Death within Love

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Sienna frowned looking hurt as she stared after him, swallowing hard before getting up, following him into the bathroom, settling on the toliet as she watched him get ready for a bath, needing to talk because it needed said, and before she was starting to show. "We don't need to. But don't.... don't you want to try...I miss ryan to...but I would like to try again..."She said wrapping her arms around herself, anger and fear in her voice but more then anything, confusion because she didnt know what to say, having planned on telling him she was pregnant, but having not expected this reaction she hadnt thought of what to say now.

Jace grinned smiling as him and scarlet got the twins settled and headed for bed themselves to celebrate his birthday. Haymitch smiled a little, blushing ever so softly as he wrapped his arms around norah, cuddling her as they got ready for bed."I...I never really thought about it. After...after my family got killed after my game, I never considered it until sienna had ryan, and I got to be around willa and thought maybe... maybe a kid of my own would be okay..."
The sound of Ryan's name made Peeta feel as if he were being stabbed, and it saddened him to know that the person inflicting the pain was Sienna. He swallowed and leaned against the counter, not looking directly at her as he ran a hand through his hair. He knew this conversation would happen eventually, but he didn't think it would this soon. She was still only eighteen, and he was only twenty. They had just managed to get away from all the pain of the games... Why ruin that?

"I can't do it again, Sienna," he murmured, "I can't go through that kind of pain. I took Ryan's death as a sign... A sign we just shouldn't have kids. I couldn't protect Ryan, so how could I protect another baby? It would be selfish of us to have children, Sienna." He looked at her with a sad expression and shook his head. "Our life is finally stable, and that means a lot to me."

Norah wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. "You have no idea how happy this makes me," she said, grinning happily. "Willa would love a sibling of her own." She smirked and stroked his cheek, looking into his blue eyes that showed years of pain that had been going on before she was even born. "I think it would be wonderful to have a baby that has your blond hair and stubborn personality." She grinned and leaned up to kiss him. "You already make such a great father..."
Sienna swallowed hard as she looked up at him, pain flickering through her eyes as she nodded a little."Oh.Okay."She swallowed hard looking sd before nodding a little standing up and walking into the room, letting him take his bath as she moved around the room, packing her things. A small duffel bag of things. because she couldn't stay. Not when every minute every day she became more aware of the child growing inside her. Swallowing hard as she zipped her bag, looking up at him as he walked out of the bathroom, tightening her grip on the bag handles as she looked up at him."I'm leaving....peeta...I can't stay...I want children.I-I can't stay."She said looking so pained, so hurt at this, because she so wanted to stay with him,but she couldn't."I...I can't."She said stepping towards the door, afraid of his reaction, but ready to run if he was angry.

Haymitch smiled at her, kissing her softly."Se will."He muttered smiling gently as he kissed her, wrapping his arms around her before he laid down, awning as he laughed softly."I'm not that stubborn."He said pouting a little before laughing, "Well, I wouldn't be so sure I'll be great when I have to change diapers, but it'll be interesting."
Peeta, standing in the doorway with just a towel around his waist, looked at her with utter confusion. He raised his eyebrows, how shock leaving him unable to make himself step toward her. "You're... You're leaving me? Sienna, you can't be serious," he murmured, shaking his head. Anger started to rise within him, and his eyes narrowed. "You are going to leave me because I don't want children at 20? When we just lost a child a year ago? Sienna, you're being selfish!" He clenched his jaw. "I've done a lot for you - for both of us! And all I ask is that your respect the fact that it still kills me that I wasn't able to keep our son alive." He ran his hand through his hair, not wanting her to leave, but angered by her sudden decision.

Norah grinned, her eyes drooping a little from being so tired. "Definitely interesting," she murmured, leaning up to kiss his cheek. She yawned and laid against the pillow, pointing at the dresser across the room. "I forgot to tell you that some mail came in for you today... No return address. Looks like a letter of some kind." She shrugged, not looking too concerned by it.
Sienna paused, swallowing around the lump in her throat, tears spiking her eyelashes, flinching at his words. The scars that had managed to heal in the 8 months they'd been back together bleeding at his angry words. Even if she understood why, understood the pain, she couldn't stay, because she was pregnant and he didn't want a child, she couldn't do that.And even as pain broke her heart, anger flashed through her eyes."No you said no kids now. You mean ever. I-I can't. I want kids Peeta."She said moving to leave, needing to go before he convinced her to stay despite being pregnant."I've done just as much as you,for both of us, don't make me sound like a selfish bitch."She growled anger and pain in the words, trembling ever so softly as she headed for the stairs. Needing to leave before she totally broke down.

