Death within Love

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Norah nodded and followed him out into the hall and toward the parking lot. He knew her so well, it seemed, and it made her smile to think he already packed her a bag for the night. That man knew her better than she did. "I know you will be fine," she murmured, "After all, you do most of the bed time things these days. She wouldn't have it any other way, it seems." She grinned at that and grabbed her bag, then went up on her tiptoes to kiss him softly. "Make sure she gets a bath before bed, okay? Have a goodnight." She then looked over at Willa, who seemed a little upset at the fact the babies wouldn't be coming home, and kissed her on the cheek. "Be good for Daddy, okay?" With that, she left to go watch over the infants while Scarlet and Jace rested.

Scarlet's eyes opened a little, looking so tired and worn down. "Hey, Baby," she whispered, reaching up to stroke Jace's hair. She hated how upset he looked, because she knew it was a rare occasion when he actually wasn't able to keep up his strong demeanor. She snuggled close to him and held him as she closed her eyes again. "I love you, and we are going to get through this. I know it."

Peeta reached down and ripped the zipper of his pants down with a quick tug, letting them fall to his ankles. He didn't even bother to step out of them before thrusting his hard, aroused cock into her pussy. A groan ripped through his throat and he pressed his face into her neck. She was right, this wasn't going to last long. He was already thrusting in and out of her, not as gentle as he was when they were younger, and moaning with pleasure. It had been so, so long. "Feels so... uh... so good."
Haymitch smiled looking amsed."Well, I do do the best bedtime story voices, havent youu heard?"She said smiling kissing him softly, ruffling willa's hair."We'll bring the babies home soon, I promise."He said smiling as he bundled willa up in her seat, and headed home.

Jace sighed softly, leaning his head into her hand, smiling softly."We'll be fine.And JAde'll be fine."he muttered nuzzling his face against scarlet's neck, sighing softly as he blinked slowly, tryin to stay awake. So upset that he had actually had tired himself out."We will be."He muttered

Sienna moaned, laughing softly as he thrust into her, amused that he didn't even kick out of his pants, shivering as she held onto him tightly. Moaning as she clung to him, because it felt so good to be with him again."Good."She agreed shivering alreay in pleasure hands gripping his shoulders tightly, gasping in pleasure as the hard tursts pushed her over the edge, it'd been to long, and she didn't want gentle right now, she just wanted him. Gasping as she came, her body clamped tightly around him as she trembled."P-Peeta!"
Scarlet tightened her arms around him, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. She was just so scared about losing her daughter, that she was nearly inconsolable. "I know, I know," she whispered, her fingers raking through her husbands hair. After a few moments of silence, she smiled a little. "Aren't they beautiful, Jace? I've never seen such gorgeous babies..." She sighed and stroked his cheek, looking into his eyes through the light of the nearby window. "I see so much of you in both of them. It's amazing."

At the feeling over her quivering a pulsing around his cock, Peeta could not longer hold off. It had been too long and it felt to damn good... He came inside of her, not thinking twice about protection, and leaned his head on her shoulder. He had let out a powerful groan at the much anticipated release, his hands digging into the fragile skin of her thighs... After a minute or two of heavy panting, he looked up at her with a satisfied grin. "I think this place was definitely a good idea," he teased.
Jace smiled yawning as he nuzzled her hand, trying to console her and stay awake all at once."Oh they are. I see more of you, then me."he muttered amused, nuzzling her sighing softly."No crying.They'll be fine, I promise. Norah said it was normal, it'll be okay."he said,hoping it was true.

Sienn sighed softly smiled happily as she leaned her head against his, still trembling a little, smiling softly as she looked at him, a wicked grin curling her lips."Definately a good idea."She smiled kissing him, not even caring about the bruises he was sure to have left, just to content to be with him again like this, ot care.

