Death within Love

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"I am.Hey its not my fault. They asked how your doing, I just enjoy talking about you."He muttered blushing ever so softly at her teasing, smiling up at her as he absently stroked her stomach to, pressing a kiss there, "Jade. I like jade."He muttered smiling, wrinkling his nose a little."Liam's nice to."He muttered looking up at her."Don't worry. You'll find hte perfect name."He said leaning up to kiss her softly, not wanting to makeit worse, because she'd asked to be able to choose, she he was letting her."Don't stress..Its not good for you."

Haymitch smiled grinning down at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead."A picnic would be nice."He said wondering if she'd remember about the picnic ater he proposed. Swallowing hard to brace himself for the nerves, he wished he'd thought to drink something to fuzz up his nerves, before leaning back to look up at her, slipping her hand into his,squeezing her hand gently."Norah you know I could never live without you.You and willa are my world.Nothing could ever change how much I want, need you in my life.And while it's not dramatic and amazing like jace's proposal was, I wanted to know..."Hesmiled as he knelt, looking up at her as he held up the glittering diamond ring."Will you marry me?"

"I know, but it still looked uncomforatble.And you hogged not only the bed, but the covers again."She said pouting a little, sighing softly as he rubbed her back, just enjoying the touch.Smiling as she nuzzled him a little before looking up at him."That would be nice. We haven't really gone out to dinner alot."She said blushing, because everyone knew who they were, despite their requests for privacy, sometimes they had that one pushy reporter who just refused to take no for answer. Smiling as she nodded,"And haymitch's is proposing tonight, so no visiting them.But i would go out to dinner with you,even if the others were free.I want a night with you."she muttered blushing as she realized she was rambling.
Scarlet pouted. "Are you sure you like them? I want you to like them too, you know. After all, they are both our children," she murmured, smiling down at him as he kissed her stomach. It was so sweet that he seemed to be just as happy with her now as he was when she wasn't pregnant. She feared when her stomach grew huge and she couldn't leave the bed that he would grow bored with her. "I know I shouldn't stress out, but I am. I'm scared we down't have everything we need, and we aren't getting one baby, but two." She bit her lip nervously.

Norah's eyes immediately went wide. She watched him get down on his knee, and her eyes started to go glassy right as her lips turned into a huge grin. Her hands were shaking and she was at a loss for words for a moment. He had caught her by surprise, and she was thrilled. His words touched her, and before she knew what she was going, she was leaning down and throwing her arms around his neck. "Of course, I will," she gasped, tears rolling down her cheek and she hugged him close. "I love you too. So much."

Peeta grinned and kissed her head. "Perfect," he murmured, "It's a date." With that, he stood up and ran a hand through his hair before sliding into the bathroom to kick the shower on. He slipped off his clothes and slid under the heated water, not bothering to close the door.
Jace grinned a little, shrugging."I do like them.they're cute and adorable.Sorta like you."he tesed smiling slightly as he sat up, gently tuckking her hair behind her ears, looking a littl worried for her, disliking that he couldn't mae things better."Red,we're well prepared. And if we're not, haymitch and norah, and peeta and sienna are here to help. I promise, we're ready for this."He said smiling.

Norah blushed slightly looking nervous when she didn't say something before grinning,getting to his feet wrapping his arms around her tightly."I love you to, more than anything else."He muttered twirling her around a little before setting herdown again."Happy?"He teased.