Haymitch yawned, getting up, and picking up the letter before laying back down yawning as he opened the letter. Reading it, and looking pale and shocked before starting to read it again. He couldn't believe the words written there, but he wanted to believe, more then anything that this really was his niece.
Peeta quickly changed into a pair of shorts and followed her down the stairs, looking her and confused. "Sienna! You're being ridiculous," he argued, "You're going to leave me because I'm still in pain over our child's death? It was just a year ago, Sienna! You have to give me time... I'm not saying I'll never want kids, but this is not the time. We are still young, and I want to marry you first! I want to get a savings account going and... " He shook his head and watched her carefully. "I can't stop you from leaving." He swallowed, hurt showing on his face. He could not believe her right now... "You ARE being selfish and immature, Sienna."

Norah sat up in the bed and ran a hand through her red hair, looking at him quizzically. "What is it?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. "Honey, is everything okay?" Worry flashed through her eyes, scared of what the letter could be...
Sienna's shoulders hunched a little as she listened to him talk, she so wanted to tell him. But...she couldn't. Not when she knew he'd be hurt. She wasn't thinking clear enough to see that she should just tell him, all she knew was that she was hurting, and scared, and she needed to get away from him. Rubbing a hand over her face she gripped her bag tigtly, looking so sad and just as hurt."I know how long its been."She snapped at him, confusion lost in anger, angry with him for thinking she could have ever forgot, angry because she wanted what he wanted, but she didn't have any choices left anymore. And she was scared, so scared of what he'd ask of her if he knew she was pregnant."Goodbye peeta."She muttered meeting his eyes for a moment before walking out of the bakery.

Haymitch started a little at her question before smiling a little as he leaned back against his pillow, " sister lived. She was snow's prisoner, but she lived after I won."he said smiling sadly."She had a daughter....snow...snow used her like he used the rest of us. But she died now...and my niece is on her own."He smiled a little."She needs help...I think I'll write her in the morning, and see what I can do."He said happily before stretching out in the bed, to tired to really think about what it meant to have family again.
Peeta watched her leave without another word, so hurt and shocked that he couldn't make himself follow her. He swallowed back his tears and winced when the door slammed shut. The rest of the night consisted of drinking a half a bottle of liquor to clear his mind and get himself to sleep. The next morning, he over slept and the bakery wasn't open...

Norah's eyes went wide. "Oh, Haymitch, that's amazing!" She leaned over and kissed him softly. "Did she give you a phone number? You should call her and set up a lunch date with her tomorrow. Maybe you can talk her into moving down here... You both could use family that's flesh and blood. I'm sure that's what your sister would have wanted..." She smiled and cuddled up next to him. "I'm so happy for you, Honey."
haymitch grinned kissing her softly."No number,but I'll write her.There's a address ere."he said smiling as he kissed her lightly, yawning as he settled in to go to sleep/

Months later Jace smiled a little as he ran up the last few steps of the house not noticing anything wrong as he swung open the house door, happy and pleased, the last months despite sienna being gone and out of touch with everyone, was the best few months of his life. "Scarlet?"He called when he didnt see her or the twins right away.

Meanwhile sienna swallowed hard as she stepped off the train, shifting the baby carrier she was holding, looking down at the sleeping blond haired girl."Okay, I can do this."She muttered swallowing hard as she headed for the bakery, not bothering to go inside, not ready to face peeta, but she could go upstairs and wait for him to finish his day. Not realizing that the day she'd finally gotten brave enough to return, to tell him about his daughter, was going to turn out so badly for them all.Smiling slightly as she looked around the loft she set the baby carrier down next to the couch, yawning tiredly as she sat on the couch, laying down to wait for him, absently rocking the baby as she slept, waiting for peeta's day to end
The top floor of the house was at a blaze, coming from the back of the house and leaving the front of the house looking unharmed to those who weren't away. Scarlet's heart was racing, tears in her eyes as she tried to get passed a barrier of fire to the other side of the house, desperately needed to get to her children. "Jace! Jace, you have to get the twins," she pleaded, coughing because of the smoke. She had just laid down to take a nap for a few moments... How on earth had the house caught on fire? "Jace, please! Get them out," she begged, knowing he'd be torn between her and the babies, but needed him to chose the twins...

