Half Blood Heart (inuyasha)

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he grinned and nodded before blinking a little. "i don't think she ever tried... why?" he asked sniffing at the air and blinking as he looked over at Sesshomaru and Reiko, the older Sesshomaru looking over at them, nudging Reiko and indicating the couple sitting in the restaurant. he muttered something to the pregnant Reiko to make her laugh before moving over to the restaurant, Inuyasha groaning. "if they where going to come to the future why did they make us go shopping for them!?" Inuyasha complained, scowling a little.

he sat in his chair, panting hard, almost limp as he blinked slowly at the ceiling. "...that was amazing." he muttered, swallowing thickly. "we are so doing that again." he groaned, leaning down and picking her up, setting her on the table, wanting to repay the favor as he slipped her dress up, and her panties down before dragging his tongue along her with a small grin.
Reiko smiled as she stepped into teh resturant, her silver blond hair tied back from her face, a hand resting on her pregnant stomach as she bent, kissing inuyasha's cheek."You look so confused puppy."She teased straightening, "We're not your reik and sesshomaru... well at least not the ones that sent you shopping."She said snickering. "We lived, till now."She said sadness lighting her eyes, having made sure they'd be here, to warn them because her and sesshomaru had survived, had defeated naraku, but it had cost them everyone else.Maybe warning them now, would keep it from happening.

Reiko giggled moaning softly as he sat her on the table, moaning as she laid back on the table, her hips pressing up against his mouth as she squirmed, tangling her hands in his hair."Sesshy..."She moaned shivering in excitement and pleasure.
Inuyasha scowled a little as he studied her belly. "holy CRAP Reiko! are you supposed to get that big that fast!?" he demanded, stunned. blinking as she explained that they weren't the right Reiko and Sesshomaru. "we're from THIS time Inuyasha." Sesshomaru explained, smiling a little before it faltered. "we... actually weren't sure we'd ever see you again.." Sesshomaru admitted, looking sad. "i finally get a relationship with my little brother and then..." he shook his head as Inuyasha frowned. "...we die... don't we?" he asked softly, Sesshomaru smiling a little. "...you haven't yet... and the future isn't set in stone. there are ways around what happens..." he admitted smiling at the others. "there are things that you can do... to change the fates."

he growled eagerly at the sounds of her moans, feeling her squirm as he licked, and stroked, and teased with his tongue, giving her clit firm suckles before delving his tongue in deep, smirking a little. "yes, my love? is something the matter?" he stopped paying attention to her, simply stopping all motions, waiting for her response, or order.
"No.This time it's triplets."Reiko said snickering as she rubbed her pregnant stomach, leannig into sesshomaru. "We've been searching this time, because we knew you both visited."She said looking sad before looking at kagome."What happens?" "We all fight, and you all die.Me and sesshomaru are in a coma for a hundred years, after killing naraku it took our bodies hat long to recover."She said shaking her head a little."WE can't tell yu more, because it might make it worse, but we might be able to change this."

Reiko whimpered when he stopped, her hands tightening in his hair, growling softly."No.Please keep doing that."She whimpered squirming trying to push his head back down, so close. So very close.
"THIS TIME!?" Inuyasha demanded, so shocked that Sesshomaru started to laugh. this Sesshomaru clearly did not have any of the emotional problems that the other Sesshomaru did. "we fought to save you... but it was a trap." he admitted looking sad. "you must trust Rin." he ordered suddenly. "she is going to start behaving strangely... you MUST trust her." he ordered firmly biting his lip. "and Sango as well... she has spiritual powers dormant inside of her... as a descendant of Midiroku she MUST be trained... and you as well Kagome." he stated staring at her. "you where unprepared last time, Naraku's powers overwhelmed your own, but there is a person you can go to... a person who can train you, and Sango and Rin." "...did Rin die?" Inuyasha asked softly, worried. "and Shippou...Kohaku!?" "...all of them." Sesshomaru admitted softly, closing his eyes. "they died last though... they gave the last of their life to finish Naraku."

