Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Kagome sighed looking worried about him, because se didn't understand how to make him feel better. It was so hard to know what would make him feel better."It is creepy, even if its good."kagome agreed looking amused but worreid about him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug."Don't thnk about it then.Just get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning."

"Wonder if they know we can hear them....you're being creepy sessh...sesshy."Reiko muttered looking up at him, his full name beyond her ablities for the moment.
Inuyasha sighed as he leaned into the Hug, closing his eyes. "i'm so sorry Kagome.." he whispered softly as he hid himself from the world in her soft arms and her wonderful scent, the smell of tears whisked away by the wind, and only Kagome would know he was crying, because she would feel the wetness on her shirt.

Sesshomaru caught the scent of tears, but said nothing. he had a feeling he knew what was going on in Inuyasha's head and for the first time he felt something other than Hatred for his little brother, it shocked him, but nothing showed on his face, and even Reiko would not know his emotions. he looked down at her when he spoke, blinking slowly. "i am certain they do not realize that we can hear them. they are speaking lowly." he admitted, well aware that the people around them couldn't hear him and Reiko, they where speaking at a frequency too low for human's to hear, and Inuyasha was too far away to hear. "Sleep, Yuiko." he ordered, using the name Rin had given her for the first time. "you will feel well in the morning."
kagome sighed softly, resting her cheek against his hair as he cried, stroking his back, muttering wordlessly comforting sounds, knowing that the next few months were goign to be horrible. not only taking care of the woman he raped,but having to spend time with sesshomaru. Thsi was going to end badly, she just knew it.

Reiko smiled sleepily, looking startled at his words before yawning, snuggling into him as she went to sleep. In the morning the demoness smiled slightly aas she stood, rubbing her hands over her body, touching her neck to make sure that it was healed, before smiling at sesshomaru as she realized he was watching her."I feel fine.Thank you."She muttered leaning over to kiss his cheek as she looked around them
Inuyasha was still asleep when Reiko woke, breathing softly as he slept on Kagome's lap like she was a giant Pillow, Sango waking with her usual grope from Miroku, beating him with her boomerang as she always did, Sesshomaru examining all of this with bored eyes before he looked down at Reiko. there was no answering smile, but he did soften a touch as he nodded to her. "i am... relieved." he admitted simply as he stood. "watch Rin." he ordered, the young girl still asleep and curled up, looking so cute and innocent as Sesshomaru left, Sango scowling. "...does he just leave like that all the time?" she asked blinking at Reiko. "where does he go?" she asked, baffled when Reiko confirmed her suspicions. "he's prolly...breakfast." Rin mumbled sleepily rubbing her eyes. usually when he left in the mornings he went to go catch a dear or a demon to be cooked and eaten, the rest of it dried and stored for later meals.
Reik onodded,gently stroking rin's hair as she sat down with the girl in her lap, looking amused."She's right. He probably wnet for food."Reiko said laughing softly at miroku who was grumbling about being beaten up."You shouldn't grope her then."she ponted out, before looking towards the woods. Even the few moments he'd been gone made her want to go after her mate, even if it was just as likely inuyasha got her pregnant, she wanted the cold half blood hating demon lord. It was he who made her blood run hot.
Rin giggled a little as she handed Reiko her new hair brush, asking her to brush her hair. she hummed happily as Reiko brushed her hair, grinning as Sango nodded. "that's right Miroku! you shouldn't grope people!" she complained kicking him in the butt before joining Kagome as Inuyasha opened his yellow eyes, blinking slowly as he sat up, scowling a little. "Sesshomaru abandoned you already hmm!?" he demanded sourly, hateful towards his brother and annoyed at what was happening as he set his chin on his knees, sulking. he hated this, and he hated himself. "i'm going to go for a run." he decided getting to his feet, hesitating as he brushed against Kagome, the simple touch promising her that he wasn't upset with her before he was racing into the woods to run out his own frustration. "... is it just me or is both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha moodier than all hell?" Sango asked, lifting an eyebrow.