Two months later Sienna whined softly as she stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom, sinking to her knees in front of the toliet as her stomach once agin told her it was not pleased with the food she'd been craving the night before. Throwing up she groaned, leaning back against the door for a moment before cleaning up and getting ready to go downstairs to help peeta cook. The only good thing about peeta having to be up so early to start baking was he missed the morning throwing up, which she was starting to suspect had something with the small bulge of her stomach, not that she was brave enough to open the letter from the doctor yet, even if she had already gone.As long as she only suspected, and didn't know for sure, she didn't have to tell him.Not until she knew for sure. And she just wasn't brave enoough to open the letter she was sure would contain results from a positive pregnancy test. Another good thing about peeta being up so early, was that since he got up early by the time they both climbed in bed at night ,they barely had the energy to do anything but make out, which helped hide the beginnings of a baby bump. Rubbing her thumb against her palm absently, feeling the fire burn scar there, as she often did when she was thinking she headed downstairs, pausing there as she always did watching peeta bustle around the kitchen."Need help?"She said smiling as she crossed the room,wrapping her arms around his waist as she rested her chin on his shoulder, looking down bemused at the birthday cake he was making."if that's for jace, he wont apperciate you reminding him he turns 30 tomorrow."

Jace grinned happily as he walked into the hospital with scarlet and norah, having convince norah he needed help with getting both babies and mama home today. While they could have gone home with liam a month ago, Jade hadn't been ready, and instead of shuffling them all back and forth from the hospital, he'd convinced-well, he'd let haymitch convince, the man was good at intimidating people into doing what he wanted- into letting them have a small NICU suite of rooms to themselves, with the twins and him and scarlet in the room together.But today, they all got to go home, and because of it, jace was just a little slap happy. "Norah!Did you know willa helped us paint the walls?They're very pretty." "...Can I just sedate him and get it over with?Surely dealing with him unconscious is easier then dealing with this."Haymitch said, willa perched on his hip as they returned to their rooms, the girl having asked so much when her cousins were coming home, that haymitch had had to give in and let her come with them while they brought everyone home.
Peeta smirked over his shoulder at her, leaning down to kiss her forehead before getting back to work on the flawless icing of the birthday cake. "Of course it's for Jace," he said, "Like I'd let him forget he turns thirty." He grinned and shrugged, finishing up the words on the cake before moving to an oven and taking out a pan of blueberry scones. He placed them on a display, taking on out to put on a plate for Sienna. He always baked her something for breakfast. "Besides, the babies are coming home today. He will be much too thrilled about that to be upset about his birthday..." With that, he leaned against the counter and took a sip of his coffee.

Norah giggled a little and nodded. "Willa told me," she said, loving that idea that Jace was happy for the first time in so long. "The twins will love it." She winked at Willa, who grinned because of how proud she was of the work she did. Now at five years old, she was getting a little big for Haymitch to be carrying around as much as he did, but it seemed that both of them would not have it any other way. Reaching down, Norah grabbed Haymitch's hand and shot him a warning look at his quip about Jace, making Willa giggle.

When they got to the room, Scarlet was already packing everything up. She was back to her slim figure and a nice glow that motherhood had given her. When Jace walked in, she grinned and walked over to kiss him softly. "Liam's asleep, and Jade's a little fussy, so I think I'm going to feed her before we leave," she murmured, nodding over to the two cribs across the room. With that, she grabbed the baby girl and took her over the armchair, facing the other direction as she breast fed Jade, not wanting to make Haymitch uncomfortable.
Sienna lauhed softly as she st down, sipping the orange juice she poured as she reached for the paper, absently flipping through the news, not even noticing the picture on the front was her, to focused on not making her stomach reject the food, or eally whawt it was was her pretending to read the paper while she stared at hsi ass."True. Man's going to be really happy.We'll take the cake over later."She said smiling up at him.

Jace grinned nodding."They will.Willa did so good."he said looking amused as haymitch whined ever so softly at getting scolded."What?ITs' true."He grumbled under his breath, because he knew better then to let jace hear him,even if it was true.Jace was to happy, and he was just feeling grouchy cause while he liked carrying his girl around, his arm was kinda hurting from doing it.

Haymitch grinned a little as scarlet turned away, settling willa on the bed, sitting down next to her with a smile, running a hand through his hair as he looked around trying to not tink about breast feeding or anything.Because if he did, he'd consider the desire he had had to ask norah for a child of his own, but he just couldn't feel brave enough to do it despite planning their wedding.
Peeta nodded and started setting up the bakery, expecting a slew of customers since it was Monday morning. Everyone would be getting stocked up for the week. "Sure, that would be good. Sometime after closing, we can grab a bite to eat down the road and then go visit." He smiled at that, happy to get to see him "family", considering he was always busy these days. It was hard to get away these days. "Our new couch should be here in a couple hours... Got it ordered on Friday." He looked over at her and smirked, happy that that they were making enough money to buy some nice things.

