Death within Love

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"Of course, I am. That's what I do best," she murmured, helping him into the car. The babies were asleep in their car seats in the back, snuggled within their blankets. They were fine - as if they were not in the fire at all. After getting the car on the road, she pulled her cell phone out and called Haymitch, trying to remain calm for Jace's sake.

Annabel's green eyes lit up at his words, and she gave him a soft nod. "I'd love that... If you don't mind me being there," she murmured, smiling softly. "I know it must be frustrating to have a long lost relative come out of the blue. I wouldn't have bothered you if I didn't... Well, you know what I mean." Her voice did the same thing his does when he's embarassed, trailing off into a mumble. She looked down at her food with a sigh, taking another bite.

Peeta held Kara close, and he swallowed hard. He didn't say anything, to angry and hurt to make his mouth open. Instead, he watched as Gale led her down the stairs and out to his truck, then sat down on the couch. He looked down at Kara, then looked up at Gabriella. "How could she do this to be, Gabby?" he murmured, his eyes welling up with tears. "I admit I expressed not wanting kids, but it was because I was just so heartbroken over Ryan... But I never would have turned her away if she had told me. I never would have turned my back on this baby." He swallowed, trying not to get too upset. He'd done a good job at keeping himself together with Gabriella. He didn't want her to see him like this.

Gale got into the driver's side of the truck and looked over at Sienna, shaking his head. "I told you this was a bad idea," he murmured softly, but reached over and grabbed her hand. "We'll get everything sorted out. I'll call a lawyer in the morning... He can't take Kara away from you."
Jace smiled softly."You are very good t that."He said smiling a little as e snuggled down into the seat to sleep while she drove.

"I would love to have you there."He said before laughing softly."It's weird, but not unwelcome.Just odd. I missed my famil, my sister and other, I missed them at the important things in live."He said smiling a little."And sometimes I was glad they weren't there to see how much of a mess I made of everything."Haymitch said before frowning as his cell rang, "Hold on. Its norah."He said blushing a little, a smile on his face as he realized that she did the sam thing he did, mumbling when he was awkward."Nor?"He asked as he answered sounding worried.

Gabby looked worried about him before sitting down next to him, smiling as she gently reached out, laughing as the babe wrapped her fingers around hers."She didn't understand, and I don't know how she couldn't know you would have accepted this baby, but she pulled away, and that's not your fault."She muttered rubbing his back a little because she understood just how heartbroken he'd been when sienna walked away, and knew that this had to be killing him."Hey pretty girl."She purred softly wrapping her arms around him, smiling at the baby.

"Yea, I guess it was."She muttered, not even looking over at the dark haired man even as her fingers curled around his in a desperation that said she ws more upset then she let on.Desperate to believe they could work something out, that she wouldn't lose the babe she had tried so hard to protect, and only made a mess of things for. Quiet until they got up to the hotel room she frowned a little looking at the bed before turning to look at im, quirking a eyebrow. Trying to hide just how upset she was."A single bed, hawthrone?"She teased a little before laughing softly."And a bag. You shouldn't have."She teased amused that he'd come after her, a bag of clothes packed for her, when she'd been so upset she'd packed for kara, but not herself.
Norah bit her lip at the sound of Haymitch's voice, looking over at Jace asleep in the passenger seat. "Honey? I need you home... Something awful has happened... Jace and Scarlet's house burned down, and Scarlet was caught inside. Honey, Scarlet... She's dead." She swallowed hard, her voice breaking. It was obvious she was crying on the other line now that Jace wasn't awake.

Annabel looked up from her food, arching an eyebrow in concern but staying silent.

Peeta sighed and leaned his head on her shoulder, looking down at the innocent little blond girl in his arms. His eyes rolled up to look at the woman he'd fallen for over the past few months. "This doesn't change anything between us, does it?" he murmured, leaning up to kiss her lips softly. He loved how calm and strong she was. It was nice to have someone that didn't share the same tragedies... She was a fresh breath of air, even if it took a long time for him to admit it.

