Death within Love

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Peeta nodded, looking a little defeated at Jace's words. "No, Jace, don't," he said, shaking his head. "Stay here with Scarlet. I know you've wanted to be on the beach..." He stood up and grabbed his shirt off the floor, tugging it over his head. "There is no need going back there. I mean, I won't be there long, and I'll come back whenever I'm release," he murmured, hope coloring his tone. As they moved into the kitchen, he tensed at the sight of Sienna, then forced himself to looked away from her. He moved past her and sat at the table across the room from her, watched as Scarlet flipped pancakes in a pan near by.

"You mad at me, Scar?" Peeta asked, frowning. Scarlet looked over her shoulder at him, offering him a soft smile. "No, Peeta, I'm not mad... It's okay. We'll get it all figured out, and you'll be good as new." She moved over and placed a stack of pancakes in front of each boy, then sat down with a glass of water. She wasn't feeling well all of the sudden, and she couldn't even make herself eat.
Jace frowned before sighing, "Okay. I'll stay here."He said annoyed that he couldn't make things better, but he'd be able to do this. He knew peeta wouldn't be gone long, he just had to believe it. Smiling a little as he started to eat, "We'll figure it out."he sai looking at the two teens, tehy all looked so broken and hurt.Looking at scarlet slightly concerned he tilted his head, but for the moment letting it go. Because if something was wrong, she'd tell him wouldn't she?Of course she would. Smiling a little as he kept up running commentary until it was time for norah and peeta to go, watching his friend leave with a worried frown.

Nearly four months later Haymitch and Jace were arguing as they walked through the hospital halls, on their way to peeta's room. Having come out to district 13 the day before his birthday, so that he wouldn't be alone, they were going back the day after for sienna's party."You know, we have to tell him." "No we don't. He's finally starting to feel better, there's no reason to tell him." "Yes there is." "Shut up jace."Haymitch scowled at the younger adult, annoyed that for the last few weeks both scarlet and jace had been after him to tell peeta just how bad sienna was, because they all knew she wouldn't take care of herself for anyone but peeta anymore, but he just couldn't do it. Not when peeta was just starting to put himself back together. Shifting the box of beer he was holding he scowled at jace before pausing in front of peeta's door, glad it was closed-though not realizing that it was easily heard through- "Now. Not a word. I swear to god if you say something, I'll make scarlet a widow."he threatened before pushing open the door.

Sienna shifted in her bed, the slender woman, thin but having a small amount of fat. Looking healthy, except that she looked exhausted. Having been force fed for 4 months she wasn't starving to death but she was still dying. Still dying and she wasn't doing a thing to change it. Shifting a little she smiled a little, looking at the small girl sitting on the bed next to her."Morning willa."She muttered lifelessly, nuzzling her cheek against the girl's hand as willa stroked her hair, sighing ever so softly
Peeta opened the door, his eyebrow arched. "Say what?" he inquired, having heard their little squabble from inside his room. He was looking a lot better, lately. His hair was back to the normal golden hue, and his eyes finally started to retain that boyish charm he had before the games. Even his skin tone was a little better due to health and time at the rehabilitation's outdoor pool. He'd even been spending his time as a lifeguard at the swimming pool, helping the young children and everything. It gave him meaning, and not only that, made him feel less lonely. It was nice, even if he missed his friends.

"Thanks for coming," he said, leaning in to hug Haymitch. The man was like a father to him, and it was nice to see him. He then turned to Jace and did the same before letting him into the nice apartment-like place he lived in at 13.

Willa smiled at Sienna, stroking her cheek softly, then laid down and snuggled next to her. "Brought a book," she chirped, handing Sienna a little beginner's picture book that her parents or Sienna read to her often. She loved being read to... Norah walked in a frowned. "Willa, honey, Sienna might not be up to reading. You remember what we talked about?" Willa pouted, looking up at Sienna and sighing. "Sorry, Sha-sha..."

Norah walked over and sat in the chair beside Sienna's bed, hating to see her the way she was, but knowing there was nothing she could do. Only one person could make Sienna survive, and that was Sienna. She placed a plate of cookie on the bedside table, and Willa immediately grabbed one and started to munch on it.