Willa leaned into Haymitch, looking up at him happily. Her hair was braided and pulled back with a light blue ribbon, making her look a tad older than the little toddler he'd met at the Games. "We can bring them home now?" she asked softly, still not understanding that the babies would not be living with her, but Jace and Scarlet.

Norah looked over at Haymitch and noticed the odd expression on his face. It was a sign that he was thinking about something.... "What is it?" she asked, arching an eyebrow at him before leaning down to kiss him cheek. She had Liam in her arms while Scarlet fed Jade and Jace was packing their things up.
"I'll order something for all of us, cause nrah nor scarlet'll wnt to cook today. So we'll just take some with us."She said smiling it would be nice to see everyone, even if it urt to see the small babies.Painful yes,but she could do it.Absently dropping a hand to her own stomach without realizing it, she rubbed the small bulge there before grinning at him as she started to eat her breakfast."Good.It's a pain to not have a couch when I do collapse on the floor to sleep instead of going upstairs."She said picking up the paper, for once actually reading the paper as she read a review about their bakery, not realizing the motion was giving him a chance to read the article on the front."Mellark family growing to three again?", with a picture of a bundled up blond coming out of the doctors office.There just wasn't any mistaking the woman in the picture, espicially when he saw her every day.

Hymitch smiled a little, his heart hurting slightly as he considered willa growing up, but reaching out he tweaked her hair a little."yes we're taking them home to uncle jace and aunt scarlet's.They're staig with their mommy and daddy."He said smiling, havin been trying to explain this, but for some reason she wanted them to go home with her. Which made him even more want to give her a sister. Looking over a norah he blushed a little shrugging,"Just thinking."
"That would be nice," he agreed, washing his hands then turning to lean on the counter across from her. He went to say something, but was distracted by the other side of the paper she was reading. The article made his heart stop, and his eyebrows creased together in confusion. That was definitely Sienna walking out of the local hospital. There was no denying it. "What is that?" he asked, reached out and grabbing the paper from her hands. He held it, reading the small article with a look of surprise and irritation. He flashed the paper at her, turning it around so she could see what he was seeing. "Is this you? Are you walking out of a doctor's office? Please tell me it was just a day you were visiting Scarlet..."

Norah smirked at him and cradled the infant in her arms. "Just thinking? That's always dangerous..." Willa frowned when he told her for the thousandth time that the babies would not be living with them, but quickly got over it when Norah leaned down so she could see Liam. Her little hand went out to stroke his hair gently.

Scarlet finished feeding Jade and cleaned herself up. Smiling, she turned around to face Jace and placed the baby in his arms. The small baby girl looked content in her father's embrace. "How does it feel to have your family home and to turn thirty in the same day?" she teased, leaning over to kiss him softly on the lips.
Sienna yelped a little as peeta grabbed the paper from her, looking confused as he took it, biting her lip as she looked up at him before looking at the paper, pling slightly as she scrambled to think of what to say, how to explain the fear that ad driven her to the hospital to make sure she was oky."I am."She said hating that she had no idea how to explain, because she wasn't ready for this conversation, hadn't braced herself for it yet. "Remember when I fell the other day with that bag of flour?I was afraid I'd hurt myself, so I went to the doctor to get checked out."She said shuddering at the memory of the one day she had given in and tried to help him bake even though he told her she wouldn't have to. having been pulling the bag of flour off the shelf she hadn't calculated just how heavy it had been and pulled it down on herself, having needed peeta to help her get it up off her.And she'd feared she'd damaged the life she thought was growing in her. But she didn't know if she was pregnant for sure, hadn't even let the doctor tell her, just so she wouldn't have to pressure peeta with the knowledge she was pregnant again.

Haymitch smiled looking amused as he kissed norah's head, a soft look on his face as he he watched her and norah with liam."They'll come visit lots, I promise."He muttered trying to cheer up the upset girl tht the baby's wouldn't be living with them, even if they were leaving the hospital.