Gale smirked and sat on the foot of the bed, pulling his shoes off. "It's all they had," he said, referring to the room. "And I knew I wouldn't be able to get you out of her tonight... Figured you could use the clothes." He shrugged and leaned against the pillows, flipping the TV on. He wasn't as big of a romantic at first, too full of pride to pull his guard down. After Katniss, he was a little leery about showing his feelings.
"Wha-whe-"Haymitch stopped talking, unable to form a question that he wanted to form as he swallowed, forcing the feelings away as he ran his fingers through the getting to long blond hair."I'll be home in a few minutes. As soon as I pick up willa."He said swallowing before looking at annabel, smiling sadly."I'm sorry.I have to go.You-"He stopped struggling for calm."You can stay and eat and I'll come back, or if you want you can come with me now."he said looking like he wanted to go with him, because he knew they were going to need the help with willa, not to mention the twins.

Gabriella sighed a little holding him tighter, pressing a kiss to his foreead."No. It doesn't change anything.Though you might have to bail me out of jail for beating her up."she teased a little sounding so calm, even if she did mean it. Sort of. Looking amused as she nudged im a little."Come on.We better get to bed, and kara probably needs fed before bed."She said sounding slightly anxious not because of sienna and peet's relationship or how it could change things, but because she had never been around a baby before.This was going to be so awkawrd, but she was willing to try to be able to take care of a baby, because she knew his daughter mattered to him, so gabby would try for him to take care of the baby.

Sienna snickered a little rolling her eyes,"I'm not leaving in the morning either. Or ever. I want to stay."She said because even if she lost kara, lost her forever, if she was in the same town, she'd feel easier. Watching him for a moment before grabbing her bag she headed for the bathroom before coming back out in the short blue cheerleader shorts, and a spaghetti strapped dark blue shirt. Looking amused as she stretched out in the bed next to him, her head on the end of the bed, resting her head on his legs as she watched tv.Letting the stupid shows relax her, make her forget for awhile. Unlike most women, she was still totally unaware of what others thought of her, except for peeta, always oblivious how men thought about her. Which meant despite gale showing that he cared for her, she was totally obliviosu to the fact except in thinking that he was a friend who cared for her, not knowing that it was more.
Annabel looked up at him with concern and shook her head, grabbing her bag. "No, I'm fine," she promised, standing up. "Let's go... I hope everything it okay..." She frowned, knowing that something was definitely not okay. The look on his face told her that he'd prefer her going with him now, and she wasn't about to displease him this quick after meeting him... Sliding into the car beside him, she looked over at him with worried green eyes. "I... Is there something I can do?"

Peeta smiled up at her, sighing when he kissed her forehead. "Good... I'm glad," he murmured, then chuckled at her statement. "Back down, Tiger." He reached over to grab a bottle out of the bag and began to feed Kara just like he used to feed Ryan. "I know, I know... You think you can go down stairs and turn the lights of the bakery off? I forgot during all of the commotion..." He frowned and leaned up to kiss her cheek, the snuggled Kara some more. God, she was such a pretty baby... So pretty and happy. It tugged at his heart in a way he didn't think possible after Ryan died.

Gale smirked and shook his head, his expression stoic like always. "I have no interest in staying here... The air is too salty..." He shrugged, not able to come up with any more excuses. But it was true. He certainly didn't want to stay here. Not at all... He wanted to go back to 13 with her in tow. Looking down at her smooth, bare legs, he swallowed. He refrained from reaching out to stroke her thigh...
Haymitch nodded wincing a little at the thought of things being fine before sighing as he backed out of the parking lot, heading for the preschool. He was so not looking forward to seeing this. It would be one thing if he thought jace would be stable without scarlet, but he wasn't sure the twins would be enough to see him through it."Yes there is."he said biting his lip."Jace's wife was just killed in a fire, and they have twins."He said gentl, his voice breaking a little."I'll-we'll need help with their twins, because god knows I'll be taking care of jace."

Gab laughed softly."But you like me being a tiger."She said pouting a little smiling as she watched him with kara before grinning."Yea, I can do that."she said kissing his cheek before heading downstairs and taking care of things before pausing at the top of the stairs to watch father and daughter, biting her lip. Looking so worried about him before smiling slightly."Peeta?You hungry?"She asked as her stomach growled, realizing that despite the late hour, they'd managed to forget dinner.