Sienna smiled a little sitting up on her elbows to watch him in the shower, blushing ever so softly as she studied her well fit, beautful lover.Swallowing hard as she got up, getting her own clothes as she wited for him to finish his shower. After he ws done she smiled walking into the room as he stepped out of the shwer, kissing him softly."Get ready.I'll be done in a second."She mutterd blushing as she looked him over again before getting her own shower. When she was done she tugged the soft blue dress into place, looking fun cute and flirty.Trying for the perfet dress to make peeta remember that she was actually a woman, and not a girl to be coddled.She wanted him, in every way, they were together,but blushing as she thought about it, she missed sex.
Scarlet sighed and nodded. "I know, I know," she murmured, "You're right." She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his torso, wanting him to hold her. She didn't know if it was the hormones or the fact she was a nervous wreck, but she just wanted him to comfort her. "How is it possible to be so excited and so scared at the same time?" she whispered, looking up and biting her lip. "What if I'm not a good mother?" There was fear in her eyes, for she knew she had a bitchy past. She knew what people thought of her... What if they were right?

Norah giggled, shaking her head and leaning up to kiss him passionately. "So happy!" she murmured, tears in her eyes. "I love you so much, Haymitch... So much." Her hand went up to stroke his cheek, knowing how much he did for her. "I promise I'll always make you happy..."

Peeta grinned at her, wearing a pair of tan dress pants and a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He leaned against the door way and watched her fiddle with the dress, taking in her now healthy body. She looked so good, so beautiful. Nothing made him more happy than to see her looking healthy again. "I like the dress," he murmured softly, crossing the room and putting his hands on her hips. Leaning down, he kissed her lips softly.
Jace grinned a little squirming up to wrap his body around her, pressing a kiss to her head as he held her gently.Looking amused as he pressed a kiss to her head, closing his eyes as he held her ever so softly."The same way that diving is exciting, but drowning can scare someone to death."He sighed softly, closing his eyes as he tried to find the words to comfort her."Scarlet, you're going to be wonderful. Not only are you good with Willa, you baby sienna and peeta to the point they've not been here in a few days."He teased a little, hugging her tighter."And you have to be good. Because I'm going to be a terrible influence."

Hymitch smiled kissing her back, nuzzling her little,gently kissing her tears away as he leaned into her hand, sighing softly.So content and happy with her."You always make me happy, even when you're not trying."he teased,nudging her a little."Come on, we better head back up to the house. if willa wakes up and I'm not there, she'll be screaming bloody murder."He said snickering a little because he'd gotten used to willa demanding his presence whenever he was home

(Except in blue.)

Sienna smiled finishing her makeup before leaning back against his chest, sighing softly as she kissed him lightly back, careful not to smear red lipstick on his mouth laughing softly as she leane her hed back, amused despite her caution he still had a soft blush of lipstick on."Thanks.You look good to."She smiled turnning in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly before stepping back, not wanting to get distracted yet, since he'd asked her to dinner, she did want to go."Come on, we better be get going."
Scarlet rolled her eyes and snuggled into his arms. "Oh, whatever," she murmured, "You are going to be a great father, if not a complete nervous wreck." She leaned up to kiss him and was about to continue arguing about how she didn't believe she was going to be that great of a mother, but a sharp pain in her lower stomach cut her off. She doubled over and let out a yelp, he hands clutching her stomach. "Oh, ow... Ow, that hurts," she whimpered a little, panting through the pain.

Norah grinned and nodded. "Willa is going to be so excited," she murmured happily, looking down at the beautiful ring. Her fingers interlaced with his as they walked back to the house, moving inside and toward Willa's room. No one could slap the smile off her face... Looking inside, she noticed the toddler was still fast asleep, and she smiled. "I have to ask... What would you think about officially adopting her? Giving her your last name and everything?" She looked up at him and bit her lip.

Peeta smiled and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "We should. I'm starving," he murmured, then grabbed her hand and led her outside. He took her down the shore toward the city, walking with her hand in hand. After a little while of walking, the ocean breeze blowing through their hair, they made it to a nice little restaurant that had a beautiful view and candle light. "I have a surprise for you after dinner," he murmured, grinning at her from across the table.
"Me?A nervous wreck?I don't think so."he said before yelping nearly as loudly as she did looking down at him, looking startled at that. Looking panicked as he sprang to his feet, looking down at her,trying to figure out what was wrong before he mentally smacked himself."Okay, okay, it to go.I'll get you down to the car.Then we'll go."He said his voice that happy rambling,nervous words more to comfort himself then her as he picked her up and carried her downstairs. After settling her into the passenger's seat, he ran around the car to climb into the docto's office, holding her hand as he drove.

