Death within Love

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Sienna looked at the two men, frowning ever so softly as she studied them, swallowing hard."I-I..."She stopped thinking they were upset with her, not that something else had happened. Shaking her head a little she gently touched gale's arm."Go wait outside.I'll be right out."She muttered gently shoving him back a step, because she figured the two men would talk if her shadow wsn't there, hving seen the look peeta gave him. Looking at them before disappearing upstairs to get the child.

"Kara?"Haymitch said raising a eyebrow as he looked between the them, tilting his head a little at the sound of muttering female voices, wondering just how awakrd that conversation ad to be with the current girlfriend and old girlfriend....Looking startled as sienna appeared back in the doorway carrying....was that a baby carrier?Leaning over he looked startled down at the little blond happy girl. Sienna smiled slightly before looking at peeta,"Gabriella saida to tell you she's going to sleep and not to come up on pain of death if you woke her up."She said, a soft teasing in her voice, trying to lighten the mood, not understanding exactly what was wrong, but knowing she wanted to fix it. And she figured, as much as it pained her to think about, his girlfriend's words would cheer him.

JAce frowned following after her looking bemused as he was pused aside so she could take the baby smiling a little as he moved over to look down at liam,"Ah, we all paid off debts some way."He muttered shadows and memories in his voice, pained because he so didn't want to consider just wat he'd had to do to pay of some of the 'debts.'"Okay...wake me up if you need anything...or if peeta shows up.I'm assumign haymitch's telling him, which means he'll be bringing over cake and stuff."He said despite everything, a bemused grin on his face, because even in those grief ridden minutes, he still loved peeta's cake.
Gale didn't go upstairs, but he definitely didn't wait outside. He stood by the door like a patrolman, ready to wreck havoc if Peeta tried to not let Sienna have Kara.... Peeta looked at Sienna with little amusement when she came down the stairs, his eyes narrowing. "This is not the time, Sienna," he snapped, "Look, I'll be over at the hotel with Gabby to pick Kara up in the morning. Until we get everything settled, I want to switch every other day." What he really wanted to say, was that he just did not trust her not to run off at the moment. That was how angry she made him. However, he left it at that.

Peeta looked back over at Haymitch. "I'll explain in detail this evening... I'll bring over some food, and I'm sure once Gabby gets some sleep, she will be more than happy to come over and help Norah with things." He looked at the older man sadly, then moved over to Sienna and knelt in front of the baby carrier. Pulling back the blanket, he smiled at the little girl who cooed back at him. There was no denying that she was his child. She looked too much like him. "Bye bye, Sweetheart," he murmured, his tone much sweeter than before. Leaning forward, he kissed her on the head, then stood up to give Sienna a stern look. "Please don't give me a reason to think you will skip town again," he murmured, then turned away from her.

Annabel frowned, knowing that he knew all too well about paying debts at the Capitol. She got off easy, considering she was a minor up until last year. One thing the Capitol did not do was prostitute children. "I will," she promised, giving him a reassuring smile before turning back to feed Jade. The baby's eyes were already starting to droop, just in time for Liam to start to fuss for his own feeding time. "If you could just switch babies with me..." she murmured, nodding to Liam. The baby's really were adorable. While she saw a lot of what must have been their mother in them, she saw a lot of Jace. "What are their names? I'm sorry... I'm new around here as of last night." She blushed at that and looked up at the older man.
Sienna loked startled, anger flashing through her eyes, even if she kne whe was upset about someting and not her, she still linched, nodding a little."I'm not going anwhere except scarket and jace's.I found some things in 13 that scrlet'd probably like."She said clearly excited about seeing her friend again, making haymitch cringe. Looking at peeta he frowned slightly trying to decide what to do, and looking down at the baby he wanted to know about he swallwed a little."Sienna, scarlet was killed last night in a fire."He said yelping slightly as he reached out and grabbed her arms at to keep her from falling as she went weak in the knees, keeping her standing as he wated her eyes glaze of in shock and something else, something that he couldn't identify but the emotion was so strong it was overcoming her shock.