Jace grinned cuddling his baby girl as he leaned down to kiss her gently, smirking."It feels like I've gotten the best present in the world."He said his cheek dimpling as he smiled, smirking slightly."And if peeta shows up with a cake, I'm going to pout. I told him I didn't need a cake."He said smiling slightly, knowing his friend to well to not think peeta wouldnt show up with a cake.
Peeta read the headline again, his face going pale. After Ryan died, the though of another child scared him. He honestly never saw them having another child, for the pain was still there for him. They were still ex-tributes, and he feared that the same danger would surround a new baby the way it did Ryan. His eyes glanced up at her in visible relief. "Oh, okay," he murmured, "Well, I'm glad you're okay. Just wish you would have told me, Baby." He leaned over and kissed her cheek, then went back to arranging the daily pastry display. "Those reporters will say anything to get under our skin... I mean, the last thing we would be doing is having another child. We've finally managed to maintain a stable life, and the bakery business is booming." He shook his head and smirked. "It's ridiculous, really. I'm sorry I reacted so quickly."

Scarlet rolled her eyes and reached down to stroke the soft hair of their daughter, who was looking up at Jace with beautiful, curious blue eyes. "No pouting, please," she murmured playfully. "I already have two babies to take care of, I don't need a third." With that, she smirked and leaned into him, looking better than ever. Knowing her children were healthy and happy and they were finally going home, she was practically glowing. Norah handed her Liam, and she stook next to Jace, looking down at the little boy and girl. Liam was a little bigger, and there was definitely more of Jace in him. He was a little chubbier because he was constantly wanting to eat, but he was a happy baby. Jade was a little fussier, and she definitely inherited her mother's attitude. However, she always managed to grow calm when her daddy was holding her. "Turning the big 3-0 is not so bad when you have the most beautiful babies in the world, right?"
Sienna smiled slightly, though it was shaky around the edges, because while the idea scared her, and she still felt ryan's loss like a sharp pain in the hest, she wanted children somedy, and the naked relief in his eyes cut her heart to shreds because she realized, that maybe he didn't. Turning her head a little as he kissed her cheek she smiled a little as she looked at the pastries he was arranging, "Yea, They just needed something new to talk about. We're not tat interesting."She said smiling though soft blue eyes showed pain for a moment before she hid it again, looking down at the paper before tossing it out, smiling slightly. "It's okay. it is a little riddiculous isn't it?We wouldn't upset our life with kids."She said standing as she kissed hsi cheek, leaning against his back for a moment before stepping back."I'm going to go work out front. There's still some painting left to do. Wen you're done we'll head out to scarlet and jace's."She said smiling as she headed for the front part of the store, not willing to let him see just how hurt she was, or how much she needed to talk to someone.

Jace smiled at the look his daughter gave him, pressing a gentle kiss to her head before smirkng to look at scarlet."I'm not abby!"he whined making a face at her, shaking his head a little as he looked at norah."tell her to stop teasing me.Its my bithday."He gowled though he looked amused. Wrinkling his nose a little he laughed as his daughter copied the motion, though she acted like her mother, she was daddy's little girl."Oh I guess having these two are more then worth turning 30."He sid kissing her softly, "And the most beautiful wife makes it worth it to."
Peeta nodded, trying desperately to not think to hard about it. The pain of losing Ryan was still fresh, and if he thought about it too much, it would tear at te happiness he worked so hard to rebuild within himself. "No way," he murmured, "We are finally happy again and with a successful business... Not only is this the first time in my life I'm genuinely happy, but we are financially stable. I just want to maintain it, you know? I don't want to do anything to rock the boat." With that, he turned to help a customer and nodded to her. "Don't work too hard, Baby. It's scorching hot out there."

Scarlet smirked and kissed him back, then looked down at the two babies nestles in their arms. "One thing that is comforting about twins, is that if something ever happens to us, they will always have each other." Right as she said that, Liam looked over at his sister as if he was making sure she was still there. Even at such a young age, their bond was powerful. "Now, let's get this little boy and girl home." And with that, she swaddled Liam in a blanket and handed another blanket to Jace so he could do the same to Jade.
Sienna nodded smiling a little."I wont."She said smiling as she ducked outside to work.

Hace aughed softly,"Yes, well, I guess that is a comfort."He said rolling his eyes because it amused dhim that she worried about that. Tucking them in he smiled as he got the babies ready to go.