Haymitch smiled looking amused,"She is."he said happy because it pleased him greatly to consider that he had a daughter, a girl so happy to have him in her life that she begged for him to be the one reading stories, be her pillow while she slept. Smiling slightly as he looked down at willa, before looking startled, having not thought she'd ask him, smiling almost shyly as he leaned down to kis her gently, before straightening."I would be honored to."He muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Sienna smiled as they walked, her hair gently blowing in her hair, glad for the breeze. Smiling as they sat down on the outdoor dining area, enjoying the warm weather and the sunset. Looking over at him startled she tilted her head, the candlelight and setting sun making her hair shine like beaten gold, her blue eyes wide and so happy."A surprise?I get a surprise?"She said looking startled and pleased at the idea. Before the games, her life hadn't held pleasant surprises, or anyone who would think to give her a surprise just because it would please her."What kind of surprise?"
By the time Scarlet was in the car, she was in quite a bit of pain. Biting her lip, she held his hand and looked over at him with a mixture of fear and excitement. And then, to add to her nervousness, her back arched off the seat with pain right as her water broke, sealing their fate. The babies were coming whether they were ready or not. "Jace! Please... drive faster," she pleaded, squeezing his hand.

Norah bit her lip, tears in her eyes as she smiled up at him. She threw her arms around him and held him close. "I never thought I'd ever be this happy," she admitted, then pulled back to look at him. Her hand went up to stroke his cheek. "I love you... As a husband and a father... She's going to be thrilled." Right then, Willa started to stir at the sound of her parent's voices.

Peeta grinned at her reaction, happy to see such a genuine smile on her face. "Yes, you get a surprise," he murmured, reaching over to grab her hand. The waiter came by and dropped off two glasses of white wine, then left them to continue talking. There was no need to rush, considering they hardly got out. "It wouldn't a surprise if I told you," he murmured, chuckling a little. He blushed a little, hoping she wasn't getting so excited that she would be disappointed.
Jace winced as she squeezed his hand, swallowing hard as he drove as fast as he dared over the sandy road, even if it was blacktop, the sand could make it slick, and the last thing he needed was both of them to get in a car wreck on the way."I'm driving.It'll be okay.I promise."He said driving,wincing as he stopped in front of the hospital, carrying her gently inside and settling her onto the bed the nurse brought them as they walk/ran to the delivery room."See?We have doctors now, they'll take care of you."he said sounding anxious as they wheeled her into the room, focusing on keeping her calm as the doctors and nurses ran out and started getting ready.

Haymitch siled pressing a kiss to her head, yelping a little as she hugged him, laughing softly as he wrapped He muttered before sighing softly, nodding."She's going to be happy."he said whispering softly, trying to not wake willa up as he drew norah out of the room.

sienna pouted sipping her wine as she leaned back into her seat, really not in a hurry, just content to be in his company, and be out of the house, and not being hunted down by a reporter or anything. It was nice."Well then, I'll just have to make up a surprise for you to.Since you got me something."She said pleased with this, because she liked getting him things, and she was excited about her surprise.Raising a eyebrow a little as she looked at him, interested in his eaction by blushing. It was interesting to see.
Scarlet looked up at him from the hospital bed, breathing deeply in order to keep herself calm. The doctors immediately got her into a hospital gown and started to prep her, and she tried to hide her nervousness in the situation. "Okay, okay," she murmured, "Just stay. Please don't leave." Her hand stayed in his as contraction after contraction took her over. Apparently she had been in labor for a while before she had come to the hospital, but she was too stubborn to admit it.

