Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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Sesshomaru was silent, Rin would be glad to see him and he knew it, she was always glad to see him. as they walked he suddenly took Reiko's hand, holding it, his face as emotionless as always, but that single movement was enough to scream to the world just how much he loved her. Inuyasha was leading the way before he turned, darted tot he side, and threw up the chunks of Dragon he had devoured, the bloody meat not settling well with his mostly human stomach. and for the very first time, Sesshomaru let out a very faint, very tiny snicker. "shut up Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha demanded before heaving again.

Sango sighed a little as she stood up and called Rin in for lunch as Kaede informed them that it was time to eat, the old woman having been making lunch the entire time the two had been talking. "Young Rin has a very familiar presence." Kaede admitted suddenly as she poured soup for them all. "she is probobly a reincarnation that responds to your own souls." she admitted simply, smiling at them all. "it is hard to tell with powers such as yours."
Reiko smiled looking startled at sesshomaru taking her hand, looking up at him startled before grinning at the sight of inuyasha throwing up, shifting to press her nose against sesshomaru’s shoulder, swallowing hard.”It smells. We better nove, otherwise we’re going to be sick.”She muttered grinning a little before looking at inuyasha.”Come on. Take it easy and walk, you’ll feel better moving.”She said trying to make him feel better.

Kagome looked startled at that idea before nodding, looking thoughtful.”That makes sense. I wish we just knew who it could be.”She said starting to eat smiling as she saw the two dog demons appearing from the woods, before looking worried when inuyasha didn’t appear right away.
Sesshomaru shook his head a little. "i never get sick." he stated simply as Inuyasha growled at Reiko's suggestion, Sesshomaru watching as Rin dropped her dolly and raced for Sesshomaru. "Lord Sesshomaru!!" she squealed leaping over to him and hugging his legs. "Welcome back Lord Sesshomaru!" the other children had screamed at the sight of the demon and ran away, but Sesshomaru paid no mind as he picked the little girl up and held her as he walked into the village, which was quickly blocked by a wall of villagers. "ugh, get out of the way you morons!" Inuyasha demanded, staggering after Sesshomaru and Reiko, the villagers hesitating as Sango and Kagome came out and repeated the order, Sango shoving Villagers out of the way before grabbing Inuyasha. "are you alright!?" she demanded, looking astonished at how sickly Inuyasha looked. "i just...ate something...bad." Inuyasha complained before turning green and darting back into the woods to be sick again, Sesshomaru restraining himself from snickering this time.
“He’s been eating dragon. Its very hard on the stomach.”Reiko said wisely, looking amused at kagome’s snickers.”This is why one should not eat dragon.” Kagome laughed softly before going after inuyasha wanting to make sure he was oka. “Inuyasha?”She muttered looking amused. Reiko smiled slightly shaking her head as she looked at sesshomaru, looking rin over.”Rin, how are you?”She asked looking at the little girl, looking worried about her even as she looked at the villagers around her, trying to keep them from realizing she just wasn’t a beautiful human, but a beautiful demon to.
Sango chuckled a little as she shook her head as Inuyasha blinked at Kagome. "i'm ok... just went full demon and ate some bad meat that's all." he muttered leaning into her a little. "i think i'm done puking now..." he admitted softly as Rin chattered about how she'd gotten a dolly and played with all the kids of the village, the villagers slowly relaxing as it became apparent that Kagome an Sango really did trust these two new strange demons. the humans kept their distance from both Sesshomaru and Reiko, well aware that they where both Demons. when Kaede came out and bowed to sesshomaru they all gasped in astonishment. "Lord Sesshomaru, welcome to my village." Kaede stated calmly. "please, come and make yourselves at home." she promised smiling at reiko. "there is soup that is finished, we where all just about to eat, please join us." "i'm hungry too!" Rin complained squirming free of Sesshomaru and skipping back to the hut, Kirrarra following the little girl happily. Inuyasha followed Rin and Sango with Kagome's help, since he was still a little sickly and Sesshomaru sighed but followed the old woman back to her hut, remaining standing even as everyone else sat and ate, ignoring all offers of food.
Reiko looked nervous before looking at sesshomaru before realizing it was okay. Smiling slightly as they all sat down and ate, enjoying the conversation as she shifted, closing her eyes as she leaned against him, using his chest as a pillow as the pregnant woman dozed. Kagome smiled softly looking at the two, looking slightly amused, because despite how cold and aloof he looked, there was something...softer about sesshomaru with his mate cuddled up into his side like a child.”I have a hut here, if you two would like to use it tonight.”She said offering because she knew sesshomaru would not want to be around the humans, and she was perfectly comfortable sleeping in one of the other huts with inuyasha and the others.
Sesshomaru didn't even twitch as Reiko leaned against him, but he did shift his hand so that his claws where just gently brushing against her, so that he was touching her. "i will stand guard." he stated simply, Inuyasha scoffing. "Sesshomaru you can't stay awake forever. take the hut, enjoy some alone time with Reiko, i'll stand first watch and you can stand second." he offered in a way that was entirely too sensible and Sesshomaru sighed. "fine." he growled. "we will take the hut." he grumbled glancing at Rin. "i want to stay with Lady Sango and Lady Kagome! can i PLEASE!?" she pleaded. "they know LOTS of fun games!" Sesshomaru glanced at Sango and Kagome, Sango indicating that it was Kagome's call. "Kagome, we're going into the future tomorrow right?" Inuyasha asked hopefully. "we're out of Ramen..."
Kagome laughed softly before nodding.”Okay rin.”She said looking amused that the girl wanted to stay with them, and not about to make her stay with sesshomaru and reiko, knowing the two could always use some alone time because they never got it when they were camping out. Snickering at inuyasha’s question nodding.”We’ll go get ramen.”She promised finding his addiction to the food amusing. Reiko sighed softly nuzzling sesshomaru’s chest, “I’m tired.”She muttered pressing her cheek against his chest, wanting the attention. She’d never had anyone with her, never had sex with a demon who understood who and what she was, she’d only had humans. And she wanted sesshomaru’s attention, no matter how....clingy it made her seem.She was pregnant and dammit she just wanted time with her mate.
Rin cheered happily as she leaped into Kagome's lap, seaming to realize that Reiko wanted alone time and was trying not to crowd the woman, it was very very hard but she was managing it. Inuyasha perked up happily at the mention of Ramen, rubbing his hands together eagerly. Sesshomaru did something very surprising though, when Reiko complained about being tired, he bent down, scooped her up into his arms and cradled her like she was a child, staring at Kagome, Inuyasha snickering as he gave instructions to Kagome's Hut, Sesshomaru leaving the many humans as he headed to the more private hut, brushing a kiss across Reiko's forehead. "that was horrifically cute." Sango admitted once she was sure Sesshomaru was well out of earshot.
Kgome laughed a little as she wrapped her arms around the small girl, amused that even without reiko saying anything, rin’d sensed she’d wanted to be leftalone. Glancing towards the door to make sure sesshomaru was indeed well away before snickering, “That was disturbingly cute. If I didn’t know better, I would say someone was possessing him.”she said giggling a little because it was so endearing and cute to see the demon lord being that....affectionate.