Annabel sat in a small littler cafe in town, looking nervous and anxious to meet her only living family, her Uncle Haymitch. She bit her lip and tucked her strawberry blond hair behind her ear, scared that this was all a mistake. It took a while for her to get down to where he lived, for she lived on the other side of the country and riding the train wasn't cheap these days. Not for a eighteen-year-old girl, anyway. But here he was, a cup of coffee setting out in front of her and a small suitcase that carried all of her belongings beside her on the floor...

Peeta went to the bottom of the stairs, not climbing up. "Hey, Babe? I'm gonna close the bakery down for an hour so we can go grab some lunch. Sound good?" he called, then moved over to the sink to wash the flour from his hands. The business was booming, allowing him to buy a car, new furniture, and some remodeling... It was nice, because it make him feel a little better about living in the house he had originally bought for him and Sienna. Plus, he had a nice amount of money in the bank to play around with. He wasn't a happy man, but a content one, and had come to terms with the fact that him and Sienna weren't meant to be. If they were, all of this would not have happened to them.
"What?Scarlet!"He elled angry as he coughed looking pissed that he had to mke the choice, before swallowing hard and running up the stairs to the twins rooms, "Shh sweets,you're okay. you're okay."He muttered hating himself for listening to her and getting the twins, cuddling them both as he picked them up, heading downstairs and settling the two babies on the ground away from the house before running back inside, trying to get to scarlet."Red!where are you?!"He yelled coughing, smoke making his eyes water.

Haymitch smiled a little as he looked around the cafe as he stepped inside, moving towards the 18 year old sitting at a table, looking nervous himself."Annabel?"He asked slowly, seeing his sister in her face, but sounding unsure enough that he wanted to be sure it was her before he sat down.

"Yea it d-"Gabrielle said smiling as she walked down from the loft's bedroom, stopping as she looked at the woman sleeping on the couch."Hey peeta, when did she get back?"She asked a thread of anger in the words, annoyed that he hadn't warned her that his fiancee had come home with....a baby?Scowling a little at the thought of having to share she glared down at the sleeping exhausted woman before moving to the kitchen to talk to peeta, careful not to yell and wake sienna up yet even if the baby stirred and made those cute gurgling baby waking up sounds.
As Jace saved the twins, Scarlet was overcome by smoke from the bedroom. It had gotten so thick, so heavy, that she immediately passed out. The ambulance rushed over after a neighbor saw the fire and one of them grabbed Jace, pulling him from the house. "Sir! You have to get out! Are there any others inside?" Firefighters rushed into the house, and Norah rushed over from down the shore, noticing the fire from a distance. She saw the twins and immediately rushed over to them, picking them up and cradling them in her arms as she watched the house go up in a blaze, her eyes worried.


Annabel looked up at Haymitch nervously, giving him a nod. "Um... Yes, I'm Annabel," she muttered, blushing a little. "I'm sorry for contacting you like this, but I had just managed to get out of the Capitol... Lived there my whole life with mom." She frowned at that, obviously still not over her mother's death. "Thank you for meeting me. I know this must be really inconvenient for you. You have your own life and family to worry about, I'm sure..." Looking down at her coffee, she started to regret meeting him, for the guilt was so heavy.

Peeta untied his apron and grinned up at Gabriella, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. "Who are you talking about?" he asked, confused as he moved to turn off all the ovens. He moved to turn the open side around, then walked over to place his hands on her hips. "Sleep good? Decided not to wake you, considering we were up pretty late." He wiggled his eye brows at her, then leaned down to kiss her again, slower this time.
Jace cursed anmd snarled as e was pulled out of the ouse,"My wife's in there."He coughed choking, pissed that he couldn't go in after her. Stumbling to norah he wrapped his arms around norah,holding her because he didn't trust himself to hold one of the twins."Scarlet's inside."He asked tears streaking the soot on his cheeks as he watched his life going up in flames despite everyone trying to put it out.

Haymitch smiled a little as he sat down, ordering them both something to drink before sipping his as he watched her, "It's okay. If I had known she was alive...or if you were...I would have tried to get in contact with you..."he said looing upset that even without knowing they were there, that he hadn't been able to save them from snow's torture.


Gabriella smiled as he kissed her, leaning into him, looking startled tat he didn't know she was upstairs."Yea, I slept well."She said blushing a little at his words, amused because it was true they'd been up late. Kissing him back just as slowly, she was pissed that sienna was going to ruin this day. The bitch didn't deserve him, didn't need him.Gabriella wanted him, and damned if she'd give him up without a fight."Sienna.She's upstairs on the couch."
Norah looked frightened at his words, holding the babies close. Tears welled up in her eyes, not just for Scarlet, but for the pain she knew Jace was in. That fire was too big now, and too dangerous for someone to get out alive. She swallowed and watched everything around them, biting her lip in pain at the sight of Scarlet's limp body finally being recovered from the house. Tears streaked Norah's face, and she closed her eyes. The babies cried, as if they knew they had just lost their mother, and Norah desperately tried to soothe them.