An hour later, Scarlet let out a tired, yet relieved sigh as she slumped against the pillows of the bed. The second baby was out, but the doctors were rushing around like crazy. However, she was much too hazy with exhaustion and pain meds that she barely noticed. The nurse finally has to come up to Jace, her expression worried. "The boy is fine and being cleaned up, but the girl is having some issues breathing," she murmured, softly. Scarlet snapped out of her foggy state and looked up at Jace with fear in her eyes. "What? Is she going to be okay?"

Peeta smirked at her pout and shook his head. "I don't need anything; just you," he murmured, then looked down at the menu. "Now order something to eat and drink your wine." His tone was playful as his eyes peeked over the menu at her. He grinned and ordered himself a plate of pasta, then looked out the window to see the sunset over the ocean. "Isn't it crazy how far we've come?" he murmured, watching as the water poured out on to the sand with each rolling wave. "I'm happy for the first time in... Well, ever. For the first time, fear isn't in the back of my brain."
Jace looked amused before nodding."I'm not going anywhere,stubborn girl."he teased a little shifting to sit on the bed, gently stroking her hair as he tried to help as much as he could.Looking at the nurse at her words, he looked up at the woman with panic showing in his eyes even as he struggled to not to, "She'll be fine.She will be."He muttered pressing a kiss to scarlet's head before standing turning to look at the nurse worriedly."What's wrong?What can I do?"He muttered trying to figure out what he could do to help his daughter.Because it was going to drive him insane to not be able to help her.gently rubbing scalet's hand, trying to keep her calm as he tried to make sure their daughter was okay.

Sienna whined softly as he smirked at her, wrinkling her nose when she was ordered to eat. "It's not kind to laugh at me."She whined playfully before smiling as she ordered her own plate of ravoli and garlic bread, looking out at the ocean to. "It is."She said smiling as she watched the water crash in."There's nothing to be afraid of now.Nothing to worry about, and we're good, happy and easy, in love again.It's perfect."She smiled reaching across the table to take his hand, shifting her chair around the table so she could sit next to him, pressing a kiss to his knuckles, resting her head on his shoulder as they watched the sunset."We're happy."She smiled, even if her curiousity at his surprise was making her jumpy.
Scarlet's eyes started to well up with tears, and she attempted to sit up in the bed despite the pain. "Jace," she whispered, saying his name as if it were the only thing that would keep her together. No, not again. Please, not again. She could not lose another baby. They could not lose another baby... The nurse shook her head. "There is nothing you can do, Mr. Masons. Her lungs are slightly underdeveloped. We are putting her on a machine right now... All we can do is wait and see if she will make progress and stay strong."

Scarlet was heartbroken, raising her hand up to her mouth as she let out a little sob. Another nurse came over with a bundle of pale blue blankets, settling the small baby boy in her arms. When he opened his eyes, she bit her lip and stared down at him. Never, ever had she felt so torn... So in love with her son after meeting him one second ago, and so heart broken to know that her little girl was fighting for her life. She hugged the newborn close to her and looked across the room at her daughter being hooked up to a breathing machine.

Peeta grinned and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closet. "It is perfect," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her head. "And I hope you like what I've arranged... I really hope you do, because if you don't, I don't have a back up plan." He chuckled a little and looked down at her in time for the food to be delivered.
Jace swallowed hard as he looked across the room at their daughter, swallowing complusively as he tried to hold down the tears. Nodding slightly to the nurse he sighed softly sitting down on the edge of the bed as she looked down at their son, gently pressing a kiss to scarlet's hair, gently ouching the babe's hair."I'll be right back..."He muttered looking at her worriedly as he stood and crossed the room, reaching down to touch the baby girl's hand, watching the newborn before moving back to scarlet's side, sitting down next to her."She's so beautiful, red.And she'll be okay."He uttered wrapping his arms around her watching their son, needing to focus to not break down, needing to be strong for her.