Sienna frowned a little before raising her head from where it was resting on his calves, nudging his shoulder with her foot before smirking a little."It's not so bad when you get used to it.The beach is nice to."She said sounding sad,before laying her head back down knowing what he wanted to do, but knowing he'd respect her least up to a point."Well you could always go back.Its not like you need me to hold your hand to live there."She pointed out.
Annabel's eyes widened, and she shook her head in shock. "O-oh, I'm... Of course... I love kids. I don't mind at all," she murmured, feeling awful. She'd never met Jace Masons, but she hated he was in so much pain. I mean, losing a wife so suddenly couldn't be easy... As the pulled up to the preschool, Annabel grinned at the little red head bounding up to the car. "Daddy! Look!" She jumped into the back seat and held a paper out to him. A hand draw picture of a bird was on the page. It was a little rough, but out to the side, "chirp, chirp" was scribbled. "I made it for you." Willa looked over at Annabel and smiled. "Who's that, Daddy?"

Peeta looked up from his daughter, frowning. "I'm starved..." he admitted, placing the sleeping and fed baby in the carrier she was brought in. He covered her with a soft pink blanket and walked over to Gabriella. He put his hands on her waist and leaned down to kiss her lips. "Watch the baby, and I'll go whip something up."

"No, it's you that has to be led by the hand all the time," Gale shot back. The thing about Gale was that he didn't tip toe around Sienna like the others did. He was blunt and honest. However, he looked down and grinned at her. "I'll stay here as long as you need me though, just not forever. I don't belong here."
Haymitch smiled a little, lad to know that she would help before laughing softly at willa as he reached out, taking the picture from her, a small soft smile curling his lips as he thought about the time they'd first met during the games, and playing name that animal sound. "Its beautiful wils."He said smiling as he made sure she was buckled in before looking at annabel,"Willa, this is your cousin Annabel. Annabel, this is my daughter willa."He said smiling nervously because he was worried despite his reassurances that willa wouldn't like her.

Gabriella smiled a little kissing him back."hmm I love when you whip something up...or out."She said with a sexy little smirk, teasing him as she sat down on the couch, and indeed, watched the baby.Watching the contented sleeping baby sleeping in her carrier when he returned with food."She's okay."she promised happy that he was back and she was no longer left alone with the baby.

"Ah, maybe I just want to hold your hand, hawthorne."Sienna laughed softly at the words, rubbign her cheek against his leg nuzzling him despite not really being aware of doing it, or the affect she was having on him. Even though the others coddled her and made her feel weak, gale made her feel stronger, stronger then she had in months, even years."And if I need you forever?"She teased raising a eyebrow before shifting crawling up the bed to lay down under the covers, closing her eyes as she flipped off the light, getting ready to sleep. Going quiet for awhile before speaking, biting her lip as she stared at the cieling."Do you think he can take her away,gale?"She asked sounding so worried about that.
Annabel smiled back at the little girl, and Willa beamed up at her. "Hi!" Willa chirped, and Annabel chuckled. "You're pretty..." The little girl bounced in her seat, obviously pleased with her new cousin. Annabel blushed. "You're very pretty too," she commented, then looked up at Haymitch with amusement. This was not something she expected out of her uncle based on the stories she heard...

Peeta placed a plate with a hot pressed sandwich and chips in her lap, then handed her a can of soda. He sad beside her and began to eat, his eyes straying to look over at Kara every few moments. He sighed. "I was definitely not expecting this... I'm sorry you're caught in the middle," he murmured, leaning over to kiss her temple. He then took a sip of his soda and glanced up at the TV, absently watch the news. He really did feel guilty that she was having to deal with this too... It seemed unfair.

"You won't need me forever," he argued, shaking his head. He smirked and watched her climb into the bed, the turned on his side. His hand gently moved underneath the covers to rest on her waist. A concerned look spread across hi face, and he sighed. "He can't take her away unless you are proven to be an unfit mother," he assured, "Which you aren't."
Haymitch smiled a little looking amused as he drove, glancing over at the two."Don't look at me.I;'m not pretty.I only get o be handsome."he said snickering a little, amused because willa looked so pleased with her cousin.Pulling into te driveay he elped willa out of the car, looking towards te house and braceing himself.Not ready to face jace's grief just yet.