Annabel looked up at him tucking her light reddish blond hair behind her ear. It was ironic that she had red hair, even if it wasn't as dark as Norah's and Willa's. When the drinks were delivered, she smiled at him at nodded a silent thank you. It was hard being on her own at such a young age, just having escaped from the place she grew up in. Money was tight, and she was just trying not to result to stripping. "I know," she murmured, "My mother always said good things about you. It's why I made an effort to find you... She loved you very much." She blushed and looked down at her menu. "I don't want you to think you have to take me in or anything," she whispered, but that's exactly what she needed. She needed a home and a family, even if she was too nervous to ask for it. "You never knew me, and I know it's not your fault."

Peeta ran his fingers through his girlfriend's dark hair, smiling down at her. "Good," he murmured, happy that she slept well. It didn't take long for her to move in to the loft with her, mainly because he fell for her pretty quick. She was different than what he was used to, but that's what he loved about her. She kept his mind off of the darker part of his life... His body tensed at Sienna's name, and he frowned. "What? Are you sure?" he asked, looking startled. He sighed and walked up the stairs, looking at the blond sleeping on his couch with confusion... And then there was a baby. A beautiful blond baby girl. "What the hell is going on?" he said, looking down at her with a mixture of confusion and irritation. This was not going to be good... Not at all...

jace whimpered as he clung to norah as he watched his home burn before stumbling to scarlet's side, growling at the firefighter as he pulled her into his arms, falling to the ground, holding her in his lap as he cried, because his life was shattering, he didn't know what to do without scarlet. He couldn't do this.

Haymitch winced a little at the words, because it hurt that even if he had gotten his sister hurt by being to smart, and destroying the games at the basic level, it hurt to know that she had believed in him loved him still. "I loved her to."He said smiling a little as he looked over the menu,"It is my fault and I know that."He said sighing a little before looking over at her, trying to figure out what she needed most. "It wont be the best place, and it is crowded...but if you need a place to stay, you can stay with me..."He said nervous because while he knew norah'd offer it to, he wasn't sure if annabel would feel comfortable enough to stay.

Gabriella smiled a little leaning into him, before nodding."Yea, its her."She said anger in the words before sighing watching him walk upstairs. Staying downstairs so they could have a ew minutes alone. Sienna woke at the sound of his voice, looking confused at where she was before blinking, having forgotten for a moment where she was. Tensing at his words, she winced, because she hadn't meant to fall asleep,but it had been such a stressful night getting here, she hadn't slept. Hunching her shoulders as she edged away from him to stand up she bit her lip, avoiding his eyes, looking for the first time in months, like the small defeated girl she'd been at scarlet and jace's wedding, beaten down and broken. Having his daughter without him had broken her, and she wanted nothing more then to be here with him,even if he hated her for it."... we need to talk...I...I know I didn't leave well...and well...I.."She said stumbling through the words, because she had no idea how to explain how scared she'd been when she realized she'd been pregnant with Kara. Instead of looking at him she stared down at the sleepy blue eyed girl watching both her parents with a smile.
Norah bit her lip, trying to hold herself together for Jace. Oh, the poor boy was going to be heartbroken to the point of not being able to be fixed, and that scared her.... She handed the babies over to the paramedics to get their lungs checked out from the smoke and ran over to Jace, leaning down to wrap her arms arm him as a firefighter pulled Scarlet's body away. "Shh, Jace," she whispered, tears sliding down her face. "Sweetheart, she's in a good place... You saved the twins, and that's what she would have wanted. You know that. You and the twins' lives were more important to her than her own." Sliding to the ground, she held him and rubbed his back. It was hard to see that man who she thought of as a younger brother looking so heartbroken. "Jace, I'm so sorry... I'm so, so sorry..."

Annabel looked up from the menu, her eyes brightening at his words. She bit the inside of her cheek to try to get herself to not get too excited, for she was afraid he was only offering her a place to stay out of obligation. "Do you have a family?" she asked, curious about the only living family member she had. She hated the idea of being a burden, but maybe he was as interested in her as she was him... "None of this was anyone's fault. My mother never blamed you. Ever," she assured him, offering him a soft smile. And there it was... a smile that was nearly identical to his.