"I don' need you to do anything ot make me happy with you.I'm always happy with you."She muttered chuckling a little, trying to reassure him that she was going to like his surprise, starting to eat. When they were done she smiled as she stretched, standing as she looked at the almost set sun, the last rays of sunlight shining off the ocean."Want to go for a walk first?"She asked,even if she was anxious and excited to get her surprise, she wanted the nice evening to last even longer, because it was such a rarity they had a evening out not ruined by fans or reporters, she wanted it to last.Turning to look at him as he stood, she wrapped her arms aorund him,"OKay okay. can you tell me now?"She asked, wanting to know what it was.
Scarlet sniffed and looked up at him, trusting him. If he said their daughter would be okay, then that was what she would believe... Tears rolled down her cheeks, just wanting to hold both of her children. Leaning into him, she rested her head on his shoulder and stroked their baby boy's cheek. He was so beautiful, so handsome... When he opened his eyes, she smiled. He had Jace's eyes and nose, and a shock of black hair just like his mother's. "Liam...," she whispered, "What do you think? I wasn't sure about the name at first, but after seeing him... He looks like a Liam."

Peeta grinned and shook his head, placed money on the table before leading her back outside. "No, we can take a talk after. I promise," he murmured, "But you will want to go see my surprise while it's still light outside." With that, he grabbed her hand and led her down the pavement of the small down, passing the other restaurants, clothing stores, grocery stores... After a short walk, they were in front of a small building with a glass window that looked like it was supposed to be a window display, but was empty. It needed some work, and some paint, but when he led her inside, it was obvious what it was.

He nodded toward the wall of ovens, the counter top, and the cabinets filled with baking supplies. "Well, here it is... I spent about 75% of the money I earned in 13, but I thought... Well, you know, I thought it could turn some profit. A bakery, I mean... It's in my blood," he murmured, looking over at her a little nervously. "The best part is, there is a loft upstairs. It's nicer than the place we are staying in right now too."
"He does. A pretty pretty boy. Like his mama."He muttered pressing a kiss to her head,gently stroking her hair as he watched liam watch them, feeling slightly odd seeing their features in a child's face. It was...odd and so awesome all at once."Liam, it's perfect."He muttered pressing a kiss to her head,gently taking the babe, cuddling the child,looking at scarlet."Get some sleep, sweetheart. You need it. I'll watch these two."he muttered looking so pleased at having their twins finally there.

"okay."She said smiling thoughtully and interested as she followed after him, looking confused when they stopped in front of the shop, eyes widening even before he'd said why they were there. Seeing what it was. "Oh.Oh peeta."She said sounding so...happy and surprised at it. Twisting around in a circle to look at everything she looked at him amused, because is nervousness was endearing. Looking so happy for him, this was what he needed. And even if she couldn't cook,she'd help him. pulling away from him she ran through the place, exploring everything, her happy giggles coming from upstairs as she looked around their loft before running back downstairs, barely giving him a warning as she jumped into his arms in a staggering hug, kissing him hard."It's perfect.I'm so happy for you."She muttered so happy he'd found something he wanted.
Scarlet looked up at her husband, her heart swelling with both love and fear. Here she was with Jace, a man she was completely and utterly in love with, a baby in her arms that had his eyes, and another baby that was fighting for her life. She frowned and looked over at her daughter. "Okay," she whispered, knowing he was right about her needed some rest. She'd be more useful to her children if she had some sleep. "Just... Call Norah and Haymitch. They will want to come up here, I'm sure... And talk to her. Make sure she knows we love her and want her to pull through." She looked nodded to their daughter, her eyes misting with tears. "Jade," she added, then looked down at her son before handing him over to Jace. "Liam and Jade."