REiko smiled as she cuddled into sesshomaru’s chest, shifting to rest her head against his shoulder, yawning a little.”I don’t want to have sex.I’m tired.”She muttered sleepily, warning him beause she knew most men usually wanted to have sex all the time, and she didn’t want to be jumped. Though it proved she didn’t know sesshomaru as well as she thought she did, she didn’t know he was more thoughtful than that.
Rin giggled a little as Inuyasha snorted a little and shook his head. "someone IS possessing him." he stated with a small smirk. "Reiko is!" he admitted with a small laugh as he shook his head and curled up in a corner, deciding he needed a nap, he still felt sick and wanted to get a nap in before he had to go stand watch.

Sesshomaru smirked a little. "i am well aware your state of being Reiko." he stated simply, shaking his head. "i'm not a beast to jump you anytime we're alone." he promised gently laying her down into the bed that Kagome had insisted on and gently kissed her forehead. "sleep." he ordered settling into the bed behind her. "rest."
Kagoe snickered looking amused as she watched inuyasha go o sleep looking amused at the idea.

Reiko smiled sleepily, shifting to snuggle back against her lover,sighing softly.”Oh good. That’s good to know.”She muttered smiling as she fell asleep.

In the morning Reiko sighed softly as she rolled over, turning to face Sesshomaru, resting her head against his chest as she rested a leg over his hips. Not wanting sex, more wanting to be as close as she could be.”Good morning.”She muttered nudging the man a little looking amused
Sesshomaru opened a single golden eye to blink at her in the morning, lookign amused, as much as he was capable of anyway. "good morning." he stated simply, closing his eye again. "now go back to sleep." he ordered simply, sighing in annoyance as Sango knocked on the door, bringing a large bowl of breakfast with her. "Reiko, Kaede made breakfast for you. i'll leave it here on the steps." not about to go in when there was a chance that they where fucking. the last thing she needed was a pissed off Sesshomaru coming after her for seeing him naked. "Kagome and Inuyasha are headed for the future so we're not going to be able to go anywhere until they come back." "...what!?" Sesshomaru demanded scowling darkly, wondering what the hell they had to stay there just because Kagome and Sesshomaru was missing.