Peeta clenched his jaw, not taking a step toward her, but staying across the room. His eyes looked down to see Kara, and he swallowed nervously. No, no she wouldn't do that to him. They had been through a lot, but she's never hide his child from him... Would she? He shook his head. "No, you didn't leave well," he agreed, his voice tense. He took one step forward, but no more than that. There was a few moments of tense silence before he looked down at the baby again. "Sienna, is that my baby?"
"No!No yo ucan't have her!"Jace growled snarling as he fought to get back to scarlet even as nora hkepthim from fighting to hard, because he would have had to hurt her to get away, and even grief ridden, he couldn't do that.Crying as he clung to norah he rubbed a hand over his face, pressing his cheek against her shoulder."We should go to the hospital...they need checked out..."he said sounding choked as he unsteadily pushed himself to her feet.

Haymitch smiled a little,blushing at her words."I do. I'm getting married in a few days actually."He said looking amused, "And a stepdaughter."He said before relaxing at his words, and the smile. It was soothing to him to know that his sister had never blamed him, and even if he hadn't seen her since she was young, it was reassuring to see some of her mother in annabel.

Sienna stared down at the floor tears sliding down her face at his words, stumbling bck a step, even if she trusted him, she was still scared of him, so many months of being abused was to deeply ingrained in her psyche, to be able to stop reacting when he was angry with her. And despite the calm sounding words, she knew he was angry." didn't want her...I did...I...I coudn't tell you, not when you made it, so clear...."She stuttered rubbing at her face almost wishing she had taken gale's advice and not returned,but she couldn't. As much as she had not wnted to tell him because she was scared, she had to tell kara's father. The newborn gurgled happily, reaching up towards her papa, at a week old kara was a happy child, just like ryan."I I didn't want to tell you in case you wanted me to get rid of it-her. Peeta, I wanted the baby,even if I hadn't planned on getting pregnant so soon."She stuttered pain and fear in her voice, and desperation,because she knew he wouldn't forgive her for this, but she needed to tell him it all before he tried to take his daughter from her. Because she was so sure that once he saw the baby he'd want her, and try to take her from a mother who had been so mentally unstable in the past.
Norah shook her head and continued to hold him, hugging him even after they stood. "They are already with the paramedics. They are fine... They will be okay," she said, pained because she hated seeing him so upset. She rubbed his back and kissed his cheek, knowing that this would change Jace forever. Her heart ached for him. "Everything will be okay, Sweetheart," she whispered, "Everything will be fine. Remember how I told you that Jade would be fine after she was born? And now she is a healthy, happy baby, just like her brother... You will get through this, because that's what Scarlet would have wanted."

Annabel smiled, eyes brightening at the idea of him having a wife a daughter. For some reason, that made her feel better. That meant more family... "I like kids," she admitted, smiling a bit. She looked down at her ragged suit case, then up at him. "I mean, if there is a room.... I'd totally get a job and help out with everything." She blushed, hoping that he didn't think she was trying to free load off of him. It made her feel weak to ask for help, but she knew she needed it, and she desperately wanted to get close to her only family member. "Your fiance wouldn't mind, would she? I hate that I'm showing up right before your wedding. I hope this doesn't make anything difficult for you..."

Peeta looked down at her, anger flaring in his eyes. How dare she? His nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed down at her. "Don't you dare," he snapped, "Don't you dare pull that innocent, scared, pathetic act on me, Sienna. Don't you even dare!" He knew by now that Gabriella could hear him, but he couldn't help it. He was furious and hurt, hating that she did this to him. "I can't believe you... How could you hide my child from me, Sienna? If you would have just told me... When have I ever made you think that I was such an ass that I would not claim my own baby? I may have been scared to have children, but that did not mean I would have made you get rid of her! You know what? I can't even believe this! I deserved to know my child, Sienna, no matter what. I never did anything to not deserve that!" His eyes were watering out of anger, and he turned his back away from her in an effort to calm down.
Jace swallowed hard nodding."Tat's what she would have wanted."He muttered rubbign a hand over his face, helping her up, and leaning against her a little as they walked to the ambulance, climbing in the back before he looked at norah."you'll tell haymitch and peeta for me?"He asked looking worried.

Haymitch smiled a little."well, willa'll love you then.She likes everyone."He said amused before smiling slightly.Even without her offering to get a job he had been willing to offer her a room and a place to stay, but it was good that she wanted to get it anywas, because it meant she wanted to be on her own to. She'd be okay."No, norah wont be upset.She told me I should invite you to stay anyways."He said snickering a little,"No, it wont be any more difficult then other things. Your fine annabel.Don't worry."He promised smiling at her.