Gab smiled a little as se started to eat,"I know you weren't expecting this."She sid looking amused when he couldnt stop looking at his dauhter."I could always just bea her up, make her leave kara here.We wouldn't have to deal with everything then."She said llnowing it wouldnt be that easy,but it should be."We'll just deal with it."she said shrugging a little.

Sienna snorted looking amused a little tensing a little when he touched her shifting closer to him,upset enough that for once she was llowing herself to cuddle up against him seeking comfort. She was usually so carefull to not touch him,even if they were sharing a bed,but she was feeling shaken enough from seeing peeta nd considering losing kara that she needed help. "Are yo uso sure I'm not unfit?I'm not exactly stable most days, and you had to remind me to feed myself there for awhile."She pointed out, wondering why she was bothering to argue wen e was pointing out she was a good mother, before realizing with a jolt she indeed thought she really would lose kara,because she wasnt' fit.Sighing softly she shifted, resting her head on gale's chest,going quiet."...just go to sleep."She muttered not wanting to talk anymore, not when the inside of her head had become so ugly
Norah met Haymitch at the door, wiping her eyes from previous tears. "He's in the back room. The twins are asleep for now," she whispered, "I just put on some coffee... Oh, Haymitch, he looks awful. He needs you. I think he's holding back in front of me..." Leaning up, she kissed his cheek, then reached down to pick up Willa.

"What's wrong, Mommy?" Willa asked at the sight of her tears. Norah shook her head, unable to bring herself to tell Willa that her aunt had died just yet. Instead, she turned to Annabel and gave her a soft smile.

"You must be Annabel, Sweetheart," Norah murmured, and Annabel nodded with a blush. "I'm Norah, and it's very nice to meet you. Come inside... I'll get you a cup of coffee." Norah sniffed and turned to lead Annabel into the kitchen, taking her bag and pouring her a cup of coffee. There, they sat at the table with Willa in Norah's lap, and drank their coffee...

Gale nodded, not bothering to say a word. He wasn't going to try to talk her out of whatever she was thinking, but instead, offered her comfort. He wrapped his arm around her and closed his eyes, hoping he would not have to spend much time here before going back to 13, even if he knew that he would if she felt she needed to.
haymitch sighed softly, turning his head to kiss norah lightly. "I'll take care of him. You take care of willa."He muttered before heading out of the room, away from willa because he couldnt tell her, not that scarlet had died. That was just to painful to consider.

in the morning haymitch sighed softly as he left jace's room having stayed up most of the night with jace until he'd gotten so tired that he'd druged jace to go to sleep, knowing the other man needed it. Running his fingers through his hair he quietly entered his room,crawling into bed with norah, holding her tightly."I think we should keep willa home today...and I'll go tell peeta this morning."He muttered when he realized she was awake, knowing better then to call peeta because the man would be already in the bakery, even in the wee hours of the morning.

Sienna sighed softly as she woke up, looking confused at why she was being held so tightly against peeta. Frowning slightly because it was so unlike the blond to hold her while he slept, that was feeling odd. But she couldn't think of who else would let her cuddle around least while she was so tired. Frowning a little as she raised her head she blushed at the sight of gale sleeping almost under her, for indeed she'd cuddled up against him to the point that she was almost completely laying on him. Blushing as she tried to figure out how to get off him without waking him up.
Norah rolled over in bed, the side table lamp being the only thing that brightened the room. She leaned up on her arm to look at him, sighing softly. It was obvious that he had been trying all night to help Jace, with very little to show for it. Reaching over, she stroked his prickly cheek. "You should take Willa to the bakery. Get her a cookie or something. I'll see if Annabel can watch the twins while I get the beach house fixed up for Jace, and we can let him get some sleep... With the added rooms, their should be a room for Jace, one for Annabel, and one for the twins... I figured I could crack into our emergency account to pick up some things for the babies, if you don't mind." She frowned and snuggled up to him, letting him hold her. For the first time in a long time, she felt their age difference, and she didn't mind. It was nice to have someone older and wiser to make her feel better in a situation like this.