In a few ours Jace frowned a little as he looked at the younger couple, watching sienna cuddle the girl in his arms he tried to figure out what was rubbing him the wrong why, but he couldn't. Looking thoughtful he sighed softly as smiled at scarlet, pressing a kiss to her head as he shifted lim,amused the the boy had a handful of his shirt and looked about ready to go to sleep."Can we have birthday cake now?"He whined, despite having not having wanted one, he knew the cake would taste amazing, peeta's always did. "No. We have to eat dinner first. Behave jace, you're supposed to be a partent now. Eat things in the right order."Haymitch teased as he stepped out of the kitchen, having gotten kicked out of the kitchen by peeta and norah for trying to be to helpful.
Scarlet looked over at Jace and rolled his eyes. "I thought you didn't even want a cake," she murmured, then looked down at Liam. The little boy was nodding off in his father's arms, his blue eyes half-lidded with sleep. Scarlet reached down at pinched one his he chubby cheeks, making him grin, then jumped at the sound of Jade starting to fuss. Scarlet crossed the room and had the crying baby girl in her arms in less than a second. Ever since Jade had been born with health issues, Scarlet was constantly on edge. She knew it was not healthy to worry as much as she did, constantly jumping at each time Jade started to fuss, but she couldn't help it. She rubbed the little girl's back and kissed her head, pacing around the room.

Peeta walked out of the kitchen, untying the apron he had been wearing. He grinned at the people in the living room and nodded to the dining table. "Dinner's ready," he announced, then moved aside so everyone could see the spread of steaks, potatoes, vegetables, bread, and wine.
"I didn't.But red, it's peeta's cake.He's a good cake maker."He whined a little looking amused as he looked down at the baby, rolling her eyes as scarlet fussed over jade, even knowing she shouldn't fuss so much, for the moment it was sienna's look that held his interest. Wondering what was going on he grinned a little as he followed the others into the dining room, settling liam into the basinet beside the table as he started serving out food.

Haymitch smiled as he sat down between his two girls, smiling at norah as he kissed her cheek."It all looks amazing."he muttered. Sienna smiled looking at scarlet as she sat own next to the older woman,"on't fuss. She's fine now, otherwise they wouldn't have let her come home yet."She said before wincing as she realized she'd been given wine to drink. Debatnig about it for a minute before realizing she didn't want to, standing she got up and got herself a glass of water as she sipped it as she came back into the room, ignoring the looks she was getting as she settle back down and started to eat.
Scarlet looked over at Sienna with a bit of frustration in her eyes. "I can't not fuss. She's my child, and I worry about her constantly," she snapped. She didn't mean to be harsh, but the lack of sleep and extreme worry over the past month had left her edgy. She sighed and shook her head. "I'm sorry," she grumbled, then reached out and grabbed her glass of wine, taking a gulp with the hope it would calm her down. The last thing she needed was a break down, which is exactly where she felt like she was headed.

Norah grinned and leaned into his kiss, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "I'm glad you think so," she murmured, then reached over to hold his hand under the table while Jace served the food. Willa was way too distracted to eat, sitting up on her knees in her chair she she could get a good look at the babies in their basinet.

Peeta sat between Jace and Sienna, looking over at the babies with a soft smile. It hurt to see them, but he was happy his best friend was happy. Atleast he had a new nephew and niece to spoil, right? "How's father hood treating you?" he asked Jace, letting out a chuckle at the sight of Liam reaching his hands up, grabbing at the air.
Sienna winced, today on the day that everything seemed to be going wrong, she was feeling to raw and vulnerable to be understanding with scarlet, even if she understood. Laughing softly she nodded,shrugging as she looked at scarlet."It's okay. You put up with me...I can be understanding."She said smiling a little looking worried for her friend as she tried to not think about ryan, or the baby she was carrying, sipping her water she sighed starting to eat.So so needing someone to talk to, but the man she really wanted to talk to would be so pissed to realize she was pregnant, and she wasn't feeling brave enough to ruin this evening for scarlet or jace to bring it up with anyone else. Feeling so anxious that the fiid she ate wasn't settling easily in her stomach, swallowing hard as it threatened to come back up.Paling a little as she scrampered off to the bathroom, the door slamming followed soon by the sounds of her throwing up what she'd eaten. While she'd managed to not get sick when peeta was around, till now, she knew he was going to be worried, which is why she struggled so much to not be sick around him.

haymitch smiled looking amused as he squeezed her hand, amused because willa was so distracted, "Willa.Eat sweetheart."he coaxed,tugging her around to sit down again even as he absently watched his ex-tributes, sensing something...wrong, besides their pain at being around the babies, but missing what it was. Maybe they were just tired from running the bakery.