Sienna winced, it wasn't a act, she really had been so deathly scared of telling him that she'd run without thinking, and by the time she'd realized she'd been wrong, it'd been to late to undo running. And she'd waited until she had kara because she wanted to make sure the girl was okay before she let peeta get to know her. So worried about him losing another child that she'd made sure this one was healthy before she'd come ."You jumped all over me for bringing it up, peeta. I was scared okay. I was upset. I-"She stopped swallowing hard. "I brought her here because your right, you deserve to know her, and I want you to."She said softly, looking even more defeated and broken with each word, as if the angrier he got, the more it drove home the fact that she hadn't been thinking when she panicked. "Peeta. Just tell her to go. Her ride's here anways."Gabriella said as she walked upstairs, gale following after her. "Oh hell.Gale!I told you to not to come."Sienna growled annoyed, having hoped that sneaking out of his place the night before would stop him from tailing her all the way here like a bloodhound. And she was trying very hard to not to think about this woman looking so comfortable in her loft.
Norah nodded and reached over to hold his hand. "Of course," she promised, "And I'll tell Haymitch the wedding will have to wait. I can't even think about doing such a thing right now..." She swallowed and shook her head. "Everything will be fine. You can stay in the beach house next door. We even had it fixed up since Peeta moved to the loft. Had a couple rooms added..." She squeezed his hand and offered him a reassuring, yet sad smile.

Annabel grinned, happy to hear his reassurance. "I can't wait to meet them," she murmured, then glanced up at the waitress. She ordered a chicken tender meal, not one to eat very healthy if she didn't have to, and looked back over at him. "Oh! I almost forgot," she muttered, moving down to open up her ragged back. She pulled out a small white box and slide it across the table. Inside contained a pocket watch that had belonged to Haymitch's father, which he had given to Haymitch not long before he entered the games. It was tarnished, but still pretty, and had a beautiful letter "A" engraved on the back. "My mother told me you gave it to her for safe keeping before your Game, and she never got a chance to give it back... I promised I'd get it to you." She smiled, then leaned down to sip at her coffee, blushing a bit.

Peeta shook his head. "I did not jump all over you, Sienna," he argued, "You asked my opinion on children, and I gave it to you. I thought you were being rhetorical, but obviously not." He turned back to her, his face flushed with anger. "You know me better than to think I would have done anything but welcome my child with open arms, not matter what pain I felt from the past." His jaw flexed. "So it took you seven months to realized I deserved to know my daughter? I can't believe you..." His head whipped around to see Gale Hawthorn, and his eyes lit up with hurt and rage. He looked back over at Sienna. "What the hell is he doing here?" Moving across the room, he stood beside Gabriella, hoping she'd calm him down.

Gale rushed over to Sienna, standing protectively over her. "Of course I came! I told you this was a bad idea," he murmured softly, so worried about her and Kara. He shook his head. "Come on... Let's go back to 13, okay? There's not point in staying her, Sienna..." He looked over his shoulder at Peeta, glaring right back at him.
Jace nodded alttle resting his head on her shoulder for a mometn before stepping into the amublance."If you want to stay here you can go call the other's. I'll be okay."he said now that he couldn't see scarlet, and was fousing on the twins he was holding things together fairly well.

Haymitch smiled a little as he got a cheeseburger for himself, looking startled as she pushed the box towards him, lookng amzed as he looked down at the watch,absently stroking his fingers over the silver tarnished watch."Thanl you annabel...Tis was the only thing of my father's that was left after the game, and I couldn't find it....I'm glad snow didn't destroy it."

Sienna sighed softly not even arguing anymore, because she had no excuse for her actions, not when she'd loved the man,had trusted him.Not sure what had driven her into being afraid to tell him, she'd run because she'd been scared,but that wasn't enough."No...I knew after a month....I just couldn't come because I knew you'd be pissed..."She said not adding the reason that was the real one because she knew he might forgive her some if he knew just how sick she'd been for her pregnancy, how unstable she really had been that there'd been days, even weeks, where she hadn't recognized where she was, hadn't realized she wasnt still in the games, but she thought she deserved his anger, so she was letting him yell at her without telling him just how fucked up and sick her pregnancy had left her."... then after she was born,I couldn't not come..."She said scowling a little at gale as he walked over."No...I can't. Gale,I'm staying here....well probably not here, but..."She stopped hands fisted at her sides, swallowing as she fought to not throw up, not to show how upset this meeting had left her.