Gale's eyes flickered open, and when he realized their position, he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, peeking out the window to see the sun coming up. He was long used to waking up before dawn, for the now twenty-three-year old managed to keep his habit for hunting even after all this time... Looking down at Sienna, he sighed. "I think I'm going to go down the street to get a cup of coffee," he murmured, standing to pull his clothes on. "Want anything?" He was desperately trying to pretend that he had not managed to cling to her all night long... It was not like him to submit to such things. He had too much pride for that.
Haymitch sighed softly, nodding as he yawned closing his eyes. Not really getting ready to sleep but relaxing. He felt wrung out and tired after trying to deal with jace's grief stricken rages."I will.Willa's not seen peeta in das, she'll be glad to go."He said before laughign softly, nodding."I'm sure annabel will like that, since I alredy offered to let her have the house to..."She sighed pressing a kiss to her head, glad he had her to, just glad she ws with him."I'll get the cash when I go out. Then you and Annabel can go pick up some things."e said stroking her back absently.

Sienna blushed as she rolled awy from him, emabarassed and upset because she was so not one to cuddle with anyone but peeta, but she had. Blsuhing hard as she nodded, trying to pretend she hadn't cuddled him all night because she wanted to,"Hot chocolate, like always."She said because while he went hunting and was usually home before she and kara were up for the day, the older man usually brought her hot chocolate and something to eat just so she wouldn't have to try cooking something after he finished hunting for the day."I'll get shower then you can, and we'll go get kara then. I want to go see haymitch and the others today."She said smiling happily before disappearing into the bathroom to get a shower.
Norah's eyes fell half closed at the feeling of him gently rubbing her back, and she let out a sigh. "I love you," she whispered, so soft and sweet. Her tone said it all - That she needed him. Scarlet's death and Jace's grief was making her heart hurt, and he had always been the person who could relieve her pain. Her eyes rolled up to look at him, and she stroked his cheek with the back of her hand. "I want to start trying for the baby," she admitted, "Scarlet used to always tease us about it because she really thought we should, and I want to honor that." She swallowed hard, and her eyes started to well up with tears again.

Gale nodded and laced his boots before heading out with out another word, trying to shake the feeling that her presence had given him. He had not been in love since Katniss, and that was not real love. They were practically children... No, this was too much for him. After the past few months, he'd grown so attached to her and Kara, and it was making him feel weird...

Annabel woke to the sound of a baby crying, and she sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes. With a sigh, she moved across the hall to the guest room that the twins were staying in that was attached to the guest room Jace was in, and picked up the fussy baby girl. Liam was sleeping soundly through Jade's crying, making Annabel smirk. She sat in the rocking chair across to room and gently rubbed Jade's back, trying to soothe her. It was the least she could do after being taken in so suddenly...
Haymitch smiled softly as he tightened his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head, forcing his own tears down. He couldn't break down, not when it would take everything to deal with the others. "We will.Even if it seems weird to have a bby at 46."He muttered blushing a little as he stole a kiss easing away."I probably should go see peeta before he gets to much made."he said knowing that after he told the blond, no one was going to be getting any food for the day.

Sienna grinned wen he came back, fresh from the shower, blond hair curling ever so softly as it started drying, snug blue jeans and a tank top hugging a well cared for body. Even seperated from peeta, she looked healthier. Actually in fact, more healthy then she had in years, without that starved look of a depressed woman. Looking more like the healthy 18 year old victor she was. "Thanks."She said smiling as she took her hot chocolate, sipping it as she pulled on her boots, before looking up at him."What's wrong?"She said seeing the look he was giving her. IT wasn't a weird one, but it wasn't easily identified one.