Jace grinned as he ate, looking over at the twins as they grabbed air and their own toes."It's good. Easier now tht we're all home.The hospital just wsn't pleasant."He said smiling a little."How about you?Bakery going well?"He said smiling before frowning watching sienna leave, before shrugging a little.Maybe she just wasn't feeling well.It happened. Espicially if she was overworking at the bakery and refusing to rest if she was feeling sickly.
"Oh, the bakery is doing amazing," Peeta said, a grin spreading across his lips. He lit up at the mention of his new business, because it really was making him happier than ever before. "There are days when we run out of everything before closing. And I'm getting a lot of orders for birthday and wedding cakes now that people have seen what I can do. I'm hoping we can get a nice savings account going..." What he really meant, was he wanted to buy Sienna a nice engagement ring, but he was waiting for the right time and to have the right amount of money to give her a nice wedding and honeymoon. It was something he'd talked about with Jace on many occasions over the past month.

Turning his head, he arched an eyebrow at Sienna when she went to the bathroom, then stood up to follow her. "Excuse me... I'm gonna go check on her," he murmured, frowning. He knocked on the door softly. "Honey? You okay in there?"

Willa pouted when Haymitch turned her toward her food. "Daaaaadddyyy," she whined, looking up at him those sad eyes that she knew always got her what she wanted. "Daddy, I'm not hungry. I want to play with the babies," she pleaded, then sat back up on her knees to look over at them again. Scarlet laughed a little and shook her head, arching an eyebrow at Haymitch. "You know, you could have one of your own... Maybe a little blond sister of Willa?," she teased, making Norah turn bright red.
Jace smiled, glad to see him so happy. "Good.I might just have to order my own cake more, cause I have a feeling scarlet wont share this one fairly.I'll have to fight for m own piece."He said snickering a little, because it was a well known fact tehy all fell in love with peeta's cakes. His grin grew,"Yes, that would be nice. Bright and shiny savings account."he muttered teasing peeta a little before frowning as sienna left.

Sienna swallowed ahrd as she rested her head on the toilet lip,shivering a little as she stood, sipping water to clean out her mouth before looking up at the mirror. Rubbing a hand over a pale face she swallowed hard. She knew she shouldn't do this, not at jace's birtday party, but the suspicion she was pregnant that was soliditying into fact while peeta didn't want family was making her to anxious to be calm and easy. Rubbing her hands over her face again she moved to the door pulling it open, stepping into peeta's arms, avoiding looking up at him, just needing the comfort of being held for now."Yea.. I'm okay."She said not sounding so sure,but she could do this, be easy at the party."...we need to talk when we get home though."She muttered."Not here. I don't want to ruin the party...but later."She sighed softly, hugging him tightly,because it scared her to think about how he was going to react.

Haymitch laughed softly at willa's reaction, smiling as he looked over t her. Sighing as he realized it wasn't just norah, or sienna, or scarlet, who had him wrapped around their fingers, he was helpless against all the women in his life, espicially this little girl."You'll be hungry later,sweetheart."He warned before blushing at scarlet's words, swallowing hard. Blushing and squirming a little in his seat he avoided looking at any of them."yea..." Jace raised a haymitch's word,and blushing. Smirking a little because maybe, the man was thinking about it? "Well, we all are settling in, having kids..."He said smirking a little because it was so rare to see haymitch uncomfortable.
Peeta looked down at her with confusion, rubbing her back and nodding as she hugged him. "As long as you are feeling okay," he murmured, still frowning a little even as he led her back to the table. With that, they cut up Jace's cake and he started to serve it out, trying not to think about how odd Sienna had been acting the past few days. Maybe the tabloids were really getting to her... Sitting a huge piece of cake in front of Jace, he smirked. "Considering all you've done for me, you can have as much cake as you want for the rest of your life. You know where to get it."