Sesshomaru growled, letting her push his head down, continuing to lick her, stroke her, suck her, growling happily as she came, lapping at the juices that seeped out of her with a small chuckle. "and how do you feel now lover? better?"
Reiko nodded slightly."Trust rin.She will be able to draw death closer."She bit her lip, thinking about it.Nodding towards sesshomaru a little."You must tell them that they have to train together. I am a guardian of the medio, the gateway to the underworld. Sesshomaru can open the door with tetsiuga, but we realized to late that I was the only one who could bar the door to keep naraku from coming back.By the time I was skilled enough to use my power, we'd lost everyone."Reiko said sadly.

Reiko whimpered softly as she shuddered, closing her eyes as she panted, laying on the table, tilting her head a little to look at him, tugging his hair a little."All better."She purred softly.
Sesshomaru smiled a little and then turned to Kagome. "you must find Kikyou." he stated simply. "she is the only one able to teach you... and her hatred of Naraku overrides her hatred of you and Inuyasha... once she finds out that it was Naraku who attacked her, and took the Shikon Jewel, not Inuyasha... she will calm..." "...i've tried to tell her that! she always tries to kill me and calls me a liar!" Inuyasha complained, scowling a little as Sesshomaru smiled. "...i know... but you must try..."

Sesshomaru chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i'm glad. because you taste wonderful." he admitted chuckling as he leaned over her carefully, kissing her before helping her to her feet. "come on, lets go check on those children." he murmured softly. "Rin has been acting strangely for the last few days, i think she might be catching an illness."
Kagome frowned shakng her head."But she wont belive us. No matter what we do." "Take rin with you. She is a miridoku, she will be able to see that. Kikyou will understand what needs to be done."She said looking up at sesshomaru, tugging his hair a little."We should be going. They're here shopping for us. And we will need that furniture soon."she said snickering a little.

Reiko sighe softly, leaning ino him for a moment before nodding."She has. And I don't understand why."She said smiling a litle worriedly as she headed upstairs to check on the girl, worried about the girl she'd adopted as her own.
Inuyasha twitched, startled. "she's a what now? i don't know what that is!" he complained, scowling, Sesshomaru chuckling. "i forgot how temperamental you where..." he admitted smiling at Inuyasha. "and we are going to need that furniture soon, i beleive Reiko goes into labor just after you get back." he glanced at Inuyasha and smirked at him. "and before you ask, no you didn't have the courage you little pansy." Inuyasha bristled, a snarl falling from his mouth. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" several people in the restaurant jumped, gasping in horror, eyes wide, Inuyasha blushing hard as he settled himself back into his seat, Sesshomaru barley restraining his laughter.

Rin was playing with Shippou and Kirrarra, and she smiled at them as they walked into the room. "My Lord!" she chirped leaping to her feet and skipping over to Reiko, setting her hands on her mothers belly. "their really cute Mommy." Rin stated beaming at her mother. "can i help you feed them, and change their diapers and things?" she asked hopefully. "i wanna be the bestest big sister EVER!" she admitted happily. "what do you mean 'they're' cute?" Sesshomaru asked, shocked, rin blinking. "...well they are..." "Rin, they...." a small smile curled his lip. more than one baby, he wanted to go piss on every tree in the forest he was so excited. "are in Reiko's belly, you can't see them..." "sure i can!" Rin chirped smiling happily as she kissed Reiko's belly, and then Reiko before running off to play with Shippou, Sesshoamru lifting an eyebrow at Reiko. "...They, lover? did you have something you needed to tell me?"
"She's the reincarnation of the priestess who created the jewel."Reiko said smiling a little sadly at te tempermental outburst. Looking up at her mate she smiled,"Well, you were trying to help him be less tempermenal."she sid amused. "Courage to do what?"Kagome said looking confused as she looked at the two. Reiko snickered at inuyasha's outburst, reaching out and tweaking his ear as she leaned down to kiss his cheek, "Trust yourself.Don't make a mistake because it deals with your demon side instead of being human."she said sraightening, tugging on sesshomaru's shirt sleeve."Come on. Let's go.I'm starving."