Jace stirred groaning at the sound of the baby crying, fighting against the drugs he'd been given to force his body to get up so he could take care of his girl. Before frowning a little hearing someone else in the room, stumbling growling in fear and anger, thinking something bad was happening to his twins, but to drugged to reall sort himself out, the blankets tangling around his legs as he went down like a ton of rocks.
Norah smirked and shook her head. "Oh, stop," she murmured at his comment on his age. "If you keep talking about how old you are, you are going to make me feel old." She wiped her eyes and started getting out of bed. Grabbing her robe, she pulled it over the t-shirt and panties she wore and ran a hand through her hair. "You're probably right. Take a shower, Sweetheart, and I'll have Willa up and dressed by the time your downstairs." With that, she kissed his cheek and went to wake up their daughter.

Gale gave her a defensive look as he took a gulp of coffee. "Nothing's wrong. Don't be paranoid," he murmured, shaking his head and moving to place a breakfast pastry for her on the small hotel table. He then started to unbutton his shirt, revealing a toned, but slightly scarred torso. "Eat," he said, nodding to the food, "And you better have left me hot water. I'm going to drag you into that icy water if you make me take a cold shower again." He words were teasing, but not in the light, sweet way Peeta teased. He was a man who had never loved someone for real; a man hardened by a lonely early life.

Annabel jumped at the sound of a thud from the other room, and she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. With that, she placed the now calm baby back in her crib and pushed open the door that led to Jace's room. She frowned at the sight of him on the floor, frustrated and drugged. She grabbed the older man by the arm's, helping him back into the bed. As she untangled the blankets and covered him up again, her eyes stole a glance at his face. Jace Masons... So this was the victor she had grown up hearing so much about... She frowned, hating that he seemed so torn apart.

"Shh," she murmured, pulling the blankets around him. "Uh... The baby is fine. I mean, both of them are." She bit her lip and blushed, moving to stand back up and leave. She felt like she was intruding.
Haymitch grinned stealing a kiss."Well, you are getting older."He teased slipping past her to get a shower. By the time he got downstairs he looked more awake and aware, more then eady to deal with what was going to come. He just knew this wasn't going to be pleasant."Ready to go sweetheart?You get to spend a day with me."He said ruffling willa's hair a little with a smile.

Sienna snickered looking at him as she ate some of her pastry."Don't call me paranoid. It's not paranonia if they really are out to get you."She said sulking a little before swallowing hard, watching him from the corner of her eye as she laced up her boots, before blushing looking down. For the first time realizing she was admiring another man besides peeta, and it seemed weird. "Hey hey, its a hotel. They should have hot water."She said even as she shifted back further onto the bed, because she had a feeling she had indeed used all the water despite it being a hotel.

Jace growled frustrated as he fought with her ad the blanket, collapsing back onto the pillows with a frown as she tried to think clearly."...oh....okay."He said frowning as he rested his head back."Who are you?"He said after a moment panic filing those drugged eyes as he tried to get up again.
Willa beamed up at him and held her arms out for him to pick her up. She was obviously excited for he daddy to be taking her with him for a change. "Can we go to the beach, Daddy? Please?" she begged, kissing his cheek with a smacking noise. Her red hair was pulled in little pigtails, and she wore a little yellow sundress that Norah made for her.

"You two try to have fun, okay?" Norah murmured, but it was more directed toward Haymitch. She knew today would be hard on them, just like it would for the rest of them.

Gale rolled his eyes a little and got in the shower, happy to have warm water. When he walked out, a towel was draped around his waist and his dark hair was dripping all over the place. "I figured we could go talk to my lawyer in town and see if he can help you before we go get Kara," he murmured, "He helped me out with getting Coin to pay for my injuries on the battlefield. Had to fight her tooth and nail, but we won the case." He shrugged and grabbed his clothes, walking into the other room to tug them on.

Annabel looked down at the man laying in the bed, swallowing nervously. "Annabel Abernathy," she murmured softly, tucking her strawberry blond hair behind her ear out of habit. It was hard for her to see someone that had clearly been through a lot so helpless and drugged out of his mind. She wanted to comfort him, but in her 18 years of life, she had little experience in things like that.
Haymitch smiled a little."We will.After we go see uncle peeta, and get some cookies okay?"He promised smiling a little."We'll try."He muttered pressing a kiss to norah's lips before he left is dauhter perched on his hip as he left. When he got to the bakery he smiled sadly as he stepped inside, remembering how proud scarlet had been of peeta, and how pissed she'd been at sienna."Peeta?Gab?"He said as he stepped aorund the counter setting willa on the ground as he stepped into the kitchen, leaning agianst the doorway looking sad.