"The boys are gone today," she murmured, "Went to see Peeta for his birthday..." With that, she offered her a smile, but knew it was no good.
Haymitch winced a little as looked at the son he'd accepted as his own, before smiling slightly, hugging him back."You look better each time I come to visit."He said smiling a little as he stepped back, setting the beer on the table, hoping peeta'd forget about the question if he just didn't say anything. "Hey now, peeta, my wife might get jealous if you keep hugging me."Jace said snickering a little, hugging peeta back before stepping away, looking around the room before smirking. While he wanted to tell peeta, the only person who'd ever convince haymitch to say something, would be peeta himself. Haymitch would injure anyone else who tried to demand peeta be told his girlfriend was dying.

"We brought beer. Figured now that you're 20, you're old enough for one."Haymitch teased smirking at the blond, tilting his head a little.

Sienna smiled a little wrapping a arm around willa pressing a kiss to her head. While she was surviving, at least physically, with almost every passing day the woman she was was dying,breaking even more, so much that her body was starting to respond to her desire to no longer be a burden to any of them. Sitting up a little she picked up a cookie, nibbling on it as she reached for the book."Its okay sweetheart.I'm okay."she said stroking willas hair, smiling slightly."Did you know today's my birthday willa?How about we read this book, and we'll go for a walk after okay?"she said smiling a little wider. Wanting to celebrate, not her own birthday,but peeta's.Even if the thought of the blond scared her, despite her desperate trying to hide it, she knew the others knew she was scared, she still wanted to celebrate, in a small way.

Sienna looked at norah, for the first time in awhile the girl she'd been showing through, that happy in love girl, and she smiled at norah."We can go for a walk can't we?"She asked, for once showing a interest in something.
Peeta laughed a little and walked over to the table, grabbing a beer and cracking it open. He moved to the couch and plopped down. "Make yourselves comfortable," he said, "This is about as interesting as it gets around here. How's everything at home?" He smiled at them, showing that he really was looking well. Even if there were days when he missed everyone, and he felt guilty about Sienna and Ryan, he was doing much better. He was learning how to look at the bright sides of things, and to fight past the fake memories of the hijacking.

Norah looked down at Sienna and Willa, knowing that she was probably better off in bed, but she couldn't pass up her happy demeanor. They were so far apart these days that she just couldn't tell her no. "Of course," she murmured, looking over at the two. Despite not being but seven years older than her, Norah had kind of adopted Sienna lately. She mothered her and took care of her, just wanting to keep her strong.

Willa perked up and grinned. "Happy birfday, Sha-sha!" she squealed, then leaned up to hug her.
Jace grinned a little as he sat down in his seat, smirking a little."Good.Norah's mothering everyone.Including me and scarlet.Haymitch of course, gets mothered the worst." "I do not."Haymitch said rolling his eyes, looking amused trying to not tell peeta, but he knew he needed to, not only for sienna,but because peeta would never forgive him if he didn't tell him before it was to late."Sienna's sick.But therwise, we're doing okay."He said biting his lip, for once looking uncomfortable as he tried to figure out how to tell peeta exactly how sick his girl was.

Sienna smiled as she opened the book, wrapping a arm around willa's shoulders as she returned the hug."Thanks sweetheart.Now lets read."She said grinning happily, so happy to celebrate peeta's birthday and her own, as she started reading. When they were done she stood slowly, taking her time to make sure she really could be up and about before smiling as she realized norah was watching her worriedly."I'm fine. It'll be a short walk. I promise."She said smiling as she kissed the older woman's cheek, dressing slowly."But its finally warm, and I want to go to the beach."she said slipping a hand into willa's,"Come on sweetheart.Time for the first barefoot walk of the day."
Peeta looked down at him beer, is face full of indifferent. Taking a sip, he let their words sink in. What did they mean she was sick? She had a cold? He pressed his lips together for a moment and looked up at Haymitch. "How sick?" he murmured, obvious curious and surprisingly concerned. After a few months of healing, he had come to terms with not only Ryan's death, but Sienna's innocence. However, he still was weary about loving her. Part of him believed he'd pushed her away so much that there was no way to go back and fix things. But that certainly didn't mean he didn't care for her. If anything, the distance made him long for her. He only stayed away for her safety and his health.