Jace smiled a little as he laid down, rubbin a hand over his face before grinning at the sound of liam's fussing. It ws rare for the boy to be fussy, but he also knew that if they didn't feed him soon he'd bring the house down around them.Reaching out he gently took jade, pressing a kiss to her head."Well.It was a hell of a night to show up for."He muttered te slight edge of annoyed sarcasm in his voice, sarcastic and amused to protect his own heart.
Seeing Sienna's reaction did Peeta in, and he turned away with his hands on his hips right as tears started forming in his eyes. He put a hand to his face as he shoulder started to shake, and he looked away from the group. It was hard to think that a woman who acted as an older sister to him was dead. How were Jade and Liam going to fair with no mother? Scarlet loved them so much... And then there was Jace, who Peeta knew would take a miracle to get him to ever be happy again.

Gale lunged forward to catch Sienna, pulling him into his arms and bring her to her feet. However, he allowed her to put all of her weight on to him as he rubbed her back. "Hey, hey... Sh...," he murmured. He couldn't think of anything else to say, knowing nothing would make her feel better. He just patted her back and avoided the eyes of everyone else in the room.

Annabel winced at his words, hearing the sarcasm and knowing that she needed to be careful about the things she said around him at the moment. Reaching out, she took Liam and immediately started to feed the hungry baby boy. He sucked down his formula rather quickly, not about to out done by his sister. "Well, you have beautiful children, Mr. Masons," she murmured, looking down into the eyes of the baby she was holding. Jade seemed intent on her Daddy holding her, her hands gripping the collar of his shirt as she cooed sleepily at him.
Haymitch swallowed hard looking at gale. Nodding a little towards the door."You better get her out of here. They don't need to deal with each other right now."He said looking between the two breaking down, knowing that there were things they needed to say to each other but they couldn't say them now."I'll take care of him."He muttered before nudging peeta up the stairs."Come on. Go get in bed with gab and get some sleep. Kara looked wide awake, which meant she was up early this morning.Go get some sleep."He soothed, sighing softly because it looked like he wasn't going to be getting any sleep either.

Sienna cried softly burying her feet against his chest, shivering a little with the effort it took to not totally lose her mind crying. Snifling a little she clung to the man holding her, before stepping back,rubbing her face, avoiding gale's eyes."We better go....I just want to...lay down for awhile..."She muttered avoiding looking at any of them, not wanting to see the blame in their faces, or to see jace yet. Not when she couldn't stand to face peeta's hatred for her, she would totally have a breakdown if jace hated her for not being here to stop this.

Jace sighed softly, "I'm sorry...I'm not...usually mean."He muttered hating himself a little for the words, but unable to stop being sarcastic even if he was sincere in his apology, because sarcas was hiding the pain. Smiling softly as he rubbed jade's back, amused that his daughter was so intent on her papa that she wasn't paying any attention to the new woman in her life."They are beautuiul. Alot like their mother."He said smiling softl."And its jace. My father was mr. masons, and it seems.. old to refer to myself like that."
Two days later Jace made a face as he cradled the small baby in his arms, trying to calm his upset daughter as he looked over at peeta, raising a eyebrow."So what's this I hear about a daughter?I want to see this blond child.Its not fair i you have a cute daughter to. I'm supposed to have the child baby."He whined pouting a little. "You have to tell sienna that she needs to visit."He said, well ordered really, but he didn't realize he was getting sienna in trouble since she'd never denied that she'd come to visit him, she just never said she had either.

Sienna sighed running her fingers through her hair, rinsing out the soap and for once totally unaware of the things around the half opened door.Gale'd gone for breakfast and she hadn't bothered closing the door, having assumed that she'd be done before he was back.And she was....just in time to give him a show of her stepping naked from the shower and wrapping a towel around herself.Singing off key to the radio as she got ready for the day.Before pausing tilting her head as she heard him moving around in the other room, dressing and walking out."What's for breakfast?"She asked reaching for the food as if she hadn't just flashed him. maybe if she ignored it she wouldn't be to embarassed. smiling slightly at the sight of him holding kara,he was so good with her.
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