Reiko flinched at inuaysha's words frowning slightly as she brushed rin's hair, shaking her head as she watched the other half demon go. "Moodier then they usually are?Yes."Kagome said looking after the two brothers."Ah, so it is true, you did survive Reiko."Sagura said as her feather floated her to the ground, studying the group."But that's taken carre of soon enough."The wind sorceress said as she raised her fan, wind blades slicing through the group even as Reiko moved. Despite recovering, she was fast, unbelievably fast as she used the sword sesshomaru had given her,giving herself over to that knowledge that was just out of her reach, using what her body remembered.
Sango shook her head a little and sighed as she moved to stoke the fire back into life before gasping, shocked as Kagura appeared. "you leave her ALONE!" Sango demanded, whipping out her weapons, her boomerang still broken, good for beating people with, but not good for fighting with. "Kirrarra! Get Rin out of here!" she demanded, the large Cat Demon picked Rin up and carried her off into the sky. there was a sudden whistling noise, and Inuyasha was there, blasting a Wind scar right at Kagura, forcing her to leap off of her feather or die, snaring as he watched the Wind sorceress. "what are you doing here Kagura!?" he demanded, snarling viciously, his eyes narrowed.
Kagura glared at the half demon as she landed on her feet nearby turning to deal with the demoness moving towards her, pushing back reiko with a blow of wind."I came for her, inuyasha. For once, I have no desire to kill you."she said before renewing her attack on the half demoness, laughing as she shook her head."Ah inuyasha, finally a half breed worthy of fighting. It is a pity I must kill her."
Inuyasha snarled a little as he watched Kagura with fury, drawing Tetseiga with a furious snarl. "just DIE!" he demanded rushing the woman, slicing at her with his massive sword, driving himself at her with an utter fury, snarling viciously as Sesshomaru stepped out of the woods, dragging a dear by the horn as he blinked at Kagura, and Inuyasha trying to keep her away from Reiko with a small sigh, his Poison whip striking at Kagura with precision, Inuyasha growling darkly. "why are you trying to kill Yuiko!?...er.. Reiko!?" Inuyasha demanded, Sesshomaru stepping out of the woods, his claws dripping with poison. "what does it matter, kill the bitch and be done with it." Sesshomaru demanded.
Kagura smirked a little as she looked at the demon lord and inuyasha,"I have my own reasons for killing the guardian once."She said before tossing a feather into the air, realizing she wuldn't be able to fight them both, and disappearing. Reiko panted as she sank to one knee, leaning on her sword as she fought to even her breath,looking at sesshomaru."So demanding."She teased amused that his presence had driven the woman away, even if she had no idea what the woman wanted from her.
Inuyasha snarled as he swiped at her again, trying to cut her in half again, for once simply agreeing with Sesshomaru, snarling darkly as she flew up into the air before turning to Reiko. "Guardian of what!?" he demanded scowling at the woman, Sesshomaru moving over to her, checking to make sure she was undamaged before looking around. "where is Rin?" "in the Air, Kirrarra took her." Sango admitted panting a little as she shook her head. "whatever Kagura wanted, you can bet Naraku wants it too... we better leave, and quickly before he sends someone with a little more power." she muttered watching Kirrarra come back down, Rin pouting, hanging from the Demon's mouth like a naughty kitten.
Reiko winced at inuyasha's anger, shrugging."I don't know."She said simply before looking panicked as she realized that she didnt know where rin was before relaxing when she saw the girl."We better be moving."Reiko muttered stumbling to her feet, regaining her self as she walked over, picking rin up in her arms,cuddling the child before looking at the others."Let miroku and sango ride kiarara. inuyasha, you can carry kagome, and I'k carry rin."She muttered pressing a kiss to the girl in her arms already moving towards the woods, anxious to get away, to get away from the memories crowding her. Not memories...just feelings that whatever kagura wanted, she didn't want to know yet.