Reiko laughed softly looking startled as she looked down at the girl pressing hands against her stomach, looking startled."Oh yea, you can help."She said smiling softly s she ran her fingers through rin's hair looking amuse as she looked over at sesshomaru s rin left, looking amused as she looked up at her mate."Oh...well..."She said blushing slightly."I had suspected twins, but I hadn't known for sure."She said smiling as she rubbed a hand over her stomach.
Inuyasha scowled a little as Sesshomaru chuckled a little, shaking his head as Inuyasha went bright red as he was kissed on the cheek. "i... i would... you... but!!!" he complained as Sesshomaru grinned, kissing Reiko's knuckles as he led her away, Inuyasha groaning as his head hit the table. "i like the OLD Sesshomaru and Reiko... they don't make my head hurt..." he complained, sighing a little as he blinked at Kagome before smiling at her. "...Reiko said i don't have the courage..." he scowled. "i think she's manipulating me because now all i want to do is prove her wrong." he grumbled, smiling at her. "maybe i'll have the courage this time." he mused happily.

she giggled happily as she rubbed Reiko's belly. "i'm gonna have a little sister, and a little brother." she chirped happily as she skipped off, Sesshomaru lifting an eyebrow at his lover. "i can't tell myself." he admitted. "there's just a big blob of life in your belly, that's all i know." he admitted with a small chuckle, shaking his head as he kissed her gently. "Rin must have some powers... she shouldn't know that... not if she was purely human..."
Kagome laughed looking amused as she smiled at him, kissing his cheek."No, they still make your head hurt, but that's because they're trying to beat it in."She said snickering before nodding eating her food."And then we'll change everything."She said pleased and anxious, knowing they had to change what was coming.

Reiko smiled kissing him back before nodding."She must.We will ask kagome when they return.She is a priestess in training, she will know what we need to do with rin's training."She said wincing a little as her stomach cramped a little but relaxing after a moment, resting her head on his shoulder.
he snorted a little and shook his head. "it's nice to see Sesshomaru so open though..." he admitted with a small smile. "we will change everything." he agreed holding her hand out to her. "come on... lets go get the baby things." he ordered smiling a little. "we don't want to be late after all." he admitted chuckling a little.

Sesshomaru nodded, frowning a little. "Kagome barley has a handle on her powers... perhaps Kaede?" he mused before shaking his head. "no, the old woman is wise but she lacks any powers." he muttered smiling as he stroked her hair. "you know... i almost wish you had cute puppy ears... like Inuyasha does.." he muttered with a grin. "can you imagine how adorable our pups would be with cute little tails and puppy ears?" he asked with a small grin. "they could help us rule the world, with their adorableness no one would stand in our way." he admitted with a small chuckle.
Kagome nodded."It is."She said thoughtfully as she took her hand, walking out of the resturant and down the street with him. Stepping into the baby shop he smiled a little as she started choosing things."No, being late and leaving sesshomaru with a newborn and no place to put them, would be bad."

Reiko sighed softly."No.There has to be someone."She said sounding frustrated that she wouldn't be able to help her adopted daughter.Giggling a little as she poked him in the side."They could end up with puppy ears. Just because my mother was the demon, doesn't mean my father's blood might gift our children with puppy ears."
Inuyasha laughed and nodded. "you might be right on that." he admitted smiling as he suddenly wrapped his arms around her from behind, clipping something around her neck, kissing her temple. "this was my mothers." he muttered softly. it was a necklace, with a bright pendant with a pearl in the middle of a shining heart. "she told me.. that i was supposed to give it to the woman i wanted to marry..." he admitted, sounding almost afraid, and sheepish. "i... i want you to have it...."

he shook his head a little. "Kagome may know a way." he agreed. "if not... well Kagome can teach her control at the very least..." he smiled a little and shook his head. "of course my love... i do hope they have those cute little ears." he admitted smiling a little as he nuzzled her neck.
Kagome smiled a little before blushing as she tured to look up at him, blushing hard as she studied him, before wrapping er arms around him, kissing him hard as she nodded."I would like that.I would love to marry you."She smiled happily.