"I'm not going back, Gale."she muttered before raising up on her toes to look at peeta over his shoulder, paling a little as she saw gabriella wrapping her arms around him,muttering quietly to him.Despite liking gale most days, it seemed peeta had moved on without her,and she couldn't but....maybe she should let him go. After all he had always tried to make her go before, to have a different lover, a different life.... maybe she should let him go. Tears filled her eyes as she looked away, swallowing to keep the tears out of her voice, beore answering peeta's question."He came after me. I've been staying in 13 with him."She said letting peeta make whatever assumption he wanted about their relationship, she and gale knew that she had barely been able to allow herself to hug him,much less consider doing something else. Not willing to consider that even if she'd fought him over it, gale had come after her, and peeta had just allowed her to walk out of his life. Maybe they really weren't meant for each other. And the sadness of that single thought crushed everything she'd been struggling to hold onto. Bending down she picked up the baby carrier, smiling slightly as kara cooed at her, before looking at gale, knowing he'd fight her into the ground before he allowed her to stay in this house, with gabriella glaring at her so harshly, and peeta's anger just stirring up the memories the pregnancy had brought up again.
Norah shook her head, squeezing his hand. "Honey, I'm going to stay with you. You don't need to be alone right now... Haymitch is at lunch with his niece and Willa is at preschool... I'll call them this evening when everything is settled down." Mainly, she just didn't want to overwhelm him. She wanted to remain calm and let him think about his children and no one else. Reaching over, she frowned and grabbed his arm. There was a huge, deep burn on his left forearm. "That doesn't look good."

Annabel grinned at him, a dimple showing in her left cheek. "Mom said it was important to you," she murmured, popping a fry in her mouth. She was so, so hungry. It was nice to be eating real food. The eighteen year old girl looked pretty healthy for living on her own for this long, but she was definitely happy to be with family. "What's your wife and daughter like?" She was nervous about meeting them. Even if her uncle was nice, she was afraid his wife wouldn't like her and that scared her...

Peeta would have flipped out if Gabriella didn't have her arms around him. He sighed and put his hand on her waist, glaring over at Sienna and Gale. His eyes moved down to the baby, obviously hurt. "So not only have you been hiding my child from me, but you've been letting him help raise her?" he said angrily. It pissed him off that Gale knew about his baby while he was in the dark, and it certainly didn't help Sienna's case. "I hope you know, I'm getting a lawyer." He clenched his jaw, so angry he could hardly see straight. All he knew was that he was going to make sure he was able to be involved in his daughter's life, especially after he had been robbed of her birth and the first month of her life.

Gale practically growled at him. "She was scared, Peeta," he snapped, "You practically told her you never wanted children, and she feared how you would react. You don't have the best reputation with anger."

Peeta tensed. "Don't you dare! I will NOT be made out to look like the bad guy again because of the hijacking. She didn't tell me that she was pregnant. She just up and left me and took it upon herself to hide my daughter from me." He turned to Sienna. "I was heartbroken when you left... But now... Now, I can't even look at you."
"Oh...was that today?Was he nervous?"Jace muttered soudning a little disjointed, as if he really wasn't there, not really thinking clearly. It took alot of effort for him to even talk and focus that much on what she was saying. Wincing as she touched his arm, growling and trying to make sure the twins were taken care of before the EMT drugged him to calm him down as they got to the hospital, starting to doctor the cut."He'll be okay. It's going to hurt, but it will heal clean."The doctor said looking at norah with worry showing in her eyes.

Haymitch smiled, nodding."It was."He said glad to have it back, looking at her for a long moment, taking in te sigt of his own family. It was...odd to see his sister in her. Laughing softly he thought about how to describe norah,smiling gently."She was another tribute, a mentor in the last games.Jace's mentor actually. Norah. And her daughter, she's a handful. But norah is....everything I'm not. Kind. Amusing. Easy going. Not drunk, though I havent been drinking that much."He said sounding thoughtful.

"No, he hasn't. Mrs. Everdeen was, and he just happens to live with her to."Sienna snaped a little but not in anger or the normal emotions one would feel, but because she was so overwhelmed to do anything calmly. Gabriella glared a little hugging him tightly, pressing a kiss to his hair,absently rubbing his back."Ask and see if she'll let the baby stay here."She muttered curious to see if sienna would try to keep them apart now that she knew, or if the girl had sincerely come to share their daughter. While it pissed her off that sienna hadn't told him, had urt him so badly, she could almost see where the girl was coming from. Sienna's eyes went wide at the mention of a lawyer, her knees threatening to give out as she thought about it, "A lawyer?"She said softly, staring at him wide eyed. Because after she'd come to tell him, had decided to tell him, it had never occurred to her to try and keep them apart. So the thought of peeta getting a lawyer scared her, made her wonder if since she denied him the chance to know she was pregnant, if he was going to deny her the chance to know her the rest of life. Gently resting a and on gale's arm she sighed softly.