Inuyasha growled but shook his head a little, not about to get angry at the woman he'd raped. he picked up Kagome and took off into the woods, Sango putting Miroku in front of her on Kirrarra so he couldn't cop a feel. "Kagome! i have to fix my boomerang! (i can't remember what it's called) i'm taking Miroku back to my village for repairs." she admitted calmly, grinning at the woman. "good luck alright?" she asked shaking her head as she watched Inuyasha and Reiko take off, all of them separated, but well within yelling distance if they where attacked. Sesshomaru flew overhead, keeping an eye out for danger, pondering what Miroku wanted with his mate, and feeling like he wasn't so sure he really wanted to know.
When they finally stopped for the evening reiko smiled tiredly as she sat down by the fire watching kagome and inuyasha cooking dinner, tilting her head bck to find her demon lord, needing to know that even if he wasn't sitting with her, sesshomaru was close by, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw him, before looking at inuyasha, feeling like they needed to talk,but not sure how to do it, she wasn't used to being awkward with people, this was just to weird."...this is weird."She muttered for once just saying what was on her mind.
Sesshomaru was standing behind her and just a little to the left so he was well within sight of her. he was standing on the edge of the cliff, staring out at nothing, pondering, considering as he watched the world beneath him, Inuyasha helping Kagome skin the buck that Sesshomaru had brought, his claws better than any knife. Inuyasha looked up when Reiko spoke and he blinked at her before nodding. "it is." he agreed softly, hesitating then. "Reiko... i'm... sorry. for what i did..." Sesshomaru made a strange noise as he looked over at Inuyasha. "are you truly that stupid Inuyasha? do not apologize for things that where not your fault. you are half Demon, show it." he ordered Inuyasha glaring furiously at Sesshomaru. "how the fuck am i supposed to know how to act like a Demon!?" Inuyasha demanded. "the only Demon's i ever fucking met tried to KILL ME! you included!" he spat hatefully, Sesshomaru pausing. he hadn't realized that being raised by humans, Inuyasha wouldn't know anything about his Demon half, no wonder it broke out so often and caused such massive mayhem, it had no other outlet. "whatever the case... i.. i raped her... and i hurt her and i'm sorry for it no matter who's fault it was!" Inuyasha spat looking down again. "i can't even remember doing it..."
Reiko looked amused as she watched the two, looking startled at the vilence that threatened between the two even if they weren't fighting."It is not your fault. You have given your demon side no other outlet but violence."Reio said sitting down on her heels next to him, leaning into him a little, "If you...dammit I dont know how to explain. I let my other half do the rational thinking thing when in a fight. You seem to be determined to act only like a human. You cant do that, otherwise we have things like...that happening."Reiko muttered twisting to look up at sesshomaru,"Your going to help to. You know hwo to train him like he needs to be. Do it."She said not giving the demon lord any other reason for telling him to help his brother, other then that she wanted him to.
Inuyasha scowled a little, looking confused at the woman. "what do you mean?" he demanded looking confused, Sesshomaru sighing a little, annoyed by Inuyasha's stupidity. "you mean that... because i don't know how to act like a demon, it's demanding to come out in other ways?" he demanded looking stricken. "how the hell am i supposed to be a Demon, when the only one who could have taught me was my bastard of a brother!?" he demanded glaring at Sesshomaru who was pointedly ignoring them. his Father, InuTaisho had asked Sesshomaru to take care of Inuyasha, but Sesshomaru had ignored the order, and had done his best to ignore, and then kill Inuyasha for causing his Fathers death. "i will have nothing to do with the Half Blood Bastard." Inuyasha stated simply, Inuyasha snarling at him, and before anyone could intervene, Inuyasha slammed into Sesshomaru, tackling him, and they where both flung off the edge of the cliff into the forest below, the snapping and Snarling of fighting Dog demon's filled the air. at least they weren't trying to kill each other, the fighting wouldn't have been so loud of they'd been trying to kill each other, no, they where just beating the shit out of each other... ok well that wasn't much better was it?