Norah smiled and nodded, helping the girl get dressed before walking them outside. She sat on the front porch of her and Haymitch's house, sipping a cup of coffee while waiting for them to walk along the shore. Life, besides Sienna's illness, was nice. The house they lived in was just big enough for them, a small two-story beach house that had a beautiful view of the ocean. You literally walked off the porch and into the sand... "Be careful!" she called out to them, before smiling softly.

Scarlet smiled at her reflection after she got out of the shower, her hands covering the small curve of her growing stomach. She was practically glowing, so exciting at the idea of finally having Jace's baby, but she couldn't seem to tell anyone... It's not that she was ashamed, it's just she hated the idea of hurting Sienna and Peeta's feelings after they lost Ryan... With a sigh, she moved to the closet and threw on a pair of jeans (which she had to go buy, considering her other ones wouldn't zip) and a loose fitting blouse.
Haymitch looked down at his beer as jace snorted a little. Calling sienna sick was telling a sucidial person she was just depressed. she was crippled, whatever peeta and snow had convinced her of in those long months, she thought she was a burden, and killing herself by inches to free them from having to take care of her, reacting badly to things, like a spooked horse. Frowning as he looked over at peeta, startled a little at his concern though it shouldn't have, then looking at haymitch as he didn't answer."She's depressed."he said biting his lip, wondering how to explain just how sucidial she'd become, while she didn't actively try to kill herself...they were all worried she would. Haymitch studied peeta for a long moment, trying to decide on what to tell him, before nodding slightly, figuring he could handle the truth."She's sucidial peeta."He said biting his lip a little.

Sienna smiled a little as she walked with willa, smiling as she looked at norah."We're always careful.But we're going to go get scarlet, just to be safe!"She called back smiling as she headed up the stairs to the house next to them, knocking on the door before pushing it open, knowing she was going to startle scarlet, but she was happy."Scarlet!Come on!We're going to go for a walk, aren't we willa?"
Peeta felt like he had been stabbed in the gut, his eyes going a little wide. He looked at the two other men with utter confusion, his head feeling fuzzy and his heart aching. Why would Sienna want to die? He swallowed nervously and looked over the man he thought of as a father. "Wh-what? Why? Why would she want to.... I don't understand." He looked lost, shaking his head.

Scarlet walked out of the bedroom, smiling over at the two girls. She blushed a bit, tugging at her shirt in order to hide her slightly curvier figure. "Oh, are you? Well, I suppose I can join." She rolled up her jeans a bit and followed them out onto the shore, her wind blowing in the salt wind of the beach. It was so, so pretty today. It was almost a shame the boys were gone, but she also knew that they missed Peeta. And she was sure that Peeta wanted to see them for his birthday. "I hope you've had a good birthday so far. I know Norah's been planned a little dinner for when Jace and Haymitch get home."

Willa immediately started looked for shells, scrambling to pick up as many as possible.
Haymitch sipped his drink watching the younger man before sighing softly."I don't know. Not for sure. She wont say."He said biting his lip. "She thinks she's a burden. That she's only screwing up things so she's....taking herself out of the equation."jace said hating that they'd upset peeta, but knowing he'd needed told because while sienna was the only person who could make herself survive, peet might be able to give her a reason to try. Haymitch swallowed, knowing it needed to be said, before peeta thought of it himself."From what we can gather.... you were not kind to her when you were hijacked and grieving....she's pulling away because she doesn't want to hurt you more."he said gently, knowing it would hurt peeta to know it, but he needed told because sienna nearly had a panic attack anytime someone mentioned peeta. And if he knew his boy, he knew peeta was going to demand to see her. Which meant telling him everything.