Inuyasha grinned as he carried Kagome, on his back, to the Well. "i do hope you realize that Sesshomaru is going to be pissed when he realizes that we're gone?" he asked smirking at Kagome as he carefully let her down at the well. "do you think your mom will have cookies?" he asked hopefully, sniffing down into the well as if he could smell Kagome's house already. "i hope she does, i love her cookies."
“Why should I go back to sleep, its morning.”She muttered nuzzling him a little, sitting up on a elbow as she looked towards the door, looking thoughtful as she considered if it was worth the effort to get up and get breakfast. smiling as she looked at sesshomaru’s dark scowl,gently touching his face as he rested a hand over his hips,”Are you that eager to leave bed with me?”She muttered tring to distract him from his anger.

KAgome laughed resting her head on inuyasha’s shoulder as he let her down into the well, looking amused as they passed over to the future before answering.”Well, I’m not the one he’ll yell at for getting left behind. You’re going to have to deal with him.”She pointed out before laughing as he sniffed the air, smiling as they climbed out of the well.”You can’t smell cookies from the future. You have to get here first.”She teased heading for the house, smirking slightly when she did indeed smell fresh baked cookies.
he smirked a little. "because i am still tired." he stated simply before sighing a little as Reiko complained at him. "of course not." he muttered kissing her forehead. "but eventually you are going to get up, and then i will have to deal with those disgusting humans..." he complained scowling darkly. "and we need to keep moving before that filthy Kagura discovers where we are and tries to take you again. we don't have time to stay here for days on end while we wait for Inuyasha to finish stuffing his face."

Inuyasha chuckled a little as he shook his head. "well hopefully he'll leave without us." he growled smirking a little as he leaped into the well and leaped out, his stomach growling happily at the smell of cookies. "so how long are we staying here?" Inuyasha asked his head tilted. "you where going to look Reiko up on your books right?" as Kagome's mother came out, beaming at them. "your just in time! i just made cookies!"
Reiko sighed softly, “I’m part human you know. Am I disgusting?”She muttered trying to distract him. Having a feeling that if she gave him enough time, he’d be working himself in a fine temper when all he really was doing was worrying.”It’ll be fine. There’s no need to be as worried as all this.”she said shifting, burying her face against his neck, breathing deeply, nuzzling her cheek against the mating mark, trying to distract him, trying so hard to make sure he wasn’t worried, or thinking about spending time with humans.

Kagome snorted, laughing at that.”He wont. reiko wont let him.”KAgome said snorting a little looking amused as she nodded a little.”We’ll leave this evening, hopefully that’ll keep sesshomaru from being to upset with us.And he should be happy if we find some reason why naraju’s after reiko.”She said smiling a little as she took a cookie. “You going to come up with me, or stay down here and eat cookies?”
he growled and scowled at her. "half of you is." he complained before smiling as he kissed her gently. "but i love you anyway." he admitted, playing with her the only way he knew how. he had never interacted with anyone before, he only knew how to be gruff and rude an insulting, but he was trying to be 'nice' for her. he sighed as she buried her nose into his Mating mark and he relaxed against her, closing his eyes. "i suppose we can stay for a few days... but if that woman and her dog is not back in two days we ARE leaving without them."

Inuyasha snorted. "somehow i have the feeling he'd leave without her too just to teach her a lesson." he admitted rolling his eyes as he smiled at her. "i'm half worried he's going to try to follow us into the future." he admitted. "he's going to be super pissed if he tries, and fails." Sesshomaru, did not like to be kept from anything. "i'm going to stay here and eat Cookies of course! you know i can't read your goofy language." he complained simply. actually Inuyasha couldn't read at all, but that didn't matter much... not really... well, at least not for his time period.
Reiko laughed softly amused at his answer as she kissed him back. Amused that he didn’t know how to be aything but rude and insulting, even if he was trying to be nice for her. Sighing as she nuzzled his skin,”That’s all I ask.”She muttered nibbling at the mating mark, wonderingjust how sensitive is.Knowing that if she distracted him completely from what inuyasha was doing, maybe she’d get some peace and quiet, and go back to her nap.

Kagome snickered at that, before wincing.”Oh gods. He’ll be pissed if he does.”She said wincing at the idea of him not being able to ross over.Nodding a little looking amused, “okay okay, I’ll be back.”She said heading upstairs. Returning at almost lunch time, smirking slightly at the sight of inuyasha finishing the last of the cookies, “Did you leave any for me?”She said pouting a little as she sat down at the table next to him.
Sesshomaru chuckled a little and shook his head as he shuddered at the nibbling. "quit it... or i'll jump you like an animal." he ordered sleepily. by the time they got up wild animals had eaten all of the food that Sango had left for them, and Kaede was working on Lunch. Sesshomaru had all but forgotten what Inuyasha and Kagome was doing until he caught there lingering scent and he let his curiosity rise. "wait here." he ordered gently kissing Reiko. "protect Rin, i desire to... see this... future." he admitted simply as he headed into the woods.