"Yes, thats exacl what I mean."Reiko said nodding a little."I assume when you do let it go, you usually end up slaughtering everythng."she said before sighing."Sesshomaru doesn't know how to be anything but a bastard.Apparently he couldn't be bothered."She said before yelping as they fought."Should't we stop tehm?"Kagome asked looking down over the cliff sighing softly. Reiko wrinkled her nose before nodding,"I'll be right back."she said tiredly before starting to run growling softly as she looked at the two brothers fighting,"Stop it. Both of you."She said shuddering a little, because this appealled to her. Even if they weren't fighting over her, the demoness in her was turned on at the idea o letting them duke it out and finding whih was stronger.
he scowled a little. "yes... i do." he admitted shaking his head. "i've almost killed Kagome three times now..." he admitted sighing a little as she admitted that Sesshomaru was a bastard, he didn't understand this woman. when Reiko got down the cliff though she would see something remarkable, Sesshomaru was not acting very much like Sesshomaru. he and Inuyasha where rolling around in the dirt flinging fists and snarling. t was a street brawl if there ever was, not something you expected Sesshomaru to do. neither of them paid any attention to her as Inuyasha yanked on Sesshomaru's hair, flinging the man into the side of the cliff and diving onto him again, snapping and snarling, yelping as Sesshomaru bit him, sinking fangs into Inuyasha's arm and worrying it, shredding the skin, snarling as Inuyasha kneed him in the balls, a low blow, but one that didn't seam to work very well. they where both bleeding, bruised, and showed no signs of stopping. Reiko was either going to have to get their attention or let them fight it out.
Reiko stared because that was all she could do to see the demon lord of the west rolling around and street fighting like it was a drunken bar room brawl, instead of really fighting. Shking her head she looked amused as she sat down on the gorund to watch, knowing better then to get in the middle. Well. until her body decided otherwise. Her eyes bled to that dark red of her demon, the dog demoness looking at the two men fighting to be her mate, her scent spiking as she stood gracefully, starting to approach the two, the human reiko trying to stop her, but the demoness wanted her time to test out the two males, and wasn't about to be denied access to the only two dog demon males she'd ever met.
the two paused finally as her scent changed and they both turned to look at her, bleeding, bruised, dirty, panting, both their eyes just as red as hers as they stood up slowly, Sesshomaru not looking in the least bit pained, Inuyasha wincing as he stood up on a twisted Ankle, both of them Growling, advancing on her, ignoring each other, for now. focused entirely on her. as always, they would fight over her... for her, but as the Female, she got to decide the challenge, she got to decide what they would do to win her favor.
Reiko growled back at them watching them as they approached. Growling she looked at that, the demoness trying to sort through what to make them do. WAlking closer she stepped between them, turning her head, rubbing her cheek against their shoulders, playful and amused as she pushed them both a little, deciding on the challenge even as she started to run. She wanted a mate that could keep up with her, a mate that would be able to stand beside her instead of needing her to protect them, or have him think he has to protect her.Growling she tossed a smirk over her shoulder before circling around again, leading them in a lopsided 'chase their tails' circle.
they Growled back, as if in unison, despite hating each other, they where astonishingly alike in so many ways. they leaned into her when she rubbed them, and growled again when she shoved them. they glanced at each other when she took off, and then took off after her, staying a steady pace behind her, realizing they weren't supposed to catch her, just follow her. but, Inuyasha started to drop off and finally he collapsed, panting hard, too exaughsted to continue he just laid there, realizing he had lost his Demon half receded, a growl falling from his lips, but for once Inuyasha remembered everything. Sesshomaru kept up easily, panting only a little when she finally stopped, catching her into a hug, holding her against him as he sniffed her neck and then bit her, hard, drawing blood, Marking her as only a Demon would, claiming her as his, and his alone. his Saliva mixing with her blood, scenting her more permanently than any Tattoo. "Mine." he growled holding her tighter. "All Mine..."
Rieko growled at him as sesshomaru caught her in a hug, but unlike with inuyasha, she didn't fight him as he bit her. Shivering as she gave in, leaving into him as she looked up at him,"Yours?"She muttered that low brassy growl of a dog in heat, nuzzling his cheek as she went to her tip toes to lean against him, mouth finding his neck and biting down, marking him, intent on making sure he knew he belonged to her just as much as she belonged to him.

"Inuyasha?"Kagome called as she walked through the woods, searching for the half demon. Having grown concerned when none of them had come back,so she'd started to look for them.
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