Sienna smiled a little looking happy as she pulled off her shoes curling her toes into the sand as she helped willa pick uot shells, nodding."I know.She asked me what I wanted to eat. And for some unknown reason, haymitch promised to bring me alcohol.I don't drink why is he bringing me something?"she questioned looking so cutely confused it was a shame to see her work so hard to just be happy.It's been a good morning.Me and willa had breakfast, read a book, and now we're picking up shells."She said smiling happily because she loved spending time with willa.
Peeta reached up and ran a hand through his hair. "I wasn't intentionally treating her that way. I couldn't help it," he murmured, saying the same thing he therapist had told him a multitude of times. He swallowed and leaned back in the seat, suddenly feeling like a 100 pounds had been placed on his shoulder. What if she died? He'd never forgive himself. Ever. Even if it wasn't necessarily his fault. "You have to take me to see her, Haymitch..." he murmured, looking up at him. "I mean, they took me off my medication and my doctor seems confident in me these days... I'm sure I could be released if it was an emergency."

Scarlet shrugged. "I think Haymitch wants you to have a good time, that's all," she murmured, looking out at the water. Willa splashed around in the shallowest part of the water, still a little too timid after her accident to go very far. Scarlet's hand strayed to her stomach with out her even thinking about it, and she smiled. "Well, I'm glad your day's been decent so far. I know Norah's been trying to make everything comfortable for you... I think we are having a cook-out on the deck if it's nice out. Norah made a cake and few side dishes... It will be nice." She was trying to keep the young girl distracted and her mood lifted, just as Norah and the rest have been.
"I know you weren't."Haymitch said sighing a little, before nodding, looking concerned because it worried him to take him back with them,but he knew he had to."I'll go talk to the doctor."He said inishing his beer and going in search of his doctor.

Sienna smiled a little."I know he does. ITs just...weird"She said smiling a little befre looking at scarlet, frwning a little as she studied her before shrugging a litle."A cok out would be fun."she said smiling as she headed out for willa spalshing in the water to.

A few hours later Sienna smiled tiredly as they headed back to the house, before pausing as they got back to the house,hearing more then the two voices she'd expected.stumbling back a step as willa walked insie she swallowed hard, not fleeing, but not exatly going in to see the three men. Haymitch smiled widely when willa waled in, scooping her up as he stepped out of his boots, having just arrived there themselves."Hey sweetheart.Where'd you leave your aunts?"
Willa grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him close. She loved the man she called her daddy, and she was always thrilled to be with him. It was very unlikely that you would ever see Haymitch sitting on the couch without the toddler perched in his lap. "Hi, Daddy!" she chirped, her curls bouncing. "Sha-Sha's out there," she murmured, pointing toward the door. "Aunt Scar is siiiiick..." She frowned at that, then looked over her shoulder at the blond man sitting at the table. Her eyes went wide. "Peeta!" she exclaimed happily, bouncing a little in Haymitch's arms.

Norah stepped up behind them, getting up on her tip toes to kiss his lips softly. "Food's almost ready," she murmured, then looked over to Jace. "Scarlet's in the upstairs bathroom. Sick to her stomach, I think..." She frowned a bit, then walked toward the front door. Seeing Sienna on the porch, she offered her a soft smile. "You have company... He asked to come see you," she whispered, reaching out to grab the girl's hand. "The doctor's say he's good as new." And it was true, Peeta looked great. He had a nice tan from working as a lifeguard, his body was nice and fit from working out in his pass time, and his eyes held that boyish charm that had been missing for a long time...
Haymitch smiled pouncing willa a little, looking amused as he looked down at his bouncing daughter, pressing a kiss to her head."Did you have fun today at the beach?"He said looking pleased that sienna had gotten out of the house on her own.Maybe she could do this.Biting his lip he tilted his head towards peeta,"You might want to go out there."He muttered, knowing it would take alot to ocnvince sienna to come in,to cross whatever line she'd built up in her head,better to peeta to meet her halfway.

Jace frowned a little looking at the small group worriedly,but looking towards the stairs because he knew they didn't need a audience.Smiling a little as he headed upstairs he tilted his head as he leaned against the doorframe."Sweetheart, you're not supposed to get sick when I'm not hear to take care of you."He teased.

