and rested a hand on sesshomaru’s foreleg.”Come on.Lets go wash up before we go find the others..”

Kagome looked starlted at the question, tilting her head as she looked at her friend.”I think the world is always a dangerous place, but tha no matter what, it will be safe to have kids. We’ll make sure naraku is no longer a threat.” smile dimpled her cheek before she grew serious again.”We stand a beter chance now, then we did before. Not only do we have another half demon helping, we have sesshomaru helping instead of fighting against us.”
Inuyasha nodded and hopped off to get himself cleaned up, stripping off his Rat robe and scrubbing it in the water first. the only thing that mattered more to him was tetseiga and Kagome. he cared for the robe that his mother had given him, and then started washing himself free of blood as Sesshomaru looked down at Reiko, running his massive tongue all over the side of her before heading for the creek, shifting back into his human form, shedding his silk Kimono, untouched since he had been in Dog form, though his body was smeared with blood as he washed himself in the water, getting clean while Inuyasha scrubbed at his long thick hair and ears, trying to get the pink of blood out.

Sango smiled at her a little and nodded. "now if only could get Miroku to behave." she complained sighing a little. "i either have to train him better or find a better person to love." she complained playfully, chuckling a little. "what about you? do you want children?" she asked her head tilted. "and i'm not so sure Sesshomaru is really going to help us..." she admitted. "there's no telling with that bastard..."
Reiko smiled as she stripped down herself, washing her clothes as she washed her body, before siting down on the stream’s edge looking thoughtful as she waited for her clohes to dry. While a human would have been disgruntled at being naked in front of the two men, reiko had a demon’s inmodedsty, though she blushed ever so slightly as she looked up at her mate. “The dragon knew me sesshomaru.”She said her voice shaking ever so slightly, afraid because she didn’t know what it meant.

Kagome snickered watching miroku play with rin and the other kids,”No, I am sure he’d be willing ot calm down for you.He’s not as bad as he used to be.”She pointed out before blushing a little.”Maybe.Someday.”She said shrugging before grinning a little.”He is. Because his mate is being hunted. Sesshomaru’s a demon, his instincts will not to be dealing with his own anger at inuyasha but dealing with the threat to his pregnant mate.”
Inuyasha didn't even glance at her nude body, he valued his balls too much for one and for two, like most demon's, he wasn't much affected by Nudity. hell he spent most of his own teenage years completely naked. "i noticed that." Sesshomaru admitted, sounding thoughtful. "he said you where the guardian of the Meido..." he glanced at her. "whats a Meido?" Inuyasha asked scowling a little. "maybe it has something to do with why the Dragons slaughtered the Dog clans? or why Naraku wants Reiko?"

Sango chuckled a little and shook her head a little. "i'm not entirely sure Miroku even knows i'm a woman sometimes." she admitted with a small shake of her head. "unless he's groping me, he doesn't look twice at me..." she blinked at Kagome. "how do i get him to notice me?" she asked, frowning a little. "and i guess your right about Sesshomaru, even if he hates Inuyasha he'll work with him if it means keeping Reiko, and Rin, safe."
Reiko frowned thinking,”It’s a path to the underworld.”She muttered a edge of a memory there, thinking as she looked at sesshomaru, needing to make sure she’d remembered right.”I think tetsuigia uses the meido as a weapon.”She said slowly, trying to think clearly.

Kagome looked amused before shrugging.”If you haven’t noticed, I haven’t had much luck getting inuyasha’s attention. I might not be the person to ask for advice. We could ask Reiko.”She mused before tilting her head before nodding.”No matter what sesshomaru thinks, he’ll protect them.”
Sesshomaru scowled a little. "it is the only path to the underworld, nothing can go into, or come out of the realms of the dead without passing the Guardian." he explained shaking his head. "but the Guardian is not supposed to be of a physical plain, as far as i know." he admitted simply. Inuyasha just shook his head and pulled Tetseiga out of it's sheath and started to carefully clean the singes off as Sesshomaru drew Tetseiga, examining it. "this s how i brought you, an Rin, back from the dead." Sesshomaru explained simply. "i did not think of it, but i suppose could have used it to kill the Dragon..."

Sango snorted a little and shook her head. "we should make some dresses." she mused. "something flashy and pretty that will MAKE them notice us." she decided chuckling a little before nodding. "Reiko would know what to do, anyone who can catch Sesshomaru HAS to be very skilled." she stated with bright giggles. "and he will protect them, he loves them, no matter how much he tries to hide it."
“We were to busy using it as a lightening rod.”She said snickering a little looking up at her mate as she leaned her own sword, frowning thoughtfully as she considered that.”maybe the dog demons were once guardians.”She said frowning before shaking her head.”I’m tired of not knowing who I am.”She said sounding sad at the thought as she shook her head to free her thoughts.

Kagome grinned, “We’ll try that. And ask reiko. Your right, she has to know how to get someone’s attention, if she could get sesshomaru’s.”The dark haired woman giggled before smiling.”Hopefully they’ll be back soon so we can ask.”
Sesshomaru gently set a hand on her shoulder, offering her silent comfort as Inuyasha smiled. "you'll remember eventually Reiko, not even Naraku can erase a mind forever." he promised with a small chuckle. "you'll remember who you are., you just have to be patient." he promised softly Sesshomaru nodding a little. "come, i do not like leaving Rin alone." Inuyasha nodded. "and i don't like leaving Kagome..."

Sango laughed a little and nodded as she grinned before pausing as she watched Rin go past again, laughing happily. "she's really very cute, and Kirrarra loves her." she admitted smiling as she watched the tiny kitten chasing after them. "there's something familiar about Rin, don't you think?" she asked Kagome, her head tilted a little. "like i should know her somehow..." she admitted sighing a little.
Reiko laughed softly leaning into her mate for a moment before standing and dressing.”She might not want to see you, considering you ran away from her before.”Reiko teased walking beside sesshomaru, close but not toucing. Just taking comfort in his close presence.

“She is.And..there is, almost...like I almost know her, but I can’t think of where. Or why.”kagome said looking thoughtful because she had no idea how the little girl seemed familiar, only that she did.
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