Peeta looked thrilled at her reaction, lifting her up on top of one of the counters and kissing her passionately. Pulling back, he put his hands on either side of her face. "Just you and me and the bakery... We'll have a normal life for once," he promised, kissing her again. "Of course, you'll have to help with decorating. It needs a womanly touch, as you can see... And once we get enough money we an buy some nice things for the loft, maybe set up a savings account." He shrugged and hugged her close. "I'm so happy you like it... I'm not sure what I would have done if you didn't." He sighed in relief, content with the idea of the bakery and taking care of her with it, and hopefully a family one day.
Jace nodded, smiling a little."Don't worry.I'll take care of them."he muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead as he took liam from her, holding the babe ever so gently as he stood moving to the phone that was in the hospital room, calling the other two, looking slightly worried when no one picked up at peeta and sienna's, but calling haymitch and norah. Looking relieved when the man promised he'd be there soon.

Haymitch bit his lip as he hung up the phone, pressing a kiss to norah's head as she walked up to listen to theconversation."Scarlet had the twins. And something's wrong with jade.She's...they're not sure if she'll..."he trailed off because he didn't know how to put it into words, "I promised I'd go down and sit with him."he said hating to leave her here with willa since he knew his daughter would be upset he wasn't there for bedtime story, but he couldn't leave jace alone, not when the man had sounded like a strong wind would break him.

Sienna laughed as she was sat up on the counter, kissing him back as she absently gently kicked her feet against the counter glass, looking like such a kid."It'll be so nice and normal.'She said grinning at him, laughing as she kissed him again."Oh, so you don't think you can decorate things yourself?"She teased, amused, because looking around them,even in the low light she already had a idea for what to do. Smiling as she nodded,"We have some things already. So we can start saving money now, and get things for upstairs later."she said not wanting to make him feel like she needed to decorate everything now, not when she was so excited. Snuggling against him she wrapped her legs arund his waist, sighing softly as she realized that her sitting up on the counter was pressing all those intimate parts together, blushing softly as she looked at him, trying not to let the thought show on her face. Not wanting to pressure him."I love it. I do."She muttered pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Scarlet nodded off almost immediately, so worn out from child birth. Norah put a hand over her mouth, looking so sad at the thought of Scarlet and Jace losing one of their children. She swallowed and shook her head. "I'll go with you," she murmured, grabbing her purse of the counter. She knew Scarlet would need her too, and she wanted to see the babies. "Give me a second... I'll go get Willa. She can sleep in my lap at the hospital if she needs to." And with that, she rushed off to go get the toddler, putting a light jacket on her and carrying her to the car. After fastening her in the car seat, she looked over at Haymitch. "How did Jace sound...?" she asked nervously.

Peeta laughed a shook his head. "No. I'm not one for interior design, I'm afraid... But I was hoping we could make it into a nice, traditional bakery. Bread, cookies, cupcakes, pastries, cakes... The whole thing." He grinned and bit his lip at the feeling of her pressing against his groin. Leaning down, he kissed her neck and lifted her off the counter in order to carry her up the stairs. There wasn't a bed, or even a couch. They'd have to move all of that in eventually, but there was a soft rug on the floor...
Haymitch sighed softly looking worried as he drove towards the hospital, glancing over at her."Like he wasn't feeling anything."He said worried because this was jace they were talking about, jace who was all fire and bimstone. Had it been him hiding what he was feeling, it would have been normal.But jace hardly ever hid what he was feeling, and now if he was bad."He didn't sound normal."he said sounding worried as he pulled into the parking lot, picking willa up out of her carseat, holding her close, needing to hold her because he didn't know what they'd be facing when they got inside.