"Don't."She said softly letting her hair fall in her face as she knelt to calm the fussing kara, trembling ever so softly as she fought tears, having expected a bad reaction because of her hiding from him and leaving, but she hadn't expected this. Hadn't prepared for the anger she knew she deserved."Peeta... this is kara."She said softly standing up the happy baby cuddled against her chest before hesitantingly crossing the room to him, looking worried and scared,but trying to give him his daughter, she just didn't know if he'd give her back.
Norah frowned and nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed that Jace was laying and leaning down to stroke his hair gently. Even though Jace was a 30 year old man, Norah still had issues not mothering him. It was hard not to be so protective over him. "They are going to release you tonight... I'll call Haymitch and tell him to get things set up. Jade and Liam are in the nursery. They are fine." Leaning down, she looked at him sadly. "Come on... Let's get your home."

Annabel grinned and let out a little laugh, just like her mother's and ate another fry. "She sounds lovely," she commented, "You seem to love her very much." Her eyes go a little sad at the moment, almost a little resentful that he managed to find a new family. She felt like, even though she had never met him, that she was a burden. His life was fine without her here.

Peeta nodded. "A lawyer," he repeated, his voice tense. He pulled away from Gabby long enough to reach out and gently take the small littler girl, his eyes immediately watering at the sight of her. She was beautiful, just like Ryan, and he already felt the need to hold her in his arms for the rest of his life... His heart caught in his throat, and in order not to get angry with the baby in his arms, he chose not to look at Sienna. "I'd prefer if you let me have her tonight," he murmured, encouraged by Gabriella's words. "I think it's the least you can do."

Gale looked like he hated the idea, but he didn't say anything. It wasn't his place, and he was Kara's father. There was little he could do. "Sienna, we should go get a hotel before it gets late. I'm sure she will be fine until morning," he murmured through clenched teeth, his hand gently resting on her lower back. "And we will get you a lawyer, as well. We will get this figured out."

Peeta shot him a glare, hating that he was making him look like the bad guy, but refrained from saying anything.
"Your going to mother me to death..."Jace slurred a little, drugged and tired, not wanting to think to hard about anyting.Smiling slightly as he let her get him up out of the bed, a little unsteady on his feet, but he'd be able to walk.Taking care of the babies by himself, now that would be a problem."Okay. You'll get the twins to?And tell haymitch to get willa?"

Haymitch smiled his heart aching a little at the sound of his sister's laugh before smiling a little wider, nodding."I do. We're getting married in a few days...if you want to come."He said hesitating because he wasn't sure she would want to, didn't know if she would want to be that much a part of his life, even if he wanted her to be.

Sienna swallowed hard smiling slightly at the sight of peeta and kara, her heart aching because now that she was thinking clearer, thinking well, she knew she had done the wrong thing in running, but she wanted to have him be apart of kara's lives, of their lives, even if they never went back to what they had been. Ignoring the flash of jealously as she looked at gabby and peeta she smiled a little, fisting her hand to reach out and touch his arm, resisting the urge to hug him. Acting so much like the girl she'd been when they first come to 13, that it was kinda weird."I would like that. IF you want...I can come get her in the morning, when you have to open the bakery..."She said looking at him, her eyes that soft concern and pain. Hurting him as much as she was hurting herself. "No need. I an watch her."Gabby said ignoring the slight satisfaction she felt when she saw sienna flinch at that. "O-okay.Well.."She stopped before turning her head looking up at gale, frowning at him before sighing not knowing what to think about a lawyer, needing to not think about it, because otherwise she was going to cry about the idea of peeta taking her daughter away. To emotional to realize that he wouldn't take her totally away, just fight to be in her life.

"Goodnight peeta. Goodnight sweetheart, sweetdreams."Sienna muttered as she dipped her head, brushing her lips over blond curls, pointing towards the couch."Her bag's behind the couch there."She said sounding a little anxious because it'd be her first night away from her, before looking up at gale as she stepped back."You ready to go?"She muttered gently squeezing gale's arm as she past him to go to towards the door.
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