Sienna swallowed hard looking at norah her eyes wide and panicky, because it confused her, confused her so much that peeta was actually there that she had no idea how to react. She'd convinced herself tha it was better he was gone, somewhere where she couldn't hurt him.With him here, she'd hurt him, she just knew it.Shaking her head she swallowed hard,"N-no.Can't-can't be here. No."She said her voice holding that panic that was starting to become a panic attack.Had she been warned he'd be here, she might have been okay, but caught unaware she was panicing.
Willa nodded and smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder and hugging his neck. "Lots of fun," she murmured, sounding a little sleepy due to the fact her nap time was nearing. Her red curls brushed against his chin, and she let out a tired little sigh. "Daddy, I'm tired..." She looked up at him with a little pout, her eyes drooping a little. She was spoiled these days, always expecting Haymitch to rock her to sleep.

Peeta hesitated for a moment, looking up at Haymitch for reassurance, then pushed himself up from the table with a slow nod. He moved down he hall and toward the front door, coming up behind Norah. Turning around, she smiled, then left the two teens alone.

Standing there, Peeta leaned against the door way and looked down at her, looking better that ever. So healthy and bright, even a little more mature. "Hey there," he whispered, looking into her eyes. He tried desperately not to let her see how much it pained him to see her in such a state, but it was challenging.

Scarlet looked up, shaking her head and leaning against the bath then. Her arms went to wrap around her knees. "I'm fine," she promised offering him a smile. And she was, because she was not sick. Well, unless morning sickness counted... "I promise... Just a fluke." She shrugged, then reached her hand out to him. "I am happy you're home though..." Grabbing his hand, she stood up with his help and looked down at her shirt, wincing when she noticed how gross it looked. "Ugh. Hang on... I'll borrow something from Norah."

And with out thinking, she slipped her shirt off and wadded it up, looking toward the closet in search for something fresh to wear. It didn't even enter her mind that her stomach was exposed, the soft curve of it clearly visible...
Haymitch smiled as he kissed her head, standing up as he watched peeta go outside, smiling slightly as he looked at norah as she came back in,"Do you think they'll be okay?"He muttered as they walked upstairs to put willa downsettling in the rocking chair to rock her to sleep. Not at all minding being the one she demanded it from, having like the ritual.But today he wasn't concentrating on the child in his arms, he was worrying about the other two children he cared for.Yea, yea he knew they weren't children anymore, but he'd always uss over them lik ethey were, because they needed someone to, and he'd never forget how they looked the first time they went into the game.

Sienna looked up at him, startleld to actually see him there. Even knowing he had been inside she still wasn't ready. Looking him over she started to relax a little, even if the panic was still in her eyes."H-hey."She said biting her lip her panic growing worse when she met his eyes again, seeing the pain there. He had never been that good at hiding things from her. Swallowing hard she whimpered, because it pained her to think about causing him pain,struggling for calm,even though the panic was getting worse, because she understood that something about seeing her was causing him pain.Looking at him she swallowed hard, looking shy, needing reassurance he was really there, before stepping forward, walking into his arms, leaning into him, hands gripping his shirt tightly,clinging to him,even as she flinched every once in awhile, having not totally lost the habit of expecting to be hit for touching him.

Jace smiled a little looking at her."I'm glad to be here.Peeta's here with us."he said grinning, because he was so pleased to have the man there, even if it was causing a emotional upset to sienna. Looking amused as he looked her over, biing his lip to keep from saying anything about her stomach.He wasn't a stupid man, he'd known for a little while she was pregnant, but she hadn't said anything for some reason, so he was letting her keep the secret if she wanted to."You hungry?I think norah was getting ready to start the cookout."
Norah walked into Willa's room, smiling as she saw Haymitch rocking the little girl to sleep. Sitting down on the foot of the bed in front of the chair he sat in, she nodded. "Peeta's been cleared from the hospital for a month, Haymitch," she murmured, "He's been staying there because he was afraid to come home and hurt someone... It says a lot that he even left, and for Sienna of all people. It shows he still loves her, and because of that, I think they will be okay." Leaning over, she put her hand on her lover's cheek and kissed him softly, grinning as she saw that Willa was fast asleep in his arms.