"I think I can come up with something traditonal."She said smiling a little, blushing softly."I don't know how to cook, but I'll help decorate."She said excited, needing to help him with this, even if she had no idea what she was going to do after she finished decorating. Shivering a little as he pressed a kiss to her neck, wrapping her arms around his neck, resting her forehead on his shoulder, tightening her legs around his waist, sighing softly blushing as she realized that maybe they'd be doing something now. "You'll have to teach me to cook."She muttered realizing that despite 8 months back together, and beach house living that meant lots of bathing suits and showers, it'd been a long time since they'd actually gotten naked with the intent of having sex.Emabrassed and stumbling over the idea, because despite getting better, she still had a low self confidence and a shyness about her.
Norah looked so worried for Jace, for over the years, he had become to be more of a younger brother to her. She was very protective over him, especially having to see him go through the games twice... She hated seeing him like this; so sad, yet so emotionless. She shook her head and followed Haymitch into the hospital, seeing Scarlet asleep in the bed and Jace looking absolutely worn down. Her eyes glanced over at the baby hook up to the breathing machine, then over to the baby in his arms. The little girl was definitely smaller than the boy, making Norah bit her lips with sadness.

"Oh, Jace," she murmured, moving over to him and leaning down to hug him close. She kissed his cheek, then look down at Liam. "Everything is going to be fine. This is more common than you think." She hated knowing that they had already lost a baby once, and now they were having to go through this... "They are beautiful, Jace. Such pretty, pretty babies... You should be so proud." She smiled at him, trying to give him encouragement and distract him from the pain. "What are their names?"

Peeta grinned and laid her down on the rug on the floor. The loft was actually quite nice with stone walls and small stair case that separated the living room area from the bedroom. Even if it was small, it was just enough for them, and he had a feeling she was going to make their knew home beautiful. "I don't have to teach you to cook," he argued, "I'll cook for you every day for the rest of your life, if that's what you want." He smirked and settled between her legs, leaning down to kiss her softly.

Jace sighed relieved when he saw them leaning into norah, not even protesting as haymitch took liam as he sat willa down into her own chair, leaving jace able to cuddle the woman hugging him.The fact that he was cuddling at all, anyone except scarlet, was odd. After snow's abuse and whoring of his victors, he'd become adverse to touching unless it was scarlet. So this cuddlling was showing just how bad he was feeling."I am proud."He muttered smiling a little."That's liam,and jade."he said grinning haymitch cuddling the babe as he and willa as they both watched the babe."It is?And they're okay after?"he asked looking up at her for

Sienna blushed a little as he laid her down, turning her head to look around them even as she tightened her legs around his waist, sighing softly at the feel of him against her.blushing again as she looked up at him, amused to know that they were so happy and pleased with the place they weren't even going to wait to get home to a real bed,instead using this very comortable rug in what was going to be home "Anything I want,huh?."She said grinning at him as she kissed him back just as softly, nerves in the touch,running her fingers through his hair as she slowly teasingly started to undo the buttons on his shirt.
Nora sat on the arm of the chair and hugged Jace close, holding him in the way she would hold Willa when she was upset. To Norah, Jace would always be just a kid. Even if she was not much older than him, she was still the boy that she was given the responsibility of keeping alive in the games. "Yes, lots of babies are born with under developed lungs. It doesn't mean she's broken, Jace, it just means she's a little special. She needs love and time... Everything will be okay." She kissed his cheek then moved over to the baby girl hooked up to the machines. Yes, she was small, but she was beautiful. And when she opened her eyes, Norah immediately saw that mischievous look that she must have inherited from Scarlet; a look that would give Jace a run for his money. "See, the opened her eyes... Pretty blue eyes," she murmured.

Willa reached down to gently touch the baby's head, being as careful as one would if they were handling fine china. "Oooh, baby?" she whispered to Haymitch, looking up at him with curiosity.

Peeta looked down at her and stroked her hair out of her face, his other hand pulling the zipper of her dress down inch by inch. "Anything," he promised, leaning down to kiss her neck again. His arousal pressed against her thigh as he helped her get the rest of hi shirt off, leaving him shirtless.
Jace smiled a little, tired and fear in the smile as he moved to stand next to norah, gently reaching down, smiling when jade wrapped her fingers around her papa's finger. "Oh yes.She looks like her mama. So pretty."he muttered yawning, looking at norah, resting his head on her shoulder."You'll stay tonight?"He muttered even if he wasn't that much younger, he was still the kid he'd been in the games, needing norah to help him, and there'd always be a par of him that wanted her to take care of him.To trust her with everything.