Inuyasha snickered as he watched Sato(Kagome's brother... do i have that right?) playing a video game on the TV as he picked up the last cookie, his eyes riveted on the screen, Inuyasha blinking at Kagome when she spoke. "huh?...oh..." he grimaced a little and offered her the last cookie. "sorry i... i forgot you hadn't grabbed any..." Kagome's mother chuckled a little as she came out with a fresh batch of cookies. "here Kagome i made sure he didn't eat them all." she promised smiling at her. "are you ready for lunch? we have Dumpling Soup." she admitted beaming at them as Inuyasha practically vibrated with glee before gasping as he stared at the new figure, Kagome's mother (the world is her name?) shrieking in horror as she dropped the plate of cookies as she stared at the tall, sulking figure of Sesshomaru. "..."
REiko looked amused, tilting her head as she wathed her mate go, shaking her head a little because she knew just knew, this was just a bad idea.

“Thanks.”Kagome said smiling as she watched sato play the games, amused at inuyasha’s under fascination with the games, before starting at the sound of the plate hitting the floor, moving to get up. Before stopping next to her mother(I dont think it ever says) and staring at the taller silver haired demon, so at a loss to what to think she had no idea what to say.”S-sesshomaru.”She stuttered a little looking amazed.
Sesshomaru stared at everything around him Inuyasha gaping at Sesshomaru who stared at the family. "a f...f..friend of y..yours..." Kagome's mother finally managed to stutter. "i have no freinds." Sesshomaru stated simply. "what is this place?" "...it's Kagome's house." Inuyasha stated, blinking a little. "how the hell did you get here!?" "... i entered the well, and came out here, same as you i am assuming." he admitted simply, Inuyasha sputtering. "YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT!" he yelled, Sato blinking a little, watching everyone before resuming his game, the sounds blaring in the sudden silence of the house and Sesshomaru reacted before anyone could stop him, whipping out his Poison whip, slicing the Television into several pieces, Sato screaming in horror as the Television fell apart. "MOOOM!" "what a strange looking Demon." Sesshomaru muttered poking at the television with his foot, Inuyasha's eye twitching. he liked the TV. "Sesshomaru damn it go back!" "no, i wish to explore this strange land, i might find something useful."
Kagome looked startled before yelping as the tv ell apart, laughing softly at the demon’s reaction to it. Beore frowning a little, “I found out why Naraku wants reiko.”She said looking at the demon,hoping that i she reminded him that his mate was in danger, maybe he’d go back t protect her, because she had no idea what to think about having sesshomaru here.”She’s a guardian of the underworld, the only one left.”She said swallowng hard,”The book says she died protecting it, that her death gave naraku one of the final weapons he needed to bring around the end of the battle against you.”she said because she’d inally gotten curious about what the past was like, and the need to make sure seshomaru helped them, had driven her into looking, and as things stood, well, their fight wasn’t looking good.
Sesshomaru's attention was immediately drawn to Kagome as soon as she spoke, his eyes narrowed as he listened, Inuyasha looking stunned. "the Guardian of the Meido... Sesshomaru that's what the Dragon called her!" Inuyasha stated, astonished as Sesshomaru growled. "she died... and i brought her back to life." he stated pondering that, setting a hand on his sword. "i will take her away, far away..." "Naraku will find her Sesshomaru, no matter where you take her..." he warned, glancing at Kagome. "does your story book..." "history book dear." Kagome's mother corrected. "whatever book, ever say how Naraku won?" "i desire to see this book." Sesshomaru ordered, looming over Kagome. "i want to see the words for myself." "why bother you can't read..." "...i am the Lord of the Western Lands Inuyasha, i can, in fact, read." Sesshomaru stated before looking at Kagome. "the book human, i desire it."
Kagome looked startled before nodding as she past the book to him, letting him read looking slightly amused because he could read. Wondering if he'd be able to figure out modern japanese. Sighing softly she shook her head."No, it doesn't say how he killed her, just that she died trying to beat him."She said looking at sesshomaru sighing sotly as she shrugged."I don't know if we can change it, sesshomaru, without changing the present."
Sesshomaru took the book, looking it over with a small scowl. "the Kanji is strange..." he muttered, looking almost confused. "i wish to return to the past with this." it would take him a while to understand the words written in the book. "i do not care if it changes the future, she is my mate, i will allow no harm to befall her." he growled before vanishing with the book, Inuyasha blinking a little. "...he's obsessive..." Inuyasha muttered, looking stunned. "..he stole your book..." "he broke the TV!" Sato whined, sulking violently as Kagome's mother handed Kagome a large bag full of cookies. "these are for your freinds in the past dear... please don't bring that fellow back here alright?" "back!? he wasn't supposed to be here in the first place!"
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