Reiko smiled nodding a little,"We'll do something."She said poking her lover in the side, wrapping a arm around his waist."Are you telling me I'm not cute because I don't have dog ears?"She said pinching his side teasing him to distract her and him from how achy she was still feeling.
Inuyasha smiled as he watched her, kissing her happily. "i love you." he whispered happily as he smiled at her. "we'll have Kaede marry us." he murmured happily before blinking. "...did Reiko say how many Cribs we where going to need?"

he chuckled a little and smiled at her. "your too smoking hot to be cute." he teased smiling at her. "your beautiful and gorgeous." he admitted simply grimacing a little as he was pinched, glaring at her. "don't make me put you back on that table!" he warned, grinning at her.
Kagome laughed nodding."We will."She said before looking startled, having not considered it, shaking her head."No.We should get two just in case.Present reiko seemed to think multiples are normal, so we should be prepared."She said as she paid for the blankets and things they were getting.

Reiko smirked a him, leaning into his chest as she rubbed her fingers over the pinch area, kssing im gently."Awww but you like teasing me."She smiled nuzzling his neck,wrapping her arms around him.
he blinked at her and then nodded, smiling as he kissed her forehead. "your so smart." he admitted grinning a little as he helped her load everything up, and let her wheel the baby carriage with stuff in it, while he carried the dozens of shopping bags back to the well.

he smirked a little as he shook his head. "i would NEVER tease you." he lied playfully, smiling as he kissed her gently. "Inuyasha was going to propose to Kagome." he admitted simply. "you understand human things... what is propose?" he asked, blinking at her. "and should i be doing it to you?" Demons didn't typically get married, they mated, some had a love ceremony, but most didn't bother. for most demons, mating was simply about breeding, but Sesshomaru, once he knew what proposing was, was going to enjoy the idea of being tied to Reiko in such a manner.
Reiko laughed at his teasing shaking her head a little before looking thoughtful, leaning into him as she thought."He's going to get married, its like a mating.Tied forever, a ritual to bind the two together."She said leaning into him, not sounding...interested really, having long come to terms with the fact that she wouldn't be getting married, despite being mated.
he blinked a little. "Marriage?" he asked frowning a little before shaking his head. "never mind, it's just some pointless human thing no doubt." he would ask Inuyasha, Inuyasha would know all about it. speaking of which, they where nearing the Meido. he opened the portal to them and let them in, smiling a little. "Inuyasha and Kagome are back." he admitted. sounding relieved. "we can ask Kagome about Rin." he decided kissing her forehead gently and taking her hand, leading her downstairs, looking shocked at all of the strange bags and... THINGS that Inuyasha and Kagome where bringing into his home. "what.... what in the HELL is all this!?" Sesshomaru demanded, wrinkling his nose at the stench of the modern day. "i asked you to bring back baby things, not garbage that stinks up my home!"
Kagome laughed softly as she sat the bags down, looking at sesshomaru."They are baby things. Your nose is just picking up the scents of the modern world."She said remembering inuyasha's intial reaction to the smells of tokyo. "It'll be fine."Reiko muttered gently running her fingers through his hair even as she wrinkled her nose, rubbing her stomach as a slight twinge came to her again.
Sesshomaru huffed a little as he examined everything before pausing as he realized that they where baby things. cute baby clothes and high chairs, the cribs and the baby food and baby spoons, cloth diapers and everything else that they would need to raise and care for babies. "thank you for doing the shopping." Sesshomaru stated with a smile to the two. "but... i am worried about Rin..." he admitted frowning a little before blinking at Reiko. "love?... are you alright? does your belly hurt again?"
Kagome smiled slightly."It's okay.We had the most interesting visit while there."She said frowning little, ebfore looking mused, wondering if she should tell them."It does.Like...I don't know what its like."Reiko muttered loking up at him worriedly as her stomach cramped again.Not realizing what she was feeling was contractions
he frowned a little at her, his head tilted as he set a hand on her belly. "do you want me to get Kaede?" he asked, worried as he glanced at Inuyasha who nodded and vanished, racing over to Kaede, who was with the children. she came back with Inuyasha and took one look at Reiko and shook her head. "Kagome, i need towels, hot water, and for the men to take Reiko upstairs and into bed. Inuyasha, you must take Sesshomaru far away once you get her up there, he's going to react very badly to the following events..." "what? what what's going on!?" "Reiko is going into Labor."
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