Peeta hesitated at first, scared that once she was too close to him, he would feel the urge to hurt her again. But surprisingly, nothing happened. He felt as calm as he did before, for he truly was healed... And with that, he pulled her into his arms and pressed his face into her hair. "I'm here," he whispered, though he didn't know how much comfort it provided. "I'm sorry I was gone so long... I had to be sure I was better before I was ever allowed near you again." He swallowed and hugged her tight against him, his lips moving to brush against her forehead. His heart raced with something he had not felt in a long time - love. It was an incredible feeling to hold someone who was meant to fit in his arms the way she did.

Scarlet pulled on a loose t-shirt that left one of her shoulders bare, and nodding. "Yea, but I think it will be a little while... Peeta and Sienna will need some time to themselves." She bit her lip, then moved to wrap her arms around his torso, her head resting on his chest. Guilt was starting to eat her alive, especially now that she was getting farther and farther along in the pregnancy. Hell, she had even snuck off to the doctor alone to make sure everything was okay with out telling him. She was only doing it to protect Sienna's feelings, but it still hurt her to hide things from Jace. And so after a long moment of hugging him, she pulled back to look into his eyes.

"I'm pregnant," she murmured suddenly, frowning a bit. "I've known for a while but... I just feel guilty about Ryan's death. I just don't want to hurt Sienna's feelings with bringing up the fact that you and I are married, expecting children, and her and Peeta are having such an awful time. And she's took sick to upset any further..."
Haymitch smiled a little pressing a kiss to willa's hair as he stood gently laying in her bed before walking out of the room with noarh, wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head."I know.They'll be fine."He muttered hugging her against him, determined to not worry about them, not when he was sure peeta could help sienna want to live again.

Sienna relaxed ,calming as he held her, breathing deeply as she pressed her face against his chest, Shivering a little as her body and mind realized that he wasn't hurting her, that he was just holding her, flinching a little when she felt his lips against her forehead she smiled sotly, shifting slightly.Wrapping her arms around his waist,"I missed you."She muttered sounding slightly upset because despite having missed him while he was gone, she had convined herself he was better without her, so having him there was upsetting, but she'd been alone without him that despite her feelings, she longed to hold him again."...we sould go inside...norah was going to cook."She muttered clenching her jaw, trying so hard to not to yawn. After all,she'd been up and about all morning, she was tired from it.She dind't want to admit to being exhausted

"true.We'll be lucky if they even attend their own party."Jace said snorting a little beore looking over at her, frowning slightly, wrappign his arms around her as he pressed a kiss to her head."I know."he said after a moment."You justdidn't want to say anything, so I didn't either."he said smiling a little wider before sighing softly, looking worried about it."She'd be happy for you Scarlet.You know she would be."He muttered but knowing how the other felt. Even knowing she was pregnant, he had avoided talking about his married life or anything with either sienna or peeta, not when they were both sick.
Norah smiled and hugged him close, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. "Of course they will," she murmured, "None of us would let anything happen to those too, and I think Peeta has really healed..." Grabbing his hand, she pulled him down the stairs. "Come on. Let's get some burgers and hot dogs on the grill while the other's get situated. I think all of us could use a good meal."

Peeta smiled softly and nodded, holding the door opened to lead her inside and over to the couch in the living room. He pulled her into his lap and held her close, reaching up to stroke her hair gently. "I missed you too," he murmured, his tone almost relieved. He felt complete with her in his arms, so happy to have her there, and he was determined to keep her there. He didn't want to let anything to get between them again... "I've been told you're... you're sick," he whispered, his eyes connecting with her's. "Is it true?" His expression was sad and pained.

Scarlet sighed and nodded, "I know they would be happy, but I still just feel... guilty for being so happy when they are so sad." She shrugged and moved to rest her hands on her curved stomach, looking up at him with a smirk. "You jerk... I can't believe you knew all this time!" She pouted, a little sad that the surprise was ruined. Reaching down, she grabbed his hands an placed them on her stomach. "Well, we better get ready to buy two cribs..." she whispered, biting her lip with hard to contain excitement. "We're having twins."
Haymitch grinned leaning down to kiss her lightly nodding as he glanced into the living room,smiling at the sight before heading for the kitchen, grabbing the burgers and heading outside with her."So are you sure I can cook these?I might burn them."he said snickering a little because he'd hardly ever used a grill, he usually ended up burning things when he tried.