Haymitch smiled nodding a little."This is your cousin Liam. Liam, this is willa."He muttered kissing her head, amused at her being so gentle as she touched the babe.It was so adorable, and made him want one of his own.Someday.Maybe.

Sienna smiled a little whining as she nuzzled his hand as he touched her face whining softly as he took his time undoing her dress.Shivering as he kissed her neck she wrapped her fingers in his hair, tugging on the strands, shifting, pressing tighter against him, sighing at the feel of his arousal as she ran her hands over bare skin."I think...I think I want to decorate now."She teased snickering as she squirmed out from under him, in the process getting out of her dress as she scrambled to her feet, waiting to see if he was going to stop her from leaving or not,looking so beautiful and happy in nothing, having been wearing nothing under her dress but skin.
Norah smiled and nodded, wrapping her arm around the man she thought of as a younger brother. "Of course, I will," she promised, then turned and put her hands on either side of her face. "I'll send Haymitch home with Will and I'll stay for the night... But get some sleep, okay? You're tired and emotional, and you need to sleep on all of this. There are plent of nurses around, and I'm not going anywhere... I'm sure Scarlet would like some comfort too." She smiled, then let go of his face and turned to Haymitch and Willa. She grinned at the two of them, loving the sight of Haymitch and Willa bonding over the infant.

"Think you could go a night without me?" Norah asked Haymitch, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "Jace wants me to stay, and I don't care for the idea of Willa spending the night in the hospital." Reaching down, she stroked Willa's hair, grinning at the way she watched Liam.

"Cute," Willa giggled, looking up at her parents. "Take him home?"

Peeta grinned and rolled over, leaning up on his elbows as he watched her dress hit the floor. Before she was able to even take a step away from him, he was jumping to his feet and grabbing her by the waist with his large hands. He squeezed her hips and pushed her against the way, his lips slamming into her's passionately. All that pinned up sexual tension for the past eight months was pouring out of him, and he planned to devour her.
Jace smiled softly, looking up at him with a sigh."Okay. I need to sleep.Yes...youre right..."HE muttered smiling slightly as he crawled into scarlet's bed with her, cuddling in next to her, resting her head on her chest, almost insantly asleep. Because she was right, it was a emotional day, and he was worn out.

Haymitch smiled a little nodding,"We'll be fine. We'll have a nice evening and read a goodnight story,and be fine."Haymitch smiled kissing her lightly, having already packed a bag for her, having assumed jace would ask her to stay."Come on, walk down with us, and I have a change of clothes for you in the car."He said smiling slightly before laughing softly, laying liam down in his crib before looking at willa."Not yet sweetheart. He has to stay here with aunt scarlet and uncle jace for a few days, then he'll be home."He promised picking her up, kissing her forehead."Ready to go home and sleep?"

Sienna moaned shivering as he grabbed her, legs already moving up and wrapping around his waist as he slammed her into the wall, just as sexually frustrated as him, sighing softly as he she shifted her hips, sinking down onto him, hands gripping his shoulders tightly as she shuddered and moaned, biting her lip."..this...this isn't goign to last long...its been to long.."She muttered holding onto him tightly as she buried her face against his neck, knowing she was wound to tight and to eager for this, to be able to drag this out to a all night event. She just wanted him, wanted to be held and touched, to reaffirm the fact that they were young, and in love. to wound up to think of protection, just wanted him. Wrapping her legs around him tighter she whimpered softly, pressing her face against his neck,tears spiking her eyelashes, so desperate for him,for the reassurance that they were okay, and that he still wanted her, it never occurred to her to think of protection.
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