Scarlet laughed a little and shook her head. "Don't tell him that. He might divorce me and marry the cake." She winked at her husband, then picked up a fussy Liam. "I'll be back. Liam's hungry..." She blushed a little and tried not to sigh in frustration as she moved to the living room to breast feed Liam, only for Jade to start crying as soon as she left. Norah walked over and picked Jace up, bouncing her a little and rubbing her back as she sat back down beside Haymitch. Her eyes rolled up to look at her soon to be husband and gave him a soft smile, her cheeks still red from the talk of them having a child of their own. She never really considered Haymitch ever wanting another one...

"Willa, baby, eat," she murmured, and Willa let out a sigh and started to nibble on a roll. She leaned her head on Haymitch's arm and pouted as she ate.
"I'm okay."Sienna said letting him take her back to the table, looking amused as jace grinned."If I'm going to divorce you to marry anyone, I'moing to marry the baker, not the cake."He said snickering a little."Hey hey hey, if anyone's marrying the baker, its me."Sienna protested with a small smile, looking amused and worried before sighing softl leaning back in her seat, rubbing her stomach a little, not because she was still feeling sick but because she knew that that baby bump was going to change everything, including if she got married or not. LClosing her eyes as she watched the others, content to rest there, almost falling asleep. More easily tired pregnant, a legacy of being pregnant during the games, her body was overcompensating, trying to make her rest more because the first time she'd not had enough.Blinking sleepily at peeta she smiled a little,"Can we go home?"She muttered yawning as she struggled to stay awake, because she knew she needed to be awake for this conversation

Haymitch smiled a little leaning over to look at the child, looking a little red himself as he rested is cheek on her shoulder."We should have one...I mean...if you want to..."he muttered blushing hard as he nuzzled her a little.
Peeta grinned at her comment about marrying him, and he rested his arm on the back of her chair, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "That's right," he murmured, "There's only one future baker's wife in this room." He rubbed her arm and pulled her close, letting her doze off against him. He noticed she was sleepy, but assumed she must have not had a nice night's sleep. After an hour or so, Peeta nodded and stood up. "Yea, we should go. Have to open the bakery up in the morning," he murmured with a yawn. He leaned down to give Jace a hug, telling him happy birthday, then said goodbye to the others.

Norah looked over at Haymitch with surprise, raising her eyebrows. "Really...?" she whispered, a grin spreading across her face. "You want to? I would love to have you baby, Haymitch." She leaned down and kissed him softly, still rubbing Liam's back softly. Willa had managed to crawl into Haymitch's lap and fell asleep there, content in her daddy's arms like she was every night.
Sienna smiled as she said goodbye to the others, quiet as they headed home. Getting ready for bed she bit her lip as she sat on the bed leaning back against the headboard as she watched him get ready for bed to."peeta?"She said softl, looking so worried, a flicker of fear in her eyes as she watched him."Do you want to try again?I mean for a family, kids and everything?I know the article was a surprise this morning but..."She said stumbling through what hse'd wanted to say, feeling tangled up and worried but starting to wake up enough to have this conversation because she needed to, she needed to know.

Haymitch smiled as he pressed a kiss to willa's hair."Oh good.I want to."He said blushing a little as he kissed norah, before standing up, cuddling willa,"You better give him back to his father, we better get willa in bed."He said sounding like a worried father. Jace grinned as he gently eased the babe out of norah's arm, snuggling his son as he kissed norah's cheek."Thanks for coming.And thanks for staying with me."He muttered so very grateful for the woman who'd staye with him so much out of the last two months to make sure he was okay.
Peeta moved over to the dresser as she sat on the bed, taking his shirt off and changing into some sleep pants. Her question startled him, making him pause in front of the bed with a look of confusion. It took a few moments to process what she was saying. "We are a family, Sienna," he murmured, "We don't need children to be a family." He clenched his jaw and moved to the bathroom, deciding a warm bath before bed would actually be best. His muscles were aching, and he needed to avoid whatever she was hinting to.

Norah kissed Jace on the cheek like he did her and grinned up at him. "Jace, we will always be here for you. Always," she murmured, handing over the infant, even if she was not ready to. "Happy birthday." She grinned at him then followed Haymitch out to the car. Willa slept the whole ride home, and after they got her into bed, she turned to him with a grin. "I honestly didn't think you wanted kids..."
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