Sienna sighed sofly as he pulled her into his lap,snuggling into him, leaning her head into his hand,closing her eyes.Yelping a little when he asked, pressing her cheek into his chest, avoiding his eyes.Shivering a little as she considered what he was saying."...yes...."She muttered blushing ever so softly. Sighing softly she tensed, waiting for a response, tense and waiting for yelling. Having over the last four months having had both haymitch and jace lose their tempers as they watched her get worse.Looking away from peeta's eyes she shivered a little, waiting for an explosive response."It wasnt so bad..."She muttered hoping that the others hadnt told him just how bad shed gotten.embarassed and shamed.Struggling not to fall asleep, laying there so comfortable on his chest, where she belonged, but her body was so so exhausted.Even when she slept, it wasn't well.

"they're ging to be fine. Peeta's back,and he'll get sienna back."She muttered smirking a little as he wrapped his arms around her, resting his head against hers,"Oh, good.As if we were getting any sleep anyways.Twins will be grand."he teased smirking a little, looking amused because they'd all had moments of panic over the last few months, getting up to make sure sienna was okay. So getting up with twins wouldn't be so bad."And you weren't saying anything, so I didn't. you didn't seem to want me to."He said nuzzling her a little.
Eight months later...

Scarlet laid in bed, like she had been the past week, watching TV and sulking. She hated laying around in bed and not beng able to o anything, but the doctor was very strict on his order of bed rest. Not to mention, her stomach was huge. Too big to walk comfortably and do anything exciting. As happy as she was about her babies being on the way, she was miserably in bed. She just had to keep her thought positive, thinking about names and if they will be boys, girls, or both, whether they'd look like her or Jace. It was very exciting to think about it, even if she was a little lonely in bed all day...

Norah sat on the bench out on their front porch, sipping her coffee and looking out at he ocean while Willa took her nap. She liked peaceful moments like this, mainly because they were so rare while growing up, and she could sit out there for hours and hours... The wind blew around her dark red hair, and her legs were tucked up underneath her.

Peeta was fast asleep in the bed that him and Sienna now shared in a smaller house down the shore from the others. It wasn't as nice or big, but it was just the two of them, and with all the time they spent at the others' houses, it was really perfect. The large young adult was spread across the bed, one arm and one leg hanging off the side and soft snores could be heard from his direction. He was sleeping peacefully for a change, for he was truly happy to be back with everyone.
Jace grinned as he collapsed onto the bed next to her, leaning over to kiss her softy before resting his head on her breasts, enjoying the soft cushy pillows her pregnancy had given him."Don't sulk darling, you don't look cute sulking."he said rolling his head up to look at her, sighing softly because he hated not being able to make her happy like this, and to anxious and stir crazy to just stay in bed all day, he'd started to make money by running errands for the local fishers in the mornings, just so they could have the afternoons to themselves. Trying to hide just how worried he was for her, because it pained him to see her like this, restricted to something she didn't want, because of him. Because he'd gotten her pregnant. Even if he knew they'd both wanted kids, he still worried she'd blame him for her being miserable in bed.

Haymitch smiled as he stepped out onto the porch with her, sipping his coffee for a moment before looking at her, content to just watch her. Absently fingering the ring in his jeans pocket he swallowed hard before moving to stand next to her, nudging her a little."Walk down to the edge with me?"he said leaning over, kissing her softly. While willa was sleeping, they would still be close enough in case willa got up, but seeing as she'd just gone down for a nap, it was unlikely she'd be awake soon.