Sienna swallowed hard as she watched the water beading on his skin, blushing ever so softly as she did,but something about the water trailing down his chest fascinted her. Shuddering little at his words she swallowed hard biting her lip."Yea...okay."She said smiling as they headed for the lawyer's, quiet until they got there, looking up at gale, paling ever so slightly.While she wasn't poor, she didn't have alot of money, despite working at 13 helping mrs. everdeen with the doctory things and acting as a nurse when she wasn't with kara."This is going to be so bad..."She muttered already wincing at the idea of the fight to come before stepping inside, staying close to gale but not clinging to him like she would have even a month ago. She'd changed so much since she'd hd kara, the drive to protect her, to do wht ws right by her daughter, and just learning that she could live without peeta had changed her.

Jace frowned looking confused as he watched her, looking at the red hair for a moment."...I must have slept a long look young for being their daughter."He said sounding confused, drugged to the point he wasn't sorting things through, and thought annabel was haymitch's daughter, not niece. Before growling softly before sitting up, "Unless your one of them..."He said frowning, disturbed at the idea that haymitch had gotten someone pregnant during one of the times he'd acted as snow's whore for the fans.
Peeta looked up from the mixing bowl he was working on and raised his eyebrows at Haymitch's sad expression. He wiped some flour from his cheek. "Hey, everything okay?" he asked, before kneeling down to hug Willa. He grinned and grabbed her one of her favorite cookies, letting her eat it at the counter while he turned to talk to the older man. Washing his hands, he looked at him with confusion. "You look like you didn't sleep wink, Haymitch."

Gale looked down at her and patted her back. "Hey, everything's okay," he assured, and he was telling the truth. He'd never try to lie to her and make her feel better. He honestly thought everything would be fine. "Just tell them you want to secure your primary custody of Kara, and that you are more than willing to share with Peeta. Tell them your intentions weren't vindictive..." He gave her an encouraging nod, the led her down the hall toward the office.

Annabel's eyes went wide, and she quickly shook her head. "Wh-wait, what? No, no. I'm Haymitch's niece... not daughter..." She blushed and bit her lip. "I'm staying with them for the time being... I heard the baby crying and thought I would see if everything was okay..." The younger girl frowned and placed a hand on his chest, a little worried about being in a room with a drugged older man. She definitely didn't know how to handle these kinds of things..."Um.... You should probably lay back down," she suggested nervously, gently pushing him back down to the pillows.
Haymitch winced a little at the question, smiling slightly as he looked down at willa before sighing softly, tilting his head."I slept little."He said looking for the words, before rubbing a hand over his face, realizing that he was just going to have to tell him."There was a fire t jace's lst night.The twins n jce re fine but scrlet..."He stopped his eyes pined as he swallowed around the tears."Scarlet didn't make it."

Sienna smiled a little at him, it amused her that such a usually stonic man tried so hard to make her feel better."I wasn't been vindictive."She said because she hadn'tbeen, she'd just been scared. Sighing softly as she headed into teh office. When they were done she stepped out smiling as she looke up at gale, hugging him for a moment because he'd been right, it made her feel better to know that the lawyer was sure that they would indeed be able keep her in primary custody. Grinning she slid into the car,"Come on. Let's go get kara."Se said feeling anxious not because she didn't think kara was okay with peeta, but because she'd never been away from her, and it was making her anxious to not be with her.

Jace frowned a little."Oh.Yes, that makes more sense then you being his daughter. Sorta.The baby's okay?"he said laughing a little before shifting laying back down as he snuggled down into the bed,"Tell haymitch I'm going to beat him up when I'm not drugged. Bastard drugged me...I don't feel so good..."he muttered rubbing a hand over his face, the drugs starting to wear off enough to think better.
Peeta dropped the spoon in the bowl he was currently stirring and sat in silence. Haymitch's words caught him off guard, and he visibly tensed. He swallowed sadly, looking down and shaking his head. He knew Jace must have been beside himself... "What can I do?" he asked softly, knowing there was plenty of things he could help with. Whether it was babysitting or dragging Jace to the shower, he'd do it.