Sienna giggled a little as she looked at her lover laying across the bed. Even if they weren't having sex, because despite them both being healed, or at least healed as they'd ever be, peeta and her just hadn't actually given into the need for sex yet, because of the last 8 months they'd settled into a normal life, a couple's life....just without sex. As if the unspoken fear of getting pregnant, or being vulnerable had totally paralyzed them, frozen them in that awkward dating stage. Grinning a little as she snapped a picture of him ,she smiled as she sat on the edge of the bed, stroking a hand over his back."Peeta..."She muttered leaning over to kiss his forehead, over the last few weeks having slowly tried to express the desire for sex,but to embarassed and fragile despite not being depressed anymore, to ask outright.
Scarlet smiled down at him, raising her hand to stroke his hair. She was so proud of him and how he went out and found a job in order for them to get things for not only one baby, but two. She loved how he immediately stepped up as a father, even before the children were there, to make sure they were taken care of. Never had she had someone do something like that for her. "I'm just bored to death," she murmured, "But I'm happy. You know that. I've even been thinking of names all day..." Leaning over, she kissed his forehead. "How was work?"

Norah grinned when she felt her lover nudge her and nodded, reaching down to grab his hand and walk with him. Over the past eight months, they had grown even closer than before. They both raised Willa, which was something Norah would always be grateful about, and he took care of her. She loved him more than she ever had another man. No one had ever come close to him... Leaning up, she kissed him back. "It's such a pretty day, isn't it?"

Peeta let out a little sigh as he started to stir, rolling over and looking up at her with his big blue eyes. He grinned sleepily. "Hey there," he murmured softly, leaning up to kiss her. Life was good in his opinion. They were happy, even if a little hesitant about certain things, but they were in love again... That was all that mattered. He pulled her down next to him and wrapped his arms around her, leaning down to nuzzle into her neck. "How'd you sleep?"
Jace smiled a little, nuzzling his face against her breasts, just enjoying the plump boobs before laughing softly, because he really couldn't count it as work, when he enjoyed what he did so much. Fishing and being near the beach was so much better then he'd ever dreamed it'd be when he was a mentor. "Hmm I know.But I wish I could make it better."he muttered stealing a kiss before grinning."It was good. The guys are starting to take bets on when you're going to go into labor. I, of course being the highly intuned and observant man, have covered every day for the next month."He said snickering.

Haymitch smiled squeezing her hand as they walked, nodding as they walked through the sand, smiling slightly as the water lapped at their toes."A pretty day,for a pretty lady."he muttered blushing ever so softly as he turned her into his arms, wrapping his arms around her waist as he hed her close. Having spent the last month working up the nerve to ask her to marry him.Despite knowing the answer, he was still nervous about asking. "How was your day?"He muttered holding her, and working on getting the question out.

Sienna smiled at his sleepiness, he was so adorable when he was sleepy. Kissing him back he yelped a little as he pulled her down into bed with him, startled at the sudden movement."I slept well.You?"She muttered shivering a little as he nuzzled her, running her fingers through soft blond hair."You looked uncomfortable, half off the bed."She teased.
Scarlet laughed and shook her head, continuing to stroke his hair as he nuzzled her swollen breasts. "Well, aren't you a risk taker," she murmured, amused at the idea of how even at work, he talked about her with the men he worked with. Her other hand rubbed her stomach gently, as if she were comforting the yet to be born babies. "So tell me what you think of these names... For girls, I thought about Violet, Jade, Elizabeth, Serena, Emma...?" She looked at him, waiting for his opinion. "For boys, I thought about Sterling, Alec, Foster, Liam...? That's all I have so far, and it's stressing me out. The babies are almost here..." She bit her lip nervously.

Norah wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him with a smile, his words making her glow. She loved it when he called her pretty and said simply little things to make her happy. He was so good at it... "I've had a wonderful day, like always," she murmured, and she wasn't lying. Since the war was over, she had nothing to be upset about, and she didn't take their new life for granted. Her hand reached up to tuck his hair behind his ear. "I thought since it was such a pretty day, we could take Willa out for a picnic or something. I think she'd really like that..." she rambled, not at all expecting what he had took her on the walk for.

Peeta laughed. "I sleep like a rock, you know that. I could have been on the floor and still would have slept well," she murmured, pulling her close and kissing her cheek. He rubbed her back with his large hand, sighing at the sounds of the ocean filled his ears. Life was perfect... "What do you think about driving in to town tonight for some dinner? Thought we could have a nice night to ourselves. After all, I think Scarlet is on bed rest now, so hanging out with them will be limited until the babies are here."
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