Gale smiled a little at her sudden burst of confidence and nodded. Kicking the truck into drive, he started driving down the road. Letting out a sigh, he looked over at her. "See? No harm, no foul," he murmured, "And now you have some defense on your side just in case everything gets ugly." He winced at his slip of words and shook his head. "I mean, it won't get ugly. I told you that." With that, he pulled into the bakery parking lot and shut off the engine. "Ready?"

Annabel swallowed nervously, having no idea how to handle and incapacitated older man. However, it was the least she could do... Right? "Yes, the baby is fine," she murmured, and then she smirked. "I'll go grab you something to eat. It will probably make you feel better..." With that, the younger girl moved down the stairs, grabbed some warm biscuits Norah had made that morning, and poured a glass of orange juice. Sitting the plate and glass beside him on the bed, she frowned. One of the baby's was starting to cry, and if she remembered anything from what her mother had told her, they were probably hungry.
Haymitch winced at the reaction, while it wasn't the best way to tell him, he knew there was no other way to tell him."Come stay tonight. I know you have the bakery, but I stayed up with him last night, and finally drugged him to stop him pacing."he said wincing."I don't think I can drug him again, and he'd listen to you more then me."He pointed out, knowing jace was more likely to listen to is friend rather then a man he looked at as a protective older brother.Turning his head at the sound of the door opening before looking back at peeta...then his head whipped around again, staring at the two in front of him.

Sienna laughed softly, feeling to pleased with being confident that she would keep her daughter to really let his words get to her. At least not yet."Yes, you told me that. But with you present, things always are ugly."She teased the handsome older man, shovin his shoulder a little amused as she kissed his cheek."Just kidding."She said taking a deep breath looking at the bakery, already bracing herself to having to fight with peeta, and not looking forward to it. She just wanted to get kara, and probably go see haymitch and norah, before coming back and maybe having dinner with peeta and gab if they wanted. Climbing out of the truck she headed for the door, looking startled at the sight of her mentor, stopping so suddenly she winced as gale walked into her back."H-haymitch."She stuttered a little.

Haymitch stared before looking at peeta again, so angry with her he wanted to shake her, but he was pretty sure neither man would let him do that. So he looked at peeta then the girl again."Hey Sienna."He said smiling sadly, so not wanting to tell her. It'd been ard enough telling peeta.

JAce smiled."Food would be good."he said groaning as he rolled to his stomach before sitting up slowly, reaching for the roll. nibbling on it before he frowned slightly."Sc-"He started before wincing."I better go get them something to eat."He said looking worried about the twins as he climbed out of bed to see if he could indeed take care of his children when he was so out of sorts.
Peeta nodded, now realizing exactly why the older man looked so tired. "Of course... I'll come by after I close down the bakery this afternoon." He frowned at him, trying not to get too upset. He needed to keep it together for Jace later. His head whipped around to look at Sienna, and almost wanted to tell her to leave. He was still mad at her from the night before, and he just got awful news. Not only that, but poor Gabriella had been up with Kara ever since he got up at 3am to bake. And of course, Gale was there. He clenched his jaw and nodded to the stairs, hoping they would catch the hint. "Kara's upstairs with Gabby," he murmured sadly.

Gale tensed, already noticing the situation was off. He look around the room and nodded to Peeta, then look down at Sienna. "Should I go get Kara?"

Annabel shook her head and moved past him to the make shift nursery. "I can take care of them, you know... So you can get some rest," she murmured, "Norah made some bottles of formula. I'll just see if they are hungry." The younger girl gave him a soft smile and moved past him to grab the bottles, then picked up Jade. She cooed at her, obviously having a natural ability with infants, and sat in the rocking chair to feed the little girl. "You have cute kids," she commented, smiling down at Jade. Liam continued to sleep in his crib, being the laid back twin like usual. "I used to work with kids in the Capitol... It was my way of "paying my debts" to them." She rolled her eyes and sighed, smirking once Jade calmed down at took her bottle. Annabel's green eyes rolled up to look at Jace. "Lay down... I'll make sure they are okay."
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